Minutes 09-22-08
Elizabeth Pierce-Roe, Chair
William Orlove, Vice Chair (arrived at 7:22 p.m.)
John Allard
John McVey
Janelle Sloan
Wally Majors, Recreation and Parks Director
Jody Rivers, Parks Superintendent
Robert Lapin
Kurt Godfrey, Alternate
David Barie
Chair Pierce-Roe called the meeting to order at 6:37 p.m.
Chair Pierce-Roe called the roll. A quorum was present.
III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM: July 28, 2008 and August 25, 2008
Minutes of July 28. 2008
Mr. McVey moved to approve the minutes as written. Ms. Sloan seconded the motion
that passed unanimously.
Minutes of August 25. 2008
The following amendments were requested under "V. New Business, A. Parks Tour":
. Page 1, the second sentence which read as follows:
"A feasibility study had been made with regard to the Park, the Boundless
Playground and the establishment of a foundation."
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 22, 2008
should be replaced by the following sentence:
"A feasibility study had been completed."
. Page 2, the last sentence of the second paragraph on page 2 which read as
"However, the organizations were advised the funds would be used for park-
like projects and facilities that would provide health care, food and other
social services."
should be replaced by the following sentence:
"However, the organizations were advised the funds would be used for park-
like projects."
. Page 2, the third paragraph which read as follows:
"A Steering Committee consisting of Recreation and Parks staff and
Recreation and Parks Advisory Board members would identify candidates to
serve on an initial board of directors for the Foundation. It was suggested
Ms. Sloan and Messrs. Orlove and Allard serve on the Steering Committee."
should be replaced by the following sentence:
"A Steering Committee would include some members of the Recreation and
Parks Advisory Board."
. Page 2, the fourth paragraph, which read as follows:
"Optimus Park at Quantum Park had not yet been developed. Ms. Rivers
noted a conceptual plan had been prepared that included a nature preserve.
A decision had been made by the City Commission to develop another park in
this quadrant to include a nature preserve. The Assistant City Manager would
be discussing this with Commissioner Marlene Ross."
should be replaced by the following sentences:
"Quantum Park had not yet been developed. Ms. Rivers noted a conceptual
plan had been prepared that included a nature preserve."
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 22, 2008
. Page 2, the fifth paragraph which read .as follows:
"Quantum Lakes Park was comprised of 13 acres of land on which a radio
tower was situated. Revenues generated by the radio tower were deposited
into the General Fund. Two projects had been completed to remove native
vegetation and invasive species. The park was adjacent to the C-4 canal, and the
City's Blueway would connect this park to Winchester Park, Girl Scout Park and the
FP&L Park."
should be corrected to read:
"Quantum Park was comprised of 13 acres of land on which a radio tower
was situated. Revenues generated by the radio tower were deposited into
the General Fund. Two projects had been completed to remove non-native
invasive species. The park was adjacent to the C-4 canal, and the City's
Blueway would connect this park to Winchester Park, Girl Scout Park and the
FP&L Park."
. Page 2, the last sentence in the sixth paragraph which read:
"Playground equipment had been replaced and the park furniture was
should be corrected to read:
"Playground equipment had been replaced and the park furniture was
. Page 2, the last paragraph which read as follows:
"The Meadows was one of the City's most popular and active parks,
remaining open until 10:00 p.m. Many top-grade renovations had been
made over the past several years such as the playground equipment was
replaced, the shelter renovated, the tennis and basketball courts
refinished, the bathroom painted and the park furniture replaced. Private
and City-owned tennis courts were available for use. If a developer
included recreational amenities within the development, the impact fee
would be reduced. The playground equipment had been replaced, the
shelter had been renovated, the tennis and basketball courts had been
refinished, the bathroom had been painted and the park furniture had
been replaced."
should be replaced by the following sentences:
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 22, 2008
"The Meadows was one of the City's most popular and active parks,
remaining open until 10:00 p.m. Many top-grade renovations had been
made over the past several years such as the playground equipment was
replaced, the shelter renovated, the tennis and basketball courts refinished, the
bathroom painted and the park furniture replaced. City-owned tennis courts
were available for use."
. Page 3, the first paragraph which read as follows:
"Meadows-Nautica Sound Park was a "walk-to" passive park consisting of
approximately 9 acres of land. The road was designed to meet in the
middle; however, both communities had objected to this. Code required a
50 foot perimeter be maintained for passive parks. Passive parks were
required to be open to the public and mowed once a week. Pursuant to
the wishes of the community, no parking or picnic tables were provided.
