WHEREAS, the'~Ci~M~ of Boynton Beach is mandated by the Florida
Legislature to adopt the same basic construction codes as all munici-
palities in Palm Beach County~ and
WHEREAS, the Building Code Advisory Board of Palm Beach County
has recommended the adoption of the 1979 addendum to standard codes
with uniform minimum county wide addendums.
Section 1. That Chapter 22 of the Code of Ordinances of the
City of BoMnton Beach, Florida. Section 22-1, Standard Plumbing Code,
adopted by reference is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec~i~-l. Standard Plumbing Code--Adopted by Reference.
There is hereby adopted the 8~mmeR% 1979 edition of the
Standard Plumbing Code, together with any future additions
or amendment promulgated relative thereto~ subject, 'however~
to such amendments, additions and corrections, as set
forth in Section 22-2 of this Chapter.
Section 2. That Chapter 22 of the Code of Ordinances of the
City of Boynton Beach, Florida, Section 22-2, Same--Amendments is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 22-2. Same--Amendments.
The following amendments, corrections and additions to the
~tanda~d Plumbing Code adopted in Section 22-1 are hereby made and
adopted, said amendments, corrections and additions being set fort~ herei~
with references to and prefaced by the section number and title of said
code as follows:
Section 3. Ail ordinances or parts of ordinances in
conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
Section 4. ShOuld any section or provision of this
ordinance or any portion hereof be declared by a Court of com-
petent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect
the remainder of this ordinance.
Section 5.
Authority is hereby granted to codify this
Section 6. This Ordinance shall become effective
immediately upon its passage.
First reading this ~ day of ~~ , 198!.
Second, final reading and passage~, thi~_~O~, day of
City Clerk
(Corp~ Seal)
102.1 - PLUMBING 'INSPECTION DIVISION. Delete existing and substitute
the following;
There is hereby established a division within the Building Department
to be called the Plumbing Inspection Division, which shall be in charge of
the official so legally designated by the local governing body.
102.2 - INSPECTORS. Delete existing and substitute the following:
The Building Official, with the approval of the Chief Appointing Authori~
of the governing body, may appoint such number of officers, inspectors, assis~
ants, and ,other employees as shall be authorized from time to time. No perso~
shall be appointed as inspector of plumbing who has not had at least five (5)
years experience as a Plumbing Inspector, Journeyman Plumber, Master Plumber,
Engineer, or as a Superintendent, Foreman'or competent mechanic in charge of
plumbing construction. The inspector appointed shall be certified within
twelve (12) months of appointment by the Building Officials Association of
102.5 - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS. A~dd- new Section to read as follows:
The Board of Adjustments and Appeals as established by Section 111 of
the Standard Building Code shall hear_ all appeals concerning the interpretatic
and enforcement of this code°
103.7 - Add to existing paragraph~
Section 103D7 is amended by identifying the existing paragraph as sub-
section (a) and adding a new subsection (b) to read:
(b) Any suit brought against any former employee.of an agency for actions
said employee may have taken in the discharge of his duties while employed by
said agency will be defended by the agency.
104~2 - FORM. Delete existing and substitute the following:
Each application for a-permi~ with a required fee, shall be filed with
the Building Official, on a form furnished for that purpose, and shall contain
a general description of the proposed work and its location~ The application
shall be signed by a Plumbing Contractor, his authorized agent, or the sole.
Delete existing and substitute the
Whenever, in the opinion of the Plumbing Official, drawings and specif-
ications are needed to show definitely the nature and character of the work
for which the application is made, the applicant shall furniSh such drawings
and specifications~ Drawings.and specifications shall be drawn to scale and
submitted in duplicate. If approved, one (1) set shall be returned to the
applicant, marked approved, and one (1) set shall be retained and filed as a
permanent record in the office of the Plumbing Official. The applicant's
-approved set shall remain at all times on the job. Such information or draw-
ings and specifications shall be specific, and this code not be cited as a
whole or in part, nor shall the term "legal" or its equivalent be issued as
a substitute for specific information° '
Delete existing and substitute the
The Building Official shall act upon an application for a permit with
plans as filed, or as amended, without unreasonable or unnecessary delay. A
permit issued shall be construed to be a license to proceed with the work and
shall not be construed as authority to violate, cancel, alter, os set aside
any of the p=ovisions of this code, nor shall such issuance of a permit preven
the Building Official from thereafter requiring a correction of errors in
plans or in construction, or of violations of this code.
Permits may be issued subject to either of the following conditions:
Every permit issued shall become null and void unless the work
authorized by such permit is commenced within ninety (90) days
after its issuance, or if the work authorized by such permit has
no progressive inspection for a period of ninety (90) d~ys after
the time the work is commenced~
Prior to issuing the permit, the Building Official and the
applicant may establish a maximum time schedule for completion
of logical phases of construction under the permit. Such
schedule shall take into effect historical data of the'govern-
mental agency for construction of similar structures within
the limits of the agency. Failure of the permit holder to
pursue construction under the permit in accordance with the
maximum time schedule shall be prima facie evidence that the
building project has not been commenced or has been suspended
or abandoned under the permit.
