Gerald Broening, Mayor
Ron Weiland, Vice Mayor
Mike Ferguson, Commissioner
Chadie Fisher, Commissioner
Mack McCray, Commissioner
Kurt Bressner, City Manager
Jim Cherof, City Attorney
Janet Prainito, City Clerk
Diane Reese, Finance Director
Call to Order
City Manager Kurt Bressner called the special meeting to order at 2:10 p.m.
Overview of Budqet
The purpose of today's meeting is to discuss the proposed operating budget and
the proposed five-year operating plan. The Capital Improvement Program (CIP)
should be finalized shortly and will be addressed separately at a future meeting.
Under State law, the City is required to prepare a spending plan for the
2001/2002 fiscal year that begins October 1, 2001 and ends September 30,
2002. At last year's budget hearing, City Manager Bressner said he would
prepare a budget with a five-year operating plan.
The budget being presented is substantially balanced. There are some funds
that have some problems. The General Fund is balanced. A copy of the budget
is on file in the City Clerk's Office and the City Library.
A handout was available to the audience. Included in the handout was a
memorandum dated July 8, 2001 from City Manager Bressner to the City
Commission that included the following information:
· Expenses and revenues for the current fiscal year and projected figures for
the next few years.
· Future property tax information.
· Property tax rates for comparison that included a rollback rate and the rate
remaining the same.
· Staffing information. Currently there are 892 full-time employees. This will be
increased to 904.
· Justification for the personnel increases, deletions and reclassifications.
· Capital equipment information.
· Charts of the City's revenue streams. Forty-six percent (46%) of the City's
revenue comes from property taxes.
Meeting Minutes
Special City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 31, 2001
· The operating budget, including all funds, is approximately $92 million. Ms.
Reese distributed a budget summary to the Commissioners.
· The General Fund is the largest fund requiring $43 million.
· Utilities and Enterprise Funds require $26 million.
· The Golf Course Fund requires $2.7 million.
· Solid Waste Fund requires $6.4 million.
· Transportation Services requires $262,000.
· Fleet Maintenance requires $4.4 million.
· Warehouse Fund requires $230,000.
· Risk Management requires $2.2 million.
· Cemetery Fund is $172,000.
· Local Option Gas Tax Fund, which is a pass-through fund, is $1.5 million.
· Community Improvement Fund is $712,000.
· Recreation Fund is $736,000.
· General Obligation Fund has decreased to $980,000.
· Overall public debt is $3.5 million.
The proposed revenue stream from the fire assessment is not included in the
budget. A public hearing on the fire assessment is scheduled for September 4,
2001. The projected revenue stream from the fire assessment is approximately
$3.3 million.
Ten percent of operating expenses, or approximately $4.2 million from the
General Fund Expenses, has been set aside as reserves. This represents 1.2
months of operating expenses. General Accounting Rules call for a 3-month
reserve. Hopefully, this reserve can be attained in four to five years.
Millaae Rate
Ms. Reese said that the Commission needs to set the millage rate tonight. If the
Commission determined that they would like to lower the rate, this is permissible.
However, the rate cannot be increased once it is set.
Attorney Cherof reported that the Commission (1) must set the proposed millage
rate, (2) announce the rollback rate and (3) announce the time, date and place of
the public hearing where the entire budget and proposed millage rate would be
considered. This must be done by resolution.
Commissioner Fisher requested that this be addressed at the end of the meeting.
Mayor Broening said that the Commission could agree on the millage rate by
consensus at this point and at the end of the meeting could readjust the rate.
Commissioner Ferguson said that the millage rate should be rolled back. He
would like the rate set at 7.9 and requested that the Commission adopt the
7.5669 rollback rate.
Meeting Minutes
Special City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 31, 2001
Commissioners discussed at length whether the tax rate should be rolled back.
Commissioner Fisher suggested that the millage rate remain the same.
Commissioner Fisher moved that the millage rate be left where it is. Motion
seconded by Commissioner McCray.
Commissioner Ferguson would not support the motion in light of the proposed
fire assessment.
Mayor Broening said that the tax base does not justify a rollback at this time. He
pointed out that most of the development in the City is within the CRA. At some
future time the City will have to determine how to put the CRA increment back
into the General Fund. At that time, a rollback could be considered.
