Minutes 05-04-10
AT 6:30 P.M., ON TUESDAY, MAY 4, 2010
Jose Rodriguez, Mayor
Marlene Ross, Vice Mayor
William Orlove, Commissioner
Woodrow L. Hay, Commissioner
Steven Holzman, Commissioner
Kurt Bressner, City Manager
James Cherot, City Attorney
Janet M. Prainito, City Clerk
A. Call to order - Mayor Jose Rodriguez
B. Invocation
C. Pledge ot Allegiance to the Flag led by Commissioner Woodrow Hay
Mayor Rodriguez called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm. Commissioner Orlove gave
the invocation. Commissioner Hay led the Pledge ot Allegiance to the Flag.
D. Agenda Approval:
1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections
Mr. Bressner advised the second reading ot the Ordinance tor the Financial Advisory
Committee should be added to agenda since it was noticed per statute. It was added
as 13. Legal. B. Attorney Cherot added it was Proposed Ordinance 10-009.
2. Adoption
Commissioner Holzman moved to adopt the agenda. Commissioner Hay seconded the
motion. The motion passed unanimously.
A. Intormationalltems by Members ot the City Commission
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL.
May 4,2010
Commissioner Holzman advised he had attended the tundraiser tor the Boynton Beach
Fishing Academy and hoped the event was successtul in generating tunds to continue
the program.
Commissioner Hay remarked he attended the proposed re-designed plan meeting tor
the Sara Sims Park and a combination ot the plans presented was accepted by those in
attendance. Commissioner Hay had also attended the AI DeMarco memorial services.
Mr. DeMarco had contributed and touched many lives in the City ot Boynton Beach
including Commissioner Hay who spoke on behalt ot the City. Commissioner Hay had
also attended the INCA picnic that was well attended and input trom the citizens was
Vice Mayor Ross announced she had visited the Florida Career College and Mayor
Rodriguez had been present tor the ribbon cutting ceremony. She mentioned the
Interlocal Service Boundary Agreement meeting that was held and ot interest to many
people and municipalities. Vice Mayor Ross announced Lisa Bright, Executive Director
ot the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), was recognized by Florida Trend
magazine as a "must-know" contact in Florida and congratulated her on the
Commissioner Orlove had attended the INCA picnic with the Mayor and Commissioner
Hay and the Sara Sims Park presentation. Commissioner Orlove, along with Vice
Mayor Ross had attended the Sandsifters monthly beach cleaning which included a
presentation by County Commissioner Steve Abrams tor the Sandsifters' six years ot
service to the citizens and City. He had also attended the Intergovernmental
Coordination Program meeting where the State legislation regarding pill mills was
discussed. Further discussion and guidance tor the municipalities would be on the July
Mayor Rodriguez noted he had attended the Fishing Academy Fundraiser, Florida
Career College grand opening, INCA picnic, Interlocal Service Boundary meeting and
attended an intormational meeting with the Marina tenants. He also indicated the City
Manager had brought the possible impact ot the oil spill crisis to the County's attention
and they tormed a Deep Water Horizons Planning Task Force to develop a County
specitic contingency plan to address mitigation, response and recovery operations, it an
issue arises to be prepared.
Mayor Rodriguez thanked all the Commissioners tor being active in the community with
the citizens.
A. Announcement ot the upcoming Movies on the Ave. event
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL.
May 4, 2010
B. Announcement ot the upcoming Ocean Avenue Concert
Kathy Biscuiti, Special Events Director, announced the showing ot the movie UP, an
animated movie that had won Oscars and the Golden Globe awards. It would be shown
on May ih at the Ocean Avenue Amphitheater commencing at 8 p.m.
May 21,2010 would be the last Ocean Avenue Concert teaturing True Justice a rhythm
and blues band starting at 6 pm to 9 pm at the Ocean Avenue Amphitheater. Food and
drink vendors would be available. No pets were permitted.
C. Present a Proclamation tor National Public Works Week - May 16 - 22, 2010
The week ot May 16 - 22, 2010 was proclaimed National Public Works Week with the
theme ot Public Works - Above, Below and All Around You. The Proclamation was
presented to Jeff Livergood, Director ot Public Works and Engineering. Mayor
Rodriguez expressed his appreciation to Mr. Livergood tor the work he does. Mr.
Livergood stressed the proclamation related to Public Works as a protession. He
reviewed the many areas encompassed by Public Works that are essential parts ot
everybody's daily lives that should be appreciated by all.
