Minutes 01-17-09
Barbara Ready, Chair Debby Coles-Dobay, Public Art Administrator
Cheryl Arflin, Vice Chair
Barbara Lentz
Christine Moeller
Nubia Richman
Anderson Slocombe
Halena Wolf (arrived at 10:31a.m.)
Dana Cook, Alternate
Donn Davenport, Alternate
The meeting was called to order at 10:02 a.m.
Self-introductions were made.
Chair Ready added Item V.E. Eco Art.
Mr. Slocombe noted a spelling error in the memo. The Kinetic Art Organization initials
listed under Symposium Logistics should be listed as KAO as opposed to KOA.
Ms. Lentz moved to approve the agenda as amended. Ms. Richman seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
Chair Ready advised the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board members were not able
to attend the workshop. The Arts Commission wanted to coordinate and integrate with
the Recreation and Parks plan as art gives character and personality to parks.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida January 17, 2009
There was consensus to invite the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board to the
February 24, 2009 meeting and a draft agenda of the joint meeting would be provided at
the January Arts Commission meeting. By then, the Recreation and Parks Department
Strategic Plan should be approved, and a copy of the plan would be provided to the
members in order to prepare for the joint meeting.
The Art Connection meeting would held be on January 26, 2009. It was noted there
was very little promotion of the exhibit opening at the Library and an inquiry was made
what was being done to promote, or brand, the Arts Commission. An information piece
was sent to the Library Director to post at the reference desk and information was sent
to Library staff. Program and background information on the artists was contained on
the Arts Commission website for both the Avenue of the Arts and the Art Connection
program, and at the different City facilities. Additionally, information was featured on
Boynton Beach TV.
The art exhibit featured at the Library was an on-loan exhibit from individuals who
donated funds to the library to purchase one of the pieces. When the exhibit finished, a
new exhibit would replace it. The exhibit on the 26th would showcase art from Boynton
Beach Community High School students and their backgrounds.
The members discussed they did not have the funds to market the program, although
there is information and discussion of the program at the Green Market, and brochures
are placed in various stores.
A. Kinetic exhibition and future conference
A handout containing information about planned events compiled from Arts Commission
member comments was distributed. There was dialogue regarding the where and when
to have a program, and determine which events to hold first. A more efficient way to
hold events was to piggyback them with other City events. The City had “Green” events
and an eco-art display could be held in conjunction with it. Another idea was the
Avenue of the Arts could display eco-art sculptures.
It was reported Ralphonso, President of the Kinetic Arts Organization, was excited
about Boynton Beach hosting a Kinetic Arts Symposium. It would bring the City
notoriety, and Ralphonso would partner with other organizations and artists to
accomplish it. The Art Commission could hold a small and intimate symposium and
allow it to grow. Many disciplines were involved with kinetic art, and schools may want
to attend to learn more about it, as it involves math, physics and science. Kinetic art,
which was described as art in motion, could involve textiles, silks, ribbons, banners,
paper shades, or balloons, which do not include mechanical parts, while others did.
Discussion followed when to hold the symposium and it was noted the artwork could be
temporarily displayed without concrete pads. Six months would likely be the minimum
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida January 17, 2009
amount of time for an exhibit. The call-to-artists and the specs would include the
surface the art would be installed on, and the artist would have to supply it. The City
also has a structural engineer who could review and determine what was needed for a
piece, and ensure it was done according to the art permitting processes.
Ms. Wolf arrived at 10:31 a.m.
The members discussed the holiday, cultural, public art tree and the Art in Public Places
art ornament could be accomplished this year, followed by kinetic art and eco art.
The members discussed having the kinetic art at Intracoastal Park, or have a theme for
kinetic art on the Avenue of the Arts. Eco art could also be the theme for Avenue of the
The call-to-artists was normally issued in April. The Arts Commission would review the
art and select which pieces to use in June, with installation in September. Kinetic art
could be installed on the Avenue of the Arts for one year, followed with a symposium in
January. There was agreement if eco art was next year and followed by kinetic art, the
members needed to start planning. It was also noted artists could submit an eco art
kinetic piece. It was suggested the Commission focus on one task and do it well. Ms.
