TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1986 AT 7:30 P. M.
Nick Cassandra, Mayor
Carl Zimmerman, Vice Mayor
Robert Ferrell, Councilman
Ezell Hester, Councilman
Dee Zibelli, CounCilwoman
Peter L. Cheney, City Manager
Betty $. Boroni, City Clerk
William Doney,
Assistant City Attorney
Mayor Cassandra called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M.
As there were no corrections to the agenda, the agenda was
accepted as presented.
A. Special City Council Meeting Minutes of July 2, 1986
B. Special City Council Meeting Minutes of July 14, 1986
As the Council had just received the minutes, City Manager
Cheney suggested they be approved at the next Regular City
Council meeting.
Consider Planning and Zoning Board recommendations
concerning Comprehensive Plan Evaluation and
Appraisal Report (Continued from July 2, 1986
Tim Cannon, Senior Planner, pointed out that under State law,
it is actually the P&Z Board that transmits the Eva~uation
and Appraisal (E&A) Report to the City Council. He explained
that the E&A Report was the green book plus the changes made
by the P&Z Board. The Members had a memorandum dated July 1,
1986, which listed the recommended changes to the plan that
were made by the P&Z Board. Mr. Cannon said any changes the
Council made should be in reference to the P&Z's recommenda-
tion and just the green book.
The P&Z Board reviewed the list of changes after it was
compiled, and they confirmed that was what they intended as
their comments, plus they made a minor modification with
respect to day care centers in single family neighborhoods.
That modification was included with the July 14th agenda.
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Mayor Cassandra read the following correspondence and asked
that it be attached to these minutes (Addendum A):
Letter dated July 18, 1986 from G. K. De Long, Member of
the P&Z Board, G. K. De Long & Company, 400 South
Federal Highway.
Letter from Joseph R. Molina, Co-Chairman, Coalition of
Concerned Citizens, 811 S. W. 6th Avenue, dated July 21.
There were questions as to what format to follow. After
approval tonight, Mayor Cassandra wondered what the next
procedure would be. After the Council approves the E&A
Report tonight, Mr. Cannon said they would be approving the
transmission of the E&A Report to the State Department of
Community Affairs. The Department of Community Affairs (DCA)
then has 90 days in which to review the report, transmit~the
report to the Planning Agency, and to the various State
agencies. At the end of that 90 days, the City will receive
comments and changes the DCA wishes to see.
Mr. Cannon handed a copy of a transmittal letter to the
Council, which he said would have to be approved. He said
the State law now also requires that the City hold public
hearings when they get the comments back from DCA and when
they actually move to have an Ordinance adopted to approve
the E&A Report. At this meeting, Mr. Cannon said the Council
would have to announce that hearing will be held, although
there is no specified date at this time. The City Council
will advertise it.
Mayor Cassandra wanted the Council to know that whatever
they would approve in concept would then become policy until
they change it, and he gave examples of such things as a
recommending funding approach, Ordinance changes, etc. He
hoped tonight they could approve the whole concept, including
those areas of sensitivity that have been discussed, if action
was required.
There are line items in the E&A Report that develop policy.
If they do not discuss it, Mayor Cassandra said that policy
is accepted. Mr. Cannon confirmed that was correct and
explained that the E&A Report becomes an amendment to the
Comprehensive Plan. According to State law, all development
must be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
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Councilman Hester thought the Council attended most of the
meetings and had a chance to go over the Report. He did
not think he wanted to go line by line. Councilwoman
Zibelli agreed.
Page 12. Mobile Homes
Mayor Cassandra pointed out that throughout the report,
mobile homes are addressed in a policy, and he referred to and said the Planning Staff said those mobile
homes that are here will be grandfathered in, but when it
comes to development, the City should recommend redevelop-
men~. He noticed the question of mobile homes came up
again, especially in the annexation approach, as the Chamber
of Commerce made a request to add the annexation of the
western boundary away from what the straw ballot was.
Mayor Cassandra commented that it would then be possible to
annex four mobile home parks as you go west, and this
created a concern for him. He asked what that would do to
the Comprehensive Plan and what approach they should recom-
mend, if any changes are involved.
Vice Mayor Zimmerman did not think they should consider
annexing those mobile home parks until another vote could be
taken of the citizens. If they cut it off and square it off
at Lawrence Road, it will still leave pockets to the east of
Lawrence Road. If they move over to the recommendation of
the P&Z Board, they will only be creating more and larger
pockets. He alluded to considerable arguments given by the
City Manager and others in wanting to annex these, but said
this problem of annexing trailer parks becomes a huge one.
Vice Mayor zimmerman asked what will happen if they consider
Cypress Creek. If they annex Cypress Creek, he questioned
whether it would extend all the way to Military Trail.
City Manager Cheney made it clear that there was no sugges-
tion in his mind that he wanted to annex anything, and he
urged that he not be misinterpreted. City Manager Cheney
explained that he raised issues for the P&Z Board to consider.
He did not care if they annexed both sides of Lawrence Road
or not, but was asked about annexation.
City Manager Cheney said the issue is whether the municipal
line should be down the middle of the road or down the rear
property line. If it is down the middle of the road, public
serVice will be provided on two sides of the road by two
different bodies. If it is down the rear property line,
they will not have that problem. City Manager Cheney
emphasized that the Council had to decide which way it was
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to go. He was not proposing annexation, but the straw
ballot did not say where the line should be. The Council
had the responsibility of deciding what the best public
policy should be.
City Manager Cheney suggested to the Council that the City
may be serving those trailer parks with utilities some
time. He suspected that at some time, those trailer parks
(especially the older ones, not including Royal Manor) may
end up being redeveloped. People living there obviously do
not think so, but some day something is going to happen to
those mobile homes that are 20 years old. When those
disappear, then someone has the question of how they should
be redeveloped.
If the mobile homes are in the City, City Manager Cheney
said the City will control the redevelopment. If they are
not in the City, the County will control them. Hopefully,
the City and County will work more and more together as to
what those land use designations should be. There may not
be an issue of whether or not they are in the City because
they may end up having joint cooperation between the City
and the County.
City Manager Cheney continued that service was an issue he
raised with the P&Z Board, and it should be considered. He
asked the Council if they wanted one side of the street
patrolled by the Sheriff and the other by the City or not.
It was decided that would be addressed later on.
Mr. Cannon clarified that it would be possible to annex a
mobile home park as a non-conforming use. He did not think
there was a problem as far as consistency with the Compre-
hensive Plan and thought it would just be another non-
conforming use.
Page 17.
page 18.
Development East of 1-95 and
Housing Trends, East of 1-95
At the bottom of a~9~_~/, Mayor Cassandra noticed it was
recommended that the Density be left "as is" However, on
page 18, it says when you redevelop, go to High Density.
Mayor Cassandra thought it was a contradiction and felt they
should be consistent. He asked which one they were recom-
mending. Mr. Cannon replied that there are no densities in
the City right now that are so deteriorated and ownership
evels so low that it would warrant the maximum urban renewal
roject, so he thought the policy Mayor Cassandra was read-
~ng on page 18 was valid but was not a concern anymore.
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Mayor Cassandra raised the question because they will be
going into the redevelopment area from the canal. Even
though they build the Central Business District, he said
they had the concept to go on the outer peripheral of the
CBD. It is possible to have urban renewal in that end. If
he recalled the original concept, Mayor Cassandra said they
were talking about High Density on the property next to the
church also.
Mr. Cannon thought they could modify the paragraph on page
17. Vice Mayor Zimmerman asked how it would be modified.
Mr. Cannon felt they could simply reference the paragraph
on page 18 or repeat that language on page 17.
