Minutes 04-12-10
Warren Adams, Chair Mike Rumpf, Staff Liaison
Gaylord Allan Hendricks Ed Breese, Principal Planner
Eric Jones
John McGovern
Barbara Ready
(arrived at 5:09)
Linda Stabile
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:05 p.m.
2. Approval of Minutes
Ms. Stabile moved to approve the minutes. Chair Adams seconded the motion that
passed unanimously.
3. Public Education
The Board had been previously discussed creating Public Service Announcements
(PSAs) primarily as an information tool. Mr. Rumpf had been meeting with Tony Leal,
Video Production Specialist with the ITS Department, regarding the PSAs. The
objectives could include preparing a PSA at this time, in terms of the pre-ordinance
adoption to motivate public awareness and encourage participation. After the adoption
of the ordinance, another PSA could be created to promote the Historic Preservation
Program. Four PSAs were shown to the Board for their comments. Two related to the
Census and Election and were made by Mr. Leal on site using City personnel. The
remaining two PSAs related to historic preservation and were professionally prepared.
It was important to promote historic preservation and increase awareness that the
Committee met regularly. It was suggested an important element to include was the
preservation of the Old High School which was built in 1926 and used as a hurricane
shelter in 1928. A PSA could be created utilizing photographs of the destruction and
people who attended the School could be recruited to speak on the
Meeting Minutes
Historic Preservation Ad Hoc Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida April 12, 2010
School's behalf. Another suggestion for a PSA was to enlist people who lived in historic
homes in the City to appear on camera and convey the merits of historic preservation.
The PSAs could include shots of once-great structures that were now empty parking lots
or lots littered with debris with the word "failed" splashed across the photograph.
Other shots could be taken of a mediocre structure that that had been brilliantly
restored reflecting the word "success."
A factual summary could include:
?Action that could be taken by residents.
?When the Historic Preservation Ad Hoc Committee was established, when the
meetings were held and who to contact for information.
Residents could also be encouraged to urge their elected leaders to promote historic
The length of the video would be determined by the members, considering general
attention-span standards. According to Mr. Leal, attention spans were generally 30
seconds and were not more than a minute in duration. Two versions of the PSAs could
be created, with a longer version for BBTV and a shorter version for the website.
An important educational element and objective was getting people to care, convincing
them of the value of historic preservation and "appealing to their wallets." For many
people, learning that other historic neighborhoods had gone from $50,000 to $500,000
would strongly encourage participation. Other educational elements could include
increasing awareness of availability of tax credits.
Development of the video could begin immediately. Ms. Ready and Mr. McGovern
agreed to serve on a subcommittee, working with Ms. DeVries to review archival
material and to prepare a draft of the storyboard. Mr. Rumpf would determine whether
the PSAs required Commission approval prior to airing.
It was agreed at the beginning the PSA should reflect a historic tone, an overview of
the City’s past and provide examples of what happened when structures were
preserved. Also to be considered were “gnarly and nice” comparisons, the benefits of
preservation, an interview with one or two property owners and/or older citizens who
had attended the Old High School. Mr. Rumpf would also meet with Ms. DeVries and
Mr. Leal to move the PSAs forward.
It was suggested the policy makers be included in the process. Discussion ensued as to
the timeframe and manner in which the City Commission should be approached.
Meeting Minutes
Historic Preservation Ad Hoc Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida April 12, 2010
Mr. McGovern moved that the Committee consider the PSA the one official anticipated
method of communicating with the Commission and that the Committee would go to
the Commission when and if it is ready. Ms. Ready seconded the motion that passed
4. Update on grant match
Ms. Ready had spoken with Voncile Smith, President of the Boynton Beach Historical
Society, with regard to funding opportunities. A “wish list” for $10,000 in grant funding
would include the costs for tri-fold flyers, charrettes, speakers, production of a
documentary and survey update. Ms. DeVries was acquainted with a local professional
videographer and website designer who could produce a 20 or 30-minute documentary
about the history of Boynton Beach. She would obtain pricing information and Ms.
Ready would follow up with Ms. Smith to determine whether funding was available.
Chair Adams would contact the National Trust for Historic Preservation for further
details. Other resources would be explored such as the purchase of the Florida
Foundation Grant Index.
5. Ordinance status/direction
A draft was provided based upon the model ordinance and the ordinances for Palm
Beach County and City of West Palm Beach. Most of the items had been previously
discussed. Mr. Breese highlighted the following sections which required direction.
?Article II, Section 1 pertained to the composition of the Board. This language
was taken directly from the City of West Palm Beach’s ordinance which called for
the members to have as much professional background as possible.
?Section 5 pertaining to the powers and duties of the Board made
recommendations regarding the nomination of properties and districts, adoption,
modification or replacement of the Design Guideline Handbook, public hearings
to be held and advice to property owners regarding preservation.
