Minutes 05-25-10
ON TUESDAY, MAY 25, 2010, 6:30 P.M. AT FIRE STATION #2,
Barbara Ready, Chair Debby Coles-Dobay, Public Art Administrator
Anderson Slocombe, Vice Chair
Barbara Lentz
Nubia Richman
(arrived at 6:39 p.m.)
Sherie Tengbergen
Don Davenport, Alternate
Christine Moeller, Alternate
(arrived at 7:12 p.m.)
Dana Cook
Halena Wolf
The meeting was called to order at 6:33 p.m.
Self-introductions were made.
Mr. Slocombe moved to approve the agenda. Ms. Lentz seconded the motion that
passed unanimously.
A. Approval of April 27, 2010 minutes
The sentence in Item III., Agenda Approval, which read as follows:
?"Chair Ready requested moving New Business, Review of 2009/2010 Budget, and
Projection for 2010/2011 Revenues and Expenditures to Item VIII, Exhibits."
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 25, 2010
should be changed to reflect that the item would follow "Item VIII, Exhibits."
Vice Chair Slocombe moved to accept the minutes as amended. Ms. Lentz seconded
the motion that passed unanimously.
A. FAPAA conference May 19-21, 2010
Ms. COles-Dobay had attended the Florida Association of Public Art Administrators
(FAPAA) conference in Fort Pierce, and a good core group had participated. A number
of similarities had existed between the Cities of Boynton Beach and Fort Pierce,
including an interest in renovation and revitalization and the existence of a downtown
CRA. The Fort Pierce CRA embraced culture, museums and Public Art and had
sponsored many of the FAPAA activities. Conference attendees visited renovated,
historic structures such as the Black Fox Museum and the Sunrise Theater. The people
of Fort Pierce were keenly interested in historic preservation, and the City had
developed into a fine destination vacation area. Fort Pierce was also the home of the
"Bean" Backus Museum. ("Bean" Backus is Florida's premiere landscape painter.)
The conference participants had also attended the "WOW (With Out Walls) 3" exhibit
curated by John Hayes, and much of the artwork could be purchased for permanent
placement. The exhibit was similar to Boynton Beach's Avenue of the Arts, and placed
sculptures throughout Fort Pierce and St. Lucie County. Pat Cochran's Leap of Faith, a
30 foot high sculpture, was built for the exhibit.
(Ms. Richman arrived at 6:39 p.m.)
It was noted political entities promoted art, culture, historic preservation and recreation
to foster unity and create a favorable impression on behalf of the City. Artists Pat
Cochran and Cecelia Lueza had submitted artworks for Boynton's Beach's Avenue of the
Arts and Stephanie Jaffe Werner had submitted her work from the call to artists. served
on one of Boynt-on Beach's selection panels. Other forms of art featured discussed at
'AKYN 3 FAPPA were yarn bombing (also known as yam graffiti and fabric graffiti), light
projection and computer temporary art.
Ms. Coles-Dobay requested Arts Commission members serve on the June 3, 2010
selection panel for the Boat Club Park Requests for Qualifications from 2 p.m. through 6
p.m. Ms. Ready, Mr. Davenport and Ms. Tengbergen volunteered their services. Mr.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida May 25, 2010
Davenport would be available from 2 p.m. through 5:30 p.m., Ms. Tengbergen from 5
p.m. until 6 p.m. and Ms. Ready at anytime, with the exception of early morning.
A. Discuss final workshop date for public input August 26/September 9, 2010
Dates previously discussed included Thursday, August 26 or Thursday, September 9
from 6 p.m. through 8 p.m. The members agreed on August 26, 2010, and it was
believed the Library Program Room would be the most appropriate venue for the
Discussion ensued as to the format of the workshop. Possibilities included a
presentation at the beginning of the workshop, break-out groups, open discussion and
questions and answers at the conclusion. Previous presentations for the Public Art
Program were usually one-half hour in duration and included a video featuring art and
music, recommendations and guidelines and a brief review of each section, using
highlighted images that supported the Program.
Other suggestions included presenting excerpts of previous interviews with artists,
along with an explanation of the current year's program and a sneak preview of next
year's program. Samples of art could be reflected, providing educational information.
It was suggested input be sought to engage the interest of the participants, to
determine whether the subject was relevant and whether any areas of importance had
been omitted from proposed projects, opportunities, events or programs.
Suggestions for "getting the word out" to encourage attendance at the workshop
included the following:
?Placing flyers in stores, art galleries and City facilities;
?Including inserts with utility bills;
?Airing announcements on BBTV;
?Placing announcements in the Boynton Forum and City Visions; and
?Enlisting the assistance of the Art Guild, Artists of America, Americans for the
Arts, Voices of Venue, and the Chamber of Commerce.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida May 25, 2010
This item would be discussed further at the next meeting. In the interim, the members
were encouraged to give thought to items to be included on the workshop agenda and
the format to be utilized.