Before work, for which the permit has, for any reason,
become null and void, may be subsequently commenced, or re-
commenced, a new permit shall first be obtained. A null and
void permit may be renewed, for a prorated amount of the original
fee, provided, the proposed work conforms with all requirements,
.ordinances, rules and regulations effective at the time of such
· In every case, a courtesty notice shall be mailed by the
Building Official to the permit holder advising that said permit
is null and void~
A journeyman or master plumber shall actively supervise
on the site all plumbing work.
105.3 - QUALIFICATIONS OF AP'PLICANT- Add new section as follows:
Applications for permits will be accepted only from Plumbing
Contractors holding active .Certificates of Competency valid-
in the political subdivision in which the work is to be performed.
No application for permit will be accepted from a Plum~ing
Contractor that has a revocation or suspension of his Certificate
'existingo (Refer to Section 101.5 OWNER-BUILDER)
the following:
Delete existing and substitute
On all plumbing work covered by this code requiring a permit as
set forth in Section 104.1, a fee shall be paid as required at the
time of filing application in accordance with the fee schedule es-
tablished by City of Boynton Beach.
(a) A reinspection fee of $10~00 may be charged for each reinspection
made due to the rejection of work, or due to the fact that work was
not ready at the time specified in the request for inspection, or
failure to call for inspection. Payment of such fee must be made
prior to the reinspection.
(b) Plan Filing Fee - 30% of estimated permit fee upon filing. Deduct
amount from actual fee if permit is obtained within four (4) months
from approval date~ if not, permit fee is kept.
(c) Major working drawing review fem - $!00.00 deducted from permit fee
if permit is obtained within eigh'~ (8) months from submission date.
(d) Major changes fee after plans are approved and permit issues- $250.0
fee but in no.case more than the original permit fee.
(e) Major plan rechecking fee-- Second (2nd) and additional cheek lists
10% of permit fee for checking service each time rechecked.
(f) Building sewers and water service pipes shall connect to the public
sewer and water main at a point designated by the proper authority~
(g) A fee, double the ~regular fee shall be charged for every job started
without a permit~
(h) Annual Industrial Permits: -
Upon written request to the Plumbing Inspector, any industrial plant
shall be issued an annual permit for plumbing work, installation,
maintenance and equipment rearrangement covering sewers, fixtures,
and piping in or on the premises owned or occupied by the holder as
described in the permit, bu to be issued subject to the following
(1) The payment of an annual fee of one hundred ($100.00) dollars for
each calendar year, and permit fees computed monthly according to the
fee schedule above.
(2) The regular employment of one or more full time plumbers competent
in the safe installation, extension, maintenance and repair of industrial
plumbing systems and equipment. ( See Definitions)
(3) The unrestricted right of the Plumbing Inspector to check the
premises of the permit holder at a reasonable time, unless prohibited
by government regulations.
(4) The performance of all work shall comply with the applicable pro-
visions of this chapter.
(5) The annual industrial permit shall cover the original connection
and any rearrangement o.f machine and other industrial equipment including
extension of plumbing systems required therefor and inspection fees
Delete last sentence in the 1979 Standard Plumbing Code.
107.4 - TEST OF DRAINAGE AND VENT SYSTEMS. Delete second sentence and
re-write as follows:
After the plumbing fixtures have been set and their traps filled with
water, the entire drainage system may be submitted to final tests.
paragraph (a) and rewrite as follows:
The water test shall be applied to the drainage system either in its
entirety or in sections. If applied to the entire system, all openings in
the piping shall be tightly closed except the highest opening and the
systems filled with water to point of overflow. .If the system is tested
in sections each opening shall be tightly plugged except the highest
openings of the section under test, and each section shall be filled
with water~ but no section shall be tested with less the a five (5) foot
head of water. -In testing successive sections at least the upper ten (10)
feet of the next preceding section shall be tested, so that no joint or pipe
in the building (except the upper most ten (10) feet of the system) shall
have been submitted to a test of less t'han a f~ive (5) foot head of ~water.
The water shall be kept in the system or in the portion under test, for at
least thirty (30) minutes before inspections, start; the system shall then
be tight at all joints.
Delete existing paragraph (c) and rewrite as follows:
The final test of the completed drainage and vent system shall be visual
and in sufficient detail to insure that the provisions of this code have been
complied with~
rewrite as follows:
Delete existing Section 107.6 and
Upon completion of a section and/or of the entire water-supply system,
it shall be tested and proved tight under a static pressure not less than
twenty-five (25) pounds per square inch above the working pressure under
which it is to be used, for a minimum of two (2) hours° If water is used
for tests, it shall be obtained from a potable source of supply. Upon
completion, the entire potable system shall be flushed°
107.7 - TEST OF BUILDING SEWER. Delete entire section and rewrite as follows:
Test shall consist of a visual inspection and in sufficient detail to
insure that provisions of this Code have been complied with. The Building
Official may require other tests if he is not satisfied that the Code has
been complied with~
Delete existing and substitute the
(a) A permit shall be required for each excavation within the public
right-of-way within the agency. Issuance of such permit requires that all
work be done in conformity with the requirements of the governing agency~
procedure for securing permit to work in the public right-of-way within
the agency and with any other provisions of the Agency Code or Ordinances
pertaining to work or excavation within public rights-of-way.
