Minutes 06-22-10
ON TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 2010, 6:30 P.M. AT FIRE STATION #2,
Barbara Ready, Chair Debby Coles-Dobay, Public Art Administrator
Anderson Slocombe, Vice Chair
Dana Cook
Sherie Tengbergen
Christine Moeller, Alternate (arrived at 7:12 p.rn.)
Halena Wolf
Barbara Lentz
Nubia Richman
Donn Davenport, Alternate
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
Self-introductions were made. It was noted Mr. Davenport was on vacation and Ms.
Lentz was unable to attend the meeting due to a family matter.
Mr. Cook moved to approve the agenda. Ms. Wolf seconded the motion that passed
A. Approval of May 25, 2010 minutes
The following changes were made:
· Page 2, second paragraph from the bottom: ". . . Stephanie Jaffe Werner RaG
served on one of Boynton Beaoh's selection panels. submitted her work from the
call to artists."
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
June 22, 2010
. In the same paragraph: "Other forms of art featured discussed at 'IJ!O'N 3
FAPPA were yarn bombing (also known as yarn graffiti and fabric graffiti), light
projection and computer temporary art."
. Page 7, a motion was made by Mr. Davenport. It was believed, as an Alternate,
he was unable to make a motion. Ms. Coles-Dobay requested the motion be re-
. Page 7, fifth paragraph: ".. . and the middle panel would extend upward out\vard
another 18 inches."
Mr. Cook moved to accept the minutes as amended. Vice Chair Slocombe seconded
the motion that passed unanimously.
A. AIPP presentation at June 15 Commission meeting
Ms. Coles-Dobay made an Art in Public Places presentation to the City Commission on
June 15, 2010. She distributed the program summary. The members had previously
reviewed the information which reflected the programs and expenditures for them. A
short video was also viewed which recapped what the Arts Commission was doing, how
it contributed to the City's Economic Development efforts, brought visitors to the City,
and worked in concert with other City initiatives. She thought the presentation could
also be used for the August 26, 2010 Visioning Workshop. The video was produced in-
house by Tony Leal, Video Production Specialist. The video appeared to be well
B. Sims Center and Civic Center selection panel participants
July 1, 2010 1 :00 - 2:30 p.m. Library Conference Room A
The Call to Artists for these Centers was issued and would be closed shortly. Although
Ms. CoJes-Dobay had not yet received the submissions, she needed volunteers to serve
on the selection panel. Ms. Wolf, Ms. Moeller, and Mr. Cook volunteered. Vice Chair
Slocombe tentatively agreed to serve and would confirm this with her. The panel would
meet in Library Conference Room A.
On July 26, from 1 :30 to 3 p.m., an Art in Public Places Program presentation and a
short tour of the Avenue of the Arts in the City Hall campus area would be given for 75
Art Center youth. It provided an opportunity to involve the youth in what the Arts
Commission was doing, and to receive their comments. The presentation would start in
the Library Program Room and then continue with a tour. The tour was opened to the
other summer camps; however, there were transportation issues. Ms. Coles-Dobay
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
June 22, 2010
would offer it again in the fall when transportation was more readily available. The
attendees would break into groups for the tours. Mr. Cook volunteered to assist with the
event. Chair Ready advised she may be available, and it was noted Ms. Richman had
previously agreed to assist.
VI. Vision Planning
A. Discuss Workshop Agenda August 25,2010
Ms. Coles-Dobay reviewed the workshop agenda which had been emailed to the
members. She planned to use the video shown at the City Commission meeting at the
workshop and expound on it, so that it encompassed more of the Art in Public Places
She planned to have a listing of the upcoming projects, show visuals, and the
associated costs would be discussed. Part of the presentation would focus on how the
Arts Commission arrived at their decisions to undertake certain programs. The
members wanted programs and projects that would put Boynton Beach on the map and
attract business to the area. The plan was to have a significant program with
educational components and they aimed to start the programs small and then expand
There was discussion whether the kinetic art video from Ralphonso would be shown at
the workshop. It was important the workshop attendees understand the impact the
symposium would have on the City. There were international connections associated
with the event, but the event was not all about Ralphonso. The invitation to participate
in the symposium would be extended to other kinetic artists and there were many forms
of kinetic art. There would be a brief recap at the end of each section and a question
and answer session at the end.