Mayor Broening called for a vote on the motion on the floor to keep the
millage rate at 7.8160. Motion carried 4-1 (Commissioner Ferguson
Review of Budqet
General Fund -
Holiday Lights
Commissioner Ferguson requested that the expenditure for the holiday lights be
discussed. This expenditure is not included in the General Fund. At the last
Commission meeting it was noted that there was $79,000 available for holiday
lighting. Mr. Majors, Recreation Director, responded that a bid might be required.
Commissioner Ferguson felt the cost for the holiday lighting was too high.
Commissioner Fisher pointed out that this would be a one-time capital outlay and
a great deal of the expense could be offset through advertising. Commissioner
Ferguson would like the cost for holiday lighting limited to $50,000. Mayor
Breening said that the funds are available in Community Redevelopment and it is
important that the businesses know the City is willing to invest money in the
downtown area.
Mayor Broening requested that this item be discussed at a Commission meeting.
Mr. Bressner said because the item may have to go out to bid, this cuts the
timeline down for approval. Commissioner McCray said in order to get people to
visit the downtown area it is important to offer them something. He requested
that the entire expense for the holiday lights be approved.
Meeting Minutes
Special City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 31, 2001
Commissioner Fisher moved to approve staff's recommendation on expenditure
to allow staff to go ahead, and if need be, go out to bid, to allow the City to
receive the discount.
Mr. Bressner suggested that the motion be amended to read:
To authorize staff to proceed with the bid or purchase and to present the final
cost for bids to the Commission and to do this as expeditiously as possible.
Commissioner Fisher amended his motion as stated by Mr. Bressner.
Motion seconded by Commissioner McCray. Motion carried 4-1 (Commissioner
Ferguson dissenting).
Quantum Police Protection
Commissioner Ferguson suggested addressing the Quantum Police Protection
next. He would like to see some police presence during school hours.
A report prepared by Chief Marshall Gage was distributed to the Commissioners
addressing this cost, together with a copy of Resolution R99-133. Mr. Bressner
said that this resolution resulted from correspondence between then Acting City
Manager Hawkins and Quantum Partners. At that time it was felt that it would be
advantageous to have an independent patrol district in Quantum Park. Mr.
Bressner read a portion of the August 1999 letter from Mr. Hawkins to Quantum.
The letter stated that "the City is committed to providing adequate police patrol
and law enforcement to its citizens and businesses". It further stated "that the
City would regularly evaluate the need to designate Quantum Park as an
individual zone and allocate necessary officers to patrol the zone".
Mr. Bressner pointed out that the anticipated level of development in Quantum
Park has not occurred. On September 21, 1999 the City Commission adopted
the resolution that stated the City would create a designated police patrol zone
for Quantum Park when the High School opens. The City received a draft
security agreement from Quantum earlier this year, which is not acceptable to the
City. The agreement provides that the level of security to be made available by
the City would make Quantum a private enclave. Mr. Bressner cannot
recommend to the Commission that Quantum be set up as a separate zone.
Commissioner Fisher inquired if the City was legally bound to implement the
intent of the resolution. Attorney Cherof said the City has an opportunity to back
off since a resolution is a declaration of temporary intent by the City Commission.
Meeting Minutes
Special City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 31, 2001
Commissioner Fisher asked if additional officers would be necessary to cover the
High School. The High School is not the City's jurisdiction and is covered by the
School Board Police, for which two officers have been designated.
Commissioner Fisher inquired if the roads leading up to the school would require
additional staff. Chief Gage responded that they did not.
Chief Gage announced that the Police Department's budget includes a School
Resource Officer, who will start at the beginning of the new school year.
Additional staff for traffic monitoring during school hours will be provided.
Commissioner Fisher would like to fund an additional officer to general patrol that
would be available if necessary. Mr. Bressner said this would be acceptable.
Commissioner Ferguson asked about the status of R99-133. Attorney Cherof
responded that a sub-zone for Quantum could be created within the current zone
to satisfy the intent of the resolution.
Mr. Bressner would not like to see the additional officer limited to patrol in the
event an officer would be needed in another area of law enforcement. Chief
Gage said that the Police Department has adequate staff to meet the needs of
Quantum Park and sees no justification for Quantum Park to be designated a
stand-alone zone. Mr. Bressner suggested that the Police Department assign a
liaison to work with Quantum to determine what resources would be necessary
for Quantum.
Attorney Cherof said that the Commission only needed to address today whether
it wanted to appropriate additional funds. The Commission would still be
honoring the express intent of the resolution. The operational method of
addressing the resolution should be left to Police Department and the City
Commissioner Ferguson moved to appropriate additional funds to the budget to
staff a police presence in Quantum Park in an amount to be determined in
conjunction with the liaison in Quantum Park. Commissioner Fisher stated he
would second the motion, pending clarification.