Coles-Dobay explained the Arts Commission would prepare the call-to-artists but would
work closely with Ralphonso to determine the pieces and what to include in the call.
Discussion ensued the artist would be limited to a narrow scope if they exhibited on the
Avenue of the Arts, as opposed to Intracoastal Park; however, it was recognized the
artists could exhibit at both locations, with smaller pieces on the Avenue of the Arts.
There was consensus to issue this year’s call-to-artists for eco art.
The following time frame was decided on: eco art for 2009-2010, in 2010 to 2011,
kinetic Art on Avenue of the Arts and plan for the January 2011 symposium. The kinetic
art could also be temporarily displayed at Intracoastal Park at the end of hurricane
season to the beginning of the next hurricane season, as there would be more control in
terms of insurance. There could also be interior pieces installed, or have a lighter piece
at the Library. It was thought the entire City could have kinetic pieces and they should
make arrangements for all City Buildings. The Arts Commission would contact colleges,
arts schools, and have educators involved in the symposium, which would be held in
March. Ms. Coles-Dobay would provide a timetable to the City
Ms. Lentz left the meeting at 10:56 a.m.
Ralphonso would be contacted to ensure he would be available in March instead of
January. The symposium would include guest lecturers. It had been suggested
engaging kinetic artists to obtain endorsements of the program. Once endorsed, other
artists would come forward. If the event turned out well, the symposium could be held
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida January 17, 2009
Ms. Richman left the meeting at 10:59 a.m.
The members noted many individuals find kinetic art intriguing, which could attract
people to Boynton Beach.
Ms. Richman returned to the meeting at 11:00 a.m.
There were also many fabricators and businesses involved with kinetic art that may
want to attend.
Ms. Lentz returned to the meeting at 11:02 a.m.
The project was an ambitious project for Boynton Beach; however, it was agreed the
task should be professionally done and grown from small to large over the years. The
event was not intended to be a trade show. Additionally, the event could be recorded
on a DVD, and distributed to libraries, schools and universities. The Chamber of
Commerce and other organizations, such as the Palm Beach County Tourism Board
should be approached for their endorsement and support of the event.
As to an eco arts display, the City and Arts Commission could partner with the Green
Team. A suggestion to tie the event into some type of business development initiative
was made; however, it was noted the Arts Commission was already involved in that
aspect and a presentation regarding their goals and activities would be made on
January 20th to the City Commission. There was an educational outreach component.
The Green Team was composed of all City Departments and it was thought the City
would be very receptive to their idea.
Ms. Lentz left the meeting at 11:10 a.m.
There was a lot of criteria coming from Washington D.C. regarding “Going Green” the
municipalities have to meet. Accordingly, when they adopt the programs and initiatives,
they need to be cognizant of the processes.
Ms. Lentz returned to the meeting at 11:11 a.m.
C. Holiday 2009 Ornament (Heard out of Order)
The members discussed fundraising ideas and the Holiday Ornament. The ornament
could also be used for public relations. A call-to-artists and a budget would be issued.
The artist would provide samples with their initials, and a selection panel would select
the ornament. The expectation was to create something special and commemorative
that hopefully could become a series. Themes were suggested, but it was decided the
artist would not be limited by a theme. Instead, they would let the artists research the
project. A design would be selected, mass-produced and sold for $20-$25 each. Half of
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida January 17, 2009
that cost was for the artist to create the piece. It would be a commemorative piece and
there would be a tag indicating the year, and the artist’s signature.
The price charged should cover the ornaments given away as complimentary items.
Conversation included if the artist was paid a fee up front, there would be more interest
on the part of the artist. After the Arts Commission selected the ornament, Ms. Coles-
Dobay would provide the budget. The timing of the call-to-artist was discussed for May
or June and the ornament could be marketed through the water bill. It would also be
advertised on the Arts Commission website.
