ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2000 AT 10:00 A.M.
Chuck Magazine, Chairman
Tom Balfe
Mark Bobich
Curlene Baker
Tom Egnaczyk
Barbara Madden
Dorothy Mack
Katie McCray
Steve Lulkin
Eugene Ruffolo
Jos~ Soto
Sharon Tierney
Carisse Weise
Risk Management
Utilities Admin/EWTP
Golf Course
City Clerk's Office
Human Resources
Public Works
City Manager
Wendy Danish Police
A.D. Henehan, Jr. Library
Dominic DeMauro Warehouse
Mike Rumpf Planning
I. Call to Order
Chairman Magazine called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m.
II. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll. A quorum was declared present.
III. Acceptance of Minutes of August 14, 2000 Reqular Meeting
Mr. Bobich requested the addition of the words "wastewater to control odors and
protect the sewage pipes" at the end of the first sentence of the first paragraph
on Page 5 ending with the word "oxidizing",
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
BOynton Beach, Florida
September 11, 2000
Ms. Weise moved to accept the minutes of the August 14, 2000 meeting, as
amended. Motion seconded by Mr. Egnaczyk and unanimously carried.
IV. Safety Committee Education and Training Program
V: Old Business
A. Fire Drills
Ms. McCray stated that there have been no fire drills to report. Chairman
Magazine responded that the City's facilities and personnel need to be tested to
make sure that buildings can be evacuated properly.
B. Safety Newsletter
The newsletter should be going out this week and will be a two-month edition.
C. "Proud to be a Safe Worker" Award
There were no awards to announce. Chairman Magazine pointed out that this is
a very significant award. It is important that employees be recognized whenever
they do anything above and beyond the call of duty.
D. Departmental Inspections and Safety Meetings
Chairman Magazine distributed the monthly reports for the departmental
inspections and safety meetings. Mr. Bobich inquired if Chairman Magazine
received his inspections for the months of June and July? Chairman Magazine
indicated that he did receive them, but did not include them on the report. He will
make the proper corrections to the report.
Chairman Magazine would like to have an employee onboard for every shift in
every department that can perform CPR. Ms. McCray confirmed that the Fire
Department still offers CPR training and Chairman Magazine will include
information on CPR training in the newsletter. He announced that defibrillators
will be placed at the tennis center and at the beach, especially in light of the
corporate games that will be taking place at the tennis center. Mr. Bobich
suggested that a defibrillator be located at the Senior Center.
Ms. Weise inquired if the CPR classes sponsored by the Fire Department are
also for recertification and Ms. McCray stated that they were. The question was
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 11, 2000
raised if it was mandatory that a person in each department be trained in CPR.
Chairman Magazine stated that a previous Risk Manager had initiated a program
where every City employee was required to be CPR certified, but this was
unrealistic. Also, this would not be a concept that the City should adopt from a
liability standpoint. This has now been changed and CPR training is not
mandatory. However, it is open to all employees who wish to take the training.
Also, it is up to the department to determine if this is a requirement based upon
the job description.
Ms. Weise also pointed out that there is a Florida State law called the Good
Samaritan law that protects a person from suit when giving someone CPR that
they cannot be sued as long as they perform the CPR in the manner that they
have been trained. Also, Chairman Magazine stated that certification must also
be maintained.
E. Defensive Driver CoUrse
More classes will be given starting in January 2001 due to the fact that those
people who were trained three years ago will now be required to become
recertified. Also, recertification will be necessary to continu~e to receive
automobile insurance discounts.
F. Safety Belt Use Project Team
Chairman Magazine reported that he continues to see employees not wearing
their seatbelts. If a person finds that their seatbelt doesn't work, they should
immediately bring the vehicle in for repair and a broken seatbelt is not an
acceptable excuse. He pointed out that if a person is involved in an accident and
is injured, but was not wearing a seatbelt, their worker's compensation wage
replacement would be reduced by 25%. This applies to both City vehicles and to
employees driving their own vehicles while on City business. The 80% goal for
compliance has not been reached, as there are always employees who do not
follow the rules.
Ms. Weise stated that there are a great many new employees who may not be
aware of this rule. Chairman Magazine said he has a presentation available on
seatbelt use and would be pleased to show it in any department that would like to
view it. Ms. Weise suggested placing posters of employees wearing seat belts
on departmental billboards.
Mr. Bobich stated that the Sheriff's Department or the Florida Highway
Department used to go out to various City's with an apparatus called a
"convincer" that lets a person ride down a ramp which simulates the
repercussions of a 5 mph impact. Chairman Magazine said this would be a good
demonstration for the Health Fair next year.
Meeting Minutes _i
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 11, 2000
G. Incident Review Board Referrals
A. Infection Control Policy (Mark Bobich)
Mr. Bobich reported that the City has an infection control policy, also known as a
blood borne pathogen policy, dating back to 1993. At the time it was enacted it
was geared toward the firemen and paramedics and has since been expanded to
some of the utility workers and janitorial staff. Mr. Bobich said he is re-writing the
policy. When it comes to the City's safety policy, accidents or "near misses" are
reported. However, if the blood borne pathogen policy is involved, and it is a
"near miss", it is not reported. Mr. Bobich pointed out the types of incidents that
don't get reported and the types of incidents that do, such as a cut or needle
stick. Mr. Bobich feels that an incident should be reported as well under this
Chairman Magazine suggested that a committee be formed to look at all the
different policies in the City and come up with one policy that would cover
everybody for blood borne pathogen. Also, it needs to be determined who
should be contacted to handle different types of exposure. Deputy Chief Ness is
supposed to be contacted in the event anybody is exposed to a blood borne
Mark Bobich, Katie McCray and Tom Egnaczyk indicated they would serve on
the committee. Chairman Magazine also suggested contacting other
departments that would have an interest in this policy to determine if they would
like to participate. When a draft policy has been prepared, Chairman Magazine
said he would present it to Dr. Landman to review.
