Minutes 08-26-08
Barbara Ready, Chair Debby Coles-Do bay, Public Art
Cheryl Arflin, Vice Chair Administrator
Barbara Lentz
Christine Moeller
Nubia Richman (arrived 6:08 p.m.)
Anderson Slocombe (arrived 6:14 p.m.)
Halena Wolf
Dana Cook, Alt
Sherrie Tengbergen, Alt
1. Call to Order
Chair Ready called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.
II. Roll Call of Members
Self introductions were made. A quorum was present.
III. Agenda Approval
Chair Ready noted Dana Cook would be leaving the meeting early. She explained
Annette Gray was also present to make a brief presentation why she would like to be
their facilitator. The members had no objection to hearing Ms. Gray's presentation first.
Ms. Lentz moved to approve the amended agenda. Ms. Moeller seconded the motion
that unanimously passed.
Debby Coles-Dobay, Public Art Administrator, explained there was brief discussion at
the last meeting about a facilitator and the Visioning/Master Plan for public art. Ms.
Gray was present and could speak with the members and then answer any questions.
Ms. Gray explained she has sat on both sides of the table - as a Board member, and as
a facilitator. She explained she would move forward the Arts Commission agenda and
programs, and would facilitate creativity and thought. She explained sometimes it
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida August 26, 2008
helped to have an outside perspective to move elements along and be thought
provoking with someone who was knowledgeable with the issues. She worked with the
Boynton Beach CRA and for downtown West Palm Beach and had to deal with projects
with a very limited budget. She has a love of art, but does not practice art and could
point out issues and how they could beautify things. She would help the members
move the creative process forward. Some debate would arise, but it would be handled
efficiently and effectively so their visioning plan could become the best possible plan.
Ms. Gray answered a few questions posed by the members. The goal was to stick with
the plan the Arts Commission already had, just fine tune it to become a visioning plan.
Ms. Gray was originally in marketing, but the second half of her career was in
community redevelopment in Boynton Beach. Her skills in programming, facilitation,
business development and economic development have come to the forefront of her
career over the last eight years.
Ms. Lentz believed the Commission needed a facilitator and explained there was a big
difference between what the members were doing and using a facilitator. She
explained she was in the Genesis model and complimented Ms. Gray on how she
handled facilitating the model.
Ms. Gray thanked the members for the opportunity to speak.
IV. Approve Meeting Minutes
A. Approval of July 22, meeting minutes
There was agreement to strike the last paragraph of discussion on item VIII (A)
Congress Community Park on page 5.
There was a correction on page eight; the first full paragraph pertained to the Florida
Trust for Historic Preservation, not the National Heritage Trust.
Mr. Slocombe moved to approve the amended minutes. Ms. Lentz seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
B. Approval of June 14 workshop minutes
Lisa Bright, CRA Executive Director, had reviewed the minutes of the workshop and
emailed Ms. Coles-Dobay comments about them for clarification. It was noted the plans
mentioned in the minutes were conceptual ideas and the concepts "could" happen as
opposed to "would" happen.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida August 26, 2008
On a different issue, some members felt it was inappropriate to have a presentation
during a workshop and that it was not a good use of time.
Ms. Moeller moved to accept the minutes of the June 14th workshop. Ms. Wolf
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
V. Announcements
A. September 23,2008 - New meeting place and time
Ms. Coles-Dobay explained there was no news about where they would hold the next
meeting. The Chamber of Commerce was moving to Renaissance Commons and the
prior meeting place was no longer available. There was discussion of the Arts
Commission meeting at the Library. The meetings could continue until 8:30 p.m. and
could begin at 6:30 p.m. as opposed to 6:00 p.m. The later time would assist some of
the members who come directly from work. Ms. Coles-Dobay was exploring the Sims
Center and noted they could meet in one of the other rooms in the Library when they
were completed.
B. Next workshop Meeting Date
The next workshop date was set for October 11, 2008 from 10 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Ms.
Coles-Dobay would schedule a location and it was hoped that Intracoastal Park was
VI. FAPAA Year in Review presentation
A Florida Association of Public Art Administrators (FAPAA) slideshow was given. The
presentation featured art from various artists that depicted work publically displayed
throughout the State. Examples of some of the projects were:
~ murals
~ sculptures
~ laminated glass
~ multi-media pieces using light and metals and wood
~ terrazzo and acrylic reveals with embedded memorabilia including fossils
~ stone walls
~ suspended glass sculptures
~ monoliths
~ copper panels
~ other multi-media pieces
The art pieces were displayed in a variety of public places such as:
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Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida August 26, 2008
~ recreation centers
~ beach resorts
~ waterfront parks and civic buildings
~ theaters and museums
~ Miami and Tampa International Airports
~ cruise terminals
~ public passenger/bus shelters
~ college libraries
~ parking garages
~ laboratories
The art budgets associated with the projects varied from $3,000 to $5 million and some
were incorporated into the infrastructure of the building while others were standalone
pieces. A copy of the slideshow is attached to the meeting materials for review. There
was a brief discussion regarding the art on exhibit at Miami Airport that was paid for by
funds collected under an Art in Public Places Ordinance that was similar to the one
enacted in Boynton Beach.