Code Enforcement
Mayor Cassandra said the strength of the City's Code is
enforcing laws, etc. Throughout the book, mention was made
of the target areas where the City should increase its Code
enforcement as well as its personnel. Mayor Cassandra asked
if the Planning Department was recommending the code enforce-
ment be increased through Ordinances. Right now, in the
process of getting compliance, he commented that the City
sometimes goes for a period of five months. The day they
are to go before the Codes Enforcement Board, they are in
compliance, and the next day their property is a mess again.
Mayor CasSandra asked Attorney Doney if the City can
straighten its Code up legally. Attorney Doney agreed with
Vice Mayor Zimmerman that the State has amended and broadened
Code Enforcement Boards' jurisdictions somewhat. Councilman
Hester reiterated Mayor Cassandra's comments about people
Attorney Doney said the amendment to the State law has given
the City a little more power in that respect, as far as
repeat violations. He informed Councilwoman Zibelli that it
streamlines the procedure after the initial violation is
found. The City does not have to start over again, cite the
violator, and wait. Attorney Doney told City Manager Cheney
he believed that would be effective in October.
It was still Councilwoman Zibelli's understanding that they
could upgrade the Codes. City Manager Cheney agreed that
they can always make the Codes stronger, but pointed out
that they may not be any more enforceable.
There was discussion about Code violations and the process.
As to the Code Enforcement Board's powers, Attorney Doney
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said the City cannot fine someone for a past violation. If
they are cited, clean off their property, and go before the
Codes Enforcement Board, they cannot be fined at that point.
The theory of the Codes Enforcement Board is to get
compliance. Councilwoman Zibelli said what the Board had to
Work with was practically useless. Mayor Cassandra said the
Board has been giving heavier fines to those persons who
figure they will get more grace.
Councilwoman Zibelli asked whether there was any recommenda-
tion as far as more Code Enforcement Officers. Mr. Cannon
answered that the Planning Department made the observation
that the City needs additional Code Enforcement personnel
if continued deterioration on the north end is going to be
In the E&A Report, the City Staff recommended that the City
also increase the scope of the Ordinances to prohibit park-
ing on swales and yards and to require a level of yard main-
tenance. Mr. Cannon reported that the P&Z Board deleted the
recommendation concerning parking on swales and yards.
Grants and Federal Money
Throughout the Comprehensive Plan in the area of housing,
Mayor Cassandra said the Comprehensive Plan points out that
the grants and Federal monies are dwindling and strongly
recommends that the City contemplate subsidizing housing
throughout this area. If they accept those words, he asked
if that would mean the City must fund or that if they can
fund, they should. Mr. Cannon thought the best way to
answer that question was to reference the new Local Govern-
ment Comprehensive Plan Act (LGCPA).
In the 1988 Comprehensive Plan, the City will have to make a
full blown analysis of the housing delivery system and will
have to create a housing assistance plan for the City of
Boynton Beach. Mr. Cannon did not think they would have any
choice but to go in this direction. If the Community Develop-
ment funding continues to drop or stay at the level it is
(about 30% below previous years), the Planning Department
was recommending that the City consider supplemental funding.
Mr. Cannon was not sure that would be necessary because
Community Development made some recommendations to the Palm
Beach County Commission for the funding of housing systems
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on the local level. He thought more money might become
available at the County level. If there is a long term
decrease in the amount of rehabilitation assistance available
to the City, the Planning Staff was recommending that the
City use its own resources to find rehabilitation loans.
Mayor Cassandra brought up the fact that the subsidy through
the City came into play in many paragraphs because of the
lack of funding.
Councilman Hester asked if the housing assistance would be
similar to what is known as the Housing Authority. He knew
Delray Beach had one with power and said Boynton Beach had
one with no power. Councilman Hester thought Delray Beach
was !borrowing money from the Housing Authority to build
single houses but did not know how they were doing it.
City Manager Cheney did not think they would really know
what the nature of the housing assistance would be until
they would get into the new Comprehensive Plan, do the full
blown housing analysis that will be required, and see if
that is what the situation is. It probably will not be the
Housing Authority because the City works with the County
Housing Authority, and it has worked reasonably well. They
are considering some additional programs they can afford.
City Manager Cheney informed the Council that several rental
projects in Boynton Beach are the product of the County
Housing Finance Agency. A lot of housing assistance has
gone on in Boynton Beach because of the loan program. The
Landings and Banyan Creek are a part of housing assistance
programs. The County appointed a Countywide Task Force to
study the issue of housing, and City Manager Cheney said the
City wants to watch that proposal and see how it flies with
the County Commission. He thought the City had to do a lot
of analyses 'before they will really know what is going to
happen. It is not something where the City is saying now
that it is going to have a public housing program, and City
Manager Cheney elaborated.
Page 34, Line Mayor'Cassandra observed that they
talked about demolishing homes, used the reference of a
certain percentage to rebuild, but nowhere did they talk
about health. He told of one home that has 12 children in
it, with a Nanny taking care of them, and said it is strictly
a health problem. City Manager Cheney informed him that
health problems in housing are controlled through the
Housing Code, which requires so many bedrooms per capita and
a minimum size. Again, enforcement is the issue, and he
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City Manager Cheney's point was that the Housing Code is
the mechanism to do that. When they know children are being
neglected, the City can go to the County Health Department
and work on that basis. There is an answer to that
situation, but the problem is getting in and taking apart a
Swales (Continued)
Mayor Cassandra recalled that the P&Z Board recommended
that people be allowed to park on swales. Mr. Cannon
responded that the City Staff recommended that swale parking
and parking in yards be prohibited. However, the P&Z Board
deleted that recommendation. Both Mayor Cassandra and
Councilwoman Zibelli disagreed with the P&Z Board. Council-
man Hester pointed out that it causes deterioration in the
areas where people park on swales.
Vice Mayor Zimmerman believed Codes Enforcement would
handle it. He recollected one question brought up by the
P&Z Board was about the family that has four to six cars and
no place to park them. If they are lucky enough to have a
large enough lot with a three car garage, they can take care
of that many cars in a family, but many of these lots were
platted with such a small frontage and square footage that
there is no room to build garages or put in driveways. Vice
Mayor zimmerman was in favor of cleaning up the City and
getting rid of cars that are parked there and not used.
There was discussion.
Councilwoman Zibelli commented that four cars can very easily
park in her driveway, but a lot of driveways are filled with
cars that are not used or that are being repaired for months
and months. They sit there without engines, with flat
tires, etc., so they are not used for parking in the swale
area. She thought if they would get rid of the "clunkers"
they fix year after year, or the ones in the repair business,
whichever the case may be, they would have room to put all
of their cars in their driveways. Councilwoman Zibelli
stressed that this is very prevalent in the north end. There
was more discussion.
Mayor Cassandra wondered if they had to make motions on each
item. Vice Mayor Zimmerman thought they could settle it by
a vote. City Manager Cheney advised that the Council should
decide now what they want to do and whether they want to
amend the P&Z Board's report. This particular thing would
have to go into Ordinance form at some time. If they pro-
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hibit parking in the swales, City Manager Cheney imagined a
lot of cars would park on the grass, so he asked if they
would also want to prohibit parking on the grass, and only
require it on paved or shellrock surfaces. Councilman
Ferrell asked if they could do that. City Manager Cheney
jokingly commented that then, people would end up paving
their whole yards.
Mr. Cannon pointed out that it is possible to park on the
streets, but the problem you have in the north end is that
the pavement width is only 20 feet. That means you can only
park on one side of the street. With a 22 foot pavement,
you can park on both sides of the street and still get a
car down the middle. If it means that traffic is impeded,
and that means if a car is not quite over to the one side,
City Manager Cheney said the Police will probably give
tickets in certain areas at certain times because of getting
emergency vehicles through.
