Minutes 04-04-83MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1983 PRESENT Walter "Marty" Trauger, Mayor James R. Warnke, Vice Mayor Joe deLong, Councilman Patricia Woolley, Councilmember Samuel Lamar Wright, Councilman Peter L. Cheney, City Manage~ Betty S. Boroni, City Clerk ~ James W. Vance, City Attorney Mayor Trauger welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. Mayor Trauger announced that at the request of the Vice Mayor, the Invocation will be given tonight by ~. James Graham, Instructor with Rex Humbard's Family Seminar Ministry, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to ~the Plag led by City Attorney James Vance. AGENDA APPROVAL ~yor Trauger asked if there were any additions, deletions or corrections. Councilman deLong stated under Other - Legal, he has an item which is very minute. Councilmember Wootley referred to Old Business and stated she would like to add Item B. Councilman Wright stated he would like to add Item C under Old Business. Councilman deLong moved the adoption of the agenda with these additions, seconded by Vice Mayor Warnke. Motion carried 5-0. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Trauger announced a public reception for the City Council will be held at the Civic Center immediately follow- ing this meeting. The Mayor announced the next regular City Council meeting will be held tomorrow night, April 5, 1983, at 7:30 P. M. Mayor Trauger recognized the presence in the audience of former Mayor Edward F. Harmening and his wife, Donna. The Mayor referred to not being able to get along this evening without Councilmember Woolley dressing up the Council and presented her with a corsage. MINUTES Regular City Council Meetinq Minutes of March 15, 1983 Councilman deLong moved for the adoption as recorded, seconded by Vice Mayor Warnke. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 4, 1983 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT City Manager Cheney referred to a public hearing being held this morning before the Ocean Ridge Town Commission covering one more step of the approval process for the beach renova- tion project and advised that he spoke in favor and %he Town Commission voted 5-0 to support the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Commission. Ail the reviews necessary before the Town Commission have been completed. The only thing left is the normal site plan review. This has been completed in a very cooperative and helpful way in Ocean Ridge with the Board of Adjustment, Planning & Zoning Com- mission and Town ~ommission. ~ir. Cheney referred to there being concern about the lack of landscaping and condition of pavement in the City Hall park- ing lot and advised that we have gone to bid for renovations along Seacrest Boulevard to get it beautified, landscaped, drained, paved, etc. Hopefully, this will be done soon. ~. Cheney announced that it appears the beach bond sale is set for May 3 which is the last proceeding. Mr. Cheney referred to there being new chairs around the large table and reported that these thirteen chairs were purchased at the cost of $2 each. Mayor Trauger referred to the trash and garbage collection discussed at the last meeting and asked if there had been any additional publicity as he has received calls and people do not realize both are being picked up. Mr. Cheney informed him that notices have been delivered to every house in the City. When it is noted that people do not understand, a second notice is being delivered. It has worked well for a month and it is anticipated that it will take two to three months for the transition. Notices are also being left in the area where there are still neighborhood trash piles and we are also talking to people. Hopefully, the problem will be solved within three months. We will continue handing out notices and it is working well so far. PUBLIC AUDIENCE Mayor Trauger asked if anyone wished to address the City Council on an item on the agenda to please give their name to the City Clerk and they will be called upon when that item comes up on the agenda. He requested anyone wishing to speak on an item not on the agenda to come forward at this time. (There was no response to either request.) -2- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 4, 1983 CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Bills See list attached. Councilman deLong moved to approve the consent agenda pro- posed by the City Manager, Item V-A, Approval of Bills. Councilman Wright seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. BIDS NONE PUBLIC HEARING NONE DEVELOPMENT PLANS NONE LEGAL Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Public Hearing Proposed Ordinance No. 83-9 - Re: Cemetery Trust Fund Mr. Vance referred to this being the Cemetery Trust Fund Ordinance and advised there is one correction in the Declara- tion of Trust attached to the ordinance. He referred to the third line in Section 1 specifying a blank sum and stated it was discovered with interest running, we may never arrive at an actual sum. He requested "the sum of $ "be deleted and substitute "all" funds. He then read proposed Ordinance No. 83-9 by title: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 6, SEC. 6.3, SEC. 6.4 AND SEC. 6.5 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A SEPARATE PERPETUAL TRUST FUND FOR THE CARE, UPKEEP AND