Walter "Marty" Trauger, Mayor
James R. Warnke, Vice Mayor
Joe deLong, Councilman
Patricia Woolley, Councilmember
Samuel Lamar Wright, Councilman
Peter L. Cheney, City Manager
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
James Wolf~
Assistant City Attorney
Mayor Trauger called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M.
The invocation was given by Rev. Edward Wollenweber, Boynton Beach
Congregational United Church of Christ.' A special prayer was
offered on behalf of the Annunziato family in the loss of their
little two year old daughter, Michelle Marie. The pledge of
allegiance to the Flag, led by Mayor Tra~uger, followed.
Mayor Trauger added an item under '.'ii, E, Announcements." Under
"VIII, LEGAL, C, Resolutions, 3," he added-.~a proposed Resolution
regarding growth of the City, and under "XI, ADMINISTRATIVE, E,
he added "Comments About Administrative Matters."
City Manager Cheney added under "VIII, LEGAL, B, 2"-Proposed
Ordinance No. 82-51, re the Monahan property, and under 'lC,
Resolutions, 4, at the request of Vice Mayor Warnke, he added a
proposed Resolution relative to to the bridge over the Intra-
coastal at N. E. 2nd Avenue. He also asked to add to "IV,
CONSENT AGENDA," under "G, Approval of Bills" the purchase of the
trailer at the Fire Department, as mentioned in the contingency
Councilman Wright added under 'IX, OLD BUSINESS, C" Boundaries
for Santaluces School.
Councilman deLong added an item under "X, NEW BUSINESS, B."
Councilman deLong moved to adopt the Agenda as revised, seconded
by Councilmember Woolley. Motion carried 5-0.
Proclamation - Arbor Month - January, 1983
Mayor Trauger read a Proclamation designating the month of January
as Arbor Month in the City of Boynton Beach.
Mayor Trauger recognized Assistant City Attorney James Wolf as
attending his last meeting with the City and presented him with a
JANUARY 18~ 1983
certificate signed by all members of the Council after reading
the attached letter into the records. Mr. Wolf is moving to
Tallahassee to serve as Chief Counsel to the Florida League of
Cities. Mr. Wolf thanked the Mayor and said he had enjoyed
serving this Council and found the staff and Council to be most
Mayor Trauger then recognized Councilmember Patricia Woolley,
who has been selected as an ~'Outstanding Young Woman of America
for 1982" mn recognition of outstanding ability, accomplishments
and service to the community.
William R. Whee~er/~ was congratula~by Mayor Trauger as a Life
Scout attending the Council meeting to observe City government
as he completes his merit badges, working toward the highest
rank in Boy Scouting - Eagle Scout. The Mayor said he, too, had
been an Eagle Scout as a youth and fully realized the ardors
"William" was going through.
The Mayor again reminded the citizens of the City that the dead~
line for filing Homestead Tax Exemption was March 1st.
Reqular City Council Meetinq Minutes - January 4, 1983
Councilman deLong moved to adopt the minutes as presented.
Motion seconded by Councilman Wright and carried 4-0 with one
abstention. Mayor Trauger abstained from voting since he did not
attend the meeting of January 4.
Mayor Trauger asked that anyone wishing to speak on any item on
the Agenda please come forward and give their names to the City
Clerk. When that item comes up on the Agenda, they will be called
upon to address the Council.
He then called for anyone wishing to speak on any item not on the
Agenda to come forward.
Mrs. Lottie Pierce, 203 N. E. llth Avenue, Boynton Beach, again
appealed to the Council for closer scrutiny of her water, sewer
and garbage bills. She distributed, copies of some of her bills
and said she had already spoken with the City Manager. She felt
her bills were much too high, especially the sewer portion.
After discussion, Councilman Wright moved to have the City Manager
and the Utilities Department analyze Mrs. Pierce's bills and
- 2 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
report back to the Council concerning the rates, percentage and the
explanation. Motion seconded by Councilmember Woolley and
carried 5-0.
CONSENT AGENDA: Matters in this Section of the Agenda are pro-
posed by the City Manager for 'Consent Agenda" Approval, with all
of the accompanying material to become a part of the Public
A. Bids:
R & A design authorization for Water Main Extension -
Old Boynton Road - Project ~626-681-71 - Boynton Beach
Mall Cost Sharinq
Russell & Axon, in their letter of January 10, 1983, estimated the
construction cost to be $135,000. Perry Cessna, Director of
Utilities, received a letter dated December 22~ 1982 from Edward J.
DeBartolo & Associates as their commitment to pay their share
(not to exceed $5,018.75).
Electrical Work at the Golf Course Maintenance Building
and Golf Course Cart Storaqe Buildinq - Buildinq
The Tabulation Committee recommended awarding the bids as follows:
Maintenance Bldg. - Mahar Electric, 3147 N. W. 69th Street, Fort
Lauderdale, Florida 33309 $3,800; Cart Storage Bldg. - Liberty
Electric Inc., .5190 N.. 10th~.Avenue, Lake Worth, Florida 33463
$6,426, for a total of $10,226.
One New Pressure Cleaner (Delco Model 610-PE1 Portable
Electric 1 Phase or Equal) - Public Works
The Tabulation Committee recommended awarding the bid to J & J
Chemical Co., P. O. Box 23011, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33-307
in the amount of $1,525. The low bid from Merrill Fox Ent., Inc.
was not accepted because they did not meet the pump capacity
Approve Contingency Transfer - Purchase of Fire Administra-
tion Trailer
Budget Transfer Request dated January 10, 1983 to provide funds
for the purchase of Fire Administration Trailer.
C. Accept Riqht-of-Wa¥ Deed/Hiqh Ridqe Road
In his memorandum dated January 6, 1983, Carmen Annunziato, City
Planner wrote to City Manager Cheney that this deed was for that
portion of High Ridge Road opposite from the Florida Pneumatic
plant. The deed was submitted by James Trindade for Max Schorr
to the City as part of the Industrial Associates' Planning and
- 3 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
Zoning Board requirements.
D. Approve Chanqe Orders #19 & ~20 - Phase I - Tennis Center
According to the memorandum from Charles C. Frederick, Recreation
& Park~irector, to City Manager Cheney, dated January 7, 1983,
Change Order 19 for Electrical Changes (Pump) Design Error in the
amount of $496,531.30 (increase of $569.-19) and Change Order 20
for an Additional 530Cubic Yards. of Fill @ $7 for a total of
$500,241.30 (increase of $3,710.00) from Lassiter Construction
Company, should be the last to be processed. All paperwork has
been verified, agreed to.by both parties, and contain all
necessary signatures.
E. Accept City Manager's Report - Board of County Commissioners
Workshop on the ~Beach ReStOration'ProjeCt in Ocean. Ridqe
F. Accept List of Payments - Month of December, 1982
G. Approval of Bills
The following bill was added to the lilst attached:
"18. Desiqn SDace International $12,137.00
To purchase trailer @ Fire Dept.
Pay from Fed. Rev. Sharing
Approval of Placing of Construction Office Trailer for a
maximum of 12 months, requested by Charles R. Love, General
Contractor, Lake Boynton Estates, S. W. 1st Avenue
Revision of our award for repazr'to the City Hall and
Library Roofs
In his memorandum of January 18, 1983, City Manager Cheney advised
a better material for the top protective layer had been identified
to be applied to both of the above roofs. The additional charge
to these two roofs in $4,400, and he recommended that the Council
authorize the contingency transfer of $4,400 for the roofs, in
accordance with the memorandum dated January 13, '1983 from Edgar
E. Howell, Building Official.
J. Approval of Golf Course Water and Sewer Proposal
City Manager Cheney recommended in his memorandum of January 18,
1983 that the engineering proposal from Rossi and Malavasi to
provide water and service to the City Golf Course for a cost of
$2,950 be executed.
K. Accept City Sponsorship of State Shuffleboard Tournament
Charles C. Frederick, ~e~creation & Park Director, in his memorandum
of January 4, 1983~ques~ed~~ ~' ~'~ ~ ~he- ~.',sboVe.~f~'~ ' ~UFebruary,· ~' 'ne~ ~. TM ~ c~.
- 4 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
In his memorandum to the City Council dated January 18, 1983, City
Manager Cheney said both he and Charles Frederick strongly supported
the idea of the City hosting this event and recommended that
the City Council agree that the City sponsor the tournament. On
the Budget Transfer Request, it was recommended that a new account
in the amount of $1,200 be set up to fund the State Shuffleboard
Tournament with funds remaining from the Christmas Parade.
Councilman deLong moved to approve the Consent Agenda as outlined
above. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Woolley.
Under discussion, Councilman Wright questioned the Change Order
on the Tennis Center. The Mayor informed him that they had
processed several change orders two meetings ago from Lassiter
Construction Company, both up and down. City Manager Cheney
advised that very ~shortly, he would be giving the Council a
complete financial summary on this project. The total was very
close to the original budget.
Councilman Wright also asked if the Christmas Parade cost less
than budgeted. Cfty Manager Cheney replied affirmatively and that
this money was set aside.
Councilman deLong referred to the Right-of~Way Deed/High Ridge Road
and asked if this road was about to be cut through. City Manager
Cheney advised that were three more parcels~to deed. (Two are
in escrow, and the Attorney will get those out of escrow. The
third one is being prepared to give to the City.) As soon as
this is ready, the contractors will begin construction of the road.
The vote to approve the Consent Agenda carried 5-0.
(See Consent Agenda.)
Since it was not 8:00 P. M~, Councilman deLong moved to dispense
with the regular order of business and move to Section VIII,
LEGAL. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wright and
carried 5-0.
Ordinances - 2nd Readinq - PUBLIC HEARING
Ordinances - 1st Readinq
- 5 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
Proposed Ordinance No. 83-1 Re: Amending Boynton Beach'Code of
Ordinance Section 13-88 License & Registration Fees, Article II,
Contractors, Chapter 13 Licenses by repealinq in its entirety
Attorney Wolf read proposed Ordinance No. 83-1 by title only:
Councilman deLong moved to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 83-1 on
first reading. Instead Of Section 13-88, Vice Mayor Warnke
thought it should be 13-38 and asked Attorney Wolf to look it up.
Attorney Wolf advised that it should be 13~38 in all language of
the Ordinance. Mayor Trauger stated that in the motion and in
all language of the Ordinance it should be 13-38. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Wright.
At the request of Mayor Trauger, a roll call vote was taken on the
motion by Mrs. Padgett, City Clerk:
Vice Mayor Warnke
Councilmember Wooltey
Councilman Wright
Councilman deLong
Mayor Trauger
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No. 83-B
Re: General Revenue Sharing Re-
Attorney Wolf read proposed Resolution No. 83-B by title only:
Upon a motion by Councilman deLong, duly seconded by Council-
member Woolley, to adopt proposed Resolution No. 83-B, a roll
call vote was taken:
Councilmember Woolley
Councilman Wright
Councilman deLong
Mayor Trauger
Vice Mayor Warnke
Motion carried 5-0.
- 6 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
Proposed Resolution No. 83-C
Lake Boynton Estates Project
Re: Reduction of Bond - Phase 1
Attorney Wolf read' proposed Resolution No. 83-C by title only:
Councilman deLong moved to adopt proposed Resolution No. 83-C,
seconded.by~Councilmember Woolley. A roll call vote was taken
by Mrs. Padgett, City Clerk, at the request of Mayor Trauger:
Councilman deLong
Mayor Trauger
Vice Mayor Warnke
Councilmember Woolley
Councilman Wright
Motion carried 5-0.
Councilman deLong moved to revert to the Public Hearing
scheduled for 8:00 P. M. The motion was seconded by Council-
member Woolley and carried 5-0.
Proposed Use:
Legal Description:
Royal Petroleum, Inc.
Rezone from R-2 (Neighborhood Commercial) to
C-3 (Community Commercial)
645 N. W. 2nd Avenue, Boynton Beach, Fl.
Continuation and expansion of existing
automobile service station
Laurel Hills, Lot 2
(TABLED by Planning and Zoning Board)
City Manager Cheney stated that this item was tabled by the
Planning and Zoning Board. The Planning staff recommended against
the request but suggested that one solution would be to amend the
C-2 zone to allow gasoline stations to be conditional uses. The
Planning and Zoning Board tabled the issue for further study and
to allow time to prepare an Ordinance to amend the C-2 zone.
Councilman deLong moved to table the Public Hearing on the Royal
Petroleum request until the recommendation is received from the
Planning and Zoning Board. The motion was seconded by Council-
member Woolley and carried 5-0.
Henry Skokowski for Southern Senior Group
ANNEXATION of an 11.29 acre tract of land
South side of Hypoluxo Road, approximately
- 7 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
Legal Description:
300' west of the intersection of High Ridge
Road and Hypoluxo Road
Acreage, land in Section 8, Township 45 South,
Range 43 East
Proposed Use:
Legal Description:
Henry Skokowski for Southern Senior Group
Amendment to FUTURE'LAND USE ELEMENT of the
Comprehensive Plan to show currently unin-
corporated property as low density residential
and request for zoning of same property to PUD
with land use intensity of 5.00; request for
rezoning currently incorporated property from
R-1AAA (Single Family Residential) to PUD with
land use intensity of 5.00
South side of Hypoluxo Road, approximately 300'
west of the intersection of High Ridge Road
and Hypoluxo Road
A convalescent center, adult congregate living
facility and accessory professional medical
offices and pharmacy
Acreage, land in Section 8, Township 45 South,
Range 43 East
Tim Cannon, Assistant City Planner, said he would discuss the two
applications simultaneously. He advised that both the application
for voluntary annexation and the application for Land Use Amend-
ment and rezoning received a positive recommendation from the
Planning and Zoning Board. Both were unanimously recommended for
approval, subject to staff comments.
The annexation involves an 11.29 acre tract of land, which lies
approximately approximately 300 feet west of the intersection of
High Ridge Road and Hypoluxo Road. Mr. Cannon indicated the
location on the top of the map. He pointed out High Ridge Country
Club. To the east, Mr. Cannon said there are subdivided~iots.
Immediately to the south, there is vacant land, and to the north
there is a mixture of commercial and residential.
Mr. Cannon informed the Council that the applicant's reason for
wanting to annex is to develop a Planned Unit Development consist-
ing of a combination nursing home, adult congregate living
facility and accessory medical offices. This would be part of a
Planned Unit Development which would encompass the entire stated
Mr. Cannon pointed~out that portion of the PUD presently not
incorporated and.the portion incorporated in the City of Boynton
Beach. He put on an overlay showing the master plan, and said
the Planned Unit Development consists basically of a 120 bed
convalescent center located in the northwest portion of the
property, which would be one to two stories. There would be an
adult congregate living facility.~ ~'Mr. Cannon indicated the
location and added, "and also in the southern portion of the
property. This would be a total of 120 living units, three to
four stories high.
- 8 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
In addition, Mr. Cannon said the applicant is proposing a 10,000
square foot two story office building in the northeastern portion
of the development. The applicant is also proposing a half
dozen or so~.recreational amenities.
Mr. Cannon told the Council they had a memo from the City Planner,
which analyzes annexation with respect to #1 - existing conditions;
#2 - the City and County Comprehensive Plans; and #3 - the physical
impact of this develpment. As far as existing conditions, Mr.
Cannon recalled that he mentioned before that there is.the exist-
ing High Ridge Golf Course to the southwest, single family homes
to.the east; and to the south,, the land is .vacant.
Originally, as part of the master plan, the golf course was to be
developed. That was developed and surrounding the golf course, Mr.
Cannon said there was to be a perimeter of single family homes.
Those single family homes were never developed.
To the south, along Miner Road, there is water and sewer, Mr.
Cannon informed the Council. He said there is a 16 inCh water
main and a 10 inch sewer force main in Miner Road, about a mile to
the south of the development, which are sized to serve the
property. The applicant is required to hook into these water and
sewer mains. Access to the site will be from Hypoluxo Road.
However, the applicant would have to dedicate a public right-of-
way to his property in order to provide access to the vacant,
residentially zoned property to the south.
With regard to the Future Land Use Plans and also the City's
Planned Unit Development Ordinance, the Boynton Beach Comprehensive
Plan shows the property at a density of 4.82 dwelling units per
acre, being loW density ~esidential. Mr. Cannon advised that all
developments within this common area are consistent with this low
The fact that the proposed development is not a conventional
housing development but rather a nursing home and an adult
congregate living facility poses a problem in determining
consistency with the specified density. In order to make a
comparison, Mr. Cannon said the applicant had prepared' a com-
parison, which the Council had before them, that ~mpared the
proposed development with a development with a density of 4.84
dwelling units per acre. The applicant has analyzed the develop-
ment with respect to population, lot coverage, school impact, water
and sewer demands, tr.affic generation, recreation, and police and
fire protection. In all categories except_traffic, the figures
indicate that the impact Of the development does not exceed the
4.84 density of residential development, Mr. Cannon informed the
The traffic impact would exceed that of a residential development
by anywhere from 25~ to 90~,depending on whose figures you are
going by.
- 9 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
Mr. Cannon advised that staff recommends that the proposed 10,000
square foot medical office be reduced to 6,000 square feet in
order to bring the traffic impact down to an acceptable level.
The Planning and Zoning Board went along with this recommendation.
Reducing the office floor space would also be necessary, in the
opinion of the Planning Department, in order to make the develop-
ment consistent with Planned Unit Development Ordinance.
Mr. Cannon told the. Council they had a copy of the Planned Unit
Development Ordinance dealing with commercial uses. In the PUD
Ordinance, it specifies:
"Conmercial uses located in a PUD are intended ~.to serve the needs
of the PUD and not the general needs of a surrounding area . .
~. co~nercial activities shall not generally front on
exterior or perimeter streets, and shall be preferably centrally
located within the project."
Reducing the 0ffice floor space, in the.-Planning Department's
opinmon, also means that the~Planned Unit Development is
consistent with the Comprehensive Plan policies with regard to
commercial development.
Mr. Cannon quoted from a letter dated December 12, 1982, addressed
to Mr. Carmen S. Annunziato, City Planner, from Richard F. Morley,
Principal Planner, Palm Beach County Planning Department:
'. . . The County's Land Use Plan does not identify commercial
potential in the High Ridge Road and Hypoluxo Road area, . ~ .
· The relocation of the cc~ercial site toward the
interior of the proposal would undoubtedly avoid any precedential
cormercial zoning along HypoluxD Road."