(b) Where such work or excavation occurs in a state of federal highway
right-of-ways,the persons or firm applying for a permit shall first obtain
permission from the state or federal agency having jurisdiction.
tt0 - VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES. Delete existing and substitute the following:
Any person, firm~ or corporation who shall violate a provision of this
Code, or fail to comply therewith, or with any of the requirements thereof,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Each such person shall be deemed guilty
of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which
any violation of any of the provisions of this code is committed' or continued,
and upon conviction of any such violation, such person shall be punished by
a fine of not less than fifty($50.OO)dollars nor more than five hundred
($500.O0)dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding six (6) months or by both
such fine and imprisonment°
201 .- BASIC PRINCIPLES. Add the following Principles:
PRINCIPLE NO. 23 - Ail appliances and equipment shall be accessible for
service and removal. Appliances and equipment installed in attics shall have
a twenty-four inch (24") runway from access to service area of appliance or
equipment. An electrical outlet shall be provided for illumination.
PRINCIPLE NO. 24 - Ail hot water heaters and water storage vessels
installed in attics or above the first floor of a building that may cause wat~
damage shall have pans installed under the equipment and a safe waste install~
to the outside of the building or acceptable point of discharge. For external
drain pans and emergency drain lines required Under air conditioning coils,
refer to the Standard Mechanical Code, Section 603.4 (e).
302 - DEFINITION OF TERMS~ Change, del.ete or add the following definitions
as shown:
Building Drain - Change 3 feet to 5 feet
Building Storm Drain - Change 3 feet to 5 feet.
CONTINUOUS WASTE - Delete from the 1979 Standard Plumbing Code.
PLASTIC PIPE - Plastic pipe as referred to in this Code shall mean Schedule
40 PVC '(Poly-Vinyl-Chloride) pipe, unless staned otherwise.
PLUMBING - Plumbing shall be deemed to mean the profession, art, or trade
of, and all work done in the installation, maintenance, extension,
and alteration of all piping, fixtures, appliances, and in
connection with any of the following: Sanitary drainage, storm
drainage, the venting system and all potable water supply systems
including all solar, gas, oil, heat exchanger, heat recovery unit,
or electric water heating equipment within or adjacent to any
building, structure or conveyance, also' the practice and materials
used in the installation, maintenance, extension or alteration of
any premises to their connection with any point of public or privat
supply, disposal or other acceptable terminal.
PLUMBER, APPRENTICE - The term"apprentzce' plumber" is defined to mean a
person who is engaged in learning the plumbing trade by working wit]
and under direct supervision of a Master ~or 'Journeyman Plumber who
holds a current Certificate of Competency from the Palm Beach Count~
Construction Licensing Board, who sh%ll be held responsible for the
work of such apprentices°
PLUMBING CONTRACTOR - A person who can qualify as a Master Plumber with a
minimum of three (3) years experience .as a Journeyman Plumber or
equivalent education or combination thereof, who can assume
responsible charge and direction of other persons in the install-~
a'tion of plumbing~ which shall mean all work done in connection witt
the installation, maintenance, extension and alteration of all
piping, fixtures, appliances, appurtenances, and apparatus or
equipment, used in connection with the water supply and sewage
disposal system: To install, maintain, repair, 'alter or extend
any system of piping, tubing, vessels, containers, pumps, apparatus
and appurtenances in connection with such pressure piping used
for the circulating, transporting, holding or processing of any
vapor, fluid, semi-liquid or solids, inside of or attached to any
building~ lot, or premises. He shall sub-contra~t to a qualified
contractor all other work incidental to the work which is specified
herein as being the work of a trade other than that of a Plumbing
Contractor. (See Palm Beach County Construction Industry Licensing
PLUMBER, JOURNEYMAN - The term "journeyman plumber" is defined to mean a person
who possesses the necessary qualifications, training and technical
knowledge to ins'tall or repair plumbing equipment, piping, fixtures
or apparatus as covered by the terms and provisions of this Code.
He. must have passed a journeyman plumber's examination and hold a
Journeyman Plumber's Certificate of Competency from the Palm Beach
County Construction Industry Licensing Board.
PL~{BER, MASTER - The term Master Plumber is defined to mean a person who
possesses.the necessary qualifications, training and
technical knowledge to plan, lay out, and supervise the
installation of plumbing equipment, piping, fixtures, or
apparatus as covered by the terms and provisions of this
Code. He must have passed a Master Plumber's examination
and hold a Master Plumber's Certificate of Competency.
SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM - A sanitary sewer collection system receive~
the discharge from building sewers and may be public ~or-
private, and may be located on public or private property.
401.2 - SHORT SWEEPS - Delete existing and substitute the following:
Short sweeps may be used in soil and waste lines where the change in
direction Of flow is from either the' horizontal to the vertical or from the
vertical to the horizontal, and may be used for making necessary changes in
direction in the horizontal plane
404.1 - SUPPORT OF PIPING, Delete existing and substitute the following:
Buried piping shall be supported throughout its entire length in'such
a manner as to prevent misalignment or settlement.