D. Present a Proclamation tor Mental Health Month to members ot the Boynton
Beach Mental Health Initiative
Mayor Rodriguez read the Proclamation tor Mental Health Month and presented it to the
co-tounders ot the Boynton Beach Mental Health Initiative. They related their own
stories ot coping with mental illness within their tamilies and sought support to educate
others on the issues and solutions in coping with mental illnesses.
E. Announcement ot the 2010 Mayor's Challenge Commit 2B Fit 3K Walk
Wayne Segal, Public Affairs Director, announced on May 8, 2010, a 3K Walk would be
held in recognition ot the Mayor's challenge, Commit 2B Fit to make Boynton Beach a
healthier, more vibrant community. The walk would begin at the Museum on Ocean
Avenue at 8 am. Mayor Rodriguez expressed his appreciation tor organizing the walk
and noted the cost ot the walk would be tunded by local businesses who contributed to
cover any expenses.
F. Present a Proclamation designating Mayas Water Satety Month and receive a
short presentation about programs and activities at the John Denson Pool
Mayor Rodriguez proclaimed Mayas Water Satety Month and recognized the
accomplishments ot the programs and swim teams trom the John Denson Pool at the
Wilson Center. Wally Majors, Director ot Recreation and Parks, shared some ot the
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL.
May 4, 2010
exciting events and accomplishments ot the swimmers (Boynton Beach Blazers) trom
the pool that reopened in 2008. Some ot the programs and attendance numbers were
reviewed all due to the efforts ot an outstanding staff. Mr. Majors asserted the City and
his Department should be very proud ot the broad and diverse group ot people being
served by the pool and staff. He especially thanked Susie Peccerelli and her staff under
the supervision ot Mary DeGraffenreidt and recognized the Boynton Blazer swim team.
G. Permit presentation ot National Day ot Prayer Proclamation
The National Day ot Prayer Proclamation was read by Mayor Rodriguez recognizing
May 6th as the National Day ot Prayer and presented it to Rev. Chuck Brannon. Rev.
Brannon invited everyone to join in prayer asking tor the power ot God to unify
everyone. A service would be held during the lunch hour on May 6th at the Ocean
Avenue Amphitheater and Rev. Brannon urged everyone to join in prayer.
H. Permit presentation ot National Preservation Month
Mayor Rodriguez proclaimed Mayas National Preservation Month and the Proclamation
was presented to Ms. Voncile Smith, President ot the Boynton Beach Historical Society.
She commented she hoped the rich heritage ot the City could be preserved and was
pleased the Commission recognized the deep economic, educational and cultural
values ot historic preservation.
(at the discretion of the Chair, this 3 minute allowance may need to be
adjusted depending on the level of business coming before the City
Brian Edwards, 629 NE 9th Avenue, appreciated the proclamation and reiterated his
hope that the historical and cultural issues within the City could be addressed by the
Mark Karageorge, 240A Main Boulevard, thanked the Commission tor their
participation and attendance at so many events throughout the City including the
upcoming Commit 2B Fit.
Herb Suss, 1711 Woodtern Drive, displayed a birthday card that had been given to him
by the students at Galaxy Elementary School where he volunteers. He urged everyone
to volunteer in the schools. He also reiterated and agreed with the concerns over the
environment and the recent oil spill.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL.
May 4, 2010
John McGovern, 2620 Spiceberry Lane, inquired who had the authority to close the
Boynton Inlet it the oil spill intiltrated to the east coast shores. Mr. Bressner replied the
Inlet is owned and operated by the County. The County was exploring the possible
installation ot some sort ot boom system to protect the Inlet. Boynton Beach would be
participating in the efforts along with several other municipalities, County, State and
Federal authorities.
Mr. McGovern re-asserted his concern with the State ot Florida's count ot the
graduation rate/completion rate. His concerns were reintorced when the County was
not approved tor a grant trom the Gates Foundation. The school district could not
demonstrate a working relationship between the teachers and the district. Florida also
did not receive tederal monies based on the same reasoning. Mr. McGovern
announced he was seeking a seat on the Palm Beach County School Board tor District
4 attempt to regain local control ot the schools. He alleged part ot the problem was the
schools within greater Boynton Beach lie within tour school districts and not in District 4.
A coalition between the other districts must be established which would be unique to the
City ot Boynton Beach.