MAINTENANCE OF MUNICI- PAL CEMETERIES; TO TRANSFER ALL FUNDS HERETOFORE SET ASIDE PURSUANT TO SEC. 6.3 OF CHAPTER 6 TO SAID TRUST; TO CHANGE THE TERM OF OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE MUNICIPAL CEMETERY; AND TO ESTABLISH THE SPECI- FIC FORM OF THE DECLARATION OF TRUST TO PROVIDE FOR THE PERPETUAL CARE, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE MUNICIPAL CEMETERIES; PROVIDING FOR A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. -3- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 4, 1983 Mayor Trauger asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in favor of proposed Ordinance No. 83-9 and received no re- sponse. He asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition to proposed Ordinance No. 83-9 and received no response. He then closed the public hearing. Councilman deLong moved the adoption of proposed Ordinance No. 83-9 on second and final reading as corrected by the City Attorney. Vice Mayor Warnke seconded the motion. No discus- sion. City Clerk Boroni took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Mayor Trauger - Aye Vice Mayor Warnke - Aye Councilmember Woolley - Aye Councilman Wright - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Ordinances - 1st Reading NONE Resolutions Proposed Resolution No. 83- Re: Opposing the relocation of the Ocean Avenue Bridge (State Road 804) TABLED Mr. Vance requested this item to remain on the table until after the workshop meeting of April 28. Mr. deLong moved for this question to remain on the table, seconded by Mr. Warnke. Motion carried 5-0. Other Ratification of South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board - Motion to have Boynton Beach Operate the Plant City Manager Cheney referred to members of both City Councils acting as Board members regarding the plant operation and advised that a motion was made at a recent meeting that the City of Boynton Beach operate the regional plant. This kind of action before becoming final must be ratified by both cities. The other action is for the Board to proceed with the selection of a director to operate the plant which does not need to be ratified, but he believes it should be con- sidered and concurrence given. He referred to submitting a report and 5~yor Trauger requested him to read it for the public's information. -4- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 4, 1983 Mr. Cheney stated the question of one city operating the plant was addressed in a memorandum dated June 4, 1981, when consid- eration was being made to amend the Interlocal Agreement to set the legal framework for moving out of the situation where Delray Beach was operating the plant. This memorandum of June 4, 1981, attempted to summarize some of the issues of one city operation and made the point that "Equality in role, responsibility and accountability should be considered for plant operation". The initial part of that memorandum sub- titled, "Background", briefly summarized the accountability aspects of one city carrying out plant operation. In some regional arrangements where the cities involved were not of fairly equal size, one city operation might well be justified, but the June 4, 1981, memorandum addressed the specific situ- ation of the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board. The position taken at that time, which at- tempted to support the concept that Delray Beach should not be the operator of the plant, is equally appropriate at this time in response to the proposal that Boynton Beach operate the plant. There is no doubt in my mind that the Boynton Beach Utilities Department can properly and responsively operate the regional plant, but I believe that the position paper put forth on June 4, 1981, is still valid and presents an organizational rationale as to why, in this situation, the plant should not be operated by either city. Mr. Cheney stated for some time he has felt the plant should be operated by the Board and~not by either city because it does not allow each city to be equally accountable. His recommendation is not to ratify the action taken by the Board since he does not feel either city should operate the plant, since we are both equal cities. Councilmember Woolley stated that she doesn't think the City wants to run the plant. She clarified that it is not a question whether we can, but we don't want to run it. She felt the concern was for the shock value of it. Mr. Cheney agreed. Councilman deLong moved to reject ratification of the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment & Disposal Board's motion to have Boynton Beach operate the plant and take the recommendation of the City Manager and make his memo a part of the public record. Councilman Wright seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. deLong requested a roll call vote. Mrs. Woolley requested that Delray Beach be given a copy of this memo, so they are aware of Mr. Cheney's feelings. Mrs. Boroni then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Vice Mayor Warnke - Aye Councilmember Woolley - Aye Councilman Wright - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Mayor Trauger - Aye Motion carried 5-0. MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 4, 1983 Concur with South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board advertising for Administrative Director