405,2 (c) CUTTING, NOTCHING AND BORED HOLES~ Add paragraph as follows:
In both exposed and concealed l'o-cations, piping laid in notches shall
be protected by a ste~el plate a minimum of one-sixteenth (1/16) inch t~ick
installed prior to the application of the wall, ceiling or floor, finish.
417 - CLOSET BENDS - Add new section:
Three inch (3") bends and stubs may be used on water closets and
similar connections provided a 4 inch x 3 inch flange is installed to
receive the fixutre horn.
Section in the 1979 Standard Plumbing Code.
Delete existing
Delete last sentence in paragraph (b)
504.4 - PLASTIC PIPE: Add new paragraph as follows:
Plastic pipe as referred to in this Code shall mean Schedule 40 PVC
(Poly-Vinyl-Chloride) pipe, unless stated otherwise°
602.3 - WIPED JOINTS. Add new Section to read as follows:
Ail concealed lead work within a building shall be made ratproof by
covering with new bronze or copper screen wire, securely soldered on~
Leave in the first sentence from the 1979 STandard Plumbing Code~
605.2 - WATER-SUPPLY SYSTEM~ Add to end of existing Section the following:
"excepting dielectric unions may have composition gaskets."
607°3 - WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. Delmte existing and substitute the
Drilling, tapping.or saddle fittings may be used only on cast iron,
cement asbestos or Schedule 40, .80, or 120 PVC (Poly-Vinyl-Chloride) water
service pipes outside of building. Schedule 40, 80 or 120 galvanized steel
may be used only in areas where the water is not corrosive and with the
approval of the Building Official.
701.0 - FIXTURE TRAPS~ Delete existing paragraphs (a) and (b).
704.3 - CHANGE OF DIRECTION. Delete Section in its entirety~
704°9- BUILDING DRAIN JUNCTION° Add new Section as follows:
There shall be a cleanout near the junction of the building drain and
building sewer or a cleanout with a wye branch inside the building wall.
705~. - SIZE OF CLEANOUTS: Delete existing and substitute the following:
705.1 - SMALL PIPES:
Cleanouts shall be of the same nominal size as the pipe to which they
are joined up to 4 inches, and not less than 4 inches for larger piping.
705.2 - LARGE PIPES. Delete existing section and rewrite as follows:
(a) Manholes shall be provided and located at each ninety (90o) degree
change in direction and at intervals of not more than four hundred feet (400'
on sewage collection systems whose size is eight inches (8") or larger and
receives discharge from more than one building sewer.
(b) Building drains eight inches (8") and larger shall be provided with
a four inch (4") cleanout.
903.3 - SECURING FIXTURES. Add the word "non-corroding" before the word scre~
907.3 - WALL HUNG URINALS. Add new section as follows:
All urinals shall be of the following types-
(a) Floor stall urinal
(b) Pedestal urinal
(c) Wall hung urinals shall be either syphon-jet or 'blow-out type
with a visible body of water. Not more than one (1) wall hung
urinal 'may be installed on a horizontal waste arm. The length
of the waste arm shall not exceed-twenty-four inches (24") from
the vertical stack° When two wall hung urinals are connected into
one (1) waste stack, the waste stack shall be three' Inches (3") in
diameter and the arms shall be connected into a double wye located
ten inches (10~) below the outlet of said urinals. Ail urinals
must be furnished with a flush valve of piston or diaphragm ty. pe.
910~1 - SHOWERS. Delete existing and substitute the following:
All shower compartments except 'approved shower units or precast receptors
shall have lead, copper or other approved shower pan material. The pan shall
turn up on all sides at least six inches (6"). Traps shall be so constructed
that the pan may be securely fastened to the trap at the seepage entrance
making a watertight joint between the pan and trap. Pan Liners for built-in.-
place tubs shall also be made of lead, copper or other approved mat~erial and
shall extend to a point two inches (2") above the tub overflow. Ail lead and
copper pans where in contact with masonry materials must be protected against
deterioration by completely coating with asphaltum base materials. Thirty (301
pound felt paper~shall be placed between base of pan and floor.
910o2 - CONSTRUCTION°' Delete existing and substitute the following:
Under the following conditions, shower compartments and built-in-place
tubs are not required to have lead or copper pans; on the first.floor only
where the floor construction consists of concrete, the pan may be formed by
recessing the shower floor at least four inches (4") below the rough floor
line in the case of a shower enclosure; or by recessing the floor for a built-
in-place tube so that the ~tub overflow is two inches (2") below the rough floo~
line. For shower compartment not over four inches (4") thick, floor recesses
shall be poured monolithically with the floor slab.
921.1 - GENERAL. Delete sub-paragraph (a) and rewrite as follows:
(a) A water heater is an appliance for supplying potable hot water for
domestic or commercial purposes, other than for space heating using solid,
liquid solar collectors, heat exchangers, heat recovery units, electricity' or
gas fuel for hea:ting the water.
