Minutes 04-09-09 MINUTES OF THE CEMETERY BOARD MEETING HELD ON THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 2009 @ 6:00 P.M. COMMISSION CHAMBERS, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PRESENT: Michael Enkoff, Chair Tom Balfe, Parks Manager Harry (Dale) Hatch, Vice Chair Janet Prainito, Secretary Karilyn Norem Hohner ABSENT: Bonnie Glinski 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Enkoff called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. 2. ATTENDANCE Secretary Prainito called the roll. A quorum was present. Ms. Prainito reported Bonnie Glinski could not attend the meeting. Don Roberts, Cemetery staff was also present. 3. AGENDA APPROVAL The following item was added to the agenda: 8. New Business, Item D - Disinternment Order for Josephine Pezzuto. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – March 12, 2009 Motion Vice Chair Hatch moved to accept the minutes as presented. Ms. Hohner seconded the motion that unanimously passed. 5. RECEIPT OF REVENUE/EXPENSE SHEETS – February 2009 Motion Ms. Prainito moved to accept. Mr. Hatch seconded the motion that unanimously passed. 1 Meeting Minutes Cemetery Board Boynton Beach, Florida April 9, 2009 6. RECEIPT OF SALES REPORTS – March 2009 Chair Enkoff requested approval of the sales reports from February (sic). Motion Mr. Hatch so moved. Ms. Hohner seconded the motion that unanimously passed. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS . AParks Division Reports – March 2009 Tom Balfe, Parks Manager, presented the report for the month of March. Motion Ms. Prainito moved to approve. Mr. Hatch seconded the motion that unanimously passed. 8. NEW BUSINESS B. Status report regarding engraving charges for benches at the cemetery (Tabled) The members had previously discussed bench colors. A color chart was circulated to match the crypt and niche fronts, or at least blend the color. A sample of a rose colored granite to match the crypt fronts and gray to match the niche fronts was provided. There was a concern the photos did not accurately depict the colors. The Ruby Star and Black Pearl granite were discussed. Mr. Balfe believed the colors were the same industry wide, and he would obtain pricing on the Board’s top three choices. The cost of the gray bench was about $550 contingent on purchasing 10 benches at a time. The engraving was $2.25 per letter, $25 per emblem and $110 for the service call, regardless of how many benches would be engraved at that time. It would be cost efficient to do several benches at once. When the benches were originally considered, the Board discussed placing them and the patrons could decide whether they wanted to have something engraved. The engraving would be along the front or back edges, but not on the top as water would collect there. Additionally, the members liked the bench with the harp legs and it was anticipated the cost would change if the harp legs were substituted. 2 Meeting Minutes Cemetery Board Boynton Beach, Florida April 9, 2009 Motion Vice Chair Hatch moved to have Mr. Balfe obtain pricing on the Georgia Gray granite for the next meeting. Vote Vice Chair Hatch amended his motion to include pricing for the India Gray as well. Ms. Prainito seconded the motion that unanimously passed. Mr. Balfe would obtain pricing on both the Georgia Gray and India Gray, supply a sample, or obtain a better picture to see the up-close and far-away grain. He would also obtain a price for the bench with the harp legs. 8. NEW BUSINESS B. Discuss prices for crypts and niches at Boynton Beach Mausoleum. (Heard out of order) The members discussed the prices for new sales should be close to what they were before. A comparison of crypt prices was included in the meeting materials, which was gathered prior to October. There were three crypts and three niches the City could sell, and of those, only two were at eye level. After further discussion it was agreed Mr. Balfe would provide photos, or a diagram, showing the location of the crypts and niches. A. Discuss establishing a fee for engraving crypt and niche fronts at the Boynton Beach Mausoleum Mr. Balfe advised the City pays for the inscription costs on crypts and niches purchased prior to 2006 when bronze letters were used. After 2006, new sales included the cost of the inscription costs in the purchase price and Mr. Osborne dealt directly with the vendor. A crypt front with a last name, two given names, year of birth and year of death, when both occupants were entombed, was $70; however, one company charges $250 to come out and sandblast four numbers. The time it took to remove the front was contingent on the level of the crypt. If they were not at eye level, a lift would be involved and it could take 30 minutes to one hour to remove the front and then a second 30 minutes to