Minutes 09-09-09
For the City of Bovnton Beach
For the SEIU
Sharyn Goebelt, Human Resources Director
Lori LaVerriere, Assistant City Manager
Marylee Coyle, Assistant Human Resources Director
Tim Howard, Assistant Finance Director
Michael Low, Deputy Director of Utilities Operations
Carl Booth, SEW
Rob Eichorst, SEW
Skip Lewis, SEW
Sharyn Goebelt, Human Resources Director, opened the negotiating
session at 10:03 a.m.
Ms. Goebelt noted several items had been verbally agreed to at the August
26, 2009 bargaining session.
Article 1 .- Preamble - The addition of the following language was verbally
agreed to on August 26, 2009: "The parties recognize that the best
interests of the community and the job security of the employees in the City
depend upon the City's success in establishing and maintaining effective,
proper and superior service to the community."
Also corrected was the Union's name to SEW Florida Public Service Union
It was noted the completed proposal would be TA'd (tentatively agreed to)
by the Union President and City Manager.
Article 2 - Recoqnition - The parties verbally agreed to the status quo.
There were no changes to the recognition Article.
Article 3 - Riqhts of Emolovees - The Union agreed to the City's proposed
language to reword 3.3 as follows: "Employees may request a Union
representative to be present when the employee is subject to an
investigatory interview and the employee has a reasonable belief that
discipline or other adverse consequences may result from what he or she
Meeting Minutes
White Collar Bargaining Session
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 9, 2009
Article 4 - Management Riqhts - The City was proposing to add 4.1.16 giving
the City the right to implement at the discretion of the City, any new policy
The Union felt the language gave the City the right to institute any policy
when they were ready to do so. The City would discuss this item during
Article 5 - Strikes - The parties had agreed to the status quo. The reference
to the Union had been corrected to SEW Florida Public Services, CTW, CLC,
and "12" was changed to "twelve."
Article 6 - Non-Discrimination - The Union had agreed to the City's proposal
to remove 6.3 as it was contradictory regarding non-discrimination.
Article 7 - Reoresentation of the Citv - The parties agreed to the status quo
as to the representation of the City.
Article 8 - Union Reoresentation - The City had requested several edits to
the Article. The Union would discuss this item while caucusing.
Article 9 - Collective Barqaininq - The City requested 9.2 be revised to
indicate additional stewards or bargaining unit members present at the table
may participate in collective bargaining by using time pool hours, while off
duty, or when on approved paid leave. The Union had suggested three
stewards but would caucus on this item since the City requested two
Article 10 - Union Time Pool - The City had agreed to some of the edits but
would not agree to 100% in 10.5. The City had proposed to remove the
following: "The City shall match the number of Union Time Pool hours each
year, at 50% of the number of hours accumulated by the Union." This would
be discussed by the City.
Article 11 - Bulletin Boards - The parties verbally agreed to the status quo
other than a correction to the name of the Union.
Article 12 - Proqressive Discioline - The Union would caucus on this item.
The City responded to the Union's comments on paid suspensions. Ms.
Goebelt confirmed with the Police Chief that there were no paid suspensions
in the Department.
Meeting Minutes
White Collar Bargaining Session
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 9, 2009
. 12.9 - The Union had requested clarification regarding the disposition
of criminal charges. The City's Legal Department advised Ms. Goebelt
of a situation wherein a City employee (bus driver) had returned to
work pursuant to an arbitration. The City proposed language
indicating that in the event an employee was charged with a felony, he
or she would be permitted to use sick and vacation leave. If the
charges were dropped or the employee was found not guilty, not as a
result of a plea deal, the employee would be reinstated and would not
be required to buy back the time. However, they would not be
reimbursed for any unpaid leave. The Union would caucus to discuss
this item.
Article 14 - Basic Work Week - The Union would caucus to discuss this
Article. The Union had agreed to the changes in 14.4 and 14.5. The City
would not agree to "decline" an unpaid lunch period, but would agree to
change the unpaid lunch period from one half-hour to one hour. The City
would agree that abuse of lunch periods and break periods were grounds for
progressive discipline. The Union would caucus to discuss 14.9 regarding
the decline.