B. Workplace Violence Policy (Mark Bobich)
Mr. Bobich noted that the City recently offered another training on violence in the
workplace, but the City still does not have a policy on violence in the workplace.
One was drafted several years ago, but never came to fruition. Mr. Bobich feels
it is important that a workplace policy towards violence needs to be in place, plus
the disciplinary actions that should be taken and what actions constitute violence
in the work place needs to be defined. Chairman Magazine noted that the recent
training was offered by the Florida Partnership for Safety and Health and was a
very goOd session. He has since spoken to Ms. Spoerri, the City's Professional
Development Manager, about coming up with violence in the work place and
sexual harassment training.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 11, 2000
At the last session a policy was handed out to attendees and Chairman
Magazine said he will try to fashion something for the City from this handout.
Chairman Magazine said he would like to have a Zero Tolerance Policy on
violence in the workplace.
Members discussed at length the types of self-defense situations that could arise
and that each situation should be looked at separately. Mr. Ruffolo said that this
kind of policy could go against union policies. Ms. Mack said the policy should
be Zero Tolerance, which is the same as in the schools. Ms. Weise stated there
is no room. for violence in the workplace. Chairman Magazine responded that if a
co-worker strikes another a co-worker, that person should be fired.
Ms. Weise pointed out that there is counseling available to City employees and if
an employee exhibits a great deal of volatility, they should be suspended until
they receive counseling. Chairman Magazine stated that City employees have to
assume certain responsibilities for themselves and the City cannot baby-sit
everyone. If a person is having problems outside of work, they need to take the
initiative to get help.
Mr. Bobich reported that a few years ago the City purchased two tapes. One
tape was for violence in the workplace training for supervisors and one for
employees. There was also a third tape purchased for viewing by customer
service personnel. Chairman Magazine said that he had these tapes and would
look at them to determine their usefulness. Chairman Magazine said he would
draft a policy and bring it back to the Committee for review.
Ms. McCray asked if there was a board that hears disciplinary problems or some
type of grievance board in the City? With regard to the standards established, it
was asked who would enforce these standards? Chairman Magazine said that
they should be enforced by the City. Mr. Bobich stated that there already is an
Incident Review Board in the City. Ms. Weise suggested that these incidents
should be heard by the Incident Review Board and should be stated in the policy.
Chairman Magazine did not feel this was the proper venue for violence in the
workplace and the Incident Review Board is a safety board.
Under the old Civil Service Rules there used to be a grievance board. However,
this no longer exists. Mr. Bobich suggested that an outside arbitrator should be
utilized in these circumstances. Chairman Magazine also noted that if an
employee feels they were unjustly terminated, they have the right to go to court.
C. Safety Policies Review
Chairman Magazine reported that he is contemplating establishing a committee
that would be chaired by the Vice Chairperson of the Safety Committee to begin
Meeting Minutes -
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 11, 2000
a review of the city-wide safety policies. He would like this done at least on a
biennial review.
D. Elections
Mr. Bobich reported that at the last meeting the formation of a nominating
committee was not addressed as was intended. Mr. Bobich stated that after he
realized this, he spoke with Chairman Magazine who appointed him chair of the
nominating committee, along with Richard Fiege. After discussion, it was
determined that Carisse Weise was their choice for Vice Chairperson of the
Safety Committee and are formally nominating Ms. Weise.
Chairman Magazine pointed out that normally the Vice Chairperson moves up to
Chair. However, the current Vice Chair, A.D. Henehan, stated because he had
missed so many meetings, he did not wish to move up to Chair. In light of this,
Chairman Magazine said he has agreed to remain as Chair for another year to
assist with training the new Vice Chair to take over the chairmanship next year.
Mr. Bobich announced that even though the nominating committee nominated
Ms. Weise for Vice Chairperson, the floor was still open for nominations if anyone
else wished to run for Chairman or Vice Chair.
Chairman Magazine opened up the floor for nominations for Chairperson. There
were no other nominations; therefore, the nominations were closed.
Ms. Weise moved that Chuck Magazine be elected Chairman. Motion seconded
by Ms. Tierney and unanimously carried.
The floor was opened up for nominations for Vice Chairperson. There were no
other nominations; therefore, the nominations were closed.
Chairman Magazine called for a vote for the nomination of Carisse Weise as Vice
Chairperson. The vote was unanimous.
Mr. Bobich felt that Ms. Weise would be a good addition as Vice Chairperson and
would be of great assistance in getting programs off the ground.
E. Other
VII. Announcements
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 11, 2000
Chairman Magazine distributed the most recent flyers from the Safety Council of
Palm Beach County for members to take with them. He pointed out that the
Safety Council has also initiated a new program entitled the Advanced Safety
Management Program.
It was announced that the Safety Council of Palm Beach County and Risk
Insurance Management Society of Palm Beach County and the City of Boynton
Beach are sponsoring the Safety Council Second Annual Kid's Classic Golf
Tournament. The tournament is scheduled to take place at The Links at Boynton
Beach on Saturday, October 7, 2000.
Posters on worker's compensation fraud were distributed to members for display
in departments and work areas.
VIII. Next Meeting Date: Monday, October 9, 2000 at 10:00 a.m.
IX. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 11:20 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(two tapes)