Minutes 05-28-98 MINUTES OF THE ADVISORY BOARD ON CHILDREN & YOUTH MEETING HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1998 AT 7:00 P.M. PRESENT Shanna St. John, Chairwoman Bob Borovy, Vice Chairman Charles Fisher Marie Lengert Ita Murray, Alternate Stephen Waldman, Alternate Amy DeVries, Student Voting Steven Kuehn, Student (Voting) ABSENT Angela Girtman Hattie Miller Denise Panton Jermane Ivery, Student I. CALL TO ORDER Chairwoman St. John called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. II. MOMENT OF SILENT PRAYER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Following a moment of silent prayer, Vice Chairman Borovy led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Vice Chairman Borovy moved to approve the agenda. Mr. Waldman seconded the motion that carried unanimously. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Waldman moved to approve the minutes of April 23, 1998. Vice Chairman Borovy seconded the motion that carried unanimously. 1 MEETING MINUTES ADVISORY BOARD ON CHILDREN & YOUTH BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 28, 1998 V. PRESENTATIONS, CORRESPONDENCE, AND ANNOUNCEMENTS A. CDF Updates Chairwoman St. John distributed CDF updates and advised that there would be a discussion on these updates at the next meeting. B. Letter from General Colin Powell Chairwoman St. John read a letter from General Colin Powell that talked about the “Community of Promise” program. C. Letter from the Office of the President of the United States Chairwoman St. John distributed copies of a letter from Stephanie S. Streett, Assistant to the President, Director of Presidential Scheduling, thanking Chairwoman St. John for inviting the President of the United States to speak at the Youth Volunteers Awards Banquet. VI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Election of Chair and Vice Chair Motion Mr. Borovy moved to nominate Ms. St. John as Chairwoman. Ms. Lengert seconded the motion that carried unanimously. Motion Mr. Waldman moved to nominate Mr. Borovy as Vice Chairman. Mr. Fisher seconded the motion that carried unanimously. B. America’s Promise Chairwoman St. John advised that “America’s Promise” is a national program the board previously discussed incorporating. In her opinion, the City of Boynton Beach is ready to become a “Community of Promise”. The “Community of Promise” is a community-driven program that is spearheaded by someone in the City (such as a City department). Chairwoman St. John organized a packet of information to forward to the City Commission that includes the following letter: “In the 20/20 Visions assembly, much time was spent on how our City could better serve the needs of our children. Every year the subject is approached, discussed and new progress is made. We, the Advisory Board on Children & Youth, feel that our City, becoming a part of America’s Promise movement, is the next logical step. We know that an organization such as this will become an asset to our community. The Advisory Board 2 MEETING MINUTES ADVISORY BOARD ON CHILDREN & YOUTH BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 28, 1998 on Children & Youth is recommending that the City of Boynton Beach become an official “Community of Promise”. We would be the second city in Palm Beach County to take on this role – Boca Raton being the first. Our City and community are ready to take on the goals set for by America’s Promise, the Alliance for Youth.; an ongoing relationship with a caring adult, safe places, instructors, activities in non-school hours, a healthy start for the future, marketable and career skills through effective education, an opportunity to give back through service. Enclosed you will find the information on becoming a “Community of Promise”. We also have all the back up information and an exact plan on how to accomplish this available to the person you choose to spearhead this project. The Advisory Board on Children & Youth feels that this is a very important step to making our community the best that it can be. The City of Boynton Beach will be known as the City that values its children. We hope to work with you to make this happen. Thank you. Shanna St. John.” Motion Vice Chairman Borovy moved to submit it to the City Commission. Ms. Lengert seconded the motion. Mr. Fisher confirmed that criteria outlining what needs to be done are included in the back-up information. The motion carried unanimously. C. Child Safety Chairwoman St. John referred to recent news reports about another shooting in a school in this country. This led to thoughts about conducting an open forum dealing with drugs, weapons and violence at one of the Neighborhood Summit meetings. This open forum should include speakers with expertise in these areas. She recommended contacting Hank Ackermann to schedule this open forum at an upcoming Neighborhood Summit. Discussion ensued and while the board members agreed that the Advisory Board on Children & Youth should spearhead this open forum, they felt it would require more time than could be devoted