Minutes 07-23-98 MINUTES OF THE ADVISORY BOARD ON CHILDREN AND YOUTH MEETING HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ON THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1998 AT 7:00 P.M. PRESENT STAFF Shanna St. John, Chairperson Melody Green, Recreation Director Bob Borovy, Vice Chairman Amy DeVries, Student Angela Girtman Hattie Miller Charles Fisher Stephen Waldman, Alternate Steven Kuehn, Student ABSENT Jermane Ivery, Student Marie Lengert Ida Murray, Alternate Denise Panton I. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson St. John called the meeting to order at 7: 04 p.m. A quorum was declared present. II. MOMENT OF SILENT PRAYER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Following a moment of silent prayer, Vice Chairman Bob Borovy led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION Upon motion by Steve Waldman and second by Ms. Girtman the Agenda was approved. Motion carried unanimously. MEETING MINUTES CHILDREN AND YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 23, 1998 IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION Vice Chair Borovy moved that the Minutes of the June 25, 1998 meeting be approved. Motion seconded by Mr. Waldman. Motion carried unanimously. Chairperson St. John requested a correction be made to the Minutes on page 4, Section VI. (New Business), Item A. The words “Youth Volunteer Bank” should be deleted and substituted in place the words “Bowling Tournament”. Chairperson St. John called for a motion to approve the minutes, as amended. MOTION Vice Chair Borovy moved that the Minutes of the June 25, 1998 meeting, as amended, be approved. Motion seconded by Mr. Waldman. Motion carried unanimously. V. PRESENTATIONS, CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Delwin Finch – Summer Youth Coordinator Work Force Development Board Chairperson St. John informed members that Ms. Girtman had invited a guest to speak at this evening’s meeting. Ms. Girtman introduced Delwin Finch and stated she invited Mr. Finch to address the Board on the issue of summer youth employment, which has been of concern to this Board. Mr. Finch agreed to address the Board this evening to familiarize us with the summer youth program offered by the Workforce Development Board. Mr. Finch stated he is the School-to-Work and Summer-Youth-Employment Training Program Coordinator for the Palm Beach County Workforce Development Board. The Workforce Development Board is a non-profit organization responsible for administering JTPA funding which stands for Job Training and Partnership Act. It was enacted in the mid-70’s and is a training fund for adult and youth. Workforce Development Board is also responsible for the Welfare Reform Act, commonly known as “WAGES”. The summer youth program contract provides summer employment opportunities for young people, ages 14 through 21. That program is divided into two groups, in-school youth, 14 to 17, and out-of-school youth, 18 to 21. At this time, future funding is 2 MEETING MINUTES CHILDREN AND YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 23, 1998 questionable. Congress is considering not funding this program, as funding has been a problem in prior years. All of Development Board’s services are subcontracted out and the Development Board only administers the programs. The program has 1525 people in the summer youth portion through Palm Beach County, half in the Glades area and the other half divided evenly along the coast. There are 1200 in-school youth in this program and it has the same ratio as the summer youth program. All participants are disadvantaged youth and must meet certain criteria. In order for the City to participate in the summer youth program the City would have to enter into a work site agreement, whereby the City agrees to develop a certain number of job positions. The Workforce Development Board pays the youth, as well as furnishing the liability and worker’s compensation insurance. Mr. Finch stated that the nd employment period is for six weeks and started June 22. All youth receive at least minimum wage, and actually most receive $6.00 per hour, and all positions are considered entry-level positions. Any of these youth can be hired at the end of the program, if so desired. Mr. Finch stated there is a group of youth working in City Hall every Friday afternoon through the PAXON Program. They are working in the Planning Department performing microfilming. Mr. Finch stated that he could be contacted to arrange for a work site agreement between the City and the Workforce Development Board. Ms. Girtman inquired if there was a limit in the number of participants in the programs? Mr. Finch stated participants were determined by available funding. There is a fund of money for each of the two programs. The money intended for the out-of-school youth was actually eliminated several years ago, so to keep that program running, money is