Minutes 02-25-10
HELD ON FEBRUARY 25,2010 AT 7:00 P.M
Steve Waldman, Chair
Mary Morera, Vice Chair (arrived at 7:08 p.rn.)
Carol Lundquist
Robert Chiste, Student Regular Voting Member
Jose De La Torre, Alternate
Tiffany North, Alternate
Sherri Claude, Board Liaison
Paulette Ford
Myra Jones
Hattie Miller
Loretta Wilkinson
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silent Reflection
Jose De La Torre led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag followed by a moment of
silent reflection for our troops.
III. Approval of Minutes of January 28, 2010
There was one correction made to the minutes on page 2 as follows: "Ms. Claude noted
a letter was received from the Sierr3 S.E.A.R. Foundation thanking the Board for its
support and generous donation of $500."
Ms. Lundquist moved to approve the minutes as amended. Mr. Chiste seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL
February 25, 2010
IV. Approval of Agenda
Mr. Chiste moved to approve the agenda. Mr. De La Torre seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
V. An nouncements/Presentations/Correspondence
Chair Waldman announced an Autism Walk at Centennial Square on Sunday, March 7,
2010 would take place. Anyone interested in participating in the event should contact
Stephanie Raab, Co-chair of the event. Ms. Raab's contact information was given.
No other correspondence was received.
VI. Public Audience
VII. New Business
Bob Borovy Student Citizen of the Year Award
Sherri Claude, Board Liaison, reported she had not received any applications;
however, she secured the three judges who would select the winner. The award
recipient from last year, Gary Solomon, President of the SandSifters, and Debbie
Majors, the City Grants Coordinator, agreed to serve as judges.
Chair Waldman had also signed correspondence to be sent to the American Legion
asking for a donation. Last year, the organization donated $400 towards the Borovy
Award. Chair Waldman was aware two students at Boynton Beach Community High
School were completing the applications. A long-time Youth Volunteer Bank member
inquired about the award through a family member who worked for the City. Information
about the award was sent to the schools.
(Mary Morera arrived at 7:08 p.rn.)
VIII. Old Business
A. Sister Cities Young Artists Showcase
No report on the Sister Cities was given.
B. Tennis Carnival
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL
February 25, 2010
The Tennis Carnival was scheduled for April 17, 2010. The event allowed up to 30
registrants and then a waiting list would be created. So far, 15 youths were registered.
The Education and Youth Advisory Board would finalize their plans at their March 25,
2010 meeting. In the past, the Board usually donated $50 for refreshments. There was
discussion whether the Board would try to obtain donations as the Board usually
supplied water, Gatorade and snacks. It was noted Ms. Wilkinson provided water in the
past. There was discussion the Board should vote to spend the $50 for refreshments
for the event, in case it was needed. There was additional discussion the members
would decide whether they would provide a plaque or framed document of thanks at the
March meeting.
Ms. Lundquist moved to set aside $50 to donate to the Tennis Carnival. Mr. Chiste
seconded the motion. Ms. Morera agreed she would take care of the refreshments. A
vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
C. Youth Volunteer Bank
Ms. Claude reported letters were issued to the participants advising them to turn in their
hours. One or two follow-up postcards would also be sent. So far, a few forms have
been returned.
Last year, 13 youths were recognized at the City Commission meeting. Chair Waldman
inquired if the Board was opposed to holding a banquet if more youths responded. The
members discussed they were not opposed to holding a banquet, but the issue became
it was a lot of work and extra expense for a very small amount of people. Times also
changed and the youths were not as motivated by the prizes as they were in the past.
The Board needed to weigh the cost, the effort, and the staff time involved in holding the
event. Two years ago the Board spent closed to $1,000 on the banquet, and last year
22 forms were returned and the Board anticipated half would attend.
Holding the function in a restaurant would still incur the expense, but it would save time,
setup and other staff planning time. The youth could be presented with a gift as well as
a certificate. Chair Waldman offered to scout restaurant locations for the banquet that
might offer discounts in support of what the Board was attempting to do. There was
agreement to defer making any decisions about the event until the March meeting. The
event was normally held in April.
It was also recognized that if the youth attended the City Commission meeting it would
remind the Commissioners and other City Departments of what the Board does. There
were many positive benefits to recognizing the youth at a City Commission meeting. It
was also thought meeting at a restaurant and having an awards ceremony in lieu of
their regular meeting could be sufficient. Another suggestion was to have the youth be
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL
February 25, 2010
acknowledged at the City Commission meeting and that a dinner for them a few nights
D. Fundraising
Chair Waldman received a suggestion to contact a bank manager who may be
amenable to donating to the Board. In return, the bank would be recognized. He
encouraged the members to contact individuals or entities that might be willing to
donate to the Board's endeavors if they were knew of anyone. The members discussed
whether the Board was eligible to participate in commercial business events for
organizations that would allow the organization to receive a percentage of the proceeds.
An example given was with Chick-fil-A. An organization would set a date to frequent the
establishment, and a portion of the proceeds earned during the time the organization
was there would go to that organization. The members did not know what their
classification was, and if they would be eligible to participate in those types of events.
Ms. Claude responded the classification was they were a City entity. It was further
discussed the Board could earmark where the proceeds would go to, such as to the
Borovy Award. Chair Waldman agreed to visit Chick fil-A since they often hold those
types of events.
Chair Waldman provided an update on Galaxy Elementary School. He explained the
Boynton Beach Recreation and Parks Department had made an arrangement with
Galaxy Elementary School regarding a land swap for a park. Galaxy Elementary School
would be modernized, and the arrangement had to be approved by the School Board.
City Manager Kurt Bressner, Commissioner Marlene Ross and Chair Waldman
attended the meeting and spoke. The City promised the school they would have
exclusive use of the park during school hours and concern was raised because the park
was a public park. After deliberation, the School Board voted on the issue which was
IX. Future Meeting Dates
The next two meeting dates were set for March 25, 2010 and April 22, 2010.
X. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting properly adjourned at 7:25
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Catherine Cherry
Recording Secretary