Mr. Cook left the meeting at 6:54 p.m.
VI. Avenue of the Arts
A. Status of Installation
Ms. Coles-Dobay explained the new art installations for the Avenue of the Arts would
occur on September 3,2008 and the balance on September 11th, 2008. There was one
piece left to be removed. Overall, the Avenue of the Arts was receiving good publicity.
Everyone benefitted and the committee made good choices with the art they selected.
The Rings of Promise artwork, which the City recently purchased, was $14,000 and the
Seahorse was $20,000. The Seahorse would be made into a fountain at the Library
and the artist would put in the elements to make the sculpture into a fountain. Ms.
Coles-Dobay also obtained quotes for the base and found one contractor that would do
the work for an amount that was within their budget.
Ms. Tengbergen observed the sculpture at Veterans Park was dirty and getting
damaged from the trees, which were messy. Ms. Coles-Dobay explained if the City
owns the piece, there is a maintenance contract with the artist and the artist was
responsible for its maintenance. Similar to the Veterans sculpture, Ms. Coles-Dobay
noted the "Wave" piece was located in Wellington for many years. The piece came to
Boynton Beach where it was closer to the ocean and car traffic. As a result, there was
oxidation and rust on the base. Accordingly, the artist cleaned and maintained the
artwork three times so far. There was also brief discussion of the Serena mermaid
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Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida August 26, 2008
piece. Chair Ready announced the selected pieces for the Avenue of the Art were
approved by the City Commission.
VIII. Recreation & Park Projects
A. Jaycee Park - (Documents emailed August 20)
Ms. Coles-Dobay advised she had no updates on Jaycee Park, and the item would be
brought back at a later time.
Vice Chair Arflin distributed information obtained from the Finance Department and
explained the documents reflected the Art in Public Places fund balance. It was thought
when projects come before the members they needed to know what funds were
available to make a reasonable decision. She also indicated she reviewed the Arts
Commission's Guidelines and Ordinance. She explained from those two, she came up
with the Arts Commission's responsibilities when it comes to approving and interacting
with projects by third parties. She thought the members were floundering when it came
to third party projects. She distributed an "Assessment of Public Art Projects Initiated by
Third Parties."
It was pointed out the distributed information was not on the agenda; however, Vice
Chair Arflin contended it was important because the members would be asked to make
decisions about Congress Community Park. She suggested the members look over the
information, specifically the fundraising and unveiling plan, as well as the maintenance
information. The members acknowledged they have to approve the maintenance plan
and determine if it was appropriate. It was suggested using the document as a
It was pointed out that some of the items on the Assessment of Public Art Projects
document distributed by Vice Chair Arflin may be a duplication of process, because City
Staff reviews the projects. The document; however, was intended to make the process
more consistent. Further discussion whether the Arts Commission would be interjecting
itself and dictating to a developer how they would go about the process ensued. The
Committee was asked to approve projects they had nothing to do with. Ms. Coles-
Dobay acknowledged the Arts Commission's purpose is to advise the City Commission
on matters related to the arts. The City would review whether the item was a park
project or a development project. While the items do not go through site plan review, the
projects undergo a Planning review. Then a recommendation is made to the City
The members also recognized there are two different plans such as the Visioning Plan
and the Master Plan and there may be some repetition. The developer does not come
to the Arts Commission and make a presentation, rather Ms. Coles-Dobay goes to them
and receives a report. She then distributes a final project list to the members. This
process was used with the new Fire Station and Emergency Operations Center. The
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Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida August 26, 2008
Arts Commission created the concept of public art for them and a museum was created
in the lobby of the facility.
The City Commission looks to the Arts Commission for their expertise in reviewing the
projects and whether they feel what is proposed is appropriate in terms of cost and
public art. The Arts Commission has subcommittees and selection panels to ensure the
artists are public artists, and to review their qualifications and their work. She explained
these issues have been addressed all along and if the members wanted a tool, they
could explore that. The document could provide a baseline criterion which could avoid
someone returning and complaining. There was agreement the members would review
the document and put it on a future agenda.
Another item the document suggested be reviewed, pertained to developing a file of
known projects to use as a resource. Ms. Coles-Dobay explained that aspect had
already been addressed.
B. Congress Community Park
Chair Ready announced the Congress Community Park was funded. When the project
is completed there would be a grand opening. Ms. Tengbergen requested notifying her
and she would try to get a film crew there. There were still some unresolved issues,
however, associated with the park. One of those concerns pertained to a sculpture
having cutouts. It was discussed there were some measures that could be taken to
ensure the piece would not have safety issues. Ms. Coles-Dobay explained the safety
concerns were already addressed. The City Engineer reviewed the project and the
artist would be smoothing the edges; there would be no pieces sticking out, or rough
Further discussion ensued there are many items that are reviewed during a project
review and if the project was approved, it is not the task of the Arts Commission to
enforce the Codes. It was thought if the Arts Commission sees a problem, it should be
addressed as part of due diligence. It was thought attaching their concerns to a project
when it goes to the City Commission would be sufficient to put them on notice there
may be liability issues.
