Minutes 09-14-09
Mark Bobich, Chair
Ray Altman, Vice-Chair
Catherine Cherry, Secretary
Chuck Magazine
Karen Abramson
Jeremy Davis
Maibet Rosado
Samantha Powers
Grace Wilson
Bevis Pigott
Safety Administrator
Fire Rescue
City Clerk
Risk Management
Golf Course
Human Resources
Public Works
Pam Welsh/Carisse LeJeune
Rodney Vicki/Julie Alibrandi
Mike Rumpf/Chris Mitchell
Barbara Scott
Jody Rivers/Tom Balfe
City Manager
Police/Code Compliance
Recreation and Parks
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m.
II. RollCall
Roll call was taken. A quorum was present.
11/. Acceptance of Minutes of 07/13/2009 regular meeting
A motion was made by Vice Chair Altman to approve the minutes as written. Mr. Davis
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
IV. Safety Committee Education and Training Program
Chair Bobich deferred the training program until the Safety Manual review was complete.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 14,2009
V. Old Business
A. Fire Drills
Vice Chair Altman reported Jim Macintyre was retiring in two weeks. Mr. Mcintyre had indicated
City Hall was the only area pending fire drills. Now that coordinators have been trained, Mr.
Mcintyre wanted to see the departments run their own fire drills and bring the results back to the
Safety Committee.
A discussion followed at what intervals fire drills should be held. The requirement was, at a
minimum, annually for areas with low public traffic. High traffic areas should be quarterly or
Vice Chair Altman moved that in public areas, they hold quarterly fire drills and in administrative
areas, they hold them annually. Mr. Magazine seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Mr. Magazine pointed out the fire department needs to be present to monitor the drill. Vice
Chair Altman explained that was the idea of training individuals to hold the drills, otherwise it
would be too much of a burden to have the fire inspectors at every fire drill. The procedure is in
the safety manual. The Safety Coordinators would be held responsible.
City Hall would be handled separately. The West Wing would be handled by Development. The
Main City Hall and the east wing should be handled as a unit, with the Police handling their own
drills. There should be a schedule of accountability. The drills have to be unannounced. It was
suggested they be done within the fiscal year, commencing October 1, 2009.
In the City Hall Main lobby, the alarm sounds for various reasons. If the alarm sounds, that
would count as an unannounced fire drill. It was noted some departments were not
represented. Alternates would be asked to assist in fire drills even if it is at an offsite location
from their normal work area. There were discussion about notifying dispatch when planning an
unannounced fire drill because the fire department must be present to reset the alarm.
Vice Chair Altman would get clarification from the Fire Marshall and the item was tabled to the
next meeting.
B. Proud to be a Safe Worker Awards
Mr. Pigott submitted paperwork for Daniel Spooner from Utilities. Mr. Spooner was driving to
work. A vehicle about two or three cars ahead of him on Boynton Beach Boulevard flipped. Mr.
Spooner stopped and dialed 911. An off-duty paramedic was also present and they were able
to extract the driver from the vehicle. It was noted the man was wearing his seatbelt and was
unharmed. Mr. Pigott would provide a copy of the paperwork.
C. Departmental Inspections & Safety Meetings
Chair Bobich thanked the members for emaiJing their departmental inspections and meetings to
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 14, 2009
D. Defensive Driver Course
Mr. Magazine advised Risk Management was working on a new schedule for the course for the
upcoming months. There were two versions of the test. One version was narrated by Mr.
Magazine and the other one without narration. Two hundred employees took the course and
the feedback has been positive. The schedules have been sent to the department heads. If
there was a question regarding whether an employee needed to take the course, Risk
Management can advise. The schedule will be posted on the shared drive.
E. Incident Review Board Referrals
None. It was noted two meetings a month were usually scheduled to review incidents: however,
they have had to cancel meetings since there were none.
F. Electrical Flame Resistant Uniforms
This item remained on the table.
G. Safety Manual- 2010 Edition
Chair Bobich will distribute the manual when there is a final draft. The safety coordinators were
encouraged to update their manuasl. The City has a Cell Phone Policy. Risk Management was
working with the Police Department on a no texting policy. The State has a proposal to make it
illegal to text while driving or not using hands free equipment. Congress was looking to pass a
bill to that effect. State not willing to abide by the regulation will lose 25% of their federal
highway funds.
The members were requested to submit their updates to Chair Bobich by September 24, 2009.
Staff would like to send out a draft version next week.
VI. New Business
A. Departmental Safety Issues
Human Resources advised they received a complaint from an employee who feels her work
area is unsafe and too small. The employee wanted to know what procedure the employee
should follow.
Mr. Magazine explained the employee should bring the matter to the attention of their
supervisor. After that, Risk Management could be contacted. An inspection could be
conducted and changes recommended. There were several PowerPoint Presentations on the
shared drive that may be of assistance.
B. H1N1 Virus
Chair Bobich encouraged employees that do not feel well to stay home. The City has
distributed information about the H1 N1 Virus and will remind the members that flu shots were
scheduled by the City.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 14, 2009
It was noted the City has a policy that if a supervisor feels the employee is sick, they could send
the employee home. The employee would use sick time. This aspect was debated by the
members as supervisors do not have the medical training to make the determination whether
someone may be having an allergy attack as opposed to sneezing because of a flu. It was
noted allergies would not cause a fever wherein a flu would. As it pertains to the H1N1 virus,
the virus is not predominately transmitted through the air; rather, it is transmitted through
Employees were encouraged to use hand antiseptic and soap and water frequently. The length
of time needed for hand washing to be effective in preventing transmission of pathogens is
equivalent to the time it takes to sing one stanza of the song Happy Birthday.
The authority of the supervisors to send ill employees home was discussed further and it was
noted supervisors would need to use the authority intelligently. This policy allowing the
supervisor to send employees home was a new policy issued in August, 2009.
C. Other
VII. Announcements
VIII. Next Meeting Date: Monday, October 12,2009, 10:00 a.m.
The next meeting would be held at the Civic Center on Monday, October 12, 2009.
IX. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss the meeting properly adjourned at 10:47 a.m.
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Catherine Cherry ~-O
Recording Secretary