Minutes 06-10-09
HELD ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 2009, AT 7:00 P.M.
Brian Miller, Chair
Victor Norfus, Vice Chair
Belky Cruz
Judy Immer
Joyce Mura
Stanley Sorgman
Phyllis Stern
Lloyd McCoy, Alternate
Floyd Zonenstein, Alternate
Thelma Lyons, Board Liaison
Blanche Hearst-Girtman
Paula Melley
I. Call meeting to order
Chair Miller called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
II. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll. A quorum was present. Vice Chair Norfus led the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
III. Recognition of Visitors
IV. Approval of Agenda
Ms. Immer added discussion of Board membership and absenteeism to New Business Item C.
Ms. Mura moved to approve the agenda as amended. Mr. Zonenstein seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
V. Approval of Minutes from May 13, 2009
Ms. Mura noted under "Announcements" the minutes reflected Ms. Mura and other Board
Members were attending a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) meeting. She
advised she attended, but did not see any other Board members present.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL
June 10, 2009
Chair Miller suggested making the correction based on her observation.
Ms. Mura moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Mr. Zonenstein seconded the motion
that unanimously passed.
VI. Announcements, Community & Special Events & Presentations
Chair Miller inquired if there were any activities occurring. Vice Chair Norfus reported he was
working with other groups to hold events similar to the Intergenerational Day. He anticipated
the Intergenerational event would not be held this year, but it was still in the planning stages.
Only the Heritage Celebration went forward this year. The constraints pertained to funding.
Ms. Mura announced the Hurricane Expo would be held on Saturday, June 20, 2009 at 10:00
a.m. at the Boynton Beach Mall. CERT team members would be there, and she encouraged all
to attend. A request for volunteers was previously sent. Members who did not receive the
notification and wanted to volunteer should contact Mike Landress at the Boynton Beach Fire
Vice Chair Norfus was also working with residents to establish neighborhood associations. The
item would be put on a future agenda.
VII. Reports & Updates:
Pride in Boynton Update - recommendation to the Commissioners to create a
method to handle litter on City and Community Redevelopment Agency vacant
properties - Chair Brian Miller
Chair Miller met with staff of the Community Redevelopment Agency and attended some of their
meetings. Litter in the Heart of Boynton remained an issue. Although residents used the trash
receptacles, vacant lots still had litter. The City was aware of the issue, and the minutes of the
last meeting reflected the Board's unhappiness with it. He expressed the City should address
the matter and he indicated he would take photos of them, and forward them to Code
Mr. McCoy commented if there was a fast food restaurant in the area, it would be obvious
whether the trash emanated from the restaurant or not. If so, the restaurant should take
responsibility for helping to solve the problem. There were one or two stores in the area. He
acknowledged while most of the litter was from them, not all of it was. He suggested the City
contact the proprietors to have them develop a solution. The matter could be addressed for
$100 or less, but unless the City acted, nothing would change. The Sims Center was well kept,
but in order to get there, visitors have to pass by lots loaded with trash.
Mr. McCoy moved that the City contact the businesses/stores within the area of the littered
blocks advising them of the litter concerns generated by the Board, and suggesting to them they
develop a solution for remedying the litter on the lots. Vice Chair Norfus seconded the motion.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL
June 10, 2009
Discussion followed it appeared the Community Redevelopment Agency neglected the east side
of Boynton Beach. Anything done was on the west side and they should consider the residents
on the east side. Perhaps they would consider cleaning up and making sure their properties
were cleaned. A suggestion was made to pursue the matter with the Community
Redevelopment Agency. Each time there were plans to address the issue, they were put on
hold. The problem was a longstanding one.
Hiring youth to work four hours per day was suggested as it would be gainful employment and
could help turn the area around. Discussion followed it should be a multi-pronged approach
involving businesses, the property owners and the Community Redevelopment Agency.
Discussion followed the onus to maintain businesses and the lots rested with the property
owners, and the Community Redevelopment Agency was the victim. It was up to the
community residents as it was a matter of how much pride they take in their community.
A recommendation was made to send correspondence to local businesses in strong enough
language that reasonable individuals would conclude the trash generated was from items sold
at their establishment. It was also discussed local establishments would not address the matter.
They were in business to sell food or other items. It was up to the individuals to take their trash
and place it in the receptacles. It was known individuals driving through throw the trash on the
vacant lots.
Chair Miller thought it was the responsibility of the Community Redevelopment Agency to take
care of their properties and all the properties in the district.
Thelma Lyons, Board Liaison, agreed with the suggestion to hire youth. She indicated they
would put a temporary fence up which would stop a lot of the trash, but it was noted the
Rosemary Scrub area has a fence, but every week there is trash.
Vice Chair Norfus moved to amend the motion to include the Community Redevelopment
Agency, as well as the businesses address that issue.
At the May meeting, there was a motion asking the Commission to find a workable solution, but
that did not occur. A short-term solution was to employ youth to actively clean the area and put
up no littering signs. The Community Redevelopment Agency also has Police, and they may be
able to emphasize the matter, even if they wrote tickets for littering or trash. It was thought the
Police should be used.
Mr. Zonenstein seconded the amended motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion
unanimously passed.
VII. Old Business:
VIII. New Business:
a. Board Discussion - Consider changing Board meetings to 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL
June 10, 2009
Ms. Lyons explained the City was moving to a four-day work week and the employees will work
from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Moving the time up would assist City staff. The item was only a
Ms. Stern moved it would be expedient to push the meeting time up one half hour for the well
being of their wonderful Boynton Beach City Manager and it would be easier for the members.
Ms. Immer seconded the motion.
After discussion, some members could not make the earlier time.
Ms. Stern withdrew her motion.
b. Annual Board Election -
Ms. Mura noted the Community Relations Board brochure indicated elections are to take place
in April. She inquired why they were being held in May. Ms. Lyons explained it was an
oversight of the Board and she added it to the agenda.
I. Chair
Chair Miller nominated Victor Norfus as Chair. Ms. Stern seconded the nomination. There were
no other nominations. A roll call vote was taken. Mr. Norfus was elected Chair.
II. Vice Chair
Victor Norfus nominated Judy Immer for Vice Chair. There were no other nominations. A roll
call vote was taken. Judy Immer was elected as Vice Chair
Ms. Immer acknowledged Paula Melley had extenuating circumstances and had missed several
meetings. Ms. Mura read if a member misses three meetings, the City Clerk's office sends a
letter advising one additional absence will result in removal. She indicated the Board should
address it and either find out her intentions or remove her. Ms. Lyons agreed to contact the City
Clerk's office about the matter.
Ms. Stern inquired if the Board would be meeting in August. It was explained there would be no
meetings in July or December. A vote was taken last month to not meet in July. Ms. Stern
explained this was the second time she has arranged her airfares to be present in July. She
indicated historically they do not meet in August.
IX. Adjournment
Mr. McCoy moved to adjourn. Ms. Mura seconded the motion that passed unanimously. The
meeting adjourned at 7:38 p.m.
Catherine Cherry (f
Recording Secretary