Shirley Jaskiewicz, 1917 SW 13th Avenue, congratulated the Mayor and new
Commissioners and their proactive approach to governing. She contended the Shopper
Hopper bus service is a tremendous asset to the residents and she urged the
Commission to not eliminate the service in the upcoming budget decisions. It was an
extremely successtul endeavor that aided many residents.
Mayor Rodriguez thanked Ms. Jaskiewicz tor her dedication and hard work serving as
the Chair ot the Planning and Development Board.
No one else coming torward, Mayor Rodriguez closed the public audience.
A. Appoint eligible members ot the community to serve in vacant positions on City
advisory boards.
Commissioner Orlove moved to table all appointments. Commissioner Hay seconded
the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
B. TABLED on April 20, 2010 - Appoint an eligible member ot the community to
serve on the Historical Preservation Ad Hoc Committee.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL.
May 4, 2010
Commissioner Holzman moved to appoint Janet DeVries as a member ot the Historical
Preservation Ad Hoc Committee. Commissioner Orlove seconded the motion and
strongly agreed Ms. DeVries would be an excellent candidate to serve on the
committee. Vice Mayor Ross agreed Ms. DeVries was an excellent candidate and an
employee ot the City.
The motion passed.
Matters in this section of the Agenda are proposed and recommended by the
City Manager for "Consent Agenda" approval of the action indicated in each
item, with all of the accompanying material to become a part of the Public
Record and subject to staff comments.
A. Approve the Minutes trom the City Commission meeting held on April 20, 2010.
Commissioner Orlove moved to pull item 6.A. Vice Mayor Ross seconded the motion.
The motion passed.
Commissioner Orlove requested the minutes be corrected on Page 22 to retlect the
CRA vote on the committee would constitute a quarter ot a vote.
Commissioner Orlove moved to approve the minutes as amended. Commissioner
Holzman seconded the motion. The motion passed.
B. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R10-048 - Approve notitication to FDOT ot
the City's interest in exercising its right ot tirst retusal tor the acquisition ot
FDOT's surplus property known as Galaxy Way.
C. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R10-049 - Approve Amendment #3 ot the
Interlocal Agreement with the CRA, regarding the cost-sharing ot tunding
improvements along SE 4th Street improvements
D. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R10-050 - Approve request trom Clear
Wireless, LLC to allow tor ground equipment and co-location on the existing
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL.
May 4, 2010
telecommunications tower at the Public Works Compound (222 NE 9th
Commissioner Holzman moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Vice
Mayor Ross seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Florida with a total proposed expenditure ot $484,471.18 plus a 10 percent (%)
contingency in the amount $48,447.12 tor a total project cost ot $532,918.30.
This includes both the micro-surfacing and the line restriping where deemed
Commissioner Hay moved to approve the contract. Commissioner Orlove seconded the
motion. The motion passed.
The City Commission will conduct these public hearings in its dual capacity
as Local Planning Agency and City Commission.
A. Request amendment to add a detinition tor aeration Windmills and
corresponding provisions and standards (CDRV 10-002) to the Land
Development Regulations (LDR), Chapter 2 Zoning, Section 4.J.29, including a
maximum height ot 25 teet, and limitation to nonresidential zoning districts tor
the purpose ot aerating wet detention areas. Applicant: City-initiated.
Attorney Cherot read Proposed Ordinance No. 10-010 on tirst reading, by title only.
Mayor Rodriguez opened the issue tor public hearing. No one came torward. Mayor
Rodriguez closed the public hearing.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL.
May 4,2010
Commissioner Hay moved to approve. Vice Mayor Ross seconded the motion.
City Clerk Prainito called the roll. The vote was 5-0.
A. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R10-051 - Approve the Interlocal Agreement
with the Town ot Manalapan, providing tor an emergency interconnection
between the potable water systems.
Mr. Bressner explained the proposed Interlocal Agreement with Manalapan was one ot
the interconnect agreements with surrounding municipalities. Koti Boateng, Utilities
Director, outlined the agreement was to assist the Town ot Manalapan with any
emergencies and spelled out the cost tor reimbursements and the cost ot the installation
ot the meters tor the interconnect installation. The procedures to smooth out any
activities that may occur are also included in the ten-year agreement. The Town ot
Manalapan would be charged the current non-resident rate tor any usage. A termination
clause was also included.
