Minutes 09-17-08
Michele Costantino, Chair
Richard Yerzy, Vice Chair
Canaan Himmelbaum
Mark Karageorge
Jamie LaTour
Scott Blasie, Code Compliance Administrator
David Tolces, Assistant City Attorney
Kathleen Carroll
Robert Foot
I. Call to Order
Chair Costantino called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
II. Approval of Agenda
Willie Webb, Senior Code Compliance Officer, reported the following:
Case #'s 08-1361,08-446,08-1572,08-1581 and 08-2288 were closed;
Case #'s 08-2304,08-1640,08-2112 and 08-2277 complied;
Case #'s 08-1971 and 08-2238 were removed.
Mr. Yerzy moved to approve the agenda. Mr. Himmelbaum seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
III. Swearing in of Witnesses and Introduction
Attorney Tolces explained the hearing procedures and administered the oath to all who
would be testifying.
IV. New Business
Officer Webb called the roll and determined who was present.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 17, 2008
Chair Costantino announced Mr. Karageorge would recuse himself from voting on Case
#08-2410, the Quantum Lakes Villa Corp. II case, due to his friendship with the
Respondent. This would leave four voting members.
Case # 08-1604
Property Address:
Violation( 5):
Jermaine & Regina N. Horne
2090 NE 1st Lane
CO CH15-ART.IX-15-120(D) 1 Inc.
LDR CH 20 ART 1 SEC 8 E-16
Repair/replace driveway, Install four-
inch numbers on residence.
Courtney Cain, Code Officer, presented the case and reviewed the details of the
violation. The only outstanding violation was the driveway. The initial inspection date
was June 4, 2008. The initial notice was a written notice giving 30 days to comply. The
green card was signed on September 3,2008. The Respondents were present.
Jermaine and Regina Horne, 2090 NE 1st Lane, pled no contest. Mr. Horne advised
he contacted the Building Department and did not need a permit. He obtained
estimates, and advised saving the funds for the driveway would be difficult. They were
putting money aside for it but he did not have an exact date when he would have the
monies saved, or when the work would be completed. Mr. Horne explained he would
do what he could.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-1604, Mr. Karageorge
moved that this Board find that Jermaine & Regina N. Horne are in violation of the City
of Boynton Beach Code sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondents
correct the violations on or before November 16, 2008. The Board has considered the
gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents and any previous
violations by the Respondents and hereby orders that if the Respondents do not comply
with this Order, a fine in the amount ,of $100 per day for each day the violations continue
past November 16, 2008 plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondents
are further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in
order to arrange for re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order.
Mr. Karageorge changed his motion to $50 per day. Mr. Yerzy seconded the motion
that unanimously passed.
Attorney Tolces announced in reference to the upcoming Quantum case and Mr.
Karageorge, the only requirement is that there be at least four members voting. A lien
reduction would require four affirmative votes to approve the action.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 17,2008
Case #08-1937
Property Address:
A Safe Place 146 LLC
146 SE 2th Place
CO CH 15 SEC. 15-20(0) 1 INC.
Mow yard. Repair driveway and remove
in front yard.
Luney Guillaume, Code Compliance Inspector, presented the case and reviewed the
details of the violations. The only outstanding item was the driveway. A written notice
was issued giving10 days to comply. The green card was signed on August 28, 2008.
He advised the Respondent was present.
Loesha Dixon, Felicia Dickson 146 SE 2th Place, pled no contest. She explained she
contacted Officer Guillaume and it was her belief she could remove the broken pieces of
the driveway. Officer Guillaume explained she needed to repair the driveway, not just
pick up the pieces. She explained that aspect was discussed with Officer Guillaume;
however, Officer Guillaume explained she had requested a 30 day extension to remove
the broken pieces but the repair still needed to occur. Officer Guillaume had
photographs he distributed to the Board.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-1937, Mr. Karageorge
moved that this Board find that A Safe Place 146 LLC is in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the
violation on or before November 16, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity of the
violation, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $50 per day for each day the violation continues past November
16, 2008 plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered
to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for
re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Himmelbaum
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Chair Costantino requested hearing Case #08-1096 due to the Respondent having
small children with her. There were no objections to the request.
The Respondent, Ms. Daffin, took the oath.
Case #08-1096
Josephine Daffin
315 NW 10th Avenue
Pete Roy, Chief Code and Rehabilitation Officer, presented the case and reviewed the
details of the violation. The case was heard June 18,2008 and no one appeared. The
compliance date was August 17, 2008 or incur a fine of $100 per day. The case
complied on September 12,2008, having 25 days of non-compliance.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 17, 2008
Josephine Daffin, 315 NW 10th Avenue, explained she was out of the house for three
months, due to financial reasons and due to a person being shot in her yard. Her yard
has grass, she installed five windows and needs four more. She explained she was
doing the work herself and her income has decreased. She was having difficulties, and
recently had her utilities turned on. Her car would be repossessed the next day. She
was doing the best she could.
Officer Roy explained Ms. Daffin has two cases. The case being heard was for trash
and debris which was addressed.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-1096, Mr. Himmelbaum
moved that this Board find that the Respondent has complied with this Board's Order
dated June 18, 2008, and having considered the gravity of the violations, the actions
taken by the Respondent, that this Board not impose or certify a fine or any
administrative costs. Mr. Yerzy seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #08-2196
Property Address:
Sellers Only, Inc.
2309 S. Federal Highway, Unit 22
CO CH 13 SEC 13-16
Business Tax Receipt needed.
John Herring, Code Officer, presented the case and reviewed the details of the
violation. The initial inspection was August 6, 2008. Written notice giving 10 days to
comply was mailed, and resent by certified mail and signed for on August 26, 2008.