The City Commission, through the City's Capital Improvement Plan,
wished to have this park developed by the City. Part of the development
process would involve the Board holding public meetings and obtaining
feedback from stakeholders. A letter had been received from a Meadows
representative requesting there be no playground equipment at the park.
The representative suggested the park include a meandering path, native
landscaping and grass; however objections were raised with respect to
irrigation. Mr. Majors noted in order to maintain a park this size, at least
one crew a week would be required to mow the grass. Staff was asked to
explore natural planning, which would minimize the need for irrigation and
should be amended to remove the following language after the third
"Passive parks were required to be open to the public and mowed once a
week. Pursuant to the wishes of the community, no parking or picnic
tables were provided. The City Commission, through the City's Capital
Improvement Plan, wished to have this park developed by the City. Part
of the development process would involve the Board holding public
meetings and obtaining feedback from stakeholders."
. Page 3, the third paragraph, "Quantum Park," should be consolidated with
"Quantum Park" paragraphs on page 2.
. Page 3, the fifth paragraph which read:
"Pioneer Canal Park included a nature preserve. HSBC Bank had donated
$10,000 for playground equipment. Parking would be considered next
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 22, 2008
year. The tennis courts had been resurfaced and the restrooms had been
renovated. While the park contained volleyball courts, they were rarely
should be replaced by the following sentences:
"Pioneer Canal Park. HSBC Bank had donated $10,000 for playground
equipment. Parking would be considered next year. The tennis courts
had been resurfaced and the restrooms had been renovated."
. Page 3, the last sentence which read:
"Galaxy Park. New bathrooms and playgrounds had been installed."
should be corrected to read:
"Galaxy Park. Bathrooms and playgrounds had been recently improved.
Mr. McVey moved to approve as amended. Ms. Sloan seconded the motion that passed
The Board requested clarification be provided as to Mr. Barie's status on the Board and
the procedure to follow if he had been removed.
A. CIP Update (review plans of upcoming projects)
Ms. Rivers reported Bicentennial Park was under contract and would be completed by
November 7, 2008, in time for the Veterans' Day commemoration on November 11,
Oceanfront Park was currently in permitting. Comments had been received from the
Department of Environmental Protection (DE!'>), which the City's consultant was in the
process of addressing. Thereafter, the Department of Environmental Protection would
have 30 days to provide the permit. The City had been permitted through the town of
Ocean Ridge. Upon completion of the process, quotes would be solicited from
Jaycee Park was also in the permitting process. South Florida Water Management
District raised concerns relating to the construction of a boardwalk. The City's
consultant was currently addressing the concerns.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 22, 2008
The permitting process for Boat Club Park was close to completion, with minor
comments to be addressed. Thereafter, bids would be solicited.
The permitting process had been completed for Congress Avenue Community Park.
Seven contractors had been shortlisted and quotes were anticipated.
Mr. Majors reported Mayor Taylor announced at a City Commission meeting that County
Commissioner Kanjian was desirous of allocating funding for a project in Boynton
Beach. It appeared the Commissioner was enthusiastic about the Congress Avenue
Chair Pierce-Roe requested additional benches be placed in Boat Club Park directly
before the boardwalk. Mr. Majors noted this could be accomplished. He noted major
improvements had been made to the building. Ms. Rivers noted the playground
equipment would be replaced. Several groups, including the Coast Guard Auxiliary,
Fishing Club and Boys Club, met at the Clubhouse.
A. New Park Development
Mr. Majors reported the City Commission recently indicated funding might be available
to develop a park in the northwest quadrant of the City. Ms. Rivers identified funding
sources which included the Land and Water Conservation Fund, Florida Recreation
Development Assistance Program (FRDAP), and potentially the South Florida Water
Management District (SFWMD). The current Greenway-Blueway Plan provided for a
water connection that would link the property to the Quantum, Winchester, FP&L and
Girl Scout sites. There was also the potential to extend some of the trails by working
with the Quantum group that owned the adjoining conservation land.
In comparing the Quantum and Winchester sites, Mr. Majors believed Quantum
provided greater options. One site had more of a nature feel, while the other more of
an urban setting. Mr. Majors noted there were no eco parks in the City, although there
were scrubs. It was believed the scrubs would be the most ecologically challenging.
Mr. Majors indicated his interest in obtaining feedback from the Quantum residents.
Early indications were there were a good number of opportunities for this type of park.
The residents in the Meadows/Nautica area had requested an ultra-passive park and as
such, there would be little public gain from a grant standpoint in terms of the two
projects. Funding was imperative in terms of development and maintenance. Ms.
