Minutes 09-09-09
Victor Norfus, Chair
Judy Immer, Vice Chair (arrived 7:14 p.rn)
Blanche Hearst-Girtman
Joyce Mura
Floyd Zonenstein
Lloyd McCoy, Alternate
Brian Miller
Thelma Lyons, Board Liaison
Stanley Sorgman
Phyllis Stern
I. Call Meeting to Order - Pledge of Allegiance
Chair Norfus called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the
II. RollCall
The Recording Secretary called the roll.
III. Recognition of Visitors
Mark Karageorge was present.
IV. Approval of Agenda
Mr. McCoy moved to approve the agenda. Mr. Zonenstein seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
V. Approval of Minutes from August 12,2009
It was noted Lloyd McCoy's name was listed as Floyd McCoy. There were no other changes to
the minutes and the minutes were approved as amended by consensus.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL
September 9, 2009
VI. Announcements, Community & Special Events & Presentations
Chair Norfus noted his neighborhood association was commencing their fundraising efforts to
subsidze the Heritage Celebration. Barbeques and fish fries would be held throughout the
A Heart of Boynton (HOB) meeting was scheduled for Thursday regarding the HOB
Neighborhood Association. The association was inviting Senator Smith. Chair Norfus agreed to
notify Mr. Miller of the location of the meeting since he was unsure whether it would be held at
the Carolyn Sims Center or St. John Missionary Baptist Church.
Mr. Miller announced that this year he was again selling season tickets for the Boynton Beach
High School Football Team. The team already won their first game. The price for season
tickets was $25 including a tee shirt. Anyone interested in supporting the team should contact
him after the meeting.
Mr. Miller commented the school district did not fund any of the athletic teams. Between the
cost of the officials, security and the students having to purchase their own equipment it took a
lot of money to put on a game. Parents of the athletes were always seeking donations.
It was noted the High School Athletic Director had spoken with the Chamber of Commerce
about the effort and thought the members could try to garner more participation between the
school and community.
VII. Reports & Updates:
Pride in Boynton Update -
Mr. Zonenstein noted he attended a City Commission meeting and in an effort to hear the
concerns of the community and assist them, he asked the Commissioners to invite the public to
attend the Community Relations Board meetings. He reported the Commission accepted the
resignation of Belky Cruz. He pointed out Commissioner Rodriguez has the next appointment
and Mr. McCoy could be elevated to a regular position. Mr. McCoy announced he already re-
applied for the permanent position.
Mr. Miller advised Saturday, October 10, 2009 was the Grand Opening of the Fire House.
Chair Norfus also commented there was an article in the Boynton Forum issued September 10,
2009 and there was a big push to save the Old High School How to become more involved or
garner community support for the effort would be discussed under New Business. It was
pointed out that donations made towards the restoration of the school were tax deductible.
It was also announced the Community Redevelopment Agency acquired property on the corner
of Seacrest Boulevard and Martin Luther King Boulevard. The property was an eyesore and the
acquisition would improve the appearance.
VIII. Old Business:
a) Brainstorming Dialogue Session
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL
September 9, 2009
A Brainstorming Session had been previously alluded to and getting involved with selling
football tickets and the organizations to try to preserve the community was discussed. Since the
Community Relations Board is to develop better ways to serve the community, Chair Norfus had
suggested the members attend their local neighborhood meetings and take notes. They could
garner participation if the Board could assist. Ms. Hearst-Girtman was made aware of an effort
to assist Boynton Beach High School. When she received further information, she would bring it
to the Board for consideration.
Vice Chair Immer had also obtained a listing of all the Homeowner Association key contacts.
She suggested drafting a letter to the presidents introducing the Board and what they do. The
letter could also invite them to attend a meeting and offer to help them with any issues they had.
It would only require the cost of a mailing. Anything to put the Board in the public's view would
be beneficial.
There was lengthy discussion about the purpose of the Board. The enabling legislation indicated
they were a sounding Board for citizen complaints and grievances; however, the Board looks at
other issues. The Board could take a proactive role such as participation with the high school
and community functions. There were also other items that did not relate to grievances such as
functions the City may hold, i.e. the Fourth of July, which still could fall under the Community
Relations Board. The purpose was to address grievances and present suggestions and
alternatives to the City Commission.