to be responsible to Board for plant operation City Manager Cheney recommended that the City Council concur in this Board action to begin the process to seek an Admini- strative Director/Chief Executive Officer who is responsible for plant operation and relates to the Board and the City Administrative Officials as outlined in the memorandum dated January 11, 1983. The process of searching for an Executive Officer has begun with notices to be sent to the media and professional publications. It is anticipated that applica- tions and resumes will be received from well-qualified in- dividuals. Giving approval does not get us in a final commit- ment, but will get people available to be on the Board so there will be personnel to interview. He recommended concur- rence with this. Councilman deLong moved to accept the recommendation of the City Manager and approve the South Central Regional Waste- water Treatment and Disposal Board advertising for an Execu- tive Director being responsible to the Board for plant opera- tion and the City Manager's memo be made a part of the public record. Councilmember Woolley seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mayor Trauger commented that he feels this motion is about a year too late in coming. Councilman deLong re- quested a roll call vote. Mrs. Boroni then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilmember Woolley - Aye Councilman Wright - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Mayor Trauger - Aye Vice Mayor Warnke - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Councilman deLong congratulated the Council on a show of unanimity as we have always been split on this and~ it is good to be united at this final meeting. Girl Scout Park Councilman deLong referred to being concerned and stated that he believes we owe credit and thanks to Commissioner Wilken for having the Girl Scout Park turned over to the City. He do~ not know if a resolution would be in order or not. He move~ if the City Attorney felt it was in order, to prepare such a resolution thanking Commissioner Wilken and the County Commissioners. Councilmember Woolley seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. -6- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNT©N BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 4, 1983 OLD BUSINESS Review and approve organizational and personnel changes in Fire Department TABLED Councilman deLong moved for this question 'to remain on the table, seconded by Vice Mayor Warnke. Motion carried 5-0. Girl Scout Park Councilmember Woolley stated along the same lines as the item Councilman deLong brought up, she wanted to express her thanks to the City Manager for all the paperwork done on the Girl Scout Park. Her only concern is to have consideration given by the City Manager to close the park at night. She would like the Council to carry this through as there have been incidents there. Mr. Cheney asked if she wanted it closed at six o'clock or sundown and questioned if neighbors walk through there at night. Mrs. Woolley clarified that it should be closed to traffic and not necessarily walkers. She added that it was once closed at sunset, but there is no gate there now. Mr. Cheney stated that it will be looked at. Annual Report Councilman Wright asked when the annual report would be going out and Mr. Cheney informed him that the main thing holding it up is for him to write a letter, which he hopes to finish this week. All the type is set for the last couple things. He hopes to get it out in a week or two. NEW BUSINESS NONE ADMINISTRATIVE Consider appointing two alternate members to Boynton Beach Housing Authority TABLED Councilman deLong moved to have this question remain on the table for the incoming Council to take care of it. Council- member Woolley seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. OTHER NONE -7- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 4, 1983 PRESENTATIONS/ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND APPRECIATION OF SERVICE TO MAYOR, VICE MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS Farewell Remarks Councilmember Woolley thanked everyone for their cooperation and for the honors bestowed upon her during the last several years. This has been quite an experience. The Councilmem- bers have a lot of experience and have been absolutely fantas- tic. It is unbelievable to see how the City works and oper- ates; it is truly big business. It has been a fascinating experience for her and she wants to thank all. The Council is made up of the finest gentlemen and she has enjoyed them. They haven't agreed on things some of the time, but have agreed on one common goal to make sure Boynton Beach is one of the finest cities in Palm Beach County. We all have been trying to push Boynton Beach with progress and controlled growth. The City has gotten nicer and there are still exciting things to look for. She thanks' everyone who put her in office and have helped her so much. She thinks the future looks bright for those coming into office. With Mr. Cassandra coming in, Mr. Swann can take a break as he will watch the budge~. She knows Mr. Zimmerman has attended every meeting for the past 100 years and he knows everything already. It has been a real honor for her to work with Vice Mayor Warnke in the past year and he has attended every meet- ing and has