Nick Cassandra, Mayor
Robert Ferrell, Vice Mayor
James R. Warnke, Councilman
-C-art--~i~erman, Councilman
Peter L. Cheney, City Manager
Betty S. Boroni, City Clerk
Mayor Cassandra called the meeting to order at 7:00 P. M.
and announced it was a Special Meeting to interview the
financial consultants recommended for the capital improvement
projects. Mr. Cheney told about thirteen financial consult-
ants responding with interest with six being chosen for rank-
ing by the City Council and four being agreed upon by the City
Council for interviews. He explained that each firm will give
a 20 to 25 minute presentation followed'by a question period.
The purpose is to choose one firm to work with us on the
capital improvement projects.
Presentation~by Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc.
Mr. Craig Dunlap, Senior Vice President,. Dean Witter Reynolds,
Inc., told about his credentials to serve the City of Boynton
Beach. He told about their service to clients throughout the
state with/about one-half of their business being financial
advisory in nature and one-half serving as underwriter. He
added if they are retained, it would be with the understanding
they would not bid on the bonds unless given specific apprOval
to do that in a competitive sale.
Mr. Dunlap then referred to the city's particular projects and
gave several reasons for recommending a competitive sale of
bonds. He told about recent bond sales and how competitive
bids were successful. He added that another consideration
would be whether to go with bond anticipation notes for short
term financing and told about one recently sold for Leon
County. He also explained how this could be used to phase in.
Mr. Dunlap then referred to the water and sewer expansion pro-
jects and stated these certainly should not be a general obli-
gation of the city and there should not be any problem of
selling that debt. He referred to the utility tax being in-
creased and explained how that was a potential source of
funding or could be used as a bondable source of revenue.
Councilman Zimmerman asked if they had an office closer than
Tallahassee and Mr. Dunlap replied that they have a public
finance office in Miami and brokerage offices throughout the
APRIL 29, 1985
Mayor Cassandra questioned the competitive and negotiated
bid concepts and Mr. Dunlap explained how the interest rates
have been relatively stable, he feels it is in the city's
best interest to issue this general obligation bond competi-
tively primarily because of the interest activity and bid~
potential of banks. After further discussion about market
rates and bond sales, Mr. Dunlap expressed his appreciation
for being able to give the presentation and stated that he
hopes they will have the chance to serve the city.
Mr. Cheney told about the bond issues for the beach and golf
course and some~discussion followed.
Presentation by Prudential-Bache Securities, Inc.
Mr. Robert S. Middlemas, Vice President, Prudential-Bache
Securities, Inc., referred to submitting arproposal and dis-
tributed an addendum. He told about the staff's experience
and history of the company. He explained howl'the company had
unique qualifications with having statewide syndication, staff
throughout the world, etc. He told abou.t their research de-
partment conducting a.full credit analysis before going to
bond rating~agencies. As financial advisor, he explained how
timing an issue would~be given consideration. He told about
contact with major bidders and conferences for discussion of
an issue.
Mr. Middlemas continued that another thing to be considered
is developing a book entry system for the bonds and he
explained how this could be accomplished. He further enum-
erated the savings which could be realized with such a system.
Mr. Middlemas further explained how basically the financial
advisor role is different than the investment banker.
Councilman Warnke referred to the book entry system and Mr.
Middlemas explained how it was basically a computerized sys-
Mayor Cassandra asked whether they recommended negotiated or
competitive bidding and Mr. Middlemas replied that right now,
with a general obligation issue, he would definitely recommend
competitive sale and explained there would be more bidders
and the market has been fairly, stable. Mayor Cassandra asked
if they would bid and Mr. Middlemas replied they would only
do so if the City Council requested them to as many people
may see it as a conflict of interest.
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APRIL 29, 1985
Presentation by William R. Hough & Company
Mr. Anthony C. Sov±ero, Vice President, William R. Hough &
Company, distributed an updated.addendum in addition to their
proposal. He reviewed the various sections of the'addendum.
He told about the firm's participation and representation of
various cit±es in this area.
Mr. Gray Dunlap referred to public finance becoming more com-
plicated every day and explained how a financial advisor was
needed to be sure the city is getting the best terms, best
interest rate and best package in financing of public improve-
ments. He stressed the importance of knowledge of market con-
Councilman Warnke asked if they would recommend negotiated-or
competitive sale and Mr. Soviero replied that if the market
continues stable, they would recommend a competitive sale as
a negotiated bid is best with an unstable market.
Mayor Cassandra referred to their staff and Mr. Soviero told
about the indiViduals comprising their staff with specialties
and expertise in. certain areas.
