Minutes 10-14-09 MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2009, AT 7:00 PM. IN CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PRESENT: Victor Norfus. Chair Judy Immer. Vice Chair (arrived 7:01 p.m.) Blanche Hearst-Girtman Brian Miller Joyce Mura Phyllis Stern Floyd Zonenstein Lloyd McCoy. Alternate Thelma Lyons, Board Liaison ABSENT: Stanley Sorgman I. Call Meeting to Order - Pledge of Allegiance Chair Norfus called the meeting to order at 6:57 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Mr. Miller. II. RollCall The Recording Secretary called the roll. A quorum was present. III. Recognition of Visitors Barbara Ready. Chair of the Save Our School committee, was invited to speak since the Old High School was an item that would be put to a public referendum. She announced she was also Chair of the Arts Commission and there were new public art sculptures along Ocean Avenue. Ms. Ready became involved with the Old High School in 2006. The Arts Commission had called a meeting and was exploring the possibility of using the Old High School as an artist's live/work space. It was thought the school belongs to the citizens of Boynton Beach and if they had a wish, it was that it remain as a community asset. The Downtown Master Plan, which was a study done by EDAW, a Planning Consultant. listed the school as an existing asset. There was recognition of the value of historic preservation and how it added to the quality of life. The City Commission recently decided to form an ad hoc committee to study and promulgate a Historic Preservation Ordinance. The committee will review and update the inventory of historic buildings. Representatives from Historic districts would be invited to join the committee. 1 Meeting Minutes Community Relations Board Boynton Beach, Florida October 14,2009 The Arts Commission would like to hold art shows, symposiums, meetings and have an art gallery. Short of using the Woman's Club, which was not in the center of town; there was no facility that could accommodate them. Ms. Ready described the layout of the school and explained it had the potential to be developed into a performing arts facility. Performances by Southern Dance, or the children's Stomp Group could be given. The symphony could perform as there were many other cultural activities. Music. art, dance and computer classes were all activities that could be conducted there. A public/private partnership could be created and the bottom floor could be retail stores. classrooms or a restaurant. There could be a common area. When a meeting is set, notification is sent via email. Anyone interested in attending should provide his/her email address orvisittheirwebsite at SOBBHS.ning.com. or on Facebook, Save Historic Boynton High. The website contains photographs of the school and the interior. The school currently was in a state of disrepair. It was noted this was a much debated item. An inquiry was made regarding the financial feasibility of renovating the building as opposed to constructing a new building designed to look like the Old High School. It was explained Mark Tarmey, President of the Florida Trust for Historic Preservation. who is an expert. indicated historic buildings can be renovated provided the structure was 50% sound. A new building would cost about $20 million dollars. The price from a study done in 2003 by the Cultural Council indicated it would cost about $8 million. Construction costs have fallen recently and it was thought it could be renovated for less. New Market Tax Credits could be used if the school was turned over to a non-profit organization or a private developer. The City issued an RFP pertaining to a new City Hall or Police Department. In the RFP they included extra credit if the developer would come back with a plan for the high school. Four developers responded to the RFP. and of the four. only one developer put forth an idea for it. Their idea was not to take on the school. Instead, they offered a donation, expertise and help as far as grants and assistance to drive the effort. The saving of the school would be the beginning of the revival of the downtown. The committee was not seeking to create an economic corridor; rather it would be a place-maker. The square footage of the building was approximately 28.800 square feet. The school started as a high school, then changed to an elementary school, and then a special needs school. Then the school was turned over to the City. The Recreation and Parks Department used the school for a short time. It was conveyed to the Community Redevelopment Agency, and then declined after a hurricane. In 1993, the building was pristine and a citizen committee was formed to develop the Children's Schoolhouse Museum and the Old High School. Of the two structures; however. the smaller of the two was selected for rehabilitation. Ms. Ready asserted each time the community was asked what their wishes for the school were, they responded they wanted a cultural center. It was an asset and it deserved to be saved because it was a historic building. Chair Norfus thanked Ms. Ready for the presentation. The Board would consider the information and make a suggestion to the City Commission regarding what they feel since that was the role of the Board. 