Richard Wall, 500 Chapel Hill Boulevard, owner of Sellers Only, Inc., pled guilty with a
caveat. He explained he was guilty there was no license on the property at the time.
He spoke to Code Enforcement who contacted the Legal Department because the
Business Tax Receipt Division was looking for them to pay the past three years of
licensing fees. He explained he asked the Tax Receipt Division and Code Enforcement
to produce the Code showing that was a requirement. He explained they have
investment properties in the area. The violation still exists, but after Hurricane Wilma,
they lost the use of the property for a few years and it was not habitable. He cannot get
a license for the property, although it is habitable now, nor could he get a license for two
other properties he has unless he paid the retroactive fee for the past three or four
Attorney Tolces explained he consulted with Mr. Ducoste-Amedee and Ms. Springer
about the matter. If the Respondent does not have proof the units were rented during
those years, not withstanding the fact the property owner did not return the occupational
license renewal form during that time, then the retroactive payment for three years may
not be able to be requested. He explained if the Board members were inclined to find
the Respondent in violation, that he be given enough time so the City can complete its
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 17, 2008
investigation. If not, then he would only have to pay for the year he owed. It was
believed that 30 days would be sufficient to conclude the investigation and Attorney
Tolces advised it was within the Code to request the payments.
Mr. Wall inquired who would contact him with the outcome of the investigation. Attorney
Tolces recommended he speak with Mr. Ducoste-Amedee, Business Tax Receipt
Mr. Karageorge moved that Case #08-2196 be tabled until the Code Compliance Board
meeting to be held on October 15, 2008. Mr. Himmelbaum seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Case #08-2193
Property Address:
Sellers Only, Inc.
401 E. Ocean Avenue #3
CO CH 13 SEC 13-16
Business Tax Receipt needed.
Mike Melillo, Senior Code Officer, presented the case and reviewed the details of the
violation. The Respondent was present.
Richard Wall, 500 Chapel Hill Boulevard, owner of Sellers Only, Inc., pled guilty with a
caveat. He explained he was more than willing to pay for the license and for what he
was in violation of. The City; however, did not agree that with respect to the last three
Mr. Himmelbaum moved that Case #08-2193 be tabled until the Code Compliance
Board meeting to be held on October 15, 2008. Mr. Yerzy seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Case #08-2194
Property Address:
Lizard Land LLC
401 E. Ocean Avenue #4
CO CH 13 SEC 13-16
Business Tax Receipt needed.
Mike Melillo, Senior Code Officer, presented the case and reviewed the details of the
violation. The Respondent was present.
Richard Wall, 500 Chapel Hill Boulevard, one of the owners of Lizard Land LLC, pled
guilty with a caveat.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 17, 2008
Mr. Yerzy moved that Case #08-2194 be tabled until the Code Compliance Board
meeting to be held on October 15, 2008. Mr. Karageorge seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Case #08-2410
Quantum Lakes Villas II Corp -
Villas at Quantum Lakes Inc.
2700 Quantum Lakes Drive
Cease and Desist water restriction
violations. Watering on wrong day and
Property Address:
Violation( 5):
Skip Lewis, Senior Code Compliance Officer, explained this was a citizen complaint
and the initial inspection date was August 20, 2008.
Mr. Karageorge recused himself from the case, due to the appearance of any
impropriety and not personal or financial gain. He does not like to rule on matters
involving friends.
Colleen Brennan, Property Manager, Quantum Lakes Villas, was present with Hector
Pastrada, Maintenance Supervisor for the property for the same location. Ms. Brennan
pled not guilty.
Officer Lewis explained normally he would not bring this type of case to the Board, but
he had been trying to obtain compliance. He has been to the site numerous times and
they have had numerous complaints. He has photographs that showed the violation
and he encouraged the Respondents to ensure they had the water system programmed
for the correct days and watering times. He was assured they were the correct times.
When he would arrive to verify a complaint, he would see there was water on and the
Respondents would advise him they did not know how that happened. This same
situation had been occurring even before the case arose.
Officer Lewis wrote a notice to correct and came back to give a citation and was told he
needed pictures of the violation. He obtained the photos and then was told they were
testing the system and that they put the flags out when they were testing. Officer Lewis
advised there was no evidence of testing.
Officer Lewis distributed photographs to the Respondents and the Board. Two of the
photos were taking on Monday, August 11, 2008 at 7:35 a.m. and one was from
Wednesday, September 3, 2008 at 7:41 a.m. The Respondent's watering days were
Thursday and Sunday.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 17, 2008
Ms. Brennan explained Quantum Lakes Villas was a large apartment complex with
three irrigation systems which involve over 100 zones. There were odd and even
addresses. She explained having both even and odd addresses, the South Florida
Water Management District allows them to water during both time frames. She
explained one of the photos shown was from a brand new apartment
complex/commercial development area on Gateway Boulevard and it has brand new
plantings. She explained the South Florida Water Management District permits
watering for 30 days for new plantings. She explained because of those issues, there
are reasons to test, and they put the flags out when they test. She explained they tried
to come into compliance as best they could. There are cases of one individual
repeatedly calling the Police Department anonymously. In the rental business there will
always be disgruntled individuals and they have a citizen that is tampering with their
system. She explained on Monday, their pump box was pried open and broken so they
could not water. They padlocked and chained the timers and she admitted there could
be an occasion when they made a mistake with the time because it was confusing.
She advised they took the proper steps to comply. They also had a video of this from
one of the Boynton Beach Police Officers showing them padlocking and chaining the
box. She had photos of the broken box and the police report narrative. They have
never had this occur and they were trying to address the issue.
Officer Lewis explained he was out to the property at least four or five times. He would
contact them by phone if a complaint was received. After the last incident, an individual
by the name of Dale indicated he looked at the clock and it set for Wednesday and
Saturday. Officer Roy went there and took photographs and was advised someone
must have tampered with them.