one hour to return the front. The process is time consuming and the pieces are heavy. Staff removes 10 fronts at a time; they are picked-up by the company, engraved and returned. Then staff reinstalls the front. It was thought the cost should include labor and be at least $125. After further discussion, since the Cemetery Board had not yet set a fee for opening and closings at the mausoleum, the 3 Meeting Minutes Cemetery Board Boynton Beach, Florida April 9, 2009 members considered whether the charge should be similar to an opening and closing. A ground opening and closing was $400. A price for emblems on crypt and niche fronts was needed, as inquiries were received. If the emblem was added after the front was inscribed with the decedent’s information, the front would have to be removed, sent out and there would be a charge. If the emblem were added at the same time as the names, there would be a different price. The flat rate the Board would pay for emblems, regardless of whether it was inscribed on a crypt or niche was $15. Mr. Balfe inquired what they should charge the customer as the Board had discussed at a prior meeting that emblems, which are now sandblasted, would be at the expense of the owner. The suggestion to consider the charges as opening and closing was revisited; however, it was not a true opening and closing as only the front was removed. The City had no information regarding opening and closing charges paid to the previous Mausoleum operator. Contracts the City viewed did not contain a breakdown of costs, but it was known some Mausoleums charged $1,100 to $1,200 for that service. There was agreement to bring this item back next month. Don Roberts, Cemetery staff, suggested listing the fee for adding an emblem after the fact, as a Removal and Placement Fee. The item was tabled to the next meeting. C. Discuss and make recommendation to the City Commission regarding a transfer fee for crypts and niches at Boynton Beach Mausoleum. Ms. Prainito advised this issue was problematic and believed the Board could not move forward with recommendations. Individuals inquired if they could sell their crypts or niches and transfer ownership papers. Ms. Prainito agreed to discuss the latter with the City Attorney and bring the information back at the next meeting. The item was tabled to the next meeting. D. Disinternment Order for Josephine Pezzuto. Motion Vice Chair Hatch moved to allow the disinternment for Josephine Pezzuto. Ms. Prainito seconded the motion that unanimously passed. 9. OTHER Mr. Balfe advised at the last meeting, the fountain selection was awarded to Artistic Design; however, they did not have the proper insurance requirements to install the fountain. He approached the second vendor, which was Andean Furniture and Pots, who 4 Meeting Minutes Cemetery Board Boynton Beach, Florida April 9, 2009 also did not have the proper insurance for the installation. Chair Enkoff advised he was investigating whether an insurance policy for a day, similar to a special event policy would suffice. Ms. Prainito also advised she had received a telephone call earlier in the day from Ms. Miner about the matter. Ms. Miner was present and explained they own three crypts at the Mausoleum and heard there was a fountain planned. Her son installs pools, spas and fountains and he contacted Mr. Balfe and faxed plans to him, as he was disappointed the fountain was small. She expressed it looked like something you would find in a backyard. The Cemetery was large, and had a lot of exposure to traffic. She thought something more attractive should be installed. Mr. Balfe confirmed he spoke with the man who expressed to him he did not agree with the design of the fountain, that it looked like a birdbath and he was not interested in giving a quote. The roundabout area had limited space; however, Ms. Miner felt the piece could be more attractive, and perhaps have lights. She was unsure of the cost of her son’s work and inquired if the Board could spend $50,000. Chair Enkoff explained they had several estimates and $50,000 was not something the Board could entertain. The Board had recently authorized new sod at a cost of $200,000. Ms. Miner expressed an architect should be brought in, and the Board should listen to her son. She also requested adding pavers to the Cemetery. As Ms. Miner left the meeting, Ms. Prainito announced Mr. Miner had contacted Debby Coles-Dobay, the Public Art Administrator, about installing art in the roundabout. He did not think the fountain would look good. Since the project was not new development, and art was not required to be installed, the comment was passed along to Ms. Prainito. Ms. Prainito also conveyed that earlier in the day Ms. Miner advised her she was told and shown where the City planned to build a new Mausoleum. Ms. Prainito