Minutes 10-27-09
Barbara Ready, Chair
Anderson Slocombe, Vice Chair (arrived 6.41 p.rn.)
Barbara Lentz
Christine Moeller
Nubia Richman
Halena Wolf
Dana Cook, Alt.
Donn Davenport, Alt.
Debby Coles-Dobay, Public Art
Sherie Tengbergen
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
Self-introductions were made. A quorum was present.
Ms. Lentz moved to approve the agenda. Ms. Wolfe seconded the motion that unanimously
A. Approval of August 25, 2009 minutes
There were two clarifications to the minutes as follows:
On page 3, the Board the Arts Commission was referring to was the Community Committee of
the Community Redevelopment Agency.
On page 5, Ms. Pollack would speak with Arts Connection program on January 11, 2009.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
October 27, 2009
Ms. Richman moved to approve the minutes as amended. Ms. Lentz seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Ms. Moeller moved to meet on November 24, and not meet on December 22, 2009. The motion
was duly seconded and passed with Ms Lentz dissenting.
The members decided to move the November meeting up one day to November 23, 2009 in
order to accommodate the Thanksgiving Holiday.
Ms. Moeller moved to meet on Monday, November 23, 2009 instead of November 24, 2009 and
not on December 22, 2009. Ms. Richman seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
11 was noted some members of the Arts Commission attended the Green Alliance meeting. Ms.
Moeller reported many people were doing research and each department in the City has
assigned someone to work to green things up. The Green Alliance was made of community
members and was comprised of different disciplines. The members of the community were
contributing to the City's recommendation for a Green Ordinance and were divided up into
different teams focusing on different aspects, i.e. transportation, building, landscaping, etc. They
contribute to the recommendations they bring forward to the City Commission. 11 was also
noted the meetings were bi-monthly.
Mary Jo Aagerstoun made a presentation as did Jason Bergman for Michael Singer's group.
The dedication at the Library for the Hunters Run donation took place and the event was well
attended. The art was purchased for permanent placement within the City and the donation
from Hunters Run contributed to the acquisition. Two of the artists were in attendance.
Mr. Slocombe left the meeting at 6:43 p.m.
The Mayor, Vice Mayor and their wives, as well as the City Manager and others attended.
Mr. Slocombe returned to the meeting at 6.44 p.m.
A. Fire Station #5 Public Art Grand Opening Event
The Board Liaison reported the Grand Opening was well attended. The facility came in under
budget. Chair Ready read a press release regarding the facility for the benefit of the members.
The art served to educate the public on the purpose of the building and history of the Fire
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
October 27, 2009
There was discussion of a prior Board conversation to add a video component to the second
floor sculpture dedicated to those who lost their lives on September 11th. There were funds left
in escrow and if the video was something the Board would like to add, they could do 50. After
discussion, there was agreement the funds in escrow would be better used elsewhere. Other
projects were forthcoming and if the planned new Police Station was constructed, the funds
could be used there.
B. Graffiti Mural Project
The Graffiti project was underway at the Sims Center with the next session scheduled for
October 29, 2009. Informational flyers were distributed to the members regarding what
transpired over the last few graffiti sessions. The funding for the program came from the Youth
Violence Prevention Program to teach at-risk, or youth in general, the difference between
tagging and the positive effects of graffiti art. The October 15th session had a lot more youth.
Many of the participants came from different areas and municipalities and it was interesting to
learn how they worked as a group. Most of the youth knew the graffiti artists and each artist had
their own style and identity. The instructors took sketches of ideas and concepts for the wall.
Previously, the Board had selected themes of music, sports or heroes Music was universal and
the youth embraced it. The instructors provided a written methodology to the media, which was
read and included in the meeting materials.
Ms. Lentz left the meeting at 7:15 p.m.
None of the images would be copyrighted images.
Ms. Lentz returned to the meeting at 7:17 p.m.
The members discussed their opinions and observations of the art, which the Board Liaison
recorded. The Chair invited the members to attend the next session.
C. Jaycee Park Interpretative Public Art Markers
A Florida Inland Navigation District matching grant was obtained which would pay for the
interpretive markers and the complete project.
D. "The Family" Placement
The Arts Commission had originally suggested the placement of the piece be located closer to
the entrance of Jaycee Park, but there was a conflict with the sprinkler system. There was an
area closer to the playground that was landscaped that had a live oak. After discussion, it was
decided the piece would be located there. There was concern about the maintenance of the
piece and how it would wear; however, the work could be repainted.
E Melissa Markowitz sculpture dedication "When are you coming to visit?"
The sculpture was placed in front of City Hall along with a prominent plaque and the artist
wanted to hold a dedication and unveiling. The proposed dates for the dedication were
December 9th or 10th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 pm. Thursday, December 10, 2009 was selected
and it was noted the artist would pay for the catering.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
October 27,2009
Ms. Richman left the meeting at 7:29 p.m.
VII. Avenue of the Arts
A Update
A mock-up brochure with print was distributed The Avenue of the Arts program received a lot
of positive press from the Palm Beach Post, the Sun Sentinel, Coastal Star, and Boynton
Forum. The same information was also posted on the website.
Ms. Richman left the meeting at 7.29 p.m.
VIII. Exhibits
A. Library Environmental Exhibit December 2009 - May 2010
At the last meeting, Lucy Kershavarz was trying to coordinate a library exhibit with an
environmental theme. Norm Gitzen and Stanley Reese were also notified the Arts Commission
was interested in receiving a proposal from them and to provide examples of their work in digital
format. While Ms. Kershavarz's proposal was received, Mr. Reese wrote a note and had
photographs and nothing was received from Mr. Gitzen and.
