Minutes 01-22-09
Stephen Waldman, Chair Sherri Claude, Board Liaison
Mary Morera, Vice Chair
Paulette Ford
Hattie Miller
Loretta Wilkinson
Robert Chiste, Student Voting Member
Carol Lundquist
Lesha Roundtree
Lisa Pierre, Student Voting Member
I. Call to Order
Chair Waldman called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m.
Ms. Ford introduced herself and discussed her background.
II. Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence
Mr. Chiste led the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a moment of silent reflection for our
men and women in the Armed Forces and to wish President Obama well.
III. Approval of Minutes of December 4, 2008
Ms. Morera moved to approve the minutes of December 4, 2008. Mr. Chiste seconded
the motion that passed unanimously.
IV. Approval of Agenda
Chair Waldman requested Item A. "Sister Cities" under VII. New Business be moved to
Item B., and "Presidential Classrooms" added as Item A in conjunction with Item VI.
"Public Audience."
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory board
Boynton Beach, Florida January 22, 2009
Ms. Wilkinson moved to approve the agenda as amended. Mr. Morera seconded the
motion that passed unanimously.
V. Announcements/Presentations/Correspondence
Ms. Claude advised the next Sand Sifters monthly beach cleanup would be held
February 7, 2009 at Oceanfront Park. The Sand Sifters would also be commencing
cleanups at Intracoastal Park beginning February 21, 2009. The events ran from 8:30
a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on Saturday. This information had been provided to the volunteers
for whom email addresses had been provided.
Chair Waldman noted the Principal of Boynton Beach Community High School thanked
the Board for its donation of $500 to the School's Basketball Program.
VI. Public Audience
Linda Friedman, teacher, Boynton Beach Community High School, noted the Board
had been instrumental in the success of a minority student, "Victor," who received a
scholarship and would be graduating from college in two years. He had been offered
an internship this summer at the U.S. State Department.
Ms. Friedman wished to take seven students from the High School to this year's
Presidential Classrooms. Three of the students, Natalia Venegas, Lisa Jacobs and
Nicholas Santamaria, were present. The students excelled in their studies and were
from various ethnic backgrounds. They selected the "Scholars Week" program, which
would begin February 14, 2009. They had participated in various fundraising events for
the trip and requested the Board's assistance. It was noted the School Advisory
Committee (SAC) had not provided funding.
Natalia Venegas pointed out the Presidential Classroom programs provided an
opportunity to observe Democracy in action. Chair Waldman added the event provided
excellent networking opportunities.
The Board had donated $1,000 from the miscellaneous fund for last year's Presidential
Classrooms. Suggestions included having the students approach the Commission
directly for donations from the Community Investment Funds. Chair Waldman noted
monies were available in the miscellaneous fund, and he would be willing to donate for
the event.
Ms. Friedman noted over a six-year period, she had taken 32 students to Presidential
Classrooms and requested financial assistance only twice. The tuition was $1,600 per
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory board
Boynton Beach, Florida January 22, 2009
week, and a $400 scholarship had been awarded by Presidential Classrooms for each of
the seven students. Costs for food, lodging and transportation were included.
The fundraising account had diminished and financial concerns were expressed.
Nevertheless, since the Board donated $1,000 last year for four students, it was
suggested $1,200 be donated this year for the seven students.
Ms. Morera moved to donate the $1,200 and have a discussion to determine how much
money would be left in the account. Ms. Ford seconded the motion.
While Chair Waldman favored donating the funds, he also wished to assist other entities
and groups. To that end, he suggested other fundraising possibilities be considered to
build up the account. He inquired whether former City Commissioner McKoy or County
Commissioner Shelley Vana had responded to requests for leftover funds. Ms. Claude
advised she had not heard from either of them, and would send follow-up letters.
It was suggested for future requests, the Board set guidelines and reasonable limits on
amounts to be donated. Ms. Friedman indicated her students would assist the Board
with fundraising events and other projects. Chair Waldman felt it would be beneficial
for the students returning from Presidential Classrooms to present a report to the City
Commission. He would also suggest Mr. Oswald, Principal of the High School,
accompany the students to the Commission meeting to evidence his support of the
The motion passed unanimously.