?Article III, Section 2A, noted applications for historic designation could be
initiated by the Historic Preservation Board, City Commission, property owner for
designation of a site, or a majority of 51% of the property owners within the
proposed district. This was standard in most ordinances.
Meeting Minutes
Historic Preservation Ad Hoc Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida April 12, 2010
?Section 2H addressed the perquisites for designated properties or districts which
that would be entitled to modified enforcement of the City's applicable building
codes. There were provisions in the Code for historic properties that were more
relaxed as to what could be done and what the properties would be subject to
based upon having historic designation.
?Section 5 dealt with maintenance and repair of designated properties and
demolition by neglect. In 5A, designation of a property did not prohibit normal
maintenance of the property. If a permit was not needed, one would not be
required to appear before the Board for approval.
?Article IV dealt with the Certificate of Appropriateness. In Section 1B, staff was
provided the ability to review and approve items outside of the Board's purview
as with the Cities of Delray and West Palm Beach. Both cities had previously
provided a matrix of items that could be approved administratively and staff
would recommend following that process.
Staff recommended the members review the ordinance and staff would develop a
matrix based upon the members' comments. Staff would also bring back the matrices
for West Palm Beach and Delray Beach for the Board's further review. It was noted
Delray Beach's ordinance was more liberal than that of West Palm Beach and the
proposed ordinance for Boynton Beach was more reflective of West Palm Beach's
ordinance. The word "staff" in the proposed ordinance was used in a generic sense as
it was not known whether the tasks called for would be accomplished by existing staff.
It could be written more specifically, but staff felt it was important the ordinance be
prepared generically. It was suggested the phrase "staff/Historic Preservation Officer
could be used and it was believed an "expert" should be in charge of historic
preservation. Mr. Breese explained, in drafting the ordinance, staff had attempted to
make the document as palatable as possible to the elected officials.
Discussion resumed regarding the proposed ordinance.
?Article IV, Section 2(D)2 dealt with demolition. As previously discussed by the
historic preservation experts, demolition should require a plan for new
construction unless a hardship could be determined. This would prevent
unnecessary demolitions. The section also defined hardships, narrowing the list
of items that could qualify.
?Article V, Section 1D contended with the determination of economic hardship and
what could be done by the applicant with respect thereto.
Meeting Minutes
Historic Preservation Ad Hoc Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida April 12, 2010
?Article VI dealt with the appeal of the Certificate of Appropriateness and
Certificate of Economic Hardship decisions. Board decisions would be final
unless appealed to the City Commission within 30 days. This would shorten the
process for an applicant required to pull a permit. If the applicant were to
appeal to the City Commission, he or she, rather than City staff, would be the
cause of a delay in the process.
?Article VIII, Section 1 pertained to the Historic Preservation Property Tax
Exemption Program. This pertained to not only improving and renovating an
existing house but could include additions that were in keeping with the original
design. This would result in an abatement of the additional valuation of the
property based upon the improvements. The same taxable value would still be
realized, but the increase in value would not be recouped by the City and would
be for the benefit of the property owner.
Mr. Breese again asked the members to review the ordinance in detail and provide any
comments, ideas or suggested changes at the next meeting. Public feedback could be
requested at a later date.
With regard to the section pertaining to historic properties, Chair Adams inquired
whether the Planning and Development Department would provide for flexibility. Mr.
Breese believed staff would be amenable to adding language with respect thereto.
Staff would also review the language pertaining to new construction and alterations
appearing on page 12 of the proposed ordinance.
(Mr. Hendricks left the meeting at 7:05 p.m.)
6. Summarize tasks or accomplishments for next meeting
Tasks for the next meeting included:
?Moving forward with the storyboard.
?Chair Adams would contact the National Trust for Historic Preservation for
further details relating to the grant.
?Explore the purchase of the Florida Foundation Grant Index for the purpose of
grant writing. The cost of the Index, which was available in DVD format, could
be placed on the "wish list."
?Encourage the City to become a Certified Local Government (CLG) which would
facilitate funding for renovations including the Old High School.
Meeting Minutes
Historic Preservation Ad Hoc Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida April 12, 2010
?Ms. Ready would attempt to secure financing in the amount of $5,000.
?Ms. Ready and Mr. McGovern would collaborate on the Public Service
Announcements (PSAs).
?Staff would attempt to put together a timeframe for items to be accomplished.
Ms. Ready previously provided information to the members relating to an upcoming
historic preservation event in Delray Beach pertaining to a CLG workshop. The three-
day workshop would be held at the end of June. Ms. Ready would be advised of the
exact dates. The cost would be $15 and she urged the members to attend.
7. Staff comments
8. Public comments
9. Announce date of next meeting
The next meeting would be held on May 10, 2010, 5:00 p.m. at Fire Station #2.
10. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 7:17 p.m.
Stephanie D. Kahn
Recording Secretary