Mayor Rodriguez questioned it the agreement was one-way or the tlow could be
reserved it the City ot Boynton Beach needed assistance. Mr. Boateng replied it could
be reversed, but it would be highly unlikely.
Commissioner Orlove inquired it there had been a prior agreement. Mr. Bressner did
not think there was a prior agreement with Manalapan. With the other municipalities
and the County already interconnected, Manalapan would be the last contiguous entity
to be added.
Vice Mayor Ross moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R 10-051. Commissioner
Orlove seconded the motion. The motion passed.
B. TABLED on April 20, 2010 - Discussion on the Budget Status Report ot the
General Fund and the Utility Fund tor the six (6) month period ended March 31,
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL.
May 4,2010
Vice Mayor Ross moved to remove trom the table. Commissioner Orlove seconded the
motion. The motion passed.
Barry Atwood, Finance Director, reported the City anticipated a $1 million shortfall in
revenues this tiscal year. The City Manager had asked all departments to reduce their
budgets tor the remainder ot the current year. The expenditures were within control.
The tunding sources tor the General Fund show a high reliance on transters trom other
tunds. There are no reserves to draw trom tor the use ot the General Fund.
Commissioner Orlove requested claritication on the drain on the reserves. Mr. Atwood
responded the General Fund balance was depleted with the exception ot the
emergency reserve. A past resolution ot the City Commission dictates that 10% ot the
annual expenditures be set aside in an emergency tund. Mayor Rodriguez added most
ot the reserve had been utilized the past year to avoid employee layoffs. Mr. Atwood
added the current reductions were being made to offset the dollars trom the reserve and
perhaps build the reserve tunds slightly. Mr. Bressner mentioned an added draw was
the adjustment on the pension tunds to bring the City current on the payments. A
savings ot $800,000 per year tor interest would be realized by keeping the payments
Commissioner Hay inquired it the reserve monies accumulate over the years. Mr.
Bressner responded in prior years the City had been able to balance the budget without
using the unobligated reserve. However, the sudden deep reduction ot redevelopment
related revenues was a major tactor in budgeting even with the reduced expenditures.
He predicted the next budget cycle would be very difficult.
Mayor Rodriguez asserted the Commission would have to be diligent and efficient in
balancing the budget without increasing the taxes. Tough decisions would have to be
Commissioner Hay moved to accept the six-month tinancial report. Commissioner
Orlove seconded the motion. The motion passed.
A. Monthly status report trom Development Department on NSP Program and CDC
Performance - (May 18, 2010)
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL.
May 4, 2010
B. Follow-up report on status ot agreement between Boynton Beach and Palm Beach
County Fire-Rescue tor tire rescue coverage in three barrier island enclaves near
Briny Breezes. (May 18, 2010)
C. Staff tollow-up report on Emergency Medical Service Billing changes and
c1aritication ot collection reporting options (May 18, 2010)
D. Follow-up Staff Report on Pain Management Clinic Regulations (May 18, 2010)
E. Capital Improvement Status Report - Initial City Commission review ot 2010- 2011
Capital Improvement Budget (General and Utilities) and Five-Year Capital
Improvement Plan (May 18, 2010)
F. Budget Amendment - Reduction ot FY 09/10 City Operating Budget by $1M (May
G. Discussion and Formalization ot Budget Workshops Agenda/Format - Workshops
scheduled tor July 19-21 - 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm in the Library Program Room (May
H. Formalization and approval ot CRA Application and rating matrix (May 18, 2010)
I. Request authorization to transmit additional amendment to the CDBG Substantial
Plan Amendment to HUD designating the CRA as a sub-recipient tor NSP allocation
($400,000) - (May 18, 2010)
J. Appointment ot members to the Financial Advisory Review Committee (May 18,
K. Report and Recommendation tor Interlocal Agreement with Palm Beach County
Fire-Rescue - Sales Tax Program (June 1, 2010)
L. Interlocal Agreement with the CRA designating the CRA as a sub-recipient ot
Neighborhood Stabilization Funds (June 1, 2010)
M. Second draft review ot Climate Action Plan (June 15, 2010)
N. Final approval ot Climate Action Plan (July 20, 2010)
O. Appoint members to 7 member independent Community Redevelopment Agency
Board (August 3, 2010)
P. Police Complex - Discussion ot project timing, scope, location and tunding
alternatives available. (TBA)
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL.
