SEPTEMBER 24, 1984 AT 7:30 P. M.
Carl Zimmerman, Mayor
Robert Ferrell, Vice Mayor
Nick Cassandra, Councilman
James R. Warnke, Councilman
Samuel Lamar W~ight, Councilman
Peter L. Cheney,
City Manager
Betty S. Boroni,
City Clerk
William P. Doney,
Assistant City Attorney
Mayor Zimmerman called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M.
Mayor Zimmerman told the audience the Council was obligated
tonight to set the final tax millage rate for the upcoming
budget. If anyone wished to speak, they were to fill out
the forms provided and hand them in as the Council proceeded
with the meeting.
City Manager C~eney stated that Union negotiations have not
been completed and, therefore, any decisions on wage and
salary adjustments should be held off until a later time at
a regular CounCil meeting. He said maybe by next Tuesday,
they will have completed that.
City Manager C~eney talked in the past about separating out
a special fund for Vehicle Maintenance and a special fund
for Sanitationi Once the Council has adopted the budget,
the City will do that. Appropriate adjustments have to be
made from what is adopted by the Council. City Manager
Cheney said thOse adjustments will not change the bottom
line of the bul~get but will simply reallocate it. He said
they will be r.~ady to do that in a couple of weeks, after
Council adopts the budget.
City Manager C]
shops and had
the questions
millage rates.
should conside
set and said i'
dential taxpay.
~eney said the Council went through the Work-
)ne public hearing. He responded to some of
~he Council had and suggested three alternate
City Manager Cheney thought the Council
the millage rate they had already tentatively
does not make a major impact on the resi-
rs in the city.
City Manager C]~eney said that millage rate will provide some
opportunities ~o move into the capital improvements program
which was before the Council. There are a couple of actions
in the areas o~ capital improvements and land acquisition.
If the City wants to take advantage of the availability of
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SEPTEMBER 24, 1984
land, City Manager Cheney said they should do it in this
coming fiscal year. Otherwise, the land may not be avail-
able or will be developed at a much higher price. City
Manager Cheney told the Council this is a reasonable year to
stick to the millage rate the Council tentatively set to
provide the beginning of some capital improvements.
Mayor Zimmerman asked how much of the capital outlay program
the Council wanted to discuss tonight. As the capital out-
lay program is so complex and far reaching, Councilman
Warnke thought they could not come to a decision tonight.
He felt Alternate 3, which would provide seed money for a
feasibility study, etc. should be a part of the discussion
tonight, as he thought they should provide seed money for a
feasibility study. Vice Mayor Ferrell agreed.
Councilman Cassandra said the item tonight should be the
budget millage, which has to be final tonight. Capital
improvements is a program that can take place at another
meeting. Councilman Cassandra stressed that the budget had
to be settled tonight, and he strongly recommended that the
Council stay with the budget and the alternative the Council
takes will determine if there are any monies for capital
improvements. Mayor Zimmerman presumed they would have that
at the last part of the public hearing.
Fire Prevention Bureau
Mr. Morton Goldstein, 130 N. E. 26th Avenue, Boynton Beach
33435, said in 1977, a very knowledgeable body recommended
that the City of Boynton Beach review the need for addition-
al Fire Inspectors. At that time, we had Alan Nyquist,
Fire Marshall; Stanley Porter, Fire Inspector; and William
Cavanaugh, Fire Inspector. All of them were State certified.
In March, 1982, Fire Marshall Allan Nyquist retired. In
January, 1983, Fire Inspector Stanley Porter retired. This
happened in a rapid building boom in Boynton. For ten
months, the City operated with only two full-time State
certified Fire Inspectors. After one year, the City oper-
ated with only one certified Fire Inspector. In January,
1984, the City certified one more man (John Martin). Mr.
Goldstein said it has been 2-1/2 years since we have had a
Fire Marshall.
Mr. Goldstein understood there was a recommendation to
separate the Fire Inspectors and move one to the Building
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Department along with his Secretary and confine him to new
construction. His concern with this was fourfold: (1)
Were they taking away a check and balance system that is
absolutely necessary in the City? (2) Will the City be able
to maintain the integrity of its current files on existing
and new constr~cti°n plans and specifications? (3) Is the
Inspector who is staying in the Fire Department fully quali-
fied under our present Civil Service guidelines to carry out
his assigned activities? (4) Is it a good idea to remove a
Fireman who is a full-time Inspector from the area of the
Fire Department where, of a necessity, he has immediate
access to any and all fire information including current
In Mr. Goldstein's professional opinion, the Fire Prevention
Department belongs in the Fire Department, and we should
have a Fire Marshall. He asked City Manager Cheney when we
are going to fill the Fire Marshall's position. Mr.
Goldstein also asked if the City is going to schedule an
eXamination for the best qualified man in the Fire
Department for that position.
Councilman Cassandra recalled from the minutes of the last
workshop that he and Councilman Wright asked about the Fire
Marshall. At that time, he remembered City Manager Cheney
said the Fire Marshall slot, which was not actively filled,
will be restructured into a different classification. City
Manager Cheney did not propose to have the title, "Fire
Marshall", but proposed to strengthen from what the City has
had. He thought Fire Chief Rhoden agreed with him on the
Fire Prevention and Fire Inspection Program.
City Manager Cheney said the inspection of new construction
is a very specialized, highly technical, fire alarm and fire
construction code speciality. With the construction going on
now, that is very important. Construction inspections are an
integral and parallel part of building construction, which
is one reason ~hy we have a total review of all new plans by
both the Building Department and the Fire Department.
Fire preventio
has not done e
the need for p
be in the futu
of constructio
recommending t
upgraded, and
on a regular b
n of existing structures is something the City
hough of. Primarily, City Manager Cheney said
revention had not been as serious as it will
re. With the city getting older and the kind
n getting more complicated, the City is
he inspection of existing buildings be improved,
done by Certified Inspectors or Firefighters
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City Manager Cheney advised that Certified Firefighters as
required by the State was a brand new requirement by the 1983
Legislature. The City immediately began sending people to
school. City Manager Cheney told Mr. Goldstein the City
does not propose to take fire prevention out of the Fire
Department but proposes to use on duty Firefighters and find
out if that is successful.
