Minutes 05-10-10
HELD ON MAY 10, 2010, 5:00 P.M. AT FIRE STATION #2
Warren Adams, Chair Mike Rumpf, Staff Liaison
Eric Jones Ed Breese, Principal Planner
John McGovern
Barbara Ready
Linda Stabile
Gaylord Allan Hendricks
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:04 p.m.
Self introductions were made.
2. Approval of Minutes.
The following correction was requested:
?Page 4, the fourth paragraph should be changed to indicate Delray Beach's
ordinance was more restrictive (not more liberal) than West Palm Beach's
Mr. McGovern moved to accept the minutes with the correction. Mr. Jones seconded
the motion that passed unanimously.
3. Public Education.
Mr. Breese noted a new member had just been appointed to the Historic Preservation
Ad Hoc Committee, but could not attend this meeting because she was ill. At the last
meeting, Ms. Ready and Mr. McGovern had agreed to serve on a subcommittee.
However, they had not yet had an opportunity to meet.
Meeting Minutes
Historic Preservation Ad Hoc Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida May 10, 2010
Mayor Rodriguez arrived at 5:07 p.m. and noted he wished to sit in on the meeting.
4. Update on grant match
Ms. Ready reported she had attended the Boynton Beach Historical Society Board
meeting last week, and they had committed to donate $2,000 towards the matching
grant. As such, rather than requesting $5,000 in funding from the City, the sum of
$3,000 would be requested by the Committee.
Chair Adams commented he been advised by the National Trust for Historic
Preservation that it would be necessary for the City to submit the grant application, as
the Committee did not have 503(c)3 status. The next grant application filing period
would be June 1, 2010, and it was not believed there was sufficient time to file the
application by that date. Mayor Rodriguez believed the City was preparing to
incorporate as a 503(c)3 foundation and the by-laws were in the final review phase.
The grant funds would be utilized to increase awareness and promote the benefits of
historic preservation. This would be accomplished by a "wish list" to include:
?Printing of leaflets for kiosks at the Library, City Hall and other City facilities. A
water-bill mailing was still possible.
?Public awareness outreach meetings, targeting residents of the five potential
historic districts located in the City. The meetings would feature speakers and
possibly a video presentation on the history of Boynton Beach. A videographer
had offered to produce the documentary at a cost of $1,500. Public Service
Announcements (PSAs) could be produced in-house by Tony Leal, Video
Production Specialist with the City's ITS Department.
Chair Adams advised Mayor Rodriguez the Committee would be requesting funding in
the amount of $3,000 at an upcoming City Commission meeting. Mayor Rodriguez
explained funds could not be appropriated until fiscal year 2010/2011. As a $2,000
commitment had been secured from the Boynton Beach Historical Society, the members
agreed application should be made for $2,000 from the National Trust for Historic
Preservation, and a request could be made to the City in October. It was agreed Chair
Warren would prepare the grant application to be submitted for the June 1 cycle, and
the members could review the application prior to submittal. It was suggested the
City's Grants Coordinator review the application as well.
It was noted three letters of endorsement were needed. Mayor Rodriguez agreed to
provide letters from the City and the CRA, and a third letter would be requested from
the Boynton Beach Historical Society.
Meeting Minutes
Historic Preservation Ad Hoc Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida May 10, 2010
Mr. McGovern moved that the Committee proceed to submit an application to the
National Trust for Historic Preservation for $2,000, using a match of $2,000 from the
Boynton Beach Historical Society, and that this be done for the June 1 funding cycle,
and to authorize Chair Warren to complete the application. Mr. Jones seconded the
motion that passed unanimously.
Discussion ensued regarding the flyers to be placed at City Hall, the Library and other
City facilities. Mr. Jones had received a quote from Kinko's for $608.04 for 5,000 glossy
color trifold flyers. It was noted, however, that Kinko's' prices changed frequently. The
cost in-house to mail flyers to all water users in and outside the City limits would be
$1,500 for color and $750 for black-and-white, if mailed with the water bills. If not,
postage would be additional. After deducting the costs of the color brochures and
printing and mailing, the sum of $1,900 would remain for public outreach. It was
agreed the DVD would not be considered at this time.
It was suggested a motion be entertained to present the Committee's request to the
City Commission.
Mr. McGovern moved that the Committee present to the City Commission, as part of the
budgeting process, a request for $5,000 in matching funds pertaining to the October
application envisioned. Ms. Ready seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
Mayor Rodriguez suggested the Committee's presentation be made during the "Public
Audience" portion of the meeting
Mayor Rodriguez thanked the Committee for its fine work and offered to be of
assistance whenever possible. He left the meeting at 5:48 p.m.
5. Ordinance status/direction
A draft Historic Preservation Ordinance was provided at the last meeting. The members
were asked to review the document and bring back additions, modifications, deletions
or other suggestions. Comments were made on each page as follows:
Page 1
?Paragraph A, the last word on the first line should be "and" rather than "an."
Meeting Minutes
Historic Preservation Ad Hoc Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida May 10, 2010
?Paragraph H, the second word should be "and" rather than "an."
?With regard to the last paragraph, it was questioned whether the Committee
should become familiar with the City's Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Rumpf noted
the document was extensive. However, the content relating to Historic
Preservation was minimal and general. The document cross-referenced the
adopted redevelopment plans which contained more concrete land-impacting
recommendations. The Comprehensive Plan would be amended, if necessary, to
include preservation policies.