Mr. Cannon said the letter from the County Planning Department
also analyzed traffic impact. With the office at 10,000 square
feet, there would be an additional 1,954 trips per day generated
in the area on Hypoluxo Road. If the office is reduced ~to 6,000
square feet, this would drop to 1,654 trips a day, which would be
an acceptable level by the Planning Department and also the
Ptannmng and Zoning Board·
Mr. Cannon referred to~ three policies on page 3 of the City
Planner's memo, which were quoted from the Comprehensive Plan:
"1. Annex only property which is reasonably contiguous to present
~unicipal boundaries."
As indicated by the map, Mr. Cannon told the Council they could
see the annexation would be reasonably contiguous to the City.
He read the second policy:
"2. Annex property only after the preparation of a study evaluating
the fiscal benefits of annexation versus the cost of providing
service. !
- 10 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
Mr. Cannon said the Planning Department found there would be a
property tax revenue of about $21,400 a year, and they could not
find any significant costs in serving this development after
reviewing the comments of the department heads.
The third policy of the Comprehensive Plan stated:
Annex only properties which are of a sufficient size to provide
efficient' service and on which urban developraent is antici-
pated. '
Mr. Cannon advised that this property is plainly in the path of
urban development, and there are sewer and water mains ~o~thesouth
which could serve the property.
The Planning Department's recommendation with respect to this
annexation was that it be approved, subject to staff comments,
and that woUld include the Planning Department's recommendation
for reducing the flOor area of the office and locating the office
to the interior of the property.
The Planning .and Zoning Board, in reviewing these applications,
agreed with the City Planner's recommendations that the office
be reduced, and the Planning and Zoning Board went along with
the applicant's location of that office, which would be 235 feet
from the right-of-way line of Hypoluxo Road.
For the record, Mr. Cannon read the staff comments as follows:
Engineering Department:
(Tom Clark,
city ~gineer)
"1. Proposed improvements appear to be
consistent with City requirements; however,
ccsmitments for improvements within the
County rights of way should be made based
on the Traffic Study prior to approval of
projech for construction.
2. Dedications for ultimate rights of way for
Hypoluxo Road should be shown.
3. Proposed utilities are to be consistent
with requirements of the Utility Department."
Utilities Department:
(Perry A. ~-~Cessna,
Director of Utilities)
"Please be advised that I wrote you ~about this
and we discussed this with their engineer,
Michael Schorah.
The problems that were discussed need to be
resolved between Stanford Park and the present
owners of that land."
Mr. Cannon explained that this concerned the commitments made at
the time of the master plan of High Ridge Road which required the
looping of the water mains for the area. The City Manager will
expand on that.
Kevin Hallan,
Urban Forester:
See letter~at~a~hedhereto as page 12.
- 11 -
Carmen So Ahnunziato
. City'Planner
Kevin Hallahan
Urban Forester
January 3~ 1983
Tree Inventory at Stanfoz
Park P~UoD.
This memo is in reference to the initial tree survey of the
above property~ located at High Ridge and Hypoluxo Roads~ There
exists on this site several unusually'large ~Florida Slash Pine
Trees (Pinus elliotti, dens~) which should be preserved as part~
of th~ developmental process.
The larges~ specimen~ which measures 9t 2" in circumference~
is not located On this particular parcel.of land~ but is in the
utility RoO.W. for the parcel~ just south of the ~Stanford Park
P.UoDo I would suggest that this tree be located by the City
Engineering Department and documented as & "specimen tree" desig~
nated by the Tree Ordinance° This would help to preserve this.,
and the other trees on the site. I will continue to work with
the developer and the ToR~B~ in trying to preserve these trees~
some of which are over one hundred years oldo
The list below-gives some of the dimensions of the trees
in this memo I have been discussing.
No. Diameter
1 22~5"' 5~8" -- 50'
2 25.2" 6 "2" 50'
3 29.7" 7 ~7" 72 ~
4 ' 33.5" 8'5" 50~
5 23.7" 6 ' 2" 55 '
6 1.8o6" 4'9" 55'
7 23°0" 6 '2" 55'
8 24 o 6" 6 ' 6" 50 t
*9 35.2" 9 '2' 50~
This "specimen tree" is located on the land parcel South of the
above property.
NOTE: The largest specimen of this.tree species measures 1I'5'
in circumference.
Any specimen which measure more than 18" in diameter is
considered "unusually large" by Forestry practices.
If you need any. additional in£ormatlon" ' or documentation, please
con'tact me.
KH :mpc j Kevin Ha!laban
JANUARY 18, 1983
City Manager Cheney told the Council that the City had an agreement
with the developer of High Ridge Country Club, relative to looping
some water lines and fire hydrants and other things. High Ridge
Country Club has sold off this land to these developers. Mr.
Cheney said you have the potential profit situation of not knowing
sometime in the future who agreed to do what. City Manager
Cheney said staff would ask the Council to insist that before this
project goes ahead the City has a letter from High Ridge Country
Club's developer indicating who is gQing to~ca~y out.the original
understanding of'~.the~utility, system with~the countr~ club~, and if
i~ is going to be the Stanford Park developers, a letter from
them indicating that they accept that, so the City does not (three
or four years from now) find out they did not know who was going
to do that. City Manager Cheney said they talked to the developers
about that, and they know. it, and that can be a part of the
conditions for approval.
Henry Skokowski, Land Planner and President of Urban Design Studio,
Suite 600, The Concourse, 2000 Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard, West
Palm Beach, Florida 33409. He had a short series of graphics
which he wanted to present to the Council that would clarify their
Mr. Skokowski referred to a short article in the paper about
life care communities. He stated that this is a life care
community. Mr. Skokowski said the article started out by referring
to this kind of development as one where one can grow older with
style. The definition of "life care" gmven by an expert was
a community of older adults where residents pool their assets to
provide themselves the services that they need. In simpler
terms, it is college dormitory housing for the elderly. In this
case, Mr. Skokowski said they believe they have an attractive
site that they hope to work with, preserve as much as possible,
and offer a country club atmosphere for that life care community.
Mr. Skokowski informed the Council that he represents petitioners
that are expert in design, development, construction, and
management of nursing homes and life care communities. They are
currently managing thirteen facilities throughout the State of
Florida, and they have three additional projects similar in nature
to this one here presently in the plan approval stage in the
Cities of Boca Raton, Plantation, and Winter Park.
Mr. Skokowski said he would try and comment on some of the
planning comments as he goes along. By way of introduction,
Mr. Skokowski informed the Council that the site on the right
graphic was the one which was white in the very center. The
dashed line represented the municipal boundaries (Boynton Beach
going through, more or less, the center of their property). The
red area was commercial zoning and building potential. In fact,
in the County, Mr. Skokowski said the red striped area ms an
area that was recently designated by the members of the Palm
Beach County Comprehensive Plan as having additional commercial
- 13 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
Mr. Skokowski said he would be addressing that in a little bit. He
wanted the Council to understand a little bit about the context of
the area and the future development potential by virtue of what the
County's plan perhaps ms. The very large green area was the High
Ridge Country Club. The master plan that the Council saw (the
darker green color) fit into that shape. Mr. Skokowski informed
the Council they have a major roadway that will be going through
the property along the eastern boundary line, which is at the
request of the City (an additional North/South collector that will
parallel High Ridge Roadandprovide~': additional access for moving
traffic). Mr. Skokowski advised that they would be constructing
that thoroughfare through the entire length of their property.
The site shows off of that thoroughfare, in the center of the
site, a single access.:~to the adult community center itself.
Mr. Skokowski pointed out that it shows two brown areas to the
north and south and an orange area, which represents the resi-
dential component of that project (the orange center being the
community center). The community center will be a 25,000 square
foot facility It will provide the lounge, the activity areas,
kitchen facilities, dining roon~ library, management offices, as
well as a transportation center located within that community
Mr. Skokowski continued by saying the transportation center will
provide two vehicles for the transportation of the residents of
this community. One will be a 12 passenger van vehicle. The
other will be an'airport limousine type bus, which will accommo-
date thirty passengers. It will allow residents to take shopping
trips, go to medical facilities, church, field trips, and other
activities of that sort, so there ms supplemental transportation
available thruSts program.
In the very northwest corner is the location of the convalescent
center, which is s~nonymousto a nursing home facility, Mr. Skokowski
informed the Council. That facility will provide for 120 beds.
Contrary to what their original application said, Mr. Skokowski
assured the Council it will not be one to two stories. It will
only be one story. To the right of that is the medical office
facility. Mr. Skokowski said they were requesting a s~tback
from the newly graded intersection there of Hypoluxo Road and the
thoroughfare which will go through their road, separated by land-
scape buffer zone.
Mr. Skokowski showed a blow up of the office facility.
Fortunately for them, Mr. Skokowski guessed that was the only major
issue left to discuss that represented any debate between them and
the Planning Department and the Planning and Zoning Board. He
said they felt very good about how far they went along and the
support that they got from those groups. Mr. Skokowski said the
graphic tends to show the Council the two story office facility,
which would be a total of 10,000 square feet (5,000 square feet
per floor) and attempts to begin to show them the relationship
- 14 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
between that facility that they were prepared to admit to, in terms
of its relationship to Hy~Oluxo Road, ~setback, and so on.
Mr. Skokowski had one more graphic he wanted to show the Council
that illustrates staff relationship. As one goes from left to
right on the scale drawing, Mr. Skokowski said first you are look-
ing at a two story facility as drawn (about 24 feet). They show
a 20 foot landscape buffer area; there is a full 65 foot area that
~i~l be.~available for parking for that facility. From that
point to the right-of-way of Hypoluxo Road, Mr. Skokowski said
there is 150 feet of landscape buffer that will be maintained.
The net effect is the distance from the Hypoluxo right-of-way to
the building (about 235 feet).
In terms of the master plan, Mr. Skokowski had a couple of
comments. He had the master plan set up. Mr. Skokowski pointed
out that the County has a policy of siting commercial develop-
ments inwardly, within a Planned Unit Development. That rule
works well if you have a 50 or 100 acre community. In this
case, Mr. Skokowski said they have a 20 acre community, and it
is very difficult to come up with a solution that makes good
planning sense that locates that facility just about any place
else. The best that they thought that they could do was to make
a full commitment to:
Plat the 150'landscape buffer to provide a landscaped wall
system with a six foot wall which would identify the project,
provide for signage and, again, proper screening so that the
net effect is that there is no commercial presence on Hyp~-
luxo Road. He said they have no interest in a commercial
presence, and the Council would have to understand that.
Mr. Skokowski stressed that they were not asking for any
retail impulse oriented commercial development on this side.
It was a small medical office facility. Hopefully, Mr.
Skokowski said 50% .of the Use of this facility will be on site
by the adult congregate living facility and the medical
operations of the nursing home as well.
Mr. Skokowski told the Council they feel it can be a complimentary
use, as a part of their project. They do not feel it is an
encroachment in any way in the community or on Hypoluxo Road, as
far as commercial development. It is not commercial zoning. It
is a commercial approval within a Planned Unit Development that
recognizes the inherent relationships between this type of
community and a commercial development.
To comment on a couple of other things that Mr. Skokowski thought
also to be important on the project, he said the overall
master plan for this development calls as much as possible for the
preservation of this existing open space. They have identified
some significant landscape cover on this property, and Mr.
Skokowski said they have made a firm commitment to the staff to
preserve all specimen trees and work as glosely as they can with
the preservation of all that landscape material.
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JANUARY 18, 1983
Between the roadway that is being planned and the development to
the east, Mr. Skokowski said there is an additional 30 foot open
space area which will remain undisturbed in terms of existing
tree vegetation that is in the area. As a compliment to this
community, Mr. Skokowski advised that they have recreational
facilities planned on site (swimming pools, spas, bath house,
shuffle board, putting green, garden plots for their residents,
paths for recreational areas, walking and bike ~trai~[~,iout-
door pavilion, a security guard house as he mentioned, landscaping,
lakes, and a positive program of open space.~and, tree preservation,
which is the kind of benefit a community ought to get through a
Planned Unit Development approval.
As Tim Cannon, Assistant City Planner, mentioned, Mr. Skokowski
said they also did a comparative analysis because of the unique
position this project has relative to standard planning develop-
ments that the Council reviews having standard housing in them.
They found they were significantly less than what you would
normally ~find. Of course, they had no school impact. Mr.
Sk~kowski felt there would be little, if any, recreational impact
on the community since the facilities are on site. He advised
they will provide on-site security services. The conventional City
services that they have .will beaugmented by their 24 hour operations.
The one area where they had additional impact was in the area
of traffic. ~.Mr-. Skokowski said'they had a little problem in
the numbers that the County bad'forwarded to the,.City. Some
were understandable but some were not. One of the numbers that
the City had been given represents their initial application
for 16,000 square feet of office space, Mr. Skokowski told the
Council. They agreed, at a meeting earlier at the staff level,
to reduce that to 10,000 square feet, so Mr. Skokowski pointed
out that number would not be accurate.
Mr. Skokowski said they also had the City Planning Department
forwarding data to the Council based on the County Planning
Department's traffic generation rates and not County Engineering
Department's generation'rates. He informed the Council they are
using standard generation rates that were accepted by the
engineering profession putting it~in the County Engineering
Department. Mr. Skokowski acknowledged that they do have an
additional impact compared to what would normally_take place on
this site in that one area only. However, their participatIon
in the intersection improvements of Hypoluxo Road, includ-
,ing offL~i~e improvement at High Ridge Road and HypOluxo, as
well as their participation in the signalization of that
intersection, will bring the traffic level to a level that
they could see was desirable and acceptable on this thorough-
fare, Mr. Skokowski continued.
Mr. Skokowski told the Council they are also dedicating a
substantial right-of-way from Hypoluxo Road'. Their property now
extends from, more or less, the center line of the roadway; and
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JANUARY 18, 1983
their rmght-of-way dedication varies from 45 to 60 feet for the
ultimate expansion of that thoroughfare.
Mr. Skokowski knew there were a few more comments that he could
make. There was one very important one that he thought he needed
to make based on City Manager CheneY's comment. Mr. Skokowski
expressed that they think they understand the problem and the
concern that the City has'regarding the looping of the water
system. They felt that their development on this property, which
includes in part property that was a part of a previous master
plan approval in the City, made them parties to that commitment.
Mr. Skokowski said they felt they could maintain their share of
that commitment by bringing water service up to and through their
property and capping it at the western boundary. They understand,
however, the City's concern about the continuation of that
commitment. Based on the two alternatives that City Manager
Cheney gave him, that they,d'either resolve that problem with the
country club people or otherwise, Mr. Skokowski said they would
accept that condition (however City Manager Cheney has phrased
that) as a condition of their going ahead~. Mr. Skokowski advised
that they hope to have that issue resolved before the next meeting,
which is about two weeks from tonight.
Vice Mayor Warnke noted the applicant was asking the City to re-
zone R1AAA to PUD, which is already in the City. Mr. Skokowski
said that was correct; about half of the property is in the City.
Vice Mayor Warnke told Mr. Skokowski that as soon as the applicant
gets the approval, they are going to sell the property to Mr.
Lawrence E. White. Mr. Skokowski replied, "No sir. We own this
property." Vice Mayor Warnke had an affidavit saying that it~'is an
owner contract of purchase to Lawrence E. White, and Mr.~
Skokowski was acting as his agent. Mr. SkOkowski answered that
the property ms owned by the petitioner; it is not under a contract
to purchase.
Mr. Skokowski clarified that at the time of application, the
property was under contract to purchase. Mr. Skokowski said
Lawrence E. White is mn a development partnership on this property.
He informed the Council that Mr. White is a partner in this
petition and he does, in fact, with the rest of the develop-
ment group own this property to day. Mr. Skokowski assured the
Council they were not here on a speculative basis, selling this
property to someone else. He said the Partners were here this
evening to discuss that and to confirm that on record.
Vice Mayor Warnke called attention to the fact that all the City
had so far was documentation saying they are going to sell the ~
property as soon as this is approved. Councilman deLong believed,
on the advice of counsel, the Council could move on this subject
to verification of the question that was brought up by Vice Mayor
- 17-
JANUARY 18, 1983
Councilman Wright mentioned that some of the members of the Chamber
of Commerce were quite concerned about the occupancy available
of office space mn the City of Boynton Beach. It seemed like
the City had quite a few large facilities that are still basically
empty. Councilman Wright asked Mr. Skokowski if he thought they
would be able to fill up that space once they get the project
finished. Mr. Skokowski replied, "Yes, I do.'~ Mr. SkokoWski
advised that 10,000 square feet is not a major office facility.
It is very small, and they feel confident that a 50% share of that
can be taken by medical practice practitioners that will service
this facility principally. Mr. Skokowski stated that they feel
the additional area is a logical component from the size of
this facility and can, in an ancillary manner, service the
surrounding community in a way which do'es not intrude on the
community. Mr. Skokowski expressed that they feel comfortable
that the demand is there, and this type of development is a
logical location from the interrelations that exist more so than
in other areas.
Councilman Wright asked where they were getting their facts and
studies, to.~suppo~t thei~ need for something like that. He
questioned where they got that and asked if Mr, S~okowski if he
did a need assessment himself. To answer that question dir-
ectly, Mr. Skokowski introduced the Council to Dr. McCoy,
principal in the development team here.
Dr. John A. McCoy, 19 Meadow LaMe Court, Winter Haven, Florida,
one of the principals involved in this project in a joint
venture partnership with Mr. White, informed the Council that they
have received a number of-inquiries from physicians, primarily
from John F. Kennedy Hospital, regarding office space at this
location. Dr. McCoy did not have their names at hand with him
but repeated that they have received a number of inquiries regard-
ing office space there.
The reason for Dr. McCoy commng forward was to address the ques-
tion of Vice Mayor Warnke in that he wanted to clarify one point.
Dr. McCoy claried that part of the property, that is, the large
rectangular portion, is owned by the applicant but the back
portion ms under an-option contract (iron clad contract). It is
not owned by them at the present time. Dr. McCoy wanted to make
that point perfectly clear. He advised that it is under contract;
they have not purchased it. Mr. Skokowski was sorry that he was
not aware of that.
Mayor Trauger asked Mr. Skokowski if he was in agreement with all
of the conditions read by Mr. Cannon, AsSistant City Planner, and
to the acceptance of the conditions, including the two optmons
provided by City Manager Cheney for the loopSng of the water.
