Nick Cassandra, Mayor
Robert Ferrell, Vice Mayor
James R. Warnke, Councilman
Carl Zimmerman, Councilman
Peter L. Cheney, City Manager
Betty S. Boroni, City Clerk
Ezell Hester, Jr., Councilman (Excused)
Mayor Cassandra called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Councilman Warnke requested that an item concerning remuneration for
the City Manager be added to the October 1 Council Meeting Agenda
for discussion under Administrative.
Mr. Cheney provided the Council with a list of assumptions that have
been set forth as guidelines for the future, showing some planned
administrative changes. During the last two or three months the
architects have talked with many people in all of the departments. The
books distributed to the Council Members contain the plans that have
been developed showing the square footage and will be the basis for
the general layout. The architects will go through these plans at
this meeting. No decisions will be expected tonight; the subject will
be placed on the Agenda for the October 1 meeting to determine if the
Council feels comfortable with proceeding with detailed designing.
Mayor Cassandra said his employer has been tracking Hurricane Gloria,
and they have officially clocked winds of 150 miles per hour, with
gusts of 170. This validates concerns Councilman Warnke has voiced
that the State of Florida might be hit with 170 mph winds during a
hurricane. He said the Code calls for 140, but he wondered if we
should consider construction materials to withstand 170 to 180 mph
wind force and then proceed to enact the proper code.
Councilman Warnke said the Southern Building Code calls for 120.
During the preliminary discussions for capital improvements, there was
discussion of using bullet-proof glass rather than shutters on the
lower floors of the City Hall complex, which he thinks is an excellent
idea. The architect stated they have done this on some buildings, and
their engineers constantly worry that 120 might not be sufficient--
they have not worked their way up to 170 or 180. Councilman Warnke
continued that we cannot take a chance on having the center of opera-
tions blown away during emergency situations; where would the rest of
the people be? He was certain the Council would agree we would like
to see this as secure as possible against hurricane damage.
Mr. Jordan Miller and Mr. Craig Kenyon of Miller & Meier & Associates,
Inc., were present to explain the plans they have developed and show
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SEPTEMBER 26, 1985
preliminary drawings of the layout. Mr. Kenyon said, regarding the
degree of hurricane protection, their engineers can evaluate this and
advise how much this will cost in dollars; it can be done, but the
question is how much it will cost and what risk we want to take.
Mr. Kenyon said the books the Council Members have define the square
footage and some of the functional needs of every department within
the City that the bond issue budget addresses for the first phase of
work. The first phase will be completed on opening day, which should
be two years from the time they started. The second phase will be a
10 year projection beyond that. The projections beyond that are too
sketchy with too many variables, such as annexation and size of the
city. The raw numbers used for the functions to serve the population
are not definable at this point. He said they have tried to be very
s cific on the first phase--to opening day--as to what the bond
d lars and budget dollars will address. He showed a plan
g what is in the program in square footage. Mayor
cas pointed out that N.E. 2nd Avenue should be changed to
B°ynton Beach Boulevard on the board.
drawing showed the existing buildings in orange and the proposed
construction in pink. One-story buildings are specified here, but
of the buildings may be two stories. The required square footage
program can be done on a single floor. They would like to
~ second-floor additions to buildings, as it would disrupt the
ration of the building. The Building Department, however, can
ily have a second story added, and this may be done. The present
~cil Chambers is seen as becoming future office space, with a new
~cil Chambers being constructed most likely at the northeast end of
site. All of the buildings have been physically interconnected--
lding Department, City Hall, Police and Fire--with the new
~truction. City Hall will have a new lobby entrance from the
sc ~h; vehicular access to the site from Boynton Beach Boulevard will
be~ ~iscontinued. Traffic will come in from N.E. 1st Avenue to a
court, which organizes all of the buildings. The opportunity
wa exist to change the appearance of all of the buildings, giving
look of a complex that belongs together and was built at one time.
[tor parking will serve the Building Department, City Hall and
Department. As the Fire Department does not have much public
ac ~ss, they do not need to be within this visitor court, nor does the
phs Center--a new element for which the technical needs are
defined by other consultants. This will be the hub of opera-
is and is currently shown at the east end of City Hall, between
CJ Hall and the Police Department.