In some towns where parking on yards or swales is prohibited,
Mr. Cannon said they ~ark on the streets. Generally, in
those towns, the pavement is wide enough so you can park on
the streets without blocking traffic. If they have parking
on the streets, Mr. Cannon reiterated that they would have
to limit it to one side of the street. There were comments
by some of the Members.
It seemed to Councilman Hester that a safety problem was
also involved here, and he stated that he would probably
have to go along with the P&Z Board and allow parking on
swales. He hated it but would not want someone to get hurt
because of cars parked on the side of the street.
Councilwoman Zibelli advised that most of the people who are
not in the business of repairing cars up there (in the north
end) get their cars off of the road and do not park mainly
in the swale areas.
Vice Mayor Zimmerman asked if they were back to the problem
of people spreading shellrock or other material in the
swales to have a better place to park. City Manager Cheney
thought that was stopped in the new areas. Maybe some
happen once in awhile, but he thought the City had a handle
on that. Attorney Doney advised there is a Code provision
prohibiting that. Vice Mayor Zimmerman agreed but said they
do not catch them until the shellrock has been in for a long
time, and the swale does not function any more. Council-
woman Zibelli informed him that the City makes them take it
out. There was more discussion.
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If the parking does not cause the swale to not function for
its main purpose, Vice Mayor Zimmerman believed he would go
along with the P&Z Board's recommendation. Councilwoman
Zibelli's problem was not with the percolation of the water
but with trying to upgrade the neighborhoods. City Manager
Cheney commented that parking on swales deteriorates
neighborhoods. Councilwoman Zibelli elaborated.
Mayor Cassandra observed that they kept talking about the
north end and reminded the Council that it should be for the
whole City.
Councilwoman Zibelli moved that they not allow parking in
swales in Boynton Beach, seconded by Councilman Ferrell.
Vice Mayor zi~merman asked if parking on streets could be a
part of the motion. He did not mean on thoroughfares but
on private and neighborhood streets. In Mayor Cassandra's
opinion, that was not the issue. Vice Mayor Zimmerman argued
that the two went hand in hand. In Leisureville, they cannot
park on the pavement without getting a ticket. If people
want to stop in front of the clubhouse for five minutes
while they run in, people pull off into the swale. There is
nowhere along Leisureville Boulevard, Ocean Drive, 18th
Street, 13th Avenue, 22nd Street, Golf Lane, or any of those
streets where anybody can stop if they cannot pull off onto
a swale.
Councilman Ferrell said it was more than a Parking Ordinance.
There are State laws on obstructing traffic that also come
into play, which he did not think they would be able to
change. Mayor Cassandra advised that most of Leisureville
has parking spaces, and he explained. Instead of carrying
heavy packages a block from the parking lot to the clubhouse
in Leisureville, Vice Mayor Zimmerman said people often pull
into the swale. All of the maintenance people with their
trucks use the swales, and it does not deteriorate the
swales because they are maintained. Vice Mayor zimmerman
commented that this would prohibit them from parking on the
swales, and they cannot park on the pavement because it is
a traffic lane.
Councilwoman Zibelli asked if that could go along with the
Ordinance the City has where you are only allowed to stop
for 15 minutes if you have trucks in the area. City Manager
Cheney replied that the problem with that is someone would
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have to stay there for 15 minutes to show that he has been
there more than 15 minutes. If the City could not show that
he has been there for over 15 minutes by being there or
chalking tires, they could never collect in Court.
Vice Mayor Zimmerman remarked that parking in swales is a
help and agreed that when it is abused, it becomes a problem.
There was discussion about maintenance of swales.
Vote on Motion
A vote was taken on Councilwoman Zibelli's motion, and the
motion carried 4-1. Vice Mayor Zimmerman voted against the
Mr. Cannon asked whether that also prohibited parking in
yards. The Council Members answered, "No."
Discussion re an Ordinance
Councilman Ferrell asked if this would take effect now or
after the review. City Manager Cheney interpreted the vote
as the Council saying they wanted an Ordinance prepared so
they could get it on the books. Councilman Ferrell thought
what they were doing was going through everything, but if
they would do that, they would not get it done tonight. He
felt they should let it go for review and then go to an
Mr. Cannon clarified that the State law requires that with-
in a year of the adoption of this Report, the Council has to
pass Ordinances to carry out everything. Councilman Ferrell
asked if it meant within a year of adoption or within a year
after the State reviews it. He pointed out that the State
may change this. Mr. Cannon informed him that the Report
would not be officially adopted until they get it back from
the State in September. Earlier, Councilman Ferrell thought
someone said these would become policy. Mr. Cannon replied
they would not become policy immediately.
City Manager Cheney pointed out that what Mr. Cannon said
would not prevent the Council from drafting an Ordinance now
or in the future.
Planting of Trees in Private Property
Mayor Cassandra noted that the P&Z Board agreed with some
policies the Planning Department made, such as planting of
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trees in private property. He thought it was an excellent
idea, but said he would like expenses split on that. City
Manager Cheney said that would be discussed in the Parks'
Page 45. Mayor Cassandra read from the
second paragraph that, "it is not necessary at this time to
directly involve homeowners' associations in surveillance of
this neighborhood." He thought one of the problems was that
neighbors do not get active. Mr. Cannon explained that any-
body can go into the Building Department and file a complaint.
He thought they were recommending against any type of City
sanctioned citizens' surveillance, as that is properly done
by the City's Code Enforcement staff.
Councilman Ferrell did not think the City would be going off
by supporting a citizens' group that wanted to watch and
report things like they do with Crime Watch, and he elabor-
ated. There was discussion.
Mayor Cassandra called attention to the fact that the Report
was saying they should not get involved. He was saying they
should get involved. Councilwoman Zibelli asked Mr. Cannon
why he made the statement, as she thought it was very ludi-
crous. Mr. Cannon thought it was how you define surveillance,
and he reiterated his previous comments. It comes down to
who is going to do the enforcement. City Manager Cheney
explained that it is not necessary that the homeowners do
that because the City has a Codes Enforcement program, but
it is desirable that they help out. There were other com-
~age 66, Non-Conforming Lots
In 1975, Mayor Cassandra said they rezoned areas in the
City. Now they are all non-conforming. The original owners
do not have to go before the Board of Adjustment, but if
they are new owners, they have to pay the dollars and cents
brought up in the Comprehensive Plan. Mayor Cassandra
thought the Council should agree as to whether the Code
should be changed as far as them paying a fee to go before
the Board of Adjustment with the stipulations of landlocked
and all of the other reasons that are given. He thought the
Board of Adjustment had also addressed their concern. If
a person owns a lot that is 50x100, landlocked, and there is
nothing they can do, they have to pay a $250 fee.
Where you have a lot that needs reasonable frontage and it
is landlocked, Mr. Cannon said the Planning Department
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recommended that they not be required to get a variance. He
thought this would be particularly appropriate where the lot
frontage is 60 feet, as the difference between 50 feet and
60 feet is not substantial. Mr. Cannon thought it might be
a good idea to require a variance where the frontage should
be 75 feet, which is the City's R-1AA zoning district. In
the R-l, R-lA, and R-2 zoning districts, where there are a
large number of platted lots that are 50 feet, he thought it
would be better, in those areas of town and particularly in
the north end, to eliminate what is sort of a cloud on the
development of those lots. It might be better to get those
lots developed.
Mayor Cassandra asked the Council to address non-conforming
lots, even though it was not an item that the P&Z Board
specifically addressed. What the answer is will be seen in
90 days.
Page 78. ~eepage and Septic Tanks
Mayor Cassandra asked if there are still septic tanks in the
City. City Manager Cheney answered that there are. Mayor
Cassandra asked if it is not required that within a certain
number of years they must tie up to the City's sewer and
wondered if it was because there is no sewer line there.