Article 15 - Comoensatorv Time - The City and Union agreed to no change.
Article 16 - Waqes - Ms. Goebelt advised the first budget hearing would be
held Monday, September 14, 2009. No increases were budgeted for any
employees, including Police and Fire, general employees and SEW
bargaining employees. The language in the Police contract provides that
after 45 days of opening the Wages Article, which declared an impasse, the
PBA responded and has not agreed to a year's freeze. Once an impasse is
declared, the decisions are made by the Commission. They agreed to a
partial freeze and it is on the agenda for the Commission to review and
make a decision on September 14, 2009 to freeze their wages. Raises are
not funded. Even with a millage increase to 7.3%, it is still a very serious
situation and the City's goal is to not layoff anyone. Fire has met and they
understand the issues, and verbally announced that if everyone takes a
wage freeze, Fire will also. However, they will not if others do not accept
the wage freeze.
The City also needs clarification on the Career Path Program. The Chief is
open to that, but it is necessary to know who exactly this refers to.
Meeting Minutes
White Collar Bargaining Session
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 9, 2009
The Union explained that according to the job descriptions, it is not clear if
Communication Dispatchers (Pay Grade 12), Communications Specialists,
which is two pay grades, and the Supervisors would qualify. Ms. Goebelt
said they are on a Career Path. They have to have the service and
standards. The Union would then strike them from the document. The
Union would add Crime Analyst. Under B, the Union included Crime Scene
Investigators, Criminal Intelligence Analyst, CSOs and records personnel.
The time and grade is self-explanatory. The educational requirements would
include 160 hours of training courses for Skill Level 2 over five years, and a
Certificate of Completion or Achievement from that course. That would
include one pay grade.
Ms. Goebelt questioned whether that would involve Crime Scene Investigator
I, Crime Scene Investigator II, etc. The Union said that would be discussed.
After 10 years, they would achieve one additional pay grade. It was agreed
to discuss this.
Article 17 - Promotions. Reclassifications. Transfers & Demotions - There
was verbal agreement for status quo.
Article 18 - Standbv and Call Back Pav - The City needs clarification on the
court information. Ms. Goebelt said there was a reference to Section A;
however, there is no Section A in this contract. She believed this was
referring to the Police contract. It would be necessary to do a cut and paste.
Ms. Goebelt requested to know what employees would be eligible. It
mentions non-sworn personnel. The Union said Crime Scene Investigators
should be included. When Ms. Goebelt asked what they do when they get
called, the Union responded that if it is on their day off, they get two hours
of call back. This is not included in the current contract. The City will
discuss that with the team during the caucus.
Ms. Goebelt acknowledged that the Union would propose new language on
Article 19 - Emerqencv Pay PolicY - Regarding the emergency pay policy,
there was verbal agreement to remove those details and move them to the
language in 19.1, "Emergency pay shall herein be paid in accordance with
the provisions of City Emergency Ordinance #2005-036 or the most current
City Emergency Ordinance.
Meeting Minutes
White Collar Bargaining Session
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 9, 2009
Article 20 - Certification Pay - The City is requesting to strike Article 20 for
Certification Pay. The Union's position is no. The City will discuss this
during caucus.
Article 21 Emoloyees Assiqned to Traininq Duties - Both parties agreed to
status quo as long as Ms. Goebelt put it in writing. The City will bring that
language to the next meeting.
Article 22 - Workinq in a Hiqher Class - There was verbal agreement that
the City would strike whatever is greater until they return to their regular
classification. So when an employee is being trained at a higher level, they
should perform the work without a 5% increase in pay of the minimum of
the higher classification.
Article 23 - Sick Leave - The only thing the City did in this Article was to
require the employees to call in in not less than 1/2 hour instead of an hour.
