Minutes 03-04-96 MINUTES OF THE SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD MEETING HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON MONDAY, MARCH 4, 1996, AT 4:00 P.M. PRESENT Betty Collins, Chairwoman Beth Bailey, Public Information Officer Raymond Eney Geraldine Graham Jacob Rose Edgar Sackett Esther "Peggy" Stranahan James McMahon, Alternate Marion Moore, Alternate ABSENT Mary Toth 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairwoman Collins called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, MOMENT OF SILENT PRAYER The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited, followed by a moment of silent prayer. 3. ROLL CALL The Recording Secretary called the roll. Mr. Rose and Ms. Moore were not yet present. 4. AGENDA APPROVAL No additions, deletions, or corrections were made to the agenda. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. McMahon made a correction to the minutes of the last meeting. On page 5, he advised that the Senior Net has approximately 90 chapters, not 9 as stated in the minutes. Motion MINUTES SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 4, 1996 Mr. Eney moved to approve the minutes as amended. Mr. Sackett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously 6. GERALDINE CARL, AV MED REPRESENTATIVE Ms. Carl was not yet present. Chairwoman Collins advised that she was informed by Ms. Carl that AV MED is based in Hillsborough Beach, but expects to move into this area in the future. AV MED does a lot of marketing and sponsors events for seniors. Ms. Carl is very interested in our senior center. She also writes grants for certain organizations. 7. JACOB ROSE Mr. Rose was not yet present. 8. UPDATE ON SENIOR CENTER Chairwoman Collins thanked Ms. Stranahan for spending the entire Thursday at the senior center. She has a list of all the people, about 100, who attended. Chairwoman Collins said she received many calls from people who enjoyed it told her what they were looking forward to. Chairwoman Collins also thanked Mr. Eney and Ms. Graham for being there in the afternoon. Ms. Stranahan stated that a majority of the people did not know that the Madsen Center existed. Everyone was very enthusiastic and interested in the senior center. She said she was asked about card games and told the people that the only restriction would be on bridge because this requires everyone to be quiet, which would defeat the purpose of the senior center. Besides, many bridge groups already exist. Most of the people were happy that bridge was not going to be allowed. At this time, Ms. Carl arrived. Chairwoman Collins advised that a reporter from the Boynton Times would like to do a feature story about the senior center. She is trying to set something up for every Thursday morning. In the afternoons, bingo will be played. At 10:30 a.m. this Thursday, Dick Ward will speak about the different courses that seniors can take at special rates. On April 25, an eye doctor from Boca Raton will be coming with his mobile unit from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 2 MINUTES SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 4, 1996 p.m. to do eye exams. At this time, Mr. Rose arrived. Chairwoman Collins said many of the people who attended the senior center volunteered to help. She suggested that they be allowed to help at the senior center and that one of the members of the board be there to supervise. Chairwoman Collins requested that the City set up a small fund to provide refreshments at the senior center. She also suggested seeking donations. Ms. Bailey will see if this can be done. At this time, Ms. Moore arrived. Some of the other activities that Chairwoman Collins would like to see at the senior center are blood pressure screening by the Boynton Beach Fire Department, tax assistance, and voter registration. Ms. Carl advised that the Women League of Voters would be able to help with the latter. Mr. McMahon offered to send some of the maps he made of the bus routes, and decks of cards to the senior center. 6. GERALDINE CARL, AV MED REPRESENTATIVE Ms. Carl said she has been working with seniors since 1988 when she was involved with selling Medicare products. She has come in contact with seniors from all walks of life, and was involved with many of their health issues and problems. The company she presently works for is looking to sponsor events. They can provide refreshments and entertainment in the form of music for dancing or enjoyment, comedians, singers, and dancers. They also make donations. They sponsor contests and provide door prizes. They can provide blood pressure screening and counseling. Their doctors, specialists, nutritionists, etc., are available to talk on a variety of topics that would be of interest to seniors. Ms. Carl can also help with fund raising. In exchange for these services, AV MED is allowed to pass out information and brochures, and make presentations. Chairwoman Collins asked Ms. Carl to talk about Medicare and HMOs at the senior center 3 MINUTES SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 4, 1996 one Thursday. Ms. Carl will set up a date with Chairwoman Collins. 