Since Ms. Brennan locked the box, they had no problems, but then the pump was
broken. There have been approximately 24 to 26 complaints. The City was requesting
a Cease and Desist Order. As long as they complied, there would be no issue.
Attorney Tolces explained there were two issues. A Cease and Desist Order would be
appropriate for violations that would occur in the future. The second issue is under the
City's Code the maximum fine the City could impose for a first violation is $25.
Subsequent violations could have a maximum fine not to exceed $500.
Scott Blasie, Code Compliance Administrator, explained the Cease and Desist Order
to the Respondents.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-2410, Mr. Yerzy moved
that a Cease and Desist Order be issued giving Quantum Lakes Villas II Corp. Villas at
Quantum Lakes Inc., until September 18, 2008 to bring the violations of City of Boynton
Beach Code sections as cited into compliance. The Board has considered the gravity of
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 17, 2008
the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents, and any previous violations by the
Respondents, and hereby orders that an initial fine in the amount of $25 per recurrence
and increases thereafter, shall be imposed upon the Respondents. Mr. LaTour
seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
Case #08-1734
Property Address:
Marie F. Lane
418 NW 13th Avenue
Secure property.
Officer Roy presented the case and reviewed the details of the violation. The initial
inspection date was June 23, 2008. Written notice was issued giving 10 days to
comply. The property was posted on August 27, 2008. He spoke with the Respondent
and legal counsel about the violations. It is a health and safety violation. The City was
recommending 10 days. A representative from the Bank was present.
Karen Black, from the Law Office of David Stern, 900 South Palm Island Road,
Plantation, was present representing the bank as they have an interest in the property.
The property was in foreclosure. An actual case has been filed and was pending, but it
was not concluded, and a Certificate of Title has not yet been obtained by the bank. A
lis pendens has been filed.
Attorney Tolces explained the members could make a finding of violation and enter an
order but the City could not actually certify or record a lien that would affect the property
because of the lis pendens filed. The finding of a violation would; however, put any
subsequent purchasers on notice that there is a violation in existence on the property.
Ms. Black explained the bank understands that the property has to be brought into
compliance upon purchase if they hold Certificate of Title. The bank filed a motion to
intervene to secure the property and maintain the outside, but the order has not been
received back yet. No plea was required.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-1734, Mr. Himmelbaum
moved that this Board find that Marie F. Lane is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach
Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the violation on or
before September 27, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity of the violation, the
actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the Respondent and
hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order, a fine in the
amount of $50 per day for each day the violation continues past September 27, 2008
plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to
contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-
inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Yerzy seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 17, 2008
Case #08-2227
Property Address:
Marie F. Lane
418 NW 13th Avenue
CO CH 15 SEC. 15-120(D) INC
Mow grass. Trim overgrowth and
remove trash and debris.
Officer Roy presented the case and reviewed the details of the violation. The initial
inspection date was August 4, 2008. Written notice was issued giving 10 days to
comply. Notice was posted on September 8,2008. He spoke with both Ms. Black and
Ms. Lane about the violations. The recommendation was 10 days be given to comply.
Karen Black, from the Law Office of David Stern, 900 South Palm Island Road,
Plantation was present representing the bank.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-2227, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that Marie F. Lane is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code
section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the violation on or before
September 27,2008. The Board has considered the gravity of the violation, the actions
taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the Respondent and hereby
orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order, a fine in the amount of
$50 per day for each day the violation continues past September 27, 2008 plus
administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the
City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-inspection of
the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. LaTour seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Case #08-1695
Property Address:
Estate of Annwoods Love
126 SW 8th Avenue
104.5 FBC Amend '04 ED
LDR 20 (3) R4101.17.1-3
Swimming pool is unsafe. Repair or fill
in pool. This requires a permit.
Officer Webb presented the case and reviewed the details of the violations. The initial
inspection date was June 13, 2008. A written notice was sent giving 10 days to comply.
Certified mail was sent August 15, 2008 and was signed for on August 22, 2008. The
Respondent was also notified via regular mail sent on June 13, 2008.
Rose Love, 126 SW 8th Avenue, pled no contest. She explained she made a deposit
for someone to address the issues, but with her job, she could not complete it. She
applied to FEMA for reimbursement and was told she could reapply, and seek funding
from other agencies for the repairs. It was clarified Ms. Love was the Respondent's
daughter-in-law, her caretaker. The estate was open. An attorney from Illinois was
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 17, 2008
handling the matter. Attorney Tolces suggested forwarding information to the Code
Compliance Board so they could contact the attorney. It was important for them to
know what was occurring. The issue arose in 2005 and she started to address it.
There was a fence but one gate needed to be replaced. The gate closes but does not
The matter was a health and safety issue.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-1695, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that the Estate of Annwoods Love is in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct
the violations on or before September 27, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity
of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by
the Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this
Order, a fine in the amount of $500 per day for each day the violations continue past
September 27, 2008 plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is
further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order
to arrange for re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr.
Karageorge seconded the motion that passed 4-1 (Mr. Himmelbaum dissenting.)
Case #08-1319
John Van De Warker
135 SW 1st Avenue
Officer Webb presented the case and reviewed the details of the violation. The Code
Compliance Board and hearing date was June 18, 2008. The Respondent appeared.
The compliance date set by the Board was August 17, 2008 or be fined $100 per day.
The Respondent was present.
John Van De Warker, 312 SW 11th Avenue, explained he submitted permits and it was
the third general contractor he contacted, who finally accepted the work. He explained
it was his understanding once he obtained the permit, he was in compliance. At the
meeting when the fine was levied, there was discussion about a safety hazard due to
exposed wiring. He had a letter from Florida Power and Light indicating they had
removed the meter back in April, so there never was a safety hazard. He explained he
was experiencing financial hardships. He will supply the material for the rehabilitation
and informed the members all the interior work, except for the windows, was done. He
requested time for the permit, which was being reviewed.