John Martin is a Firefighter who passed certification and,
at the moment, City Manager Cheney said Mr. Martin is
coordinating the fire prevention program. One of the
advantages of using on duty Firefighters is it gives them
something to do and gives the City a chance to do fire pre-
vention in the evenings and on weekends.
City Manager Cheney said the City proposes to leave the Fire
Prevention there, increase the number of people, and build
Fire Prevention up.
As to the issue of new construction, City Manager Cheney
said it does not matter where the person is located. They
talked about putting personnel in the Building Department.
The reason for that is because of space, and that is where
all of the building plan review goes on. That decision has
not been settled as they have to face problems in the Fire
City Manager Cheney said they want to highlight the inter-
reaction on new construction between all Inspectors, be it
Plumbing, Electric, Mechanical, Construction, Fire, or what
have you. They should be interrelated, and that is part of
the idea of taking the Inspector involved with that and
having him do lust that on a specialized basis and integrate
that with building plan review and construction.
By moving the Fire personnel into the Building Department
with an associated Clerk, Councilman Cassandra wondered how
his voting power would go. Suppose he says something does
not follow the Fire Code. City Manager Cheney said the
person is still responsible to the Fire Chief.
City Manager Cbeney suspected Councilman Cassandra heard
about some allegations in the last two or three weeks and
said they were no secret to him. He referred to suggestions
and memorandums going around about things that have not been
done and said the Fire Chief is aware of some of those
things and is satisfied that all is well. City Manager
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Cheney stated it appears there is nothing in the manual
that requires some of those things. He added that the
ultimate decision will be that of the Fire Chief and the
Building Official. When you have a concept in Code, City
Manager cheney said there better be a decision made some-
where. Councilman Cassandra asked if that was why a
personnel report forwarded to the Fire Chief was physically
located in the Building Department. City Manager Cheney
replied, "Yes."
Mr. Goldstein was still concerned and thought someone should
head up that department. He reiterated that the City oper-
ated with a Fire Marshall for many years. City Manager
Cheney said this idea has been talked about for a couple of
years, and he explained. He informed Mr. Goldstein someone
is in charge and has always been in charge, and the person
in charge is the Fire Chief. The Fire Chief was in charge
when the City had the Fire Marshall, and the Fire Chief will
still be in charge. What they think is best for the City
today may not be the same as it was for the City in 1966.
City Manager Cheney used the new Chief of the Palm Beach
County Fire District as an example. When he was Chief in
Miami, he put the Building Department under the Fire Depart-
ment. City Manager Cheney did not think that was appropriate
here, but he suspected it was done because the judgments in
Miami at the time were that the Fire Department was better
able to operate than the Building Department. Some Building
Departments do not function too well. City Manager Cheney
stated he would never suggest that here because he did not
think it was necessary.
In other cities, City Manager Cheney said fire construction
inspections are totally in the Building Department. The
City is trying to do something which appears to work well in
the city between the Fire Department and the Building Depart-
ment on both construction inspections and the inspections of
existing buildings. Someone will be in charge, and someone
is always in charge. That is the Fire Chief.
Mr. Goldstein Said in the past Mr. Nyquist was somebody with
vast experience that was always there. There is a difference
between preventing a fire and putting a fire out. City
Manager Cheney was not sure the City did that much fire pre-
vention in the past. Fire construction was more important.
By using Firefighters who are on duty on a 24 hour basis, the
City is increa~ing fire prevention. They are trained by the
State and certlfi~d.- City Manager Cheney did not think the
City was shirking or irresponsible.
1984/85 BUDGET
SEPTEMBER 24, 1984
Fire Chief James Rhoden said the City has six certified Fire
Inspectors. TWo are on 40 hour weeks, and four are on 48
hour weeks. The ones on 48 hour weeks make their inspections
during the day, provided they are free to do so.
Under our present Civil Service Rules and Regulations, Chief
Rhoden said they do not have a man for the Fire Marshall's
job. You have to be a Fire Inspector II for a period of two
years before you can become a Fire Marshall. Chief Rhoden
said we have more than one Fire Inspector I and, under the
new budget that they are anticipating, they would have some-
body coming up that would be eligible for Fire Marshall.
Today, they do not have anyone in the Fire Inspector II
Fire Chief Rhoden said the man Mr. Goldstein was talking
about is in the Fire Inspector I position, and he has to go
to Fire Inspector II for two years. Mr. Goldstein was not
talking for one particular person. He was concerned about
one basic thing, and that was not having a sufficient amount
of full-time Fire Inspectors.
Mr. Goldstein thought fire prevention done properly would
save a lot more lives than an after the fact situation. He
did some research as far back as 1977 and saw the recommenda-
tions. At that time, the City had three full-time Fire
Inspectors. City Manager Cheney said the City did not send
people out to do inspections before but just started doing
City Manager Cheney explained that what they have done is a
part of the whole judgment of melding the decisions
together. The City has added personnel to the Fire Depart-
ment and when they dropped the hours from 56 to 48, they
added six new people. As they addressed the Fire Department,
the City had to address the whole picture of the Fire Depart-
ment, and City Manager Cheney thought they kept it in
balance. Mr. Goldstein was not against the basic principle
of a Fire Prevention Engineer, which he thought City Manager
Cheney proposed in 1982. City Manager Cheney said that did
not apply, so they are trying something else. Mr. Goldstein
thought it did not apply because the City cannot afford a
first class Fire Prevention Engineer and he explained. City
Manager Cheney stated the City could have gotten one at that
Councilman Cassandra asked Mr. Goldstein if he was advocating
that the City maintain a Fire Marshall or develop a Fire
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Prevention Department. Mr. Goldstein was not concerned so
much with the Fire Marshall per se as he was with having a
sufficient amount of full-time Fire Inspectors in the field,
in addition to the part-time Inspectors he knew the Chief
was not using so the City can adequately prevent fires. If
Mr. Goldstein was supporting that the City put into the
budget two additional Fire Inspectors , City Manager Cheney
could buy that but he could not buy that in the context of
the budget as a whole.