Mr. Bressner said that the motion should be to direct staff to move forward on
developing a security arrangement with Quantum that may require staff coming
back for additional dollars and the amount should be stated.
Commissioner Ferguson amended his motion to include an amount not to
exceed $150,000.
Commissioner Fisher withdrew his second of the motion.
Motion died for lack of a second.
Meeting Minutes
Special City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 31, 2001
Woman's Club
Commissioner Ferguson moved that the $62,500 in the Commissioners'
Discretionary Funds be added to the amount that we would save from the March
election in the amount of about $23,000 and the fund which is about $36,000
would be used to buy "x" number of days at the Woman's Club for City use
during this budget year, the affect of which is to account for about two-thirds of
their fixed costs during that period.
Commissioner Fisher pointed out that the Woman's Club still owes the City days.
Ms. Reese stated the Woman's Club owed approximately $22,000. Previously
the City loaned the Woman's Club money for improvements and the loan was to
be repaid by giving the City leased time for use of the Club. Commissioner Fisher
would like the City to look into acquiring the property. Mr. Bressner noted that
the Woman's Club is an important community resource and needs to be
preserved. There are some structural problems, but the cost of the renovations
is not known. The City could not afford to purchase and maintain the building.
Commissioner Ferguson proposed that community reinvestment funds allotted to
each Commissioner be changed to $10,000. This would generate $12,500, in
addition to the money no longer needed for the March election in the City Clerk's
budget. By combining these funds the City would be able to assist the Woman's
Club. Commissioner Fisher questioned if this sum would be enough to sustain
the building.
Vice Mayor Weiland suggested adding this discussion to a future Commission
agenda for consideration, since the money is already in the budget.
Commissioner McCray requested that he have more opportunity to study the
item and would like it rescheduled for discussion. The Commission would still
have to approve the expenditure. Mr. Bressner will inform the Woman's Club
that the City is interested in assisting them and determine what they have in
mind. He will bring this back to the Commission in the form of an official
Mr. Bressner reviewed the approved positions for personnel requests contained
on Pages 8 though 11. Positions specifically addressed were as follows:
GIS Specialist - will provide additional services to the Engineering
Department in order to continue the mapping program.
Fire Training Coordinator- position is necessary to meet the new
requirements for training. The Coordinator will work with Professional
Development, as well as the Fire and Police Departments.
Meeting Minutes
Special City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 31, 2001
v' Engineering - CADD Technician - position was created to avoid
transferring personnel from GIS to perform drafting work.
v' Animal Control Officer - Commissioner Fisher inquired why this
position was not being funded. Mr. Bressner replied that these
services are offered at the County level. The position was not funded
due to lack of money. Mayor Broening would like the City to hold
strays for animal control purposes until the County can pick them up.
There is also a law enforcement aspect with regard to animal control
that needs to be addressed. Chief Gage said there has been a large
increase of animal cases that require investigations and Police Officers
are being trained to deal with this. Mayor Broening would like this
addressed in the future by having a cross-benefit study performed.
v' Recreation - Parking Attendant for Boat Club Park due to a fee now
being charged.
· / Water & Sewer Fund/Water Distribution - Crew Leader, Senior--
necessary due to expansion of the water system and the large
,/ Wastewater Collection - TV Truck Specialist and Assistant TV
Truck Specialist - necessary because of the large backlog of
televising mains and evaluating current lines.
· ,' Wastewater Pumping - Utilities Maintenance Mechanic -
necessary due to the large growth of the system. There are 146 pump
stations in operation.
· / Self-Insurance Fund/Risk Management - Safety Officer -- Position
will be funded for one year, after which time the City will determine if
safety performance has improved. The City is going to be pre-active
when it comes to safety. Commissioner McCray felt that the City
should have had a Safety Officer prior to this time in order to cut down
on lawsuits.
Vice Mayor Weiland inquired if the Occupational Inspector that was approved last
year had been hired. Mr. Yates responded that Peter McCray has filled this
position and has generated $75,000 in additional revenue.
The Assistant City Attorney position has been eliminated and these services
will be provided on a contract basis. Attorney Cherof responded that his firm
could provide more experienced attorneys, which would be more cost effective.
This arrangement will be re-evaluated during the year.
Commissioner Fisher inquired about the reclassification of positions within the
Fire Department. Deputy Chief Ness said these reclassifications would not take
place until next year and are associated with the building of the fourth fire station.
