Minutes 03-11-09 MINUTES OF THE VETERANS ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 2009 AT 10:00 A.M. FIRE/POLICE TRAINING ROOM, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PRESENT: Thomas Kaiser, Chair Morris Soruck Thomas Krabill Karl Washington Robert Zimmermann Stanley Gavlick, Alt. Rev. Richard Smith, Alt. Donald Lee Scantlan, Alt. Chuck Magazine, City Liaison ABSENT: Daryl Fuller Lester McKenzie Stuart Preston I. CALL TO ORDER - Tom Kaiser, Chairman Chair Kaiser called the meeting to order at 9:56 a.m. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - All Hands The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. III. INVOCATION - Designated Reverend Smith offered the invocation. IV. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS The Recording Secretary called the roll. A quorum was present. Chair Kaiser announced Mr. Fuller just started a new job and could not attend the meeting. Mr. McKenzie contacted the Chair and advised his wife was ill, and he would be stepping down. It was noted alternates did not move up automatically and members desiring to be moved to a regular position should fill out an application. 1 Meeting Minutes Veterans Advisory Committee Boynton Beach, Florida March 11, 2009 Mr. Krabill explained he no longer belonged to Post 164 or 5335. He was a life member in Ohio and the Rocket Post in Melbourne. It was explained to Mr. Krabill that as long as he was a member of a veteran's organization, he could remain a member of the committee. Mr. Magazine would research the matter. Mr. McKenzie; however, would have to submit a resignation letter to the City Clerk advising of his resignation. The members were encouraged to communicate with Mr. Magazine regarding their attendance at the meetings. There was discussion the Veterans Advisory Commission only handles three events, which were Veteran's Day, Four Chaplains Sunday and Memorial Day. They also spent $40,000 on monuments in the park. On a different matter, it was announced the road near the Veteran's of Foreign Wars building was cleaned up, but as soon as the trash was removed, more appeared. V. AGENDA APPROVAL The agenda was approved by consensus vote. VI. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, JANUARY 14,2009 Motion Mr. Gavlick moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Soruck seconded the motion that unanimously passed. VI. COMMENTS BY CHAIR Chair Kaiser discussed the flagpole and the light. He advised the pole should have been placed on the side of the monument. The light for the flag would shine up and over the monument behind the flag and the wiring for the light would be behind the monument. It was suggested placing the light in front of the monument, as having it behind would only silhouette the monument. Additionally, the flag should not be flown without the light. The members noted a cement sleeve was needed to move the pole over. The pole shortened the length of the park, and relocating it would give more room to the monument and could accommodate the VIP Tent. Poles are always placed on the left side of the monument, so the speaker is on the right, facing the audience. If arrangements could be made to get that done, the park would be expansive. Mr. Magazine agreed to speak with Recreation and Parks about the matter. The brick campaign was moving forward with more bricks sold. There was room for about 50 more bricks. 2 Meeting Minutes Veterans Advisory Committee Boynton Beach, Florida March 11, 2009 VII. COMMENTS FROM VISITORS None. IX. OLD BUSINESS: a. Four Chaplains' Memorial Dedication, Sunday, February 1,2009, 2PM Bicentennial Park - completed The Four Chaplains Event was held. Chair Kaiser thanked the City's Parks Department for use of the tent. The City's and Mr. Magazine's assistance was greatly appreciated. Approximately 200 people attended the unveiling. Chair Kaiser wanted to propose holding 20-minute tours of the park for school children. These tours would enhance the image of the armed forces to the community and the children. A Korean Veterans program called "Tell America", which was a speaker's bureau, was discussed. Four or five veterans speak at different facilities and tell of their experiences and they now speak at Lynn University annually. X. NEW BUSINESS: a. Memorial Day The Memorial Day event will be held on May 24,2009 at 2:00 p.m. at Boynton Memorial Cemetery. On Friday, May 22, 2009, at 9:00 a.m., they will place the flags on the veterans' graves. Each member was asked to bring other veterans from their post and the children from St. Joseph's School would be invited to participate. Color Guards will be present. Chair Kaiser announced he would donate a cemetery plaque to the Veterans' cemetery on May 30th, when the Veterans' cemetery holds their ceremonies. Chair Kaiser also complimented Tom Balfe, Parks Manager at the cemetery, for his assistance with putting up tents. Mr. Scantlan announced he was employed by Workforce Alliance, and many individuals were unemployed. He announced if the members were aware of veterans needing assistance, Mr. Glen Stall on the staff of Workforce Alliance could assist. There was a one-stop center in front of the Boynton Beach Mall. Mr. Scantlan would provide the information to Mr. Magazine who could post the information on the website and BBTV. 3 Meeting Minutes Veterans Advisory Committee Boynton Beach, Florida March 11, 2009 XI. BENEDICTION, MOMENT OF SILENT PRAYER Chair Kaiser gave the Benediction. XII. NEXT BOARD MEETING - May 13, 2009 XII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, the meeting properly adjourned at 10:28 a.m. ~;~ryQ1wt Recording Secretary 031409 4