Mr. Goldstein referred to the National Fire Protection Guide-
lines and said each Inspector makes 500 to 600 inspections a
year in about 360 working days. He again referred to 1977
and said since then, the City probably has another 1500 inspec-
tions they must do a year over what we had in 1977. At the
very least, Mr. Goldstein determined the City should have at
least five full-time Fire Inspectors working for the City.
City Manager Cheney did not know if they could go with two
more this year but thought they could go with one more this
year. In the context of the budget, as City Manager Cheney
put it together, he did not feel comfortable in making that
recommendation but would not object to Council doing that if
they did not t&ke away some other important things.
Mr. Goldstein thought the need for a Fire Inspector or
Policeman was far greater than buying additional books for
the library when there is not enough room to put them on the
shelves. He thought it was fine to advocate spending a lot
of money for the library and for parks but if people cannot
safely walk through the streets to get there, they will not
do us any good. ~hat was what he was pushing for, even
though he knew the City was limited in its expenditure of
money° Mr. Goldstein knew every department wanted as much
money as they c~uld get, but he felt there were certain
basics they should take care of first.
City Manager Cheney thought they agreed and said where the
adjustment is made is a Council decision. That was Mr.
Goldstein's recommendation to the Council, and he knew a lot
of people in the City agreed with him.
Councilman Cassandra asked how many full-time Fire
Inspectors the City has. Fire Chief Rhoden replied that we
have two full-~ime and four part-time. Councilman Cassandra
questioned whether four part-time were equivalent to two more
full-time Inspectors. City Manager Cheney answered, "No."
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Mr. Goldstein clarified that he was very proud of the Fire
Department and thought it was a very fine department. He
was not criticizing the department or Fire Chief. Frankly,
he wanted them to have more because he thought there was a
need and necessity, and the City should take care of that
Councilman Warnke asked Chief Rhoden if he felt the Fire
Department was adequately inspecting the City at the present
time. At this point, Fire Chief Rhoden said he could use
another Inspector and thought they had one in the budget.
He said there are so many buildings in Boynton and there are
so many coming in every year that it is hard to keep up with
it. Fire Chief Rhoden told the Council he has a problem
hiring a man for a 40 hour week when they are accustomed to
the benefitsof a 48 hour week. He went along with Mr.
Goldstein and felt that in the future, they would see a Fire
prevention Bureau would be the nucleus of all of the depart-
ments, and he explained.
If an extra Inspector is added at this point, Councilman
Warnke asked how it would affect the budget. City Manager
Cheney guessed it would be 3/4 of a year by the time they
get someone aboard, so it would probably be $20,000 or
Mr. Goldstein concluded that they need to train people who
are aware when they go into buildings, who will find out, ask
questions, and get the job done. The big concern is what
you cannOt see because that more often causes the fires.
Vice Mayor Ferrell suggested maybe the City Manager and the
Fire Chief could come back with a detailed organizational
plan on what is what. Councilman Wright pointed out that
the budget reflects the Fire Department requested one Fire
Insector I, and the City Manager recommended that. He
guessed Fire Chief Rhoden was being conservative in his
finding. Fire Chief Rhoden said he had no place to put Fire
Mrs. Wilda Searcy, 402 N. E. 13th Avenue, Boynton Beach,
Florida 33435, has been writing letters for about 1-1/2
years to the C6uncil about the N. E. and N. W. areas.
Eyerybody wants sidewalks, and Mrs. Searcy said they have
given up hope ~or the community. Mrs. Searcy stated she has
signed petitions. She said it is awful driving down 13th
Avenue with people walking in the streets.
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TWO or three years ago, a pipe was put in front of a lady's
house on N. E. 12th Avenue. Mrs. Searcy said a spot was
torn up and never repaired. People at Seacrest and 13th
will keep it cleaner if they have sidewalks. They are
disturbed at the way trash is picked up. Mrs. Searcy said
people want the Council to stop raising taxes. She stated
she has 226 signatures on petitions now and will turn them
in to the Coun6il this week.
Mrs. Searcy also wondered what happened with the dogs.
Mayor Zimmerman advised that was not a question to be
considered tonight.
Councilman Warnke asked if any member of Council had a side-
walk in front of his house. He did not and neither did
Mayor Zimmerman. Councilman Warnke explained the City has
many projects to do before sidewalks. Some of the roads
must be improved. Mayor Zimmerman asked Mrs. Searcy if she
had any idea what sidewalks throughout the city Would cost.
Mrs. Searcy exClaimed that they would not get anything in
her community and asked if that meant they would not get
anything. Mayor Zimmerman said sidewalks will be replaced.
Councilman Warnke informed Mrs. Searcy that 230 homes in
her neighborhoOd have been condemned to be demolished,
so the City is working on the problem.
Councilman Wright asked when ~the request relative to
priority projects for the Neighborhood Strategy Area comes
from Community Development again. City Manager Cheney
replied that the funds for 1984-85 have been committed.
The next $400,000 or $500,000 has also been preplanned. The
next open peri6d would be in three years.
City Manager Cheney pointed out that the City has built Sara
Sims park and has torn down 170 substandard houses. The
City knows there is more to do but City Manager Cheney did
not want it left that the City did nothing. Mayor Zimmerman
said the City does have money in the budget for street and
sidewalk repairs.
In the past, City Manager Cheney said the City built side-
walks on special assessment projects. Some sidewalk
construction was done when they were on the bike way system.
Councilman Wright thought the people who signed the
petitions for sidewalks understood the petitions to mean it
would be no cost to them for the sidewalks other than regular
tax increases. Mrs. Searcy asked, "Where is the Community
1984/85 BUDGET
SEPTEMBER 24, 1984
Councilman Wright stated he was a person who did not want a
sidewalk because he and others wanted to make sure there was
a decent street in the black community. Councilman Wright
said he and others were concerned about how the main street
in the black community looked, and they completed that.