at the Neighborhood Summit. In addition, it was pointed out that many of the people who attend the Neighborhood Summits are citizens who no longer have children in the school system. A suggestion was made to work in concert with the Education Advisory Board to conduct this open forum at the end of July or beginning of August before the children return to school. Mr. Waldman and Vice Chairman Borovy agreed to contact the Fire Chief and Police Chief to seek recommendations on speakers for the open forum. There was a consensus of the board to discuss this issue at next month’s meeting to determine a date for the open forum 3 MEETING MINUTES ADVISORY BOARD ON CHILDREN & YOUTH BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 28, 1998 AT THIS POINT IN THE MEETING, CHAIRWOMAN ST. JOHN MOVED THE AGENDA TO PUBLIC AUDIENCE TO ACCOMMODATE COMMISSIONERS DENAHAN AND TITCOMB, ANNE CENTI, AND DAVID FELLOWS. VIII. PUBLIC AUDIENCE: Chairwoman St. John introduced Anne Centi and thanked her for her sponsorship of the Youth Volunteer Bank. She presented Ms. Centi with a Certificate of Appreciation. Ms. Centi congratulated the Advisory Board on Children & Youth for the great job they are doing in the community. Ms. Centi is a benefactor to a southeast Florida foundation of psychotherapists and psychoanalysis. Their mission statement is to develop a scholarship fund for people who need help, to have day cares with psychologists available and have a forum for the parents of children in the community to recognize the signs and symptoms of problems. Representatives will speak to public and private agencies free of charge. Ms. Centi provided information to Chairwoman St. John. Ms. Centi suggested organizing a Citizens’ Task Force to deal with issues such as pawnshops, guns, drugs and the truancy rate. She further advised that she worked for a number of years with Junior Achievement. She recommends that we start a Junior Achievement program for children. She offered to volunteer time and donate money toward such a program. Ms. Centi thanked the board members for the Certificate of Appreciation. Ms. Lengert reminded Ms. Centi that the business community sponsors most Junior Achievement programs. She believes Motorola would be very cooperative if we want to begin this effort. Ms. DeVries advised that Motorola is involved in a Junior Achievement program at Congress Middle School. Commissioner Nellie Denahan thanked the board for the wonderful job they did with the banquet. She feels this was a great project and one the community thought had been an ongoing program. She urged the members to go forward with this program. She further complimented the members on their suggestion with respect to child safety. David Fellows attended the Neighborhood Summit. He feels a great deal can be accomplished by drawing attention to the issue of truancy and drug use. He is a proponent of alternative to suspension programs in the schools and urged the members to work in cooperation with the Education Advisory Board on these issues. Mr. Fisher recommended that the board develop a “yellow pages” of information to be disseminated to the community. He suggested that each board member come to the next meeting prepared to submit a list of five topics to be included in this book. 4 MEETING MINUTES ADVISORY BOARD ON CHILDREN & YOUTH BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 28, 1998 Commissioner Titcomb reminded the members that the City mails out a newsletter called City News and Views. He believes it might be cost effective to consider inserting this community information in that newsletter. Vice Chairman Borovy advised that the Manager of Fair Lanes Bowling has offered to sponsor a bowling tournament during the month of August. The participants would be divided into a youth group and an older group. Vice Chairman Borovy and Chairwoman St. John will meet with the Manager at 3:00 p.m. tomorrow to discuss this further. VII. OLD BUSINESS: A. Youth Volunteer Bank Chairwoman St. John thanked the board members for their work and efforts associated with the Youth Volunteer banquet. Mr. Waldman advised that this was the first event he attended and everyone did a fantastic job with everything. He also applauded the children who attended the banquet for being well mannered and well behaved. Ms. Lengert thanked Mr. Waldman for his work in the kitchen. One recommendation for future awards banquets is that a list be disseminated indicating the City projects the children were involved in to earn their volunteer hours. When Chairwoman St. John advised that she had documentation regarding the volunteer hours, Mr. Fisher requested that each board member be provided with a complete set of documents associated with the Volunteer Bank so that each member can review those documents independently and discuss them at the next meeting. Chairwoman St. John expressed disappointment that this event was not publicized. She advised that she sent out a press release last week that included a photo of the award winners. Mr. Fisher offered to