ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2000 AT '10:00 A.M.
Chuck Magazine, Chairman
Mark Bobich
Bob Borden
Bill Coup
Wendy Danish
Tom Egnaczyk
Richard Fiege
Steve Lulkin
Barbara Madden
Eugene Ruffolo
Sharon Tierney
Carisse Weise, Vice Chair
Risk Management
Utilities Admin/EWTP
Golf Course
City Clerk's Office
City Manager
Dorothy Mack
Dominic DeMauro
Phyllis Dixon
Mike Rumpf
Norm Turner
Human Resources
I. Call to Order
Chairman Magazine called the meeting to order at 10:02 a.m.
II. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary Called the roll. A quorum was declared present.
III. Acceptance of Minutes of September 11, 2000 Regular Meeting
Mr. Bobich moved to accept the minutes of the September 11, 2000 meeting as
written. MotiOn seconded by Mr. Fiege and unanimously carried.
Meeting Minutes ~
Safety Committee Meeting
October 16, 2000
IV. 'Safety Committee Education and Traininq Pro.qram
V. Old Business
Chairman Magazine announced that Richard Fiege is now in charge of Facilities.
A. Fire Drills
None to report.
B. Safety Newsletter
Not addressed
C. "Proud to be a Safe Worker" Award
D. Departmental Inspections and Safety Meetings
Chairman Magazine distributed the monthly reports for the departmental
inspections and safety meetings. If there are any inspections or meeting dates
omitted, please contact Chairman Magazine.
E. Defensive Driver Course
It is now three years since the initial defensive driver course was held and people
who first took the course will now have to take it again. Chairman Magazine
reported that the Safety Council has a new program, which is an improved
version of their old program, and he will be following through on this. This
program is mandatory for all drivers of City vehicles and employees who use
their own vehicles on City business.
Mr. Bobich stated that he has the Operation Lifesaver Video and would like this
incorporated into the defensive driver course. Chairman Magazine suggested
that this be shown at the departmental level during the safety meetings. Mr.
Bobich agreed with this procedure. He noted that he will be taking the
appropriate training course early next year and could bring the video into the
departments after he completes the training. Mr. Bobich stated that the video is
approximately 20 minutes long and then there is 20 minutes of.discussion. The
video can be shown on a monthly basis until all departments have viewed it.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
October 16, 2000
Assistant Fire Marshal Borden arrived at the meeting and Chairman Magazine
inquired if there are any fire drills to report. Assistant Fire Marshal Borden had
none to report, but stated they are working on scheduling fire drills once each
year in every City building. Chairman Magazine reported that he would be
meeting with Bill DeBeck, Deputy Fire Chief Steve Gale and representatives from
the Engineering Department to discuss the fire alarm system.
F. Safety Belt Use Project Team
Chairman Magazine noted that he continues to see employees driving
throughout the City not wearing seat belts and this is going to have to be
addressed. If this practice continues, employees will be pulled over and they will
be turned into the Department Supervisors for disciplinary action.
G. Incident Review Board Referrals
A. Infection Control Policy
Mr. Bobich said he had planned to have some recommendations ready for
today's meeting, but had computer problems. He will have some
recommendations for next month's meeting.
B. Workplace ViolenCe Policy
Vice Chair Weise reported that she recently attended a Florida Institute 'of
Government seminar and had an opportunity to speak with representatives from
other cities. She noted that Delray Beach and Pompano Beach both have zero
violence tolerance policies. Vice Chair Weise was advised to contact their
Human Resource Departments in order to obtain information on their policies and'
she will follow through On this.
C. Safety Policies Review
Chairman Magazine will diScuss this with Vice Chair Weise.