Once they complete what they started on Cherry Hill, Council-
man Wright said maybe they could come on the other side of
Seacrest and complete the sidewalks. He did not want Mrs.
Searcy to continue saying nothing is being done and clarified
his statement. Councilman Wright told Mrs. Searcy the
Council still had to see the petitions.
Fire and Police Departments and Library
Mr. Ralph Marchese, 1901 Roma Way, Boynton Beach, 33435,
trusted that when the Council considers the expenditure for
capital improvements that simultaneously the 91 priority
will be the Fire and Police Departments. He thought they
should have a place to work and the equipment to work with.
As far as he was concerned, Mr. Marchese would take an
increase in his taxes to see that they get that.
Mr. Marchese also wanted to see the library supported for
the youngesters who are going to school and do research.
thought education should be right on the line.
Councilman Wright said there were concerns with the Fire
and Police DePartments in terms of the buildings. He was
still very adamant about his position to work for some indoor
facility for children in the North BoYnton area. Councilman
Wright liked the proposal about the civic auditorium ~n .
Congress as well, but he was concerned about a gymnasium an
the North Boynton area.
Mr. Marchese
and he told Co
things he thou
said he was re
City Manager
page 9 of the
which he thou¢
Golf Course
thought the Council would have to have a list
uncilman Wright he merely pointed out three
ght were very important. Councilman Wright
spending to an article in the paper.
heney referred the Council to the formula on
Summary of the Capital Improvements Program,
ht might help them in weighing some of these
Mr, Ben Uleck, 1507 S. W. 17th Avenue, Boynton Beach 33435.
read the port~on referring to the golf course from an article
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SEPTEMBER 24, 1984
which appeared in the Post on September 11, 1984 about the
budget and said it had several people confused.
Not only Mr. Uleck but the taxpayers thought the golf course
was supposed to be self supporting. He asked the Council if
they wanted $648,000 for replacement of bonds. City Manager
Cheney told Mr. Uleck the golf course is supposed to be self
sufficient. The Six Million Dollar figure is a total of the
construction and all that goes with the construction and
reserve of the first five months of operating it in 1983-1984
and 12 months of operating it in 1984-1985. Those total costs
were $6,1~77,000. City Manager Cheney said this budget would
also point out that there Ks income of $6,177,000 from the
golf course bond issue and the golf course revenue.
City Manager Cheney said the City is now beginning to pay
back the $4,000,000 bonds it borrowed. The City is paying
$710,000 in debt service. After that, the debt service is
around $500,000 a year but that is calculated in the income
and expenses, and the income will equal the expenses totally
from the Golf Course Fund. City Manager Cheney informed Mr.
Uleck that there are no General Fund monies in the golf
City Manager Cheney also informed Mr. Uleck that the golf
course pays the Sanitation Fund for garbage pickup and pays
a little bit of administrative overhead to the General Fund
for supervising the golf course. That will increase as time
goes on.
City Manager Cheney assured Mr. Uleck that the golf course
is self supporting under this proposed budget. Starting
October 1, the operating budget for 1984-1985 is $1,443,000,
and the income is $1,443,000. The tax payers will pay zero.
City Manager Cheney told Mr. Uleck that is no different but
is what the City was instructed by th~ City Council to do
four years ago. It was well mandated, that is what the
City's objectives have been and is what the City is going to
City Manager Cheney stated the City has money in reserve
too. In case ~ome year there is aproblem, we still have a
year's debt service of $500,000 plus set aside. At the
last Council meeting, it was agreed to refund the bond issue.
City Manager Cheney said that will produce about another
$20~,000 that Will go into reserve for a disaster like a
hurricane that may happen.
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If Mr. Uleck would look at the budget, City Manager Cheney
said he would see calculations for a time replacement of all
equipment. There is $269,000 worth of maintenance equipment
at the golf course. The City developed a replacement schedule
for that equipment and 1/4 of that is being budgeted each
year based on the life of the equipment. The City bought
golf carts so they built in a replacement program right from
the beginning and City Manager Cheney explained.
Mayor Warnke interrupted to tell Mr. Uleck the budget for
the golf course is 72 pages as opposed to an article in the
Palm Beach Post. The Council haS gone through the 72 pages
line by line, and they are satisfied. Mr. Uleck explained
that many taxpayers asked him what they would be charged for
the golf course.
Caloosa Park
Mr. Uleck was informed this is a County park, and the County
maintains it. He said some of the residents also asked
about that.
Copies of Budget
City Manager Cheney said the City will make copies for any-
one who comes in. He added that they are also on file in
the library.
Summer Programs - Recreation Department
Jean Ruzycki, 416 S. W. 10th Avenue, Boynton Beach 33435,
and Linda Scheu, 444 S. W. 7th Court, Boynton Beach 33435
came before the Council. Mrs. Ruzycki complimented Mr.
Charles Frederick, Recreation Director, and his staff for
their year-round program and the summer programs. However,
Mrs. Ruzycki said there is a problem with the summer pro-
gramso Some are from 9:00 A. M. to 12:00 Noon and some are
from 9:00 A. M. until 3:00 P. M.
Inasmuch as mothers are working and the population of Boynton
is getting younger, Mrs. Ruzycki said there is a need to
extend the hours of the summer camp program. She stated
that Boca Rato9 and Delray Beach run their programs from
8:00 A. M. until 5:00 P. M. and she elaborated.
Councilman Cassandra questioned whether Mrs. Ruzycki was
asking for a program for parents or children. Mrs. Ruzycki
replied, "For children." She explained it is very awkward
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for someone that works to get their children to and from
the programs. Mrs. Ruzycki told City Manager Cheney she
would be willing to pay more for the programs so they would
be self-supporting. At this point, Mrs. Ruzycki thought the
prices were very reasonable. Delray Beach-charges more but
offers lunch, and all of the field trips are included. Here,
the parents pay for field trips and the children take their
Councilman CaSsandra thought this was something Mr. Frederick
should look into. If it was self supporting, City Manager
Cheney said the Council would have no objection. He referred
to the After Care Program.
