Minutes 09-08-08 MINUTES OF THE SAFETY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8,2008, AT 10:00 A.M. IN THE FIRE/POLICE TRAINING ROOM, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Present: Mark Bobich Safety Administrator Ray Altman, Vice Chair Fire Rescue Catherine Cherry-Guberman, Secretary City Clerk Chuck Magazine Risk Management Glenda Hall Public Works Mike Naughton (arrived at 10:10 a.m.) Library Maibet Rosado Human Resources Jody Rivers Recreation and Parks Mike Rumpf Development Samantha Sidlower ITS/GIS Absent: Pam Welsh/Carisse Lejeune City Manager Julie Alibrandi/Rodney Vicki Finance Eric Falstad/Jeremy Davis Golf Course Barbara Scott/Lt. Jeffrey Katz Police/Code Compliance Bevis Pigott/Gary Ezell Utilities I. Call to Order Chair Bobich called the meeting to order at 10:01 a.m. II. Roll Call The Recording Secretary called the roll and determined a quorum was present. III. Acceptance of Minutes of August 11, 2008 regular meeting Motion Mr. Magazine moved to accept the minutes. Ms. Rivers seconded the motion that unanimously passed. 1 g Minutes Safety Committee Boynton Beach, Florida August 11, 2008 IV. Safety Committee Education and Training Program - Safety Video A safety video regarding skin cancer was viewed. The video explained each year 600K new cases of skin cancer are diagnosed. Most cases of skin cancer occur due to too much exposure to the sun. Of those cases, 8,800 individuals will die and the rest will undergo potentially disfiguring surgery. The following are highlights of the presentation depicting the causes and early symptoms of skin cancer, and the need for "Slip, Slop and Slap": ./ Skin cancer is caused by a variety of environmental factors such as burns, infectious disease, contact with certain chemicalsp; but the most common cause is sunlight ./ Squamous Cell Carcinoma is believed to be caused by overexposure to Ultraviolet B rays. This type of carcinoma grows rapidly and can spread to other areas of the body. It affects 80,000 to 100,000 people each year. The tumor appears as a raised red or pink mass, or a wart like growth, that appears on the skin exposed to the sun. Two thousand individuals will die each year from this carcinoma. ./ Basal Cell Carcinoma is the most common, affecting up to 400,000 people each year. This cancer rarely spreads and grows slowly, but it can cause disfigurement. These cancers are raised, translucent, pearly masses that can press over, ulcerate or bleed. ./ The deadliest skin cancer is Malignant Melanoma. This cancer can appear anywhere on the body. They are asymmetrically shaped, mottled brown or black that turns to red, blue or white and grows rapidly. If the tumor becomes the thickness of a dime, the survival rate is slim. Sunlight plays a role in this type of cancer. Statistics show that many melanoma cases have a history of at least three or more severe sunburns with blistering, usually as a child, but as the individual ages, the likelihood of melanoma increases. ./ Cool and overcast days can have the highest radiation. Water, snow and reflective objects can reflect up to 85% of the sun's rays. Workers in the Sunbelt or higher altitudes have a greater rate of skin cancer because there is less of the atmosphere to filter the rays. ./ Reduce the chances of developing skin cancer by "slipping" on a shirt, preferably a long sleeve one, "slop" on sunscreen rated 15 or higher are recommended for adequate protection and "slap" on a hat. Dark-skinned, Hispanic or Asiatic peoples and fair-haired, light-eyed individuals of northern extraction are prone to skin cancers. 2 Meeting Minutes Safety Committee Boynton Beach, Florida August 11, 2008 Taking easy steps such as "Slip, Slop and Slap" can be highly effective in preventing skin cancer. V. Old Business A. Fire Drills Vice Chair Altman read reports he received on fire drills. He advised the Recreation and Parks Department would be done by the end of September and would then start all over again. He also advised fire extinguisher training took place at Intracoastal Park. There was a fire drill at the Senior Center and 62 patrons evacuated in two minutes or less. All the fire doors were closed and the evacuation occurred in a professional manner. Ms. Rivers explained the Art and Hester Centers have to have fire drills due to Public Health regulations. B. Proud to be a Safe Worker Awards None. C. Departmental Inspections & Safety Meetings Chair Bobich was reviewing the information sent in and the members were encouraged to check the shared drive to ensure their department was receiving proper credit for holding meetings and conducting inspections. D. Defensive Driver Course 1. Frequency from every 3 years to every 2 years Mr. Magazine explained the recommendation regarding increasing the frequency of the class was given to the City Manager and they were now waiting for it to be finalized. It was noted in other areas of the State, some municipalities required the course be taken every five years, but for most areas, the course was two to three years. E. Incident Review Board Referrals There were none to report; however Ms. Rivers noted an employee of Public Works ran over a bollard at the Senior Center pedestrian entranceway. She explained no one was hurt, but she would like additional information. Mr. Magazine would check into the incident. 3 Meeting Minutes Safety Committee Boynton Beach, Florida August 11, 2008 On another matter, Intracoastal Park was to receive an Automatic Electronic Defibrillator (AED). The Department was working on obtaining it with County funds but the defibrillator was not yet received. F. Fire Alarm System in City Hall Complex - Status (Table) Chair Bobich explained Paula LeBlanc of Facilities Management, has a meeting with the contractor scheduled and the renovations to the system would likely start after October 1, 2008. Other facilities also needed work. Ms. Rivers would also find out if there were any additional requirements that had to be done monthly at the City centers. G. Other None. VI. New Business A. Departmental Safety Issues Mr. Rumpf inquired where he could get additional information regarding fire extinguisher training and was directed to Jim Macintyre, Fire Protection Engineer. It was noted the training was a good way to learn how to put out a small fire or serve as a refresher course. Mr. Macintyre could tailor training to various departments as needed. Ms. Rivers inquired about control burns which are needed for some vegetation at the Hester Center. Vice Chair Altman would contact the Division of Forestry to see if they could use the request as a training exercise for them, and that would address the issue for the City. Mr. Magazine explained the Utilities Department requests monthly meetings with Risk Management to review safety issues and if any other department was interested in the same service, to let his department know. Chair Bobich conducts between 50 and 60 inspections per month. If any training or assistance in the field is needed, departments should contact him at 740-6044. B. Other Samantha Sidlower received kudos for reading the Safety Newsletter. In the newsletter, Mr. Magazine explained employees are taking shortcuts and rushing through the job. Now there are fewer individuals doing more work and this is the time for supervisors to be even more safety conscious because when things get tougher, there are more accidents. He cautioned it is in each department's best interest for employees to take the time to do the job right. He encouraged all employees to work smarter. The right way is the safe way. 4 Meeting Minutes Safety Committee Boynton Beach, Florida August 11, 2008 On another matter, Vice Chair Altman inquired if the warehouse had any reflective palmed gloves. He explained if individuals are backing people out at night, the reflective gloves would help. The reflective vest standards were also changed by the National Fire Protection Administration and the amount of reflective and safety materials have been increased. He checked with the Warehouse to ensure the vests had enough reflective material to meet the new regulations. Vice Chair Altman would check further into the vests. Chair Bobich reminded the members some items could be obtained through a special order. An update on the gloves and the vests would be made at the next meeting. VII. Announcements None. VIII. Next Meeting Date: October 13, 2008 IX. Adjournment Motion Mr. Magazine moved to adjourn. The motion was duly seconded and unanimously passed. The meeting adjourned at 10:29 a.m. Cm..!Ltwct 0.h&f Catherine Cherry . Recording Secretary 09/11/08 5