To make sure that they are clear on that, Mr. Skokowski said he
would have to make comment. He told the Council, "Yes, we are in
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JANUARY 18, 1983
agreement with the third consideration of Mr.-Cheney's. We would
want clarification from you as to what the CityJs position is on
the location of the office facility. We would try to make our
best case. We had this before the Planning and Zoning Department,
and we are not clear (I'm not clear because of Mr. ~nnunziato's
absence) as to what the Director's position is on that. I thought
that we had his support, but he is not here to speak for himself."
On the third item, the size of the office facility, Mr. Skokowski
said the staff had recommended a reduction from 10,000 to 6,000
square feet. Their feeling is that that is solely based on
traffic impact, which they feel they will accommodate by additional
improvements to intersections and signalization that is already
committed to others. That impact can.be mitigated, and 10,000
square feet is not a substantial amount of square feet. Mr.
Skokowski said they tried to demonstrate that again through their
site plan graphics and their commitment to be removed from the
Mr. Skokowski continued by saying they would like to ask the City
to allow them to build 10,000 square feet, which would help them
in the development of the property. Of course, he pointed out
that was at the Council's discretion. If the City feels they
need to reduce that, Mr. Skokowski said they will. He said they
would like to go up to 10~000; they feel. they have a reasonable
case to go ahead with that.
Mayor Trauger asked City Manager Cheney and Assistant City
Attorney Wolf as to the legality of the request.
City Manager Cheney commented that he discussed it with Carmen
Annunziato, City Planner. M~. Annunziato felt the condition on
the setback of the office building of 250 feet, or whatever feet
it was from Hypoluxo Road, was adequate, in his judgment, to
relate this building not to Hypoluxo Road but to the project it-
self. Besides, Mr. AnnunZiato still recommended that it be
dropped to 6,000 feet for the size of the office building, City
Manager Cheney advised.
City Manager Cheney added that because this is annexation, the
City has to be concerned about the County Comprehensive Plan,
and the City can only annex and zone in such a way that is consist-
ant with the County Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Annunziato has had
many discussions with County staff, and the current position of
the County staff is one of concern and worry about the orientation
of this building to Hypoluxo Road and~abOut its size.
City Manager Cheney said they felt by keeping the building back
from Hypoluxo Road and keeping it not more than 6,000 square feet
is consistent with the County staff and their interpretation of
the County Comprehensive Plan. In addition to that, City Manager
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JANUARY 18, 1983
Cheney thought it was also Mr. Annunziato's interpretation of the
City's PUD Ordinance. City Manager Cheney reiterated that the
City is, in this case, affected by the judgment of the County.
If the Council 'would take the same action %hat the Planning and
Zoning Board took, from the staff's point of view, City Manager
Cheney thought that would be the one the City would recommend
the Council support.
Councilman deLong asked if City Manager Cheney agreed with the
recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board. Mayor Trauger
believed that was 6,000 feet. City Manager Cheney answered
that the applicant's position would be that they prefer 10,000;
the Planning and Zoning Board is 6,000. What they are going to
do for 6,000 feet, City Manager Cheney said he would leave it up
to them.
Mr. SkokOwski said their response would be as they indicated to
the Planning and Zoning Board. They told the Planning and Zoning
Board that they would present their best case to the Council.
If the Council's feeling is that.'.the Planning and Zoning Board is
correct with their recommendation and conditions, they would
certainly go along with that, Mr. Skokowski advised. He said the
applicant said they had no desire to press the City on a similar
issue. They simply want to state their case. Mr. Skokowski
felt there was no negative impact as a result of that that could
not be accommodated or mitigated. He reiterated that they, of
course, will go with the City's wishes.
If Mayor Trauger was correct, the Planning and Zoning Board was
at 6,000 square feet for the building. Mr. Skokowski agreed that
was correct. Mayor Trauger asked Mr. Skokowski if he was in
agreement to the other staff comments as presented by Tim Cannon,
Assistant City Planner, and City Manager Peter Cheney. Mr.
S~okowski answered, "Yes sir." Mayor Trauger asked Attorney Wolf
if that satisfied him. Attorney WOlf repliedl "Yes.' He wished
to ask one question.
Attorney Wolf sa~ qb~t the adult congregate'living facility and
convalescent center require permits from the State HRS and
asked what the position was on those permits. He further
questioned what happens if the PUD gets approved and something
happens with the permits. Attorney Wolf asked if that question
had been addressed. Mr. Skokowski believed they were subject to
those approvals. He asked Dr. McCoy to comment.
Regarding the nursing home portion of the project, Dr. McCoy said
they had to obtain a certificate of need and then all of the
appropriate licenses from the Department of Health, Rehabilitative
Services. Those, all but the final approvals which are given upon
the completion of the building, have been granted to them, Dr.
McCoy informed the Council.
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JANUARY 18, 1983.
Regarding the adult congregate living facility, Dr. McCoy advised
there ms no such stipulation calling for a certificate of need
for such a project. However, they still fall within the HRS
regulations and have to comply therewith.
Regarding the relationship of those approvals to the PUD, Dr.
McCoy informed the Council that the State does not care what kind
of zoning. Attorney Wolf's problem was the City. granting a PUD
for an adult congregate living facility and a convalescent center.
He pointed out a PUD is stuck into those uses, and you do not have
a large range of uses. He said this only happens with the
permits. Attorney Wolf wanted to see the assurances that the
permits are mn the process or something. Dr. McCoy said they
have those assurances. He stated, "This project cannot move. We
have told the State that that is where we will be located, and it
would be very difficult for us." Attorney Wolf's only concern
was that he just did not want to see a project in limbo and pieces of
land in the City in ~limbo. Dr. McCoy assured Attorney Wolf
he could verify the existence of a certificate of need and the
approval on that site.
Councilman deLong believed they should include this in the
motion. Attorney Wolf added, ,,verification~that.the permits.and
the certificate of need has been established." Dr. McCoy
answered, "Yes sir." He wanted an opportunity to present that at
the next public hearing. Attorney Wolf was sorry he brought it up
at the last minute.
Councilman deLong asked Vice Mayor Warnke if he was satisfied
with' the contention he had. Vice Mayor Warnke was not satisfied
with the whole thing at.all. First of all, it is R1AA to PUD,
which Vice Mayor Warnke thought was ridiculous.
Councilman de~ong asked why they didn't just lay this on the
table. He asked City Manager Cheney if he had any recommendations.
City Manager Cheney did not know the nature of Vice Mayor Warnke's
concern. He ~oubted that laying it on the table was going to
address what the V±ce.Mayor was saYing.
Councilman deLong pointed out that they had not reached any
conclusions as to what to do with this, if it is up in the air
insofar as the question that was raised by Vice Mayor Warnke and
the addition of what Assistant City Attorney Wolf had said.
Councilmember Woolley and Mayor Trauger said it was not up in the
air. Mayor Trauger said the applicant has assured them that he
is the owner of the property and assured that he would bring to
the City attorney his entitlement to the property. Councilman
deLong said that was the question he asked Vice Mayor Warnke, and
he said "No." Vice Mayor Warnke was against approving R1AA to
PUD. He repeated that it was ridiculous.
City Manager Cheney advised that PUD is one of those things
that is allowed mn various zones. From what he could hear Vice
Mayor Warnke saying, City Manager Cheney did not think Vice Mayor
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JANUARY 18, 1983
Warnke's concern was answerable.
Mayor Trauger asked if anyone else wished to speak in favor of the
project. There was no response.
Mayor Trauger asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition to the
Mr. Allen L. Polak, 645 West Ocean kvenue, Boynton Beach, did not
want to speak against it; he was not here for it, but he did want
to question the Planning and Zoning Board on something.
Mayor Trauger asked Mr. Polak what his personal business was. Mr.
Polak answered that he is in the body and fender business. He
wanted to ask the Planning and Zoning Board if they had taken
into consideration the amount of time it would take the City Fire
Department to go down to that particular location'or if it would
be necessary for the City to build another fire house back in
that location. City Manager Cheney thought Mr. Polak's question
was addressed to the staff because the Planning and Zoning Board
was not here.
City Manager Cheney said Mayor Trauger had raised this question
the other day, and the Fire Chief, Mayor and he talked about it.
Mr. Cheney said the City Fire Service almost never goes to a
nursing home. For example, they almost never go to Boulevard
Manor because they are staffed to take care of those problems
themselves. In most cases, City Manager Cheney said it would be
the ambulance service (probably, mn this case, it would be
from John F. Kennedy Hospital) who go to a nursing home. This
was verified by James Rhoden, Fire Chief, who was in the audience.
What happens to fire service if they develop the whole area of
the City south of Hypoluxo Road to Congress Avenue and Lawrence
Road, asked City Manager Cheney. He said that was something they
would have to address. Certainly, with this kind ofnew construction
which is built with current Codes, as far as fire safety is
concerned, the instance of likelihood of a fire call goes down
to a very small percentage because of the kind of construction,
City Manager Cheney advised. City Manager Cheney called attention
to the fact that you always have people on duty in these build-
ings, both in the life care center and the convalescent home
(nurses, security people, etc.), so that is a big help also.
Mayor Trauger asked if there were any other comments for or
against the proposal. There was no response.
Councilman deLong moved that proof of these pertinent questions
that have been asked be submitted.and-to acc. ept the unanimous
recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board that the
annexation for Southern Senior Group be accepted by the Council,
noting consistency with the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan
- 22 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
policies; and ~so the unanimous recommendation of the Planning and
Zoning Board that the request for Land Use Amendment and rezoning
be approved subject to staff comments, including the recommenda-
tions made by the City planner, in the Report to the Planning and
Zoning Board. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Woolley.
Mayor Trauger repeated that it had been moved that the City
Council accept the unanimous recommendation of the Planning and
Zoning Board for the annexation request submitted by Henry
SkOkowski for Southern Senior Group be accepted by the City
Council and the legal documents of title and of the State
licensing, which was the concern of the Assistant City Attorney,
be provided before the actual approval will be completed; and
also that the Planning and Zoning Board's recommendation that
the request for the Land Use Amendment, subject to staff comments,
be approved.
Mr. Skokowski wanted to know if the Assistant City Attorney felt
that it would be proper to divide the motion on the three
elements that are before the City (the annexation, Land Use Amend-
ment, and the PUD approval). Attorney Wolf believed Vice Mayor
Warnke had asked for that division. Attorney Wolf did not think
it was absolutely necessary at this level. When it comes up for
each Ordinance, Attorney Wolf advised it would have to be voted
on separately. In the past, when it has been presented as a
package, Attorney Wolf informed everyone it has been voted as a
At the request of Mayor Trauger, Mrs. Padgett, City Clerk, took a
roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Mayor Trauger
Vice Mayor Warnke
Councilmember Woolley
Councilman Wright
Councilman deLong
MOtion carried 4-1, with Vice Mayor Warnke voting against the
Proposed Use:
Legal Description:
City of Boynton Beach
Land Use Amendment from Medium Density Resi-
dential to Office, and Rezoning from R-2
(Single Family & Duplex-Residential) to C-1
(Offices/Professional Commercial)
South Seacrest between SE 21st Avenue and SE
23rd Avenue, east side
C-1 Use
Crestview - Lots 60, 61, 62, 65, 66
- 23-
JANUARY 18, 1983
Tim Cannon, Assistant City Planner, said this is a request for
Land Use Amendment and Rezoning made by the City of Boynton Beach
following the Council's review and vote on the Monahan rezoning.
The Council had requested the Planning Department and the
Planning and Zoning Board to study the Land Use pattern and
related zoning for lots adjacent to the Monahan property nearby
on the east side of Seacrest Boulevard between S. E. 21st Avenue
and S. E. 23rd Avenue. Mr. Cannon said Lot 62 (which is the
Monahan property) was separated geographically from any other
commercial property in this area. There was a question as to
whether this would be spot zoning.
Consequently, the Council did ask the Planning Department to
review the entire strip of lots in that portion of Seacrest.
Implicit in the Council's action with respect to the Monahan
property was a finding that the request by Mrs. Monahan was
consistent with the Comprehensive Plan policies governing the
location of commercial activities. This finding was made based
upon a review of the written record and the evidence placed on
the record at the Council's public hearing on November 16, 1982.
As far as the Planning and Zoning Board's recommendation, Mr.
Cannon said the Planning and Zoning Board recommended, after
conducting a public hearing, that the rezoning and Land Use Amend-
ment be denied by a vote of 6 to 1. Mr. Cannon was not going to
go intO great detail on the facts and issues concerning this re-
zoning and Land Use Amendment request as Council had become
familiar with the facts and the issues as a result of the previous
zoning request in this area, and the Council also had the Planning
Department's report. The Planning Department did not see any
point in reiterating what the Council was already well aware of.
Going back to the Planning and Zoning Board's recommendation, Mr.
Cannon informed the Council that the Planning and Zoning Board
based their recommendation on the report the Planning Department
provided them and the findings in that report.
Concerning the rezoning, Mr. Cannon said the report the Members
had before them was similar to the-report the Planning and
Zoning Board has made in previous rezoning requests in this
area (Monahans, Bowen, and Johnston). Mr. Cannon was not going in-
~o great detail about what was contained in the report. However,
there was some additional analysis in the report on the problem
of traffic impact~ which would come about as a result of changing
the land use on these lots from residential to medical offices.
Mr. Cannon referred the Council to paragraph 4, page 3 of the
Planning and Zoning Board's report, where they had written:
If all of these lots were to be rezoned to C-i,
approximately 12,070 square feet of existing floor
area and 4270 square feet of potential floor area
- 24 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
wOuld be available for medical offices. This cc~nercia]
floor area would geD~rate an estimated 1,225 additional
vehicle trips per day." This added "to the existing
13,400 vehicle trips per day on South Seacrest Boulevard"
would be "a 9.1~ increase. By comparison, if this strip
were to remain R-2, the ~ build-out on ~thes. e lots
would generate about 14 additional vehicle trips per day
(a 0.1% increase)."
Mr. Cannon also called attention to item 8, page 4 of the Report
the Council had, which concerned the possible precedent that
rezoning these lots would set for other areas of the City.
Mr. Cannon put on an overview of Seacrest' Boulevard with the
existing zoning. He showed the lots in question at the bottom
of the map, Seacrest Boulevard, N. E.and N. Wi 2nd Avenue along
the top, and Woolbright and Golf Roads.
If the lots in queStion were to be rezoned, in the Planning
Department's opinion, this could set a precedent for rezoning
the remainder of Seacrest Boulevard. Mr. Cannon said if the
CoUnCil could recall the reZoning request made by the property
owners (Monahan, Johnston, and Bowen), they based their reasons
for wanting rezoning on the traffic volume on South Seac~est
Boulevard, which on Seacrest Boulevard is about 13,000. Mr.
Cannon stated that there are similar traffic volumes on South
Seacrest between Woolbrfght Road and City Hall. He showed
where there was about 12,800 on this part of Seacrest, and there
are also similar traffic volumes on Woolbright Road immediately
east of the Interstate. Mr. Cannon said. Woolbright Road has
a traffic volume of about 15,000 vehicle trips per day.
Mr. Cannon advised that the Planning Department wished to bring
it to the attention of both the Planning and Zoning Board and the
City Council that there is a potential for setting a precedent in
rezoning this also to C-1.
In summing up, Mr. Cannon put on the other overlay. He said the
Planning Department'~s recommendation was that if these lots are
to be rezoned, only those lots which immediately front on Seacrest
Boulevard be rezoned from R-2 to C-1. Of course, Mr. Cannon
noted, there is the simultaneous change of the Land Use Plan from
medium density residential to office use.
Mr. Cannon pointed out that there are two parcels ~which do not
immediately front on Seacrest. These are the east 100 feet of
Lot 60 and the east 60 feet of Lot 65, Crestview Subdivision.
These are separate parcels by ownership which do not front on
The Planning Department recommended that the Council, if they
move to rezone these lots, except the east 100 feet of Lot 60
and the east 60 feet of Lot .65 because they do not front on Sea-
crest. Mr. Cannon said there was also a letter in the record
from the owner of the east 100 feet of Lot 60 saying he did not
- 25 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
wish to be rezoned to C-1 as it would increase his property taxes,
and he has no intention of converting it to commercial use.
In summary, Mr. Cannon said this was the Planning Department's
comment and the Planning and Zoning Board's recommendation. As
he said before, the Planning and Zoning Board did recommend against
this by a vote of 6-1.
Mayor Trauger asked what some of the ma3or uses of C-1 are. As
far as the Planning Department could realistically foresee, Mr.
Cannon said the lots would be used for medical offices. C-1
zoning allows for several other types of commercial use, including
funeral homes, banks, nursing homes, to name a few of them. They
are all low intensity commercial uses, However, because of the
size of these lots and because most of them have existing'
buildings on them, Mr. Cannon said they would not anticipate that
they would be used fOr anything but medical offices and professional
Councilman Wright noted that it was mentioned by staff that there
were two other property owners in that area, along the stretch,
who had requeSted applications to have their property rezoned to
C-1. He asked Mr. Cannon to show the locations. City Manager
Cheney thought Councilman Wright meant that Mr. Cannon indicated
that there were two people 'n~rth of Woolbright~who came in the
last twO weeks and picked Up,applications but have not done any-
thing With them. Councilma~Lwr~ght confirmed'those were the ones
he mentioned in his report at the Planning and Zoning Board
meeting. City Manager~Cheney clarified that they were north of
W0olbright and nothing has happened to them.
Mr. Cannon said there were two property owners {he did not know
their names or the locations of their properties) who own lots
on Seacrest Boulevard between Woolbright and 2nd Avenue who have
picked up rezoning applications. This was after the'Council's
approval of the Monahan rezo~ing. Mr~ Cannon informed the Council
t~at he just explained the zpning proceSs to them. ' They have not
brought in and filed an application. Mr. Cannon said there are
also~ from time to'time· a~pllications for rezoning for this strip
of lots on Woolbright Road i~ediately to the east of 1-95. At
a half, Mr. Cannon said there have not
least for the last year and
been any actual zoning appli
Anna Noe, 705 Hillcrest Road
Beach for over thirty years,
14th and now lives in Missic
asking to be rezoned was a
north of Woolbright because
comes off of 1-95 to 'the hoe
aldirect line with that. T~
different than property nort
Mrs. Noe noted they also met
· Boynton Beach, a resident of Boynton
used to live north of Woolbright on
n Hills. She thought the property
ittle bit different than the property
the direct ambulance access route
pital. That way the property is in
at was why she thought it was a little
h of Seacrest.
tioned that it might lead to
- 26 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
Woolbright Road being zoned commercial. She persOnally owns, a
cemetery lot in the cemetery and had no objection to them making
it commercial across from that either.