Capital Outlay Requests
Commissioner Fisher noted that there was no provision for the ITS Department
to purchase a disaster recovery system. Mr. Wallace responded that money has
Meeting Minutes
Special City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 31,2001
been allocated for this in fiscal year 2002/2003. Commissioner Fisher inquired if
the Department had an offsite location and Mr. Wallace stated they did not.
Commissioner McCray inquired about the City Hall recycling programs. Mr.
Bressner said more work is needed in this area.
Commissioner McCray questioned the Library request being reduced from
$135,000 to $125,000. Mr. Bressner said this was a hard decision that had to be
made. Some revenues in the Corporate Fund have been assigned to the Library
Fund so that the Library could have better control over their funds. Over $20,000
in overdue fines are owed to the Library, which is in addition to the $125,000.
Commissioner Fisher would like consideration given first to the Library if any
additional money became available.
Commissioner Fisher asked about the status of the acquisition of a television
system. Mr. Bressner pointed out that $80,000 has been earmarked for this. Mr.
Hawkins and Mr. Wallace are working with Adelphia Cable to put this in place.
Currently only about 50% of the households in the City have cable television.
Station WXEL has been approached about doing programs that would not only
reach Boynton Beach televisions, but other municipalities in the County.
Commission meetings would not be televised.
Millage Rates (pages 17 and 18)
There was no discussion.
Shared Revenue (page 19)
The shared revenue trend continues downward.
Detail Revenues - General Fund (page 20)
The figures will have to be re-worked based on the change in the millage. Future
revenues will also be fined tuned.
Usage (page 23)
There was no discussion.
Consideration was given on whether to review the entire budget tonight or to
reconvene tomorrow. There was a consensus to continue the review until 7:00
Commissioner Fisher moved for a ten-minute recess at 4:20 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 4:40 p.m.
Meeting Minutes
Special City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 31, 2001
Detail Expenditures
City Commission (page 24 and 25)
There was no discussion.
City Manager (page 26)
There was no discussion.
City Hall/General Administration (page 28)
There was no discussion.
Public Affairs (page 30)
Commissioner Fisher noted that there was no provision for sponsorship for the
League of Cities, Palm Beach County Days. Ms. Munro and Ms. Reese will
check on where this expense was included in the budget.
City Clerk (page 32)
The election expense will be put on hold pending the outcome of the discussion
on the Woman's Club.
Mayor Broening inquired if the costs of moving to a new voting system were
known. City Clerk Prainito stated that the Supervisor of Elections has not
informed the City of the costs.
Financial Services (page 36)
There was no discussion.
Financial Services/Procurement (page 40)
Commissioner Fisher inquired if the purchase of the City shirts would go out to
bid. Mr. Bressner said they were looking into this.
I.T.S./G.I.S. (PAGE 43)
Commissioner Fisher inquired if the City would be upgrading its AS400. Mr.
Wallace responded they are assessing their needs.
Meeting Minutes
Special City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 31, 2001
Human Resources (Page 54)
Commissioner McCray asked for an explanation of the Employee Assistance
Program. Mr. Arthur Lee stated this is an independent counseling program that
has been with the City for many years to assist employees. They provide a
variety of counseling services including substance abuse, assisting with family
problems and credit counseling. The cost of the program is based upon the
number of employees.
Commissioner McCray noted there was no line item for college reimbursement.
This expense is now included with Professional Development.
Mr. Sugerman stated that a $10,000 request was included with the HR budget for
a wellness program to sponsor weight loss, smoking cessation and stress
reduction programs. Mr. Sugerman said that if there were monies found in the
budget, he would like to see $10,000 put back in for a wellness program.
Commissioner Fisher suggested the City approach the YMCA to see if they could
partner with them to offer these programs to City employees, Mr. Magazine
spoke to the YMCA about a corporate wellness program. Currently the YMCA
does not have a corporate wellness program. Commissioner Fisher said that he
was recently approached by the YMCA and requested that the City renew their
discussions with them.
Professional Development (page 58)
Mr. Bressner reported that the program is very well utilized by staff and is a very
good program.
Communications (page 61)
There was no discussion.
City Attorney (page 66)
This arrangement will be in place for one year, after which it will be re-evaluated.
Police Department (page 69)
It was noted that union negotiations are continuing at this time. Mayor Broening
would like the salaries to remain competitive. Vice Mayor Weiland requested that
the negotiations move forward as soon as possible.