Mrs. Ruzycki also pointed out that the children are only
allowed to sign up for four weeks. Other cities have it for
the entire summer. Mrs. Ruzycki felt there was a definite
need for the ~ecreation Department to extend the program.
She stated a lot of things are going on at the Civic Center
during the day when they cannot attend.
Councilman Wright thought it would be great if a program
could be designed that would alleviate Mrs. Ruzycki's
concern and he gave reasons.
Mrs. Ruzycki asked if Mr. Frederick would have to get
approval from the Council to extend his budget to include
something like this. Based on her request, City Manager
Cheney replied that the City would look at the problem and
prepare a repcrt of the cost, funding, etc. and show what
the financial impact would be. The report would be shown
to the Council. City Manager Cheney said maybe in a
of months they would let Mrs. Ruzycki know about it. coupleHe
said Mrs. Ruzycki and Mrs. Scheu should feel free to stop
in any time and see Mr. Frederick at his office.
Mrs. Scheu commented that the program here is super. She
works and said when children are alone after school, they
look for trouble and need to keep occupied, especially in
the summer. Mrs. Scheu asked the Council to consider this
request and help all of the working mothers.
Gymna s ium
Mr. Louis Skinner, 437 N. E. 16th Avenue, Boynton Beach
33435, N. E. 16th Avenue, Boynton Beach 33435, appeared on
behalf of concerned citizens to ask that the Council set
aside funding for a gymnasium. Mayor Zimmerman said the
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SEPTEMBER 24, 1984
Council will discuss the capital improvements when they are
finished, and 27 capital improvements are on the list. He
stated it will be considered but all 27 improvements could
not be completed in one year.
Councilman Wright informed Mr. Skinner it will take $910,000
to build such a facility because the City already owns the
property in that particular area. Councilman Wright thought
Mr. Skinner was concerned that something get started.
Mayor Zimmerman asked if anyone else wished to speak for or
against the proposed budget.
Capital Improvements Program
Mayor Zimmerman asked if the Council wanted to discuss the
capital improvements. Vice Mayor Ferrell thought they would
be premature to discuss them and felt the Council should
take some time to set priorities. Councilman Wright thought
City Manager Cheney should give the Council a brief summary
and reiterate again how much he would recommend be put aside.
Councilman Wright did not think they could go into any
details on pro~ects now and suggested perhaps they could be
listed in the paper at a future date.
Mayor Zimmerman referred to the budget of 6.83 tax millage
and asked how much was set aside for the Capital Improvements
Program in the way of planning. City Manager Cheney said he
made a mistake in multiplying in the short page he did the
calculation on. The figure Alternate 3 would produce, which
is excess, should be $294,754 and another $52,000 is avail-
able in Alternate 2, making a total of $346,754.
Unappropriated Fund
Councilman Cassandra asked about the unappropriated fund.
City Manager C]leney said he had not included any assumption
of funds left
There will be
that the Counc
general unappr(
things such as
"kitty". As a
Manager Cheney
not know what ~
until they clog
)ver from the current budget year to next year.
tome left over, and he strongly recommended
.1 do nothing with it but leave it in a
~priated reserve fund for totally unanticipated
a hurricane and that it not be looked at as a
result of shortages in income last year, City
said the City basically has nothing. He did
.he figure was and said they would not know
~e the books, but he thought they should leave
- 14 -
1984/85 BUDGET
SEPTEMBER 24, 1984
it and begin to build up the unappropriated reserve in the
operating fund to as much as $400,000 or $500,000 because
the City is gettng too big to have nothing.
*Councilman Warnke complimented City Manager Cheney and the City
because he thought the City was very well satisfied with
the budget. Councilman Cassandra also complimented the City
Manager and staff but warned Mayor Warnke not to be misled
by apathy.
Councilman Cassandra asked how many more parks the City has
from 1978 to 1984. He was informed by Mr. Fredericks it was
around five or six, and the City has the upkeep of them too.
Building Department Needs
Councilman CasSandra wondered if the Electrical Inspector
requested in this General Fund was taken into consideration
or if it was in addition to the Emergency Needs the Building
Department has. City Manager Cheney said it was in addition.
People added a~e shown in the current column because they
were in this current budget year.
In the approval of any of the Alternates, Councilman
Cassandra asked if the Council had to accept the structure
approval. He did not see any structure changes except Parks
and Utilities and wondered if the budget approval included
an automatic approval of the organizational chart. City
Manager Cheney said it implies approval. Councilman
Cassandra wanted to keep it as a separate consideration
because there
Manager Cheney
meeting, if he
City Clerk's D
In the General
Councilman Cas
City Manager C
was changed.
~ere things he did not agree with. City
said that could be scheduled in Tuesday's
Fund, Grade Change, Position Reclassification,
~andra asked if the Clerk III was a downgrade.
heney said the grade of that vacant position
No one is being downgraded.
-,Correcti°n ~ ~ minutes of 10/3/84
- 15 -
1984/85 BUDGET
SEPTEMBER 24, 1984
Data Processor
Councilman Cassandra noted a grade change of three grades.
He asked if this is normally a 35, 36 concept. City Manager
Cheney replied it is related to other department heads and
is one that was negotiated in the past.
Planning Department
Councilman Cassandra called attention to the promotion
requested to upgrade someone to Secretary III and and asked
if the person was being upgraded from Secretary I. He
noted she was going from Grade 19-2 to Grade 22-1 and was
curious as to why there was a two grade change and it was
not a progressive type step. City Manager Cheney replied
it has been a Secretary II position and the comparable
duties and responsibilities justify the Secretary III.
Councilman Cassandra did not know what Grade 19 was.
Summary of Vehicle Purchases for 1984-1985
Councilman Cassandra noticed they were going to a lot of
four door sedans and asked why the City does not go to com-
pact or subcompact classes. He did not think they would be
using a four door sedan for four people at one time because
these would be for people out in the field. City Manager
Cheney advised that the city has had very bad luck with sub-
City Manager Cheney said the City generally buys from the
State. They have never found that local advertising beats
the State bid. With the State bid, the City gets a good
price but he did not think they could get the compacts with
State bidding.