taken from the summer youth program. Mr. Waldman inquired where their offices are located and Mr. Finch stated the 600 S. Dixie Highway, West Palm Beach, Workforce Development Board is located at Florida 33401. Vice Chair Borovy inquired who controls the funding? Mr. Finch stated it originates at the federal government as a block grant to the State. The State distributes the funds according to the juvenile population in the State and the number of economically disadvantaged youth in the area. Mr. Girtman inquired how students could participate in the program. Mr. Finch stated all applications are taken through their one-stop centers, which are located throughout the County. There is a center located at Military Trail and Atlantic Avenue in a shopping mall in Delray Beach. Mr. Finch stated that they also do recruitment through various clubs and organizations. Last spring for the first time a youth job fair was held at the 3 MEETING MINUTES CHILDREN AND YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 23, 1998 Palm Beach Mall, which was very successful. Job fairs are tentatively scheduled to be held next year, not only at the Palm Beach Mall, but at the Boynton Beach Mall as well. The job fairs are open to all young people. Volunteerism is also encouraged for the younger person who is too young to work, but is able to volunteer in order to build up a resume for future employment. Mr. Waldman inquired if there is training involved. Mr. Finch stated older youth are required to attend a two-day course in group maturity skills, as well as interviewing for the position. Speakers are also brought in to discuss career pathways. Ms. Amy DeVries inquired if they had a web site? Mr. Finch stated their web address is www.pbcwdb.com. Mr. Waldman stated that the City’s Community Relations Board is planning a job fair in the fall and asked Mr. Finch if he would be available to assist with that Board’s job fair. Ms. Green asked Mr. Finch for the telephone numbers for the Workforce Development Board and Mr. Finch provided the following phone numbers: 659-5213 x 206; fax - 659-5955; and e-mail - d.finch@pbc.wdb.com. Chairperson St. John inquired if Mr. Finch knew of the number of Boynton Beach youth currently participating in their programs? Mr. Finch did not have those figures readily available. Ms. Green inquired how the City’s Parks and Recreation Department could recruit youngsters? Mr. Finch stated that the program currently has youths working in the Parks and Recreation program for Pleasant City and would assist Ms. Green with a work site agreement with the City for 30 participants. Chairperson St. John inquired if there are follow-ups by the Workforce Development Board while the youth is employed? Mr. Finch stated they have a staff of 23 youth counselors that assist in this area. Chairperson St. John stated that when the City was involved in this program several years ago there was a transportation problem. Mr. Finch stated they do not administer that particular program anymore. Also, there is an agreement with Palm Tran to get the students to and from their jobs. Chairperson St. John thanked Mr. Finch for taking the time to address the Board. Mr. Waldman suggested that this Board prepare a letter to the appropriate State Representatives to support continued funding for the JTPA. 4 MEETING MINUTES CHILDREN AND YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 23, 1998 Motion Mr. Waldman moved that this Board prepare and forward a letter to the appropriate Representatives supporting the JTPA, Job Training Partnership Act, Title IIB Program. Motion seconded by Vice Chair Borovy. Motion unanimously carried. B. CDF Updates Chairperson St. John informed members that the latest Children’s Defense Funds Updates are in their packets. C. America’s Children 1998 – ChildStats Chairperson St. John stated that in “surfing” the web she discovered ChildStats and members were referred to the material in their packets. Chairperson St. John said that she has sent for more information. D. Children Service’s Council – 1997 Annual Report Chairperson St. John referred members to the Children Service’s Council Annual Report in their packet and informed members that she has contacted the public relation’s representative of the Children Service’s Council to address the September meeting. Chairperson St. John stated that Marlene Passell would be attending the September meeting to present funding opportunities. Children Service’s Council also requested a table at the Youth Expo. VI. NEW BUSINESS A. Teen Center Chairperson St. John stated that in the “Notables Section” of the Palm Beach Post there was an article on the City of Wellington’s new teen center and said now is the time to discuss a teen center for the City of Boynton Beach. It was first discussed when the Board was first formed in 1981 and was one of the main goals at that time. Although there are a few activities