Minutes 10-09-96
Ron Washam, Chairman Wilfred Hawkins, Assistant to the
Elizabeth Jenkins, Vice Chairperson City Manager
Ronald Bair Lt. Chris Yannuzzi, Police Dept.
Belky Cruz
Joy Currier
Blanche Girtman
Brenda Lee Williams
Dee Zibelli
Arthur Berman, Alternate
Natalie Macon
Chairman Washam called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance to
the Flag was led by Ms. Cruz. A moment of silent prayer was observed.
The Recording Secretary called the roll. Ms. Williams was not yet present.
Chairman Washam welcomed Michele Costantino, her son, Cory, and Officer Dan Vargas
of the Boynton Beach Police Department to the meeting.
No additions, deletions, or corrections were made to the agenda.
Vice Chairperson Jenkins moved to approve the agenda. Ms. Girtman seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
No additions, deletions, or corrections were made to the minutes of the last meeting.
Ms. Girtman moved to approve the minutes of the September 11, 1996 meeting. Vice
Chairperson Jenkins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
At this time, Ms. Williams arrived.
Michele Costantino
, 155 Flamingo Drive, stated that there is a serious drug and gang
problem in her neighborhood. (Her written statement is attached to the original minutes on
file in the City Clerk's Office.) She said the people have lost interest in the Wrice marches,
and she would like help in starting a Crime Watch in her neighborhood. She advised that
the Boynton Times is not delivered to her neighborhood and felt it would help if there was
communication between the community and the police officers. She would like the
Community Police Officers back in her neighborhood. She said the kids like to ride their
bikes with the officers, and they feel secure that they can follow the officers and not have
to worry about someone jumping them and stealing their bikes. She asked for any
assistance the board could offer.
Ms. Williams asked if the residents in that area have formed a neighborhood association.
Ms. Costantino said there is a very loose organized home owners association. Ms. Zibelli
added that there used to be a neighborhood association, but a lot of people did not attend
because it was on a Friday night when everyone gets paid and goes shopping. In addition,
many of them participated in the Wrice marches. She stated that the gang problem has
affected Ocean Parkway.
Ms. Williams asked if the police patrol that area. Ms. Zibelli advised that the police
respond very quickly when she calls them. She said she heard that the police were taken
out of the Shop Kwik store where they had an office.
Lt. Yannuzzi explained that the Police Department started an initiative in Zone 3 (MLK
Boulevard between Seacrest and Federal Highway) the first week in August. From August
4th through August 18th, the Boynton Beach Police Department and the Palm Beach
County Sheriff's Office M.A.N. (Multi-Agency Narcotics) Unit formed a task force and
targeted the MLK area between 9th and 11th, the area between Seacrest and the railroad
tracks. We targeted drug dealing and took care of some prostitution problems. In order to
provide adequate personnel for that operation, all of the 12 officers associated with
community patrol were pulled from their neighborhood assignments. That operation was a
great success. One hundred and thirty-three arrests were made. We were able to
successfully gain some headway in taking back that area, and we did not want to give any
of that back. Therefore, in addition to the officers assigned to that area, we set up a day
shift and an afternoon shift with two officers on each shift to maintain a presence there.
During the last week in September, we decided it would be best if we assigned the officers
to that area on a weekly basis instead of pulling them out of their assigned neighborhoods
on a daily basis. That seemed to work better in allowing the officers to get back into their
neighborhoods as often as they can.
In addition, during this period of time, the Police Executive Research Forum (P.E.R.F.)
provided all the Community Patrol Officers with a week's worth of training in problem
oriented policing. This training dealt with analyzing the calls for service and the reasons
behind the calls for service.
We have maintained zero tolerance in the original target area, and we have expanded to
encompass Poole's Diner and areas in Cherry Hill. We realize that there is a resurgence
of the problem that used to exist in the original target area of the Wrice Process, namely,
N.W. 3rd Street and N.W. 4th Street between Boynton Beach Boulevard and 4th Avenue,
the area around Latin American Grocery, and a couple of houses north of there. There
has also been increased activity in the Sand Castle area just north of the City limits. The
Sheriff's Office is aware of that increased activity and we have joined efforts with them.
Lt. Yannuzzi explained that when you attempt to target an area, you are going to push the
dealers elsewhere. We knew this was going to occur. We do not want to chase them and
allow them to slide in behind us. We are exercising proper tactics by maintaining a
physical presence and moving out as we can.