The members discussed how to handle the question and answer session of the
workshop. Workshops include a lot of information and often, by the time the
presentation was finished, the attendees forgot what they wanted to ask earlier.
Dialogue ensued on the topic and suggestions were made as follows:
1. Submitting comments via email;
2. Distributing handouts that had a section for the attendees to jot down their
questions; and
3. Having a brief recap of each section and then having time for questions on
each section instead of all the questions on the end.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
June 22, 2010
It was also suggested the handouts include the opportunity for attendees to volunteer to
serve on committees. Committees were needed for the upcoming events, and recruiting
volunteers ahead of time would be beneficial.
The members had discussed how to publicize the event at a prior meeting. Ms. Coles-
Dobay contacted Wayne Segal, Public Affairs Officer, about including event information
with the water bills. Other suggestions included contacting the press and featuring an
article about Ms. Coles-Dobay and the program.
Ms. Ready suggested changing the title from "workshop" to a "Public Meeting" or "Open
House" type of event. It was important the Arts Commission be very clear they wanted
the public's input. Flyers could be distributed and there was agreement some would be
placed at the Library.
B. Events and program - prioritize
An updated document was submitted listing all the programs and events. The events
were ranked as follows:
1. Avenue of the Arts;
2. Earth Week;
3. Swing Space;
4. Kinetic Art Symposium/Exhibit;
5. Eco Art at the East Water Treatment Plant;
6. South Florida Ecology Art ProjecVEco Art Apprenticeship Program;
7. Public Art Banners (formerly known as the Holiday Banners);
8. Cultural Public Art Tree; and
9. Holiday Ornament.
The Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) was redeveloping the Marina Entryway
and there would be three additional sites the CRA would be paying for that would
accommodate art. This would require additional art pads to be installed and result in a
small increase in the property insurance rates. This would also increase the number of
sites on the Avenue of the Arts. There was no set limit on the number of pieces that
could be displayed on the Avenue. As it was, residents from West Boynton Beach were
not even aware of the art in the downtown area. The Inlet Cove Association (INCA), at
one time, was interested in installing markers delineating the various neighborhoods
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
June 22, 2010
comprising INCA. Later, they considered having sculptures instead of the markers, but
there was no movement on the concept. The additional sculptures could significantly
enhance the Avenue of the Arts and Ms. Coles-Dobay agreed to re-approach them.
INCA was located along Federal Highway, which was a very visible corridor.
Additionally, a few artists had approached Ms. Coles-Dobay about having wall
sculptures. She advised them to look around the City for potential sites and she would
bring it to the Board.
C. Projects and opportunity
The members discussed the list of projects as noted below.
Welcome to Boynton Public Art Markers. The members acknowledged this, and the
other projects should be a branding exercise for Boynton Beach. The Arts Commission
had discussed branding in the past, but the idea was resurfacing.
Welcome to Boynton current marker. This marker was situated on the west side of
Federal Highway, southbound. Reducing the cosVbudget to $50,000 to incorporate the
concepts of the marker into other City entryway markers and removing the water feature
was suggested.
Walmart Welcome to Boynton. This was a private project. The developer wanted to
install a water feature and kinetic sculpture of a sailfish saying "Welcome to Boynton" on
the corner. Ms. Coles-Dobay explained the concept would come before the Arts
Commission in the future, but the Arts Commission needed to identify what image they
wanted to project. It was also emphasized that once a selection was made, it should
not be changed.
Public Art Benches. This project concept could be something similar to the painted
cows or ponies used to brand other cities, but instead of using an animal, a bench
would be used. The benches were functional and could be modified based on where
they were located, similar to the painted dumpsters. There was also discussion of
businesses potentially adopting a bench.
Mosiac Wall Mural. This project was a fundraising opportunity. A mosaic was planned
for the Hester Center, but others could be located elsewhere in the City. The Arts
Commission could have a "Buy-a-Splat" or a tile project which would help raise funds.
