R96-141RESOLUTION NO. R96-/~/ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A RENEWAL OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND THE CHILD CARE RESOURCE & REFERRAL, INC., PROVIDING FOR "SUBSTITUTES ON STANDBY" FOR LATCHKEY PROGRAMS AT ROLLING GREEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, upon recommendation of staff, the City Commission agrees it is in the best interests of the citizens and residents of the City to renew an Agreement with the Child Care Resource & Referral, Inc., (CCR&R) wherein CCR&R will provide "substitutes on standby" for latchkey programs at Rolling Green Elementary School for the 1996-97 school year. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ~HAT: Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a renewal of an Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Child Care Resource & Referral, Inc., said Agreement being attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Section 2. That this Resolution effective immediately upon passage. shall become PASSED AND ADOPTED this /~ day of September, 1996. ATTEST: ~' Mayor r~ ~ Commis s~ner ./ C°mmi~s s i°ner 96 ! 97 C(mTRA__CT Y~.AR ACCOF~ T NUMBER ~s~G G~ ~ lic~o~ C~ld Care Faei~ty located qq~ ........ ~. ~N n~A~ t~r a~ said ~cili~y. WBE~S~ ~e o~ ~he ~i~s available ~ou~h C~ld Care Ree~ & Refers1 ~c. h~a~ ~f~red to as "CCR&R" is ~e ~ovision of trued, ~qer prated, sore~ed ~bstitute ~ach~s to d~y li~d C~Id C~e Faci~tiee, said s~vice b~g ~ as '~bs~itu~es ~ St~', her~a~r ref~r~ to as "S.O.S.". ~S, ~R~R ~ Center wi~ to ;~ter ~to ~ ~r~t wh~eby CCR&R wall p~vide ~W ~E~, for good ~ valu~le consid~a~on, t~ p~s he~to, ~~g be leg~ly bo~d ~ h~ agree as 1. ~e c~ u~d~et~ds ~at ~e ~ no ~r~e ~at a su~t~e will always available, snbj~ ~ a~i~b[li~y, CCE&R will ~ovide su~titute t~ch~s to cent~ ~n ~e 2. The p~i~ ~d~8~ t~ the a~i~bility of s~tut~ ~cr~se8 wi~ the a~u~ of ~i~ n~ce giv~ C~ ~ C~ ~ t~ir ne~ for a A. For. ~t-~ s~ti~u~ s~v[~ us~ [~s ~f d~e~e~, p~e~ ~nf~enc~, sick ~ r~plne 1~, a~ och~ ~ca~onn ~ ~i~ ~ive (5) ~n~fluo~ day~ p~ ~ition, Ce~ ~re~ ~ ~y ~R~a~t~ su~ si $~ ~r ho~ for ~eh ~div~l p~id~ ~nd~ the s.O.S, p~qr~ ~ a ~n~ ~ any one asszqn~ b~nq Eo~ ~div~duai pr~id~ und~ ~e S.o.s. ~ogram ~ a ~n~ on a~ one a~s&gn~t ~ hours. 4. C. enter agrees to follow all "Fair Labor Laws" w/th substitute(s) assigned to their fac/l/ry. ?.e.ncex. n.e~. in.g .an substitute(s) to ..w~?k over 40 hours per week wi1! be billed at a sum of the acs a hale or rme current hourly bl~l rate for that substitute(s). 5. Cance/Iation Policyf cancellation of a request for a substitute ~ust be make at least 24 hours prior to the start c~ an assignment to avoM the four hour ~/~um charge. 6. CCRaR will be responsible for the payment of all wages and Er/nqe be~efits, /e any, of the individuals provided by the s.o.s, program, including the payment of all required payroll taxes, and the ~aintenance of wor. k?r.'s..co~..pen~sat/.on insurance as required by state law. ~e center in not the employer of sala lnalv~aual acs is not responsible for the payment of said %'. The Cw~j~.rn .a~fte~s_._no~t. ~t?_~di???.tl~. or.,indEre_ctly hir_e a CCa~? .ploy. (Substitutes on Standby) ,.~,. ,.~.u.~u o~..cn,au zn~zv~ual s c~mplet~on o~: an asslqnmerlt at the center with the ~}r~r~w~t_r~n permxssxon of celt&R, at which U~ the Cente~ aurees to nay a fee of ~ q~.~ ~ an s.o.s, employee is hired by center without the prior of ccn&R--{~--~ter will I~Y a p/ace~ent fee of SROO_O0. 8. Center aqrees that it will not' utilize S.O.S. e~ployees to drive vehicles. Center aqrees to inde~n/fy and hold cc~a harmless if Center does uti/tze S.O.S. en~loyees for this purpose. 9. Center agrees not to pay S.O.S. e~ployee directly or to advance any funds to the~. 10. center agrees that it will not entrust s.0.$, e~ploy=~ with unattended cash, checks, neqo~/able, or other valuables, center agrees to indemnify CC~&R and hold cc~&~ harmless for any C1~ asserted artsinq out S.o.s. employees who are entrusted' with unattended cash, checks, neqotiable or other valuables. 11. Center agrees to abide by the Rules & Requlattons ~overntnq Child Care Facilit/es in Palm Beach county, Fl. 12. Center has received and is femiliar with a copy of CCR&a Co~plaint Policies & Procedures and is a~are the S.O.S. employees will abide by these policies. 13. Center agrees to terms of Net Upon Rece/pt and understands that unpaid accounts will be considered in default after (I$) fifteen days. Any account /n default shall accrue interest at the rate of 15% annually or the hiqheet rate all~.o~ed by law. Center agrees to pay reasonable attorney, s fee~ and other costs and expenses of co~ectton incurred by cCa&R in enforclu9 this agreeaent. 14. I.f center has an outs~andlng balance .beyo.nd (30) thirty days, CCa&a will not provide S.O service to the Center until th~ balance nas ~een paid in fu/1. 15. CCR~R may cancel this agreement upon (3). three days written not/ce to the center, includinq but not limited any of the above paragraphs which are not oomplied with. ~161 C_enter agree~__ to~ pay a non-refu.ndable Membership fee toCCR&R of ~j~~"=~' ~' '~¢'~ .......... utihze the ~.o.~. program for a ~erm ~ommenclng on ..... and continuing to ~ payable upon the slgn~nq of thi~ co~t~aet. : -: IN ~$~ ~HEREOF the parties hereto have executed this a~ree~ent this ~ day of OCT 1 ~ 6 ·  ,~-~.t~,~][TY~F~f..BOYNT.QtN BEACH ccR&R, / signal;ute Date MAY0~RlUe Tltle CITY ATTORNEY