922.6 - MINIMUM TOILET FACILITIES. Add a new section as follows:
In offices, stores, warehouses or shops of not more than two thousand
(2,000) square feet in area and/or where the number of employees is five (5)
or less, one (1) water closet and one (1) lavatory shall be deemed sufficient
regardless of the sex of the employees, at the discretion of the Building
Official° All parking lots or display areas, where any employees are employed
on the premises, toilet facilities must also be provided subject to modificav
tion or reduction by the Building Official.
i0~'1 - GENERAL. Add the following paragraph:
This provision shall not apply to expansion, contraction or structural
settlement damages caused by hurricanes, flood or other acts of God.
1003.2 - CAST IRON SOIL PIPE. Add the following paragraph:
No-Hub pipe over five feet (5') in length snail have supports provided
on all sides of all fittings.
!003.8 - IN GROUND. Add new section as follows:
All 'soil or waste piping installed, under a specially designed slab or
under a building on piles required because of poor sub-soil conditions, shall
be hung onto the slab with one quarter inch (1/4") steel rod or equivalent at
each hub or No'Hub clamp on cast iron pile and every four feet (4') on
Schedule 40 PVC.Plastic.
1006.1 - SUPPORTS. Add a second paragraph as follows:
Methods such as concrete, brick laid on mortar, or metal brackets
attached to the building construction is acceptable.
1101.1 - FOOD HANDLING° Delete existing and ~ubstitute the following:
Establishments engaged in.the storage, preparation, selling, serving,
processing or otherwise handling of food shall have the waste piping from all
refrigerators, ice boxes, cooling coils or refrigerating coils, steam tables,
egg boilers, coffee urns or similar equipment discharge indirectly into
properly vented traps and receptors, and the waste outlet shall terminate
above the traps and/or receptors providing an air gap,
1t01.2 - DISHWASHING MACHINES. Add the word COMMERCIAL as the first word
in the title and in the text. '
1101.3 - CONNECTION. Delete existing and substitute the following:
Indirect waste connection shall be provided for drains, overflows, or
relief vents from the water-supply system or air conditioning units. Air
conditioning condensate drains may terminate in the following methods:
(1) To the atmosphere at grade.
(2) Into drywells.
(3) Connection at ground floor level of the storm drainage system~
(4) Safewaste over suitable vented fixture~ and receptacles not subject
t~o trap evaporation.
(5) Condensate drains shall vent to atmosphere, preferably at roof level
on multiple story buildings where two (2) or more air handling units
are connected to a common condensate riser. Multiple air handling
units in one (1) equipment room need not be vented. Condensate drai~
lines shall be insulated to prevent dripping where such dripping
could cause a hazard.
(6) Any water from air conditioning systems of any building which would
flow by gravity over any public property or adjacent private propert)
shall be carried by means of conductors under the sidewalk and throu~
the curb to the gutter. Provided, however, that if a storm sewer or
catch basin is available, the Building Official may require the air
conditioning system waste .water to be collected by means of a con-,
ductor connected to the storm sewer or catch basi~
1103.1 - MAXIMUM LENGTH.' Delete existing and substitute the following:
The maximum length that indirect waste can be installed without a vent
is fifteen feet (15~); however, if the length of the indirect waste exceeds
fifteen feet (15')~ a properly sized vent shall be provided and run separatel5
through the roof, 'subject to unique conditions. Refer to TABLE -1420.2 SIZE
1105.2 - STRAINERS AND BASKETS° Delete entirely.
1109 - SWIMMING POOLS° Delete (See Pool Code)
12QJ - PROTECTION OF POTABLE WATER SUPPLY. Add new sections 1204.7, 1204-8,
1204.9, 1204.10, 1204.11, 120'4.12, & 1204.13 as follows:
1204.7 - AIR GAP POTABLE WATER DISCHARGE TO SEWER. Add new section as follo~
There shall not be any direct connection between potable water piping ar
sewer connected wastes. Where potable water is discharged to the drainage
system it shall be by means of an approved air gap of two (2) pipe diameters
of the supply inlet, but in no case shall the gap be less than two inches (2'
There shall be no potable water piping installed or maintained within an
piping or device conveying sewage wastes or other materials hazardous to
health and safety.
I204.9 - TANK INLETS. Add new section as follows:
.Inlets to tanks, vats, sUmps and other receptors when protected by an
approved vacuum breaker shall have such device installed on the discharge
side of the last valve with the critical level not less than six inches (6")
above the overflow rim of such equipment. Water supply inlets not protected
by vacuum breakers shall be installed not less than two (2) pipe diameters; b
in no case shall the gap be less than two inches (2") above the overflow rim
of such tank, vat or similar equipment.
1204.10 - SURGICAL, MEDICAL EQUIPMENT, ETC. Add new section as follows:
Medical, therapeutic, surgical, mortuary or similar places shall have al
water outlets protected by approved vacuum breakers on'the discharge side of
the last valves and installed not less than five and one-half feet (5½') ab.ov
the floor and at no~time less than thirty-six inches (36") above any fixture
or equipment served, unless such vacuum braker is an integral part of the
fixture or equipment .having an approval as a unit, and provided the "unit"
vacuum braker will not be subjected to-back pressure under any condition.