really made quite a name for himself. She be- lieves Mr. Warnke is going to do a fine job. She has gotten along with Councilman Wright and they have agreed on most things and she wishes him a lot of luck. She hasn't agreed on anything with Councilman deLong, but he has been fantastic. She appreciated the nice letter received from Mayor Trauger. It has been a real honor to serve. Councilman deLong extended best wishes to the outgoing Council and added that he thinks they have done a remarkable job. We haven't always agreed, but disagreed without becoming disagreeable. He extends a warm welcome to the incoming members of the Council. He trusts they will and he is~quite certain they will keep this City headed in the proper direc- tion. We have made great strides in recent years. We have made every effort we possibly can. We are out for improve- ments and will progress in an economical fashion. We have enjoyed progress with a low millage. Mayor Trauger stated that he has no knowledge or words of wisdom to pass on, but feels the City Council will be in good hands with the person they have elected. When first coming to this Council, he had sixteen points in his cam- paign promise and fifteen are on the books. It has been a most enjoyable year. He feels the records of accomplishment and the record of the City will speak for itself. He feels -8- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 4, 1983 a real sense of pride in the record of controlling growth. There are many accomplished and planned improvements. We have provided more than adequate recreation facilities to the City; initiation of the downtown redevelopment authority is a mark of progress. We have exercised fiscal responsi- bility in maintaining low taxes without 'stifling the progress of the City. It has not been done by the action of individ- uals, but by a concerted action and cooperatiw~ness among the City Council members, the City Manager, City Attorney and City staff. He personally thinks the City Council has shared intellectual ability. It was far different than four years ago when we started. He thanks the City Council members, City Attorney, City Manager and City staff for the total sup- port they have given to him and the City Council. Also, to the interested citizens of Boynton Beach present tonight, .he personally thanks them for having placed trust in him this year. For himself and his lovely wife, Dorian, he thanks everyone and it has been enjoyable. He thanks everyone for this opportunity. Mayor Trauger then presented plaques to the City Council- -~embers: Mrs. Woolley, Mr. deLong, Mr. Warnke and Mr. Wright. Vice Mayor Warnke then presented Mayor Trauger with a plaque in appreciation of his service. He ~as also given a brief case and the Mayor then expressed his appreciation. ADMINISTRATION OF OATHS OF OFFICE TO: Mayor James R. Warnke Vice Mayor Carl Zimmerman Councilman Samuel Lamar Wright Councilman Nick Cassandra City Clerk Boroni administered the oaths of office as Council- members to Mr. Wright, Mr. Zimmerman and Mr. Cassandra. She administered the oath of office as Vice Mayor to Mr. Zimmerman. She administered the oath of office as Mayor to Mr. Warnke and presented him with a gavel. NEW BUSINESS Remarks by: Mayor James R. Warnke Vice Mayor Carl Zimmerman Councilman Joe deLong Councilman Samuel Lamar Wright Councilman Nick Cassandra Councilman Wright referred to being happy and elated to be here again and then introduced the members of his family present. He added that he is somewhat saddened this evening because two years ago, his grandmother was here with him, but he lost her two weeks ago. She was more than a grandmother, -9- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 4, 1983 as she had a lot to do with what he is today. Today is a special day and many have paused to remember Dr. Martin LUther King who was assassinated on this date. He was a southern preacher who preached love and expressed love to his fellow man. He felt men should work together to see all needs of mankind are adequately met. He knows there is room for growth and improvement. He does feel proud tonight that the citizens of this community banded together again in the spirit that Martin lived, worked and died for to see a sincere councilman re-elected to this Council. He is grateful for this. He hopes he will always be noteworthy of this honor. He feels strongly that we should have repre- sentative government and he will work for the people as he has in the past. He will be concerned with the people's interests. As the District V representative, he has been told the citizens in that area would like to see North Boynton cleaned up and want better code enforcement and he will work towards this. He plans to hold a forum on April 27 at the Royal Palm Clubhouse. He wants the citizens in District V and other areas to be present. Although he is happy to serve the citizens again for two additional years, he is saddened to lose two council persons he has learned to respect and love. He has tried to be fair and honest and has voted his convictions. He feels glad about receiving two additional citizens, who he feels have the citizens of this community at heart. They have worked and attended meetings. Mayor Warnke has taken the gavel of leadership and he trus~ he will be able to navigate the City to further heights. He pledges