Councilman Wright expressed concern about subcompact cars
because he has had one for six months and still has problems
with it. Councilman Cassandra felt the quality of American
cars is poor. It appeared they were going into big cars,
and he asked how many cylinders they have. Councilman
Cassandra thought the Parks Department was buying station
wagons. There was discussion.
Sanitation Capital Replacement Fund
Councilman Cassandra observed that the City bought a trash
and bucket dump truck and felt this was our Sanitation
Capital Replacement Fund concept. City Manager Cheney
believed Councilman Cassandra was looking at the Street
Division's budget. That equipment is used by the Street
Maintenance DiVision and is a legitimate expenditure.
- 16 -
1984/85 BUDGET
SEPTEMBER 24, 1984
City Manager Cheney said the City is continuing to use the
Sanitation Capital Replacement Fund for Sanitation vehicles.
When they redo the Sanitation Fund, they will reincorporate
2% Gas Tax
Councilman Cassandra was looking at the 2% gas tax for
streets. City Manager Cheney was looking at it to improve
our capital equipment that works in the Street Division.
That seemed to be a legitimate way of not eating into the
property taxes.
Millage Rate
Mayor Zimmerman said they had on first reading of an Ordi-
nance a millage of 6.8316. Last year, the City only had 5,9.
The rollback rate for this year is 5.9871. They had several
Training Officer, Fire Department
Vice Mayor Ferrell understood City Manager Cheney to say if
they approve this, in concept they are approving the struc-
ture. He made two points at the first hearing and one at
one of the workshops. One was in relation to the Training
Officer at the Fire Department and said he did not object to
adding that position at this point.
Police Department
Instead of four Patrolmen and two Detectives, Vice Mayor
Ferrell suggested using six Patrolmen. City Manager Cheney
wanted to come back in November and discuss that specifi-
cally with the Council. They will not be added now.
Alternate 1
Councilman Cassandra noted Alternate 1 talks about a net
effect on the budget of a reduction of $160,000. In adding
in the items of an increase of the building fee, the
Library budget, $10,000 for the Historical Society, $1,000
for Youth Advisory Council, the ads for the Police
Department's capital safety, and the barricades thrown in
therer he asked if it also included the four Patrolmen and
one Detective. Councilman Cassandra determined that City
Manager Cheney was saying the Council had everything that
was given them in the printed budget. Nothing has been
1984/85 BUDGET
SEPTEMBER 24, 1984
deleted, and they are now adding the request by Councilman
Warnke for the Historical Society and the added $20,000 for
the Police Department. City Manager Cheney added, "Plus
those things you people suggested."
Councilman Cassandra thought 6.0173 was low millage. City
Manager Cheney said it was $160,000 less than he recommended
in his budget and gave an increase over rollback of 4.7.
Councilman Cassandra asked how much it would be over last
year's millage. Last year, it was 5.9. Mr. Grady Swann,
Finance Director, replied it is 6.6% over 5.9.
By relating it to last year's millage, City Manager Cheney
said they were creating themselves trouble because the
current assessed value of last year's property is less than
it was last year. When you have a lesser total valuation,
you have to have a higher millage. By looking at last
year's millage, City Manager Cheney said they were cutting
into new goals this year.
Councilman Cassandra said they brought to the General Fund
$859,000,000 versus last year's of $818,000,000 so they have
an increase of assessment comprised of construction etc. In
Councilman Cassandra's mind, everything in the budget on
Alternate 1 (blue book) and all that was requested on the
yellow sheet, including personnel, capital equipment, etc.
will be a budget item with no cuts plus the addition of those
itemsw and there will still be a millage of 6.073.
Councilman Cassandra asked if City Manager Cheney was saying
he has a chance now to get some monies into a capital improve-
ments plan by taking Alternate 3. City Manager Cheney said
he went to Alt~rnate 2 then, and it produced those things
which he felt comfortable with and which he thought were
worthwhile recommending. Councilman Cassandra remarked that
the Alternates are actually recommendations and he wanted to
make sure he understood what was entailed in them.
Councilman Wright understood if someone has a home worth
$100,000, he will only have to pay $30 more in taxes. There
was discussion about property assessments and taxes. Council-
man Cassandra called attention to the substantial increases
of Bethesda Hospital and the County and said the Council
does not know What the School Board will do.
Votes Necessary For Various Proposals
The first thing Attorney Doney said the Council had to do
was adopt the millage rate. For Alternate 2, City Manager
- 18 -
1984/85 BUDGET
SEPTEMBER 24, 1984
Cheney advised they would need only three votes. For
Alternate 3, they would need 4 votes. City Manager Cheney
clarified that they would need 4 votes for anything above
Alternate 2.
Councilman Cassandra asked the Council to consider what
comes out of the pockets of the citizens. He stated he has
always been an advocate of conservatism in the budget and
still was. Councilman Cassandra felt Alternate 1 gave more
than the City Manager requested, and nothing is being taken
away. Also, they are adding the three or four requests made
by other Council Members in Alternate 1.
Mayor Zimmerman suggested adopting a millage rate which left
off the 2nd and third figures after the decimal point. He
did not think the extra points meant much anyway.
Land near Boat Ramp Park
City Manager Cheney said the City may be able to buy land
near Boat Ramp Park, but he pointed out it may be a now or
never situation because of what is happening on Federal
Highway. The purchase was authorized several years ago.
City Manager Cheney said the owner contacted him. City
Manager Cheney did not want the land to be developed several
months from now without letting the Council know they may
miss the boat. He wanted the Council to understand it was
an issue they had to address.
Advertised Millage Rat~
Councilman Wright asked if anyone complained about this.
Mayor Zimmerman replied that he read one letter into the
record at the first hearing on September 6 and received one
other letter, which was very brief. He asked if anyone else
received letters. Mayor Zimmerman read a letter dated back
in August that was written to the Council stating it was
unfortunate that a vote on Proposition 1 was delayed by
questionable methods until 1986.