Terry Johnston, 2214 South Seacrest Boulevard, Boynton Beach,
started this back in March and said she is one of the homeowners
there. Mrs. Johnston could think of two things that Zoning had
come up with tonight. One was the ~traffic. As far as traffic,
whether they go to that one parcel of land or whether they go
down another 50 or 100 feet or some place along there, Mrs.
Johnston said they are still going to travel Seacrest Boulevard
regardless. As far as the northend of Boynton goes, Mrs. Johnston
did not think they were going to start putting medical complexes up
~ere or-that many doctors offices unless they put another hospital
up there. She did not think they had that to worry about.
Mrs. Johnston thought they had been fighting this long enough,
and. she thought it was about time the Council took a stand on it.
COuncilman Wright asked what lot she was on. Mrs. Johnston
replied that they have two lots .- Lot 61 and the west end of 60.
Joan BoWen, 5581 Frost Lane, Delray Beach (formerly of 2304
South Seacrest Boulevard, Boynton Beach) moved as she took it long
enough (the noise, the sirens, potice-~-eams, fire eng~ines, etcl)
Mrs. Bowen just could not see any reason for not having these
houses rezoned.
Mrs. Bowen tried to rent her house and finally rented it.
Everybody that called her asked where it was. All they needed
to hear was Bethesda Hospital, and "Oh, no.' Mrs. Bowen just
could not possibly live there. She finally.rented it to some
people from up north, and she had to reduce the rent and not
take any last month. Mayor Trauger asked what lot she was on.
Mrs. Bowen said the one right below Mrs. Johnston's (Lot 65).
Mrs. Bowen remarked, "Nobody wanted to live there, and I can't
blame them."
Floyd Nickles, 3858 White Oak Drive, Birmingham, Alabama, a
friend of the Weems family, had. to be in SoUth FlOrida and is a
professional'~rban~ptanner. He was asked to look at this
particular area and express an opinion. Mr. Nickles said he
did not have time to do a very thorough analysis of the situation.
He had looked at the Planning Staff's Report and their reasons
for basically recommending against the rezoning.
Mr. Nickles noted that Mr.~.Tim Cannon, Assistant City Planner,
acknoWledged that the size of these parcels are so small that
not all of the permitted~uses are likely to go on here. Mr.
Nickles believed earlier there had been some illusions that in
spite of what was initially proposed, it was conceivable that in the
permitted uses there could be some conversation tater'~to less
accepted uses. Mr. Nickles ~added that was not very practical.
- 27 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
Mr. Nickles stated~that the current traffic count on Seacrest is
13,400 and, by the calculations, rezoning of these fiVe small
parcels would increase that'traffic vOlume by 9~~. Somehow, .that
escaped Mr. Nickles, and he thought~there was a decimal point
misplaced because he would say abo~t sixty properties along the
entire length of that street would account for all the traffic on
t~e street. He did not know how the calculations were arrived a~,
but the magnitudes did not seem correct.
As far as spot zoning, Mr. Nickles rode up and down that street
several times today~ While there certainly is a lot of residential
Planned Unit Development there, obviously, they are taking great
care to orient themselves away from that major thoroughfare. Mr.
Nickles did not see any new residential development along that
strip that has access directly onto the .thoroughfare,. He noted
there was that one large tract ~of R-2 in ~the extreme, upper right-
hand corner. Of course, it is also large enough that it could
be a Planned Unit Development, Mr. Nickles supposed~ The only
other R-2 zone there was immediately north of what Mr. Nickles
believed was 23rd Street. He found it very curious that there
was a duplex right on the corner surrounded by four vacant lots
between that isolated duplex and Planned Unit Development. Mr.
Nickles wondered what future that was going %o be because he would
find it very unlikely that anyone would come in and build a
single family or duplex oriented to this thoroughfare.
Mr. Nickles said it was not just the volume of traffic but
because of the proximity %o the hospital, the kind of traffic
they were talking about. In addition to a_%raf,fic[_volume mn
numbers, the fact that would be of some interest would be some
noise studies to see what the level of noise is by particular
kinds of traffic, Mr. Nickles thought.
James Liek, Professional Real E~state Consultant for 30 years,
1'310 S. W. 25th Way, Golfview Harbor, Boynton Beach, was
interested in the staff's recommendation. He agreed with one
recommendation. That was that only the properties which are
facing onto Seacrest should be subject to the rezoning. There
Mr. Liek's agreement with the staff ends.
Mr. Liek went to the map. He said the character of the neighbor-
hood had already been determined. Mr. Liek said it was a major
thoroughfare that almost ends into Delray Beach and is an
alternative to U. S. l~traffic. The hospital is a major institu-
tion and is not likely to go away. A large amount of the
traffic is determined by that hospital. It is not likely to get
.less. That means that heavily traveled streets generally
deteriorate values of single family dwellings, so it is likely
that requests of this type will continue.
Mr. Liek emphasized that it was not spot zoning but potential C-1
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JANUARY 18, 1983
zoning, and it is contiguous to C-1 zoning all along there, which
is a part of the Land Use Plan and generally a part of the exist-
ing zoning. It is merely an extension of C-1 zoning, and Mr.
Liek did not believe it could.be called spot zoning at all.
Mr. Liek reiterated that it was brought out that these are small
plats and small/bUildings. For example, Mr. Liek said the
Monahan's duplex is smaller than his house which, in Golfview
Harbor, is not exactly palatial. He said there ~as very little
land committed in this City to C-t use. He believed that would
be the smallest of the commercial category and said it was the
most desirable type of commercial use since, it produces the
least traffic.
Regardless of what they do, Mr. Liek said the demand is
there and the neighborhood characteristics are already determined,
it seemed to him that the zoning request was entirely in order
and consistent with future trends that can be expected.
Based on that expert analysis, Mayor Trauger asked Mr. Liek if he
would also recommend the commerciel?.use from Woolbright to 2nd.
Mr. Liek replied that they did not have an institution, other than the
City facilities there which may demand there. He called
attention t° the vacant land and duplex zoning there. Obviously,
Mr. Liek pointed out, it is not the most desirable area for
single family houses. Mr. Liek said it would increase land values
all along. There was nothing like change of use to increase
value in real estate.
Mayor Trauger asked if Mr. Liek Stated there is a shortage of
available doctors and medical offices in the City of Boynton
Beach and within the vicinity of Bethesda Hospital. Mr. Liek
had not studied that.. He thought there was a shortage of C-1
zoned land for the City of Boynton Beach.
Albert L. McGregor, 2897 S. E. 1st Place, Boynton Beach, owns an
apartment in Squire Hill Condominium Association. At present,
Mr. McGregor is President of the Board of Directors there. Mr.
McGregor believed there were 56 or 57 units at Squire Hill and
advised that they were not against the rezoning of this property.
He thought they were about the closest to it as any other units
that size.
Mr. McGregor asked if~.from 23rd Avenue all the way to 26th was not
alrea~zoned commercial. Mr. Cannon replied, "That is correct."
Mr. McGregor asked, "How about on the west side from 23rd Avenue
down to the hospital? Is not that commercial?" The answer was
"Yes." Mr. McGregor determined that they only had a small amount
of land right in that area that is not already C-l, undeveloped.
- 29 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
Mr. McGregor saw in the paper that there is a possibility that ~the
City may not go any further west. If we don't, Mr. McGregor
thought' we better start right now on C-1 or C-2 property.
Mayor Trauger advised there is no shortage of C-1 property in the
City on its total zoning.
Mr. McGregor agreed that there may not be but he pointed out that
we are going to have more people coming here than we have now. If
the City is not going to go any further west, they will have to use
what they have here now. That was his point.
Mr. McGregor said he has been in this town for 51 years° At one
time or another, he served on every Board in this town except
the Cemetery Board and Beautification Committee.
Evelyn Rohrbaugh, 2857 S. E. 1st Place, Boynton Beach, a resident
of Boynton Beach for the past 20 years, informed the Council that
S. E. 1st Place lies one block east of Seacrest Boulevard. She
was impressed with the Council's action at the. December 7th Council
Meeting where Councilman deLong brought up the issue of instead of
spot. zoning~oneparcel of land, to rezone Lots 60, 61, 62, 65 and
66 to C-1 zoning.
Mrs. Rohrbaugh also recalled at that meeting it was voiced by
each Councilmember that if it was to come up for a strip zoning,
that the Council would all vote in favor of rezoning the strip.
She thought they would find this in the minutes of the December 7th
Council Meeting. Mrs. Rohrbaugh concluded by saying, "I would like
to see you follow through with it now~" Mayor Trauger did not
think that was quite accurate from~he_~ecords.
Anthony Mignano, 617 S. W. 4th Avenue, Boynton Beach, has a duplex
on Seacrest Boulevard and said they have a lot of problems with the
people who rent it because of all of the traffic on that street.
People that move there stay six or seven months or one year and
move out. Mr. Mignano said they would like to rezone that area.
Mr. Mignano informed Mayor Trauger that his property is Lot 66.
From South 23rd Avenue, Mr. Mignano said it is zoned C-1. From
south of Woolbright, they have the water house with the pump of
the City; and the other side is the cemetery. They only.have six
or seven houses. Mr. Mignano felt they should'.~ezone it.
A couple of years ago, Mr. Mignano recalled they rezoned 23rd
Avenue. He asked if you call it a street. There are only two
lanes on that street; it is professional use. Mr. Mignano said
there are no.sidewalks. On a rainyl.day, there is water ~al.1 over
the place, and people have to Walk in the street. Mr. Mignano
repeated that there should be sidewalks.
- 30 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
On Seacrest, Mr. Mignano said you have a beaUtiful stmeet with four
lanes. He told the Council, "Let's rezone:"
Allen L. Polak, 645 West Ocean Avenue, Boynton Beach, thought
everyone here was agreeing with what the City should do. He said
all they needed now was for the City Council to "kind of look at
the bible and see what is best for the community also and do it."
Mayor Trauger asked if any more wished to speak in favor of the
Frank A. Kreidler, Attorney at Law, Suite 4, 521 Lake Avenue,
Lake Worth, Florida 33460, said this matter was before the City
Council before. It seemed to Attorney Kreidler the main objec-
tion was spot zoning. That has been corrected; it's not spot
zoning, and Attorney Kreidler did not see where that is a problem
any more. Attorney Kreidler stated it is not a monumental
pro3ect; it is not the deBartolo Mall; this is not involving
annexation to the City; it is juSt a little four or five lots
piece of property that, in his and.~his clients' opinion belong in
C-1 use.
Attorney Kreidler said the~ Boynton Beach City Council has shown
in the past on those and other really big projects they are not
scared to move ahead and do what is best for the City even if it
involves changing things a little bit to make things stick. He
said they were asking the Council for that same consideration.
Attorney Kreidler noted there was a question about precedent.
Anytime. you do anything, people can always say it is precedent,
butprecedent stops where this Council decides it stops. Just
because, this is being rezoned does not mean that anything else ever
needs to be rezoned if the Councilmembers do not agree with that,
Attorney Kreidler pointed out. He said the question has already
been covered regarding different uses of C-1. Obviously, there
are no bowling alleys going in on those little small lo%s, and
no funeral homes unless they are for people with no friends
because they would not have enough room to have the cars park
Attorney Kreidler did not have to tell the Council Mrs. Monahan
has been a lifelong resident of Boynton Beach;. he did not have to
show the Council a petition with 150 names, the pictures, or tell
the Council about Mrs. Monahan's business. The only thing
Attorney Kreidler mentioned about Mrs. Monahan's business was that
it matches UP Boynton Beach residents~with people in Boynton
Beach Senior Citizens and other people that are ±nfirmed that need
the services. He thought that was the type of business that
Boynton Beach needs and wants. Attorney Kreidler also did not
have to tell the Council it is a beautiful property and~he did not
have to tell them about the traffic on Seacrest, which has already
been covered.
- 31-
JANUARY 18, 1983
The-last couPle-of remarks Attorney Kreidler wanted to make were
directed to some opposition that came up at the Planning and Zoning
Board Meeting. There wasa question about the glut of office
space. Attorney Kreidler said the glut of office space is on
Glades Road in Boca Raton, Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard in West Palm
Beach, and on Clematis Street in West Palm Beach. Downtown in
West Palm Beach is dying, Attorney Kreidler told the Council. He
said there is no ~lut of office space on Seacrest Boulevard by the
hospital; there are not going to be any more little properties like
that available for doctors and dentists offices because of your
PUDS and other multi-family zoning along that street. It will
severely restrict that space[ Attorney Krediler repeated that
there is no glut of office space there.
The only other point that Attorney Kreidler wanted to cover, that
was brought up at the Planning and Zoning Board, was that there
was some question %hat there was going to be (due to the C-1
zoning) Ioiterers (people loitering in the area, going to these
di~fferent C-1 establishments). AttOrney Kreidler suggested that
any C-1 establishment conceivably could have toiterers~bu't .he
did not think there was any problem with loiterers fu~ther~down..at
thee other C-1 zoning at the other doctors' offices.
Attorney Kreidler recalled that these loiterers were described as
waiting for services, To him, that was a camouflaged shot at
possibly people that are in a low income group, and people that are
around'government know what this is. It seemed to Attorney
Kreidler that the only low income group of people that you are
going to have there are little old ladies, little old men that are
on Medicare that possibly cannot drive their cars down there or
do not own a car that should go to a'doctor's office, and somebody
is going to have to drop them off there. That argument, saying
that there is going to be loiterers there, in Attorney Kreidler's
opinion, was an insult to the intelligence and. the need of these
Senior Citizens and other people that will need those services
from those offices.
By changing the zoning, Attorney Kreidler said, ."You get.more.tax
revenue,-admittedly for a small area that you remove generally
when the use changes (the homestead exemptions), and you are going
to get more taxes for the. City."
Attorney Kreidler asked the Council to do what is right and what
is fair.
Ralph Vallaretla, 2210 S. E. 1st Street, Boynton Beach, heard
e~erybody talk about the closeness they are to the property but
said nobody could be any closer than himself. Mr. Vallarella was
speaking for himself and pointed to Lot 50, saying he lived there.
He was also speaking for his neighbor, Mrs. Kelly, and a new
neighbor that just moved in (a Boynton Beach Police Officer who
could not be here tonight). They are probably the closest, so
- 32 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
if anybody was going to make any comments in favor or disapproval,
Mr. V~'~larella thought .it should be them before anybody else. He
moved there four years ago and when he moved there, the so-called
Monahan property was nothing but a complete eyesore, where every-
body~walked their dogs.
Since Mrs. Monahan purchased the property, she made the property
look like, in Mr. Varella's estimation, the "utopia of Boynton
Beach" - very beautiful. As far as the Johnston property, which
is also right across, Mr. Valtarella said they have beautification
and a lot of greenery.
Mr. Vallarella came down here from New York to retire and look
at some good scenery, not to see any gas stations or convenience
stores. He was in favor of the City approying the rezoning
because he thought the way things are done today with everything
built around walls and where everything should be close together,
that their property 'shOuld be zoned for either professional or
medical so they can be close to the hospital and have everything
in one central area like a mall instead of spread out.
Mr. Vallarella thought the Council should approve the rezoning,
and it would be beneficial to the area also.
Robert L. Foot, 2400 S. W. 1st Street, Boynton Beach is located
in the notification area fOr the rezoning.
Mr. Foot said the CitY Council charged the Planning and Zoning
Board with a review of this property for a change of the Compre-
hensive Land Use Plan. As he recalled, the City Council did not
ask the Planning and Zoning Board to consider other properties
that are along recently four laned roads, including all of
Seacrest from south of the hospital all the way up to the canal.
They did not ask the Planning and Zoning Board to consider
Woolbright Road and its recently refour-laned areas, and he
did not believe they.asked for a reconsideration of 2nd Avenue.
Mr. Foot asked what the basis was for the Planning and Zoning
Board reconsidering this case or the City Council's action on
Mr. Foot stated they have a request from a couple of people;
they have to consider at the same time all of those p~ople who
presently have C-1 property. Respectfully, Mr. Foot Said if each
of the Council Members would go across S, E. 23rd from Seacrest
to the tracks, they would find there are eight properties that are
presently residences, which might be considered non-conforming.
One is for rent; one is for sale. There are vacant pieces of
property (Lot 67 is vacant). A piece of property/.immediately
behind Mr. Foot's home, owned by a series of investors who want to
make an attractive development of that piece noted that property
- 33 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
is in competition with the areas that are being considered tonight.
Mr. Foot said they are not in favor of this action and asked him
to speak specifically to the Council for this. They are not
voters in the Council's constituency,~ but they are investors here
and respectfully need the Council's consideration if the Council
wants others to invest in this community and bUild atZractive
Going south on Seacrest and beyond that, Mr. Foot pointed out that
there are a number of idle lots. 2828 South Seacrest (an existing
professional building) is not fully occupied. South of it,
there is~a building similar to Mrs. Monahan's (an attractive
property to start with, whiCh ~has gone to weeds)~mixed in with the
existing professional zoned areas. Perhaps i~was~,previously.
occupied.by a..professional, but Mr. Foot did not know, but at th~s
point it is unoccupied. He informed Councilmember Woolley it would
be about 2840, immediately south of 2828 South Seacrest; he was
not sure of the number on it.
Whether we have a glut of existing C-1 zoned property is a good
question, Mr. Foot continued. The future of our hospital makes a
difference in this issue. Mr. Foot asked, "Is it going to remain
a public hospital supported by all of the South County, or is
-Boca Raton gomng to be dropping out and leaving it for a use
that may not be as desirable as it is right now? Will it
continue to attract the well known professionals who will make a
difference in the occupancy of these C-1 zoned areas we have right
Mr. Foot pointed out that they have one possibility,if~i%_
continues public, working with a different clientele - different
patient load', particularly if a new maternity hospital goes in
Boca-Raton. He asked, "Where is this hospital going to be? What
is this hospital going to attract in the way of prOfessionals?"