May 4, 2010
a. TABLED on April 20, 2010 (Pending continued discussions with Palm Beach
County)-Lease agreement between City ot Boynton Beach and Boynton Beach Child
Care Center, Inc. (TBA)
A. Discussion ot City Commission Workshop/Retreat; tormalization ot Retreat
Program Agenda.
Lori LaVerriere, Assistant City Manager, proposed, based on Mayor Rodriguez's
remarks, a team building retreat to be tacilitated with a consultant, Ginny Rizzo and held
at the Intracoastal Clubhouse on May 22 trom 8 am to 4 pm with a short program on
Friday evening, May 21st.
After discussions with the consultant, Mayor Rodriguez, explained the consultant would
meet with each ot the Commissioners, one-on-one, to understand their needs. He
recommended the retreat be supported. Ms. LaVerriere remarked the team
building/communication strategy session would be a tirst step, to be tollowed by a goal
setting session to complete the training.
Vice Mayor Ross had learned the Ethics Committee was very close to selecting an
Inspector General tor the County and she wanted to see the topic ot ethics included on
the agenda. Everyone was striving tor transparency. Mayor Rodriguez concurred and
indicated he had been invited by the State Attorney to participate in a discussion on
ethics in Palm Beach County. He would share any intormation gained. He assumed
the City Attorney could be prepared to discuss ethics at the retreat. Vice Mayor Ross
pointed out the City had an ethics ordinance since 2006 that had never been discussed
or reviewed with the Commissioners. Commissioner Hay concurred with Vice Mayor
Ross on the need to understand the Code ot Ethics, based on his observations. He
also suggested racial issues and multi-cultural issues should be added to the agenda.
Learning how to deal with the diversity in the City ot Boynton Beach was crucial. Ms.
LaVerriere thought diversity might be appropriate to discuss as goal setting, but basic
discussion could be initiated at the retreat. Commissioner Hay mentioned he had
observed different reactions to some cultures that have addressed the current and
previous Commission. Ms. LaVerriere did not tee I that would be a problem tor Ms.
Ms. LaVerriere advised it would be a public workshop, minutes would be taken,
although there would be no public participation. Mayor Rodriguez explained his intent
was to afford the Commission the opportunity to better understand each other and how
to work together as a team tor the betterment ot the City ot Boynton Beach. In addition,
tocusing on the high level decisions that would address the tuture ot the City may assist
on building consensus when the ultimate decisions had to be made.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL.
May 4, 2010
Commissioner Orlove agreed with the proposed agenda and plan. He recognized there
were other issues that may need to be addressed, but the initial goal should be how to
work together as a team. He wanted to be sure the team building aspect was the tocus
rather than numerous issues that would be counterproductive to team building.
Commissioner Hay agreed with Commissioner Orlove, but cautioned it was a "team"
effort and not an "I" effort. The additional issues proposed did need to be addressed at
some point.
Mr. Bressner noted the ethics issues were transitioning to County-wide regulations that
would be subject to a reterendum. The current ordinance would be a transitory
document when it is replaced by County regulations. In the interim, the current
regulations should be upheld.
Attorney Cherot advised the 2006 ordinance reterred to voting contlicts and not ethics.
Commissioner Hay wanted assurance that the agenda that would be distributed would
be tinal and no additions or changes made. Mr. Bressner stressed the consultant would
be meeting with each Commissioner individually to customize the training to meet the
needs ot the Commission without attribution. Commissioner Hay wanted some
measurables that could be quantitied and Mayor Rodriguez agreed.
Commissioner Hay moved to approve the agenda tor the workshop. Commissioner
Holzman seconded the motion.
Mayor Rodriguez opened the issue tor public hearing.
Herb Suss, 1711 Woodtern Drive, contirmed the location and time ot the meeting.
No one else coming torward, Mayor Rodriguez closed the public hearing.
B. Consideration and approval tor City Commissioner to attend the 18th Annual
National League ot Cities Leadership Summit in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
trom September 23-25, 2010.
Commissioner Hay remarked the League ot Cities was one ot the best organizations
and offers a wealth ot intormation on the local, state, national and international level.
He had also been appointed to the Board ot Directors tor the local League ot Cities as
well as the representative tor the City ot Boynton. All intormation and materials would be
shared with the entire Commission. He hoped the Commission would continue to
support the organization.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL.