develop a press kit for future events. Vice Chairman Borovy feels the schools should be involved in publicizing these events. When he recommended that each member adopt a local school, Chairwoman St. John reminded him that the members of the Education Advisory Board are members of every SAC in the community. She recommends working with the Education Advisory Board on this project in the future. Mr. Waldman asked if Kentucky Fried Chicken offered any explanation for not providing the food they promised for the banquet. Chairwoman St. John advised that she would contact Kentucky Fried Chicken to ask them to fulfill their commitment for sponsorship by providing food for a picnic when the Butterfly Garden project takes place. Chairwoman St. John advised that it is her intention to request the City to budget approximately $1,000 to $1,500 for next year’s banquet. 5 MEETING MINUTES ADVISORY BOARD ON CHILDREN & YOUTH BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 28, 1998 There was a consensus of the board to serve hot dogs, hamburgers and pizza at next year’s banquet. In addition, there will be two photographers and the event will be videotaped so that footage will be demonstrated at the Youth Expo. When Vice Chairman Borovy questioned whether or not there is a mechanism in place to trace back the volunteer hours served by the participants, Chairwoman St. John responded affirmatively. Mr. Waldman recommended including this information in the permanent records of the participants so that a pattern of consistency will be indicated over the child’s life. This record can then be shown to a prospective college or prospective employer. Chairwoman St. John indicated that it would be nearly impossible to include such information in the child’s permanent school record. Therefore, it was agreed that the children would be provided with a letter indicating the hours served throughout the child’s participation in the program. This will be done on an annual basis. B. Butterfly Garden In the absence of Melody Green, board liaison, Chairwoman St. John was unable to advise whether or not a date has been established for this project. She favors a date in July. Chairwoman St. John has already spoken with a reporter from The Palm Beach Post who will do an article on this project. Vice Chairman Borovy said a lady is donating her butterfly garden. In addition, the Rotary Club has donated $800 and Kevin Hallahan, City Forester, will work with the board. The board will utilize volunteers from the Volunteer Bank. C. Open Forum Chairwoman St. John will attend the Education Advisory Board meeting to try to determine their intentions for this open forum in July. One of the members of the Education Advisory Board expressed concern about the fact that he was not sure of the board’s duties. His suggestion will be that the open forum be devoted to discussing the duties of each of the boards. Chairwoman St. John said she would visit the City Clerk’s Office to secure copies of the charter amendments for the Senior Advisory Board and the Community Relations Board. David Fellows announced that he is a newly appointed member of the Education Advisory Board and has only recently returned to the Boynton Beach area. Mr. Fellows feels it is of the utmost importance for the City to have a press liaison. Chairwoman St. John recommended that Mr. Fellows make this suggestion to the City Commission. Mr. Fellows pointed out that the Advisory Board on Children & Youth and the Education Advisory Board have many similar concerns. He suggested conducting a workshop meeting between the two boards. Vice Chairman Borovy felt this was a wonderful idea because the two boards could focus on the issue of child safety. Mr. Waldman agreed that if the Advisory Board on Children & Youth is 6 MEETING MINUTES ADVISORY BOARD ON CHILDREN & YOUTH BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 28, 1998 going to spearhead this issue, it is very important to get input from the Education Advisory Board so that the efforts are not duplicated. Chairwoman St. John advised that efforts have been made to establish liaisons between the boards. She will attend the next Education Advisory Board to discuss the issues addressed at this meeting. Commissioner Denahan said the meetings are open to the public. The Visions packet that was developed was a result of public input and many of the items addressed in that packet are projects the boards are currently working on. She announced that a Visions Reunion would be rd held on Wednesday, June 3, from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., at the United Way Building in Quantum Park. This is a public meeting and lunch will be provided. She encouraged everyone to attend this reunion. Chairwoman St. John advised that the Advisory Board on Children & Youth have fulfilled three or four of the ideas that were developed during the Visions conference. Those ideas include the Open Forums, Youth Volunteer Bank, Youth Council and publicizing the boards. Ms. Heidi DeVries of the Education Advisory Board