Minutes 09-23-09 MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,2009, AT 6:30 P.M. IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PRESENT: Roger Saberson, Vice Chair Matthew Barnes Sharon Grcevic Candace Killian Jeff Lis Steve Myott Warren Timm, Alternate Ed Breese, Principal Planner Jamila Alexander, Assistant City Attorney ABSENT: Shirley Jaskiewicz, Chair Amber Barritt, Alternate 1. Pledge of Allegiance. Vice Chair Saberson sat as Chair and called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. Mr. Barnes led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 2. Introduction of the Board. Vice Chair Saberson introduced the members of the Board. 3. Agenda Approval. Motion Mr. Myott moved to approve the agenda. Mr. Barnes seconded the motion that unanimously passed. 4. Approval of Minutes. Motion Mr. Barnes moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Myott seconded the motion that unanimously passed. 5. Communications and Announcements. A. Planning and Zoning Report 1. Final disposition of the August 25, 2009 Planning and Development Board meeting agenda items. 1 Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Boynton Beach, Florida September 23, 2009 Ed Breese, Principal Planner, welcomed new Board Alternate Warren Timm. Mr. Breese announced the City Commission approved the following: . The Casa Del Mar Site Plan Time Extension . Pylon Plaza Site Plan Time Extension . Women's Circle Zoning Code Variance for parking . Comprehensive Plan Transmittal to Department of Community Affairs for the Recreation Surface Water policies 6. Old Business Tabled from Auaust 25. 2009 meetina A.1. Bavwalk. ISPTE 09-0071. Site Plan Time Extension, located at31 03 South Federal Highway; west side of Federal Highway, approximately 1/8 mile south of Old Dixie Highway. Request for a one (1)-year site plan time extension for a new site plan (NWSP 08-001) approved on January 2, 2008, thereby extending site plan approval from July 2, 2009 to July 2, 2010. Applicant: Alberto Herrera, P.E., Development Consulting Group, Inc. Kathleen Zeitler, Planner II, presented the request for the extension for the 2.26 acres, zoned IPUD with a Special High Density Residential Land Use. The agent was requesting an extension of the site plan, which was approved January 2,2008 and valid for 18 months or until July 2, 2009 to secure a building permit for the project. The project was proposed for 40 units in 18 separate buildings with eight unit types, having a mix of two and three bedroom'ss ranging from 951 square feet to 1,393 square .feet of air-conditioned space. There was a recreational area with a pool and a pool house for the use of residents and guests. The proposed building and pool house represented a higher quality of architectural design and materials, having a rustic Mediterranean design. The request for the extension was due to the current market conditions and additional time was needed to address the conditions of approval and complete the permitting process. The owner has begun the process of obtaining the engineering permit to commence development of the site and was currently in the plat approval process. Staff recommended approval of the request subject to the conditions of approval. The site visit revealed the sales trailer and existing billboard on site were removed and the site has green screening along the fence. Should the request be approved, the approval would be extended to July 2,2010. Attorney Alexander administered the oath to all who would testify. Mr. Herrera, Civil Engineer for Southern Homes, explained they were in the process of obtaining the engineering permits and there was a comment with the plat approval. They were trying to obtain a boundary plat versus a subdivision plat due to the multi-family development as opposed to single family residential. He agreed with all conditions of approval. . There was discussion when an applicant requested an extension, especially with the site being located on U.S. 1 or a major corridor, there should be better way to provide screening and buffering than a fence. The aesthetics of the site played an important roll in the development of the area. 2 Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Boynton Beach, Florida September 23, 2009 Ms. Zeitler responded in the past, projects that had repeated extensions were required to landscape the site along Federal Highway. She reported the fence screened the site well and the request was for their first extension. Mr. Herrera also added the grass had been mowed since receiving the approval. Chair Saberson opened the public hearing. No one coming forward, Chair Saberson closed the public hearing. Motion Mr. Myott moved to approve the site plan extension for Baywalk Ms. Grcevic seconded the motion. Mr. Myott amended his motion to include the approval was subject to all staff comments. Ms. Grcevic agreed to the amendment. A vote was taken and unanimously passed. 7. New Business A. 1. Hiah. Ridae Academv, (COUS 09-005) (MSPM 09-007), Conditional Use / Major Site Plan Modification, located at 1275 Gateway Boulevard/ NE corner of Gateway Boulevard and Park Ridge Boulevard. Request for conditional use / major site plan modification approval to allow for the conversion of an existing 14,692 square foot office building to a preschool/day care use. Applicant: 1325 Gateway LLC. Mr. Breese explained part of the request that was previously approved was for a 33,000 square foot charter school on the site, which would not be modified as part of the request. The applicant was proposing to modify the two-way drive isle in front of the building. There would be one-way eastbound parking in an effort to improve pedestrian safety and decrease vehicular conflict. The daycare would have an outdoor play area on the backside of the northern part of the property, which was previously approved for parking. There would be a reduction in parking spaces from 254 to 200 spaces, providing for an additional 50 parking spaces over the required amount. The outdoor play area would be fenced and landscaped. The front would also be landscaped. The preschoOl was compatible with the Charter School on site and the surrounding office uses on adjacent parcels. The building has large setbacks and appropriate buffers. There would be minimal