Mr. Jordan Miller wanted to show the last drawing next and proceed in
the reverse order for greater clarification. Mayor Cassandra was con-
cerned about a sufficient number of parking spaces. Mr. Kenyon said
the school property is expected to revert to city property and addi-
tional .parking will be available in that area as well as other parking
areas he pointed out on the board. In the first phase, there must be
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accommodating employee and Police parking, which will be addressed
with a two-level deck parking structure south of the Fire station and
east of the Police station and surface parking along the east side of
the school. Mr. Miller said long range we are aiming at a total
complex architecturally put together, going from the Library to
Boynton Beach Boulevard. In the courtyard is primarily visitor
parking; it will all be tied together with some kind of architectural
motif. Traffic will all enter a block away from a busy corner. We
will be able to grow from the first phase into whatever is needed.
Eventually one of the school buildings may be removed; schemes were
drawn with and without it.
Mayor Cassandra asked if it would be recommended to bring all
employees to this location rather than have satellite areas. Mr.
Kenyon said there is a satellite fire station in this bond issue, and
there has been discussion of allowing a utility bill payment drive-up
window there. Public Works is at a separate location.
Mr. Cheney said there may be a drive-up window for bill paying at this
main complex also, and he had thought of the possibility of such an
arrangement at the mall; however, this will more than likely be at one
of the two western fire stations. Mr. Miller said our computerization
will help to facilitate this.
Mayor Cassandra was concerned with traffic flow in the area. Mr.
Kenyon said the Civic Center generates considerable traffic, but that is
most likely to be on Congress Avenue. The Civic Center will encompass
the Scout and arts buildings, which will be removed in the first
phase. The Library will expand, as will its parking, in the phase 1.
Mr. Cheney asked the architects to explain further the reasons for not
planning second stories for the Library and Police Station. Mr.
Miller said it takes more personnel to operate a Library on two floors
than on one floor, so it is much more expensive to run. Also, there
is disruption to the facility as it is being built. The Library of
tomorrow not only stores books but has retrieval systems and very
heavy loading; keeping it on the ground solves the problems of compact
storage, microfilm storage--the things that need 200 to 300 pound per
foot loading. Mr. Cheney said we have been told for years that the
Library was built for a second story; the problem of getting the
second stOry involves removing the roof and installing a floor, which
wou~d destroy the waterproofing. The Library would be shut down The
offices in the Building Department, hoWever, are different; the '
Building, Planning and Engineering Departments can be moved.
May~r Cassandra thought the reason we talked about building higher was
that there was not that much square footage; now there seems to be
enough square footage with the assumption of the school belonging to
the City in the future and utilizing the city property behind the Fire
Department. He asked if these facilities will suffice in the year
2,000, when a population of 80,000 is expected.
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Councilman Zimmerman asked if the handball courts will be removed for
the building of the new Library. Mr. Kenyon replied they will, but
they could easily be rebuilt somewhere. Mr. Cheney said there are
handball courts at Caloosa Park, and Mayor Cassandra said a lot of
Boynton Beach people do not go there.
Mr. Kenyon said the Library entrance will face its parking rather than
front onto a busy street, which will result in a direct service. The
closing of N.E. 1st Avenue is still under consideration.
The parking deck will be two levels with open sides and approximately
100 parking spaces. Mayor Cassandra mentioned that all of the parking
areas in Hawaii are enclosed, and there is no street parking; they
look like apartment buildings. Mr. Kenyon said this can be done
attractively; sometimes it necessitates the installation of ventilation
systems and it costs more money.
Mr. Cheney has talked with Mr. Tom Mills, Superintendent of the Palm
Beach County SchoOls, and he is of the opinion there will be a
replacement school in three or four years and the school property
could be turned over to the City. Councilman Warnke commented that
the Historical Society might be looking at the old building as a
possible museum site. Bringing the old building up to the standards
of the present codes would probably not be practical.
Mr. Kenyon said the parks and recreation building will be removed~
those offices will be moved to City Hall.
Mayor Cassandra mentioned the beautiful tree that should be preserved
and mentioned that the roots should not be injured during construction.
Mr. Kenyon said a fence should be built around the tree before
construction is started. Mr.'~Miller sUggested the possibility of a
cotonade, which could continue as a covered walk between buildings.
Mr. Cheney said we contemplate that police cars will be in the first
flo?r of the parking garage, and the remainder of the employee parking
will be on the second floor and in the surface parking east of the
school. Fire Department employees will park with the other employees.
The fire engines will remain where they are~and maintain their
entrances and exits onto N,E. 1st Street and. Boynton Beach Boulevard.
