Minutes 10-25-97
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25,1997, AT 3:00 P.M.
Wilfred Hawkins, Assistant to the City Manager
Advisory Board on Children & Youth Education Advisory Board
Shanna St. John, Chairperson Nellie Denahan, Chairperson
Bob Borovy, Vice Chairperson Anne Centi, Vice Chairperson
Steven Kuehn, Student David Weinstein
Angela Girtman
Senior Advisory Board
Marie Lengert
Hattie Miller
Denise Panton Elizabeth Collins, Chairperson
Jeffrey Davis, Student Esther “Peggy” Stranahan
Elizabeth Jenkins
Community Relations Board
Ron Washam, Chairperson
Brenda Lee Williams
A list of all the people who attended this meeting is attached to the minutes.
Shanna St. John, Chairperson of the Advisory Board on Children and Youth,
welcomed everyone to the first Open Advisory Boards Forum. She explained
that the Advisory Board on Children and Youth created this forum with the
cooperation and support of the Community Relations Board, the Senior Advisory
Board, and the Education Advisory Board. They hope to hold this forum four
times a year (in January, April, July, and October). The goal is to create an
exchange of ideas and better communication between the boards, City
government, and the public. At her request, the chairpersons of each board
introduced the members of their boards.
Ron Washam, Chairperson of the Community Relations Board, thanked the
Advisory Board on Children and Youth for spearheading this forum. He felt this
forum is going to promote good cultural and political exchange of ideas to bridge
the gap between the citizens and the City. He stated that this has been his
board’s primary goal. He introduced Brenda Lee Williams, one of the members
of his board. He advised that his board is presently working on the Multi-cultural
Festival, which will be held in November 1998, and Youth in Government Day,
which will be held in April. He hopes that his board will be able to host the Open
Advisory Boards Forum in April.
Nellie Denahan, Chairperson of the Education Advisory Board, introduced Anne
Centi and David Weinstein of the Education Advisory Board.
Elizabeth Collins, Chairperson of the Senior Advisory Board, introduced Peggy
Stranahan and Elizabeth Jenkins.
Chairperson St. John introduced the members of the Advisory Board on Children
and Youth and Melody Green, the board’s liaison. Ms. Green is the Recreation
Superintendent of the City of Boynton Beach. Chairperson St. John asked the
chairperson of each board to explain the history of their board, why they were
created, projects that they have worked on, and projects they plan to work on.
Angela Girtman advised that the Advisory Board on Children and Youth was
established in response to a recommendation of new task force that was formed
by former Mayor Arlene Weiner. When the board was formed, the members
reviewed the recommendations of the task force. Some of those
recommendations have been accomplished and some are outdated.
She explained some of the activities for the children in the area that her board
has accomplished, including a Philharmonic orchestra “petting zoo” where the
children were able to handle the instruments, the Annual Youth Expo at the
Boynton Beach Mall, and the photo contest. In addition, the board wrote a grant
for the Latchkey Program at Rolling Green Elementary School.
Ms. Lengert advised that the schools were very interested in the Youth Expo.
There were 22 sponsors and 208 contestants. Every contestant received a prize,
either monetary or coupons. There were 13 information booths. Three to four
hundred people performed. Forty thousand people showed up at the exhibition.
It took six months to put this program together. After the Expo, the board
received thank you letters from the parents whose children participated in this
Mr. Davis explained that he is trying to start a youth council in Boynton Beach
like the one in Delray Beach.
Mr. Borovy explained that the board is trying to form a Youth Orchestra. It will be
a concert type band, not a marching band. In addition, the board is trying to build
or acquire land for a skating park so that the children have somewhere to skate.
Ms. Miller discussed the mentor program.
Chairperson St. John explained the Youth Volunteer Bank. When children do
volunteer work, their hours are logged, and at the end of one year, the child or
group with the most volunteer hours will be rewarded with perhaps a savings
bond. This program runs from May to May. The board has sponsors for this
program and is working closely with the United Way. This program is open to
any child in the Boynton Beach area, not just the City limits. Children living in
Lake Worth and Delray Beach can also participate.
Mr. Washam has been on the Community Relations Board for six years and is
very proud of the work that his board has accomplished. This board started out
as a race relations board in the 1960’s. It 1972 it became a Community
Relations Board and works on community issues and helps bridge the gap
between the people who live in the community and the City government.
He was particularly proud of one of the board’s projects, namely, Youth in
Government Day. As a student, he participated in the very first Youth in
Government Day in 1972 and has not forgotten the experience. This program is
for all the schools that Boynton Beach students attend. The Education Advisory
Board helped with this program the last two years. The students spend the day
with one of the City officials or department heads and at the mock City
Commission meeting in the evening, they take the place of that individual. Mr.
Washam hopes this program enlightens the students about City government and
teaches them that they can make a difference. He looked forward to the day
when the students from the Boynton Beach Community High School participate
in this program. He looked forward to working with the Education Advisory Board
and other boards to get a high school in Boynton Beach.
He spoke of the Multi-cultural Festival and felt it should be highlighted that
Boynton Beach is a very diverse City. He advised that the Assistant to the City
Manager, Wilfred Hawkins, is his board’s liaison. He also advised that his board
is looking for additional members.
Ms. Williams advised that she used to serve on the Community Relations Board
in the 1970’s and has recently rejoined as a member.