Mr. Foot was not concerned with what Mrs. Monahan was doing with
her~'property.. They said publicly that she has made it very fine
with the renovation of that property. To Mr. Foot, .it is a
beautiful home. As to the future use of that proPerty, Mr. Foot
called at'tention to the fact that Mrs. Monahan is not going to
live forever, She is going to have to sell that property some
time to someone, and the use of that property at that time is
something the Council could be committing themselves to tonight.
He said the City has a very limited Zoning Code. C-1 allows a
variety of things under the existing Code. You cannot say it is
going to strictly be an M. D., nursing service, or a dentist,
C.P.A., or attorney. As the City Planner said, there are a
variety of possible uses for that.
Mr. Foot reiterated that the Council charged a professional
Planning Department and an objective Planning and Zoning Board to
consider this issue. They have both come back to the Council
saying, "No. Do not change this." Mr. Foot pointed out that none
- 34 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
of these people have any axe to grind; none of them are running for
elections. Mr. Foot submitted that until the existing C-1
inventory of unused property is used or closer to being fully
utilized, the Council postpone Mrs. Monahan's request, suggesting
that she come back when, obviously, the hospital's future is
certain and the C-1 zoned areas in their immediate area have been
taken up or are about to be taken up.
Councilmember Woolley noted that Mr. Foot had multiple problems
surrounding his vicinity and neighborhood, and she understood his
concern. Mr. Foot, personally, was concerned about that inter-
section and enjoys living there. He agreed that it was a develop-
ing area. Mr. Foot said he likes the location; it is convenient,
and he is not concerned about the sirens. He was sorry one lady
found it was uninhabitable. From a very selfish point of view,
Mr. Foot told the Council if we allow anybody and everybody to
take these lots at lower and lower prices because there is a
surplus in economics, the property behind him is not going to be
developed nicely. Mr. Foot wants a Kessel Construction Company
building behind him and wants to see that whole strip that way.
Above all, Mr. Foot wants good order in this community.
Mr. Foot could not see the City Council allOwing something here
and then being forced by Court action saying, "Hey, you guys
set a precedent. Now you've got to let these people on Seacrest
up above, you've got to let these people on Woolbrigh% 2nd Avenue
- do you really want to have the City face litigation becaUse we
should reconsider this one little piece by itself?"
Vice Mayor Warnke moved that the Land Use Amendment from Medium
Density Residential to Office, and Rezoning from Rz2 (Single
Family & Duplex Residential) to C-1 (Offices/Professional Commercial)
on South Seacrest between S. E. 21st Avenue and S. E. 23rd
Avenue on the east side be approved, subject to staff comments.
Councilmember WOolley seconded the motion.
Councilmember Woolley asked, "How. about subject to excluding one
lot in question?" Councilmember deLong advised that the motion
should include that the east 100 foot of Lot 60, owned by Mr.
Duvall, is not included Councilman~Wright said it was only the
property abutting Seacrest. Vice Mayor Warnke agreed to include
that in his motion, and Councilmember Woolley accepted that.
Councilman deLong commented that the action previously taken by
the City Council was spot zoning and not in compliance with the
Land Use Plan. He felt he has been around long enough tQ'realize
what zoning is. Councilman deLong recommended at that time that
this be forwarded to the City Planner and the Planning and Zoning
Board for study. In view of the fact that on the south of this
property, on the north side of 23rd Avenue and also on the east
side of 2nd Avenue along the railroad track, these people were
boxed mn on two sides by C-1. Councilman deLong does not go
along with spot zoning but this property from S. E. 23rd Avenue
- 35 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
north of 21st Avenue, on the east side of Seacrest Boulevard, is
consistent with the Land Use Plan. By ~the contents of that
motion, by taking the 100 feet from the east side of Lot 60 and
eliminating that from this rezoning, it means that every piece of
property that is going to be rezoned fronts on Seacrest Boulevard,
Councilman deLong pointed Out. He could see no other use for
this land. He did not go with the contention of the opposition,
that this rezoning is premature. Councilman deLong did not agree
with that. This is a City that is moving and moving ahead.
Councilman deLong reiterated that he did send it back to the
planning and Zoning Board for their study, and he went on record
at the meeting of November 16th that he definitely (if the
people came in and applied, when this was paSsed, and the Council
agreed to send it out for more study) would go along and try and
e~iminate~that spot zoning~if .the people came in individually,
by approving their applications. That was what he meant.
CouncilmandeLong'.thought time~.~.~was.!o~g over'due to take this matter under
consideration. He said they have pending right~ here now, that
they are holding in abeyance, an Ordinance on second reading
for spot zoning. Councilman deLong expressed that he definitely
detests spot zoning. He did not care what the professional land
use owner said, Councilman deLong advised it is spot zoning.
Any time you take one lot mn any zoning classification and place
anOther classification in there, that ms spot zoning pure and
simple. Councilman.deLong said this has been arranged where he-
could live with this type of zoning.
Although this lady is most unfortunate that she got into this
bind, Councilman deLong thought as long as it conforms with the
Land Use Plan, he could not understand why they should be
negligent or be in opposition to.
As Mayor Trauger saw the opposition to this, all he could see
was a bigger spot - from.a small spot to a bigger one. By real
estate people a~id the Chamber~of~ Commerce, Mayor Trauger found
no shortage of C-1 in this particular area
Mr. Nicktes, the expert here, Mayor Trauge.
heard all kinds of comments as to noise,
and all of this. He said it boiled down t,
and no other reason.
Mayor Trauger informed the Council that th
in .about January, 19~2. He apologized'for
his writing but said one of the words look,
Monahan with an asking price of $85,000."
said it was run sort of run down, Mayor Tr~
the .price doWn to, he believed, allegedly
fixed the Property up and if the City Cour
Trauger said the Council will have made a
.By the very point of
pointed out they
.avy traffic patterns,
dollars and cents
is lot was purchased
not being able to read
ad like "Weaver to Julie
~Inasmuch as many have
~uger believed they got
975,000. They have
~il approves it, Mayor
~onation of a value
- 36 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
as C-1 commercial estimated by real estate people to be $145,000
for this lot - about a $60,000 profit in about this year. Mayor
Trauger thought it was dollars and cents that made the whole
proposition, and not a shortage. Many would call it a Windfall
profit, Mayor Trauger commented, but others would call it greed.
That was the basis of his contention.
Councilman deLong pointed out that you can call anything spot
zoning or a big spot. He said the way Mayor Trauger thinks, you
can start down from the south end of Seacrest Boulevard, where it
is zoned commercial, and go all the way up to the end where the
commercial ends, and that~is spot zoning according to Mayor
Trauger's contention. As far as Planners are concerned, Council-
man deLong said they do not consider that.
Councilman deLong was not concerned with the history of the
financial gain. What he was concerned-~with was if this str±p of
land wasin conformity with the Land Use Plan,~ taking into
consideration the application that has been made for rezoning.
It was interesting to Councilman Wright to see what happened to
the Johnston property since they came in eight months ago. He
studied Public Administratio~m and thought Comprehensive Planning
was a good move. Since those decisions were made several years
ago, when the City approved this Plan, quite a few of the others
will be changing from time to time. As long as there is a City
Council, Councilman Wright said they would have these situations
and either they are going to be in favor or against.
Councilman Wright thought the~report the staff put ~together was
great and that the Planning and Zoning Board did a good job, but
he still felt that piece of property should be rezoned.
Vice Mayor Warnke reminded the Council that tonight they voted to
rezone a parcel of property frOm R1AAA to PUD; he voted against
it, and to him that was spot zoning. Councilmember Woolley
guessed it was a matter of interpretation.
Councilman deLong said each application that comes before the
Council shoUld be judged on its individual merits. Very seldom
does he ever go in opposition to the recommendations of the City
Planner and the Planning and Zoning Board. It is a very rare
occasion. Councilman deLong felt it would be an injustice to
turn this down because that land is really good for nothing else
but commercial because they have the proper buffer behind it with
R-2. Councilman Wright remarked that he said it from the very
Mayor Trauger requested Mrs. Padgett to take a roll call vote on
Vice Mayor Warnke's motion:
- 37 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
Vice Mayor warnke
Councilmember Woolley
Councilman Wright
Councilman deLong
Mayor Trauger
Motion carried 4-1, with Mayor Trauger voting against the motion.
City Manager Cheney advised that the motion was granted, but
the Ordinanceswould have to be passed in the next two meetings.
The meeting resumed at 9:56 P. M.
Preliminary Plat for Tract D-2 at Hunters Run submitted by Charles
Gilbert to provide for the construction of sewer, water, paving
and drainaqe facilities to supDort 36 units
Tim Cannon, Assistant City Planner, said the preliminary plat came
to the Council with a unanimous recommendation .for approval from
the Planning and Zoning Board, subject to staff comments. Mr.
Cannon said the preliminary plat consists of the tract boundaries
~nd easements. He showed Summit Boulevard, the main drive through
Hunters' Run and the western edge of the Planned Unit Development.
The preliminary plat alSo includes the construction plans for the
subdivision, which includes paving and drainage and water and
sewer plans.
tn the entire tract, Mr. Cannon said there are 36 units located
around the circle drive. He said there is a recreation tract in
the middle of that circle and indicated the condominium units.
At the time the plat was reviewed, the Planning and Zoning Board
was informed by the applicant that there would be further modifi-
cations in drainage. The South .Florida Water Management District
required the applicant to increase on site storm water retention,
which would require the applicant to put a lake in at a location
Mr. Cannon pointed out to the Council. The Planning and Zoning
Board approved the preliminary plat, subject to staff comments
and also subject to the City Engineer approving their revised
Mr. Cannon informed the Council that the City Engineer sent ~he
City Manager a memo to that effect, stating that he has approved
the revised drainage. However, the City Engineer,. in his memo,
requests that the Water Management District's approval of the
revised drainage be documented,
Mr. Cannon read the staff comments, as follows:
Engineering Dept.: See memo attached as page 39.
(Tom Clark, City Engineer~
- 38 -
JANUARY 18-, 1983~
Mr. carmen Annunziato,
City Planner
FROM: Tom Clark~
City Engineer
December 7, 1982
The Meadows at Hunters Run (Tract D-2) Preliminary ~lat
Co~ents are as follows=
The name ~The Meadows"' is similar to another platted
subdivision and should be 'changed. ..
~Spelling in the boundary description should be .
_The north boundary line should have addition
except where they wi.Il be under water~
Lake should' be identified on '~Tract 3~ by note or
approximate shore 'line~
iDetails for the exfiltmation trench will be changed
show rock aroun~ the p peo
Tom Clark
- 39 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
Councilman Wright moved the approval of the preliminary plat for
Tract D-2 at Hunters Run submitted by Charles Gilbert, subject to
staff comments. The motion was seconded by Councilman deLong.
Mayor Trauger asked Mr. Charles Gflbert, Architect, Hunters Run
Construction Company, Inc., 3500 Clubhouse Lane, Boynton Beach,
Florida 33436 if he agreed~to the staff comments. Mr. Gilbert
answered, "Yes." He assured Councilman deLong that they have
changed, the name.
A vote was taken on the motion, and the motion carried 5-0.
Site Development Plans submitted by Charles Gilbert to construct
Tract D-2 at Hunters Run Golf & Racquet Club. These plans provide
for the construction of 36 units in 18 buildings, plus recreational
and.drainaqe facilities
Tim Cannon, Assistant City Planner, informed the Council that the
site development plans come to the City Council with the
unanimous positive recommendation by the Planning and Zoning
Board, subject to staff comments.
The Planning and Zoning Board's concern about the revised drainage
also applies to the site plan approval, that is, the request that
the City Engineer approve the revised zoning. The City Engineer's
memo also covers the site plan.
As stated before, Mr. Cannon said the plan calls for the construc-
tion of 36 units. These~'.would be duplex units; th,~y are condo-
minium units; and there would be a recreation facility in the
middle consisting of a pool and open space.
Mr. Cannon advised that the Community Appearance Board also
unanimously approved the landscape plan as submitted.
Mr. Cannon read the staff comments as follows:
Engineering Dept.:
(Tom Clark,
City Engineer)
'The name 'The Meadows' is similar to another
platted subdivision and should be changed."
Councilman deLong moved to accept the unanimous recommendation of
the Planning and Zoning Board and approve the site development
plans subject to staff comments. The motion was seconded by
Vice Mayor Warnke.
City Manager Cheney asked if they could add into the record what
the new name is. Mr. Gilbert advised it is "Cambridge at Hunters
Run." For the record, Vice Mayor Warnke asked what the price range
of the homes was. Mr. Gilbert did not know that they had been set.
He said they were approximately $175,000.
A vote was taken on the motion, and the motion carried 5-0.
- 40 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
Request for approval of the Preliminary Plat including sewer, water,
paving and drainage plans for Boynton Beach Commerce Center,
submitted by Conrad Schaefer of Consulting Engineers, Inc., Agent
for Iraj A. Motazedi. The 48.5 acre parcel is located on the
south side of Woolbright Road between LWDD E-4 Canal and Seaboard
Airline Railroad. Uses ~f the property will be PID and Commercial
Tim Cannon,- Assistant City Planner, said this application was for
approval of'the preliminary plat of Boynton Beach Commerce
Center and came to the Council With a positive recommendation
from the Planning and Zoning Board, subject to staff comments.
Mr. Cannon showed the Council that ~b~ight.Road~runs along thetopofthe
__par~ cel andpointed out Golf Road, the E-4 Canal, and said Leisureville
lies to the west. The plat consists of 12 parcels, There are
four commercial parcels that front along Woolbright Road. There
are seven industrial parcels in the exterior of the property. In
addition, there is a parcel designated as a buffer strip along the
E-4 Canal.
Mr. Cannon said the plat provides for i~gr~ss and egress easements
to be maintained as private roads by the Property Owners~Associa-
tion. The buffer strip is also dedicated to the Property Owners
Association as a special maintenance obligation.. Mr. Cannon
continued by saying there are several easements designated to
the City of Boynton Beach. There are some Utility easements on
various parts-of the property for 'maintenance of public utilities;
there are sanitary hazard easements and circular easements to
protect Well sites, and there is an access easement at the northern
end-of the property.
Mr. Cannon did not think it was necessary to read the staff
comments, as the Council had the comments before them and they
were technical, but said they should be included as a part of this
approval. The-staff comments were as follows:
Engineering Dept.:
(Tom Clark,
City Engineer)
See Memo of Tom Clark, City Engineer, dated
January 4, 1983, attached hereto as page 42.
See also Memo dated January 4, 1983 from
Perry A. Cessna, Director of Utilities,
attached as page 43.
Mayor Trauger asked if the well sites were legally secured to the
City as of this date. City Manager Cheney repliedi "They are not."
He said this has been a very frustrating process. City Manager
Cheney had been talking to the developer tonight. Hopefully,
City Manager Cheney said the developer will come in next week with
his final site plan, and the City can get that approved and
recorded. With the recording of the final plat those easements
become the City's.
- 41 -
JANUARY 18,-1~985
January 4, 1983
Mr. Carmen Annunziato,
City Pl:anner .
Tom Clark,
City Engineer
Re: Preliminary Pla~.and Dgvelopment-~Plans,
Boynton Commerce Center ~
1. Easements should be dedicated for public utilities, etco.
2. Parcel 3H should be dedicated~'to.the ASsoci'ation for parking~
3o Cross-section should be shown for entrance road° Connection
details with Woolbrigh~ to be shown. Fifty'foot radius is
4. Stabilized subgrade t6 50 ~p.S.io,~ F.B.V,_-Compaction to' ~.
5°- Striping and construction for left turn lane (EaSt approach)
right turn lane.[West approach)'~ right and left turn lan~s
(South approgch) shoald be indicated as required by the
traffic survey~
6. The cost for a traffic, signal should' be included in the
amount of the bond, Said signal to be ~nstalled when-
warranted.by the County Traffic Eng£neer.
A sidewalk is recommended on the east side of the entrance
road to the cul-de-sac and on the west si~e~to the first
intersection south of Woolbr~ght Road,
8o The raised curb (or curb and gutter'section) should continue
to the first street intersection south of Woolbright Road.
9. Stop signs are ~equired at east intersections with the loop
road. ~
10. The "loop" road following the perimeter of the property
should be included in the cost estimate for the bond.
11. Changes and additions should be made according to the memo
of January 4, 1983 from Perry Cessna.
The cost estimate-of $523,152.41 should be revised to reflect the
required changes.
~¢ceive~~ ' Tom
TAC: mb ~ ~
D te '_i -....
- 42 -
TO: Carmen Annunciato,
Oity Planner
SUBJ: Boynton Comme~ce Park
JANUARY- 18, 1983
January 4, 1983
The submissions can be approved subject'to:
"-~. Deeding of the ~0 x 36fro lift station site to the
22 Revising .the ingress egrees and utility easement
along the'North.and East side of parcel 3A to
co~-form.with the,:i~gress:egress utility easements
mlon~ parcels 3B
3. Designate the .location of the Force M~in from .the "
entrance road to t~e point of connecti.on~ '.and if
in devel0pers~ prope~ty~ to provide 'an appropriate
easement: -
4, Deta~.~l location of fire hydrants to~ the satisfaction
of the Fire Departm.~nt for access without parked car
5. Detail prior to constmaction location of water meters
to meet City requir~ments~
6.' Detail prior t° construction clean-out locations on
sewer laterals.
7°' Pay appropriate-utility fees per current City ordinanc
erry A. Cess.na,
Director of Utilities
' 43 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
In view of that, Mayor Trauger asked Assistant City Attorney James
Wolf what his recommendation was. He asked if the Council should
not proceed until they have the legal title to the City wells,
approve it subject to that condition of receiving the legal control
of those wells, or postpone this action. If Attorney Wolf under-
stood City Manager Cheney, it cannot be done until the actual
final plat comes in. This is only a preliminary plat and it can-
not be done until the final plat comes in, Attorney Wolf advised.
He said the land can be dedicated to the City on that recorded
plat. Attorney Wolf's understanding of what City Manager Cheney
said was that is what is contemplated as being done, so he
thought any final approval coUld be held up until the final plat.
City Manager Cheney disagreed with Attorney Wolf, saying, ~"No. We
need this plat approved.~.as fast as we..can. We need that plat
recorded because when it is recorded, we will have the easements.
