Minutes 03-09-09
Mark Bobich, Chair
Ray Altman, Vice Chair
Catherine Cherry, Secretary
Chuck Magazine
Chip Mierke
Michael Naughton
Bevis Pigott
Jody Rivers
Maibet Rosado
Barbara Scott
Cathy McDeavitt
Pam Welsh
Safety Administrator
Fire Rescue
City Clerk
Risk Management
Public Works
Recreation and Parks
Human Resources
City Manager
Eric Falstad/Jeremy Davis
Mike Rumpf/Chris Mitchell
Rodney Vicki/Julie Alibrandi
Barbara Scott/Lt. Katz
Golf Course
Police/Code Compliance
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 10:01 a.m.
II. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and a quorum was present.
III. Acceptance of Minutes of 02/09/2009 regular meeting
Vice Chair Altman moved to accept the minutes as presented. Mr. Naughton seconded
the motion that unanimously passed.
IV. Safety Committee Education and Training Program
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida
March 9, 2009
Chair Bobich distributed copies of the Safety Bulletin, a copy of which is included in the
meeting backup. There was brief discussion the bulletin could be e-mailed to the
members. The members were advised the Risk Management Department would send
the bulletin by hard copy and e-mail.
Mr. Magazine advised there was a bill that was anticipated to pass, which would require
public entities to follow Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
standards by the year 2012. Palm Beach County could not pass the OSHA regulations
and they have one of the best safety programs in the State.
One standard frequently cited was the General Duty Clause. Part of that clause was to
maintain a safe workplace through housekeeping. Failure to adhere to the clause
carried a higher fine.
A safety program was being tested in the Utilities Department, and if successful, would
be implemented Citywide. It was emphasized at some point OSHA or another
applicable State agency would be visiting. If the OSHA standards were not met and an
individual was injured, an attorney could use the OSHA standards against the City. It
was particularly important with third-party claims, which are expensive. Chair Bobich
would be working with various departments for training and other safety projects but it
was emphasized it was vital the employees understood the importance of the impending
The new standards could affect many aspects of employment including bargaining
agreements, as there are hour regulations included. Currently, the City follows many of
the standards but if the bill passes, the City would be required to follow all the
Information regarding OSHA instructed courses could be provided in-house. It was
reported there was discussion in the insurance industry of organizing classes statewide
where individuals would come in and train. There would be many train-the-trainer
classes. The Palm Beach County Safety Council was involved as was the University of
South Florida as OSHA's outreach center. The City would work with many of the local
organizations as opposed to new organizations offering training classes.
Vice Chair Altman suggested receiving the training early and then offer training to other
entities. The activity could be used as a revenue generator.
Mr. Ben Soto, Safety Specialist from Delray Beach, was present to observe how
Boynton Beach conducted its Safety Committee meetings. Most entities follow the
regulations for the most part, but they need to follow the regulations completely and
document them as oftentimes, the documentation is missing.
V. Old Business
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida
March 9, 2009
A. Fire Drills
Vice Chair Altman reviewed seven fire drills that took place. Notably, the Library had a
fire drill and fire extinguisher training. Utilities, Solid Waste and other private facilities
also had drills. A copy of the paperwork was included with the meeting backup.
Ms. Rivers requested when the Recreation and Parks Department conducted their next
evacuation that they do something different, such as evacuating for a chemical spill, or
learn how to evacuate someone in a wheelchair from the second story. Ms. Rivers
advised Jim Macintyre could set up the drill.
B. Proud to be a Safe Worker Awards
Chair Bobich explained at the upcoming Safety Council meeting, the Society of
Engineers was considering an award next year for individuals who were not safety
professionals. Individuals who developed a product, concept or idea of how to do
enhance safety, or who went beyond the call of duty regarding safety could be
In the past, a civilian received the award for saving a child who fell in a pool. It was also
noted Utilities' workers developed a "Tube Support Table" which enabled additional
sections of vactor tubing to be connected without having to hold several lengths of
tubing over an open lift station pit. Consideration could be given to the device which
was suggested by Thorley Johnson, designed by Mike Osborn and Mike Taylor, and
fabricated by Barry Hall.
C. Departmental Inspections & Safety Meetings
Chair Bobich encouraged the members to continue their in-house inspections. He
requested the members review the meetings and inspections spreadsheet on the
Shared Drive to ensure proper credit was given. The worksheets were on the Shared
D. Defensive Driver Course
The City is in the process of creating a defensive driving course. The course was no
longer supported by the Smith System, as the program software was old. Risk
Management was creating their own PowerPoint presentation on the Defensive Driving
course, which would encompass part of the Smith System information and more. The
course is required every two years and employees are required to pass the test given at
the end of the course.
A copy of the Administrative Policy Manual regarding the Safe Driver Program was
distributed. The procedure for policy revisions would be presented to the City
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida
March 9, 2009
Manager's Leadership Team (CML T) for approval. The policy would then be sent to the
department head and then to Ms. Welsh in the City Manager's Office for Mr. Bressner's
signature. When the policy was on the Shared Drive, she would e-mail CML T and
Administrative Services Team members of the APM number and that it was revised.
Department heads would then be responsible for distributing the information to
Departments should keep their own list of when employees have to take the driving
course. Ms. Brown, in Risk Management, has a complete list. It was noted the test was
available in Spanish; having the test available in Creole was also suggested.
There was a policy in the Administrative Policy Manual that also pertained to the use of
seat belts and it was noted employees would have to adhere to that as well.
Mr. Soto offered his assistance to the City. He reported Delray Beach continues to
implement and update their manual.
E. Incident Review Board Referrals
F. Other
VI. New Business
A. Departmental Safety Issues
Chair Bobich had been to the new Library and advised many departments assisted with
identifying items that were addressed there. The Library was a good example of
departments working together.
Another example was the meeting room temperature, as it was cold for many years.
The Facilities Department was notified, and while it took time, the temperature was
balanced and is now comfortable.
A training fire on a NE 4th Avenue structure took place. Normally when the training was
completed, part of the structure remained which was unsafe. The owner, which was the
Community Redevelopment Agency, was responsible for the cleanup. As the
Community Redevelopment Agency would have to go out to bid for the debris removal,
the Utilities Department bought in a CAT and a front-end loader and knocked down the
remaining structure. The Community Redevelopment Agency then cleaned it up. This
was another example of departments working together. Mr. Magazine suggested the
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida
March 9, 2009
Community Redevelopment Agency obtain price quotes from vendors before the
occurrence based on a general price list, per yard of debris.
B. Other
Chair Bobich recognized the Recreation and Parks Department for sending their
inspection forms electronically.
Facilities and the Fire Department assisted Chair Bobich with fire alarm work regarding
panel upgrades and replacement. Pull station covers were added, additional alarms at
the Hester Center were installed, improved signage and better lighting was added.
These were all items addressed through cooperation between departments.
Chair Bobich indicated he walks through parks to ensure vegetation has a seven-foot
clearance. This was important, not only for bicyclists, but also during hurricane season.
He requested if a member noticed vegetation that needed to be addressed; the
members should contact him or the Recreation and Parks Department directly.
VII. Announcements
Mr. Magazine advised he sent an e-mail requesting members of the Safety Committee
and the Incident Review Board to RSVP for the Safety Council Award luncheon.
VIII. Next Meeting Date: Monday, April 13, 2009, 10:00 a.m.
IX. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting properly adjourned at 10:40
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Catherine Cherry if
Recording Secretary