The cost for the walls created by Beth Ravitz for the park was discussed since a
concern was raised about it at the last meeting. It was noted, at times, cost was relative
and generally large projects have a better cost. Material costs change every day and
vendors give prices that are only good for 10 days. After seeing the FAPAA
presentation of public art, it was thought the price was reasonable. The timeline for the
project was also supposed to be reviewed according to the guidelines distributed earlier;
however, the Arts Commission did not want to be responsible for holding up the project.
The members were asked to read the guidelines, and ensure the documents were
appropriate or should be modified.
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Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida August 26, 2008
Chair Ready asked for a motion to approve the Congress Community Park as they
know it.
Mr. Slocombe made a motion to move forward to approve. Ms. Lentz seconded the
motion that passed 6-1 (Ms. Arflin dissenting.)
IX. CRA Beautification (AKA) Dumpster Mural Report
A. Status (emailed documents and website images, August 21)
Ms. Coles-Dobay had previously emailed the members documents and images
depicting what was accomplished. There were 10 dumpsters and the CRA made the
determination they have the funds to paint more. The members were asked to be on
the lookout for locations to place additional dumpsters. It was noted the project was
considered a temporary art project with an anticipated life span of only so many years.
The dumpster is painted and a protective coating is used to prolong the life of the
artwork. Unfortunately, chipping was noted to be inevitable.
X. Unfinished Business
A. Master Visioning Plan Facilitator
Vice Chair Arflin had several objections to using a plan facilitator and distributed the
Master Planning Structure using Article XI Arts Commission, of Chapter 2
Administration, Part II Code of Ordinances for Boynton Beach indicating what has to be
included in the master plan. She thought it was irresponsible to spend $900 for a
facilitator, per session, for four sessions, when the Art in Public Places fund was in the
negative. She expressed the members needed to become a cohesive unit to work
through problems. She felt there was a problem with the procurement process. She
also expressed concern about conflict of interests and cautioned about spending public
funds without going through the bid process.
Additional discussion took place about the facilitator being paid out of the Art in Public
Places budget. Ms. Coles-Dobay explained the fund had a negative balance carried
over from the last three years. She reported the City Commission was aware of that
fact and agreed to forward them the funds. The budget next year had the line items to
run the program, and the goal of the Arts Commission was to develop a Master Plan/
Visioning Plan. The Master Plan, meaning Guidelines and Recommendations were
already adopted under the Ordinance. They need a Visioning Master Plan. The
Mission Statement was already adopted.
Chair Ready explained the last time this was discussed, it was tabled.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida August 26, 2008
Ms. Moeller moved to put on the table the consideration of having a facilitator. Ms. Wolf
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Vice Chair Arflin explained the motion should be to take it off the table.
Ms. Wolf made a motion that the Arts Commission not hire a facilitator.
Chair Ready explained motions are to be framed in the positive.
Ms. Wolf moved to work without a facilitator. Ms. Arflin seconded the motion. Ms. Wolf
amended her motion to include the words, "at this time". Ms. Arflin agreed to the
amendment and the motion passed 6-1 (Ms. Lentz dissenting.)
XI. New Business
A. Art Donation
Ms. Coles-Dobay distributed information about an art donation. The donor was an artist
and a student who had exhibited in various arts fairs and circuits. The piece is a
ceramic piece that makes a statement about senior citizens, and more specifically, the
neglected senior citizens. Ms. Coles-Dobay explained she approached the Director of
the Senior Center who indicated he would be interested in accepting the piece at the
Center, if it was appropriate. The artist indicated she would make a base for the
artwork. The members discussed the piece evoked strong sentiments and felt it was
not appropriate for the Senior Center. Other sentiments expressed were that art did not
have to be pretty. The location of the piece did not need to be decided on at the
Ms. Arflin moved to accept the gift and immediately respond to the artist expressing
gratitude for thinking of them and they would delay determining where the piece would
go until they've had time to consider it further. Ms. Wolf seconded the motion that
passed 6-1 (Ms. Moeller dissenting.)
Ms. Coles-Dobay suggested referring to the guidelines and recommendations because
it has methods of accepting donations.
B. Norm Gitzen, Endangered Species artwork presentation
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida August 26, 2008
Ms. Coles-Dobay distributed information regarding Mr. Gitzen's work for the next
meeting. She explained he would like to attend the next meeting to showcase the art.
Vice Chair Arflin objected to artists coming to the meeting to try to sell their work and
thought the Arts Commission needed to promulgate a Board Governance document.
There was consensus the members did not want to be bogged down with sales pitches,
but agreed great information was distributed regarding the work. It was thought the
artist should respond to a call to artists.
Ms. Coles-Dobay explained using a call to artists was not the only way to contact the
artists. They could invite artists directly, and that was how they did the first and second
Avenue of the Arts.
C. Historical Public Art Markers
This item was not addressed.
XII. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss the meeting properly adjourned at 8:21 p.m.
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Catherine Cherry a
Recording Secretary