Alternate 3
Vice Mayor Ferrell favored Alternate 3 because he thought
money to begin some planning for changes and improvements of
city facilitie~ were long past due. He recalled that a
second floor for the Police Department was needed four or
five years ago along with the purchase of the property at
Boat Ramp Park. That and the construction at the Mausoleum
- 19 -
1984/85 BUDGET
SEPTEMBER 24, 1984
could have been done then for less than the second floor on
the Police Department which is proposed now. If they wait,
Vice Mayor Ferrell was afraid they would be in a jam.
Vice Mayor Ferrell worked in the Police Department for ten
years and knew there were three or four men in the Traffic
Division working out of a closet. Community Relations will
not have the people they need, as proposed in Alternate 2.
Vice Mayor ~errell also mentioned Crime Watch and referred
to the burglaries people spoke about over the last weeks.
He felt there was a big need for a lot of improvements in
these areas.
Vice Mayor Ferrell also called attention to recreational
facilities. Although the Council had 28 items before them,
he did not %hink anyone expected them to do all of them.
Mayor Zimmerman asked what Alternate 3 would do over and
above what the other two Alternates would do. Vice Mayor
Ferrell replied that it would allocate $346,754 to the
capital improvement program. Alternate 3 made sense to
Mayor Zimmerman.
Councilman W~rnke agreed with what Vice Mayor Ferrell just
said and did not think anyone in the City could find fault
with the Council for voting for a Crime Watch, Police
training, capital items for the Police Department, and
setting asid~ money for capital improvements. He recalled
that 7 or 8 ~ears ago Councilman deLong advocated getting
some of thes~ capital improvements done. Nothing was done,
and the City probably lost hundreds of thousands of dollars
it could have saved. Councilman Warnke was firmly in favor
of Alternate 3.
In working w
last 3-1/2 y,
best with as
ment, Council
job without
councilman ~
Councilman W~ight thought the City had done well by moving
forward with the golf course. He hoped they would continue
to move things along in the City of Boynton Beach. Council-
man Wright h~s been in favor of cutting back the budget.
[th the City staff and the City Manager over the
~ars, he thought the City staff tries to do its
little as possible. Being employed in govern-
[man Wright knows what it is like to try to do a
~dequate staff, supplies and funds.
ight was tired of people saying to him that
there is not] ing for young people in the community. He
thought the Council should take this opportunity to move
- 20 -
1984/85 BUDGET
SEPTEMBER 24, 1984
Councilman Cassandra informed Councilman Warnke and Council-
man Wright there was no question about capital improvements
but that was a separate issue. He said they had two issues:
the budget and capital improvements. They are taking the ad
valorem tax and saying because of an increase in the ad
valorem taxes, they will have money for capital improvements.
Councilman Wright referred to the money used for downtown
redevelopment and the golf course and advised that it takes
To the best of Councilman Cassandra's knowledge, they had
only increased the tax base. Next year they will go higher.
Councilman Cassandra was not against the fund for capital
improvements, but he told the Council not to put it on the
millage. Councilman Wright asked what Councilman Cassandra
would suggest. Councilman Cassandra said three suggestions
were submitted on the proper way to go: revenue bonds,
franchise tax, or Alternate 3. He was saying they were go-
ing to extend the millage rate, and next year they will
build upon it.
There was discussion about money, capital improvements, and
Mayor Zimmerman asked what the money difference would be
between the two millage rates. City Manager Cheney advised
the difference between Alternate 2 and Alternate 3 is
$294,754. vice Mayor Ferrell stated they were talking about
putting money aside, which no one had the foresight to do in
a lot of years. There was more discussion.
City Manager Cheney was concerned about the land near Boat
Ramp Park. Councilman Cassandra commented that the City is
spending a lot of money to revamp that area. He thought the
mobile homes were an eye sore and said what it came down to
was they need the increase to buy the land, not for a feasi-
bility study, 6r there would not be enough money.
City Manager C!
couple of week~
why it was not
stated he wouL
the use of the
Manager Cheney
will do it. C¢
over will go t¢
~eney's concern about this came in the last
;, since he put out the blue book. That was
addressed in the book. Councilman Cassandra
[ not be adverse to Alernate 3 if they direct
money for the purchase of that land. City
said the Council could say that, and the City
~uncilman Cassandra added that what is left
a capital improvements feasibility study.
City Manager C~
that if it was just that amount of money.
eney stated he would not continue to mention
That amount of
- 21 -
1984/85 BUDGET
SEPTEMBER 24, 1984
money of $300,000 was purely the Council's judgment of
whether to do it now or wait until next year only because it
was a now or never situation. Mayor Zimmerman was concerned
about the total and was trying to simplify it. After dis-
cussion, City Manager Cheney advised that they make the total
millage 6.8 instead of 6.8316.
Mayor Zimmerman called the meeting back to order at 9:40
P. M.
Proposed Ordinance 84-37
Attorney Doney filled in the blanks of the Ordinance, as
Page 1, Section 1, second line - 6.5929; third line - 6.5264
for the General Fund and .0665 for the Publicity Fund; fourth
line - .2071; and next to the last line, "Proposed Tentative
Millage Levy o~ 6.8000".
Page 2, Section 2, second line - 13.5 per cent.
Letter written to Council
Councilman Cassandra asked City Manager Cheney to look into
the comment in the letter written to the Council. He said
it did not hav~ to be done tonight. Councilman Wright
commented that at least the letter was not anonymous. City
Manager Cheney said the letter was not sent to the Chief or
to him, but he would have seen it anyway. Councilman Wright
suggested that maybe the staff needed training for grievance
Since the letter came to the Council, Councilman Cassandra
thought a response was due. City Manager Cheney commented
that all of the Council Members received the letter. He had
not responded because he did not get the letter. Councilman
Wright said maybe they should tell the person to write to
the City Manager. City Manager Cheney stated he would
respond to the Council's request. Councilman Wright advised
City Manager Cheney to send the Council a letter, and the
Council will ~ake a copy available to the person. Council-
man Wright requested City Manager Cheney to address the
letter to the Council, and City Manager Cheney agreed to
- 22-
1984/85 BUDGET
SEPTEMBER 24, 1984
Addition of a Professional Engineer and one Inspector for
the Utility Department
Per the memo written by Craig Grabeel dated September 6,
198~, as far as the projects performed by Russell & Axon,
Councilman Cassandra recommended the above, as it would
save the City money. He asked City Manager Cheney to
consider this. Councilman Cassandra thought there was a
need for restructuring the Utility Department anyway.