Mr. Himmelbaum moved that Case #08-1319 be tabled until the Code Compliance
Board meeting to be held on October 15, 2008. Mr. Yerzy seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 17, 2008
Scott Blasie, Code Compliance Administrator, explained there was a fine accruing;
however, the Respondent could return for a reduction. The Respondent explained the
Building Department told him there was an actual lien on the property. Chair Costantino
explained the lien was not certified.
Mr. Blasie requested the Board hear Case #07-2415 next. There were no objections
from the members.
Attorney Tolces administered the oath to.Mr. Blasie.
Case # 07-2415
US Bank National Assoc. TR
131 NE 5th Avenue
Mr. Blasie presented the case and reviewed the details of the violation. The case was
originally cited August 7, 2008 for a roof replacement. The case was heard December
19, 2007 and no one appeared. The compliance date and fine established was
December 29, 2007, or incur a fine of $100 per day. Compliance was documented on
August 1, 2008. He explained, to his knowledge, the Respondent was working on
correcting the violation the entire time. In addition to the roof, there were other
upgrades made. He was delayed because there was a water heater and air conditioning
unit that needed to be permitted. He had photographs he distributed dated September
15, 2008.
(Mr. LaTour left the dais at 8:20 p.rn.)
Doug Hauck, 120 Marlin Drive, Ocean Ridge, the property owner as of July 28, 2008,
was present. He explained they spent a lot of money on the property for the roof,
sprinkler pump, and central air and water heater replacement. He contracted the
property in June and it took approximately two to three months for the bank to make the
transfer. During that time, there was a lot of water damage. The ceiling caved in. and
they were vandalized.
(Mr. LaTour returned to the dais at 8:23 p.rn.)
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-2415, and having been
advised that the Respondent has complied with all lien reduction procedures set forth in
section 2-84 through 2-89 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Mr.
Himmelbaum moved that this Board reduce the fines instituted in Case #07-2415, by
virtue of this Board's Order of December 19, 2007, to an amount of $3,826, including
administrative costs. Mr. Karageorge seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Mr. Blasie explained the appeal procedures, should Mr. Hauck want to appeal the
determination. Mr. Himmelbaum expressed the City was appreciative of his efforts in
improving the property for the community.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 17, 2008
Case #07 -2238
Lancore Nursery LLC
2632 N. Federal Highway
Mr. Blasie explained there was an error with this case pertaining to the compliance date.
The compliance date set reported at the July 6, 2008 hearing was July 15, 2008 and a
fine of $28,900 had accrued. He later discovered a note behind the file indicating it
complied February 14, 2008, five months earlier. He explained the fine would be about
half the amount, and in fairness to the Respondent, the case should return to the Board.
Mr. Himmelbaum moved to reconsider the lien reduction on the matter based on the
number of days. Mr. Yerzy seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
The matter will come before the Board at the next meeting.
Case #08-1926
Property Address:
Jeffrey & Linda A. Cozzi
2100 N. Sea crest Blvd.
CH13, SEC 13-16
Mow yard. Repair driveway.
Obtain Business Tax Receipt
Officer Guillaume presented the case and reviewed the details of the violations. The
recommendation was 15 days be given to comply until October 2, 2008.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-1926, Mr. Karageorge
moved that this Board find that Jeffrey & Linda A. Cozzi are in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondents correct
the violation on or before October 2, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity of the
violation, the actions taken by the Respondents and any previous violations by the
Respondents and hereby orders that if the Respondents do not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $100 per day for each day the violation continues past October
2, 2008 plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondents are further
ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to
arrange for re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Yerzy
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #08-1689
Property Address:
Sujery Castillo & Juan Vargas
440 NE 2yth Ave.
CO CH 15 SEC. 15-120(0) Inc
Mow yard and trim hedges.
Officer Pierre presented the case and reviewed the details of the violation. The
recommendation was 10 days be given to comply by September 27,2008.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 17, 2008
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-1689, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that Sujery Castillo & Juan Vargas are in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondents correct
the violation on or before September 27, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity
of the violation, the actions taken by the Respondents and any previous violations by
the Respondents and hereby orders that if the Respondents do not comply with this
Order, a fine in the amount of $150 per day for each day the violation continues past
September 27, 2008 plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondents are
further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order
to arrange for re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr.
Karageorge seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #08-2122
Property Address:
Bible Church of God, Inc.
1390 N. Seacrest Blvd.
CO CH10 SEC.10-2
Mow property at east end of
parking lot.
Officer Cain presented the case and reviewed the details of the violation. The
recommendation was 30 days be given to comply by October 17, 2008.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-2122, Mr. Himmelbaum
moved that this Board find that Bible Church of God, Inc. is in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the
violation on or before October 17, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity of the
violation, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $50 per day for each day the violation continues past October
17,2008 plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered
to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for
re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Yerzy seconded
the motion.
It was noted the Respondent was present earlier in the meeting and advised the Church
would have the matter corrected by this weekend.
A vote was taken and the motion unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 17, 2008
Case #08-2129
Property Address:
Patrick Glover
2050 NE 1st Lane
CO CH10 SEC.10-2
CO CH15 SEC15-120(D) Inc
Repair or install driveway and
apron. Mow yard and remove
Officer Cain presented the case and reviewed the details of the violations. All complied
except for the driveway and apron. The recommendation was 30 days be given to
comply by October 17, 2008.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-2129, Mr. Himmelbaum
moved that this Board find that Patrick Glover is in violation of the City of Boynton
Beach Code sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the
violations on or before October 17, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity of the
violations, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $100 per day for each day the violations continue past October
17,2008 plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered
to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for
re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. LaTour seconded
the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #08-1950
Property Address:
Wells Far~o Bank Nat'l Assoc.