VII. New BuSiness
A. Damaged Vehicles Turn in for Repairs
Chairman Magazine noted that there are several City vehicles that are being
operated after they have been involVed in accidents or were damaged and are
now unsafe. It is important that all vehicles be checked before being taken out.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
October 16, 2000
The League of Cities has a policy that if a municipality reports damage to a
vehicle after 60 days have elapsed, they will not cover it. The City is going to
look into implementing a program that damage to a vehicle must be reported to
Risk Management within 60 days. If it is not reported within this time, the
Department will be responsible for the damage. Further, if vehicle maintenance
determines that the vehicle is unsafe to operate, the vehicle will be pulled off the
Mr. Fiege stated that City policy required that damage to all City property must be
reported immediately and felt 60 days was too much time. Chairman Magazine
said that 60 days was standard in the insurance industry. Members discussed
what would be an appropriate amount of time for reporting damage. Vice Chair
Weise noted that people have to report accidents immediately. Chairman
Magazine would like it stated that it must be reported to Risk Management, which
is the supervisor's responsibility, within a specified period of time. The policy
would remain that the supervisor must be notified immediately.
Mr. Fiege suggested that the policy should be that any accident or damage be
reported within two weeks to Risk Management. Mr. Egnaczyk said that it should
include the reporting of any damage to vehicles and equipment. Vice Chair
Weise inquired if there was a safety checklist within the departments for their
vehicles? There is a daily checklist for operators of heavy equipment. Chairman
Magazine stated that everyone was provided with a safety checklist for vehicles
that was included with the packets for the safety inspections.
Vice Chair Weise had not been aware that the Safety Coordinators are
responsible for checking the pool cars for their department, which Chairman
Magazine agreed was the policy.
Hands Free Cell Phone Use
Chairman Magazine gave a demonstration of a hands2free cell phone adapter,
which is available through the City's ITS Department at a cost of $30.00.
Chairman Magazine said that they are available for various cell phones and can
be plugged into the jack that hooks into the car lighter. It was also noted that~
these adapters can be purchased in almost any store that deals with cell phones.
Flu Shots
An inquiry about flu shots being given out this year was made and Mr. Lulkin said
they were having difficulty getting the flu shots because there is a big shortage of
the vaccine. Chairman Magazine felt that the Senior Center should be eligible
because they serve a high-risk sector of the community. Chairman Magazine
said he would follow through on this with, Human Resources because they had
handled this in the past.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
October 16, 2000
Chairman Magazine noted that there is a shortage of the flu vaccine, but it is
anticipated by the end of November or early December there should be sufficient
vaccine available for everyone. Right now, it is being recommended that only the
high-risk people receive the shot early in October. High risks are considered to
be the elderly and young children.
An nouncements
The Safety Council of Palm Beach County has the following workshops
Coaching the Forklift Operator scheduled for October 18, 2000 at
8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Safety Council in West Palm Beach.
Managing Workers' Compensation scheduled for October 25, 2000
from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Piccadilly Cafeteria.
Chairman Magazine reported that the Palm Beach County Safety Council is
breaking away from the National Safety Council, which is happening with other
local State Safety Councils as well. However, all the same training and videos
will still be available.
Assistant Fire Marshal Borden thanked Pam Webb for the flow charts on the
incident reporting.
Vice Chair Weise brought to the attention of the members that there is safety
catalog, which has a CPR Pack for sale that includes information and
accessories, suCh as a rescue breather and rescue gloves. Assistant Fire
Marshal Borden noted that the City has these available through the warehouse.
Many employees don't know that they are available and it was suggested that
Assistant Fire Marshal Borden send out e-mail to the departments advising them
of the availability of rescue breathers and gloves. Mr. Bobich suggested putting
this in the newsletter and Chairman Magazine asked Assistant Fire Marshal
Borden to prepare something on this and send it to him for inclusion in the next
Chairman Magazine noted that the Risk Manager for Palm Beach Gardens
sponsors a "bagel-be-safe breakfast" for city employees on a monthly basis. A
speaker is brought in every month to discuss a different topic and all department
employees are invited. Palm Beach Gardens is smaller than Boynton Beach so
that this is possible, but Chairman Magazine suggested this could be done
quarterly on a departmental basis within the department itself. Also, it has to be
determined that the supervisors will give their staff time off to attend. Chairman
Magazine will look into 'this further.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
October 16, 2000
VIII. Next Meeting Date: Monday, November 13, 2000 at '10:00 a.m.
IX. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 10:50 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(two tapes)