B.Discuss when to present to City Commission - October 2010
It was agreed the results of the public input workshop should be presented to the City
Commission on October 19, 2010. It was noted a two-minute video presentation on the
Art in Public Places Program from last year would be made to the City Commission at its
June 15, 2010 meeting, and the Arts Commission members were encouraged to attend.
C.Mural Wall project-Arts Commission-member management
Ms. Wolf had requested this item be added to the agenda to determine whether the
members wished to consider a mural project as a possible opportunity for the Arts
Commission. The project would involve beautifying a wall at the Hester Center or other
location within the City. Ms. Wolf, a muralist by trade who was now teaching, offered to
voluntarily spearhead the project and engage students to participate. It was proposed
the wall be at ground level to avoid scaffolding issues and to provide a safe
environment for the students. Ms. Wolf could organize the project throughout the
school calendar year and provide a program during the summer months. It was
suggested consideration be given to approaching a school that utilized an integrated
arts curriculum. It was noted liability issues could result if younger students were
required to be transported to the project site. As such, it was inquired whether portions
of the project could be done on the school campus. High School students willing to
participate could accrue community hours.
(Ms. Moeller arrived at 7:12 p.m.)
The members agreed the first step to be taken was for Ms. Wolf to secure the School
Board's approval and thereafter to develop a plan for the Board's review. In the
interim, the members agreed to explore areas of the City to locate appropriate wall
sites for the project.
At the last meeting, it was discussed consideration be given to the future purchase and
placement of the Manatee sculpture displayed on the Avenue of the Arts. The members
agreed the opportunity should be given future consideration, with the Manatee to be
placed at the Intracoastal Park near the water. As such, this item would be added to
the "Public Art Projects and Opportunities" draft document.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida May 25, 2010
D.Program and project priority
It was suggested events and programs be prioritized because of the lack of available
funds. It was proposed Earth Week be observed as an annual, cyclical event at minimal
cost. The community could participate while being educated about Environmental/
Ecoart. Artist Pat Cochran had indicated an interest in participating in the event.
The proposed Ecoart project with the East Water Treatment Park had been put on hold,
and Ms. Coles-Dobay would maintain contact with Mary Jo Aagerstoun regarding the
South Florida Environmental Project Ecoart Apprenticeship Program.
The members agreed the Kinetic Art Symposium was very important and should be
moved to the top of the priority list. The event had been moved to 2012, but it was
agreed planning should commence as soon as possible. Thought should be given to the
location of the symposium, transportation and lodging, sponsorships and the use of
resources. The Atlanta Botanical Gardens had previously hosted a Kinetic Art Exhibit
and similar exhibits were presented in Santa Monica, California and Sydney, Australia.
As set forth on the "Proposed Events and Programs" for Boynton Beach, the Kinetic Art
Exhibit would be held from November through April, and the Symposium would be held
the third weekend in January. A Kinetic Art Symposium Planning Draft had been
provided to the members prior to the April meeting. Ms Coles-Dobay would again
provide the document for review.
The "Swing Space" program had previously been approved. However, nothing had
been done to date with the program.
It was agreed the remainder of the Proposed Events and Programs would be discussed
at the next meeting.
A.B.A.P.S. Public Art Sculpture approval
This project had been installed. However, confirmation had not yet been received
regarding lighting for the sculpture. Approval was needed with the caveat that the
lighting was required.
Ms. Tengbergen moved that the Arts Commission accept this as long as there is accent
lighting for the piece itself. Ms. Richman seconded the motion that passed
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida May 25, 2010
B.Dick's Sporting Goods selected artist approval
A Call to Artists had been solicited for the Public Art Project for Dick's Sporting Goods.
Included in the criteria were the artwork location, renderings and project elevations.
The artists were required to submit a Letter of Intent and references for previous
projects. A total of 13 submissions had been received in response to the Call to Artists
and 10 were reviewed by the Selection Panel on May 24, 2010. Three submissions
were incomplete as references had not been provided. The review and scoring by the
Selection Panel were provided to the Arts Commission members, and Stephanie Jaffe
Werner was the artist selected. Ms. Jaffe Werner would be contacting Agree Limited
Partnership Redevelopment Company, the property owner, and Dick's Sporting Goods,
the tenant, to discuss the project to be installed at the site formerly occupied by Circuit
City. Most of the responding artists were qualified professionals and highly
recommended by the project managers. It was noted Dick's Sporting Goods was
engaged in a huge branding initiative for its stores and did not want Public Art to
conflict with this initiative. As such, the challenge to the artist was to provide a sports
theme while being slightly generic to blend in with the community.
It was necessary for the members to approve the selection of Public Artist Stephanie
Jaffe Werner chosen by the Selection Panel on May 24, 2010. It was noted Ms. Lentz
and Ms. Richman sat on the Panel.
(Mr. Davenport left the room at 8:03 p.m.)
Ms. Lentz moved to accept the decision just as it is. Ms. Tengbergen seconded the
motion that passed unanimously (Mr. Davenport was not present for the vote).