2 Meeting Minutes Community Relations Board Boynton Beach, Florida October 14, 2009 Ms. Ready explained the referendum had good points and bad. It would give the community the opportunity to once and for all save the building, but it was also a poor economic climate and taxpayers may not want any additional expenses. It was thought the renovation might not be as costly with the grants, including Green Energy Grants, stimulus funds, and New Market Tax Credits available. Someone just had to coordinate the funding possibilities. There was discussion of the Board touring the school; however, there were hurdles to touring the facility. The City Manager had the key; however, the City Risk Manager feels the structure has biological issues. It was thought photographs might be more useful. Access to grant writers was discussed. Ms. Ready explained they do not have an effective historic preservation program. They do not qualify at this time. They needed the ordinance in place, then a program, with an officer, advisory board and design guidelines. There was a lot involved with setting up a program, Once the steps were in place, they could become a certified local government and approach the State Historic Preservation Office. The National Park Service is the federal department that oversees the Historic Preservation Office for each state. The States disburse the funds. Ms. Ready explained first they had to find a grant and determine if they qualified. The Old High School has been on the Historic Preservation's Most Endangered list for two years now as a recognized historic building. IV. Approval of Agenda Mr. Miller added a letter to the agenda he was asked to write regarding the Holiday Parade. The item would be heard after the Crime Prevention Summit agenda item. The agenda was approved by consensus. V. Approval of Minutes from September 9, 2009 The minutes were not yet available. VI. Announcements, Community & Special Events & Presentations Hunters Run Tennis Carnival Ms. Stern explained the Tennis Carnivals were highly successful and this would be the sixth year Hunters Run would host the event. The event offered clinics taught by three tennis pros from Hunters Run to elementary and high school students. Refreshments, prizes and trophies are given. The event which is publicized in FunFare Magazine, grows larger each year. The members of the Community Relations Board were invited to come by the event, which was planned for the third week in April. Boynton Beach Fire Department (Volunteers) The Fire Department was in need of volunteers at Fire Station to serve as receptionists for four hours once a week. The facility was wonderful and a tour was given at its Grand Opening Ms. Mura and Ms. Stern both volunteer there and advised most slots were filled. It 3 Meeting Minutes Community Relations Board Boynton Beach, Florida October 14,2009 was anticipated more of the public would tour the facility as the building was not just a Fire Station. It was the Emergency Operations Center as well. Should a disaster occur, City Hall could run from there. From an operational perspective, the members agreed the City picked a great location. It was a state of the art facility with public art that would serve the City well. CETA (sic) CERT It was noted several members of the Board belong to Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). There was no formal report given Crime Prevention Summit Thelma Lyons, Board Liaison, announced the Summit was an annual event held every year. She requested approval to use the Community Relations Board meeting date for the Summit and further requested a member of the Board make a presentation to the public at that time. Chair Norfus would work with the Vice Chair on the presentation. The Summit would also serve as the Community Relations Boards regular November meeting. The Youth Empowerment Center would discuss the service they provide. The Crime Prevention Unit would show a video depicting how they interact with the Police Officers. Ms. Lyons would send flyers to the Homeowner's Associations and to the members of the Board. It was hoped the event would draw a good sized audience. It would be a good opportunity for the Community Relations Board to showcase what they do. VII. Reports & Updates: A letter was drafted on behalf of the Board to request the high school participate more in the City and in particular, for the Holiday Parade. Chair Norfus read the letter to the members. The members agreed to send the letter with one wording change. The letter would be sent to the principal requesting different school clubs or organizations participate and if a float was available to bring that, as well as the band. Motion Chair Norfus made a motion to accept the letter to send to the school, with the one word change which was changing the word slow to fast. Ms. Hearst-Girtman seconded the motion that unanimously passed. Pride in Boynton There was no report given. VIII. Old Business: a) Finalize draft letter for the Boynton Beach communities' presidents. At the last meeting Chair Norfus had suggested the members attend community forums taking place. Mr. McCoy attended a forum in Royal Palm Beach called "Toward a More Perfect Union" The topic was racial profiling and the meeting was well attended. The organization was supported by several community organizations including the Palm Beach County Police Chief's 4 Meeting Minutes Community Relations Board Boynton Beach, Florida October 14,2009 Association. The panel consisted of County Court Judge Barry Cohen. Public Defender Gary Harwood. and. State Attorney Michael McAuliffe. Mr. McCoy found the forum of interest and attended because minority community members felt there were profiling issues with the Police Department. The consensus was there would be several more of these types of workshops. Mr. McCoy introduced himself to Jane Turner, Executive Director of the group, as both an interested citizen and a member of the Community Relations Board, and she indicated the forum would be coming to Boynton Beach. He passed the information on because it was a relevant topic that needed to be addressed. Mr. McCoy volunteered his services to assist the organization when they come to Boynton