1204.11 - WATER COOLED EQUIPMENT. Add new section as follows:
Water cooled compressors, degreasers or any other water cooled equipment
shall be protected by an approved vacuum breaker installed ahead of the equip-
ment on the discharge side of the last valve and at least six inches (6")
above the highest point reached by any water passing through or discharging
from such equipment. Equipment subject to continuous flows for periods of
more than twelve (12) hours shall be provided width an approved "pressure type'
vacuum breaker installed at least twelve inches (127') above the highest point
reached by any water passing through or discharging from such equipment~
1204.12 - ASPIRATORS° Add new section as follows:
Aspirators Shall not be directly connected to sewer connected waste pipe~
but may be connected to the inlet side of a trap and shall be equipped with a~
approved vacuum breaker installed at least six inches (6") above the aspirato~
unit. The discharge pipe from the aspirator unit shall be designed for free
flow and shall discharge through an approved air gap. The length of such
discharge pipe or tube from the aspirator shall at no time exceed twelve
inches (12").
1204.13 - HOT WATER VACUUM BREAKERS. Add new section as follows:
Vacuum breakers, for hot water over one hundred sixty (160o) degrees shall
be of approved type, designed to operate at temperatures of one hundred sixty
(160o) degrees or more without rendering any portion of the device inoperative
1205.1 - MATERIALS UNDERGROUND. Delete existing and substitute the following:
(a)Materials for underground water supply system and water service shall
be a minimum of Type "M" copper tube, brass pipe, cast iron pressure pipe or
Schedule 40 PVC plastic pipe to be installed with appropriate approved fitting
or polybutylene pressure pipe that meets the following Standards: P B~-2ilO,
ASTM - D2666 - 250 PSI @ 73.4° and AWWA - C902-78 G-134 with appropriate
approved fittIngs. Schedule 40 galvanized steel pipe may be used only in area
where the water is not corrosive and with the approval of the Building Officia
(b)Underground piping for lawn sprinklers and irrigation systems may be
194 Standard Water Tube, CA alloy 122 Water Distribution Tubing that meets AST
Specifications, B 447-74 or B 251-72, cast iron pressure pipe, Scheduel 40
brass ~pipe, schedule 40 galvanized steel pipe, pressure rates 160 psi P.V.C.
or pressure rated 160 polythylene plastic piping.
1206.10 - TANK SUPPLY. Add new section as follows:
The water supply inlet within the tank shall be at an elevation not less
than is required for an air gap in an open tank with overflow, but in no case
shall the elevation be less than four inches (4") above the overflow.
1209.1 - WATER SUPPLY CONTROL. Delete existing and substitute the following:
An accessible main shut-off valve shall be provided on the consumers
premises af~ter the first hose bibb but ahead of any other outlets, or branch
connections to the service or distribution pipe. When such shut-off valve is
located outside the building it shall be located above ground on the wall of
the building; if located inside the building it shall be accessible in a
utility room or.other like location.
1209.4 - BUILDINGS OTHER THAN DWELLINGS, Delete existing and substitute the
In all buildings other than dwellings a main shut-off valve shall be pro.
vided for the building. This valve may be~installed in an approved valve box
with cover or in the building's mechanical room. Also shut-off valves shall
be provided in an accessible location which will permit the water supply to
all equipment in each separate occupancy to be shut off without interference
with the water supply to any other occupancy.
1209.6 - HOSE THREAD VALVES. Add new section as follows:
A hose thread valve or hose bib shall be considered as the control stop
ahead of an automatic washing machine and an additional control ~atve is not
1209.7 - MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING CONTROL VALVE. Add new section as follows:
Each family unit shall be controlled by a separate main shut-off valve
or valves.
1210.1 - MATERIALS. Delete existing and substitute the following:
(a) Above Ground - Materials for water distribution piping shall be brass
pipe, copper water tube minimum Type "M", 194 Standard Water Tube, CA Alloy 15
Water Distribution Tubing that meets ASTM Specifications B 447-74 or B 251-72,
or cast iron pressure pipe, ali to be installed with the appropriate approved
fittings. Schedule 40 galvanized steel pipe may be used only in areas where
the water is not corrosive and with the approval of the Building Official.
(b) .Under Ground - Inaccessible water distribution piping under slabs
shall be copper minimum Type "~L"~ Schedule 40 brass pipe, or cast iron pressu~
piping, all to be installed with the appropriate approved fittings. Ail joint
in copper tubing shall be made with 95-5 solder. Schedule 40 galvanized steal
pipe may be used only in areas where the water is not corrosive and with the
approval of the Building Official°
121!.2 - CALCULLATION OF SIZE. ~Add an additional paragraph at the end of
the existing Section.
Not more than two (2) fixtures shall be supplied with a half inch (1/2")
cold water supply. Not more than four (4) fixtures shall be supplied with a
half inch (1/2") hot water supply~ -
1212.1 - SOLAR WATER HEATERS. Add new paragraphs:
SOLAR COLLECTOR: A manufacnured unit of code approved materials used to
c611ect or absorb solar energy to heat fluid circulating within its coils.