The selected artist's proposal would be brought before the Arts Commission.
(Mr. Davenport returned at 8:08 p.m.)
C.Children's Schoolhouse Amphitheater selected artists approval
The current Amphitheater would be replaced with a larger, permanent stage to
accommodate the Oceanfront Concerts presented by the CRA and other events. The
improvement of the Amphitheater would adhere to the Downtown Master Plan's vision
of creating a cultural corridor on Ocean Avenue. The project would be facilitated by Ms.
Coles-Dobay and funded by the City's CRA. A Call to Artists had been sent after the last
meeting. Four submissions had been received and three were reviewed by the Selection
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 25, 2010
Panel. One response was rejected as references had not been included. The Selection
Panel selected George Gadson and Beth Ravitz, and they would be awarded the project
upon the approval of the Arts Commission. Mr. Cook and Ms. Lentz sat on the Selection
Mr. Davenport moved to approve the selection of George Gadson and Beth Ravitz. Ms.
Richman seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
D. Seacrest Streetscape Public Art Project
1. Workshops and the Community Public Art Process
Ms. Coles-Dobay provided an overview of the process. Three workshops were held
which were attended by a diverse representation of the Heart of Boynton, as well as
artists Debbie and Len Marucci and Jermaine Johnson. A core group of seven to ten
people had attended all three workshops. The community's input was needed to
determine the visuals to be placed on the panels. Members of the community had
indicated their wishes for Jermaine Johnson, an artist from the community, to be
involved in the project.
The timeline for completion of the project included securing funding, working with the
Florida Department of Transportation and a process to be followed by the City's
Engineering Department. Andrew Mack would serve as the lead engineer for the
project, a partnership between the City and the CRA. Adherence to timeframes and
deadlines was essential, as the project was funded by stimulus dollars. The Arts
Commission is involved with the Public Art portion of the project, which would be
completed last.
Ms. COles-Dobay provided a review of the conceptual boards. The Butterfly Mandela
would be located in Heritage Park on the southwest corner of Martin Luther King and
Seacrest Boulevards. Panels would be located on the northwest, northeast and
southeast corners, serving as a gateway to the intersection. The dimensions of the
spaces measured 30 inches tall by 20 feet long, and the middle panel would extend
upward outwJrd another 18 inches. Elements represented the distant past, past to
present and the future. After the final workshop, the boards had been displayed at the
Sims Center. Resident Myra Jones commented the Kwanzaa representation was still
incorrect. Others liked the concepts.
The members felt Mr. Johnson's piece should be simplified as it was too busy and
difficult to understand, and they were concerned with the elements of transition. They
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 25, 2010
felt the project was far too great in size and scope for Mr. Johnson's capabilities.
Concern was also expressed with Mr. Johnson's ability to create a conceptually-correct
piece that would work appropriately with the elements produced by Debbie and Len
Mr. Johnson was to have timely delivered his work for the members to review at this
meeting, but he had been unable to do so. It was suggested Mr. Johnson be given a
timeline to provide his completed conceptual ideas, utilizing the direction of the Arts
Commission. If he was unable to meet the qualifications, it would be necessary for the
Maruccis to translate his concept into their style. For the sake of cohesiveness, the
project itself and the reputation of the Arts Commission, it was the recommendation of
Chair Ready to let the Maruccis take the concepts proposed by Mr. Johnson and work
them into their style.
It was noted Mr. Johnson was not being paid for his work. He had not submitted an
application and was not part of the selection process. Mr. Johnson was made aware
from the beginning that there were no funds in the budget and he would not be paid.
Mr. Johnson was involved in the project pursuant to the wishes of a member of the
community, and he was grateful for the opportunity to participate and paint his mural.
Mr. Johnson did not in any way expect remuneration. The community was also well
aware that Mr. Johnson would not be paid for his work. The Maruccis were the artists
selected for the project and as such, they would be paid for their work. Mr. Johnson
was not a recognized Public Artist and his involvement in the project would provide him
with the ability to learn and become an artist in the public realm.
The members suggested Mr. Johnson receive credit for his work on the project. For the
protection of the Arts Commission, it was proposed Mr. Johnson provide a document
indicating he clearly understood his role in the project and that he would not be paid for
his work. A lengthy discussion ensued as to the direction in which to proceed. The
members felt Mr. Johnson should be advised of the critique of the Arts Commission and
that he be given a timeline within which to produce his completed work.
Ms. Tengbergen moved that Ms. Coles-Dobay send an email to the three artists with the
members' comments and give all participants in the workshop including Mr. Johnson
two weeks to come up with a solution for the center panel and the whole
comprehensive budget because of the lack of transition, the "busyness" of the timeline
mural panel and the images thereon. Ms. Richman seconded the motion that passed
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 25, 2010
2. Approval of April 15, 2010 workshop minutes
This item was not addressed.
3. Concept approval
The members did not take any action to approve the concept and would wait until the
next meeting to take action.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting properly adjourned at 9:21
Stephanie D. Kahn
Recording Secretary