Minutes 01-11-10
Mark Bobich, Chair
Ray Altman, Vice Chair
Catherine Cherry, Secretary
Chuck Magazine
Juaquin Torres
Warren Bazemore
Bevis Pigott (arrived 10:03 a.m.)
Samantha Powers
Tom Balfe
Maibet Rosado
Barbara Scott
Alex Sev
Safety Administrator
Fire Rescue
City Clerk
Risk Management
Public Works
Recreation and Parks
Human Resources
Police/Code Compliance
Pam Welsh/Carisse Lejeune
Mike Rumpf/Chris Mitchell
Eric Falstadt (arrived 10:03 a.m.)
City Manager
Golf Course
I. Call to Order
Chair Babich called the meeting to order at 9:56 a.m.
II. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll.
III. Acceptance of Minutes of 12/14/2009 regular meeting
The minutes were not available.
IV. Safety Committee Education & Training
A video on "Distracted Driving" was viewed. The video demonstrated how multi-tasking
reduced the operator's ability to focus while driving, thereby creating unsafe conditions.
Departments having employee drivers were strongly urged to have their employees
watch the video. It was noted luck was a factor when individuals drive while distracted
and sooner or later, luck would run out.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, FL
January 11, 2010
V. Old Business
A. Fire Drills
There was a question about where the forms were located. The forms were located on
the City's Shared Drive, and was named "Emergency Evacuation Procedure Drill" as
opposed to Fire Drills. It was noted the form could be used for any evacuation. It was
suggested the form also be saved under the name "Fire Drill."
B. Proud to be a Safe Worker Awards
Mr. Pigott nominated James Sylvain for his development of a comprehensive Electrical
Safety Manual for the Utilities Department. The manual addressed all major areas of
electrical safety, including arch flashes. The manual would be used City-wide
C. Departmental Inspections & Safety Meetings
Chair Babich preferred receiving the inspection forms electronically. The listing of
inspections and meeting attendance by department were listed on the Shared Drive.
He requested each department check online to ensure their department's inspections
and attendance were accurately reflected.
D. Defensive Driver Course
The Defensive Driving course resumed in January.
E. Incident Review Board Referrals
F. Electrical Flame Resistant Uniforms
This item remained on the table and would be discussed later when the Electrical Safety
Manual was complete.
VI. New Business
A. Departmental Safety Issues
Mr. Magazine reported the checks for employees to purchase safety footwear were
issued. If an employee was new or required the shoes, Risk Management should be
contacted. Once the union contracts were approved, the City would then transfer over
obtaining the shoes to the City's vendor, which was Ritz Safety.
B. Other
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, FL
January 11, 2010
The email issued earlier in the day regarding the use of space heaters was discussed.
The recent cold weather in Florida resulted in employees using space heaters. Due to
the heaters not being approved by the City, they would be removed from City facilities, if
found. Employees were permitted to use electric blankets or leave to obtain additional
clothing and dress in layers.
VII. Announcements
Mr. Magazine reported the City would be submitting an application to the Safety Council
for an award. Compared to the 2008 calendar year, the City reduced its OSHA
recordable cases by 42% and their incidence rate by 37%. The average cost per worker
claim declined by 48%, and the number of preventable motor vehicle accidents was
reduced by 10%, while the City had a reduction in its vehicle size of 1 %.
This was the first year the City reduced its motor vehicle rate and it was hoped the
reduction was due to the driver training offered. Employees who took the new driver
training program the City implemented were surveyed at six months after taking the
course. The knowledge retention scores were 4.66 out of a scale of five, with five being
the highest. With the change in course frequency from three years to two years, it was
hoped the trend would continue.
Chair Babich reported hand sanitizers were given to employees, and there was an
inquiry whether Risk Management had supplies for all the departments. Individual
departments were encouraged to purchase hand sanitizers and wipes.
There was an inquiry regarding the Kalwall replacement project to occur at City Hall as
it pertained to individuals with respiratory ailments. Mr. Magazine reported the work
would be done on the weekend. Additional air filtration precautions would be used, as
would visqueen. The ventilation ducts would be closed, the Kalwall panels would be
removed and replaced with brand new panels so fibers would not infiltrate the
workplace. It was emphasized many precautions would be taken.
VIII. Next Meeting Date: Monday, February 8, 2010, 10:00 a.m.
IX. Adjournment
Ms. Cherry moved to adjourn. Mr. Magazine seconded the motion that unanimously
passed. The meeting adjourned at 10:44 a.m.
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Recording Secretary