Code Compliance (page 77)
Commissioner Fisher said that if additional dollars are needed, the Commission
could re-evaluate its decision to go from code compliance to code enforcement.
Meeting Minutes
Special City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 31, 2001
Mr. Bressner pointed out that the Sanitation Fund pays for some of the code
Fire Rescue (page 81)
Commissioner McCray inquired about the building improvements on page 88,
which were addressed by Deputy Chief Ness. Mr. Bressner noted if the fire
assessment goes through, the costs for building improvements to station #2
would be included in those funds. Mr. Bressner suggested that a hold be placed
on these improvements.
Development - Administration (page 91)
The Development Department budget includes expenses for refurbishing the first
floor of the West Wing to create a better environment for customer service and
Development - Building (page 94)
Mr. Bressner inquired if there would be a new version of the Building Code that
the City would have to adopt. Mr. Don Johnson responded that the City is up to
current standards, but as of January 1, 2002 the new Florida Building Code goes
into effect. This is being addressed countywide with the County taking the lead.
Mr. Bressner requested that the City Commission review the changes before
they are forwarded to the State. Mayor Broening would like to have input from
the Planning and Development Board and the Community Redevelopment
Mr. Bressner requested that the City Clerk's Office place an item entitled "review
of countywide revisions to the State Building Code" on the first agenda in
Development - Planning & Zoning (page 100)
Mr. Bressner stated that more focus needs to be placed on economic
development. Mr. Hawkins said that a committee was formed to address
economic development and a report will be generated from their findings. Mr.
Greene responded that the report is ready. Mr. Bressner would like the
Commission to review the report and requested it be moved up on the docket.
Development -Occupational License (Page 105)
Commissioner Fisher asked what the anticipated revenue was from Occupational
Licenses and was informed it was approximately $1.2 million.
Meeting Minutes
Special City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 31, 2001
City Manager - Neighborhood Services (page 109)
Neighborhood Services is in a transition stage. The neighborhood meeting
method is not working. Alternatives are being looked at.
With respect to line item ~49-65, which is the matching grant program,
Commissioner Fisher pointed out that there has been much success with this
program. He would like to see additional funds added because its successes are
visible throughout the City.
Commissioner McCray commented on line item #63-34 and inquired why the
funding of $60,000 in 2002 goes up to over $300,000 for the next four fiscal
years. Mr. Hawkins replied that these funds are earmarked for large capital
programs. Commissioner McCray requested an update on the neighborhood
projects. Mr. Bressner said he would provide a report and have it placed on the
agenda under City Manager's Report.
Commissioner Fisher moved that lien item #49-65 under neighborhood projects
be moved back up to $40,000 from $35,000. Motion seconded by Vice Mayor
Weiland and unanimously carried.
Public Works (page 113)
There was no discussion.
Public Works - Facilities Management (page 116)
Discussions on the future of the Wilson Center, Madsen Center and Civic Center
have been taking place. The life of these buildings needs to be determined.
Public Works - Street Maintenance (page 121)
Mr. Jeffrey Livergood stated that this budget is mostly for in-house maintenance.
Larger items will be addressed in the ClP budget.
Police - Animal Control (page 124)
Previously discussed.
Engineering (page 127)
This will be addressed during the CIP budget hearing process. Commissioner
Fisher asked about a digital camera costing $2,500 (line item #51-25). It was
pointed out that this was not the cost of the camera, but the cost for the overall
supplies of the department.
Meeting Minutes
Special City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 31, 2001
Library (page 132)
Mr. Bressner suggested that the Library budget be re-examined.
Recreation (page 139)
Commissioner Fisher inquired about the costs for signage. Mr. Majom responded
that new signs were pumhased for Oceanfront Park.
Parks (Page 147)
Deferral of the median program was discussed.
Commissioner Fisher asked about the expenses for the cemetery. Mr. John
Wildner responded that a separate account for the cemetery has been set up that
would include all cemetery costs. The Cemetery Board requested this.
Vice Mayor Weiland inquired about line item fl46-92 that included aquatic weed
control. Mr. Wildner pointed out that aquatic weed control is included in line item
#46-94 entitled Canal Maintenance. $15,000 has been budgeted for this item.
Even though these are canals that the City has to maintain, there is more weed
control involved than canal maintenance. The only alternative would be to
dredge the canals. Mr. Wildner said that it has been a long-standing City policy
not to perform dredging because of the prohibitive costs involved.