228 SE 26 h Avenue
CO CH10 SEC.10-2
FBC '04 ED LDR 20(3) R4101.17.1-3
Mow overgrown yard. Install
proper pool barrier to secure
pool. Maintain pool in sanitary
Officer Guillaume presented the case and reviewed the details of the violation. The
recommendation was10 days be given to comply by September 27,2008.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-1950, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that Wells Fargo Bank Nat'1 Assoc. is in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct
the violations on or before September 27, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity
of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 17, 2008
the Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this
Order, a fine in the amount of $500 per day for each day the violations continue past
September 27, 2008, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is
further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order
to arrange for re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr.
Karageorge seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #08-1967
Property Address:
Antonio Storzieri
710 SW 2ih Terrace
CO CH10 SEC.10-2
Mow yard, repair pool to sanitary
Officer Guillaume presented the case and reviewed the details of the violations. The
recommendation was 10 days be given to comply by September 27, 2007.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-1967, Mr. Karageorge
moved that this Board find that Antonio Storzieri is in violation of the City of Boynton
Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the violation
on or before September 27,2008. The Board has considered the gravity of the violation,
the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the Respondent
and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order, a fine in the
amount of $1,000 per day for each day the violation continues past September 27,
2008, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to
contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-
inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Yerzy seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
Case #08-2202
Property Address:
Violation( s):
Fredrick Selby
124 SE 29th Avenue
BBA FBC '04 105.1.1.
Obtain permits for interior
demolition, plumbing, mechanical
electrical and structural work.
Red tagged.
Officer Guillaume presented the case and reviewed the details of the violations. The
recommendation was 10 days be given to comply by September 27, 2008.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-2202, Mr. Himmelbaum
moved that this Board find that Fredrick Selby is in violation of the City of Boynton
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 17, 2008
Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the violation
on or before September 27,2008. The Board has considered the gravity of the violation,
the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the Respondent
and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order, a fine in the
amount of $100 per day for each day the violation continues past September 27, 2008
plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to
contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-
inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. LaTour seconded
the motion.
A question arose whether the violation was a safety hazard. Officer Guillaume
responded it was not.
Mr. Himmelbaum amended his motion to $50 per day. Mr. LaTour agreed to the
change. A vote was taken and the motion unanimously passed.
Case #08-2232
Property Address:
Violation( s):
Andrea and Dante Flora
911 SW 2ih Place
CO CH10 SEC.10-2
Mow overgrown yard. Secure
doors and windows to prevent
entry and vandalism.
Officer Guillaume presented the case and reviewed the details of the violation. The
recommendation was 10 days be given to comply by September 27, 2008.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-2232, Mr. LaTour moved
that this Board find that Andrea and Dante Flora are in violation of the City of Boynton
Beach Code sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondents correct the
violations on or before September 27, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity of
the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents and any previous violations by the
Respondents and hereby orders that if the Respondents do not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $1,000 per day for each day the violations continue past
September 27, 2008 plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondents are
further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order
to arrange for re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr.
Yerzy seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #08-2349
Property Address:
Mark F. Wells
3622 SE 1 st Street
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 17, 2008
CO CH10 SEC.10-2
Mow overgrown yard. Maintain
pool in sanitary condition.
Officer Guillaume presented the case and reviewed the details of the violation. The
recommendation was 10 days be given to comply September 27,2008.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-2349, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that Mark F. Wells is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code
section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the violation on or before
September 27,2008. The Board has considered the gravity of the violation, the actions
taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the Respondent and hereby
orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order, a fine in the amount of
$1,000 per day for each day the violation continues past September 27, 2008, plus
administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the
City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-inspection of
the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Karageorge seconded the motion
that unanimously passed.
Case #08-2352
Nancy Joy Diamond
Lisa Rogers
136 SE 24th Avenue
LDR 20 (3) R4101.17.1-3
CO CH1 0 SEC.1 0-2
Mow yard. Maintain pool in a
sanitary condition. Install pool
Property Address:
Officer Guillaume presented the case and reviewed the details of the violation. The
recommendation was 10 days be given to comply by September 27, 2008.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-2352, Mr. Himmelbaum
moved that this Board find that Nancy Joy Diamond and Lisa Rogers are in violation of
the City of Boynton Beach Code sections cited and moved to Order that the
Respondents correct the violations on or before September 27, 2008. The Board has
considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents and any
previous violations by the Respondents and hereby orders that if the Respondents do
not comply with this Order, a fine in the amount of $500 per day for each day the
violations continue past September 27, 2008, plus administrative costs shall be
imposed. The Respondents are further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 17, 2008
Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-inspection of the property to verify
compliance with this Order. Mr. LaTour seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #08-2383
Property Address:
Harrison C. Kutun
710 SW 25th Place
LDR 20 (3) R4101.17.1-3
CO CH10 SEC.10-2
Maintain pool in a sanitary
condition. Install pool barrier.
Officer Guillaume presented the case and reviewed the details of the violation. The
recommendation was 10 days be given to comply by September 27,2008.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-2383, Mr. LaTour moved
that this Board find that Harrison C. Kutun is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach
Code sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the violations on
or before September 27, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity of the violations,
the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the Respondent
and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order, a fine in the
amount of $500 per day for each day the violations continue past September 27, 2008
plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to
contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-
inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Karageorge
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #08-2119
Property Address:
Joel and Rosalia Deybach
7124 Chesapeake Circle
CO CH10 SEC.10-2
CO CH 10 SEC.10-3
Remove dead palm tree. Mow,
weed and trim property.