May 4, 2010
Commissioner Orlove wanted to approve the expense based on Commissioner Hay's
experience, involvement and pending appointment. Commissioner Hay added the
Summit was open to all the Commission.
Mayor Rodriguez pointed out, it the request was approved, the budget item would be
depleted tor any tuture expenses. He had inquired into the program and Mr. Jamie
Titcomb had advised the Palm Beach County League ot Cities did not get involved in
the National Leadership Summit as it tocused on continuing education credits.
Commissioner Hay was not participating tor the credits, rather the betterment ot the City
ot Boynton Beach.
Commissioner Hay questioned why the Mayor had inquired about the program and
assured the Commission he was not seeking any accreditation or attending tor any
credit ot any kind. He did not want the request to be an issue in any respect. Mr.
Bressner remarked there would be many elected officials trom other municipalities in
Palm Beach County who would attend the Summit.
Even though the budget line item would be depleted, Commissioner Orlove supported
Commissioner Hay's attendance at the event. It would be an asset to the Commission
and the City.
Vice Mayor Hay moved to approve. Commissioner Orlove seconded the motion,. The
motion passed.
C. Consideration ot Alternative Use ot Vacant Landtill Property East ot the
Boynton Beach Links, Municipal Golt Course
Mr. Bressner located the property that was east ot the golt course and previously used
as a landtill. A prior study by the Department ot Environmental Protection (DEP)
revealed housing was not an option. Another option that was analyzed was realigning
the golt holes onto the parcel and using the vacant internal golt course property tor
housing. The housing market crashed and no serious discussions ensued. The County
owns the land ot the golt course and the City has a 99-year lease. Commissioner
Holzman had suggested an adaptive reuse as an alternative energy source. Upon
turther investigation, Mr. Bressner concluded the cost tor a solar array on the 42 acres
would be in the realm ot $25 million that would come trom grants. Approximately 3,000
homes could be powered with the resulting energy generated. Florida Power and Light
would have to establish some type ot credit tor the energy source produced. The
project was ot interest to the sustainability team.
Vice Mayor Ross thanked the City Manager tor his assessment. Commissioner
Holzman's interest and suggestion was a result ot a tour ot the golt course and the
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL.
May 4, 2010
realization that the acreage was vacant and could make the City ot Boynton Beach
distinguishable throughout the nation.
Commissioner Orlove was impressed with the suggestion and alternatives. He
understood there would be no affect on the golt course. He preterred that the credits be
ot benetit to the City and citizens, rather than the power going out into the grid.
Retrotitting existing buildings would be a cost savings. Carisse LeJeune, Assistant to
the City Manager, advised the sustainability team would be recommending in the
Climate Action Plan retrotitting tor energy efficiency, all City tacilities.
Commissioner Hay supported the suggestion and agreed the idea should move torward.
Mayor Rodriguez applauded Commissioner Holzman tor thinking outside the box and
his efforts to move the City torward. Regulatory-wise, the issue was very complex and
Mayor Rodriguez suggested a consultant be hired. Attorney Cherot advised a Request
For Proposal (RFP) would be the best route. Ms. LeJeune pointed out the energy
source had not been identitied in the original Climate Action Plan. She sought direction
trom the Commission on how to proceed with either the consultant or tunding.
Attorney Cherot advised the issues being discussed were not on the agenda and the
issue was extremely complex and should be placed on the agenda to elaborate what is
being sought and give staff direction. It should be on the agenda to afford the public
notice ot the discussion. Mr. Bressner advised there had been preliminary analysis on
the land use issue as the property was owned by the County.
Commissioner Holzman moved to approve the consideration ot alternative use ot
vacant landtill property east ot the Boynton Beach Links, Municipal Golt Course. Vice
Mayor Ross seconded the motion.
Herb Suss, 1711 Woodtern Drive, Chair ot Golt Course Advisory Committee, agreed
with the concept, but urged the Commission to gather all the intormation even through
tederal departments and agencies, to reduce cost. The current budget constraints
warrant moving slowly on any staff additions. He cautioned the area residents should
be noticed on any developments with the vacant land.
Dr. Piotr Blass, 113 West Tara Lakes Drive, offered the assistance and
encouragement ot the University ot Boynton Beach to work on alternative energy
Commissioner Hay inquired about the availability ot tunds to pay tor a consultant.
Mayor Rodriguez telt contident that grant tunding would be available to cover the cost.
The motion passed.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL.