City Manager Cheney replied that the City has written those
people and told them from time to time that they have to
hook up to the sewer by a certain time or they will not get
the cheap rate any more.
In the past, several times, someone has come in and said
they could not afford to pay $1,000, so City Manager Cheney
said the City let them hook up for $250. The City now has
letters out that give everybody a year from that time to
hook up at $250 or, if the City discovers anyone they did
not know about, they are given a year to pay $250 to hook
up. Most of them end up hooking up when their septic tank
falls apart.
City Manager Cheney said the usual problem of getting a hook
up, from an expense point of view, is that normally, the
plumbing goes out to the rear of the house, and it is their
cost to bring the piping around to the front. That is why
the City is keeping the price down to $250. The City has not
forced people to do it, but it is usually when the septic
tank gets plugged up.
City Manager Cheney confirmed Councilwoman Zibelli's state-
ment that it is against the law to have septic tanks. If
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they are within 100 feet of the sewer, they have to hook up
to it and abandon the septic tank they are using. When
those people come and stand at the Council meeting, City
Manager Cheney suspected that the Council may decide not to
do it that way.
If it is a health problem, City Manager Cheney thought the
best way was to do it all of the time as they have septic
tank problems. He informed Councilman Hester that the City
notifies everybody whose names they have. People who bought
houses since that time have not been told.
Mayor Cassandra still thought it was a concern that had to
be addressed, not only for within the City limits, but also
outside of the City limits where the City has control, and
if annexation comes by natural annexation of pockets within
the City limits and they have septic tanks. The City is
concerned about its landfill because people living around
there have septic tanks and well water. They are also
concerned about building a new well area. Eventually, there
will be growth there. City Manager Cheney informed him
those would have water and sewer.
According to the Palm Beach County Environment Code, Mr.
Cannon thought when property comes within 100 feet of the
sewer line, they are required to tie on. City Manager
Cheney said the law may be on the books but getting them to
tie onto the sewer is another thing.
Page 85. Public Beach Access
Mayor Cassandra asked if the Council had to address all of
the recommendations for areas outside of the City's bound-
aries, such as Ocean Ridge and the public beach. With
reference to on page 85, Mayor Cassandra did
not agree that they should go through private property.
Mayor Cassandra noted comments were made about houses around
lakes and the visibility of having unloading ramps. If he
lived on a lake, he would hate to make his land open to the
public. Mr. Cannon said the recommendation made with
respect to lakes was that wherever possible in Planned Unit
Developments (PUDs), the City will require park dedications
that will include frontage on a lake, and developers will be
encouraged to provide private recreation on lakes. That
somewhat removes demands for beach access.
Mayor Cassandra pointed out that the Planning Staff also
made the same reference about being able to access through
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private property to private beaches. Mr. Cannon said the
wording was from the original Comprehensive Plan, and they
are supposed to encourage Palm Beach County to expand the
availability of private access easements in areas of private
beach ownership. It was a question of what the City is going
to do to get Palm Beach County to pursue that matter.
Vice Mayor Zimmerman asked if that pertained to the parcel
just north of the City's beach. That is County owned
property, so the County does not have to acquire the beach.
The City is making the recommendation to encourage Palm
Beach County to develop that property. Vice Mayor zimmerman
recalled there were deed restrictions on that, and he
recollected that the vegetation on the land would never be
destroyed but would remain in its natural state. It was
dedicated that t:he County would have the property for that
City Manager Cheney thought it went back to the early days.
The State is somewhat considering now whether or not they
will spend County and State money to refurbish beaches if
there is not adequate public access to those beaches. Some
changing is taking place. The City is not going to refurbish
the beaches in Ocean Ridge. City Manager Cheney alluded to
the fact that the City should not push too much for public
access to public parking. He gathered that the Beach and
Shores Commission and that Study Commission are making
changes, and said there may be some beach renourishment.
City Manager Cheney Continued that there are valid argu-
ments, such as whether you should put money into a beach
that the public cannot get to. He commented that it is a
Catch 22 problem, and he hoped they would worlk it out.
Page 104.
Discourage the expansion of strip
commercial development
Mayor Cassandra asked if this was separated from the
Planned Commercial Development (PCD) concept. Mr. Cannon
replied that the common interpretation of strip commercial
development is what you see in the unincorporated areas of
the County on Military Trail and Congress Avenue.
Mayor Cassandra said Boynton Beach Boulevard from Congress
Avenue east is strip commercial zoning. The Council just
approved a PCD section attached to that. In that case,
PCD was really strip zoning. Because of the configuration
of that parcel, whiCh is long and narrow, Mr. Cannon said it
was arguably strip commercial zoning, but PCD zoning does
not necessarily imply strip commercial zoning.
- 15 -
JULY 21, 1986
Day Care Centers
Mayor Cassandra thought these were addressed by saying what
the State law says. Originally, the Planning Department was
concerned that they be in certain areas and have certain
distance separations, not only for day care but also for
group housing. Mayor Cassandra asked if the State law has
distance between homes. City Manager Cheney answered, "No."
He said the State law addresses child care. You can have up
to five kids in a home after school hours and up to ten in
non-school hours in any residential zone. Councilwoman
Zibelli remarked that everybody on a street could take in
five kids.
Mayor Cassandra asked if the State law addresses adult com-
munities and wondered if they could have a day care facility
in Leisureville. From a zoning point of view, City Manager
Cheney answered that they probably could. He asked Attorney
Doney if the condominium covenants and deed restrictions
could be overruled by State legislation in this State.
Attorney Doney replied that State law could override any
Areas, Beginning With Page 107
City Manager Cheney informed Mayor Cassandra that the P&Z
Board addressed all of the areas as they went through them
and voted on those they wanted discussed. Everything else
was approved.
P_~.qe 108
Area 3. Central Business District
Mr. Cannon said all they wanted in this case was some
expansion on the Planning Department's description of what
the Community Redevelopment Agency has done in that area to
date and what the geographic extent of that area is.
Mayor Cassandra noticed Mr. Cannon mentioned that the down-
town development concept will hold. He observed that Mr.
Cannon never addressed mixed uses at all in the Comprehensive
Plan. City Manager Cheney informed him that the Central
Business District zone applies to mixed uses. Mayor
Cassandra wondered if that would be sent with the Compre-
hensive Plan so they would know there is a mixed use language
because they would not know it by reading the E&A Report.
- 16 -
JULY 21, 1986
Mr. Cannon agreed that you would not know what the CBD
zoning regulations allow unless you read the zoning regula-
tions, and said they could provide a summary of what the
CBD zoning regulations allow. Mayor Cassandra wondered if
that would be advantageous, because they might get a
hullabaloo on the 91st day when they start to do something.
Area 5. Congress Avenue Between the L-25 and L-26 Canals
Mr. Cannon said the P&Z Board wanted a statement that Wool-
bright Road should be constructed westward to Military
Trail. Mayor Cassandra said the City has pockets of undevel-
oped County land, and he gave Silverlake as an example. He
asked if there was a procedure where they could petition to
get that into the City. No voting would be required because
no people are there. When they are ready to develop, City
Manager Cheney said they usually annex voluntarily at that
time. The County would tell them to talk to the City.
Page 115
Area 23.
Northwest corner of Seacrest Blvd. and
Boynton Beach Boulevard
Mr. Cannon said this concerns the property which abuts the
First Baptist Church. The Planning Staff recommended that
the paved parking lot on the north side of the church be
rezoned to C-2. If there is any additional desire to rezone
the property north of 3rd Court, which the church also owns,
it should only be rezoned if it is subject to a unity of
title tying it to the main church property.
Vice Mayor Zimmerman saw no problem with it. Mr. Cannon
said this was requested by representatives of the Church.
City Manager Cheney advised that the unity of title is a
very key aspect of this, so they do not get it piecemeal.