Mr. Cheney described the County Administration Building in West Palm
Mr.Beach'KenWhere the. employees. . buy'thelir lUnches.and~ eat l'n' the court'ard' .
yon advised this arrangement would be possible here. 'Y
The plan presented assumes~ a new C~ty Council Chambers on the first
floor of a new building; Mr. Chene~ suggested that building might be
built as two 'stories and the sec story left vacant for expansion
or utilized if needed, possibly office space. The Council
Members were in support of firs~ oor chambers. Mr. Cheney added
that the second floor is simply question; because of the cost
of adding a second floor later, might be Worthwhile to build it
initially, even if it goes unused for a while~-if the money is
available. He mentioned the new City Hall.in Tallahassee, where a
fourth floor is totally unused, but was built to allow for future
Ail of the buildings propo'sed for the first phase are covered by the
referendum. Mr. Miller said the first step i's to build the police and
employee parking, then the offices can be switched around so every
department continues operation.
Mr.'Miller said at this time we need to esta'blish the program and the
master plan~-what basic .scheme we should approach architecturally for
now and to continue. A facial change is contemplated.
The Police and Fire Departments will be sharing some facilities, such
as training rooms, gymnasium and conference facility.
Mayor Cassandra was concerned about adequate parking space and
suggested the possibility of a third level on the parking deck.
Mr. Cheney said Possibly three levels would cost more money, but the
cost per space would be less.
Mr. Kenyon showed a scheme which showed parking internal and buildings
on the periphery, with the .Civic Center where it currently is.
Mr. Miller said there is room for additional buildings.
The Public Works complex will be at the same site. The first concern
is security for the compound, the vehicles.and the workers-and work
taking place there, as wei1 as the emploYees' cars. Control of
access and egress to the compound is another important criteria.
The site should be landscaped and buffered to make it as attractive
as possible. The northeast section of the site Will have 100 employee
parking spaces. The new building can be built without interrupting
present operations. It will contain central storage and will start
out with 5,000 square footage on the ground floor. The building will
be 22 to 24 foot high, which will allow the addition of an intermediate
level-in the future, giving 10,000 square fee't of central warehouse
storage. Expansion to the east is possible to gain more footage..
This building will serve al~l ofthe City departments~ from this
building inventory control, ordering, recei~in~ and dispensing of
materials will take place. One individual will control the yard,
the gate for entrance and exit and the fuel delivery.
'There is a need for eight vehicle service bays; these will be sized
so the sanitation trucks can~get into any one. ! There will be lifts
and pits in the baYs. ~ Four more bays Can be a~ded.to the south at a
later date. Streets and Sanitation can take over what is now
administration and vehicle maintenance. To the west of that building
will be constructed a building maintenance shop. The concrete building
to the north that now contains the sign shop and maintenance storage.
will be gutted, leaving restroom facilities and adding an office and
storage. Recreation and Parks Maintenance will then use that building,
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SEPTEMBER 26, 1985
which will contain 7,000 square feet. Their inventory and access
will be controlled through one point, To the west of the site will
be yard storage, with ~some bins for-road maintainance and repair
Councilman Warnke said the City has a need for space to store disabled
and confiscated vehicles and boats~until they are auctioned; he asked
if that had been taken into account. Mr. Cheney said, if it can be
made secure, the ideal place would be at the old sewer plant.
Mr. Cheney said, if the Council approves of these concepts, this
will be placed on the agenda for the Council Meeting of October 1,
at which time the architects can be authorized to begin conceptual
design. When we begin to understand interior spaces and costs, we
may make changes. The architects met with the department heads
September 25.
May~or Cassandra summarized that phase one 'will include a new Council
Chambers--one floor or' two--to b~.located at the Corner of Boynton
Beac~ Boulevard and Seacrest Boulevard. The present City Hall will
remsln, with a courtyard concept to come. Tier parking will be
Councilman Warnke liked the whole concept; he would eventually like
to see 1st AVenue closed off. Mr. Kenyon .said eventually they agree
it should be closed and should become a part of the complex.
The Parks and Recreation~building, the Personnel building and the
handball courts will 'be eliminated. Mr. Cheney said the Personnel
building was moved one time and might be picked up and moved again.
He said these plans meet the objectives we were .looking for.
Councilman Zimmerman~said the f~ct-that we have the land ready keeps
the costs down somewhat; everything can go toward restructuring°rather
than purchasing land.
All of the Council Members were in agreement with the concept and the
plats as developed this far. The m~eting was adjourned at 8:30
~~~~/~~Ci%y' Clerk
/' c
(2 tapes)
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