to help to make this year a productive one. He has enjoyed working with the City staff. He has enjoyed working with the City Manager. He prays that God will continue to lead him and the others, so we can make decisions for the betterment of those in Boynton Beach. Vice Mayor Zimmerman introduced the members of his family present. He would like to say things are looking up, not only in Boynton Beach, but in many other places. Some of us have had a difficult time, but through perseverance and help from interested people, we have filled another page in the annuals. The past Council has filled a page in a commendable manner. With a fine staff, they have taken care of our City and the needs of the citizenry and have done it with dignity. He hop~ the new Mayor, a successful author holding the pen, and the Council of five will fill our pages with events just as worthy. He has Confidence in those he will be working with. He thinks things are looking good for Boynton Beach. Mayor Warnke stated that his only regret this evening is that his late mother could not be here tonight, but he introduced his father and members of his family present. There are many people in the audience tonight who helped him very much in the election of 1982. He thanks them from the bottom of his -10- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 4, 1983 heart. The past year has gone smoothly compared to other years. He thanks the other members who served with him. We have had our differences, but if we all agreed all the time, only a one member Council would be needed. Mayor Trauger has provided excellent leadership. He will try to carry on his example. Councilman Wright is blessed with youthful direction and mature thinking and he is glad his leadership will continue for another two years. Council- member Woolley has been the influence with common sense and intelligence and he wishes her well in the future. Without Councilman deLong's vast experience in leadership, the City would have suffered. He looks forward to working another year with one of the finest men he has ever met. He welcomes incoming Vice Mayor Zimmerman and Councilman Cassandra as he knows they are dedicated men who believe in the future of Boynton Beach. From their experience in City Boards, the Council is much richer. In centuries past, letters would end with a flowery phrase, but in the case of elected officials, it should still hold true today: "I am your most obedient servant". Councilman Cassandra referred to having an understanding family and good friends and introduced the members of his family present. He then thanked the friends who gave their time to help him win this election. This election has brought some problems, which he will speak about. He is concerned about the districting process. This is the first time this Council has had five district representatives. There are problems such as residential requirements, city- wide versus district election, etc. His first request is to have this put on the agenda in May. He has large con- cerns for Boynton Beach and the residents. He has concerns regarding growth, taxes, budget, police protection, fire protection, environment, etc. In highlighting some of the areas, there is the rate of expansion, new water plant, sewer expansion, downtown development, 2nd Avenue bridge and taxes. All this affects the budget. For the next two years,he will ask the City Manager to give ~m a cost benefit analysis. He knows everybody wants to get to the Civic Center and with these issues confronting him, he asks the Lord to guide him to do his best for this to ben,he most serviceable city in Palm Beach County. Councilman deLong commented that he wanted to apologize for no~ inviting his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. ADJOURNMENT Councilman deLong moved to adjourn, seconded by Vice Mayor Zimmerman. Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 8:35 P. M. -11- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 4, 1983 ATTEST: f~ City Clerk CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Counc i lmembe r mber Recordin~ Secretary (One Tape) -12- AGENDA April 4, 1983 IX. LEGAL D. Other Ratification of South-Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board - Motion to have Boynton BeaCh Operate Plant Concur with South Central Regional Wast,water Treatment and Disposal B~ard - Advertising for Administrative Director to 'be responsible to Board for Plant Operation 1. ~The question of one city operating the Plant was addressed in a memorandum dated June 4, 1981, when consideration was being made to amend the Interlocal Agreement to set the legal framework for moving out of the situation where Delray Beach was operating the Plant. This memorandum attempted to summarize some of the issues of one city opera- tion and made the point that "Equality in role, responsibility and accountability should be considered for Plant Operation". The initial part of that memorandum sUbtitled, "Background", briefly summarized the accountability aspects of one city carrying out Plant Operation. In some regional arrangements where the cities invilved were not of fairly equal size, one city operation might well be justified, but the June 4, 1981 memorandum addressed the specific situation of the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board. The position taken at that