at the Hester Center, the south end of the City should also have a teen center. Chairperson St. John stated that at the Commission meeting this past Tuesday, the suggestion was made that the Lucille & Otley property would be purchased for a senior center. In the Visions 20/20, $2 million has been allocated for a senior center, but since only $500,000 is being allocated for a senior center, there 5 MEETING MINUTES CHILDREN AND YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 23, 1998 should be extra money remaining which could be used to build a teen center, perhaps next to the Art Center and Library. Ms. Green stated that the $2 million has not been funded and is simply the cost if necessary to build a brand new building for a senior center. Therefore, there will not be $1.5 million“ left” for a teen center. Vice Chairperson St. John stated the teen center could be used for training and study, as well as having a game room. Mr. Fisher stated that if the Florida Theatre venture with the old high school building materializes, perhaps some of the building could be used for a teen center. Also, Chairperson St. John said the possibility exists that the senior center could be shared as a teen center. Ms. Girtman asked Ms. Green if she was aware of the City’s unofficial position on a teen center and does the City feel that the teen room in the Hester Center is the designated teen center for the City? Ms. Green stated that there should be more done for teens. Also, it is a challenge to find programs that teens will actually participate in. Teens in the community have been interviewed for their input. There is always a group of youths hanging about the library and Ms. Farace has asked that some game tables be placed at the Civic Center to accommodate these children. Unfortunately, the Civic Center is not very large and is reserved six one-half days per week. Therefore in actuality, there is not much available time to schedule teen activities at the Civic Center. There has been discussion about having other activities for youth in the old high school if the Florida Stage Theatre occupies the building. The Commission made it clear that this is only one proposal being considered. Also, there has been discussion on using part of the program room in the library as a game room, as a temporary location. Further, Ms. Green stated that there were many priority projects in the City and a teen center is not a number one priority at this time. Ms. Girtman inquired if there were any plans for the current civic center. Ms. Green stated that her department has submitted a request for a new community center in the southern part of the City. This will be included in the total package for capital improvement items that will be determined if needed for the City. There is no funding source identified for this purpose. In actuality, a civic center twice the size of the existing one is needed to meet the needs of the community. People are aware that there is a need for a new civic center. Chairperson St. John suggested that United Way be contacted to determine if there is any consideration for a Boys and Girls Club for Boynton Beach and determine whether a teen center is being considered for inclusion the new “Y”. Mr. Fisher stated he would contact the United Way to pursue this issue further. 6 MEETING MINUTES CHILDREN AND YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 23, 1998 B. Kaleidoscope Chairperson St. John stated she had read recently about a program called Kaleidoscope that might be losing its funding in West Palm Beach and had asked Steve Waldman to obtain more information on the organization. Mr. Waldman stated he contacted two people in West Palm Beach and met with them recently. Mr. Waldman said he was provided with some material, which he referred to Ms. Green, who stated she briefly looked at the information and found it very informative. The organization held an international festival and the cost of the program was budgeted at $50,000. This is basically a multi-cultural program and sponsored many events in the West Palm Beach area. However they did not feel the program is completely ended and will know for certain by the end of August, since funding from other sources is still being sought. Mr. Waldman felt the program was a very worthwhile program focusing on family involvement, which affords people an opportunity to learn more about each other’s cultures. Mr. Waldman distributed the material furnished to him to the members. This program could be tied into the G.A.L.A, as well as the Youth Expo. Discussion continued on how more multi-cultural events could be included in the G.A.L.A. C.Publicity List Mr. Fisher prepared a publicity list for press release mailings and presented the list to Ms. Green for inclusion in the Recreation Department computer to be available for future mailings. VII. OLD BUSINESS A. Bowling Tournament Vice Chair Borovy gave