The specifications would include the Arts Commission would retain the rights to the
piece and how much the artist would be paid. The ornaments could also be packaged.
One suggestion received was to use a box that would allow a tag or message to be
inserted. Discussion then turned to size restrictions, as the packaging could not be
decided on until an ornament was selected. If clear packaging was used, the Arts
Commission could create the tags. If the piece could not be signed by the artist, due to
the materials of the piece, the artist would use a tag.
Ms. Moeller left the meeting at 11:40 p.m.
The members decided they would create the tag and supply the package. There was
agreement 200 ornaments would be created and the Arts Commission would compile a
list of individuals wanting to purchase one. The ornament would be the first in a series.
The ornaments submitted from the call-to-artist’s that were not selected could be used
to decorate a Holiday Public Art Tree or sold.
B. Holiday 2009 Cultural Public Art Trees/Banners
Ms. Moeller returned to the meeting at 11:47 a.m.
Ms. Coles-Dobay explained this project would be in conjunction with the holiday
extravaganza. The Civic Center has a round circular driveway and a grassy area, which
would be an ideal location for the trees and mulch could be used for walkways. The
area was secure, and the City has cameras outside in those locations. The trees would
be safely secured with tethers, and could remain from November to just before New
Year’s Day.
The members were asked to decide whether they wanted to undertake the project. The
trees did not have to be traditional, but there would be minimum and maximum heights
and they would have to withstand the outdoor elements.
The motivation for the different cultural groups to participate was discussed. It was
thought organizations would do so for recognition, but there could be cash prizes given.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida January 17, 2009
Schoolchildren could make ornaments, although it was noted there was no money for
the effort and schools did not plan the activity in their curriculums.
Ms. Moeller left the meeting at 11:58 a.m.
The members recognized the project could be piggybacked with City events. It was
suggested a call-to-artists be issued to unify the cultures, and the trees could be a
symbol of unity.
Ms. Moeller returned to the meeting at 12 noon.
Including different colleges and universities was discussed, and the possibilities to make
a connection. Having special topic trees regarding aspects of life that unified people
was considered.
After further discussion, there was no clear vision of what the Arts Commission wanted
the tree event to be. If the Arts Commission held the Kinetic Art Symposium, and
created the ornament, they considered whether to just concentrate on the symposium
as the tree concept was too fragmented. There was consensus to drop the tree project
and discuss it after lunch. Ms. Coles-Dobay advised she would put the item on the next
meeting agenda.
The meeting recessed for lunch at 12:12 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 12:48 p.m.
D. Future Art Event
This item was not addressed.
A. Guidelines and Recommendations updated
Updated Guidelines and Recommendation were distributed. Ms. Coles-Dobay advised
they were part of Ordinance 07-002, which specified how to run the Art in Public Places
Program and the means in which the Arts Commission operated the plan.
The Master Plan was layered with the Strategic Plan for the future. The document was
a preliminary draft.
The document changes included a chart in the Administrative Policy Manual that could
be used to update the chart in the Guidelines and Recommendations.
Another change was how the program records and documents were dealt with. An
attachment included the current artwork in their collection and the information was an
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida January 17, 2009
overview of the form attached to it. Some of the artwork installed was official, while
some were unofficial. Ms. Coles-Dobay would complete the chart, but noted it provided
an example of how artwork was funded.
A draft policy how the Arts Commission deals with gifts, memorials and donations was
included. All of the items were in the appendix to the recommendations and they
needed to be put into Administrative Policy Manual form. The referenced document
would be incorporated. A rough draft would be provided and when complete, the
documents would be reviewed by the Legal Department. City Commission approval
was also needed. Since the changes were part of the Ordinance, they would update
the Ordinance, as well.
The visioning plan was included, but they would use it as a plan from year-to-year to
demonstrate what they accomplished and what they were planning. he discussions held
would be incorporated into the document and they would update it yearly.