Area 25.
Commercial Property on Northwest Corner of
Interstate 95 and Woolbright Road
Mr. Cannon told the Members this is the commercial strip
that extends north from the CBD on the east side of U. S. 1
up to the Boynton Canal. They recommended that area be re-
zoned to C-2, if the nUmber of uses allowed in a C-2 zoning
district are expanded. Mayor Cassandra recalled they just
had a hearing on this and took certain actions, based upon
JULY 21, 1986
In their discussion, Councilman Ferrell thought they
discussed the possibility of whether these things should
wait until after the legalities to see what they are going
to do with the whole area. Vice Mayor Zimmerman remembered
that City Attorney Vance gave them the opinion that if they
wished to go on with making any changes in these controversial
areas, they should do so because they are required by law to
get the Comprehensive Plan in. It would not be the same as
responding to a rezoning.
City Manager Cheney advised that they could make changes
and send them in as part of the E&A Report. If they did not
want to decide what changes they wanted to make, they could
leave it as it is now and make the changes in the future.
They will have an opportunity to amend the Comprehensive
Plan two times in the future. If they made changes on this
now, City Manager Cheney said it was true that they would be
separate from the zoning issue and the Court related issue.
Councilman Ferrell said the other avenue was to leave it as
it is in that particular area. If they do not discuss it or
do anything, Attorney Doney advised they would be leaving it
the way it is. If they do not discuss it, City Manager
Cheney interjected that it will stay in accordance with the
P&Z Board's recommendation, not as it is currently today on
the existing Comprehensive Plan. Attorney Doney agreed with
City Manager Cheney. Mayor Cassandra said they recommended
that it b~ C-2. I~ other words, it stays "as is" with no
stlipulations. The Plan, as recommended by the E&A Report,
w°uid have stipulations as to the uses of C-2.
Councilman Ferrell got the feeling from the discussion at
the last meeting that several did not want to make any
changes to whatever it is right now in the present Compre-
hensive Plan because it is in litigation. That was why they
did not act on the other part. Attorney Doney advised that
the Council could decide to submit it with the old designa-
tion rather than going with what the P&Z Board recommended.
The Council could do anything they wanted to and could change
from what anyone else suggested also. Councilman Ferrell
stated that the litigation would probably select what is
going to be done with it anyway. Attorney Doney informed
him that this part is not in litigation.
Councilman Ferrell thought they did not act on this area
last week because it was part of this whole deal and every-
thing was tied together. Attorney Doney told him the Council
did not act on it because the neighboring pieces are in
- 18 -
JULY 21, 1986
litigation and because of what will happen with the neigh-
boring pieces.
Mayor Cassandra said they had to make a motion either to go
with the P&Z Board's recommendation or leave it as it is at
C-2. Vice Mayor Zimmerman thought some of it was C-1 along
the Canal. Mr. Cannon informed him that all of the property
zoned commercial on the east side of the canal is zoned C-2.
C-1 property is on the west side of the canal. Mayor
Cassandra's impression was that the original applicant wanted
some of the R-3s to be part of the Planned Commercial Develop-
ment (PCD) they requested. What the P&Z Board did was leave
it at-the present boundary line for C-2. The E&A Report
said to leave it at the present boundary line, but put stipu-
lations on it. Mayor Cassandra asked if his impression was
For Area 25, Mr. Cannon said no statements were made concern-
ing uses beyond the C-2 zoning. Mayor Cassandra read the
last sentence on page 115, which recommended that the land
use designation for the C-2 zoned area be changed to Office
Commercial and the zoning be changed to C-1. He commented
that the Council had a recommendation of C-1 from the E&A
Report and a recommendation of C-2 from the P&Z Board.
Councilman Hester was informed that it was originally C-2.
He moved to leave it as it is now in the existing Compre-
hensive Plan. Councilwoman Zibelli seconded the motion.
Mr. Cannon told the Council that the P&Z Board, in effect,
cancelled the staff recommendation and recommended that it
be left as it is.
A vote was taken on the motion, and the motion carried 5-0.
Page 117
Area 30.
East side of U. S. 1, between N. E. 6th Avenue
and the Boynton Canal
Mr. Cannon said this is the frontage on U. S. 1, north of
the CBD. The P&Z Board recommended that it be down zoned
from C-4 to C-2. However, that is conditioned upon another
recommendation made that the number of retail uses allowed
in the C-2 zoning district be increased to include most
small retail uses. Right now, there are only about a dozen
convenience retail uses that are allowed in that zoning
- 19 -
JULY 21, 1986
Mayor Cassandra told of an applicant being granted a variance
for a used car lot by the Board of Adjustment. Mr. Cannon
informed him the property he was talking about was on the
west side of U. S. 1 and would stay in C-4 zoning. This
recommendation applied strictly to the east side of the
As they agreed with the P&Z Board, City Manager Cheney
advised that no motion was necessary.
Area 31.
Property North of Four Seasons Retirement Hom~
Mr. Cannon said Staff recommended that the vacant property
north of the Four Seasons Retirement Home be down zoned from
R-3 to a single family zoning district. The P&Z Board
cancelled the recommendation, saying it should be left under
the R-3 zoning.
City Manager Cheney informed Mayor Cassandra that Boynton
Mobile Village (mobile home park) is there. Mayor Cassandra
thought they had a problem before the Council about parking
vehicles over a period of time. City Manager Cheney replied
that they had a representative from the mobile homeowners
association, but they could never prove the contention that
the parking of mobile homes and recreation vehicles has not
always gone on. As far as the City knows, they are continu-
ing a non-conforming use that they have had for a long time.
Page 119
Area 36.
Residential Parcels in Vicinity of Old Boynton
Road and New Boynton Road, Between Interstate 95
and Congress Avenue
Mr. Cannon confirmed that the Council's approval of the
Cross Creek PCD deleted the recommendation for Area 36, as
it applies to that parcel.
Page 120
Area 38.
Property on Northeast Corner of Golf Road and
Congress Avenue
The P&Z Board negated the Staff's recommendation that these
two parcels be rezoned to multiple family. With regard to
the northeast corner of Golf Road and Congress Avenue, Mr.
Cannon said it is presently shown under an Institutional
land use category. If the City Council wished to see that
- 20 -
JULY 21, 1986
developed for single family housing, he thought they should
possibly include a recommendation that the land use designa-
tion be changed to that which covers Leisureville, which is
Moderate Density Residential.
Mayor Cassandra was personally in favor of that because the
zoning classification of Governmental/Institutional has
opened the door each time people come in.
Councilman Ferrell moved to delete the recommendation, as
in the P&Z Board's recommendation, and to change the designa-
tion of that piece of land from Governmental/institutional
to Moderate Density Residential. Councilwoman Zibelli
seconded the motion, and the motion carried 5-0.
Area 39.
Property on Southeast Corner of Golf Road and
Congress Avenue
The P&Z Board recommended that this stay zoned R-1AA Low
Density Residential. The Council agreed to this.
at 9:10 P. M.
The meeting resumed
Page 121
Area 44. Lake Boynton Estates
Councilman Ferrell moved that this be left as it currently
is because it is a part of the litigation problem. Vice
Mayor zimmerman liked the way it was in the E&A report
rather than the P&Z Board's recommendation. It was a little
bit different than what it presently is. Councilman Ferrell
agreed but did not think the Council should make a decision.
Attorney Doney advised that the Council could go with the
P&Z Board, go with the E&A Report, or leave it as it is
existing with no changes. Mayor Cassandra was concerned
about the 8th line from the bottom of the page, and he read,
"In any case, an 80 foot wide public collector should be
required from Woolbright Road to Ocean Drive. " He was
not in favor of that line and made a recommendation that
they use the bypass concept where the road would be along-
side of the track area for the reason that then, it would
go through nobody's property and there would be no road
through a residential area.