Solar collector must be certified by the Florida Solar Energy Center.
SOLAR HOT WATER SYSTEM: A system including a solar collector with circulating
pipes from the solar collector to a hot water storage tank or heat exchanger.
The circulation may be by thermo-syphon or open or closed forced circulation
installed with all required accessories°
DOMESTIC HOT WATER STORAGE TANK: A receptacle or device using any energy
source for the heating of and/or storage of water heated by the solar
collector and/or by another energy source as a supplement.
p~e~ System - A Complete installation with a solar collector connected to a
domestic hot water storage tank supplied by potable water for domestic hot
water supply only.
Closed System - A complete installation with a solar collector connected- to a
heat exchange using a non-potable fluid to indirectly heat water for domestic
use or for heating and/or cooling.
A Thermo-Siphon (natural circulation) system shall be installed with two (2)
isolation valves and two (2) drain down valves. An automatic temperature and
valve shall be installed at the hot water outlet of the solar collector. An
automatic air vent shall be installed at the highest point of the system.
An Open forced circulation system shall be installed with two (2) isolation
valves, two (2) drain down valves, a check valve, circulation pump, differen-
tial control unit with sensors or automatic timer~ Systems shall be equipped
with freeze sensors. An automatic temperature and pressure valve shall be
installed at the hot water outlet of the solar collector. An automatic air
vent shall be installed at the highest point of the system.
A closed forced circulation system using an anti-freeze solution requires a
double walled heat exchanger and drawings shall be submitted for approval by
the Plumbing Official.
No copper tubing smaller than one half inch (1/2") I. D. shall be installed
as a part of any solar hot water system unless approved by the Plumbing
Ail water circulating lines shall be insulated with minimum three eight (3/8")
inch wall insulation from the collector to the storage tank.
Ail exposed insulation shall be protected from ultra violet radiation.
A set of drawings shall be submitted with the plumbing permit application
showing roof penetrations and solar collector mounting details.
.... 1213.4 - RELIEF OUTLET WASTES° Delete existing and substitute the following:
1~ The outlet of a pressure, temperature~ or other relief valve shall not be
connected to the drainage system as a direct waste. The pressure and temper-
ature relief valve drain lines shall not be connected into condensate waste
lines from air conditioning equipment~ The drain piping from pressure,
temperature or other-relief valves may be discharged as follows:
(a) Solar hot water storage tanks placed above the roof may discharge
upon the r.oof surface, as stated in (b) and (c)~
(b) In cases where a building covers an entire lot, or has a mechanical
equipment room,, the discharge shall be to any suitable plumbing fixture
(except a.water closet) or floor drain terminating above the floor level.
(c) In all other instances except those described in (a) and (b), the
discharge shall be to an observable point outside a building, the terminus of
all drip pipes shall be threadless, and shall be turned down within six inches
(6") of ground level.
2. Pressure and temperature relief valve discharge lines fzom more than one(l)
heater may be connected together without increasing the size, if safe pans do
not connect into the pressure and temperature line, and the total B.T.U.. input
does not exceed the following:
(a) one-half inch (1/2") drain up to 15,000 B.ToU.
(b) three-fourths inch (3/4") drain up to 150,000 B.T.U~
(c) one inch (1") drain up to 300,000
See 1215.-7 (b) if pressure and temperature line and pan drains are combined
into common drain.
1213.7 - SAFE PANS UNDER WATER HEATERS. Delete existing and substitute the
(a) Ail hot water~ heaters installed in attics or above the first floor of a
building that may cause water damage shall have pans with drains installed
under the heater.
(b) The drain piping from safe pans may be discharged as follows:
(1) 'To an observable point outside a building terminating with pipe
without a fitting and without a thread, turned down within six inches (6")
of the ground level.
(2) Into an indirect waste°
(3) Into an air conditioning condensate drain line.
(4) Into the pressure and temperature relief ~drain line, providing the
pressure and temperature line is of suitable size to accommodate its own
' to.ad.ing, so. tha-t water ~ill not ent°er the safe pan of heater.s located on lower
floors and providing that the pan .drain piping connects~ to the-pressure and
temperature lines below the floor level of its' respective drain pan.
(c) 'Where drains .from more than two (2) heater safe pans tie together in the
vertical plane,~ the common d'rain shall be increased one pipe size larger than
the pan drain. Minimum size pan"drain shall be three-quarters of an inch(3/4
(d) 'Safe pans under water heaters shall be of a non-corroding material and
shall be a minimum o~ one and a half (1-1/2") inches deep.
Delete'existing and Substitute the follwoing:
Acid so£t and waste piping for drainage systems shall be of a material a
recommended By the designing au~horitj and app-roved by the manufacturer~
Fittings shall con·form to "t~e type of piping used. Acid soil and waste pipin
shall not'be conneated to the conventional plumbin-g syst%m unless an approved
acid neutralizing device has been installed.