Also, "five days" was clarified to "40 hours" per year for an immediate family
member who is a parent, spouse or child, and spelled out the word "hours"
in 23.3, and clarified the intent of personal leave. It read on a "two-to-one
basis" and no one understood that. It was changed to 50%.
The Union questioned 23.3 and whether the hours beyond 1,040 shall be
transferred into the employee's personal leave bank. He asked if this was
automatic. Ms. Goebelt responded affirmatively explaining that Human
Resources works with Payroll which monitors this situation. There is a
process in place through the Labor Management Committee whereby the
timekeeper gets a list when there is someone in that situation. They can use
it as vacation time. It does not show up on the paystub because the fields
are limited and there is no where to put it. There is a tracking mechanism in
place that did not exist in the past.
Article 24 - Workers Comoensation - There was verbal agreement to
maintain the status quo.
Article 25 - Liqht Duty - There was verbal agreement to maintain the status
quo. The Union asked if there was a limited period of time a person could
stay on Workers Comp light duty. Ms. Goebelt said the Risk Manager would
arrive to discuss Article 36 and he could address that question.
Article 26 - Vacation - There was verbal agreement to revise the table to
revert the reference to "days" because of the 10-hour workweek. The City
agreed to go from 90 to 80 hours to cash in emergency leave. One issue
Meeting Minutes
White Collar Bargaining Session
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 9, 2009
was the total of 40 hours of personal hours per year for non-sworn Police
personnel and the City does not agree with that because it is an economic
issue. The Union will caucus on this.
. On 26.6, Instead of 24 hours, the Union is asking for 48 hours which is
two more days. Ms. Goebelt said this would be discussed.
. On 26.5.1 Regarding the one workday and eight hours, the Union said
Ms. Goebelt was going to determine whether it would be eight or 10
hours. The City will caucus.
Article 27 - Bonus Days - There was agreement to go from bonus days to
bonus hours and the City asked to make the bonus hours semi-annually
rather than quarterly for perfect attendance and the Union did not agree.
The Union will caucus on this.
Article 28 - Holidays -The City's position was to remove three holidays.
There was discussion about on what days the holidays fell. Ms. Goebelt
provided the Union with an analysis of the days of the week when the
holidays fell in 2010. The Union was not in agreement with removing three
holidays, but there was verbal agreement regarding when a holiday falls on
an employee's scheduled workday, the employee would seek eight hours
holiday pay at straight time. The City and the Union will have to caucus on
this Article.
Article 29 - Comoassionate Leave -The City was proposing a change from
days to hours and would like to maintain the 24 consecutive hours. The
Union requested that the out-of state allowance be changed to hours rather
than days.
Article 30 - Military Leave - There was verbal agreement to add, "current
regulations will be followed regarding their benefits. Employees on active
military duty are required to provide the City with their military orders for
the duration of their assignment."
Article 31 - Leave of Absence - The Union was okay with the City removing
"the City Manager or his or her designee may approve up to an additional six
months leave of absence without pay." The City requested clarification on
the timeframe for Union business and noted there is a resource issue. Ms.
Goebelt will need more information on what is needed for Union business.
The Union will provide this information.
Meeting Minutes
White Collar Bargaining Session
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 9, 2009
Article 32 - Unauthorized Absence - The City and the Union agreed there
was no change to this Article.
Article 33 - Jury Duty - There is a grammar change from days to hours.
Article 34 - Seniority and Layoff and Recall - The City had a question with
regard to the definition of seniority that needs to be discussed. Further, the
City needed to revise the workdays because of the 10-hour, four-day work
schedule which was corrected. The Union is open to discussion on recall.
The Union will caucus on this.
Article 35 - Recruitment and Selection - The Union was okay with removing
current language and replacing with, "The recruitment selection, process and
procedures will follow those described in the Personnel Policy & Procedures
Article 36 - Safety and Health - Chuck Magazine, Risk Manager, would arrive
later in the meeting to discuss this Article.
Article 37 - Insurance - The Union's position was no. The City needs to
discuss this issue regarding paying 75% of the medical.
