Minutes 06-07-10 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION AD HOC COMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT FIRE STATION #2, 2615 W. WOOLBRIGHT AVENUE, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ON MONDAY, JUNE 7, 2010 AT 5:00 P.M. PRESENT Warren Adams, Chair Mike Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director (arrived at 5:38 p.m.) Janet DeVries (arrived at 5:24 p.m.) Gaylord Hendricks John McGovern Barbara Ready Linda Stabile ABSENT Eric Jones 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:04 p.m. There was agreement of the Committee that Ms. Ready would chair the meeting until Mr. Adams arrived. 2. Approval of Minutes Mr. McGovern moved to accept the minutes. Ms. Stabile seconded the motion that carried unanimously. Self-introductions were made. 3. Subcommittee Update on Education Information It was reported that Ms. DeVries would be providing historic information and photographs upon her arrival. With respect to the public service announcement, it was suggested images from the prepared flyer could be utilized. Ms. Ready would make an appointment to meet with Ms. DeVries and Mr. McGovern. Until this occurs, Ms. Ready and Mr. McGovern would continue their work on this project. Moving forward with Ms. DeVries was not contingent upon receipt of funding. 4. Update on Grant Application Mr. Rumpf reported that the grant application was submitted. Ed Breese, Principal Planner had the final task of putting the entire packet together. The application was st postmarked on June 1. Mr. Rumpf thanked everyone for the teamwork exhibited on this project. 1 Meeting Minutes Historic Preservation Ad Hoc Committee Boynton Beach, Florida June 7, 2010 5. Ordinance Status/Direction Mr. McGovern was confident Mr. Adams would verify that all of the amendments agreed to at the last meeting were made. However, it was suggested that the discussion of this item be delayed until Mr. Adams was present. The following comments were made by the members. ?In Article II, Section 1, Page 4, Composition the Board, it was questioned whether enough was being required of the Board members. They should have experience and strong knowledge in preservation. It was noted that requirement was included and high standards were set. It was pointed out that of the nine members, seven would be required to have professional backgrounds. ?In the reference to a listing in the National Register, it was believed this would be voluntary. It was suggested the language be amended to reflect that listings in all or any Registers, not just the National Register, would be voluntary. It was noted this had been included in the third paragraph on page 8. ?Administrative costs to process the application, as discussed on page 10, could discourage people from applying. Mr. Rumpf commented this would be explored. ?With regard to eminent domain, the criteria for economic hardship was questioned, as it was felt people would not agree to the provisions. The members agreed the language was confusing. It was suggested the language be softened and options provided. Further, it was suggested the language in the second paragraph of Subparagraph D) on page 16, "…taking by eminent domain and fair compensation…" be removed and replaced with, "…allowing the owner up to fair market value." ?In Article VIII, Unsafe Buildings and Structures, the process was questioned. Mr. Rumpf advised the process was currently used. The Building Official had the authority to deem a structure unfit and destined for demolition. The paragraph reflects recognition of the process in the midst of a Historic Preservation Program. It was suggested language be inserted indicating that if a historic structured were to be demolished, it be documented first. Wording regarding demolition could be included to be consistent with State law and to provide that time would be granted to the Board to hold an emergency meeting before a structure was to be demolished. It was suggested language be included in the second line of the first paragraph to require, "the Planning and Zoning Staff and the Historic Preservation Board shall be notified of such findings." The members 2 Meeting Minutes Historic Preservation Ad Hoc Committee Boynton Beach, Florida June 7, 2010 agreed. It was noted it was not the intent to alienate the Building Official by obstructing his mission. (Chair Adams arrived at 5:58 p.m.) ?With regard to "Alterations to Resources" in the third paragraph of Section 5 of Article VIII, reference was made to accessibility requirements of Chapter 11, Section 11 of the 2007 Florida Building Code. It was questioned whether there would be an addendum setting forth the requirements. If not, it was believed the reference should be omitted. The members intended for the Ordinance to be more user friendly and less specific. The sentence was also poorly constructed. It was suggested the sentence read, "Alterations to Resources listed in the Boynton Beach Register of Historic Places and the National Register of Historic Places may receive exemption from accessibility requirements pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)…" with the remainder of the paragraph in parentheses. There was consensus to the suggested amendment. ?With regard to Article IV, Section 2.D)1., "New Construction and Alterations on page 12, lengthy discussed ensued with regard to the language added at the last meeting. The main issue dealt with visual compatibility and whether the provisions should be expanded to include buildings in the entire district. It was felt homeowners should be given more flexibility. Staff would revisit this item and Chair Adams would review other ordinances which covered this provision. ?In Article IV, Section 1.B), "Delegation of Review Authority," the apostrophe should be removed from the word "it's," the first word in the first sentence of the penultimate line of the first paragraph. Additionally, it was noted size restrictions were addressed on page 12 in D)1.i. 6. Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) Matrix Discussion Chair Adams felt the matrix should address the issue of color. He was not suggesting a color chart or a palette be used, but felt the issue should be given consideration. For example, there could be circumstances in which extreme or inappropriate colors were selected. A comment was made that the issue of color was rarely discussed. Some of the members felt the Ordinance should be kept open and friendly for the moment, and if necessary, addressed on a case-by-case basis. Others felt the item should be included in the matrix. Mr. Rumpf suggested a brief paragraph be included in the Ordinance, and staff would develop language for the Board's review. 3 Meeting Minutes Historic Preservation Ad Hoc Committee Boynton Beach, Florida June 7, 2010 7. Schedule of Tasks discussion An outline of recommended topics was provided for the members' review. These are guidelines suggested by staff and could be modified by the members. The members had been discussing the Preservation Ordinance. Another item, architectural standards, had been addressed along with the Historic Preservation Ordinance. Ms. Ready, Mr. McGovern and Ms. DeVries would be meeting June 16, 2010, 5 p.m. at Ms. DeVries' office on the second floor of the Library to discuss the educational elements of the Public Service Announcements. Chair Adams confirmed that all of the amendments suggested at the May 25, 2010 meeting were correctly captured in the minutes of May 25, 2010. Mr. Rumpf requested the members give thought to items set forth on the outline of recommended topics, and the recommendations could be addressed in greater detail at subsequent meetings. Some of the descriptive paragraphs could result in the members considering other options. It was agreed, as part of the budgeting process, the Committee would make a presentation on July 20, 2010 to the City Commission to request $5,000 in matching funds for the National Trust for Historic Preservation's October grant funding cycle. It was discussed whether staff could oversee the Program or whether the Committee's recommendations should include hiring a Historic Preservation officer. Mr. Rumpf did not believe staff had the time or the ability to develop the Design Guidelines or update the inventory. If a Historic Preservation Officer was hired, he or she could develop the Design Guidelines. It was believed the cost to write Design Guidelines was estimated at $100,000. The approximate salary for a Historic Preservation Officer was believed to be $50,000. The Cities of Delray Beach and West Palm Beach paid their Historic Preservation Officers a salary of $75,000. Mr. Rumpf explained the City of Boynton Beach had no monies with which to hire a Historic Preservation Officer and program cuts and layoffs were possible. If there were no grants to fund a part-time or full-time position, other options could be contemplated. These could include the use of existing staff and planning interns to update the inventory, as well as architectural students with a historic preservation background. Mr. Rumpf inquired whether the Program could move forward and whether the Ordinance could be adopted in the absence of the Design Guidelines. Thought should be given as to what could be done until the Design Guidelines were developed. The current inventory was quite comprehensive and could be used for the time being. It was believed information could also be culled from the Property Appraiser Public Access 4 Meeting Minutes Historic Preservation Ad Hoc Committee Boynton Beach, Florida June 7, 2010 (PAPA) website to determine the number of homes in the City that were older than 50 years. (Ms DeVries and Mr. McGovern left the meeting at 7:18 p.m.) In discussing the Committee's approach to the City Commission, it was suggested the most feasible program be developed, considering the most frugal and cost-saving options while using existing resources for the first phase. After districts and properties had been identified and the workload increased, the Program could move into the second phase and could include the addition of a historic planner and the production of Design Guidelines. The Historic Preservation Board, whether separate or a hybrid of an existing board, would have its own functions as defined in the Ordinance, which is what the State would consider for Certified Local Government (CLG) approval. Staff would be "on board" until the Historic Preservation Board was in place. It was noted Mr. Breese has had a great deal of experience in the area of historic preservation. To help frame the recommendations, it was agreed it would be helpful to provide costs to the Commission. It was suggested the costs be presented in the form of a frugal or shoestring budget, or an "ultimate dream" budget. The shoestring budget would include the use of existing staff and volunteers, while the ultimate dream budget would include the receipt of $5,000 in matching funds and the ability to hire a Historic Preservation Officer. Mr. Rumpf offered to provide comparables. The members felt the frugal or shoestring option was the least desirable approach and could be utilized as "Plan B," if necessary. Plan A, the ultimate program, should be presented to the Commission in the most favorable scenario. It was also agreed a list should be prepared setting forth the advantages to Boynton Beach in proceeding with the Program. The members would begin developing the scenarios and preparing the list. 8. Summarize tasks or accomplishments for next meeting. This item was included with Item 7 above. 9. Staff comments None. 10. Public Comments None. 11. Announce date of next meeting 5 Meeting Minutes Historic Preservation Ad Hoc Committee Boynton Beach, Florida June 7, 2010 The next meeting would be held Monday, July 12, 2010, 5 p.m. at Fire Station #2. 12. Adjournment There being no further business to discuss, the meeting properly adjourned at 7:43 p.m. ~..-- p Stephanie D. Kahn Recording Secretary 062410 --- 6