Mayor Cassandra did not want to see an 80 foot roadway come
from Ocean Avenue at 8th Street down straight through the
- 21-
JULY 21, 1986
property. His recommendation was to loop it around and
then come out into whatever is developed there. This would
remove the traffic problem and the concern about where to
cross the track, it will not cut any church property into
parts, and Mayor Cassandra thought it would solve their
problems. If they leave everything alone, as it is, then
they would be saying they were approving the 80 foot wide
public collector.
City Manager Cheney told Mayor Cassandra he was still talk-
ing about an 80 foot wide public collector collecting at 8th
and Ocean Drive and Woolbright, except Mayor Cassandra's
proposal was to turn it easterly towards the railroad track
and then curve it westerly again to come out at the proper
place on Woolbright Road. The collector would serve the
same purpose but would not go straight. There was discussion.
If it comes along the railroad track, Councilman Hester
commented that it would come out at Woolbright Road. There
were more comments. Vice Mayor Zimmerman said the northern
access to Boynton Beach Boulevard would probably be the
biggest fly in the ointment there. There was more discussion.
Councilman Ferrell repeated his motion to leave it as it is
right now. Councilman Hester seconded the motion.
Mayor Cassandra said the P&Z Board's recommendation went from
High Density to Moderate Density and from Moderate Density
to Low Density. Mayor Cassandra informed Vice Mayor
Zimmerman that the present Comprehensive Plan has Moderate
Density, which is 7.26 dwelling units per acre. The P&Z
Board recommended that the Moderate Density be lowered to
Low Density, which is 4.84 and that the multiple family
zoned strip along the tracks be down zoned to R-2, which
would allow only duplexes.
Councilman Ferrell was not saying he was against that
recommendation, but he was just not comfortable making any
decisions to change anything on it because of the litigation,
which was the same reason they backed off last week. Vice
Mayor Zimmerman stated that the legal opinion was that it
did not matter. Councilman Ferrell pointed out that they
could also have done that last week, but everyone chose 5-0
not to do anything because it was in litigation.
Mayor Cassandra asked if voting with the High and Moderate
Density in any way created a legal problem for the City by
- 22-
JULY 21, 1986
saying they left it as High and Moderate Density. Attorney
Doney did not think it would create any problem because the
litigation was filed, in a sense, based on facts at that
time. What happened tonight may or may not affect the liti-
gation, depending on what happened, because they filed a
petition sometime ago, based on the zoning and land use at
that time. If the Council decided to leave the "status quo"
because of the litigation, it would not affect anything.
Mayor Cassandra asked if the motion could state that because
of litigation, they were leaving it "status quo". Attorney
Doney did not know that they would need that. Councilman
Ferrell recalled it was not on the other motion. Mr. Cannon
informed Vice Mayor Zimmerman and Mayor Cassandra they would
have two opportunities to change it, but this would be the
last opportunity to change it this year.
Councilman Ferrell asked what happens when the State reviews
it and sends it back. Mayor Cassandra replied that when the
State sends it back and says they like the plan as presented,
the City will hold a public hearing. He asked what the City
would do then and whether they would just accept what the
State accepts. Mr. Cannon answered that the Council would
then adopt, by Ordinance, the report as the P&B Board, the
Council, and DCA recommends it be changed. He said there is
a procedure for challenging the DCA's comments, but he did
not think they needed to go into that tonight.
Assuming this comes back from the DCA, and they do not make
any comments, City Manager Cheney asked if the City would
then have to have a public hearing and if it meant that,
after that public hearing, the Council can or cannot change
its mind. If they cannot change their minds, City Manager
Cheney wondered why they would have to bother with a public
hearing. Attorney Doney wanted to check the Statute.
Vice Mayor Zimmerman thought the only way they would solve
the traffic problem in this area, both on Ocean Drive and
on Woolbright Road, was to lower the density. If the
County recommends it, he asked if it would have to be done,
and he noticed the City Staff recommended it.
Councilman Hester commented that it might not affect
anything, but it is in litigation, and who knows what the
Court will do. He was sure there is a procedure to change.
Attorney Doney advised that the Council could do it just by
amending the plan. Mayor Cassandra commented that it looked
like six months for it to come back and for the City to make
- 23-
JULY 21, 1986
its first amendment. Attorney Doney agreed with Councilman
Ferrell that they could amend it after the litigation. If
they do it by way of the E&A report or do it by way of a
separate City initiated petition to amend the Land Use Plan,
they would get the same net result.
Clarification of Motion
Councilman Cassandra asked if the motion was to leave Area
44 as it is in the E&A report. Councilman Ferrell answered
affirmatively. Mr. Cannon questioned whether he was also
recommending that the two collector streets also be deleted.
Councilman Ferrell clarified that his motion was to leave it
just as it is right now, and not accept any recommendtion,
just as they did on Area 25 or whatever. City Manager
Cheney advised that the current Comprehensive Plan does not
address the east/West road. Councilman Ferrell was aware of
that and reiterated his motion.
Vote on Motion
A vote was taken on the motion, and the motion carried 4-1.
Vice Mayor zimmerman voted against the motion.
Lake City Trailer Park
(~21 of the Comments from the P&Z Board)
Mr. Cannon said this was not designated as an area in the
original draft. The P&Z Board recommended that the trailer
park and the vacant, unplatted parcel to the south of it be
rezoned to R-3 because of the four story shed next to it.
Mr. Cannon believed the gentleman that owns it asked for
Commercial. It is presently zoned for single family Resi-
dential. Councilwoman Zibelli questioned whether the owner
agreed to accept R-3. Mayor Cassandra believed he would
take anything that would help him out.
The Council agreed to go along with the P&Z Board's
Mayor Cassandra did not like the word "gymnasium" throughout
the report and thought they wanted to use "multi-recreational
- 24-
JULY 21, 1986
Subdivision Dedications and the Lack of Enforcement
Mr. Cannon explained to Mayor Cassandra that the subdivision
regulations and the Comprehensive Plan require that
developers provide percolation areas for water runoff. The
language in the City's subdivision regulations is exactly
the same language that is in Palm Beach County's subdivision
regulations. Mr. Cannon conversed with the Engineers in
Palm Beach County. According to them, that requirement is
not strictly enforced in the County either. As a result,
Mr. Cannon thought there was a concensus in Palm Beach
County that the requirement for percolation areas is to be
taken seriously.
In view of what the Comprehensive Plan says about providing
percolation areas, Mr. Cannon thought the City had to make
a strict interpretation of that requirement in the subdivision
regulations. From here on out, the City will have to require
that developers provide grass swales for water retention or
some other means of percolating storm water rather than
just dumping it into a pipe or lake.
Page 179 Mayor Cassandra believed that was the
Winchester crossing that the Council had addressed, and he
wondered if they had to address it at this point. City
Manager Cheney advised that they addressed it by eliminating
it as part of their consideration. Mayor Cassandra thought
City Attorney Vance said to leave it "as is". Councilman
Ferrell pointed out that it was part of that same area.
City Manager Cheney advised that they would leave it as it
is if they had the road on the Comprehensive Plan. Right
now, they are not including that road as a part of the
Comprehensive Plan and analysis. Mayor Cassandra pointed
out that the City's Ordinances still allow for a road to be
connected because you cannot block off a piece of land.
City Manager Cheney agreed that the Subdivision Ordinance
will still require some kind of connection sometime in the
site plan. Vice Mayor Zimmerman read this line and asked
if "south" was not meant to be east between Publix and the
post office. Mr. Cannon explained that it had been approved
along the post office, but there are streets to the south of
the post office. They could say south and east. City
Manager Cheney clarified that the entire area happens to be
east of the post office, but the main meaning here was in a
southerly direction. As the language was confusing, he said
they would change it.