When you look at the Utility Budget as proposed this year
with no change in rate, City Manager Cheney said it has a
projected net income of $58,516. He thought the Profession-
al Engineer and Inspector could fall within that, and they
would not have to change the bottom line figures.
Councilman Cassandra thought they could take the $639,000
they paid Russell & Axon with no changes in rates, and they
would save money in the long run. The other Council Members
agreed. City Manager Cheney said it was no problem.
Proposed Ordinance 84-38
Attorney Doney filled in the blanks on the Ordinance as
follows: Page 1, Section 2 - $14,824,471. Page 2, Section
3 - $175,992; Section 4 - $5,858,209; Section 5, second
Tine - $944,475; fourth line - $1,806,000; last line -
$2,750,475. Section 6 - $56,450. Section 7 - $225,350.
Section 8 - $549,212. Section 9 - $936,609. Section 10,
second line - $494,337; fifth line - $12,814; last line -
Attorney Doney advised the stipulation did not need to be
in the Ordinance but should be in the Minutes. When they
reprint the final budget, City Manager Cheney said it will
be clearly identified. (See the motion under Ordinance
84-37 below.)
City Manager Cheney said he will be working with the Police
Department and will have some lists of what they would
prefer and will come back and let the Council know where
they think the additional Police small capital equipment
should be.
Councilman Wright wanted to see requisitions for some of the
requests they made in Recreation as soon as the budget is
- 23 -
1984/85 BUDGET
SEPTEMBER 24, 1984
approved and did not want them to wait until the end of the
year. Mayor Zimmerman said they have to have the money
first. City Manager Cheney wanted some way to schedule all
of it in case they have a shortfall. He asked that Council-
man Wright let him know what the requests are. There was
City Manager Cheney reminded Councilman Wright that purchas-
ing, requisitioning, etc. take time. Councilman Wright
said they did not ask for that many things.
Dinner for Board Members at Hunters Run
City Manager Cheney was thinking about the holiday season
and Hunters Run again on December 6, which is the first
Thursday of the month. He gave his reasons for choosing
this date. The Council was agreeable to this.
Ordinances - Second Reading - PUBLIC HEARING
Proposed Ordinance 84-37 Re: Stating the Aggregate Millage
Rate to be Levied Against Property Owners Within the City
for the 1984-85 Fiscal Year; Providing that the City
Manager Shall Have the Authority to Adjust the Aggregate
Millage Rate Upon Receipt of the Final Tax Roll; Providing
for an Effective Date and for Other Purposes
Attorney Doney read proposed Ordinance 84-37 in its
entirety on second reading. The title of said Ordinance is:
Mayor Zimmerman asked if anyone wished to speak in favor of
the proposed Ordinance. Mr. Ralph A. Marchese, 1901 Roma
Way, Boynton Beach 33435, thought the Council did a wonderful
job and told them to,"Go to it!"
Mayor Zimmerman asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition
to the propoosed Ordinance. There was no response. THE
1984/85 BUDGET
SEPTEMBER 24, 1984
Mayor Warnke moved that Ordinance 84-37 be adopted on
second and final reading with the stipulation that the
extra money allocated in the City Manager's Letter under
Alternative 3 be used for the purchase of the property in
front of Boat Ramp Park on Federal Highway. Vice Mayor
Ferrell seconded the motion.
Mrs. Boroni took a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Mayor Zimmerman
Vice Mayor Ferrell
Councilman Cassandra
Councilman Warnke
Councilman Wright
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Ordinance 84-38 Re: Adopting a Final Budget for
the Fiscal Year Beginning October 1, 1984, and Ending
September 30, 1985; Providing for an Effective Date and for
Other Purposes.
Attorney Doney read proposed Ordinance 84-38 on second and
final reading in its entirety. The title of said Ordinance
is as follows:
Mayor Zimmerman asked if anyone wished to speak in favor of
the proposed Ordinance. There was no response. Mayor
Zimmerman asked if anyone was opposed to the adoption of the
proposed Ordinance. There was no response. THE PUBLIC
Vice Mayor Ferrell moved to adopt Proposed Ordinance 84-38
on second and final reading, seconded by Councilman Wright.
Mrs. Boroni took a roll call vote on the motion:
Vice Mayor Ferrell
Councilman Cassandra
Councilman Warnke
Councilman Wright
Mayor Zimmerman
Motion carried 5-0.
- 25-
1984/85 BUDGET
SEPTEMBER 24, 1984
Councilman Warnke announced that there would not be a meet-
ing tomorrow night (September 25, 1984).
City Manager Cheney told the Council that the Treasure
Coast Regional Planning Council voted unanimously to recom-
mend approval of the Riteco Developmental Regional Impact.
He also informed the Council that the train whistles at
night have stopped.
Priority Determination
Councilman Cassandra recommended that City Manager Cheney
break up Public Works and Parks Maintenance and also break
~up Cultural and Recreation because some people may feel
strongly for one and not the other and they would be forcing
an opinion on both. He noted they had "Urgent, Necessary
and Desirable." Councilman Cassandra thought they should
have one entitled, "Not in the Next Five Years," and he
Executive Sessions
City Manager Cheney said they would be having executive
sessions but he did not know when.
Vice Mayor Ferrell moved, seconded by Councilman Cassandra,
to adjourn, and the meeting adjourned at 10:05 P. M.
~ce Mayor
City Clerk
:ia Ramseyer
Recording Secretary
(Three Tapes)
- 26 -