an update and stated there are approximately 25 teams pre- registered for the tournament. Mr. Fisher stated he has prepared a flyer for review for distribution throughout the City. After it has been proofread and finalized, Mr. Fisher will provide the final version for copying and distribution, which Ms. Green has offered to do. The Board reviewed the flyer and discussed revisions. Vice Chair Borovy stated that pizza will be furnished and for those wishing to purchase the BBQ chicken plate, the cost will be $5.00. Mr. Waldman stated that the bowling shoes were at no charge for the children, but the cost is $1.50 for adults. Manhattan Trophydonated 12 trophies Vice Chair Borovy informed members that for the tournament. All four categories will each have a first, second and third place trophy 7 MEETING MINUTES CHILDREN AND YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 23, 1998 for presentation. Mr. Waldman stated that pre-registration is permitted and anyone wanting to pre-register can go to the bowling alley to do so. The proceeds of the tournament will be used for the Children and Youth’s Scholarship Fund. B. Butterfly Garden Vice Chair Borovy said that 29 youth have confirmed that they will be attending the planting. Also, Chairperson St. John said that gardening gloves for the children are needed and if the Board is agreeable, she will purchase the gloves on behalf of the Board. Discussion ensued regarding the cost of the gloves and it was determined there should be sufficient funds available for the gloves. Chairperson St. John informed the Aldrich Nurseries had contacted her and Mr. Aldrich Board that Steve Aldrich of offered to donate the plants for the Butterfly Garden . Chairperson St. John then contacted Ms. Hall, who was in charge of procuring the plants, and Ms. Hall indicated that the plants had already been ordered. Chairperson St. John requested they be cancelled since Aldrich Nurseries has donated them. Ms. Hall indicated she would call Aldrich Nurseries and coordinate the donation of the plants. Ms. Green stated she would follow through on this issue to determine what plants have actually been donated and if any were still purchased. Vice Chair Borovy stated it was important that the children be furnished with gloves. Chairperson St. John informed the Board that the arbor has been constructed and mulch is in place. There were at least ten Boy Scouts, as well as some younger volunteers that were present last Saturday to prepare the Butterfly Garden for planting and they are to be commended on the excellent job they performed. After discussion, it was determined that approximately 40 youth will be present on Saturday for the planting. Chairperson St. John stated she had spoken to Chuck McGinnis of the Palm Beach Post and he indicated he would try to have a photographer present on Saturday. Hopefully, a reporter will attend so that an article can be included in the paper. It was determined that the Rotary would be invited when the sign was ready for unveiling. Vice Chair Borovy suggested inviting the Mayor and the City Commissioners. Chairperson St. John said a press release was furnished to the Sun Sentinel and requested that Mr. Fisher contact the Boynton Beach Times. C. Open Forum Chairperson St. John stated that the Education Advisory Board presented an open forum recently, at which representatives of the Palm Beach County School Board delivered a very informative presentation on the School Board’s five year plan. Mr. Waldman stated he had a book available for review. Chairperson St. John stated the Senior Board would be hosting the October forum and that the purpose of the Open 8 MEETING MINUTES CHILDREN AND YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 23, 1998 Forums is for the four Boards to keep each other apprised of each other’s progress and to exchange ideas. Unfortunately, at the last forum, because of the special presentation, there was no time allotted for the Boards to communicate. Chairperson St. John stated that the Agenda was not completely copied and there were items on the back of the first page that were omitted as follows and are to be included in tonight’s Agenda: J. Webb Site K. Community Relations’ Job Fair L. Account and Budget Status VIII. PUBLIC AUDIENCE IX. ADJOURNMENT D. Youth Expo Chairperson St. John informed members that the Sun Sentinel News has become the $2,500.00 event’s sponsor of the Youth Expo and has donated towards the event, plus an entire package of promotional items, including banners, flyers, posters, advertising and much, much more. At the last Youth Expo workshop it was determined to locate one event sponsor for $2500.00 and four individual contest sponsors of $1,000.00 each. Chairperson St. John briefed members about an article on the NationsBank, which donated a significant sum of money to the United Way for children’s issues and suggested they be contacted for a