- 25-
JULY 21, 1986
Pave or construct streets in rights-of-ways
City Manager Cheney told Mayor Cassandra these are pieces of
roads that probably will never be done by developers. He
said he would present a list of these to the Council as a
part of the budget deliberations.
Mayor Cassandra asked if they were removing the responsi-
bility off of the developers. He could see it if the land
was developed years ago, but he questioned doing it for new
land. Vice Mayor Zimmerman said there is always the option
of assessing the adjoining lot owners for paving a street,
if they want it.
City Manager Cheney agreed, but said there are some streets
that the Council decides make sense for the City's circula-
tion system. Vice Mayor Zimmerman commented that many of
these are sort of dead-ends, and he was thinking one was the
extension of Ocean Avenue to the west. City Manager Cheney
admitted that was true but pointed out that the City has
allowed houses to be built there. The question is whether
they want to pave the road or not. As nobody used the road
but the people, Vice Mayor Zimmerman thought it was their
City Manager Cheney informed the Council that these are
roads people are using that are not constructed streets. If
Boynton Beach wants to continue to have some dirt roads in
the City as a part of its access to homes, then the City will
not pay for these streets. If they want to wait until the
owners pave or wait for them to come in and ask that it be
paved or they do not care about dirt streets in the City,
then the Council should not address them.
Vice Mayor zimmerman thought the gas tax money should be
used a great deal for the improvements of roadways the City
is responsible for. In the present budget, they are
recommending that the gas tax be applied to the street
paving program.
If they approve these roads, Mayor Cassandra asked if it
would bind the Council. City Manager Cheney replied that
they could say "No". If they do not appropriate the money,
they will not pave it.
Councilman Hester remembered the P&Z Board recommended that
the wording be changed from will be to ~ be borne by the
City. Vice Mayor Zimmerman agreed that would give them some
- 26 -
JULY 21, 1986
leeway. Mayor Cassandra commented that no action would be
needed because no one disagreed with the P&Z Board's
Page 211 Chamber of Commerce Comments and Annexation
City Manager Cheney had a conversation with Owen Anderson,
Executive Vice President, Chamber of Commerce, after the
Chamber commented about annexation. He believed they were
suggesting something about other industrial uses and that
the City should annex, so they could preserve additional
industrial uses. City Manager Cheney thought, for the
future, and as years go on, the Chamber's concern was sub-
stantially west of the City, as it affects the County and
land that will always be in the County, and what the City
and County are going to particularly do about the Florida
Turnpike/Boynton Beach Boulevard interchange and the Land
Use impacts of that interchange. He aSked if the Land Use
impacts for that interchange be other than Residential and
if that is a general area where, in the long run, some land
should be set aside for Industrial or Commercial development
because of its relationship to the turnpike.
City Manager Cheney suggested to Mr. Anderson that that
kind of discussion between the City and the County that far
out is really not a part of the E&A analysis of the City's
existing Comprehensive Plan, but that it should be brought
out in the next Comprehensive Plan as the City develops it's
plan and the County develops theirs. When they get coordina-
tion between the County Planning and the City Planning, those
bigger issues should be addressed. City Manager Cheney
thought Mr. Anderson agreed that was OK.
Mr. Golden showed the Council the annexation map. Staff had
recommended that the City annex only those properties on the
east side of Lawrence Road and not annex the already platted,
developed Boynton West subdivision, Woodside, Oakwood Lakes.
Mr. Cannon said the P&Z Board recommended that the proper-
ties on both sides of Lawrence Road be annexed, including
the Boynton West subdivision. As it has already been platted,
it would have to be annexed at referendum.
Mayor Cassandra asked if each side of Lawrence Road would
include half of Lawrence Road. Mr. Cannon replied that it
would include the right-of-way, so it would be a good idea
to have the right-of-way entirely within the City. Mayor
Cassandra asked if that would mean that they would have
- 27 -
JULY 21, 1986
service from both the City and the Sheriff. City Manager
Cheney answered that the Sheriff would respond to the
property owners on the west side of Lawrence Road. Under
this proposal, responding to an accident in Lawrence Road,
it would be the City. City Manager Cheney did not think
they would want to make it the center line of Lawrence Road.
City Manager Cheney informed them that Mr. Cannon said the
west right-of-way line of Lawrence Road, which would mean
the City would have the whole road. The Sheriff then would
only respond to calls for property west of the west right-of-
way. Mr. Golden showed what the boundary lines would be.
Vice Mayor Zimmerman asked if any of the property adjoining
Cypress Creek would be annexed. City Manager Cheney replied,
"No." There was discussion. Mr. Cannon said the Planning
Staff recommended that the ultimate City limits run along
Lawrence Road and include Sunny South Estates but not include
the Boynton West subdivision, or the Knollwood PUD. Mayor
Cassandra asked if there was a reason for that. Mr. Cannon
thought it squared off the City's boundary in that area and
allows the City to control development in parcels that abut
PUDs that are already in the City.
Mayor Cassandra asked why those areas were excluded. City
Manager Cheney answered that they are already developed as
residential areas. Mayor Cassandra said the City is already
giving them service in water and sewer. City Manager Cheney
pointed out that those areas could not be annexed without a
vote of the people. Vice Mayor Zimmerman added that their
tax base would not pay for what level of service they would
want. The City would be subsidizing them with extra monies.
Mr. Cannon showed the outer red line where the P&Z recom-
mended annexation. This would include Boynton West sub-
division and Oakwood PUD. They are also parcels that are
currently developed. Mr. Cannon indicated mobile home parks.
Two parks were subdivided and platted, so they would need a
referendum. Royal Manor Mobile Home Park is not platted so
there is a possibility it could be redeveloped at a later
date. Mr. Cannon said it was unlikely that the mobile home
parks would be included, and he showed that the boundary
would have jagged edges.
If they intended to square it off, Councilman Ferrell asked
why they did not want to take Lawrence Road from the western
boundary all the way down. Mr. Cannon said that was the
Staff's original recommendation. There was more discussion.
- 28 -
JULY 21, 1986
Councilman Ferrell thought they should square it off because
those kinds of problems are tough on the Police and Fire
Departments. City Manager Cheney explained that it is a
supposition that those areas will never annex. Some might
want to be in the City because of utility issues but odds
are that they are not going to annex.
If they went down the western boundary of Lawrence Road,
Councilman Ferrell pointed out that it would not affect the
City in numbers, but if they suppose they will not annex
anyway, the City will not have them anyway, and it would
clear up the jurisdiction all the way down and make it
easier for the Police and Fire. He reiterated that they
should make Lawrence Road a boundary.
Vice Mayor Zimmerman could see a lot of pockets east of
Lawrence Road that the City will never get, but he thought
going further west was absurd. Councilman Ferrell was say-
ing they should end at the western right-of-way line all
the way down. Mr. Cannon asked if they were also including
the area occupied by the Boynton West Subdivision. Council-
man Ferrell answered affirmatively. There was more
If they include all of Lawrence Road for the purpose of
Police and Fire understanding, City Manager Cheney said
they would have to annex it. He was not sure they could
legitimately and legally annex that piece of Lawrence Road
west of those existing residential developments they are not
annexing. Attorney Doney thought that would create a problem.
Councilman Ferrell asked if they could put it in the plan
for plan purposes and leave it as an open opportunity for
later on. Attorney Doney answered that they could.
Vice Mayor Zimmerman alluded to a straw vote ballot that
City Manager Cheney said squared off in the general vicinity
of Lawrence Road. Since they had a referendum, until they
get another referendum, Vice Mayor Zimmerman did not think
they should be fooling with this. There was discussion.