1302.1 --SEPARATE TRENCHES. Delete existing and substitute the following:
The. bui-lding sewer-, when installed in a separate trench from the water
service pipe, shall be'cast iron soil pipe, vitrified d'lay sewer pipe, or
.plastic pipe'.--Jo'i~n~s, sha%i b'e wat~er t-ight and root- R~.o~f, and all materials
shal~l'be'.ih~,talled accordi~g'~t'o the-..manufaetu~er's recommendations
Provided, however,· that when ·vitri~fied clay sewer pipe is used, there
shall be a minimum' of eighteen inches (18") of cover in unpaved~ ~reas, and
thirty inches ('30") of cover in all pave. d areas. Ail pipe and fittings shall
bear'the manufacturer's~name.or trade mark. -'
1302'2 -~ SEWER IN'FILLED GROUND. Delete entirely.
1303~.- LARGE PI~ING. Delete existing and substitute.the following:
Horizont~al drainage pipe .in larger than three inches (3") in diameter
shall be instalied with a fall of not less than one-eighth inch (I/8") per
foot, or as noted in T-able ~1305.i'- Building Drains &Sewers,. or as. provided
in Section ~1305.~5 -.Sanita~r~ S~ewer'Collsction System.
Add additional footnotes to TABLE - 1304.1
5- Bat'htub - To be rated as three (3) fixturm units only when the waste and
overflow is..'t.Wo inches (2"), not when the P - t-rap alone-is two inches (2").
6 ~- Urinal,'wAll hung'~ Syphon-jet or~-blow-out type shall have a fixture unit
rating of four (4).
7~- Dishwashing machines '~ Domestic, that discharge through the trap of a
ki'tchen sink'., shall not indcease the fixture rating of ~the sink.
The sanita.ry sewer collection system shall be designed by an engineer
licensed to pract~'ce engineering in th~ State of Florida and .shall be.designed
in accordance with goOd-e.nginee'r'ing practide and. meet .the cur~rent minimum
requirement, s of the-Department of Pbllution Con~rot of the State of Florida.
1401.3 - PIPING ABOVE GROUND° D'elete exist·ing and substitute- the following:
' Vent~ piping shall be cast iron, lead, brass, copper pfpe, copper tube
of a weight not less than that of copper d~ainage tube type DWV plastic
piping of borosilicate glass. '
1406.2 J VERTICAL RISE. Delete~existing and substitute the following:
Wher~ vent-pipes connect to a' horizontal soil or waste pipe, the vent
shall be taken off above the center line of the soil or waste pipe.
1408.1~-· ~ DISTANCE OF TRAP FROM VENT° Delete existing and substitute the
Each fixture trap shall have a protecting vent so located that the slope
and the developed length in the fixture drain from the-trap weir to the vent
fitting are within the .req~irement. s set forth in TABLE -1408.1.
(a) The maximum di~stance of a water closet tr~p from it's vent shall not excee
five feet (5')o
(b) The distance of a wall hung urinal trap from it's vent shall not exceed.
twenty-four inches (24"). Not more than on.e.wall hung urinal can be installed
on a horizontal waste arm°
~! ~ When two (2) wall hung urinals are connected into a common waste stack,
~he stack shall be three inches .(3").in. diameter and the waste -arms shall be
urinals, connected into a double.wye located ten''inches (10") below the outlet of the
Delete existing and substitute the following:
1 1/4 inch
1 1/2 inch
2 inch
3 inch
4 inch
5 feet
5 feet
8 feet
8 feet
15 feet
A four inch .(4") trap ~ay be placed fifteen feet (I5') from a vented
house or' building drain without reventingo
1411.1 - SINGLE BATHROOM GROUPS~ Add to'existing section an additional
paragraph as follow-s:
(c) Horizontal wet vents ahall not exceed fifteen feet (15') and shall receiv
discharge from fixture drains.
1411.'5 - VERTICAL COMBINATION WASTE AND VENT. Add a new sub-paragraph (a) to
the existing section-.
(a) For drinking fountains, the fixture units may be increased ten (10) times
and permitted-length may be increased two (2) times as specified.
1502.1..-~ INSIDE·.. CONDUCTORS.. 'Delete existing and substitute the following:
Conductors 'placed within buildings or rU.n in vent or pipe shafts shall
be cast iron., brass, lead, copper pipe, copper tube of a weight not less
that th'at .o~ ~oppe.r drainage .Type DWV ~ubing o-r Schedule 40 PVC piping.
1502 3 -'BUILDING STORM DRAINS' Delete exist'lng and subst_i'tute the following:
Bu'i'lding' st'o.rm drains' underground inside the building shall be of cas't
iron'soil.pipe, eXcept when approved by. th~ Building Official vitrified clay
'Schedule pipe. reinforced 4'0 PVC piping, concrete may pipe, be used-, asbestos=cement pipe, copper tube Type DWV or
1502.4 - BUILDING STORM SEWERS. Add new paragraph as follows:
Cor.rugat. ed aluminum pipe· conforming to the State Department of Trans-
portation 'Standards for s'torm ·sewer mains.
Appendixes A.B.c,D~E,F,G, & H are not a part of this Code but may' be
used. as .references~