The easements areshown on that final plat and have been for a~long
Councilman deLong moved to approve the preliminary plat for
Boynton Beach Commerce Center submitted by Conrad Schaefer, subject
to staff comments. Vice Mayor Warnke seconded the motion.
Councilman deLong commented that this is the first industrial park
that this City is going to enjoy where they started from the ground
up. He said everyone Should do their best to make this a show
place because it is right in the heart of the town, from the
north,-south, east and west.
A vote was taken on the motion, and the motion carried 5-0.
Request for approval of the Site Plan for Parcels 3D and 3E of the
Boynton Beach Commerce Center, submitted by Conrad Schaefer, Agent,
for Iraj A. Motazedi. Site Plan consists of 145,700 sq. ft. of
warehouse and industrial buildings on an 8.9 acre site, plus
parkinq areas and a buffer strip
Tim Cannon, Assistant City Planner, said this was a request fOr
site plan approval for Boynton Beach Commerce Park. The Council
had just approved the preliminary plat. He showed the site plan
of those parcels.
Mr. Cannon said the site plan comes to the Council with the
unanimous recommendation for approval by the Planning and Zoning
Board, subject to staff comments. The site plan consists of 145,697
squame feet of industrial warehouse and accessory office floor
space. He showed the approximate outline of the building, saying
it would be located on two parcels totaling 8.9 acres. These
buildings would be one story, 26 foot high buildings. Parking
is provided both adjacent to the buildings and in a parking lot
to the west. There would be 40 foot buffer strips along the
- 44 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
western edge, that ms, along the E~4 Canal; and the natural
vegetation would be left in a strip Mr. Cannon pointed out to the
Council. Additional landscaping will be planted in that buffer
strip to provide a 75% ~sc~
Mr. Cannon continued by saying the entire site is to be landscaped,
and the existing pine trees are to remain wherever possible, that
is, in the buffer strips. There were comments from Kevin Hallahan,
Urban Forester, as to the feasibility of saving the trees in the
interior. The Community Appearance Board addressed that problem,
and Mr. Cannon said he would talk about that shortly.
The Community Appearance Board met and reviewed this application
last night (January 17, 1983) and approved the landscaping plan,
including the plans for tree removal and preservation. The Urban
Forester, upon reviewing the site plan, stated that these trees
in the interior could not be saved because of the drastic grade
change. The .Community Appearance Board did, however, approve the
tree removal as proposed by the applicant, 'which included removing
these trees from the interior.
Mr. Cannon informed the Council that the Community Appear-
~nce Boardrwas 'for.tree planning only and, as stated, the
applicant has to, at a later time, submit a plan for planting
shrubs along these buildings or a typical planting scheme.
Mr. Cannon read the staff comments as follows:
Engineering Dept.:
(Tom Clark,
City Engineer)
See Memorandu~ dated January 4, 1983, attached as page
46 and m~de a part hereof.
UtiTities Dept.:
(Perry A. Cessna,
Director of
Mr~ Cessna'sMemorandumdatedJanuary 4, 1983 is
-attached as page 43 and made a part hereof.
Police Dept.:
(Edward G. Hitlery,
Jr., Captain)
City Planner:
"As discussed at the meeting on 4 January, '83, I feel
that since there is an indication that the owner of the
proposed Con~arce Center is planning a 24 hour security
service and manned gate house, it would be of great
assistance to our operation if any and all security
alarmsystems be routed directly to ~he security office
on site, thus reducing drastically the response of this
department to false and malfunctioning alarms."
'Show sidewalk on the east side of the main road going
into the development.'
There was a memorandum from the Urban Forester concerning the
tree preservation. However, Mr. Cannon said the Community.
Appearance Board has addressed that and apprOved their tree removal
on site.
. ME M 0 R A N.D U M
JANUARY 18, 1.983.
January 4, 1983
Mr~ Carmen Annunziato,
City Planner
Re ~
Tom Clark,
City Engineer
.Site Plan~ ~Boynton Commerce Center
1. Site plans should show elevations and dimensions
requirWd for construction of parking areas and
driveways to doors.
2. Paving'and drainage details should be included for
paving not included with'the plat development plans.
Elevations consistent with. the ~aving improvements
included with the plat should be shown on the draw-
3% Drainage structures to be constructed with plat
should be shown for clarity~
Extension of paving should be shown at northeast
corner of loop road.
5. Bearings shown on ~Plot" plan should be corrected°
Tom Clark
- 46 -
Carmen Annunciato,
Oity Planner
Boynton Comme~ce Park
JANUARY 18, 1983
January 4, 1983
The submissions can be approved subject tom
1.' Deeding of the 30 x 30ft. lift station site to the
ReVising the ingress egrees and utility easement
along the North 'and East side of parcel 3A to
conform with the ingress~egress utility easements
alo~g~parcels 3B etc.
3.'- Designate the location of the Force Main from the
entrance road to the point of c0nnection~ and if
in.developers' prope~ty~ to provide an appropriate
easement. - ~.
Detai/ location of fire hydrants to the ~atisfaction
of the Fire Department for access without parked car
Detail prior to construction location of water meters
to meet City requirements.
Detail prior to .construction clean-out locations on
sewer laterals°
Pay appropriate utility fees per curren~ City ordinanc
- try A Ces,sna~
Director of Utilities
- 47 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
Councilman deLong moved to accept the unanimous recommendation of
the Planning and Zoning Board and-approve the site plan, subject
to staff comments. The motion was seconded by Councilmember
For the record, City Manager Cheney suggested that the applicant
indicate that he agrees with all of the staff comments. Mayor
Trauger asked if he would accept all of the recommendations made
by the staff. Martin Hackman, 891 E. Palmetto Park Road, Boca
Raton, Florida 33432, answered, "Yes. We will."
Secondly, City Manager Cheney thought these minutes should make
reference to the Planning and Zoning Board minutes ~where Mr.
Hackman, who just spoke, indicated there would be no heliport.
A rumo~got.goi~g with~..some reason because there was an article
in the paper, which Mr. Hackman explained was a miStake, City
Manager Cheney told the Council. Just to be sure that the
Council Minutes show the same as the Planning and Zoning Board's,
City Manager Cheney said Mr. Hackman indicated that there are no
plans for a heliport on that site. Councilman deLong wished
Mr. Hackman to repeat that for the record, as some people were
present that were very interested and they had been at the
Planning and Zoning Board Meeting.
For the record, Mr. Hackman assured the Council there will be no
heliport on this property. Mayor Trauger was glad to hear that
as he had a lot of telephone calls and had no idea what they were
talking about.
A vote was taken on the motion, and the motion carried 5-0.
Request for approval of the Modified~Site Plan fox the Curt G.
Joa, Inc. manufacturing plant located on High Ridge Road, submitted
by Judith L. Kelly. Modifications consist of an addition of
4,200 square feet of accessory office, and an additional pavinq area
Tim Cannon, Assistant City Planner stated that this modified
site plan comes to the Council with a unanimous recommendation for
approval by the Planning and Zoning Board, subject to staff
Mr. Cannon said the applicant is requesting site plan approval
for a 4,200 foot expansion to the existing manufacturIng plant
located on High Ridge Road. He showed on the overlay that High
Ridge Road runs along the lefthand side and indicated also-the
Boynton Canal. Mr. Cannon said the applicant is also addinq an
existing parking area to the northeastern part of the property
and isbringing the remainder of the parking area up to the
current parking lot regulations.
Mr. Cannon~. informed the Council that the applicant asked the
Planning and Zoning Board for a variance to allow the existing
drainage to remain on site, and the Planning and Zoning Board
- 48 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
granted that variance last week.
Mr. Cannon read the staff comments as follows:
Building Dept.:
"Subject to Conmunity Appearance Board variances."
Mr. Cannon advised that the Community Appearance' Board met last
night (January 17, 1983) and they granted the variance to allow the
applicant not to construct a planting strip along the railroad,
where a hedge would normally be required. The Community Appearance
Board agreed that that was not necessary. The Community Appearance
Board denied the second variance. Mr. Cannon said the applicant
asked that he not be required to plant trees along the whole
frontage of the property because of the small distance between the
building and the property line. Mr. Cannon believed that was
about six feet. The Community Appearance Board did not agree with
the applicant, and they did not grant that variance. Mr. Cannon
Said they obviously felt that you could plant trees in that
strip there.
Mr. Cannon continued reading the staff comments, as follows:
City Planner: "Subject to Parking Lot Variances."
Mr. Cannon informed the Council that was granted by the Planning
and Zoning Board last week.
Public Works Dept.: "Subject to Public Works location of Pad.
Mr. Cannon explained that refers to the dumpster pad,
Councilman deLong believed there was some question at the Community
Appearance Board meeting the other night (and the Vice Mayor was
also there) about the sidewalk that goes down to the canal and the
necessity for it. Councilman deLong pointed out that more or less,
appears to be a fishermen's wharf for the people that use the
canal to fish. They could not see why they had to go to that
expense. What brought it out more so. was the Chairman, who
definitely pointed,out that they wanted trees planted on that side.
Councilman deLong believed there were five or six trees. By
putting the sidewalk, there, with the limited amount of space they
have, Councilman deLong said it would endanger the growth of trees.
They thought the trees would be more benefi~cial than this walk
that went no place. It went down to the canal. Councilman
deLong stated the applicant Would not~ha~e .~hough room with the
trees, if he put it on the property line. He confirmed with Vice
Mayor Warnke that it was something like six feet.
Councilman deLong continued by saying the applicant was very
concerned about that. He said they did not know who to refer this
to mn order to eliminate that. Mayor Trauger asked where the
request for the sidewalk was. Mr. Cannon answered that under our
Sidewalk Ordinance, when a piece of property is developed or there
is an addition made to it, the property owner has to build a side-
walk. Councilman deLong said they were talking about a sidewalk
- 49 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
that goes down into the canal. He asked in which direction the
building faced. Councilman deLong asked if the frdnt of the build-
ing was to the east or to the west. He was advise~ that the
building faces to the north.' Councilman deLong pointed out that
they had a contention aboUt a sidewalk that was ~i~her going to
be on the east or On the west Side. It was specified that it
would go into the canal.
Under our Ordinance, Mr.. Cannon advised the applica
to build a sidewalk along the entire frontage. Mr,
at the Plannmng and Zoning Board Meeting, the [applJ
th~ desire t° build that sidewalk only up to their
Planning and Zoning Board did not feel that they h~
to make that recommendation. Mr. Cannon said there
variance procedure. They simply refer it to the CJ
.nt would have
Cannon thought
cant expressed
driveway. The
d the power
is no form of
ty Council.
Vice Mayor Warnke asked what is on the west side of
at' the present time. He asked if that was also ind
vacant land. Mr. cannon answered that it is vacant
residentiaI City Manager Cheney commented that it
residential, and you will have people living there.
t'hat was the Riley-Field's development of Sand Hill
extend that sidewalk down that side, in Vice Mayor
opinion, it should go all the way,~.along with the ¢
CoUncilman~deLong asked if ~they were talking'about
the building. Vice Mayor Warnke replied, "Yes."
Councilman deLong was talking about the one that i'~
the canal. City Manager Cheney clarified that they
about a sidewalk on the west side of the building,
of High Ridge Road. He advised that the west side
lng is required by the City Code. City Manager Chc
tiOn was ~hat the Council reqUire it because if the
the sidewalk in one particular situation, they will
with other people wh° do not want to build a sidewe
High Ridge Road
ustrial o~
land, zoned
will be
He said
. If you
ity's Code.
the front of
going into
were talking
the east side
of the build-
ney's recommenda-
y do not require
have a problem
lk. City
Manager Cheney was glad Councilman deLong brought .t up, as it
s ~uld be addressed. Eventually, it ms gomng to b~
and Vice Mayor Warnke adVised they Should have tha~ sidewalk.
Mayor Trauger~asked if the City had the acquiescenqe of the appli-
cant to place that sidewalk there. He asked if the applicant
understood that it requires a sideWalk. Councilma~ deLong replied,
"oh yes. He didn't c~ntest it. The only'thing wa~, ~he cOmmunity
Appearance Board was very much concerned with the planting of the
Councilman Wright asked what will be manufactured t~ere. City
Manager Cheney answered that this is an expansion of an existing
plant that makes machinery that' makes sanitary napkins He believed
they were expandmng themr engzneer~ng ~space by 4,200 feet so that
thgy can continue to operate. City Manager Cheney said it is a
fantastic place; they have worldwide sales.
- 50 -
JANUARY ~8, 1983
Councilman deLong moved to approve the unanimous recommendation
and approve the Modified Site Plan subject to staff comments,
seconded by Councilmember Woolley. Motion carried 5-0.
Request Approval of Site Development Plans submitted by John
Pagliarulo to construct Temple Beth Kodesh located on NE 26th
Avenue, west of Rolling Green Elementary School. These site plans
will provide for the construction of a 9,600 sq.~ ft. temple, plus
parkinq lots and drainaqe facilities
Tim Cannon, Assistant City Planner, said this site plan comes to
the City Council on the unanimous recommendation for approval
by the Planning and Zoning Board, subject to staff comments.
Mr. Cannon pointed out N. 'E.22nd Avenue on the b~,~tom, Vfllage
Royale right across the street, and the proposed location for
the temple, which was roughly outlined. Mr. Cannon said there
will be. two entrance drives, one going into the parkin'g lot, and
two aisles which Mr. Cannon indicated on the overlay. He added
that there will be another driveway going around the back.
Mr. Cannon told the Council that at the present time, the
remainder of the property will remain vacant. The applicant pro-
poses to locate a storm water retention area at the rear of the
The Community Appearance Board met last night (January 17) and
recommended that the landscaping be approved. However, the
'Community Appearance Board required that this retention area be
moved more to the center of the property in order to save some
pine trees that are located back there. The City Engineer has
written a memo which states that would meet with his approval.
The staff comments, as approved by the Planning and Zoning Board,
were read by Mr. Cannon, as follows:
Building Dept.:
(Bert J. Keehr,
Deputy Bldg. Official)
"With regard to the above mentioned site plan, be
advised of the following:
1. Church front overhang encroaches front setback."
Mr. Cannon explained that means the church will have to be moved
back a few feet to meet the zoning requirements.
"2. Sidewalks to go through driveways.
3. 9 additional parking spaces are still required
to meet parking ordinance..
4. Ail existing trees must be shown as to their type
and size.
5. 1 tree is required for every 40' of lot frontage.
Plan shows 7.
6. Handicap parking spaces should be located as close
as possible to front entrance.
- 51 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
"7. Double stripes are required on the 9' parking spaces
shown on the north side of the parking lot.
8. Plan does not show dumpster location.
9. Sig~s for handicap parking must be shown on the
Engineering Dept.:
(Tom Clark,
City Engineer)
'1. Construction details for pavement and curbs will
be required including all dimensions for pavmng
in right of way.
2. Existing swale area in right of way must be
i~proved and plans must show the proposed
3. A sidewalk and/or bicycle path must be planned
and shown on the site plan.
4. Detail A-A is OK but exceeds the City require-
ments with respect to the subqrade. Revisions
shouldbe made on plans now instead of requesting
a change later."
Public Works Dept:
"Show dumpster Pad 10Xxl0'"
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.:
(Wm. D. Cavanaugh,
Fire Inspector)
"Subject to Stop Signs"
"LocatiOn~200 N.~E.-26thAvenue '
PleaSe~be'advised_%hat inorder ~to conform to City
Subdivision requirements the above location shall have
a fire hydrant provided. This hydrant may be connected
to the water line that runs north and south on the
west edge of their property."
Councilman deLong moved to accept the unanimous recommendation of
the Planning and Zoning Board and approve the site development
plans submitted by John Pagliarulo to construct Temple Beth
Kodesh located on N. E. 26th Avenue, west of Rolling Green Elementary
School subject to staf£ comments. The motion was seconded by
Councilmember Woolley. No discussion. Motion carried 5~0.
Ordinances - 1st Readinq
ProP~sed~Ordinance No. 82L51 Re: Monahan Parcel
Councilman deLong moved to strike Proposed Ordinance No. 82-51 from
the Agenda, seconded by Counci'ilmemb~'~ Woolley. No discussion.
Motion carried 5-0.
Councilman deLong questioned whether you can bring it back on
another Agenda when you make a motion to strike it from the
Agenda~ or d~ you strike it out PERIOD. Assistant City Attorney
WOlf advised, "Strike it out PERIOD, because it is going to be
substituted with another Ordinance."
- 52 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
Councilman deLong remarked that they already passed on the motion
so they could not amend it. He moved, as the ~ssistant City
Attorney suggested, that Proposed Ordinance No,-82~51 be stricken on
account of a substitution of a pending Ordinance. Councilmember
Woolley seconded the motion, and the motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No. 83-D Re: Supportinq Growth Management Proposal s
Mayor Trauger apologized to the Council on the submitting of this
Resolution. He said it was taken from the report of Dr. John
DeGrove of Florida Atlantic University to the Governor and to the
Cabinet. Mayor Trauger said the point of it is to bring it into
the record to get immediate action so that he can give a copy to
Councilman Wright for his Intergovernment Relations Com~ittee
and also the Future of Florida Committee, which will be reporting
to the Florida League of Cities .on February 10th or llth, and
also to give to City Manager Cheney for his meeting in Tampa of
the Environmental Quality Committee Meeting there.
Mayor Trauger advised it will also take to the legislative
counsel of Palm Beach and put it before their delegation for
perhaps enactment in pushing it to the legislature.
In basic parts, Mayor Trauger explained that what it really does,
(in D~,deGrove~ comments), was (1) makes all Counties chartered
governments. There are three or four in FlOrida that are not.
(2) It also has an annexation procedure that is much better than
the current one; and (3) it also addresses regional comprehensive
planning, County organizational structures of char~ers, annexation
laws, and full service .cities.
Mayor Trauger believed this was one of the great future directions
of Florida, although he did not believe the legislature would
embrace it 100~ at the start.
Attorney Wolf read proposed Resolution No. 83-D by title only:
Councilman deLong moved the adoption of proposed Resolution No.
83-D, seconded by Councilmember Woolley. No discussion. A roll
call vote was taken on the motion by Mrs. Padgett, City Clerk,
at the request of Mayor Trauger:
Councilmember Woolley
Councilman Wright
Councilman deLong
Mayor Trauger
Vice Mayor Warnke
Motion carried 5-0.