Officer Herring presented the case and reviewed the details of the violations. The
recommendation was 10 days be given to comply by September 27, 2008. It is a
hurricane hazard.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-2119, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that Joel and Rosalia Deybach are in violation of the City of Boynton
Beach Code sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondents correct the
violations on or before September 27, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity of
the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents and any previous violations by the
Respondents and hereby orders that if the Respondents do not comply with this Order,
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 17, 2008
a fine in the amount of $50 per day for each day the violations continue past September
27, 2008, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondents are further
ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to
arrange for re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr.
Karageorge seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #08-1529
Property Address:
Rose Picker TR
248 N. Congress Avenue
CO CH15-ART.IX-15-120(E) Inc.
PT3-LDR, CH 4 SEC.11
PT3-LDR, CH7.5-11. SEC5.B.
Restore landscaping to approved
plans. Replace/repair screen
dumpster fence enclosures. Paint
exterior walls on east side of the
building where paint is
deteriorating or missing.
Officer Lewis presented the case and reviewed the details of the violation. The City was
requesting a two-part order. A letter was in the file from the Respondent agreeing to the
The violations in the first part of the order would be corrected by November 16, 2008.
The violations in the second part of the order would be corrected by January 15, 2009.
Part one of the order would encompass the railing, replacing and repairing the screen
for the dumpster and the painting in the back; part two would encompass the landscape
and irrigation issues.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-1529, Mr. Himmelbaum
moved that this Board find that Rose Picker TR is in violation of the City of Boynton
Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the violation
on or before November 16,2008. The Board has considered the gravity of the violation,
the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the Respondent
and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order, a fine in the
amount of $100 per day for each day the violation continues past November 16, 2008,
plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to
contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-
inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Yerzy seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
The following pertained to part two of the order which encompassed the landscape and
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 17, 2008
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-1529, Mr. Himmelbaum
moved that this Board find that Rose Picker TR is in violation of the City of Boynton
Beach Code sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the
violations on or before December 16, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity of the
violations, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $100 per day for each day the violations continue past
December 16, 2008, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is
further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order
to arrange for re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr.
LaTour seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #08-2157
Property Address:
H.B. Easton Inc.
112 Commerce Road
BBA FBC '04105.1.1.
Secure building permit for door in
back of building.
Officer Lewis presented the case and reviewed the details of the violation. The
recommendation was 30 days be given to comply by October 17, 2008.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-2157, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that H.B. Easton Inc. is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach
Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the violation on or
before October 17, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity of the violation, the
actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the Respondent and
hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order, a fine in the
amount of $100 per day for each day the violation continues past October 17,2008 plus
administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the
City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-inspection of
the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Karageorge seconded the motion
that unanimously passed.
Case #08-2213
Property Address:
Charles Beneby
114 NW 6th Street
CO CH13 SEC 13-16
CO CH 15 SEC. 15-20(D) 1 Inc
Obtain Business Tax Receipt for
rental property. Remove storage
trailers, fence materials and other
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 17,2008
Officer Lewis presented the case and reviewed the details of the violation. He explained
the only outstanding item was the Business Tax Receipt. The City was recommending
45 days. The Respondent was in the process of evicting the tenants. The remainder of
the items were addressed.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-2213, Mr. Himmelbaum
moved that this Board find that Charles Beneby is in violation of the City of Boynton
Beach Code sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the
violations on or before November 1, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity of the
violations, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $50 per day for each day the violations continue past November
1, 2008 plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered
to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for
re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Yerzy seconded
the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #08-2289
Property Address:
Maudira & Zelima Delhomme
815 NW 6th Street
CO CH 15 SEC. 15-20(D) Inc
Please remove refrigerator,
furniture and other household
items from yard.
Officer Lewis presented the case and reviewed the details of the violation. The City
recommendation was 10 days be given to comply by September 27, 2008. The
Respondents were repeat violators.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-2289, Mr. LaTour moved
that this Board find that Maudira & Zelima Delhomme are in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondents correct
the violation on or before September 27, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity
of the violation, the actions taken by the Respondents and any previous violations by
the Respondents and hereby orders that if the Respondents do not comply with this
Order, a fine in the amount of $200 per day for each day the violation continues past
September 27, 2008 plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondents are
further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order
to arrange for re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr.
Yerzy seconded the motion that passed 4-1 (Mr. Karageorge dissenting).
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 17, 2008
Case #08-2143
Property Address:
Mary & Lewana Logan
403 NE 11th Avenue
CO CH 15 SEC. 15-20(D) Inc
Mow grass, weed, secure house
and remove trash.
Officer Melillo presented the case and reviewed the details of the violations. The
violation was a health and safety hazard. The recommendation was 10 days be given
to comply by September 27, 2008.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-2143, Mr. Himmelbaum
moved that this Board find that Mary & Lewana Logan are in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondents correct
the violation on or before September 27, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity of
the violation, the actions taken by the Respondents and any previous violations by the
Respondents and hereby orders that if the Respondents do not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $250 per day for each day the violation continues past
September 27, 2008 plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondents are
further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order
to arrange for re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr.
Yerzy seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #08-1983
Property Address:
David J. Hooper
3120 Ocean Parkway
CO CH 15 SEC. 15-20(D) Inc
CO CH13, SEC 13-16
Remove inoperable &
unregistered vehicles, remove
trash and debris off carport.
Obtain a Business Tax Receipt.
Officer Pierre presented the case and reviewed the details of the violations as stated in
the notice of violation. The recommendation was 30 days be given to comply by
October 17, 2008.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-1983, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that David J. Hooper is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach
Code sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the violations on
or before October 17, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity of the violations, the
actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the Respondent and
hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order, a fine in the
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 17, 2008
amount of $150 per day for each day the violations continue past October 17, 2008 plus
administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the
City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-inspection of
the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Karageorge seconded the motion
that unanimously passed.
