Minutes 08-28-08
Steven Waldman, Chair Sherri Claude, Board Liaison
Mary Morera, Vice Chair
Pamela Camel
(arrived at 7:12 p.m.)
Lesha Roundtree
Loretta Wilkinson
Robert Chiste, Student, Regular Voting Member
Lisa Pierre, Student, Regular Voting Member
(arrived at 7:15 p.m.)
Carol Lundquist
Hattie Miller
Luis Rodriguez, Regular Non-voting Member
Roberta Fasano, Alternate
I. Call to Order
Chair Waldman called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance/Presentations/Correspondence
Mr. Chiste led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, followed by a moment of silent
III. Approval of Minutes of July 24, 2008
Ms. Wilkinson moved to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Chiste seconded the
motion that passed unanimously.
IV. Approval of Agenda
Mr. Chiste moved to approve the agenda. Ms. Morera seconded the motion that passed
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida August 28, 2008
V. Announcements/Presentations/Correspondence
?Ms. Morera would arrange for the delivery of the Hunters Run plaques to Ms.
?The Bob Borovy plaque was currently displayed in Chambers. The plaque
contained the names of local graduating seniors contributing to volunteer
?A new student, Luis Rodriguez, became a Regular Non-voting member of the
Board. An agenda had been mailed to him and was returned. His address would
be verified.
?Former Board member Brianna Frank was the recipient of the Children’s
Schoolhouse Museum cash award of $1,500 and was invited to attend the
Museum’s Dinner-Dance on September 6, 2008.
VI. Public Audience
The individuals in the audience would be speaking on behalf of Forest Park Elementary
VII. New Business
B.Forest Park Elementary School (taken out of order)
Sharon Brannon, Principal, Forest Park Elementary School, announced Forest Park
had been accepted as a candidate school for an International Baccalaureate program.
Chris Overhoff, Magnet Coordinator, Forest Park Elementary School, noted the school
offered a program entitled the “Lerner Profile” which promoted 10 attributes. The
school offered Spanish to students in kindergarten through fifth grade and utilized
Rosetta Stone software for the program.
Ms. Brannon indicated she would be amenable to partnering with the Board and the
community on various projects. Students achieving good grades and exhibiting good
behavior were known as “IB Ambassadors.”
Chair Waldman noted the board members fostered volunteerism and provided
intermediate rewards as a means of encouragement. He advised Ms. Brannon the
Board members had participated in the Hunters Run Tennis Carnival and Youth
Volunteer Bank. The Board members made the following donations: $1,000 to Boynton
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida August 28, 2008
Beach High School for equipment, $1,000 to send a high school student to "Presidential
Classrooms" in Washington, D.C., $400 to send the Boynton Beach Cheerleaders to a
national competition, and $1,000 to a recipient of the Bob Borovy award.
Ms. Brannon mentioned Forest Park Elementary School would be sponsoring a book
drive to collect children’s books, and the goal was to have 1,000 books in every
Chair Waldman attended a meeting at the Scholastic Achievement Foundation and it
was noted BJ’s Wholesale Club sponsored a local charitable giving program, as well as
an adopt-a-school program.
Discussion ensued with regard to the Board’s student volunteer program and how to
encourage student participation without placing a burden on school teachers or staff in
the enrollment process.
Mr. Overhuff pointed out it was anticipated Forest Park Elementary School would be
fully operational with an International Baccalaureate program by the spring of 2010.
The school provided instruction to approximately 30 classes and was a “choice school”
as well as a “neighborhood kids” school.
Ms. Brannon advised students from the school would be going to Washington D.C. in
the spring, at a cost of $600 or $700 per child. The members suggested partnering
with the school in a bake sale or other fundraiser, with a portion of the proceeds going
to the students. Chair Waldman suggested Ms. Brannon contact WXEL in order to
publicize the school’s events on the station’s public bulletin board. He provided contact
information for Commissioner Ross, who was employed by WXEL, and Glenn Jergensen,
President of the Chamber of Commerce.
Chair Waldman noted he was in possession of a list of schools and principals to contact
with regard to volunteer opportunities for the students. The Board members would
contact the schools listed below:
?Mr. Wilkinson - Forest Park Elementary School and Freedom Shores Elementary
?Chair Waldman - Boynton Beach High School, Poinciana and Citrus Cove
Elementary Schools.
?Mr. Chiste - St. Mark’s School
?Ms. Morera – Crosspointe Elementary and Odyssey Middle Schools
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida August 28, 2008
?Ms. Roundtree – Rolling Green Elementary School
?Ms. Pierre – Galaxy Elementary School
Christa McAuliffe Middle School, Crystal Lakes Elementary School and Lake Worth
Christian Schools were remaining. The members who were not present would be
contacted to determine which schools they wished to get in touch with.
Discussion ensued with regard to prizes to be awarded to students during report card
distribution. It was suggested, rather than ordering prizes too quickly, this matter be
tabled or discussed at a workshop, after it was ascertained how many students would
be participating. It was suggested certificates be given until a determination was made
with regard to the prizes. The Board members agreed.
A. Elections
Ms. Morera nominated Chair Waldman to serve as Chair. There were no other
nominations and Mr. Waldman was unanimously elected Chair.
Ms. Camel nominated Ms. Morera to serve as Vice Chair. There were no other
nominations and Mr. Morera was unanimously elected Vice Chair.
C. November and December Meeting Date
The board agreed to hold the meeting on December 4, 2008. There would be no
meeting in November.
VIII. Old Business
A. League of Cities Youth Conference Report
The League of Cities held a conference in Tampa and was attended by six students.
Approximately 30 students, two from Boynton Beach including Ms. Pierre, would be
attending the Orlando conference in November 2008. The Board members previously
agreed to donate $100 to each student toward the costs. Chair Waldman would
provide further details.
B.Proposal to Reward Academic Achievement at Boynton Beach High School
The new principal had approved the proposal. Staff in the Social Studies Department
would be working out the program and would obtain the plaque.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 28, 2008
C. Youth Volunteer Bank
This item was discussed earlier.
D. Fundraising
Chair Waldman noted he would contact BJ's with regard to the adopt-a-school program
and would report back to the Board.
Ms. Claude would look into the Oceanfront concerts and report back to the Board.
IX. Future Meeting Dates: September 25, 2008
October 23, 2008
December 4, 2008
X. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting properly adjourned at 7;G3
8:03 p.m.
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Stepha~ D. Kahn
Recording Secretary