May 4, 2010
D. Consideration ot meeting time change tor Regular City Commission meetings.
Commissioner Holzman Orlove suggested a time shift to convene the meetings at 5 pm
rather than 6:30 pm since the meetings are running very late. Commissioner Hay had
an issue with his unpredictable employment hours and being able to be present tor the
meetings at 5 pm. Commissioner Holzman suggested a compromise ot 6 pm and
inquired it it would be a problem tor staff. Mayor Rodriguez, Vice Mayor Ross,
Commissioner Orlove and Commissioner Holzman were flexible with either 6 pm or
5:30 pm. Commissioner Hay agreed to have the matter tabled tor him to consider his
Commissioner Orlove moved to table the matter to June 1, 2010. Vice Mayor Ross
seconded the motion. The motion passed.
amendment (CDRV 10-001) to add "Amusement Arcade" to the C-2
(Neighborhood Commercial) zoning district as a conditional use. Applicant:
Attorney Cherot read Proposed Ordinance No. 10-008 on second reading, by title only.
Mayor Rodriguez established the staff report had not changed since tirst reading.
Mayor Rodriguez opened the issue tor public hearing. No one came torward. Mayor
Rodriguez closed the public hearing.
Mayor Rodriguez inquired about the business or individual who had brought this matter
to the attention ot the Planning Division. Mike Rumpt, Director ot Planning and Zoning,
reported an individual trom the community who previously had a business within the
City, had a property in a C-2 zoning district. It was located along Woolbright Road in a
small commercial development and in response to the plan submitted, staff opted to
change the use rather than encourage a rezoning application.
Commissioner Orlove moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 10-008 on second
reading to add Amusement Arcade to the C-2 (Neighborhood Commercial) zoning
district as a conditional use. Commissioner Hay seconded the motion.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL.
May 4, 2010
City Clerk Prainito called the roll. The vote was 5-0.
B. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 10-009 - Forming a Financial Advisory
Committee. Discuss and approve Ordinance on second reading.
Attorney Cherot read Proposed Ordinance NO.1 0-009 by title only on second reading.
Commissioner Hay questioned the entire concept and what had changed trom previous
years. Mayor Rodriguez explained the Committee would not usurp the responsibility ot
the Commission, but rather give the Commission recommendations not only on the
budget, but also the entire organization and identify areas ot opportunity and
efficiencies. Commissioner Hay was concerned about the cost tactor.
Commissioner Holzman moved to approve. Commissioner Orlove seconded the
Mayor Rodriguez opened the issue tor public comment.
Brian Edwards, 629 NE 9th Avenue, appreciated the issue ot transparency but the
Committee would create another layer that would instill a hardship on staff to get the
intormation through all levels. Whether it would or would not be a savings cannot be
determined. He was more comtortable with staff being held accountable.
Herb Suss, 1711 Woodtern Drive, agreed it would add another layer ot bureaucracy
and staff was very qualitied to make the decisions as well as the Commission. The
public and taxpayers do have input. Another agency would only interfere with the
process. He urged the Commission to not approve the Ordinance.
Ron Washam, 127 S. Atlantic Drive, West Palm Beach, commented the transparency
was wonderful and applauded the effort. The proposed change would add more
discussion and more debate. He had contidence in the staff and the elected
Commission to make the hard decisions and another layer was not necessary.
No one else coming torward, Mayor Rodriguez closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Orlove inquired it it would impose a hardship tor staff. Mr. Bressner
admitted the tirst year would be a struggle and on tirst reading there was
acknowledgement that there could not be tull implementation the tirst year. A
compressed schedule would have to be utilized. It would be a quasi judicial board.
Commissioner Orlove did not teel the creation ot the advisory board would be
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL.
May 4, 2010
disrespectful to staff. A second set ot eyes should always be welcomed, especially with
the current tinancial crisis.
Commissioner Hay did teel adding another level would add to the complexity ot some
issues. He had contidence in staff and did not teel it was necessary and would not
support the ordinance.
Mayor Rodriguez commented that transparency would be a by-product and recalled the
budget workshop was concluded without hearing trom all departments.
Mayor Rodriguez called tor a vote.
City Clerk Prainito called the roll. The vote was 4-1 (Commissioner Hay dissenting).
There being no turther business to come betore the Commission, Mayor Rodriguez
adjourned the meeting at 9:08 pm.
(Continued on next page)
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL.
May 4,2010