The Painted Dumpster. This project was completed. Ms. Coles-Dobay explained she
had been approached about having additional dumpsters painted. There were many
designs available and if a business wanted to donate to have an artist paint a dumpster,
they could. It was noted some businesses thought the painted dumpsters were a free
item; however, there was a cost associated with them. If the price was too much for a
business to afford, they could make an offer and Ms. Coles-Dobay would offer it to an
artist. Some artists may be able to complete the project on a smaller budget.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
June 22, 2010
Civic Cultural District. This area encompassed Ocean Avenue/Seacrest Boulevard to
the Marina and included City Hall, the Old High School, the Children's Schoolhouse
Museum and the Library. The CRA was moving forward with the marina entryway
The 211 House. The Community Redevelopment Agency was seeking a tenant for this
location and the area was being actively promoted. Ms. Coles-Dobay had spoken with
individuals desiring to use the dwelling for an active art space. The Ruth Jones Cottage
would be moved from its present location to the corner of 4th and Ocean to
accommodate a coffee shop or bistro. The Children's Schoolhouse Amphitheater was
being expanded and public art was involved there.
Oceanfront Park. This project included the boardwalk and would feature the Opus Sea
Boynton Harbor Marina. This project was discussed earlier in the meeting and was
being redeveloped. The redevelopment included an entryway feature. The Community
Redevelopment Agency would include additional public art as the rest of the project was
Promenade Circle. This project had a large circle in front of it just waiting for art. The
Arts Commission had discussed in prior meetings about having a sailfish sculpture
Macia Marin Medical Office Building. This project was a private project. The structure
would be located on 4th Street and would incorporate green building practices. The
owners were considering a cistern to collect rainwater runoff. The project had not yet
come before the Arts Commission for review, but it was discussed the owners wanted to
have a waterfall as a public art feature.
The Seahorse Fountain. This project was completed and was located in the courtyard
of the Library by the Sailfish Cafe. It was noted this project was an excellent example of
letting businesses know the difference it can make once a public artist is included in a
Ms. Wolf left the meeting at 7:48 p.m.
Ms. Wolf returned to the meeting at 7:50 p.m.
The Heart of Boynton Projects were listed and comments were solicited; however, none
were received.
The Business District projects were reviewed and a comment was made that it
appeared the same artists were used. The Call to Artists and the selection panel
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
June 22, 2010
process was then reviewed and it was pointed out the Arts Commission had no control
over how many responses would be received.
The Boynton Beach Foundation was progressing and the Foundation was looking for
individuals to serve on their Board of Directors. Their first project would be the Barrier
Free Park. Ms. Coles-Dobay explained park impact fees would be used for the various
phases of the projects, and additional funds would be raised by the Foundation for the
completion of Phase I.
The discussion turned to Little League Park. One member observed it was difficult to
distinguish what the sign said. It was unknown whether the sign indicated the players
were the National Champions. It was explained there were two signs at the Park, and
one of them announced they were the champions. Additionally, art had been donated to
the Park when it was renovated.
The remainder of the Public Art Projects and Opportunities list was reviewed without
VII. Public Art Projects
A. B.A.P.S. Public Art Sculpture update
The Arts Commission had reviewed this project at a prior meeting and suggested
lighting be added. Ms. Coles-Dobay had photographs depicting the lighting but did not
have them with her. Accordingly, there was agreement to defer this item to the next
B. Boat Club Park selected artist and concept approval
The selected artist for this project planned to paint a mural for the retaining wall at the
Park and the members viewed a smaller version of it. All of the members liked the
mural; however, the mural appeared to float off the top of the wall. Some type of
delineation between the top of the mural and the wall was needed. Low grasses would
be planted behind the wall and, in addition to some type of frame being added, it was
suggested the mural be wrapped. There was discussion about capping the top of the
wall; however, there was concern that park patrons would use it as a shelf.
There was unanimous agreement the members liked the concept.