Several months ago we attempted to create designated areas in the City and assign
Community Patrol Officers to those areas. We assigned officers to Zone 1 (north of
Gateway Boulevard), Zone 2 (the area between Gateway Boulevard and the C-16 Canal),
Zone 3 (Boynton Beach Boulevard to the C-16 Canal, Zone 5 (the area where Mr. Bair
lives), and Zone 6 (Golfview Harbour). When this initiative came along in August, we
concentrated on Zone 3. As officers could, they got back into their areas.
We have attempted to establish an office inside Shop Kwik at 3001 N. Seacrest Boulevard.
We are working with the homeowners and the landlords that own residences in the area to
help clean up the area. We are utilizing the vacant residences as points for surveillance.
We have been working with the Palm Beach County Transportation Agency with regard to
relocating bus stops so that the dealers or suspects cannot claim that they are waiting for a
bus when they are standing on a particular corner. Unfortunately, an incident occurred
during this week's Wrice march that may cause us to losing the office inside the Shop
Kwik. However, we are attempting to rectify that situation.
As a result of targeting a particular area of the City, all the other neighborhoods in the City
have not had the neighborhood officers that they were originally assigned to have. It is
now a matter of scheduling and getting them back into the neighborhoods. At 6:30 p.m. at
Ezell Hester Park, there is going to be a community meeting for the area between the C-16
Canal and Gateway Boulevard. Officers Peters and Ribatto, who are assigned to that
area, will be there. Officers Vargas and Santana will be back in their assigned
neighborhoods at least two out of every three weeks. They are assigned to the extra unit
in Zone 3 during the third week.
Ms. Cruz felt we need community patrol back in our communities. Lt. Yannuzzi advised
her that the officers feel the same way. However, we had to seize that opportunity to work
closer with the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office M.A.N. unit, which caused us to change
direction a little.
Lt. Yannuzzi clarified that we did not take all the officers out of the rest of the City. The
general patrol officers still patrol every zone in the City 24 hours a day. The Community
Patrol Officers and the officers associated with the Directed Patrol Unit are additional units
that were redirected to a specific problem. We realized before we started that the dealers
were going to move elsewhere and we have been planning to tackle that issue. However,
we did not want to give up any ground that we gained.
Ms. Currier asked if the community Crime Watch groups had better results when the
officers came into the neighbors to somebody's house. Lt. Yannuzzi explained that one of
the problems with Crime Watch groups is that sometimes there is a sense of complacency.
When you are successful, you start to not show up at the meetings.
Instead of concentrating all their efforts in one area, Ms. Williams suggested that the police
randomly concentrate on different areas so that the criminal element will not know their
schedule and will be thrown off guard. She asked how many officers the department is
down. Lt. Yannuzzi advised that we are short about 6. There are 132 sworn police officer
positions allotted for in the budget. Five officers are currently in training and it is going to
be a while before they are out on their own.
In light of the tragedy that occurred last week, Ms. Girtman asked if it is possible to reduce
the speed limit on Seacrest Boulevard. Lt. Yannuzzi advised her that Seacrest Boulevard
is a County Road. Therefore, the County has to make that decision. Ms. Girtman said
several men gather on the southwest corner of 6th Avenue and Seacrest, and the women
are afraid to pass that area.
Ms. Zibelli heard that the Wrice process is going to end by January 1st. Lt. Yannuzzi
believes Chief Gage's comments were misinterpreted. He believes Chief Gage hopes the
situation will have been addressed so that there will be no need to continue the Wrice
Process. He stated that the support for the Wrice marchers is occurring north of Gateway
Boulevard, not in Zone 3. Members of that community are coming into the area of MLK
Boulevard, N.W. 10th Avenue, Cherry Hill, and are marching with a small group of local
residents in those areas. This past Saturday, there were about 10 people when we started
marching. As we moved up into the area north of Gateway Boulevard and headed down
Miner Road, we picked up another 10 or 15 people from the residences along that road.
When we crossed Seacrest and headed toward Shop Kwik, we had about 20 or 25 people.