7. JACOB ROSE Mr. Rose works closely with the Palm Beach County Bar Association Pro Bono Project, attorneys who provide services without costs, as well as the Legal Aid Society, which has a department that is required to provide legal services to the elderly without regard to incomes. Even though traditional legal aid is for persons who are indigent, the Elder Law Project of Legal Aid provides services without regard to income eligibility once an individual is 60 years old. He advised that there are many areas where new laws came into effect. He distributed some brochures and an outline of the areas where most of the changes occurred. Those areas include consumer fraud, guardianship, living trust, joint property, Totten Trust and Durable Power of Attorney, probate, government benefits, age discrimination, landlord/tenant, and resources. He reviewed some of the changes in the laws in these areas, and offered to present specific topics of interest in more detail if the board desires. Consumer Fraud Mr. Rose advised that over ten billion dollars a year is lost in the consumer fraud business. Seventy-five percent of consumer fraud is perpetrated on senior citizens. The Florida Statutes have broadened the scope of theft and some things are now covered as criminal violations. These matters should be brought to the attention of the State Attorney's Office. The quickest way to address consumer fraud is to proceed in the criminal arena. This would put more pressure on individuals to comply with the law. Penalties have stiffened in the area of health care fraud. Most of the penalties have been upgraded from third degree felonies to first degree felonies. Also, under Federal Law, the RICO (Racketeering and Influencing Corrupt Organizations) Act has been expanded to include health care fraud. Chairwoman Collins said she has received complaints about long distance telephone companies mailing checks to people. The small print states that if they cash the check, 4 MINUTES SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 4, 1996 they will automatically be switched from AT&T. Mr. Rose stated that according to the advisory opinion of the Federal Trade Commission, this comes under the category of deceptive trade practice. If it is reported to the Federal Trade Commission, civil penalties can be exacted. The State Attorney's Office should be contacted about these matters. Mr. Rose urged people to question everything that they feel uncomfortable about. He advised people not to pay bills which are in dispute until the matter is straightened out. He cautioned about fraudulent car repairs. Guardianships The primary change regarding guardianships is that the court requires an attorney be appointed when an estate is worth more than $5,000. Chairwoman Collins inquired about court appointed guardians. Mr. Rose advised that an individual does not have to accept a court appointed guardian, and can ask for a different one. Living Trusts Mr. Rose advised that the Court has restricted the amount of attorney's fees to 75 percent. Mr. Rose recommended planning, even if you do not have a huge estate, to make things easier for your family. Age Discrimination Mr. Rose advised that it is unlawful to lay off a person to hire someone else or save money under the guise of reorganization or downsizing. The law has changed to allow individuals to recover liquidated damages, and the employer could be penalized for up to twice the amount that the employee would have earned. Chairwoman Collins knew of a 53 year old who was replaced by a 42 year old. She asked about the age requirement. Mr. Rose explained that this issue is in front of the Supreme Court right now. Anyone over 40 can qualify for age discrimination. You can still be a victim if the other person is older than you. Your attorney can also recover attorney's fees 5 MINUTES SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 4, 1996 for litigating. This applies to persons who work part time as well as full time. Landlord/Tenant Mr. Rose advised that the law has been expanded to allow tenants to withhold the rent from a landlord upon sending notice to the landlord that certain conditions are not in keeping with the contract. The tenant should pay the rent to the Clerk of the Court. 9. G.A.L.A. The G.A.L.A. will be held from March 22 through March 24. The board will only participate on March 23 and March 24. Chairwoman Collins will man the booth on Saturday, March 23. 10. OTHER BUSINESS None. 11. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the board, Ms. Graham moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:03 p.m. Ms. Stranahan seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Eve Eubanks Recording Secretary (One Tape) 6