The strategic plan was for future activities. The Arts Commission would review funding
resources and prioritize other programs. It was noted the plan was written before there
was a Public Arts Administrator and the reason it states Arts Commission and/or Public
Arts Administrator was so the document would still be valid in the event there was no
Mr. Anderson moved to accept the update. Ms. Wolf seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Ms. Coles-Dobay distributed a summary of what the Arts Commission had discussed
and explained when they completed their updates the document would be approved by
the City Commission. The draft would turn into the year-to-year working document for
the programs they wanted to undertake.
Ms. Coles-Dobay explained they adopted a mission statement. The members had
identified public art sectors and a map and charts would be prepared for inclusion with
the Strategic Vision plan with the Art Commission’s recommendations for each sector.
There was discussion Boynton needed an image and the CRA’s statement
Eastside/Westside Seaside Renaissance was more appropriate than Gateway to the
The projects in the public art sectors were reviewed and it was noted there was much
synergy with the Recreation and Parks Department who were supportive of the Arts
Commission. There were City buildings with art projects. Members were requested to
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida January 17, 2009
e-mail comments and changes to Ms. Coles-Dobay, who was praised for putting
together the summary.
Conversation turned to the tag line and if Boynton Beach wanted to be on the
international stage, the City has to get past the Boynton Beach town image. It does not
connect with an international symposium for kinetic art, nor did it speak to the future of
Boynton Beach. The topic was discussed but it was noted the Arts Commission was
not charged with changing the City’s motto, Ms. Coles-Dobay clarified one of the
Commission members had asked the Arts Commission to develop a tag line and there
was some agreement it would be “The Heart of the Palm Beaches.”
Mr. Cook left the meeting at 1:23 p.m.
The City’s image was discussed at length. The Arts Commission’s Image Statement
was tied to their Mission Statement and Ms. Coles-Dobay read from the Arts
Commission’s Recommendations and Guidelines.
Mr. Cook returned to the meeting at 1:26 p.m.
The type of community Boynton Beach is was discussed, as was what was special to it.
Boynton Beach needed to differentiate itself from other communities. The merits of the
tag line “Gateway to the Gulfstream” and the use of the word “renaissance” were
discussed. There was no decision made on this topic.
A further discussion about the holiday trees followed. The idea was the concept of
taking a traditional tree and visiting different communities to develop a type of artistic
representation that would look good on the trees. It would represent their cultures and
create bridges for them. It was also noted not all cultures have trees and ornaments.
Enlisting different cultures to participate in the parade with a banner was considered, as
was placing the banners on the Avenue of the Arts. It was noted the banners attach to
the light poles and are about $80 each. Having different groups paint banners and
display them was a possibility, but there was still a cost to install them. If the Arts
Commission used holiday banners, they could work their way into the project, but they
needed to determine the cost for the banners and materials too.
Ms. Arflin left the meeting at 1:38 p.m.
Some cultures have religions attached to them. It was preferable to have banners
oriented toward cultures as opposed to religion.
Ms. Arflin returned to the meeting at 1:39 p.m.
Although religious expression is not banned in the United States, the activity would
occur during the holidays and the timing was an issue. It was thought the banners
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 17, 2009
would be created in place of the trees. Each culture has people that may be interested
in it, while some may not. The individual creating the banner did not have to be that
culture. Issuing a call-to-artists was suggested giving parameters for the banners and
each artist developing six designs representing cultures in the community.
Along those same lines, creating a more generic object than an ornament was
suggested, but part of the concept of creating an ornament was it would be a collectible.
It was not known whether candleholders could be collectable.
Mr. Davenport left the meeting at 1:49 p.m.
The call-to-artists for the banners would be similar to the dumpster painting program,
which a theme was given to the Artist. A list of cultures in the community and concepts
would also be provided. The Arts Commission would review the responses; however,
avoiding the holiday aspect and keeping the activity multi-cultural was suggested.
Mr. Davenport returned to the meeting at 1:50 p.m.
The banners could be displayed then all year long. Ms. Coles-Dobay would bring back
additional information. The members were requested to develop a potential theme for a
tag line to be discussed in the future.
VIII. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting properly adjourned at 1 :52 p.m.
Catherine Cherry d
Recording Secretary