- 53 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
Proposed Resolution No. 83-
2nd Avenue
Re: Intracoastal Bridge Crossing at
Vice Mayor Warnke was introducIng this at the present time because
the previous City Council had gone on record as favoring the
bridge in the new location over the Intracoastal Waterway. The
media has picked this up and is using it as a fight between the
City of Boynton Beach and other cities who are against this
bridge. Inasmuch as the Council has changed, Vice Mayor Warnke
wanted to get it on the record as to what the present Council
feels, either pro or con on this bridge, to keep the matter
straight and clarify the air. That was why Vice Mayor Warnke
brought it up as a Resolution.
Mayor Trauger asked Vice Mayor Warnke to recall that the
Council organized the Community Redevelopment Agency, and they
are on record in the support of the State plan for the bridge.
Mayor Trauger believed in the records of our Chamber of Commerce,
that their board has also endorsed there.
Vice Mayor Warnke asked how the Council feels about this. Mayor
Trauger informed him that Councilman deLong suggested that perhaps
they better take this and run it back through "these tracks" for
their comment before they get it before the Board.
Councilman deLong's point'was that they have a Resolution in the
City of Boynton Beach, Florida opposing the relocation of the
Ocean Avenue bridge (State Road 804) in the Town of Ocean Ridge,
Florid~ and urging that no further funds be expended on the pro-
posed project and supporting the repairs on the existing bridge.
Councilman deLong stated that this was the same Resolution that
was passed by Gulfstream. Councilmember Woolley and Vice Mayor
Warnke agreed that was right. Councilman deLong asked, "Why are
we supporting what Gulfstream wanted? Why don't we get a count
here and find out what the people want?" He did not think by the
Council passing this now would be a decision of the people whom
they have not contacted yet. Councilman deLong urged, "Give us
an opportunity to contact them."
Councilman deLong suggested that they lay this on the table until
such time as they can get back to the people who want a voice in
whether or not they are going to have the Ocean Avenue bridge or
the Intracoastal bridge over at 2nd Avenue. Vice Mayor Warnke
wanted to clarify the air. Councilman Wright pointed out that
the Community Redevelopment Agency has been discussing this
matter. The last report Councilman deLong heard from the Depart-
ment of Transportation, they had no intentions of changing the
Councilman deLong moved %o lay the question on the table,
seconded by Vice Mayor warnke. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
- 54 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
Report on Amendment Referendum on March Ballot by James Vance,
City Attorney
James Wolf, Assistant City Attorney, informed the Council that Mr.
Vance and he discussed this. He said the memorandum from Attorney
Vance dated January 17, 1983 discusses the referendum concerning
anneXation. Both Attorneys Vance and Wolf were of the opinion
that Florida. Statute,~ ChaPter 17t~set~S out a~procedure fo~ ~ ~
annexation, It says~that it will be the only procedure, basically.
Attorney Wolf stated that neither he nor Attorney Vance felt that
the City could pass a binding referendum or an Ordinance saying
that they will not accept an annexation in the future.
Attorney Wolf noted they also asked a question concerning a straw
ballot. He advised that there is .nothing in the laws to prohibit
a straw ballot as long as it is not binding and you are not
precluding any City Council in the future from accepting or deny-
ing an annexation petition.
Vice Mayor Warnke asked what'good a straw ballot would do. Council-
man deLong said a straw ballot would give them some indication of
what the people want - the same as what Vice Mayor Warnke brought
up here with his Resolution, except they were going to go a little
de~per with this boundary and give the~ people an opportunity to
~7oice their opinion as to what they want.
Councilman deLong moved to put this item on the ballot for a straw
vote. Vice Mayor Warnke asked which ballot that would be.
Councilman deLong said it would be in this upcoming election.in
March. He~'assUred Councilmember Woolley the ballot would be
worded properly so people would know exactly what they are voting
Councilman Wright thought they needed more study.
Vice Mayor Warnke seconded Councilman deLong's motion to put the
item on the ballot.
Both Mayor Trauger and Councilman Wright wanted to know what they
would accomplish. Councilman deLong answered that they will ask
that the City Planner and his staff and the Planning and Zoning
Board make a selection of something further west than the west
side of Lawrence Road. He only used the west side of Lawrence
Road so they could start some place. Councilman deLong said to
let the people decide how far out_-they want to go west after the
Council decides on the recommendations that they receive.
In other words, Vice Mayor Warnke said they were asking fOr a straw
vote. They are putting it out there, like Lawrence Road, and
- 55 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
letting the people decide. Councilman Wright questioned whether
this was a way of just getting people out to vote. He thought
they should ask the staff to do more study and give a report
showing where the City is a~d~where they are,~going.
Councilmember Woolley could not vote on this unless she knew
exactly how it is to be worded. Councilman deLong advised that
the idea is to instruct, by motion, the CitY Attorney to draft,
as soon as they get the r~eport from the~Planner, staff, and the
Planning and Zoning Board.
If Vice Mayor Warnke interpreted this right, alt Councilman
deLong was saying to the people was, "Should we stop at a certain
point?" Councilman deLong answered, "Yes.. Lawrence Road, or
should we go further west?"
City Manager Cheney asked if they expected the straw ballot to
go on the next election. Mayor Trauger asked what election it
would be on and if it would be on the primary. Councilmember
Woolley thought they would have to have a map on them, so the
people would know exactly where Lawrence Road is. If it ms just
a straw ballot, it has no merit, City Manager Cheney pointed
out. Vice Mayor Warnke said it was merely a guideline.
Mayor"Trauger was having a "bit of a bridge accepting this"' and no%knowing
whether it was going_~to be west of Military Trail~, Lawrence Road,
Knuth Road, or Military Trail itself. He thought_they were wait-
ing for the staff to make these recommendations. Councilman
Wright thought they said at the last Council Meeting they would
get a report.
Attorney Wolf said as far as whether they can put something on
the ballot, it is a policy question, and he did not think he
should get involved in that. A straw ballot would be ~non-binding,
and if he was instructed, Attorney Wolf said he would try and
draft it in a non-binding manner. Legally, Attorney Wolf said
they could not have a binding referendum on this issue. As far
as putting a referendum on the ballot~ Attorney Wolf was only
aware of one procedure, and that is laid out.by State Statute,
whether it be a straw ballot or not. In order to legally get on
the ballot, Attorney Wolf thought they would have to follow
procedures according to statute.
Councilman deLong asked City Manager Cheney how long it took to
get the last one. It seemed to City Manager Cheney if they were
going to have a ballot of any kind, they had to have some meaningful
discussion and a~review by'.the Planning and Zoning Board ahead of
time. Unless they have a lot of Special Meetings, City Manager
Cheney said it was not possible to get it on this March election
and have the Planning and Zoning Board and othe~ people review
it so they would have some understanding of ~That the implications
are as to whether they would have Lawrence Road or Knuth Road or
Military Trail.
- 56 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
Manager Cheney re¢
could go to refere
never, never got s
Councilman deLong said this was asked for quite awhile ago. City
alled it was a meeting ago they asked if it
ndum. Councilman deLong recollected that they
ny reply, and that has been very many months.
There was discussi
deLong said the qu
was important eno~
large a City they
~U~'he thought, bef
City should have a
that they needed t
COuncilman deLong
going to be. When
developed, will be
people, they say,
Wright said they w
He certainly did n
Vice Mayor Warnke
they~would like to
call a workshop se
going to' be on the
man deLong said it
they could get on
Mayor 'Trauger asked
wanted to limit th
member Woolley adv
Councilman deLong
exactly would be s
Road as one. The
Road. Mayor Traug
they instruct the
would limit the we
mn favor of moving
two alternatives -
Mayor Warnke~secon
on as to what meeting it was. Councilman
estion was whether or not the Council felt this
gh for the citizens of this City to decide how
want. Councilman Wrightrthought it was important
ore they just go run to the polls to vote, the
n idea of where they are going. He emphasized
o give some further study.
said people want to know how large is this City
you tell him the residential, when it is fully
somewhere in the neighborhood of 70,000
"Where are they going from here?" Councilman
ere not saying, they want 70,000 people overnight.
ot want' 70,000 people overnight.
suggested that since they had several issues
have the public vote on, perhaps they should
~sion within the next month'and decide what is
Special~'Election ballot this summer. Council-
would be according to the City Attorney whether
zhe ballot.
what wording they would use and whether they
growth to 70,000 and to Lawrence Road. Council-
ised they could not do that. Councilman deLong
noved %o have the City Attorney write out what
~propriate. He wanted to start at Lawrence
second dhoice would be further west than Lawrence
er said Councilman deLong made a motion that
~ity Attorney to prepare a straw ballot that
stern boundary to Lawrence Road or if they were
west of Lawrence Road. Those would be the
Lawrence Road or west of Lawrence Road. Vice
ted the~motion.
Robert L. Foot, 24 0 S. W. 1st Street, Boynton Beach, pointed
out that they have a special in this City. They can m~ke
a recommendation tD the Council people, who have been elected to
take the responsibility for the City. Mr. Foot asked why they had
to put an item ,out for the emotions of the community to reckon
with. He asked, "Can't you people handle this responsibility?
Can't we look to our professional City management to give you an
opinion for you to work with. The idea of working with a referendum
for a 2nd Avenue bridge is unbelievable."
- 57 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
When they have things that are of utmost importance to the people
in this City, Councilman deLong thought the people should have a
voice in these important things. He s~aid-the reason ~hey tied the
2:00 o'clock closing and height limitations to a referendum was
the fact that they know there are forces that would like to
eliminate such things. Councilman deLong said they cannot
rescind that without the voice of the people.
Mr. Foot asked, "Can't you come up with a referendum that has
some meat to it?" Councilman Wright agreed. Regardless of who
you have in the City looking after our interests, whether it is
a professional Planner, City Manager, City Attorney, or the
entire Council, Councilman deLong thought the people should have
a vote in their government. Councilman Wright reiterated that
the Council should know where they are going first.
Councilmember Woolley thought the people should have a voice
also but her main point was, "Is it going to make any difference
what their opinion is or what they think?" Attorney Wolf replied,
"You won't be legally bound." Councilmember Wool-ley said the
people can say they want it to be 2nd Avenue, to the North and
Congress to the west. She asked if it made any difference.
Attorney Wolf replied, "Legally, no."
Mayor Trauger repeated the motion again. City.Manager Cheney
thought there was one area they should clarify. He informed the
Council that Lawrence Road is technically a right-of-way that
has two sides - east and west. Sometimes when we talk about
municipal boundaries, City Manager Cheney said we talk about using
a road in the boundary or we talk about the frontage of a road as
the boundary. He thought that was an important issue which the
City Attorney should address. He asked if they were talking about
the right-of-way of Lawrence Road. Councilman deLong said they
were talking about the west side - a line. City Manager Cheney
questioned, "including the rear of the property facing Lawrence
Road?" Councilman deLong would say from Hypoluxo Road right down.
(He knew they could not interfere with Hunters Run). Councilman
deLong reiterated they were talking about the west side of Lawrence
Road, wherever the west side comes. City Manager Cheney asked,
"The west side of the right-of-way of Lawrence Road or the rear of
the properties on Lawrence Road?" Councilman deLong answered,
"The property line of the west side of Lawrence Road."
Without getting into the policy line here, City Manager Cheney
pointed out that if the citizens vote to be in favor of Lawrence
Road, then he thought they had a potential jurisdictional problem
using a road as the annexation line. Councilman deLong advised,
"A line in the direction of the west side." In other words,
Councilman deLong reminded City Manager Cheney, the City Attorney
has been instructed. This is his problem. City Manager Cheney
wanted to be sure they knew what the City Council wants.
Councilmember Woolley was anxious to see it all drawn out. on a
map. Councilman Wright thought when these reports go to the
State Legislature (85 from the League of CitieS), they want to
- 58-
JANUARY 18, 1983
know if there is going to be a shortage of this,-~that and the
other, and where are you going. He thought they owed it to the
people of Boynton Beach to let them know why the Council is
concerned, if they have a shortage of water, funds, or something.
Councilman deLong advised that certain reasons were given at the
last meeting.
City Manager Cheney asked if the Council was willing to have a
Special Meeting in order to handle the issue. He said if they
want to get it on the March ballot, they may have to have some
Special Meetings of the City Council. Vice Mayor' Warnke stated
he would rather work it out in detail with reports and not work
in haste.
A vote was taken on Councilman deLong's motion. The motion
was denied by a vote of 3-2, with Vice Mayor Warnke, Councilmember
Woolley, and Councilman Wright voting aqainst the motion and
Mayor Trauger and Councilman deLong voting for the motion.
Vice Mayor Warnke explained that he voted "No" because he wanted
to put more input in a Special Meeting.
COuncilman deLong made another motion. He moved that they turn
this over to the City Attorney and hold a Special Meeting to deCide
whether to place it on the ballot for a straw vote ....
Attorney Wolf did not have the time periods in front of him, He
really did not know if the Council should be aware of what kind of
time frame they were running into if they wanted to get it on
the March ballot. City Manager Cheney said he wrote a memo this
week on that. Mayor Trauger and Councilmember had it ~in their
boxes. City Manager Cheney did not have it here. The only thing
that concerned Attorney Wolf was that they did not have an
Ordinance for the January 18th reading.
Councilman Wright asked if Attorney Wolf said it was the decision
of the Council to approve or to deny amy annexation request.
As Mayor Trauger understood the motion, it was moved and seconded
to instruct the City Attorney to prepare a proposed Resolution
on the item for the ballot and the straw ballot based on the
input from the City Planner and the Planning staff using Lawrence
Road as one guideline and whatever the City recommends and is
approved by the Council as the second choice. Vice Mayor Warnke
seconded the motion.
Councilmember Woolley distinctly recalled that one of the dates
City Manager Cheney had on that sheet was January 25th, and they
are all tied up on January 25th. City Manager Cheney did not
remember the dates.
Attorney Wolf advised they have to be put on the ballot in a
certain manner; there have to be advertisements~ and otherwise,
they cannot go on the ballot. If they do not make it, Councilman
- 59 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
deLong pointed out they can hold a Special Election on it. Council-
man Wright thought that would be better. Councilmember Woolley
remarked, "Let's not rush itl"
The Mayor restated the motion to instruct the City Attorney to get
with the staff to get the appropriate words and boundary lines
that will go in the proposed straw ballot. A vote was taken, and
the motion carried 3-2 with Councilmember Woolley and Councilman
Wright voting against the motion.
Accept Award of. Certificate of Conformance in Financial Reportinq
Mayor Trauger read the Memorandum from Grady W. Swann, Director of
Finance, dated January 11, 1983, which is attached to these Minutes.
Mayor Trauger commended Grady W. Swann, Director of Finance, his
staff, the City Manager, and all of those in contact. He also
commended the auditing firm of Ernst & Whinney, who have been
working with the City mn maintaining our accounts mn order to
qualify for this award. Mayor Trauger was happy to accept this
in recognitmion of Grady Swann's fine work.
Councilman deLong moved to instruct the City Manager to send an
appropriate letter of commendation in praise of this award to all
concerned and that those employed in the City Finance Department
have copies of the letter mn their personnel files. The motion
was seconded by Vice Mayor Warnke and carried 5-0.
Review and approve organizational and personnel changes in Fire
Councilman deLong moved to place the question on the table because
he wanted an opportunity to review this. The motion was seconded
by Councilmember Woolley and carried 5-0.
Boundaries for Santaluces School
Councilman Wright read, he thought, in the Sun Sentinel that the
School Board and Superintendent of Schools are going to be having
a committee of parents to relook at these boundaries. Councilman
Wright reminded the Council that they took an action before and
voted to try to make sure all of our students go to one school.
He wanted to make sure that the Council still had that same
concern and send a letter that they read the article and still
have that position.
Councilman Wright moved to send a package On the boundary lines
for the Santaluces School. The motion was seconded by Councilman
- 60 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
deLong and carried 5-0.
AcceDt 50/50 Matchinq Grant - North 22nd Avenue Bike Path
Mayor Trauger said we have been working for this for some time, to
get the bike path across North 22nd, and it will complete the
bicycle paths in that area.
City Manager Cheney commented that the original proposal was for
a six £oot path but they ~ant an eight fOot path, which is not a
real problem. The real problem is that the current proposal and
State direction and policy on bike paths and bikeways is somewhat
unlike what the City has been doing. City Manager Cheney said
they have just come back from a conference sponsored by the
State Department of Transportation, and a lot of people (the
County folk)~were~theretoo, The strong recommendation for bike ways
is that instead of having bicycles om~ . sidewalks with people,
that they ought to widen both sides of the road, mark that area
off as a bike way, and encourage people to be in those areas.
City Manager Cheney said this is a strong recommendation of the
latest recommendations based on accident reports, national
surveys, etc. on bike systems.
City Manager Cheney said they met and discussed this and raised
questions about this recommendation. He had some strong reserva-
tions about that proposal, as it affects 22nd Avenue, but he
could not ignore the fact that the current recommendations are
that _they widen the street four feet on each side and have that as
a bike way; that they not have people riding bicycles on sidewalks.
Some of the accident figures show that there are more accidents
where there are bike accidents with people and at intersections
where there are bikes on sidewalks than where there are bikes on
the wide road. City Manager Cheney was still concerned about 22nd.
At the moment, City Manager Cheney's recommendation (and he said
they were going to continue to review this with the County) is
that the City do as they propose here except that they make an
eight foot road instead of six foot. He explained that would
give more space so that you do not hit people who are walking.
Unless the City changes its mind, City Manager Cheney said they
will go that way. He reiterated that he was concerned about 22nd
but that is what the current standards are.
City Manager Cheney said their problem is that when they begin to
do projects like this that are not in the current standards and
someone gets hurt and they are aware of the standards, they open
up the possibility of exposure that they do not want to do.
They cannot ignore the issue, although City Manager Cheney thought
on 22nd Avenue it was not a very good idea.
Mayor Trauger asked City Manager Cheney if he was recommending that
- 61 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
they put the bike path on 22nd the way the City has been building
bike paths, as a '~'bike path sidewalk" rather than adding four feet
to each section of the right,of-way. City Manager Cheney answered,
'That's what I am saying now." In the next couple of weeks, City
Manager Cheney said they would talk to the County Engineers and
the County highway people and see how they feel about it. He just
wanted the Council to be aware of this.