Mr. Bair referred to the problem in Ms. Costantino's neighborhood and said he had a
similar situation in his neighborhood. About two years ago, the residents in that area
started a Crime Watch operation. With regard to Ms. Costantino's concern about lack of
communication, he advised that at the meetings held at the Police Department every other
month, computer printouts of the crimes and the crime locations are provided. The people
can review them and see what is occurring in their neighborhood. The members of the
Crime Watch can then visit with the people to find out what happened and see if there is
something that can be done to help them secure their homes better, etc., to prevent it from
happening again. He also recommended that when Ms. Costantino forms a Crime Watch
and is able to get the police to go there and talk with the group, that they hold the meeting
outdoors in an area where the criminal element can see the neighborhood gathering
together in force. It sends a very clear, strong message to these individuals.
He would like the board to write a letter to Chief Gage asking him to reinstate Community
Policing as soon as it is feasible to do so. It builds a strong rapport between the officers
and the citizens.
Lt. Yannuzzi advised that the Police Department is already working towards that.
Ms. Girtman suggested waiting another month to see what comes out of the rescheduling
of the officers into their former positions.
Vice Chairperson Jenkins was also in favor of Community Policing because Community
Police Officers know the people and are more pleasant. Ms. Girtman added that
Community Police Officers are friendlier than the officers who patrol in cars. Chairman
Washam agreed that Community Policing is important; however, he also felt we all need to
be more united in our neighborhoods.
Ms. Currier inquired about sensitivity training. Lt. Yannuzzi advised that it is a State
mandate that every officer receive 16 hours of human diversity training every four years.
Ms. Costantino said the community needs to know what position the owner of the Shop
Kwik is taking. That store is a hangout and men have been seen urinating on the building.
The community is having a problem understanding what is going on because they see the
owner of that store tolerating what they do not want in their neighborhood. She asked
how the community can support the officers working out of that store when they do not
want it in their neighborhood. She said perhaps the community would feel more
comfortable if they had some assurance that the owner of that store is cooperating.
Lt. Yannuzzi explained that during a Wrice march, the marchers were verbally engaged
with the owner in front of the store. They had no knowledge what this gentleman has done
for us in the past and what he is planning to do for us. The owner did not appreciate what
happened and has now taken an opposite stance with regard to us moving in there.
However, we hope we will be able to fix that situation. He agreed that the community
needs to know exactly what is going on at all times so that they understand that we are not
developing a relationship with a bad guy. Chairman Washam advised Lt. Yannuzzi to let
the board know if they can help rectify this situation.
Lt. Yannuzzi advised that we have been developing a tremendous rapport with the Palm
Beach County Housing Authority, a Federal HUD organization. The Police Department is
going to be assisting them in the "One Strike You're Out" program. This program deals
with situations where people who are arrested or creating nuisances end up being evicted
from HUD homes, either HUD owned facilities or Section 8 homes (homes owned by
somebody else but subsidized by the Federal and/or County government). This program
should be implemented in a couple of months. We will perform criminal histories of
potential tenants so that the Palm Beach County Housing Authority can decide whether or
not the tenant can move in. Once they are in, they need to comply with all the rules and
regulations set up by this program.
Also, we were awarded a little over $100,000 from the Federal Government to finance a
police officer in the Cherry Hill area to work out of the HUD office for two years. This has
to go before the City Commission for final approval.
A. Youth in Government Day - October 29, 1996
Chairman Washam advised that Youth in Government Day has been rescheduled from
October 17th to October 29th because of a conflict. Letters were sent to the schools, and
we will be endeavoring to make personal contact with the schools over the next week or
so. Mr. Hawkins advised that the letters have been mailed to the principals and the Youth
Government Advisors of each school. These are the people who the members of the
board should contact. Joyce Costello in the City Manager's Office can provide the names
of those people to the members of the board.
Mr. Hawkins invited the board members to go on the tour of the West Water Treatment
Plant with the students. He pointed out that we have the latest technology in water
filtration. If the members of the board wish to go on the tour, they should be at City Hall at
7:45 a.m.
Mr. Hawkins advised that during lunch at the Madsen Center this year, the Library Director,
Virginia Farace, is going to show a video about the history of Boynton Beach and talk to
the students a little bit about Boynton Beach.
B. Multi-Cultural Festival Update
Ms. Zibelli thanked Chairman Washam and Mr. Bair for taking off time from work to visit
Waste Management to see if they would donate some money for the festival. Chairman
Washam advised that they offered to provide recycling containers and toilets. He is going
to continue to try to get some funds from them in lieu of the toilets.
Ms. Zibelli reminded the members of the board about the festival committee meeting
tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. at the Library Administrative Conference Room.
There being no further business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned at
9:09 p.m.
Eve Eubanks
Recording Secretary
(Two Tapes)