Rivers pointed out mowing was the most time-consuming and expensive element in
maintenance, requiring fertilization and irrigation. The Meadows/Nautica residents
indicated an interest for a low-maintenance type of park with little or no irrigation. Any
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 22,2008
type of grass would require irrigation. Chair Pierce-Roe indicated her concern that the
residents of Meadows/Nautica did not want to include any development that would
encourage other citizens in the City to visit the area.
The Board liked the Quantum site with its natural habitat and walking trails, and had
received public support for its development. They also believed it would be easier to
obtain grant monies for the Quantum site.
The Board concurred it would be preferable at this time to develop the Quantum site
rather than Meadows/Nautica, and directed staff prepare a letter to the City Manager to
that effect. The letter would be signed by Chair Pierce-Roe.
B. Needs Assessment
Ms. Rivers noted the telephone portion of this year's needs assessment had been
completed. A consulting company randomly surveyed 400 City residents. The results
were broken down into categories for individuals aged 18-39, 40-59, 60-69 and 70-plus.
Another category was established for individuals aged 18-59 and 60-plus, which
determined a strong need for youth activities if the senior element was omitted from
the survey, and a strong need for senior activities if the younger element was omitted.
A list of 12 of the City's more frequented parks had been provided to respondents.
Results revealed 75% of the respondents could direct individuals to Oceanfront Park,
72% to Intracoastal Park, 60% to the Senior Center and 55% to the Art Center.
Thereafter, the results fell below the 50% mark in directing individuals to the Tennis
Center, Boat Club Park, Ezell Hester Center and Meadows Park. While Meadows Park
was frequented regularly, only 38% of the people surveyed could direct individuals to
this park, indicating enhanced marketing was needed. It was noted Oceanfront Park
was regional in nature, while Meadows Park was more of a neighborhood park. Ginny
Shea, of Recreation and Parks, had recently completed the annual marketing plan
update, and Web-TV and BBTV would be utilized to market the parks. It was noted
staff was currently in the process of developing 30 or 40-second marketing segments.
A new feature was noted on the City's website providing individuals an opportunity to
sign up to receive informational e-mails on subjects of interest.
The individuals surveyed were asked whether there were sufficient recreation
opportunities for each of the six age groups. The respondents felt there were sufficient
facilities for seniors and children, but not for young adults or teens. Adults and seniors
believed teens loitered and should be provided with activities. It appeared teens were
unaware of the various programs offered by the City.
It was noted 37% of Boynton residents had participated in Recreation and Parks
Department programs which included organizing team sports, individual sports and
physical activities. Staff's goal was to achieve 50% participation.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 22, 2008
The respondents were asked at what location they most preferred an activity be
offered. Results demonstrated 16% favored Oceanfront Park, 12% Intracoastal Park,
11 % the Art Center, 11% the Senior Center, and 11 % had no preference. The
respondents were asked why the locations appealed to them, and 60% indicated
convenience and familiarity were the chief components.
More than 700/0 of the respondents appreciated the concept of reduced fees or free
introductory sessions, and 25 new members enrolled at the Tennis Center.
Survey responses were divided as to time of day and day of the week. Respondents
aged 18-39 and 40-59 were more attracted to evening programs on the weekends.
Residents aged 50-plus were more attracted to weekday programs and were
moderately attracted to daytime programs.
The next portion of the needs assessment would relate to focus groups that were to be
interviewed by the consultant for the purpose of narrowing specific ideas, wants, needs
and concerns. The process was required to be completed by next week and closed out
before the end of the fiscal year. An overall executive summary would be then provided
to staff.
C. "Go Green, Halloween Clean"
The event would be held on Saturday, October 4, 2008, and people of all ages were
encouraged to help the Sand Sifters clean up Oceanfront Park. Activities would be led
by Recreation and Parks staff. In addition to beach cleanups, the Sand Sifters were
engaged in outreach programs and environmental education. Their November and
December cleanups would also provide canned foods and gifts to the Community Caring
D. Monthly Report
The monthly report would be provided in the morning.
E. Items for the City Manager's Attention
This item was discussed earlier.
It was noted the winter issue of FunFare Magazine was in process.
The passing of former Board member Patty Hammer was noted.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 22, 2008
VI. NEXT MEETING: 6:30, October 27, 2008. Mr. Majors would determine the
availability of the Boat Club Park Clubhouse.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting properly adjourned at 7:26
~~; D/
Stephanie D. Kahn
Recording Secretary