Minutes 02-23-09 MINUTES OF THE EASYAGENDA PRESENTATION HELD ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2009, AT 4:00 P.M. IN CONFERENCE ROOM B, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PRESENT: Jerry Taylor, Mayor Kurt Bressner, City Manager Joe Rodriguez, Vice Mayor Lori LaVerriere, Assistant City Manager Woodrow L. Hay, Commissioner Carisse LeJeune, Assistant to the City Manager Marlene Ross, Commissioner James Cherof, City Attorney Janet Prainito, City Clerk Judy Pyle, Deputy City Clerk Kofi Boteng, Director of Utilities Nancy Byrne, Assistant Director of Development Phyllis Koch, I.T.S. Director John McNally, I.T.S. Manager Lynn Swanson, Legal Assistant Amy McDeavitt, EMS Billing Specialist The meeting was called to order at 3:59 p.m. Robert Porter, R&S Integrated Products and Services, Inc., provided a presentation on the EasyAgenda process. The product had been upgraded, and the City of Boynton Beach would be receiving the newer version, "EasyAgenda 2008." As the product had been integrated with Microsoft Word, the City would continue to use the agenda item request form. An agenda deadline, usually set by the City Clerk's Office, would be configured into the system, as would a publishing deadline. Various settings could be configured to custom fit the City's process. City employees and Directors would be using the EasyAgenda interface, while the Commission would be using a "smart" or bookmarked PDF. The tools of EasyAgenda were created as a result of the company's observation of the agenda process and input received from its user data base. The EasyAgenda process produced the agenda shell, the agenda which was linked to each agenda item template, and the full agenda with backup. Notes, text and other markups could be added through Adobe Acrobat. The agenda distribution method had not yet been determined. The agenda could be sent to a desktop icon, downloaded from the website or File Transfer Protocol (FTP) site, copied to memory sticks or provided in hard copy. If sent to the desktop icon, the most recent agenda would be posted. 1 Meeting Minutes EasyAgenda Presentation Boynton Beach, Florida February 23, 2009 City Attorney Cherof recommended discussion regarding implementation be deferred to a future date, stressing the focus be centered on the system's function. Mr. Porter noted parallel or overlap systems were usually run for three full meetings. Bookmarks were automatically created to navigate easily through the agenda. The full agenda packet created a table of contents, or an agenda shell, which was linked to the associated backup. The publishing configurations determined placement of the title and were usually decided by the City Clerk's Office and/or the City Manager's Office. The appearance of the agenda templates would remain the same. As the system tracked the approval process, signoff was eliminated. The Word document would be published and converted to a PDF, and links would be created. The header would be automatically published and the document paginated. The backup could be in desktop format, scanned through Word, or laser fiches images could be used. The agenda packet could accommodate large-format documents, which were then reduced by the publishing engine. The publishing engine could also produce an HTML document which could be posted to the website, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) site, or Laser Fiche. The EasyAgenda product would not require the installation of any software. The laser fiche server was generally used which utilized Microsoft Sequel as the database. The artwork would be City website friendly and would utilize the City's graphics. The announcement windows could be used to identify the users of certain changes Citywide or in the project. The user log-in would identify the roll of the user. The three roles in EasyAgenda consisted of a submitter, reviewer and agenda coordinator/administrator. The reviewer and agenda coordinator/administrator inherited the rolls before them. The approval process was usually driven by the organizational chart. Passwords could be changed at the "Today" page, and a user could be delegated. A calendar on the Today page allowed the user to access future meetings, and personal items allowed the Department Head to work on agenda items for several upcoming meetings at the same time. All users could view the meeting in its entirety. Multiple meetings would be listed. The City Clerk's staff and the agenda coordinator would be trained in how to set up meetings and create drop-down menus. The agenda item dashboard was an important component of the product, and the status of an item could be seen at a glance. The buttons viewed by the agenda coordinator or City Clerk allowed them to navigate to different sections and to change the order within the section. The first button was for the agenda item submitter, the owner of the item. The second button was connected to the departmental structure, the third button to the technical review, the fourth to the City Manager's Office and the fifth button to the publisher or the agenda coordinator. Items could be rescheduled and file names or nicknames could be changed. In the event changes were made to 2 Meeting Minutes EasyAgenda Presentation Boynton Beach, Florida February 23, 2009 the agenda at a later date, it was recommended the entire agenda be republished. The system was capable of publishing a draft, final, supplemental or amended agenda, and a watermark could be inserted, informing the users of a supplemental or amended agenda. Notations could be made by opening a page and going to tools, comment, and markup. Advanced editing could also be made. The most popular annotations were the post-it notes. Existing language could be highlighted, underlined or stricken, and additional files could be attached. Adobe Acrobat training could be provided for bookmarking and adding annotations. The system allowed the Commissioners, when pulling items on the consent agenda for discussion, to create an annotation and identify at a glance the items that had been pulled. It also allowed Commissioners to type notes or comments directly to the agenda shell for speedy access. In accessing the agenda on the City's website, the system allowed the public to search for particular items without having to peruse the entire agenda as each item could be published as a separate document. (Vice Mayor Rodriguez left the room at 4:54 p.m.) (Vice Mayor Rodriguez returned at 4:59 p.m.) (Ms. LaVerriere left the meeting at 5:05 p.m.) The discovery process was generally completed in 30 to 60 days. A working model would then be utilized to publish several meetings, and a parallel phase would follow, for a total of 90 to 180 days to complete the process. Ms. LeJeune indicated the City Manager's Office would be meeting individually with the agenda staff team and various departments to work through the process, and hands-on training would be provided to the submitters and the approvers. These occurrences would extend the process beyond 90 days. It would be necessary to determine the number of laptops to be purchased. It was noted an additional meeting module had been purchased for the CRA agendas. Mr. Porter would work with ITS, the City Clerk and the City Manager's Office to develop a schedule, and activity would be ongoing prior to production. 3 Meeting Minutes EasyAgenda Presentation Boynton Beach, Florida February 23, 2009 There being no further business to discuss, the meeting properly adjourned at 5:16 p.m. ~~~~ Stephanie D. Kahn Recording Secretary 022709 4