Case #08-2253
Property Address:
Violation( s):
Navon Wallace
45 S. Palm Drive
CO CH 15 SEC. 15-20(D) Inc
Secure property. Mow yard.
Officer Pierre presented the case and reviewed the details of the violations as contained
in the notice of violation. The recommendation was 10 days be given to comply by
September 27,2008.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-2253, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that Navon Wallace is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code
sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the violations on or
before September 27,2008. The Board has considered the gravity of the violations, the
actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the Respondent and
hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order, a fine in the
amount of $50 per day for each day the violations continue past September 27, 2008
plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to
contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-
inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Karageorge
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #08-2340
Property Address:
John W. Field, Jr.
311 Ocean Parkway
CO CH 15 SEC. 15-20(D) Inc
Mow lot.
Officer Pierre presented the case and reviewed the details of the violations as stated in
the notice of violation. The recommendation was 10 days be given to comply by
September 27, 2008.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-2340, Mr. Himmelbaum
moved that this Board find that John W. Field, Jr., is in violation of the City of Boynton
Beach Code section cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the violation
on or before September 27,2008. The Board has considered the gravity of the violation,
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 17, 2008
the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the Respondent
and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order, a fine in the
amount of $100 per day for each day the violation continues past September 27, 2008
plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to
contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-
inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Yerzy seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
Case #08-2167
Property Address:
Violation( s):
Mastr Asset Backed Securities
408 SW 10th Avenue
CO CH 15 SEC. 15-20(D) Inc
LDR CH 2 Sec. 4(E)
LDR CH 2 SEC 4(J)(1)
Cut hedges to 30" 25 feet of
intersection right-of-way. Hedge
obstructs sight lines.
Officer Roy presented the case and reviewed the details of the violations as contained
in the notice of violation. The recommendation was 10 days be given to comply by
September 27,2008.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-2167, Mr. Himmelbaum
moved that this Board find that Mastr Asset Backed Securities is in violation of the City
of Boynton Beach Code sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct
the violations on or before September 27, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity
of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by
the Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this
Order, a fine in the amount of $500 per day for each day the violations continue past
September 27, 2008 plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is
further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order
to arrange for re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr.
Yerzy seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #08-2183
Property Address:
Violation( s):
Tangiers Development LLC
133 NW 10th Avenue
CO CH 15 SEC. 15-120(D) Inc
Remove trash and debris,
replace missing screens. Correct
rodent infestation problem.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 17, 2008
Officer Roy presented the case and reviewed the details of the violation as contained in
the notice of violation. The recommendation was 10 days be given to comply by
September 27, 2008. The Respondent was a repeat offender.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-2183, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that Tangiers Development, LLC is in violation of the City of Boynton
Beach Code sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the
violations on or before September 27, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity of
the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $500 per day for each day the violations continue past
September 27, 2008 plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is
further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order
to arrange for re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr.
LaTour seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #08-2233
Property Address:
Brian Fitzpatrick
137 NW 10th Avenue
CO CH10 SEC.10-24 (A) (1)
CO CH 15 SEC. 15-120(D) Inc
Remove trash and debris, or
anything dumped on empty lot.
Re-sod bare areas of law, mow
and trim overgrowth and maintain
per City ordinance.
Officer Roy presented the case and reviewed the details of the violation as contained in
the notice of violation. The recommendation was 30 days be given to comply by
October 17, 2008.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-2233, Mr. Karageorge
moved that this Board find that Brian Fitzpatrick is in violation of the City of Boynton
Beach Code sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the
violations on or before October 17, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity of the
violations, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $100 per day for each day the violations continue past October
17,2008 plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered
to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for
re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Yerzy seconded
the motion that unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 17, 2008
Case #08-1851
Norbey D. Tobon & Diana
215 SW 1 St.
CO CH 15 SEC. 15-120(D) Inc
Secure structure, mow and
maintain property. Remove trash
and debris.
Property Address:
Officer Webb presented the case and reviewed the details of the violation. The
recommendation was 10 days be given to comply by September 27, 2008.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-1851, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that Norbey D. Tobon & Diana Garces are in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondents correct
the violations on or before September 27, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity
of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents and any previous violations by
the Respondents and hereby orders that if the Respondents do not comply with this
Order, a fine in the amount of $500 per day for each day the violations continue past
September 27, 2008 plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondents are
further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order
to arrange for re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr.
LaTour seconded the motion.
There was discussion about entering an abatement order. The Respondents were
repeat offenders, the dwelling was unsecured, and the safety issue needed to be
addressed first.
Mr. Yerzy withdrew his motion. Mr. LaTour withdrew his second.
Mr. Karageorge moved to abate the property within 10 days, so it is secured by
September 27, 2008.
Attorney Tolces recommended the Board make a finding of violation first.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-1851, Mr. Karageorge
moved that this Board find that Norbey D. Tobon & Diana Garces are in violation of the
City of Boynton Beach Code sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondents
correct the violations on or before September 27, 2008. The Board has considered the
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 17, 2008
gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents and any previous
violations by the Respondents and hereby orders that if the Respondents do not comply
with this Order, a fine in the amount of $500 per day for each day the violations continue
past September 27,2008 plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondents
are further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in
order to arrange for re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order.
Mr. LaTour seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Mr. Karageorge moved that in the event the violation is not complied by September 27,
2008, the City be allowed to go and abate the situation to secure the safety hazard. Mr.
LaTour seconded the motion.
There was clarification the abatement would occur after the September 27, 2008 date.
A vote was taken and the motion unanimously passed.
Officer Webb recommended Case #08-1905 be certified at $50 per day.