It was also discussed there were some overlapping areas between what this Board does and
what other Boards do. It was suggested there be some distinction made between what areas
the Board would concentrate on and what other departments or Boards were doing.
Chair Norfus noted when Sister Lorraine approached the Board about street lighting, there was
no process regarding where to place a pole. Usually FPL was advised where the pole is, where
the light was and they replaced the light, but in this case, there was no pole. Sister Lorraine
needed a pole and, to him, that related to Community Relations because she came to the
Board. While it was not up to the Board to report it directly to FPL, they report it to the City
It was noted in 2006 they had a Neighborhood Leaders Association event organized by Regenia
Scott and the associations were asked to prioritize their concerns. Ms. Mura had her notes from
the meeting she would share with Ms. Immer. The notes contained the action plan and Ms.
Immer would put something together as a draft. It was also noted in the past the Board made a
listing of various issues and distributed them to the churches. It was suggested letting the
community know what the Board had on the table.
The Board could sponsor activities to promote harmony and communication. From a budgetary
standpoint, if they had an activity such as an annual picnic they wanted to sponsor they would
have to go through the Commission. The Board could approach the Commission and indicate
they would sponsor various activities just to get the community to the meetings and network with
the Board.
The Board did not have a budget, and Chair Norfus was not sure about fund raising. The Board
could address having a meeting with respondents and make the presentation to the City
Commission as they had discretionary funds. The goal was to advise the City Commission what
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL
September 9, 2009
they were trying to do and what needed to be done. The Board could send out a letter, but the
Board had to advise the Commission what they were attempting to do.
IX. New Business:
a. Board involvement, attending community meetings
This item was discussed under Old Business. Chair Norfus reiterated members should attend
meetings in their own areas and tell them to come down to the Community Relations Board.
Mr. Zonenstein moved to draft a letter to Homeowners' Associations requesting they bring their
concerns regarding the City to the Board. Mr. Miller seconded the motion that unanimously
b. Christmas Parade (Boynton Beach High School Cheerleaders and Bank
Mr. Miller would research whether the High School would participate in the Holiday Parade and
report back to the Board. Last year, one of the highlights of the parade was the cheerleaders.
Chair Norfus hoped the entire band could participate, but if not, it was hoped they could have
the drum line, cheerleaders or other clubs participate.
Chair Norfus moved the Board would actively pursue getting the Boynton Beach High School to
participate in the Christmas parade, whether it is the Cheerleaders, the Band, a Glee Club or
some other club from the High School. Mr. Miller seconded the motion that unanimously
c. Attend Commission meetings (getting the word-out regarding CRB meetings)
Ms. Immer thought a representative from the Community Relations Board should attend the
Commission meetings as a way to remind the City Commissioners that they can direct the
complainants to the Board.
Additionally, the Board should let the public know they have a place to go to voice their
concerns and that there is a Board who can go to the City Commission on their behalf. The
Board should cement the relationship between the City and community and stress whatever
they can do to better their community whether it is business, residential or any other issue.
Chair Norfus was leaning towards the City Commission's statement of Open to the Public.
Having them add a statement that if the community has any other issues, they could always
speak to the Community Relations Board. This concept would be investigated further.
d. Set October 14th meeting agenda
The following items would be ready for the next meeting:
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL
September 9, 2009
. Ms. Immer would have a draft letter to the Homeowners' Associations as discussed
earlier in the meeting ready for the October meeting.
. Mr. Miller would have a report regarding the High School's participation.
. Chair Norfus would have a report of which members attended neighborhood association
meetings and what was the reception.
It was noted the Christmas Parade was Saturday, December 5, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. Last year,
some members of the Community Relations Board rode in a car. This year would be the third
year the Board participated in the Parade.
Ms. Hearst-Girtman urged the Board support the High School. A brief discussion regarding
other areas of the City assisting the High School took place. The Education and Youth Advisory
Board assists the High School and Commissioner Ross and Vice Chair Hay strongly support the
School. They can be supportive. Chair Norfus would try to put these items together for the next
X. Adjournment
Mr. Miller moved to adjourn. Mr. Zonenstein seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
The meeting adjourned at 7:54 p.m.
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Catherine Cherry ,-_. U.
Recording Secretary