City Manager Cheney said the limit of the Comprehensive
Plan reserve annexation area is Lawrence Road. The City may
not annex all of Lawrence Road initially. Vice Mayor
Zimmerman thought there would be pockets on the east side
for a long time. City Manager Cheney told the Council that
action does not amend the Special Acts of the Legislature
back in, he thought, 1964, which identified the E-3 Canal as
the reserve annexation area. He understood that meant no
- 29 -
JULY 21, 1986
other community could incorporate in that larger annexation
area. It just sitS there, and the City is just temporarily
mOdifying it in accordance With adopting this Comprehensive
Vice Mayor Zimmerman thought most of the people out there
were satisfied with their status quo. City Manager Cheney
wanted everyone to realize they now had two kinds of annex-
ation areas. The one they were talking about in the Compre-
hensive Plan is set by the State Legislature. Mayor
Cassandra said they were back to the original recommendation.
Councilman Ferrell moved that in the plan, the western
boundaries be the far edge of the western right-of-way of
Lawrence Road, to extend southerly down to Boynton Beach
Boulevard. Councilwoman Zibelli seconded the motion, and
the motion carried 5-0.
Page 231. Little League Park Relocation
Mayor Cassandra took exception to making a cemetery out of
this and explained why he was not in favor of this. He was
in favor of looking for more cemetery plots in the City but
not destroying the field. If they split the operation,
Councilman Ferrell asked what the difference would be in
the operating expense. For example, say part of the cemetery
is where the Little League is and another part of the ceme-
tery is somewhere else.
City Manager Cheney thought it would be cheaper to operate
the two separate cemeteries than to operate two separate
lighted ball fields. He said having a ball field somewhere
else was a cost but he did not think having a cemetery some-
where else was particularly an additional cost. They would
end up with a building at each cemetery, but City Manager
Cheney did not think it would be a significant thing.
City Manager Cheney did not know where they would get more
cemetery land. They estimate the current cementery is good
for 17 years, not counting the Mausoleum, and he explained.
City Manager Cheney did not know where they were going to
put another Little League field and told how the City has
spread its ball fields around. Councilman Ferrell thought
they should leave the Little League Park there. City
Manager Cheney pointed out that there is the ability for a
- 30 -
JULY 21, 1986
lot of people to get there without a car.
There was
Councilman Ferrell moved to delete the Little League Park
Relocation from the Comprehensive Plan, seconded by
Councilman Hester. Motion carried 5-0.
Review of Changes
The Council agreed with Mr. Cannon that they should review
the changes, and City Manager Cheney said it would be put on
the agenda for August 5. City Manager Cheney said they could
get the report off by the middle of August. He said they
could also do the transmittal letter on August 5.
Mayor Cassandra complimented the City Staff on a job well
done. He wanted this to be in letter form so the Council
could sign it.
If they get this out on August 5, City Manager Cheney said
that will give them six weeks (most of November and December)
to get the plan adopted.
City Manager Cheney reminded the Council that the first
Budget Workshop will be tomorrow night at 7:30 P. M. City
Manager Cheney also wanted to set up a tentative memorandum
tomorrow night on Deutsch Ireland. They also have to change
the budget public hearing dates, and he explained.
There being no further business to come before the Council,
the meeting properly adjourned at 10:00 P. M.
- 31-
JULY 21, 1986
Recording Secretary
(Three Tapes)
- 32 -
July 18, 1986.
(305) 736-2233
Mr. Nicholas Cassandra, Mayor
City of Boynton Beach
P. O. Box 310
-,-~,Boynton Beach, Florida 33435
Dear Mr. Mayor:
E & A Report
Comprehensive Plan 1986
This letter deals with the captioned subject in conjunction with an app-
lication filed by Mr. & Mrs. Winchester and perhaps an erroneous conception
left with Council as a result of certain statements made by our City Planner
at Monday evening's Public Hearing July 14, 1986.
The Winchester application petitioned for a new railroad crossing at~/W
llth Avenue. Part of said application was to have this new crossing connect
to a collector road (the latter fact was established through my continued
questioning of our City Attorney).
The entire application was declined, upon my motion, by a 7-0 vote of our
City Planning and Zoning Board.
You are now being asked to vote on the E & A Report and I must point out to
you and Council, that if you peruse page 121 of the Report and also page 179
of the same Report you will see that both the collector road and the railroad
crossing continue to be called for albeit, the unanimous vote of P&Z to dec-
Both items should be deleted from the Report prior to your voting upon same.
Thank/fyou/~or/qyour attention in this matter
M;m~er,/ Boyn~on Beach P&Z Board
CKD/bh~ ~
Coalition of Concerned Citizens
C/O Joseph_R. Molina
811S. W. 6th Avenue
Boynton Beach, Fl, 33435
July 21, 1986
Honorable Mayor Nick Cassandra
and Members of the City Council
Boynton Beach City Hall
120 E, Boynton Beach BlVd.
Boynton Beach, Fi. 33435
Dear Mr. Mayor and Members of the City Council:
We the voters, citizens and residents of Boynton Beach have elected
a body of men and women who live amongst us to be our chosen re-
presentatives. The men and women elected w~r~ expected, to vote on
~ehalf of their neighbors on all issues directly o~ indirectly
affecting their lifestyles, living conditions and home values -
providing the necessary serv$ces such as sanitation, heal,h, ~ire
and police protections and f~na~ly an air of suburban living an a
1 ;. TheY did not expect to have to appear at
every and and City Council meeting to defend their
HAPPINESS." Based on the Judeo Christian principal of love
her as thy self or do unto Others as you would have them do unto you.
The Lord says, "Love one another as I have loved you." Do I use them
for my own en~s?
Why do people all over the county and state scream ~er help to save
their communities from these greed riden developers who think nothing
of destroying our beaches and neighborhoods by rezoning into commer-
cial ventures.
The mandate to control growth was given by the state and cou~y pla~n-
lng commissions to hold ~own and control developemnet and manage
growth to a sensible level with people as the common denom~o~?~in
all issUes.
Recently Mr. Warneke sought relief from noise in the Shooters Rest~
urant,.Mrs. Dee Zibelli sought relief in cleaning up filth ridden
and crime ridden north end and Ben Uleck sought a buffer area of
trees between Leisureville and Pylon Park industrial area. These
are or will be blighted and Possible future slums unless
now. These conditions are created by us and the ~ected
allowing them to happen.~
~ur HOnor, Mayor N~ck Cassandra and City Council, we all heard the
road to nowhere", Well, I ask you, who invented the idea
t a major ~oad had to run through a residental R1-A zoned nei~h-
~rhood less than a mile in length, beginning on the ~orth side of
~ Road, then north through a section of 15 blocks of one(l)
with children, men and women, to Boynton Beach Blvd.,
~en across to Old Boynton Beach Road through more single family
~-A and Ri-AA zoned areas to Congress, and the ~11, unless it was
De Bartolo himself.
Honorable Mayor Neck Cassandra
and Members of the city Council
Why should we bring traffic from 1-95 on to Wool bright Road, cars
Estatestrucks andandtrailers,? .through~ a R1-A - RI-AA area thr
we want to ~L~s~_r~e.v_~ll~e,.Venttian Isle, Poincia~o ~o~u_g~h_L_ake. Boynton
y es~roy them w~ ~-~- ~ . SS
~,, ~A~c I~es,- noise and
possible loss of life in the Process?
Do we need to b~ing all the versts
this idea of a major S. W. 8th Street
and W~ · is the future cancer of the city or will you
help us to create a commma~ty for living for
womwn and chtldmen, yes, your neighbors, people, men
JRN: lm
Carl Z immermann
Bob Ferrell
E. Hester
D. Zibelli
Your neighboring, ~ ~
~us~pn a.-Nollna, Co-Chairmen ~?
Coalition of Concerned Citizens