Article 38 - Personnel Files - The City and Union agreed to no change to this
Article 39 Tuition Assistance Program - The training person will compare the
Blue and White Union Contracts to the PPM to ensure they are the same.
Ms. Goebelt will provide something in writing.
Article 40 - General Provisions - The Union was going to provide a
counterproposal regarding uniforms.
Article 41 - Dues Deduction - The Union and the City agreed to status quo.
However, the Union pointed out that Local 1227 needed to be corrected to
the proper Union name.
Article 42 - Pension - There was agreement to maintain status quo.
Article 43 - Substance Abuse - The Union was okay with replacement
language in 43.1 as follows: "The Union recognizes and supports the City's
drug-free workplace policy and the current City ordinance and will work with
the City to enforce the provisions of the policy. It is recognized by the Union
Meeting Minutes
White Collar Bargaining Session
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 9, 2009
that the City's drug-free workplace policy applies to all members of this
bargaining unit."
Article 44 - Probationary Period - There was verbal agreement to maintain
the status quo.
Article 45 - Lonqevity Benefit - The City is proposing to remove the entire
Longevity Article and the Union's position is to maintain the status quo. This
will be discussed.
Article 46 - Bonus Increases - There was verbal agreement to maintain the
status quo.
Article 47 - Labor Management - There was verbal agreement to maintain
the status quo.
Article 48 - Savings Clause - There was verbal agreement to maintain the
status quo.
Article 49- Maintenance of Conditions - Under 49.2 the following language
was added, "If a past practice, previously approved by the Department
Director or it is already in the contract...". There was verbal agreement on
this language.
Article 50 - Postinq of Aqreement - The City is removing the language in
50.3 and will say it will be posted for inspection in Human Resources and on
the webpage. The Union was okay with this change.
Article 51 - Collateral Documents - No change to this Article.
At 10:53 a.m., Ms. Goebelt declared a brief recess while awaiting the arrival
of the Risk Manager.
The meeting reconvened at 11:00 a.m.
Article 36 - Safety and Health - Chuck Magazine, Risk Manager arrived to
discuss this issue. The Union had a question regarding whether or not there
was a limit on the amount of time for light duty. Mr. Magazine explained
that there is nothing in policy that dictates the amount of time that can be
spent on light duty. The City follows the doctors' recommendations. Light
duty is not a permanent position. It is temporary. The City does not create
positions for light duty assignments. If someone is on light duty restriction,
Meeting Minutes
White Collar Bargaining Session
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 9, 2009
if there is another position available in the City that they are able to perform
within their restrictions, the City would move them from one position to
another as determined by the physician. The Union asked, "If any employee
abuses the light duty while on Workers Comp and extends it indefinitely, is
there a way you can deal with that?" Mr. Magazine explained that the City
would bring in an outside rehab specialist to identify other positions in the
community that the employee may be qualified for outside the City
employment. The City has also utilized State agencies in this area.
With regard to 36.1, Ms. Goebelt asked Mr. Magazine to join the discussion
on the Union's counter regarding immunizations and additional testing. Ms.
Goebelt confirmed that everyone was clear about the shoe allowance. Mr.
Magazine reminded everyone that the shoe vendor would come to the City
and the employees would purchase the shoes from the vendor. If they
cannot be fitted, they would receive the equivalent of $90 to purchase their
own shoes. That determination of fit would be based on the vendor.
Measurements would be taken and approximately one week later the shoes
would be delivered.
On 36.4 where it states the Union may participate on the Safety Committee,
the Union would like at least one White Collar member. Mr. Magazine felt
confident there are White Collar members on the Safety Committee. Mr.
Magazine advised the department head selects the representative of the
department. Mr. Lewis would like to participate. The City Manager would
have to decide who may be on the Committee. Ms. Goebelt will look into
this issue.
The Union was asking to include additional language. Ms. Goebelt read 36.4
and questioned who the Union wanted to have these immunizations. The
Union responded it would be employees who are or could be exposed to
these diseases. Mr. Magazine inquired who would make the determination
of which people are at risk and would need these shots. Ms. Goebelt said
the City would need specific titles of employees who would be eligible. Mr.