Ms. Jenkins advised that she had served on the Community Relations Board for
several years. She is now a member of the Senior Advisory Board. She spoke
of communication and unity in the community.
Ms. Denahan acknowledged the presence of Vice Mayor Titcomb and
Commissioner Shirley Jaskiewicz. She distributed a pamphlet regarding the
Education Advisory Board booklet. She thanked Shanna St. John, the Senior
Advisory Board, and everyone who addressed the City Commission when they
were discussing sunseting some of the boards. She felt the boards need to pull
together, not just in times of trouble. She thanked everyone who attended the
pep rally for the high school on October 14. She distributed a list of the
legislators and School Board members and asked everyone to contact them
regarding House Bill 2121. She advised that mentors are being implemented in
many schools throughout Boynton Beach. She also advised that the speed limit
on Seacrest Boulevard is being reduced to 35 mph.
She stated that the Education Advisory Board was established on May 21, 1991
by the City Commission under the direction of then Mayor Arlene Weiner. Their
mission is to assure that each and every child in Boynton Beach receives the
best education that can meet the local and global changes in a safe, secure
environment conducive to the learning process. The board acts as a liaison
advisory group, keeping the Mayor, City Commissioners and public informed on
School Board policies regarding several schools. She reviewed the board’s
seven goals listed in the pamphlet and advised that Wilfred Hawkins, the
Assistant to the City Manger, is the board’s liaison. She advised that the board
has been working on getting a high school and on lottery accountability.
Ms. Centi spoke of how the Education Advisory Board was instrumental in
reprogramming Poinciana Elementary School. She also advised that Mr.
Weinstein wrote two resolutions, one in support of the lottery accountability bill.
Ms. Collins suggested having a column for all the boards in the Funfare
Magazine or in the City news so that we know what each board is doing. She
advised that the Senior Advisory Board was also formed at the recommendation
of a task force when Arlene Weiner was Mayor. At that time, the board sent out
surveys and discovered that there was a need for public transportation. The
board worked on this issue and as a result, we now have City buses and a
Shopper Hopper. She thanked Commissioner Jaskiewicz for her support in this
The board talked to the people in the retirement communities about their needs
and found out that besides transportation, they wanted a community center.
There is a tremendous need for social services. One of the board’s goals is to
get a social worker. Some seniors need meals delivered to them and they need
their houses cleaned. Some need transportation to the stores and the doctors.
Some middle class and lower middle class seniors do not have money and
belong to HMOs. She pointed out that once you belong to an HMO, you do not
get Medicare. She stated that many seniors do not have grandchildren living in
Florida and suggested the boards work together to have a grandparents’ day.
She advised that the Senior Advisory Board now meets at City Hall in the Mall on
the first Monday of every month at 3:30 p.m. An hour before some meetings,
they have a speaker.
She advised that the Boynton Garden Club is not getting any new members.
She pointed out that nowadays, very few mothers have the luxury of staying
home and joining a garden club. She suggested that the youth help the Garden
Club do plantings around the City one Saturday in the Spring. She advised that
by the year 2020, there will be more people over the age of 65 than under the
age of 65. The felt the boards need to support each other.
Ms. Stranahan advised that a couple of years ago, the board arranged for a
speaker or entertainment, such as bingo or line dancing, once a month. These
activities were held at the Civic Center, then at the Madsen Center.
Refreshments and prizes were donated by the board members and some
volunteers. She spoke of getting a permanent place that the seniors can call
their own; where activities could be held five days a week; and where the
members of the board could store bingo equipment, supplies, etc.
Barbara Ready asked for assistance in helping to get the School Board to make
Congress Middle School a math/science/technology magnet.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz advised that the City is providing the space for the
skateboard park. She also advised that four members of the School Board
members have been persuaded to build a high school in Boynton Beach within
two years.
Vice Mayor Titcomb spoke in support of the Multi-cultural Festival and the skate
board park.
Lori Wilkinson teaches deaf students at the Royal Palm School. The school
services mentally and physically handicapped children, including a lot of students
from Boynton Beach. She felt the Royal Palm School is overlooked and that the
Education Advisory Board should send a liaison to their SAC meetings. She also
advised that volunteers are needed.
Mr. Hawkins commended the boards for this forum and spoke about the
Commission giving the boards assignments. Mr. Washam felt the boards were
underutilized. Ms. Collins felt the boards have to do their own public relations.
She also felt that the G.A.L.A. was a great place for people to learn about the
Mr. Washam advised that several times a year, the Community Relations Board
meets in different areas of the community.
Chairperson St. John felt a grandparents’ day would fit in with the mentoring
program. She advised that the Advisory Board on Children and Youth want to be
involved in Youth In Government Day. She pointed out that the City has a golf
course and a Golf Course Advisory Board and suggested starting a Junior Golf
Clinic and Junior Golf Tournament. She advised that the Superintendent of
Schools wants to turn South Tech into a high school.
Ms. Collins volunteered to host the next Open Advisory Boards Forum at the end
of January in City Hall in the Mall.
Chairperson St. John thanked everyone for attending this forum. She also
thanked Publix and Ms. Denahan for the refreshments, the girls who babysat for
the children of the parents who attended this meeting, and Sun-Sentinel for their
Eve Eubanks
Recording Secretary
(Transcribed from two tapes)