Mr. Cook moved to approve. Ms. Wolf seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Ms. Coles-Dobay requested a motion to approve the artist as a public artist.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
June 22, 2010
Mr. Cook moved to approve. Ms. Moeller seconded the motion which was unanimously
C. Dick's Sporting Goods concept and proposal approval
The artist for this project had been selected and the members were polled regarding
which concept they liked the best. The majority of the members preferred the bench
with the fan back concept over the other two and they suggested the artist simplify the
fan portion as the members felt it was too busy. Other comments made were to
consider having fewer sections on the fan and incorporating tennis balls, golf clubs,
tennis racquets and even pool cues into it. The bench portion was white and painting
the bench in black or in a sepia tone to help improve the visual interest in the piece was
Ms. Wolf moved that the artist proceed and give consideration to their suggestions. Mr.
Cook seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-1, (Vice Chair Slocombe dissenting.)
D. Children's Schoolhouse Amphitheater concept and proposal approval
Two proposals for this project were reviewed by the members. After a very brief
discussion, the members agreed on Concept 1. The Children's Schoolhouse Museum
item required two motions. The first was to accept the artists, Beth Ravitz and George
Gadson as public artists. The second motion was to select a concept.
Ms. Wolf so moved. Ms. Tengbergen seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Ms. Tengbergen moved to select Concept 1. Mr. Cook seconded the motion. The
motion unanimously passed.
E. Seacrest Streetscape Public Art Project
Final decision on lead project artists apprentice, Jermaine
Johnson's conceptual submission to determine his participation in
the project.
Ms. Coles-Dobay reviewed the project panels. She sent a memo to the artists, a copy
of which the members received. Ms. Coles-Dobay read the following into the minutes:
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
June 22, 2010
"Community airbrush mural artist, Jermaine Johnson, was suggested by
the workshop participants to contribute a 'Timeline Mural' element to the
project. It was noted that Jermaine Johnson was not an experienced
public artist, was an emerging artist and that his contribution would be
monitored as an apprentice under the hired artists Debbie and Len
Marucci. He agreed to participate in this capacity and volunteered to
contribute to the mural in exchange for the apprenticeship opportunity on
the Seacrest Streetscape Heart of Boynton Public Art project."
Ms. Marucci sent a letter back, which is attached to the meeting minutes. In the letter,
she expressed she thought Mr. Johnson's work could be incorporated into the project
and she agreed to oversee and take responsibility for the project and to guide Mr.
Johnson through the process.
Mr. Johnson submitted his pieces, which were two timeline panels. One of the panels
was received on time; the other was received one day after the deadline.
The members were impressed and in support of Ms. Marucci's offer to oversee and
guide Mr. Johnson's work and they acknowledged Mr. Johnson had talent. They
reviewed the project panels and had the following comments:
~ Add color to the panels;
~ There was black in the middle of a panel and then it went to full color. A
transition was needed;
~ Simplify the images and put them into cut-out shapes;
~ The images from the past to the present and future did not transition well;
~ The styles did not mix. It was supposed to be three panels translating the
message of the past to the present. It needed continuity and consistency
with the styles;
~ Use sepia tones instead of black;
~ Mr. Johnson's work was too busy. The field section on one of his panels
could be removed, and the panel could begin with the sun or the train.
The preacher and dotted heads on the other panel were also very busy
and having fewer heads or starting the panels to the right of the preacher
was suggested;
~ It was hoped Mr. Johnson's style could be matched to Ms. Marucci's style.
Currently, it did not translate to Panels 1 and 3; and
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
June 22,2010
~ Use the strong images in Mr. Johnson's panels and make them stencils.
There was discussion that since the panels would be placed on three separate corners,
they could be construed as individual pieces.
Ms. Wolf moved that the artist continue to work with Mr. Johnson in order to make his
panels more cohesive with the other two; that the Arts Commission take the artist up on
her offer to work with Jermaine; and to marry the pieces as well as they could. Mr.
Cook seconded the motion that passed 5-1 (Ms. Tengbergen dissenting.)
Ms Coles-Dobay commented the piece will come back to the Arts Commission next
VIII. New Business
XI. Unfinished Business
XII. Future Business
XIII. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting properly adjourned at 9:09 p.m.
C. axIuJl/ttl_ (I j 0 j JJ 1 I
Catherine Cherry -, '^-'.... a
Recording Secretary