Ms. Kershavarz had enough pieces for an exhibit but Stanley Reese only submitted two
exhibits. Although he was encouraged to submit more, he only wanted to submit two.
The members discussed the artists further and decided, by consensus, they would have pieces
from Ms. Kershavarz and Mr. Reese. The Arts Commission had not put out a call to artists for
the theme of environmental art, which was to complement the Avenue of the Arts Environmental
Art theme and decided to have a shorter exhibit at the Library, while sending out a call to artists
for additional environmental art. Upon further discussion, there was agreement to only have
Ms. Kershavarz exhibit at the Library for two months
Mr. Davenport/eft the meeting at 7:53 p.m.
There was discussion two months would be enough to put out a call to artists
Mr. Davenport returned to the meeting at 7:55 p.m.
The criterion to use for the call to artists was discussed.
Vice Chair Slocombe moved to approve the Lucy Kershavarz exhibit for two months. Ms. Lentz
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
B. Sims Center
Ms. Coles-Dobay advised they were looking for theme ideas for exhibits at the Center. Staff at
the Sims Center had approached her for ideas and inquired if they wanted to leave the exhibits
at the Sims Center up to the staff there. There was discussion about putting out a call to artists
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
October 27,2009
with an ecological or green theme or something of that nature or they could pass out the call to
artists on the day of the Arts Connection meeting and ask them to submit something. Ms.
Coles-Dobay explained when a call to artists is issued, the information is distributed to all the
artists of Palm Beach County.
There was consensus to issue a call to artists, because a call was not issued for the Library
exhibit; rather, the Arts Commission was approached and given information regarding who to
IX. Programs
A. Art Connections
Chair Ready expressed her hope that more of the committee members would attend the Art
Connections programs as members should support the activities and functions they implement.
B. Green Market AIPP Booth
Chair Ready inquired if there was any interest in having a booth at the Green Market. This
year's Green Market would have an emerging artists section, so it was a good time to
participate in the market. II would provide an opportunity to speak with the public and inform
them about the program. Names and contact information of interested individuals was gathered.
Using volunteers to man a table was discussed as the members' schedules were prohibitive.
There was consensus the program was worthwhile and they should participate. The cost to set
up the tent each week from October until May was $300.
X. Vision Planning
A. Program Update
. Michael Singer proposal
An update was distributed containing the initiatives the members had discussed. Two projects
were under consideration, one of which was the Michael Singer proposal for Harmening Park.
Utilities had funds set aside for a proposal for a type of eco art to be placed there. The next step
was to research funds for it once the concept was identified. The project could educate the
public on water treatment, reuse and the value of water in our City.
Mary Jo Aagerstoun was doing a project and was interested in cultivating eco art in South
Florida through an artist apprenticeship program. Since she was a non-profit, she could pursue
funding. At the workshop, the proposal she was interested in doing with the City was to bring
another phase of the training and education to eco-artists and to work with the different
community sectors, such as architecture, landscape planners, environmentalists, and planners.
If this was something the members were interested in, she would give the go-ahead to pursue
the issue and a more detailed discussion would follow at a later time.
As to other programs the members would like to continue with, i.e. public art trees during the
holidays, it was noted there was a call to artists issued for it in West Palm Beach. The concept,
and to what extent to do it, was discussed during a workshop. II could be done in a similar
fashion to the Festival of Trees held in Miami.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
October 27,2009
As to the Michael Singer proposal, Harmening Park was a tiny park. Some members found it
difficult to envision how Mr. Singer would have a project there, unless it encroached into the
Water Treatment area. There was discussion the idea for the project and reason for the location
was to connect it to the educational component of the East Water Treatment Plant and integrate
it with how water is processed, which was the key component.
Harmening Park was a small, passive park There was much discussion that the park was on a
very visible corner but there was not much parking. Schools could give tours of the site.
Further discussion included the park was on a dangerous intersection and was not a viable
place to visit. There were many comments received which the Board Liaison recorded.
Civic involvement could be built into the proposal. The members thought it was a good idea to
plan ahead and have a project ready so when funds became available they would not miss out
on an opportunity because they were unprepared.
Ms. Wolf moved that Ms. Coles-Dobay further investigate the possibility of this. Ms. Richman
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
If funding was received, the proposal would return to the Arts Commission.
. SFEAP (South Florida Environmental Art Program) Proposal
Mary Jo Aagerstoun had submitted a proposal which the members reviewed.
Ms. Richman moved Ms. Coles-Dobay continue to investigate the apprenticeship program. Ms.
Wolf seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
B Public art project update (hold for discussion at future meeting)
The members were asked to study the programs for the next meeting.
XII. Unfinished Business
The members were asked to come back with a recommendation for one person to sit on a
subcommittee to help execute planning of some of the projects, such as the kinetic art. The
holiday items the Board identified at the workshops were deferred. The members indicated the
following individuals were or may be interested in serving on a subcommittee:
Jerry Leeman
Florence Roberts
Jim Swick
Betsy Chavez
Andrea Holzman
Chair Ready requested the members continue to search for volunteers and an email was sent
containing information and what was needed.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
October 27,2009
The empty storefront program was discussed, which involved artists placing artwork in the
windows of vacant storefronts. Ms. Coles-Do bay explained it was just a matter of contacting the
property management. They could provide names, or she could reach out to the Community
Redevelopment Agency, or the Chamber of Commerce to help make the connection for them.
The Promenade or other location could be used to begin the effort.
At the next meeting, the various events would be reviewed and prioritized. The same format
would be used for the projects they were discussing at the visioning sessions. Creating a
Christmas Card and sending it out as the Arts Commission wanted was discussed. Putting <<The
Family" on the card was suggested.
XIII. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting properly adjourned at 8:46 p.m.
C~~~~ UJu.~
Recording Secretary