Commissioner Fisher inquired why aquatic weed control is not included under the
Utilities Department. Originally aquatic weed control was under Public Works
and then it was shifted to Parks. It was always viewed as an aquatic weed control
issue and not a drainage issue. When these properties were originally platted, it
stated on the plat that the maintenance of the canals was as rights-of-way and
shall be maintained by the City for aquatic weed control purposes only.
In 1969 the City changed its policy and would not plat future canals in rights-of-
way any longer. Any canals dug for this purpose would become the responsibility
of the homeowner association. Because there was no follow through by the City,
the City has continued to maintain the canals. Commissioner Fisher
recommended that this be moved to the Utilities Department.
Vice Mayor Weiland requested that the Commission be furnished with a list of
canals, their locations and who is responsible for their care. Mr. Bressner will
furnish this information, together with a map.
Mr. Sugerman responded that when the stormwater impact study was
undertaken and the ERU was set at $6.00, it was not taken into consideration
that Utilities would take over the canal system. Mr. Bressner suggested that
Meeting Minutes
Special City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 31, 2001
aquatic weed control remain in the Parks' budget until staff can come up with an
analysis and a report. Commissioner Fisher requested this done by mid-year.
Vice Mayor Weiland moved for a recess at 6:10 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 6:20 p.m.
Utilities Fund (page 157)
Commissioner Ferguson inquired if the income source from the water billing
would remain as projected in view of the mandatory water conservation
regulations. Mr. Bressner was not certain on this. When the budget was
prepared, the drought was already taking place.
Golf Course Fund (page 195)
Commissioner Fisher asked why golf revenues are projected to decrease. Mr.
Joe Sciortino stated they always estimate their revenue conservatively.
Commissioner Fisher asked when the patio extension would be completed.
Facilities Management stated that it would be done by the end of August.
Solid Waste Fund (page 212)
Mr. Bressner reported that the City is using accumulated cash to keep operating
and this was noted in the auditor's report. Revenue streams will have to be
looked at next fiscal year. Staff will be bringing to the Commission some rate
modification recommendations.
Mayor Broening asked who was responsible for the costs of storm waste
removal. Mr. Bressner stated these costs are reimbursed and the full costs have
not been budgeted.
The Public Works facility will have to be relocated and staff is looking into
purchasing property out west for this purpose.
Transportation Fund (page 217)
The Shopper Hopper service is a very expensive service offered by the City. This
service is funded by the fares and the local option gas tax.
Fleet Maintenance Fund (page 221)
The fleet plan has been completely restructured. This impacted the Police
Department the greatest because they have the most vehicles.
Meeting Minutes
Special City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 31, 2001
Commissioner Fisher inquired why the amount from resale of the vehicles has
been projected lower instead of higher. Mr. Livergood stated they are selling
older vehicles and the projected figure is conservative.
Warehouse Fund (page 240)
This fund is comprised of internal service charges only.
Risk Management Fund (page 244)
There was no discussion.
Cemetery Fund (page 250)
Previously discussed. The General Fund is no longer subsidizing the Cemetery
Fund. Mr. Wildner stated that the projected revenues may be optimistic because
there will be a decline in available plots.
Local Option Gas Tax Fund (page 255)
There was no discussion.
Community Improvement Fund (page 257)
There was no discussion.
General Obligation Debt Service Fund (page 265)
Mr. Bressner inquired how many years of debt service are remaining on the
Tradewinds' obligation and was informed it would be satisfied in November 2010.
Public Service Tax Debt Service Fund
There was no discussion.
Setting of Meeting Dates
The first budget public hearing was set for Wednesday,
September 5, 2001 at 5:30 p.m.
The second public hearing was set for Wednesday, September
19th, which is the date of the regular City Commission meeting.
CIP Meeting Date: Friday, August 17, 2001 at 12:00 noon
Meeting Minutes
Special City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 31, 2001
Adoption of Resolution
Attorney Cherof read Resolution No. R01-224 by title only adopting a
proposed municipal millage rate of 7.8160 for general operating budget
purposes for fiscal year 2001-02, stating a rollback rate of 7.5669 and
setting forth the date, time and place of the first public hearing.
Commissioner Fisher moved to approve the Resolution as stated by the City
Attorney. Motion seconded by Vice Mayor Weiland. Motion carried 4-1
(Commissioner Ferguson dissenting).
There being no further business, Commissioner Fisher moved to adjourn which
was duly seconded. The meeting properly adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
j~yet M. Prainito
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(four tapes)