time, which attempted to support the concept that Delray Beach should not be the operator of the Plant, is equally appropriate at this time in response to the proposal that Boynton Beach operate the Plant. There is no doubt in my mind that the Boynton Beach Utilities Department can properly and responsively operate the Regional Plant, but I believe that the position paper put forth on June 4, 1981 is still valid and presents an organizational rationale as to why, in this situation, the Plant should not be operated by either city~) I do recommend that the City Council concur in the recent Board action to begin the process to seek an Administrative Director/Chief Executive Officer who is responsible for Plant Operation and relates to' the Board and the City Administrative Officials as outlined in the memorandum dated January 11, 1983 (copy also attached to this memorandum). In accordance with the Regional Board direction at its last meeting, the process of searching for a Chief Executive Officer has begun, with notices being scheduled to be sent to the appropriate media a'nd professional publications. In addition, "word of mouth" notification has already begun to spread throughout the State. It is anticipated that applications and resumes will 'be received from well-qualified individuals. L. Cheney City Manager PLC: mh Atts. cc: Director of Utilities POSITION PAPER SOUTH CENTRAL _REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT & DISPOSAL BOARD INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT OPERATION OF REGIONAL FACILITY The following is presented for consideration in response to the recent change in the Inter~ocal Agreement concerning the operation of the Regional Wastewater Facility: Background: 1. Current procedure provides for operation by one of the two cities and thus (a) Creates a difficult chain of responsibility and accountability for the Board of Directors, Puts unequal burden on the operating half of the Board that cannot be shared 'equally by the two cities, (c) Puts unequal burden on the "stand by, non- participating operating city'I in living up to its overall responsibilities as a co-equal member of the Board. Current Board Concerns: The joint and co-equal status of the two cities, in carrying out Board responsibilities not related to the operation of the Plant, such as consultant selection, decisions on Plant expan- sion, relations with State D.E.R., Federal E.P.A.; etc. has proven to work even though there have been times when this activity took a lot of discussion, review, meetings, negotiations and "give and take", but because the two cities were equal in their role, equal in their responsibility, and equal in their account- ability, solutions have been worked out. The same equality in role, responsibility and accountability should be considered for Plant operation. Recommendations for Consideration: The total Board take over the responsibility for operating the Plant, The Board assign the responsibility of operating the Plant to the Board's Administrative Director, The Board contract with, for no more than three to six months, a private consulting engineering firm to work with the Administrative. Rirector for the purpose of providing temporary back-up professional assistance to review Plant operation, operating procedures, operating manuals, employee training programs, etc. aimed at providing for the best in Plant operations. The Board establi~sh an Operating Advisory Committee consisting of the two City Managers, the two Utilities Directors and the Administrative Director. This committee would have the responsibility for regularly monitoring Plant operation, assisting and advising the Administrative Director on technical and administrative operating matters and other related items as appropriate. This committee would have the responsibility of meeting at least once a month and reporting to the Board of Directors at least quarterly relative to its activities as well as providing responses to matters presented to it by the Board. The committee would have the responsibilities of immediately~ informing the Board of Directors of any significant operating problems as they arise. The Board consider contracting various Staff Services with either of the 2 cities in order to avoid duplication, ie. payroll, accounting, personnel, purchasing, etc. REPORT TO SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT & DISPOSAL BOARD'FROM SPECIAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION OF OPERATIONS AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE DELRAY BEACH PLANT OPERATION (Committee appointed 'by Board consists of two City Managers and two City Utilities Directors) 1/11/83 Be Ce SUMMARY It is recommended that the Regional Board, consisting of the two Cit' Councils, continue to function in an ownership and policy role, as prescribed in the existing Interlocal Agreement. It is also recommer ed that the Regional Board meet at least quarterly (more often if necessary) and that they be specifically responsible for: 1. Overall policy 2. Budgetary approval 3. Decisions on Plant expansions 4. Required legal actions Se Employ an Administrative Director to administer all the activities of the Regional System It is further recommended that the two City Managers, the two Utilit; Directors and the Administrative Director be designated