Magazine suggested that if this were to occur, the responsibility would be
assigned to the Safety Committee. The City will consider the language with
adding, "the Safety Committee will review White Collar titles and decide
titles eligible based on recommendations from the department to the Safety
Committee." The City will caucus on this item and look into the language on
Meeting Minutes
White Collar Bargaining Session
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 9, 2009
Mr. Magazine explained that the only time immunizations go through his
office is when someone is injured on the job or it is part of a Workers Comp
Ms. Goebelt moved on to the next language. The Union iss proposing the
City will provide for AIDS and hepatitis screening in all instances where non-
sworn Police Department employees are exposed to situations with persons
presenting a biological contamination threat. Results of these tests will be
kept confidential.
Mr. Magazine has an issue with this since it is getting into the area of
Workers Compensation. When someone is injured on the job, the City
already do these screenings based upon the exposure. Just because
someone comes in contact with an HIV or AIDS patient and there is blood
contamination, that does not mean there is exposure. There must be an
open wound and a means for the virus to enter the body. This is currently
being done and Mr. Magazine did not believe a bargaining agreement is a
place to discuss claims activity when it comes to Workers Compensation
because it is established through State Statute and court precedence.
The Union said the wording is already in the PBA contract for the Police
Officers. Mr. Magazine explained that under State Statute there is a
presumption clause for law enforcement, fire and EMS which is separate
from other positions even within the Police Department. The City is not
willing to add that language because it is already being addressed through
the Workers Comp venue.
The Union also wanted to add, "Any condition of disability resulting from
hepatitis, coronary deficiency, tuberculosis or meningitis, established to have
occurred in the line of duty shall be covered the same as any other duty.
Mr. Magazine said this would be the same since if it is a workplace injury, it
is handled by Workers Compensation. This is the City's position on this
When asked where it can be found in the State Statutes that these
conditions are covered, Mr. Magazine responded that it is called the
Presumption Clause.
At 11: 18 a.m., Ms. Goebelt explained that a review of all Articles had taken
place and there was a need to caucus.
Meeting Minutes
White Collar Bargaining Session
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 9, 2009
The City and the Union resumed the meeting at 12:56 p.m. with Ms. Goebelt
addressing some of the issues that arose during earlier discussions.
Article 21 - Emoloyees Assiqned to Traininq Duties - The City and the Union
agreed to no change.
Article 33 - Jury Duty - The City and the Union agreed to no change
Article 39 - Tuition Assistance Proqram - The City is striking the current
language and adding, "The tuition assistance program as described in the
Administrative Policy Manual will be followed. Refer to 4.0.03,
Organizational & Strategic Development Policies Tuition Assistance Program
in the APM.". The City had a comparison done of the White and Blue Collar
collective bargaining agreements and the APM and they are identical. The
only change is a reference to the HR Director versus Organizational
Development Director. There is no longer an Organizational Development
Director since that job was eliminated and those functions were transferred
to Human Resources.
Article 50 - Postinq of the Aqreement - There was verbal agreement to
strike 50.3 and 50.4 and the rest of the Article remains intact.
The City was ready to hear the Union.
Article 4 - Manaqement Riqhts - The Union recalled this Article was
discussed earlier in the meeting and the Union was okay with it.
Article 8 - Union Reoresentation - In Article 8, #8.3 and 8.4, the Union
would like the word "granted" removed and the word "paid" added. The
Union is okay with 8.2. The Union was okay with the language of #4 of 8.4.
Article 9 - Collective Barqaininq - Regarding 9.2, the Union will agree to the
language on the bottom if the City will agree to three stewards instead of
two. The City will caucus.
Article 10 - Union Time Pool - Items 10.1 and 10.3 are okay. Retain 10.5.
Article 12 - Proqressive Discioline - In 12.2.6, if written reprimand is
removed, the Union will accept. Verbal and written counseling can remain.