Mayor Trauger asked if this was all the money the City got this
year for bike paths or if this was just a piece of it. City
Manager Cheney answered, "This is all of it."
Councilman deLong moved to accept the 50/50 matching grant,in the
amount of $9,000 for the City's pa~t for the bike~path. The motion
was.seconded by Vice Mayor Warnke and carried 5-0.
C°uncilmandeL°ng~withdr~w~hi~r~q~est~to~peakat.thispoint on theAgenda.
Appointments to Civii Service Board
Vice Mayor Warnke moved to take the Appointments to the Civil
Service Board from the table, seconded by Councilmember Woolley.
Councilman deLong moved that the nominations be opened, seconded
by Councilman Wright. Motion carried 5-0.
1 Alternate for a One Year Term
Councilman deLong recommended Henry Stanley.
Hearing no other nominations, Councilman deLong moved that the
nominations for this one year term be closed. Councilmember
Woolley seconded the motion, and the motion carried 5-0.
A vote was taken on the nomination
position and carried 5-0.
Henry Stanley for this
Mr. Stanley was in the audience and was recognized and congratulated
as no~ being a Member of the Civil Service Board.
1 Alternate for a Two Year Term
Councilmember Woolley nominated Justine Gobel.
commented that she has done a splendid job.
Councilman deLong
As there were no other nominations, Councilman deLong moved that
the nominations be closed, seconded by Councilmember W0olley.
No discussion. Motion carried 5.-0.
A vote was taken on the nomination of Justine Gobel and carried
- 62 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
Accept Anthony DiSarli's Resiqnation from Board of Adjustment
Councilman deLong moved to accept the resignation with the City
sending a letter of thanks and appreciation to Mr. DiSarli for
his service. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Warnke and
carried 5-0.
Consider Appointment to Fill Above
Vice Mayor Warnke moved the nominations be open, seconded by
Councilman deLong. Motion c~rried 5-0.
Vice Mayor Warnke nominated Joseph Moore, 141 N. W. 10th Court,
Boynton Beach, Florida. Mr. Moore was formerly a Chief Zoning
Inspector of Hempstead, New York and comes with the recommenda-
tion of the Chairman of the Board of Adjustment.
If there were no other nominations, Councilman deLong moved
that they vote to appoint Mr~ Moore. A~vote was taken on ~he
appointment of.Mr. Moore to the Board of Adjustment. The motion
carried 5-0.
Appoint One Member to Library Board
Councilman deLong moved to nominate Anthony DiSarli, who served
well on the Board of Adjustment. Due to conditions that Mr.
DiSarli could not meet with the Board of Adjustment on their meet-
ing night, Councilman deLong reported that Mr. DiSarli would
accept the appointment to the Library Board. He said Mr. DiSarli
met Virginia Farace, Director of the Library, and she was very
well pleased and satisfied with Mr. DiSarli.
If there were no other nominations, Councilman deLong moved that
the nominations be closed.
A vote was taken on the nomination of Anthony DiSarli to the
Library Board and carried 5-0.
Community Services Trust Fund and Community Services BloCk Grant
City Manager Cheney said this was just in response to the Council's
request. He referred to his memorandum of January 18, 1983 which
"We havediscovered that these two programs are not going to
be combined at the State level and, in addition, we are
proceeding with an application for the Conmunity Services
Trust FundProgramwhich, hopefully, will provide additional
funds for the new Youth Employment Program that we are
- 63 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
Councilman deLong moved to accept the report and place it on file,
seconded by Councilmember Woolley. Motion carried 5-0.
Comments About Administrative Matters
Mayor Trauger wanted to make several comments. First, he stated
he would like to ask the City Attorney, because he did not serve
a full first term when he was first elected to the City
Council (the Riscoes entered suit against him and went through
Appellate Court and took several months in time so he was denied
a first term). Mayor Trauger wanted an opinion from the City
Attorney as to whether legally he has served two full terms and
whether he can legally run for a Councilman's seat in this current
election. Assistant City Attorney Wolf Wished to refer that to
City Attorney Vance.
To the same comment, Mayor Trauger informed Attorney Wolf that
he owns property in four voting districts in this City and asked
if he could legally move from his current district into one of
his other houses and run. He asked if he would have to live
their permanently, day by day, or how long he would have to hang
his hat. Councilman Wright answered, "Full time." Mayor
Trauger asked, "For the full two years?" Councilman Wright
replied, "Yes." Attorney Wolf could not answer because he did
not know what was on file. Vice Mayor Warnke pointed out that
a week from tonight (January 25) is the closing date to file,
and he thought Mayor Trauger should be allowed to file subject to
the legal opinion. Councilmember Woolley said there had been a
legal opinion on that.
Councilman Wright advised that you have to live in a district
full time. Attorney Wolf also advised that your full time
legal residence has to be in the district where you are running.
Vice Mayor Warnke said Mayor Trauger's question was the time
involved. Councilman Wright informed them that there is no time
requirement involved. That had been researched a long time ago.
Mayor Trauger's contemplation was that he did not believe when
this districting'was set up and 16 of them ran so much in favor
of it, they envisioned that they would be moving around.
Mayor Trauger called attention to the fact that two promotions
were overlooked in the Police Department, and they have been talk-
ing about them for a long time. He advised that Anne Smith,and
Marion DiPasquale were advertently overlooked in the budget
report. Barring any objections legally from the City Attorney,
Mayor Trauger wanted to see these people promoted within the next two
days. City Manager Cheney had objection to that.
City Manager Cheney had objection to the Council indicating who
should be promoted or reclassified. He stated that these two
- 64-
JANUARY 18, 1983
people were not overlooked at budget time. There was no suggestion
made prior to budget time that they should be promoted. City
Manager Cheney considered this totally inappropriate. He said
the recommendations for these two people never came to him in
the proper way, have never been reviewed by the Police Chief in
the proper way and have never come from the Per. sonnel Department.
A memorandum was written by one of these women on October 15th,
well after the budget process, well after the promotion and re-
classification process was started back in July or August. City
Manager Cheney reiterated there was no overlooking these two people
at all.
City Manager Cheney thought it was very unfortunate. He stated
that this kind of individual promotion should not come in this
way. There are many other girls in the Police Department who
also have to be addressed. If the City Council is going to take
a position saying that it is not a promotion, it is a reclassifi-
cation process, because there are no positions available to make
a promotion, City Manager Cheney was not sure that this was the
way they should deal with individual personnel in the City.
It seemed to Councilman Wright that this thing had been brewing for
awhile. Apparently, ~he Mayor had notrec~ived~ an answer. .~
Councilman Wright thought they should ask City Manager Cheney,
the Police Chief, and somebody to report so the Council will know
what needs to be done. He ~said the Council has tried to take
care of most of the employees from the top down to the bottom,
and Councilman Wright thought everybody should get fair treatment.
City Manager Cheney informed him that everybody gets fair treat-
City Manager Cheney advised that there are many people in this
City employment that think they should be promoted; there are
many supervisors who think they should be promoted. He said it
was unfortunate that this kind of an issue is somehow taken to
the City Council in a totally out of sequence way. City Manager
Cheney repeated that it was not an issue at the time of budget
adoption; it was never addressed at the time of budget adoption.
He stated that this came up afterwerds. The memorandum written
by this woman is dated October 15.
By the same token, Mayor Trauger recalled a couple of years ago,
they put someone in the Finance Department and raised them up.
City Manager Cheney told him nothing was done except in connec-
tion with the budget adoption process.
Councilman deLong said the City Council is the governing body of
this City. He told City Manager Cheney he had received notice of
the fact that these people are deserving.of promotion. Councilman
deLong said he talked to the Chief of Police and asked if Mayor
Trauger talked to the Chief of Police. Mayor Trauger replied,
'Not directly. No." Councilman deLong talked to the Chief of
- 65 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
Police and asked him if he missed anybody on the budget. Mayor
Trauger agreed that he did that at budget time, but Mayor Trauger
had not talked to these girls. He said he would not know them
if they walked in the door. Councilman Wright did not know them
If the City Council takes the.moveto instruct that two individual
employees get a pay raise the way the Council is doing it, City
Manager Cheney thought it was a product of some activities that
happened in the City over the past years. He said the City
is still paying the price for many individual Council promoted
actions for employees that puts people (and City Manager Cheney
was not suggesting it about these two girls) in the position of
where they are still suffering from that.
Councilman Wright had no need of trying to supervise the staff
and tell the City when to promote them. He just felt if some of
these people say they have not gotten an increase, it seemed to
him that some of these people who are supervising them are saying
that they have been remiss In recommending some of these things.
According to what Councilman wrig.ht was hearing people say, he
wanted to see a report from City Manager Cheney presented to the
Council by the next meeting. He pointed out that they need to
know about the steps, the people's responsibility, and why other
people get reclassifications and why they have not gotten any-
thing. Councilman deLong was also going to recommend that they
turn it over to the City Manager; he knows what the situation is;
let him make a study of it; and if these people are worthy of
promotion and they have not been considered in the past, then
he thought action was due.
Councilman deLong moved to instruct the City Manager to determine
the promotion status of Anne Smith and Marion DiPasquale in the
Police Department and investigate why they should not be promoted,
and if they should be promoted to bring the promotion eligibility
recommendation to the Council at the next meeting. Councilman
deLong wanted to have it in the record, for the City Manager
to follow up, the fact that the head of the department inadvertently
(as was stated to Councilman deLong) had not submitted it at budget
time. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wright and carried
3-1. Vice Mayor Warnke voted against the motion. Councilmember
Woolley abstained from voting, as she was not familiar with the
Vice Mayor Warnke voted "~o" because he thinks %he City has a very
capable Personnel Directo~ and City Manager, and he thou ht it
should be u to the ' g
P m. Mayor Trauger agreed but said they had been
asking three or four months about this. Councilman Wright asked,
"Why have a City Council if we cannot go through some of these
reports and advise what we want to do?" He.:sa~d he heard all
night, "Do we have a Council that was elected to make decisions?"
City Manager Cheney reminded them that they also have some regu-
lations and Ordinances and Civil Service Regulations.
- 66 -
JANUARY 18, 1983
Mayor Trauger called attention to the fact that the City Council
has been asking for quite awhile for a record of the Councilmen's
requests and their disposition. He said they have not had such a
procedure started, although they have the ability in emther the
secretary, Nancy, or someone to get this done. Mayor Trauger
asked if they could get this started. He did not need an answer;
he was merely reading it into the recordJand wanted answers back
by the next Council Meeting for all of them.
Mayor Trauger next said they were looking for gar.bage and trash
to be consolidated and implemented as the City Council stated in
October. It is now January.
The American Legion Land Swap has been going on as long as Mayor
Trauger has been sitting on the City Council. Before this
Council is over, Mayor Trauger said he would like to have the
American Legion people finally satisfied.
Further, Mayor Trauger said the City has been looking at a pistol
range for our ci~±zens at the Fraternal Order of Police for about
two years. A study ms going to be made as to what is best for
the Fraternal Order of Police and what is best for the pistol
They have been talking about' plaques for appropriate buildings to
monumentize the City Council's names on fire engines, buildings,
and other equipment.
Also, Mayor Trauger reminded the Council that they talked about a
small park on the Intracoastal, down near the Two Georges. It is
in the budget, and he did not know what action is being taken.
Also, they are working on an agreement with the Inland Water
Navigation District, Mayor Trauger believed, for the Jaycee Park
and for some implementation as to what the City can do in that area
with benches.
Mayor Trauger asked for a digest for curtailment of funds from
the Chamber of Commerce with a summary, either monthly or
quarterly, as to what they are doing and their proposed plans as a
report. He had not seen that yet either.
Mayor Trauger wanted the status of the Day Care Center, of the
work that is going on, completed now, or when.
- 67-
JANUARY 18, 1983
The Council has been following through on the Girl Scout Park and
have had several letters into the County Commission on that area
Mayor Trauger pointed ou~.
Another one coming up was what did they know, as a City Council,
concerning this Gala Affair that is coming up. He asked how
much money.
The above were items Mayor Trauger believed were brought before
this Council and, before it retires in a couple of months, Mayor
Trauger believed they should finish this action at this Council.
One other request Councilman Wright recalled was the report (he
guessed they could do that in March because they would need a
little time) on the feasibility of an adtive_Housing~ Authority
within 'the City. Mayor~Trauger advised that. we have a Housing
Authority - the Boynton Beach Housing Authority. Councilman
Wright wanted to activate our own local one. Mayor Trauger said
he would work on that.
Vice Mayor Warnke made a motion that within the realm of the
workload, the Council get a report on the above items by the next
Council Meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman deLong
and carried 5-0.
The meeting was properly adjourned at 11:40 P. M.
f ~C~u~ci lman Vice Mayor
(Five T~es) - 68 -
C 7Y
120 N.E. 2nd AVENUE
P.O. BOX 310
(305} 734-8111
Attachment r. eferred to
~ on ~age. 2
January 18, 1983
Honora'b!e james R. Wolf, Esq.
Assistant city Attorney
City of Boynton Beach
Boynton Beack, Florida 33435
Dear Mr. Wolf:
It is with regret and congratulations that i, as Mayor representing
the City Council and the citizens of Boynton Beach, wish you good
will and success as you take on your new responsibilities as Florid
League of Cities Chief Counsel. ~'
We have greatly enjoyed .your involvement in City affairs and have
admired the candid and cooperative assistance that you gave to the
City as you worked with the City Attorney to supply Boynton Beach
with outstanding legal services, which have often included the
task of representing the City in the Court system; a task which you
have carried out with professional diligence and remarkable success
We are extremely pleased that we will now be abl? to share your
knowledge and expertise in municipal law with all cities throughout
the State, and are confident that the League's programs will greatl.
benefit from your involvement.
We wish you and your wife well in the State Capitol and look forwar
to working with you at the League.
Ma yor k~
JANUARY 18, 1983
January 18, 1983
Approval of Bills:
I.B.M. Corporation
3 Model 6705 Selectric III for Police Dept.
Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing---320-211-521-60-42
I.B.M. Corporation
Lease Copier III Model 40 (City Hall)
Charge to various departments---General Fund and Water
and Sewer Revenue Fund
I.B.M. Corporation
Rental for January, 1983 for System 34
Pay from General Fund---Various Departments
Kobla-~ Constructors and Engineers Est. %1]
1MG Water Tank & Booster Station for period 12/1/82
to 12/31/82.
Pay from Utility General Fund---403-000-169-01-00
Marcinkoski-Gradall Final Payment P.O. 55195
Amount withheld until completion of Swale Construction
For Group III Areas .
Pay from General Fund---001-411-541-60-3P
Per bid 9/20/82, Council approved 10/6/82
Myre Fairway Construction Co,~I~c.
Golf Course for period from 12/1/82 to 12/31/82.
Pay from B.B. Recreation Facility Constr. Fund
Neptune Meter Company
300 Meters for Water Distribution---S7,860.00
Pay from Water & Sewer Revenue---401-333-533-60-51
1 6" Tru Flow Meter & Strainer for Water Distribution
Pay from Water & Sew Rev---401-333-533-60-51---$2,937.00
2,484. )0
1,505. '. l0
6,965. 10
36,152. 0
1,237. 7
26,887.: 0
10,797. 0
Russell & Axon
Professional services rendered on various projects.
Pay from the following accounts:
403-000-169-01-00 $22,368.42
403-000-169-11-00 7,208.15
O.M. Scott & Sons Company
138 Bags Sulphur for Parks Department
Pay from General Fund---001-722-572-30-61
Sav-On Utility Supplies, .Inc.
150 3/4 Ford Ball Valve with lock wing for Water Dist.
Pay from Water & Sewer Revenue---401-333-533-60-51
Bid Item
South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment Board
Services in the treatment & disposal of wastewater
for the month of December, 1982.
Pay from Water & Sewer Revenue---401-353-535-40-gI
Unijax~ Inc.
Janitorial Supplies for Building Maintenance
Pay from General Fund---001-192-519030-92
Van's Electric, Inc. Final Payment P.O. 54809
Balance due Electrical Work City Hall Renovation
Pay from General Fund---001-000-247-09-00
J. Williams Pump Service
Parts for repair to Well %15 for Water Supply
Pay from Water & Sewer Revenue---401-331-533-40-3B
Allen Insurance Agency
Renewal Police & Fire Department Accident Policy
Pay from General Fund---001-211-521-10-44---$2,155.00
001-221-522-10-44--- 1,681.00
Isiah Andrews
DriVer for Senior Citizens Club 2 wks.
Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing---320-641-564-40-5A
Ordinance %73-15, passed 5/15/73
4,904. 5
~illie Ruth McGrad¥
Server for Senior Citizens Club 2 wks.
Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing---320-641-564-40-5A
Ordinance %73-15, passed 5/15/73
DesicDSpace International
To purchase trailer @ Fire Dept.
Pay from Fed. Rev. Sharing 320-221=522-60-26
The bills described have been approved and verified by the
department heads involved; checked and approved for payment
by the Finance Department.
~Flnance Director
I therefore recommend .payment of these bills.
~eeti~g: ~ ~
~ M E M 0 R A N D U M Attachment referred %o
on page 60.
Januazy 11, 1983
TO: Mr. Peter L. Cheney, City Manager
FROM: Grady W. Swann, Director of Finance
I-am extremely happy to inform you and the CityCouncil that the
City of Boynton.Beach has been awarded the coveted "Certificate
Conformance in Financial Reporting" for ou~ September 30~ 1981 annnaI
financial report~
It is interesting to. note that the City of Boynton Beach is included
small gxoup of only 332 governmental units that have-been honored by
this awaxd~ and only 44 in the State of Florida~ This is extremely
impr~essive when'it is. compared to over 38~000 potentially eligible
units in the~nited States~
The C ~tifmcate of Conformance is th~ highest fozm of recognition
the-area of governmental financial reporting, and its attainment
-represents a significant accomplishmentby.the City of Boynton Beach
and its management~
The entire Finance Department is to be commended for their pa~t, late
or small, in this accomplishment, Also~ many thanks to the auditing'
firm of Ernst & Whinney for thei~ fine assistance and extreme effort
in helping us attain this goal~
Grady W. S'wann,
Director of Finance
City Council
Fin an'ce Staff
Ernst & Whinney
Central File