Beach. Chair Norfus attended a Community Redevelopment Agency Committee meeting. One issue that arose was when the Community Redevelopment Agency purchased buildings in the Heart of Boynton, they tear them down. The building they were purchasing was on the corner of Martin Luther King and Seacrest and was a problem property as it pertained to police and illegal activity. It was suggested utilizing the structures before they were demolished and replacing the illegal activity with police activity in the parking lot. Another issue was to find community organizations that needed a place to meet as the Community Redevelopment Agency would pay for such organizations to meet at the Carolyn Sims Center. The Sims Center was out of the price range of many community groups desiring to hold monthly or weekly meetings there. If members were aware of any Board that does something for the community. that needs a place to meet, let Chair Norfus know and they could work with the Community Redevelopment Agency to have a regular scheduled meeting at the Sims Center. paid for by the Community Redevelopment Agency. The Sims Center has a schedule for community night. The idea was they want to provide resources for people who are volunteers in the community. It was noted the Carolyn Sims Center was within the Community Redevelopment Agency district. The Ezell Hester Center, was well booked; however. it was not within the district. Vice Chair Immer had drafted a letter pursuant to direction given at a prior Board meeting. which would be sent to the various Homeowners' Associations. She read the letter, asked for suggestions, and inquired when it was approved, how the City was going to pay to mail it out. Chair Norfus responded they would request the City Commission endorse the project and present an estimate of the mailing costs. It was thought the cost of the mailing would be less than $40. There was a brief discussion of fundraising as the Board did not have any financial resources other than those funds which may be given by the Commission. Another option was to just donate the funds. Motion Ms. Stern moved to present it to the City Commission and go forward with it, and follow through to see that it happens. Ms. Mura seconded the motion that unanimously passed. The Board could do a memo and present it at the City Commission meeting. or send a memo with the letter to the City Manager asking him to expedite it. It would be up to him to put it on the agenda or authorize the funds for the mailing without the City Commission. It was decided the Chair and Vice Chair would present it to the City Commission on behalf of the Board. They would make sure the request would cover their funding needs. 5 Meeting Minutes Community Relations Board Boynton Beach, Florida October 14, 2009 IX. New Business: a) Review and finalize draft CRB Brochure Ms. Lyons presented the Board's brochure for review and approval. The brochure could be distributed to the public at the Crime Prevention Summit and other functions. Chair Norfus reported a fish fry fundraiser for the 2010 Heritage Celebration was held last week at the Community Gardens owned by Ms. Hearst-Girtman. The event went well. The Heart of Boynton Neighborhood Association took over the Heritage Celebration because the Community Redevelopment Agency was going to cancel it. He reported last year. the event went very well. It was held on MLK Boulevard and would be held there again this year. They also wanted to expand the event to two days. Many activities were being scheduled as it was Black History Month. There would be activities at the Woman's Center from the Historical Society highlighting the Black History of Boynton Beach and presenters from Boynton Beach. Ms. Hearst-Girtman would be a featured speaker. Boynton Colored Elementary School, which became Poinciana Elementary School would be highlighted. The early and general history of the community, which is not known. would be discussed. Another fish fry fund-raiser was planned for the next week at Sara Sims Park. Chair Norfus was pleased with the support the activity received. Additionally no derogatory comments were made. The crime and police activity on that corner was non-existent. On a different matter. the next high school home football game was October 30th at 7:00 p.m. The last two games the high school played they won by shut out and for the first time ever, Boynton Beach Community High School will be in the play-offs. The Youth in Government Day was started in 1984. Ms. Hearst-Girtman noted it started before then and she provided details of its evolution. The program was geared to high school and middle school students. It was started in the high schools but the school got so busy, it was dropped down into middle school. In that way they got greater participation. "was thought giving the program to the schools and working with them would be beneficial. Chair Norfus requested the members brainstorm and think of ways to make the event bigger and better. Carol Mahoney, 737 SW 1st Avenue, commented her daughter became First Treasurer of the Future Business Leaders of America Freshman organization under the tutelage of Ms. Hearst- Girtman's daughter. Ms. Hearst-Girtman was presented with flowers. Ms. Mahoney explained residents planned on having speakers at the Heart of Boynton Association meetings and she requested Ms. Hearst-Girtman speak at the meeting since she was the first African-American teacher to work in the school system. She also thanked Ms. Hearst-Girtman for allowing the fund raiser to be held on her property last week. X. Adjournment There being no further business to discuss, the meeting properly adjourned at 8:17 p.m. ~0:11RJUlvJL flkuJL Catherine Cherry ! Recording Secretary 102209 6