clarified the City had no plans to build a Mausoleum, rather Mr. Osborne had planned to build one, but it never came to fruition. Don Roberts reported he had received comments regarding the pit area at the Cemetery. Originally, that area was fenced because items such as tractors, were stored there. When they received inquiries why the fence was removed, Mr. Roberts explained there was supposed to be a Mausoleum there. He reported the area was an eyesore and families scouting the Cemetery to potentially purchase there lost interest when they see the area. He suggested installing and painting a wood fence. The members agreed the area was visually unappealing and thought a chain link fence with slats or a windscreen would hold up better during hurricanes. When a storm approached, the screen could be rolled up. Landscaping could also be used to help screen the area. Mr. Balfe agreed to obtain quotes, and the item would be added to the next meeting agenda. 5 Meeting Minutes Cemetery Board Boynton Beach, Florida April 9, 2009 The City’s reclaimed watermain was recently installed, which ran from the far southeast corner of the Cemetery, down the side of the Cemetery, to the south road. The agreement to turn the water on would be heard by the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board in April and staff hoped to have reclaimed water soon. In preparation for the water, staff was adding and moving sprinkler heads. Pipes in the old section would be replaced in order to have the irrigation system 100% before the reclaimed water was available. The water line that runs to the Cemetery entrance was live, but service could not be provided until the agreement was approved. Another advantage of using reclaimed water, as opposed to well water, was the reclaimed water helped remove some of the well water stains from the old headstones. Ms. Prainito explained Ms. Glinski contacted her and inquired if the Board could obtain an actuarial study regarding how much money was in the Perpetual Care fund and how long the Cemetery could be maintained, if no sales took place. After consulting with Ms. Rivers, Ms. Prainito reported there was $4.7 million in interest bearing accounts. The question was posed to the Finance Department and would likely be addressed after the fiscal year. It was also noted there were variables associated with the inquiry, such as if additional replatting of the cemetery took place, if there were resales, disinturnments, etc. It was hoped the sales of urn vaults and vases would offset costs, and much depended on the crypts. At the last meeting, Ms. Glinski had seconded the motion to move forward with the purchase of the sod, and she was concerned about the amount in the fund. Discussion turned to the old section of the Cemetery. The headstones were falling and leaning; some were stained. An inquiry was made whose responsibility it was to address those issues. Mr. Balfe responded the Cemetery staff was responsible and he believes, some kids had gone through the Cemetery and five headstones were knocked over. Staff stood the headstones back up, and advised they would like to reset them by pouring a simple cement base. The members agreed the headstones should be reset and staff advised they would try to reset them before the sod was installed. Two mausoleums also needed cosmetic work and there were no surviving relatives of the decedents. There was agreement the cost of the repairs should come from the Perpetual Care fund. Stained headstones would be acid washed. Mr. Balfe advised PerMarc Development Corp. has insurance coverage that meets the City’s requirements to install the fountain. Two other quotes were also received, but were unsuccessful. He requested direction whether the Board wanted to wait or proceed with the installation from PerMarc. Chair Enkoff suggested waiting to see if they could obtain a policy that would meet the City’s needs. In the interim, Mr. Balfe would move forward with installing the electric to the two pillars and to the roundabout at the Cemetery. Water was available there as well. The City electrician would make the physical connection, or work with whomever the Board 6 Meeting Minutes Cemetery Board Boynton Beach, Florida April 9, 2009 The members discussed the fountain and felt a larger one would be out of place. Four new Royal Palm trees were also purchased for the Cemetery to replace the four that died. 10. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS A. City Attorney to review Code section on the Cemetery for the purpose of updating archaic language, and add definitions. This item would be discussed in the future. 11. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, the meeting properly adjourned at 7:29 p.m. lRLMiLJ 'jLL rl4l,~/ Catherine Cherry If Recording Secretary v 41009 7