Case #08-1905
Lynn Varella
421 NE 28th Court
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-1905, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that the Respondent has not complied with this Board's Order dated
August 20, 2008, and having considered the gravity of the violation, the actions taken by
the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify a fine in the amount of $50 per day
plus administrative costs which shall continue to accrue until the Respondent comes
into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this certification of fine. Mr.
Karageorge seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Officer Webb recommended the following cases be certified at $100 per day:
Case #08-1982
Raynold & Muracia Simeus
3105 Ocean Parkway
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-1982, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that the Respondents have not complied with this Board's Order
dated August 20, 2008, and having considered the gravity of the violation, the actions
taken by the Respondents, that this Board impose and certify a fine in the amount of
$100 per day plus administrative costs which shall continue to accrue until the
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 17, 2008
Respondents come into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this
certification of fine. Mr. Himmelbaum seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #08-1984
Thomas Agius
3350 Ocean Parkway
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-1984, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that the Respondent has not complied with this Board's Order dated
August 20, 2008, and having considered the gravity of the violation, the actions taken by
the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify a fine in the amount of $100 per day
plus administrative costs which shall continue to accrue until the Respondent comes
into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this certification of fine. Mr.
Himmelbaum seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #08-1933
Samuel Anicette
3167 Orange Street
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-1933, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that the Respondent has not complied with this Board's Order dated
August 20, 2008, and having considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken
by the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify a fine in the amount of $100 per
day plus administrative costs which shall continue to accrue until the Respondent
comes into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this certification of
fine. Mr. Himmelbaum seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Officer Webb recommended the following cases be certified at $150 per day:
Case #08-938
Marie Sanon Est. and
Marie C. & Umen Sanon
124 SW 9th Avenue
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-938, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that the Respondents have not complied with this Board's Order
dated May 21, 2008, and having considered the gravity of the violation, the actions
taken by the Respondents, that this Board impose and certify a fine in the amount of
$150 per day plus administrative costs which shall continue to accrue until the
Respondents come into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this
certification of fine. Mr. Karageorge seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #08-1936
Deutsche Bank Natl Trust Co.
3291 Orange Street
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 17, 2008
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-1936, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that the Respondent has not complied with this Board's Order dated
August 20, 2008, and having considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken
by the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify a fine in the amount of $150 per
day plus administrative costs which shall continue to accrue until the Respondent
comes into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this certification of
fine. Mr. Karageorge seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Officer Webb recommended Case #08-1966 be certified at $200 per day.
Case #08-1966
Virginia Garcia & Angelica Cristea
281 NW 28th Avenue
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-1966, Mr. LaTour
moved that this Board find that the Respondents have not complied with this Board's
Order dated August 20, 2008, and having considered the gravity of the violations, the
actions taken by the Respondents, that this Board impose and certify a fine in the
amount of $200 per day plus administrative costs which shall continue to accrue until
the Respondents come into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this
certification offine. Mr. Yerzy seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Officer Webb recommended the following cases be certified at $250 per day:
Case #08-1908
John Fitzpatrick
103 SE 5th Avenue
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-1908, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that the Respondents have not complied with this Board's Order
dated August 20, 2008, and having considered the gravity of the violations, the actions
taken by the Respondents, that this Board impose and certify a fine in the amount of
$250 per day plus administrative costs which shall continue to accrue until the
Respondents come into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this
certification of fine. Mr. Karageorge seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #08-1710
Soundview Home Loan Trust 2006
404 SE 20th Court
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-1710, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that the Respondent has not complied with this Board's Order dated
August 20, 2008, and having considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 17, 2008
by the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify a fine in the amount of $250 per
day plus administrative costs which shall continue to accrue until the Respondent
comes into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this certification of
fine. Mr. Karageorge seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Officer Webb recommended the following cases be certified at $500 per day:
Case #08-1567
Gail Luchey
124 NW 10th Avenue
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-1567, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that the Respondent has not complied with this Board's Order dated
July 16, 2008, and having considered the gravity of the violation, the actions taken by
the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify a fine in the amount of $500 per day
plus administrative costs which shall continue to accrue until the Respondent comes
into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this certification of fine.
Mr. Himmelbaum seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #08-1568
Andrew and Gail Luchey
118 NW 10th Avenue
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-1568, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that the Respondents have not complied with this Board's Order
dated July 16, 2008, and having considered the gravity of the violations, the actions
taken by the Respondents, that this Board impose and certify a fine in the amount of
$500 per day plus administrative costs which shall continue to accrue until the
Respondents come into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this
certification of fine. Mr. Himmelbaum seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Officer Webb recommended the following cases receive "No Fine":
Case #08-1208
Robert Domenick
2316 SW 23rd Cranbrook Drive
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-1208, Mr. Himmelbaum
moved that this Board find that the Respondent, Robert Domenick was in violation of
the City of Boynton Beach Code section as cited subsequent to the date of compliance
specified in the Board's Order of June 18, 2008, and in consideration of the gravity of
the violation and the actions taken by the Respondent to remedy the violation and the
previous violations of the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify "No Fine."
Mr. Yerzy seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 17, 2008
Case #08-1676
James F. Weege Trust
121 E. Woolbright Road
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #08-1676, Mr. Himmelbaum
moved that this Board find that the Respondent, James F. Weege Trust was in violation
of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited subsequent to the date of
compliance specified in the Board's Order of August 20, 2008, and in consideration of
the gravity of the violation and the actions taken by the Respondent to remedy the
violation and the previous violations of the Respondent, that this Board impose and
certify "No Fine." Mr. Yerzy seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
VIII. Adjournment
Mr. Yerzy moved to adjourn. Mr. Karageorge seconded the motion that unanimously
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
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Catherine Cherry J
Recording Secretary