advised that there would be no summer school for elementary school children this year. She suggested that the City start a tutoring program. Chairwoman St. John feels this is a good item to discuss at the Open Forum. This type of program could be conducted during the summer at the Library utilizing volunteers from the Volunteer Bank. In reading the minutes of the Community Relations Board meeting, Chairwoman St. John noted mention of a HeadStart event. She explained that this is the type of item this board should be aware of; however, she had no knowledge of the event. She urged the members to keep the board abreast of any such item they become aware of. At Chairwoman St. John’s request, Mr. Fisher explained “Youth in Government Day”. He said the City did a good job of teaching the children what goes on in City departments everyday. When Chairwoman St. John questioned whether there was room in this project for assistance from another City board, Mr. Fisher explained that the Community Relations Board worked in conjunction with City staff. He feels this is a project that the Community Relations Board handles. He suggested continuing to offer assistance if it is needed and recommended attending the event. Ms. Lengert and Ms. Murray left the meeting at 8:35 p.m. to attend another meeting. Chairwoman St. John also pointed out that the Community Relations Board discussed the lack of summer employment for the children of this community. The Private Industry Council used to help in this area, but the City has not been involved in that program for the last two years. The Community Relations Board is planning to conduct a job fair to help people prepare for a th job interview. They will hold a workshop meeting on June 10 to plan this event. Mr. 7 MEETING MINUTES ADVISORY BOARD ON CHILDREN & YOUTH BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 28, 1998 Waldman advised that his wife conducted such workshops for college students and would be able to provide information on this subject. D. Youth Expo Chairwoman St. John is in the process of filling out the applications for the contests. As soon as th they are completed, she will submit them. The Youth Expo will be held on November 7 and th 8. When the Expo was last discussed, it was decided that there would be contests for art and creative writing. No decision was made with regard to the photography contest, and there was a consensus to eliminate the Drama Contest. Chairwoman St. John favors including a drama contest. Mr. Fisher agreed and volunteered to handle the drama contest. Motion Vice Chairman Borovy moved to put the Drama Contest back in. Mr. Waldman seconded the motion that carried unanimously. This year’s theme is “Volunteerism”. th Information will be sent to the school when classes reconvene on August 9. Chairwoman St. John urged the members to begin approaching the entertainers, sponsors and the people who want tables. Chairwoman St. John will send out letters to everyone that she sent letters to last year and all sponsors involved in the Youth Volunteer Bank. Mr. Waldman suggested discussing this item as a priority at the next meeting. Storytellers can be included in the Youth Expo again this year and they can be stationed at City Hall in the Mall. th A workshop meeting to discuss the Youth Expo will be held on Saturday, June 27 at 9:00 a.m. Chairwoman St. John will attempt to secure the Library as the location for this meeting. She will notify the members of the location. Mr. Waldman left the meeting at 8:45 p.m. E. Skate Park Chairwoman St. John reported that the County would build the Skate Park at Caloosa Park. She had no further information on this subject. F. Visions, Views, and City News Chairwoman St. John reported that Visions, Views, and City News will contain a column covering the City advisory boards. The first column will be a combined Advisory Board on Children & Youth and Education Advisory Board information column. She urged all members to submit information to be included in the column. The deadline for submission of the text is th June 15. 8 MEETING MINUTES ADVISORY BOARD ON CHILDREN & YOUTH BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 28, 1998 Chairwoman St. John advised that she completed the packet of information regarding the creation of the Youth Council that will be forwarded to the City Manager. She read the letter to the members. (A copy of the letter is attached to the original copy of these minutes on file in the City Clerk’s Office.) Motion Vice Chairman Borovy moved to endorse the letter read by Chairwoman St. John. Mr. Fisher seconded the motion that carried unanimously. VIII. PUBLIC AUDIENCE: This item was moved up earlier in the meeting. IX. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Advisory Board on Children & Youth, Vice Chairman Borovy moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Kuehn seconded the motion that carried unanimously. The meeting properly adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Janet M. Prainito Deputy City Clerk (Three Tapes) 9