as the AdminJ tive Technical Board. This Administrative Technical Board will meet least once a month, will review and monitor monthly activities, reviE monitor monthly expenditures, review and monitor the impact of the PI operation on the environment and forward a monthly report to the Regj Board. In addition, it is suggested that the Regional Board consider delega~ to the Administrative Technical Board the approval of expenditures wJ a prescribed dollar limit. Key Staff positions should include an Administrative Director or Chi~ Executive Officer, who is directly responsible to the Regional Board, and who will supervise two Divisions: 1. Plant Operations 2. Office and Finance D-et~ils of tkese responsibilities are listed herein. sta- at w and ant onal lng thin f Page 1 cf 3 De Eo If this proposal is approved, steps should be taken immediately to advertise and select an Administrative Director and, if this position is not filled before the end of March, 1983, the Board should authorize the two City Managers and the two Utilities Directors to jointly super- vise the operations until a Chief Executive Officer is hired, with Mayor Willard Young continuing to have the authority to sign necessary documents as he has in the past. Special consideration must~be given to the transition of current Del~ay employees to Board employment and particular attention should be paid to existing retirement benefits of the longer term employees who had worked for either City prior to the opening of the Plant. The possibility of contracting with either City for special services, i.e., purchasing, payroll, insurance, etc. should be explored. ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTOR A proposed job description for the Administrative Director is attack In summary, it is suggested that the Administrative Director have the following responsibilities: 1. Overall supervision of Plant operation, administrative matters and personnel 2. Public relations and response to citizen complaints 3. Control and supervision of all consultants 4. Supervision of all construction 5. Relations with Federal, State and County Agencies 6. Planning for Plant operation and subsequent operation modifications 7. Meeting all mandatory operation standards 8. Developing training programs 9. Final approval of all personnel actions 10. Review and preparation of monthly reports 11. Annual preparation of proposed budget for Board operations. Page 2 of 3 CHIEF OPERATOR The Operations of the Plant will.'bs delegated to the Chief Operator, will be responsible for: 1. Direct Plant operation and activities of all operating shifts 2. Personnel supervision and assignment 3. Operation of the laboratory and appropriate testing 4. Plant and equipment maintenance 5. Compliance with all operation procedures 6. Implementing and continuing training programs ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER The Office and Finance Division will be directed by the Administrativ Officer and will be responsible for: Ail financial records Assistance in 'budget preparation Monthly monitoring of expenditures for budget compliance Board records Finance and payroll Purchasing ~ho Page 3 of 3 NATURE OF WORK DIRECTOR OF REGIONAL WASTEWATER PLANT Responsible, professional and administrative work in directing the operations of the Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. The person ass%gned to this position must be able to make complex studies and determinations from them, relevant to the operation of the plant. These include envi~on- mental impact studies, long range planning for capacity and further expansion, for example. Work is performed under the technical dictates of the profession and is subject to review and guidance by the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS (NOTE: These are intended only as illustrations of the various types , f work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statel ents of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related or a logical assignment for this position.) Dim e fl Rev Su~ mat Pre Wox Pre dut Per KNC Tho of Abi ski Abi ope Tho tre Ex~ me! Thc Tho pla Con of Abi in Abi ects, supervises and coordinates the efforts involved in the plant' ects on the two cities. iSw and/or make application for grants. ervises budget, expenditures, equipment and vehicle use and personn~ ters within the plant. pares annual budget for submission to the Board. ks closely with Federal, State and Local Health Officials. pares work schedules, institutes a training and safety format and as ies and shifts. forms related work as required. WLEDGE~ ABILITY AND SKILLS rough knowledge of supervisory and management procedures in the opel a regional plant. lity to organize, supervise and inspect the work of skilled and semi lled personnel performing various jobs. lity to prepare clear and concise reports and records on the plant' ration. rough knowledge of the hazards of health and safety involved in sew atment work and ability to apply proper precautionary measures. ensive knowledge of the principles and practices of good, modern mae t techniques. rough knowledge of long-range planning programs, policies and proced rough knowledge of the use of statistical data as it relates to the ~t. siderable knowledge of the organization, field of operations and prc regional wastewater plant. lity to present findings ~nd recommendations concisely and effectivs )ral and written form. .ity to interpret and apply complex rules and. regulations: signs ation ~e age- ures. olems Page i of 2 Ability to use assembled data as s basis for administrative decisions. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with the Board, other municipal employees, professional groups and the generlal public. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Must ~be a graduate from an accredited University with a degree in Civil Sanitary, Environmental, Chemical or related fields. Licensed with a current valid Wastewater Pla~t Operator, State of Florida, Class "A" or equivalent from another state with the ability to secure a Florida license within 18 months. Minimum five years experience as Chief Plant Operator or Assistant of s actual activated sludge plant of 3 million gallons per day or more caps and demonstrate ability to handle general administrative duties. -~ity Page 2 o4_ ~- ~ .% AGENDA April 4, 1983 ADMINISTRATION e e e e Approval of Bills: Barker Uniforms T-Shirts for Boynton G.A.L.A. Pay from General Fund---001-000-229-07-00 Board of County Commissioners Use of County Landfill for the month of February, 1983. Pay from General Fund---001-341-534-40-9A CPT In Palm Beach Word Processing Equipment for City Manager & City Clerk's Office. Pay from General Fund---001-121-5!2-60-72 $ 8,000.00 " " " " ---001-221-512-60-72 6,000.00 .... Fed.Rev.Share--320-121-512-60-72 13,596.40 Council approved 3/15/83 Thomas & Linda L. Coffey Lease for access to City Landfill Pay from General F,and---001-341-534-40-9E Davis Water & Waster Industries, Inc. Odophos Liquid No. 1 for Sewage Pumping Pay from Water & Sewer Revenue---401-352-535-40-33 Hayqood & Williams, ~P.A. Professional Services Rendered 1/1/83 -- 2/28/83 for Boynton Beach Community Redevelopment Agency. Pay from Federal Rev. Share---320-000-247-1C-00 Holmac International Corp. Gas, Oil and Lube for Equipment Maintenance Pay from General Fund---001-193-519-30-21 Johnson-Davis~ Inc. Force Main tie-in at Parkwalk for Golf Course Pay from B.B. Ret.Facility Constr.Fund---415-000-169-41-00 1,024. 16,309. 27,596 .. 1,200.t 8,260. 1,125. 1,863. 4,000. )0 ~0 ~0 ,0 0 0 COUNCIL APPROYE[ -2- e 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 8. I. Lime Company Lime for Water Treatment Plant Pay from Water & Sewer Revenue---401-332-533-30-65 7,672.15 Paul R. McGinnes and Associates Testing Western Well Field (12 Samples) Pay from Utility General Fund---403-000-169-01-00 Metric Engineering Inv. ~16 '~mprovements to various streets in the Cherry Hill Area. Pay from General Fund---001-000-115-87-00 ~oore Golf, .Inc. Application ~1 Irrigation Installation for Golf Course Pay from B.B. Rec. Facility Constr.Fund---415-000-169-41-00 Daniel O'Connell General Contractor~ Inc. Payment ~2 Golf Course for period from 3/1/83 to 3/31/83 Pay from B.B. Rec.Facility Constr.Fund---415-000-169-41-00 Perrson Drilling Corp. Est. ~2 Western Well Field Test Well Program for the period 1/15/83 to 3/18/83 pay from Utility General Fund---320-192-519-60-81 Regency Dodge 1 Vehicle Panel Van for Bldg. Maintenance Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing---320-192-519-60-81 State Contract No. 070-00-83-1 South Central Regional Wastewater Treat. & Disposal Bd. Requisition No. 10---Lanzo COnstruction Company For Construction of Sludge Stabilization & Conditioning Facilities---Total Invoice $88,312.50 5~ due from City of B.B. totalling -- $44,156.25 Pay from Utility General Fund---403-000-169-11-00 · dw~d D. Stone, Jr. & Associates P.A. Project ~82087 ~or Boynton Beach Boat Ramp Park Project Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing---320-000-247-98-00 5,100. 1,260. 92,673. 39,147.t 67,338., 7,097. 44,156. 2,516.~ )0 )0 ~0 ~0 ~0 4 5 8 -3- 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Tri-Cities Construction, Inc. Application ~1 $ Construction of foundation, slab and metal structure for Maintenance & Golf Cart Storage from 2/1/83 to 3/24/83. Pay from B.B. Rec.Facility Constr.Fund---415-000-169-41-00 James W. Vance, P.A. P~fessional Legal Services Rendered from November, 1982 to date. Re: V.S.H. Realty, Inc. v. City of Boynton Beach, et al Case No. 82-6072 CA -- Total invoice -- $~,143.75 Case No. 82-1701 CA -- Total invoice --.$.1.,.087.50 Pay from General Fund---001-141-514-40-61 Woodruff & Sons, Inc. Est. Nol. 5 Final City of Boynton Beach Santaluces High School For period 6/21/82 to 9/25/82 Pay Util. Gen. Fund---403-000-169-01-00---$95,832.73 " ...... ---403-000-169-11-00---$50,857.50 enger Corporation eared Band Orchestra Riser Set--Wenger Model Pay from General Fund---001-721-572-60-43 Per bid 1/21/83, Council approved 2/1/83 Isiah Andrews river for Senior Citizens Club 3 wks. ay from Federal Revenue Sharing---320-641-564-40-5A Ordinance ~73-15, passed 5/15/73 Willie Ruth McGrady Serve~ for senior citizens Club 3 wks. ay from Federal Revenue Sharing---320-641-564-40-5A rdinance ~73-15, p~ssed 5/15/73 11,409. 2,231. 146,690. 3,344. 210. 201 .( COUNCIL APPP ( )0 5 ~3 0 0 0 VSD: ',3 -4- The bills described have been approved and verified by the department heads involved; checked?and approved for payment by the Finance Department. Grady W. Swann, Finance Director I therefore recommend payment of these bills. Peter L. Cheney, City Manager