sponsorship. Mr. Fisher gave an overview of the meeting at the Sun Sentinel a few days ago with Julianne Carelli, Events Marketing Coordinator and Déborah Comm, Educational Services Special Projects Coordinator. It was determined that in future years a request for more funding could be made to the Sun Sentinel. A contract is being prepared. The paper also requested final approval on any item or place where the newspaper’s logo is used. Also, Ms. Comm stated that the Sun Sentinel published a science book, which sold for $10.00 and offered the books to the Board for sale with the proceeds to be shared equally. Consideration should be given to selling the book at the G.A.L.A. or at the Youth Expo. Chairperson St. John stated that the Youth Expo should be limited to free items, but the book could be sold at the G.A.L.A. The paper will also provide giveaways. Ms. Green stated she would contact Hunter’s Run for a contribution, since that organization has always generously contributed to youth activities. Vice Chair Borovy stated he would contact Mr. Tom Lynch of Plastridge Insurance Agency, as well as Mr. Paul Raffa of McDonald’s for a $1,000.00 contribution each. Mr. Fisher indicated he 9 MEETING MINUTES CHILDREN AND YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 23, 1998 would contact Levenger’s for a possible sponsorship as well. Mr. Waldman will contact the Kodak Company also for potential sponsorship. Chairperson St. John requested that once a company as been contacted to advise her in order to avoid duplications. Other businesses for potential sponsorships were discussed. Chairperson St. John inquired if the Library Program Room would be available for a Youth Expo workshop on Saturday, August 8 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Ms. Green stated she would speak to Ms. Farace to reserve the room. Arrangement of the tables at the Expo would be discussed at the workshop. Also, there will be two stages and Amy DeVries has agreed to be the M.C. Chairperson St. John requested that all members attend the workshops. E. Old High School – Partnership with Theatre Mr. Fisher and Vice Chair Borovy attended the meeting to partnership with the Florida Stage for creation of a theatre in the Old High School, which would be a family oriented theatre on a professional level. Studios and after school programs would be introduced. Mr. Fisher stated that the Florida Stage presented themselves as a financially sound organization and are experienced theatre operators. The Palm Beach County Cultural Society is doing a feasibility study on the potential for the theatre and the meeting was strictly an informational meeting. Mr. Fisher stated he approached Commissioner Titcomb and inquired how the Children and Youth Board could become involved in this project. F. Sexual Predator/Offenders Chairperson St. John referred Members to the newspaper article that is included in their handouts. The Boynton Times indicated they do not publish the names and addresses of sexual predators in their paper because in the past incorrect information had been furnished. The possibility exists that the Boynton Times might publish just the picture of the predator with his name only. The article was discussed at length. Chairperson St. John indicated she was going to contact the Police Officer in charge of distributing the Police Beat to include in the next edition information on how to access sexual offender information on the Internet. Chairperson St. John suggested sending a letter to both newspapers requesting they publish the photographs and names of sexual predators, as well as the Internet address where the actual home address of the sexual predator can be accessed. 10 MEETING MINUTES CHILDREN AND YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 23, 1998 Motion Mr. Waldman moved that this Board compose and forward a letter to The Boynton Beach Times and the Palm Beach Post urging those newspapers to publish the photograph and names of sexual predators and to include information on how to access their addresses with the correct web site address. Vice Chair Borovy seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. G. America’s Promise & Youth Council Chairperson St. John stated that she would like to organize a meeting to establish a youth council. Mr. Fisher indicated he spoke with Dr. Marilee Middleton and Rita Thrasher of Boca Raton (Phone No. 395-3063 and Fax No. 394-4161; E-mail brpromis@gate.net) and they will contact us when their next meeting is scheduled in order that a member from this Board could attend. Chairperson St. John stated America’s Promise is requesting that the plans and goals be established by the end of the year 2000. Ms. Green suggested that a representative member of this Board attend the other Board meetings to acquaint the Boards with America’s Promise and obtain their feedback. All open forum Boards should be included in America’s