off-site impacts associated with the use. Red awnings would be added to the site and the structure would be painted a color complimentary to the Charter School. Staff recommended approval of the request. Chris Nardone, Kenneth Carlson Architects, was in agreement with the conditions of approval. There was lengthy discussion about the student drop-off areas. The school would accommodate 250 children during normal school hours. There would be some aftercare; however, there was a great deal of concern about stacking and the queuing of cars. Mr. Nardone responded the purpose of the one-way direction was to help control traffic and increase safety. There were designated areas for students to enter the building, arranged by age category and the younger students would enter the building on the east side. There was also discussion about the traffic signal on Gateway Boulevard and the turn lane to enter the site. School staff would have to assist with traffic control and looping of traffic. Students could 3 Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Boynton Beach, Florida September 23, 2009 turn left, go around the school and leave at the intersection. There was also a concern regarding vehicles stopping on Gateway. The building width could accommodate 25 to 30 vehicles in front of the school. Switching the play area with the parking area was also discussed. The Board discussed the traffic study did not address the queuing issues. The area accommodated the high school that allowed students to drive their own vehicles to school. Drivers could enter via the eastern driveway to go around the back of the school; however, there was also a blind turn and there were issues associated with life/safety, as there was not only Boynton Beach Community High School, but also the Survivor's Charter School and the daycare. It was thought having a traffic study would be beneficial. Motion Mr. Lis moved the petition be tabled until such time as sufficient information is provided to the Planning and Development Board that addressed traffic issues associated with the project. Discussion ensued regarding tabling the item to the next month's meeting and add a condition that may only put on the agenda if the applicant has submitted to City staff, a report from a traffic engineer that staff found satisfactory. Additional dialogue followed that if a traffic study was needed, the applicant usually has to post a bond or cash application for a traffic or parking study that is used to hire an outside consultant to evaluate the study. It was strongly recommended that when a new school applies for a site plan, part of the application requirements would be to submit a queuing analysis. Chair Saberson exp'lained the Board would table the item to the next month's meeting and the request could be placed on the agenda for the next month only on the condition that the applicant submits to City Staff an analysis by their traffic engineer. This included a queuing analysis for the site that addresses the issues raised by the Board and that staff finds the information submitted is satisfactory. If staff finds it is not, ,it will not be put on the agenda. Motion Mr. Lis moved to the above. My Myott seconded the motion that unanimously passed. B. 1. First American Bank Office Complex, (MSPM 09-008), Major Site Plan Modification, located at 1301 N. Congress Avenue. Request for major site plan modification and shared parking study approval to convert 15,000 square feet of an existing 40,000 square foot office building to medical uses. Applicant: TP Eleven LLC. Mr. Breese presented the request. The use would require 134 parking spaces and the site has 135 on site, Parking for medical uses is calculated at one parking space per 200 square feet of office space. With the conversion proposed, 158 spaces would be required, thereby having a 23 parking space deficit. A shared parking analysis with Bru's Room was submitted. Bru's Room has 133 parking spaces; one more than required by Code. The data in the shared parking analysis reflected that the two sites, once combined, would have 268 parking spaces, and the Code required 290. The shared parking analysis reflected the peak demand for the two sites equates to 247 parking spaces, which would be an excess of21 parking spaces across the two sites. Staff agreed with the study and it appeared the peak demand for office space was during the week and in the mornings and afternoons, where restaurants typically have their peak on evenings and weekends. The 4 Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Boynton Beach, Florida September 23, 2009 parking analysis, between the two sites and uses works well. As such, staff recommended approval of the Major Site Plan Modification and the shared parking analysis. No improvements were being made to either site or structure. Brian Chequis, Cotleur & Hearing, Inc, Agent for the project thanked staff for expediting the application. There was a tenant waiting to commence business, contingent on the formalization of the shared parking analysis. The property owners, TP Eleven, LLC, owned the11 ,000 square feet of medical office space. He noted the benefit was the existing use would not change anything on the site. The two establishments were complimentary uses as it pertained to the parking and there would be a more efficient use of the parking. Mr. Chequis explained their study reflected the parking was deficient; however, the cross leasing worked well for the uses and he requested the Board's approval. Mr. Chequis was also in agreement with the conditions of approval. Mr. Breese confirmed the shared parking analysis was done correctly and the calculations would function adequately. It was suggested signage be used to direct patrons where to park. Mr. Breese confirmed staff observed the site on a number of occasions and found both sites were well under parked during the week. Motion Mr. Myott moved to approve the Major Site Plan Modification for the application subject to all staff comments. Ms. Grcevic seconded the motion that unanimously passed. 8. Other None. 9. Comments by members None. 10. Adjournment There being no further business to diSCUSS, the meeting properly adjourned at 7:34 p.m. LG.l1tAJ/rtJ.._IfJ I J J 1L Catherine Cherry -'~-~ Recording Secretary 092409 5