In 12.2.7, the Union will talk about it, but will not agree to it as written
because it is too broad. The Union would like to leave the wording that was
crossed out. That is the Union's counter offer.
Meeting Minutes
White Collar Bargaining Session
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 9, 2009
The Union does not agree to off-the-job actions unless both parties can
agree on what those could be.
. In 3.b, the language regarding ten (10) calendar days is fine. Written
counseling for one or first occurrence is fine. Revised time to call was
changed from one hour to 30 minutes.
. In 4.b, the Union has a problem. He suggested language be added
about the safety factor. The Union will bring a counter-proposal to the
next meeting.
. The next one was removing the word "three" above the chart for
Serious Misconduct and say only "occurrences". This is a clean-up of
the language. The Union will caucus.
. There is another paragraph above the chart for Extreme Misconduct.
The word "two" was removed for incidents. The Union will caucus.
. Article 12.4.2 - Administrative Review - The Union would like to
remove "written reprimand".
. Article - Verbal warning is okay with the Union.
. Article 12.5.b - The word "written" was added before counseling. Also
add immediate supervisor and management witness. This language
was okay with the Union.
. In 12.C, the Union agreed with the City's proposal to strike a line. This
is being done because the City believes in due process and does not
believe in suspending someone without just cause.
. Article 12.C.1, the Union agreed to change the word "three" to "two"
and add the words "all others for suspensions".
. Article 12.6 - Right to Predetermination Hearing - The Union was okay
with the change and the sentence at the end relative to "information
. Article 12.7 - Employee Appeals - Grievances - The Union was okay
with this Article.
Meeting Minutes
White Collar Bargaining Session
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 9, 2009
. Article 12.7.4 - The Union is okay with this Article.
. Article 12.9 - The Union has a counterproposal on this Article for the
next meeting.
Article 13.2 - Grievances - The Union is okay with verbal and written
. Article 13.4 - The City proposed a tracking system similar to that used
for Blue Collar. The Union did not have a problem tracking grievances
but suggested numbering them to make it easier. The City will
consider this suggestion and requested that the Union bring language
to the next meeting.
. On Page 33, the Union stated the Union official and the designee are
all okay. Step 2 and Step 3 are okay.
. The Union said they agree with the City regarding the arbitrators, but
cannot always tell the arbitrators what to do. The Union is okay with
the language on Page 35.
. Article 13.5 - The Union will bring language on having a meeting to
discuss whether it can be arbitrated.
Article 14 - The Union was okay with the City's language and what the City
struck out.
Ms. Goebelt explained that the City wanted to hear the Union's position and
then the City would offer a package.
The Union offered to take 10 minutes to caucus in an effort to address a few
more outstanding issues.
Ms. Goebelt announced the next bargaining session would be on Wednesday,
September 16th at City Hall from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The following meeting would be held on September 23rd from 9:00 a.m. to
12:00 p.m.
The Union caucused at 1:24 p.m.
The session reconvened at 1:32 p.m.
Meeting Minutes
White Collar Bargaining Session
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 9, 2009
Article 40 - General Provisions - With regard to Article 40.3, the Union
offered a counterproposal whereby in all areas where there is mention of
four shirts, the Union would counter the first five and would give up one
jacket replacement in Code Enforcement. For the workers in the sun (Code
Enforcement) there is a floppy hat available that they want in its place. This
should cover Field Inspectors as well. The number of shirts would apply to
the Field Inspectors. Jackets would be removed from all categories unless
the employee is a new hire. The Plan Review Analyst needs only five shirts
and three pairs of pants. Communications should be moved under Police.
Hats would be available for those who want them. Application Technicians
would get five shirts and three pairs of pants. Code Enforcement will get
five shirts and three pairs of pants. Jackets would be removed and replaced
with floppy hats. As this discussion became confusing, Ms. Goebelt
requested the Union provide a proposal at the next meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 1: 39 p. m.
Yrl, p~
anet M. Prainito, CMC
City Clerk
Transcribed from one recording