Promise. Mr. Waldman indicated he would attend the next Education Advisory Board Meeting and Ms. Green will contact Ms. Farace to include America’s Promise on their next agenda. Also the Community Relations Board liaison, Wilfred Hawkins will be contacted to have this item included in that Board’s next agenda. The purpose of attending the meetings is to gain that Board’s input on the material that was furnished to them on America’s Promise and Youth Council. Chairperson St. John suggested that each Board appoint a representative to attend a workshop on America’s Promise and a date and time can be established at the August meeting. With regard to the Education Advisory Board, Chairperson St. John suggested that the Youth Council be included on their agenda with America’s Promise. Chairperson St. John has a list of teens from the volunteer bank and City Boards that could be included in establishing a youth council. Chairperson St. John stated she would like a youth council formed as soon possible once school commences. 11 MEETING MINUTES CHILDREN AND YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 23, 1998 H. Child Safety Program Presentation Scheduled speakers: Chief Marshall Gage, Boynton Beach Police Department Chief James Kelly, Palm Beach School District Police (Thursday, August 27, 1998, 6:30 p.m., Boynton Beach Library) Chairperson St. John referred members to the flyer in their handouts. Discussion ensued as to where the flyers should be distributed. It was determined that the flyers will be placed in all City facilities and distributed to all homeowner and condo associations. The program should also be included in the calendar sections of the Palm Beach Post, the Sun Sentinel and Boynton Beach Times. Also, Mr. Waldman inquired if an additional program is still being planned for child safety in the home at which the Fire Commissioner and a representative from the Red Cross would make a presentation. After discussion, it was determined that the program Tuesday, December 10th from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. could be offered on the Since the regularly scheduled meeting of the Board in December would be Christmas Eve, the meeting date would have to be changed in any event. Ms. Green stated she would Library Program Room for that date and time. reserve the I. Youth Volunteer Bank Chairperson St. John informed members she has completed the accountability report and the letters to previous sponsors thanking them for their support. J. Web Site Mr. Fisher stated he met with Ms. Farace and her staff member to review the City’s web site and offered suggestions to improve the web site. The web site is now more easily accessible and has been designated as “family friendly”. Ms. Farace has been furnished with information for the Palm Beach Community Links. Chairperson St. John stated that when she accessed PBI.com she discovered that they did not have the correct listing of the current City Commissioners. K. Community Relations Job Fair Mr. Waldman attended the last workshop for the Job Fair and informed members that Chairman Washam developed an acronym for the Job Fair to be known as “STAR”, “students trained and ready”. There is another workshop scheduled for Wednesday, th July 29 at 7:00 p.m. Burdines has been contacted for information on their program. 12 MEETING MINUTES CHILDREN AND YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 23, 1998 th The dates for the job fair are October 17 for training and the actual job fair is October th 24, with both sessions scheduled at the Civic Center. L. Account and Budget Status Chairperson St. John inquired if the cost of the paper that was discussed at the last meeting had been refunded and credited to the Board’s account? Ms. Green said she would check on the status of the refund. M. Visions Views and City News Chairperson St. John referred members to this Board’s article that appeared in the Visions Views and City News. N. Youth Manual 1. Chairperson St. John stated the Garden Club has furnished the Youth Manual included in their handout. The Garden Club would like to partnership with the Children and Youth Board for the establishment of a garden club youth group and this could tie in with the youth volunteer program. 2. Chairperson St. John referred the members to a newspaper article on “President Clinton calls for fall conference to examine violence in schools” and a conference is scheduled for October 15th. 3. Chairperson St. John read an article on teen violence, which she obtained from the Internet describing a future teen summit and informed members she will try to obtain more information on the summit. VIII. PUBLIC AUDIENCE None 13 MEETING MINUTES CHILDREN AND YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 23, 1998 IX. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ____________________________ Barbara M. Madden Recording Secretary (three tapes) 14