Mayor Cassandra asked if North Palm Beach is a satellite office
and Mr. Soviero explained that their main office is in St.
Petersburg, but have instant communication in the North Palm
Beach office.
Mr. Dunlap distributed a brochure listing the ratings of vari-
ous companies and pointed out their, rating. Mr. Cheney ques-
tioned the average size and Mr. Dunlap replied that he believes
they did 90 issues last year ranging from $6,000,000 to
$20,000,000. Mr. Soviero told about various ones handled
recently. Mr. 'Dunlap added that a good job must be done to
get into these.national rankings and in the State of Florida,
they 'have more public finance professionals than any other
firm. Mr. Cheney asked if they have offices outside of Florida
and Mr. Dunlap replied negatively.
Presentation ~by Arch W. Roberts & Company
Mr. Arnold W. Schneider, Vice President, Arch W. Roberts &
Company, outlined the status of their firm and told about
their experience. He showed charts outlining ~he approach
they plan to take, market indications, .development of the
proper finance vehicle, financing methods with yield~curves,
wrap around, etc. He added that there are many alternatives
and these illustrate just a few and he will be glad to give
any additional explanation.
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APRIL 29, 1985
Councilman Warnke asked .if the present market indicated that
it was better to go competitive than negotiated and Mr.
Schneider replied affirmatively, since the interest rates are
down and with not much going on in Florida, a lot of people
could focus on Florida.
Mayor Cassandra referred to the window wrap-around presentation
using the water and sewer bonds as an example and asked if this
would be the same on a small sale of $6,500,000 and Mr.
Schneider replied that what is impor.tant is the relationship
of new money to old money and stated 'it would be explored.
He is sure there could be saving, but it would be minimal.
He told about recent bond issues completed with significant
Mayor Cassandra asked if it would be very receptive to munici-
pal type bonds with many bidders and Mr. Schneider replied
General Discussion
Mayor Cassandra suggested.that possibly the staff 'should
submit recommendations.
Councilman Warnke stated that he is leaning.towards Pruden-
tial-Bache Securities and Arch' W. Roberts &'Company, since
Prudential-Bache has everything here and Arch Roberts is
experienced in our city affairs~ Vice Mayor Ferrell stated
he would lean towards Arch Roberts b.ased on their ~experience.
Councilman Warnke commented that in the past, Arch Roberts
has become volatile in their personnel~and possibly Prudential-
Bache may be more stable. Mayor Cassandra requested an opinion
on the two.
Mr. Cheney stated he was very concerned and somewhat upset
with Arch Roberts the last time when'they were in New York
and told about them not being prepared. He referred to
never working with Prudential-Bache, but told about changes
made recently in their municipal finance operation. In
reference to Willian R. Hough & Company, he has not been
happy with them for a long time. Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc.
is a different kind of operation ~and their offices in Miami
and Tallahassee specialize in municipal financing with
national backup. They are used by a lot of cities.
Mr. Grady Swarm agreed with Mr. Cheney that Arch Roberts was
not prepared in New York. Mr. Cheney added that Arch Roberts
did come forth with the idea of refunding the golf course
issue and put together the package to refund the water issue.
There are Pros and cons to be considered. Prudential-Bache
has a national 'operation and Arch Roberts has a large Florida
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APRIL 29, 1985
Mayor Cassandra referred to the City Manager giving a report
and suggested that first and second choices be submitted by
the Council members prior to May 7.
Councilman Zimmerman added that after hearing the discussion
and having been in New York and seen-the confusion with re-
financing, he-would be willing to take a chance on Prudential-
Bache, Mr. Cheney responded that obviously this doesn't
happen every time or they would not be in business. Council-
man Zimmerman referred to the bonds not being'printed correctly
also and Mr. Cheney replied that was a mistake made by the
bond printing company.
Mayor Cassandra asked if it was recommended that the financial
advisor for the $6,500,000 issue automatically become the
financial advisor for the water and sewer issue and Mr. Cheney
suggested that should be left open, as the two will be coming
close together and we should have the sa~e one for about five
years. Councilman Zimmerman suggested that the door be left
open and if difficulty is encountered, a change could be made.
After further comments, Mr. Cheney advised that we can work
with either one and Mayor Cassandra suggested recommendations
to be submitted prior to May 7.
Councilman Warnke moued to adjourn, seconded by Councilman
Zimmerman. Motion carried 4-0 and the meeting was properly
adjourned at 9:20 P. M.
~~~~ Clerk
~ Recording Se~cretary
(Two Tapes)
X - - Mayor
- '~cilman
-- CoCci lman
- 5 -