?It was questioned whether the paragraphs on page 1 should reference historical
and cultural resources. Mr. Breese responded definitions were provided for
capitalized words in the document. The definition of "Resources" was provided
and was specific as to the meaning of the word "Resource" throughout the
document. It was agreed to change the definition of "Resource" on page 3 to
include "A Building, Site, Structure, Object or District that reflects Historical or
Cultural significance."
Page 2
No comments were made.
Page 3
The members agreed the language, "sustainable and appropriate" should be added
after "efficient" in the first line of the definition for "Rehabilitation" on page 3.
Page 4
It was questioned whether the Historic Resources Preservation Board would be quasi-
judicial in nature. Mr. Breese responded the Board would be the final determining body
unless the matter was appealed to the City Commission. A more definitive response
would be provided at the next meeting.
Page 5
It was questioned who would nominate the properties or districts to the National
Register of Historic Places as noted in Section 4.A)1. Mr. Breese responded the Board
would make recommendations to the City Commission. However, the homeowner
would have the option of deciding whether his or her property would be included on the
Meeting Minutes
Historic Preservation Ad Hoc Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida May 10, 2010
National Register of Historic Places. It was suggested language be included to provide
that the property owner's consent was required. The suggestion was duly noted.
Page 6
?It was agreed the language in Item 4 on the bottom of the page which set forth
the criteria for initiating a historic designation, should be changed to read: "A
simple majority of the property owners within the proposed district."
?The following language was suggested in lieu of the language contained in the
fifth line of Section 1: "…In the case of a District, at least 50% of the Buildings
shall be at least 50 years old and/or be significant in one or more of the
following areas…" Mr. Breese would review the suggested language prior to the
next meeting.
Page 7
No comments were made.
Page 8
?It was proposed the following language be added to the end of the last line n
Paragraph H: "…in appropriate reference to the Design Guidelines." The line
would then read: "Properties listed in, or eligible for listing in the National
Register or on the Boynton Beach Register of Historic Places, either as a property
or as a Contributing Property within a District, shall be entitled to modified
enforcement of the City's applicable building codes." It was further suggested
the word "shall" (after a "District,") be changed to "may" and "zoning" be added
after "building" and before "codes."
?It was agreed to substitute the word "Resource for "Property or District" in the
first line of the first subparagraph in Paragraph H and to substitute "Resource"
for "Properties" as the first word in the first line of the second subparagraph of
Paragraph H.
Page 9
?It was suggested the following language be added at the beginning of the first
sentence in Section 1.A): "Utilizing the Design Guidelines, the Board reviews
applications…" It was agreed "Design Guidelines" should always be capitalized.
Meeting Minutes
Historic Preservation Ad Hoc Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida May 10, 2010
Page 10
In Paragraph B) "Delegation of Review Authority," at the top of the page, it was
suggested the following language be added before the last sentence: City staff will use
as an analytical tool Design Guidelines to make decisions at the administrative level."
Page 11
A typographical error was noted in Item 7 -- "couse" should be changed to "cause."
Page 12
?Mr. Breese had provided a handout for D) "Additional Criteria." It was agreed
the following language would be added to the last sentence: "The elements
below shall be expanded to include those Contributing Structures within the
entire district."
?It was suggested a new paragraph be added under "Demolition" on page 12 or
page 13 as follows: "If an application for demolition is approved, the owner shall
fully record the building prior to the demolition. At a minimum, the owner shall
provide an architectural description, floor plan with interior and exterior
dimensions, interior and exterior photographs, and any other information
requested by the Board. The record shall be deposited in the local archives
where it will be made available to the public." It was agreed on consensus this
paragraph would be inserted before the last highlighted paragraph on page 13.
Page 14
There were no comments.
Page 15
There were no comments.
Page 16
A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the use of "eminent domain" and the possible
ramifications of such use. Mr. Breese would review the language before the next
Meeting Minutes
Historic Preservation Ad Hoc Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida May 10, 2010
Page 17
There were no comments.
Page 18
With regard to Section 3, Unsafe Buildings and Structures, it was noted the section did
not contain any language regarding large or diseased trees.
The members commended staff for a job well done in preparing the ordinance.
6. Schedule of tasks
An outline was provided containing a list of recommended topics that would be
discussed as recommendations to the Commission upon completion of the Committee's
tasks. The outline is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Mr. Breese suggested timelines
be set for the various items.
The following was noted:
?It was suggested language be added under "Architectural Standards" to indicate
a Design Guidelines handbook would be established.
?The Committee could make any recommendations it deemed appropriate,
including the consideration of a professional historic preservation expert.
?It was suggested a separate recommendation be included requiring funding by
the City.
The Committee was not required to take any action on the topics at this meeting, but
was encouraged to review the document and provide any comments necessary.
7. Summarize tasks or accomplishments or next meeting
?Ms. Ready and Mr. McGovern would meet regarding the subcommittee.
?Chair Warren would work with Messrs. Rumpf and Breese regarding preparation
of the grant application. It would be requested that Debbie Majors, the City's
Grants Coordinator, review the grant application and be "kept in the loop."
Meeting Minutes
Historic Preservation Ad Hoc Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 10, 2010
. Ms. Ready would secure a Letter of Endorsement from the Boynton Beach
Historical Society, and staff would follow up with Mayor Rodriguez to secure
Letters of Endorsement from the City and the CRA.
. The members would review the Certificate of Appropriateness Approval Matrix
and the Outline of Recommended Topics and provide feedback at the next
8. Staff comments
9. Public comments
The Certified Local Government (CLG) workshop would be held June 23-25, 2010.
10. Announce date of next meeting
It was agreed the next meeting would be held June 7, 2010 at 5:00 p.m.
11. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting properly adjourned at 7: 13
Stephanie D. Kahn
Recording Secretary