Ms. Miller inquired whether any African American children had been included in the
trips. Ms. Friedman replied affirmatively, adding three African American students would
be attending this year's event.
Chair Waldman reminded the students present that seniors, residing within the City of
Boynton Beach, were eligible for the $1,000 Borovy Award. Additionally, the League of
Cities provided a Cruikshank Scholarship in the amount of $1,000, and Chair Waldman
currently served on the selection committee.
VIII. Old Business (taken out of order)
B. Proposal to Reward Academic Achievement at Boynton Beach Community
High School
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory board
Boynton Beach, Florida January 22, 2009
Chair Waldman has been assisting Ms. Friedman regarding a proposal to reward
students who were proactive in class and had demonstrated an interest in Social
Studies and Social Sciences. Experts from each grade would select five finalists, and a
plaque would be awarded. Principal Oswald had previously expressed his enthusiasm
for the program, and the Board members were in agreement.
VII. New Business
A. Presidential Classrooms
This item was discussed under VI. "Public Audience."
B.Sister Cities
Students involved in the Sister Cities had been invited to produce artwork based on a
particular theme. The students from Boynton Beach were 13 to 18 years of age.
Artwork submitted had previously been showcased at the Children's Schoolhouse
Museum. Chair Waldman had invited Sister Cities contact, Jeanne Heavilin, to this
meeting, but she could not attend. It was noted Ms. Claude sent out the forms
necessary to participate in the competition, which was still open. Ms. Wilkinson noted
she maintained on her computer letters sent out last year to school principals advising
of the program. Chair Waldman would provide further information as to dates and
VIII. Old Business
A. Green Market.
To date, the Board had not sold anything at the Green Market. Ms. Wilkinson visited
the event and had not observed any cookies being sold. The turnout was not what she
had expected, and she did not feel fundraisers at the Green Market would be profitable.
The Board members had been selling cookies at the Oceanfront Concerts, which ran
from January through May on the third Friday of the month. The cookies had been
donated by Panera's Bread, and proceeds from the sale were usually not more than
$50. The Concerts were organized by the CRA, and Chair Waldman would contact
Kathy Biscuiti to discuss possible arrangements. As Panera's had revised their guidelines
for contributions, it was suggested the Board provide sufficient notice in writing of any
requests for cookies. Ms. Wilkinson agreed to contact Panera's. She suggested another
avenue for raising funds would be to sell chicken parts. This might be more lucrative,
but would involve more work for the Board members as the chicken would have to be
grilled. Additionally, it would have to be determined whether the sale of the chicken
would conflict with others selling foodstuffs at the Concerts. Chair Waldman suggested
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory board
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 22, 2009
holding a fundraiser at the Oceanfront Concerts first, and then exploring other avenues.
He also suggested selling raffle tickets. Ms. Claude noted City departments were
prohibited from selling raffles as fund raisers, but would verify this with Legal. The
Board members were encouraged to provide at the next meeting other suggestions for
fund raising.
It was believed the Commissioners' Community Investment Funds and the County
Commissioners' discretionary funds were excellent sources of income for the Board.
Ms. Wilkinson proposed these funds not only be allocated to the Youth Volunteer Bank,
but also to the miscellaneous and fundraising accounts as well.
C. Youth Volunteer Bank/Bob Borovy Award
The Board previously discussed incremental rewards. This would be discussed further
at the next meeting, as would the end-of-year activity. The deadline for the Borovy
Award was April 3, 2009. Two of the judges confirmed their participation, and Ms.
Claude sent a letter to last year's recipient, requesting she serve as a judge. She was
awaiting a response.
D. Fundraising
This item was discussed under VIII. Old Business, "Green Market."
XI. Future Meeting Dates: February 26, 2009
March 26, 2009
X. Adjournment
Ms. Wilkinson moved to adjourn. Mr. Chiste seconded the motion that passed
unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m.
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