Minutes 07-07-10
HELD ON JULY 7, 2010, AT 2 P.M.
Pat Sholos, Benefits Administrator
Sharyn Goebelt, Director
Marylee Coyle, Assistant Director
Hanna Matras, Economic Research Analyst
Mike Osborn, Blue Collar Union Representative
Pete Mazzella, Deputy Director
Scott Blasie, Administrator
Philip Svehla, Intern
Henry Diehl, Union Representative, Police
Catherine Cherry, Recording Secretary
Tim Howard, Assistant Finance Director
Danielle Crissinger, Administrative Assistant
Human Resources
Human Resources
Human Resources
Planning and Development
Code Compliance
Human Resources
Police Department
City Clerk's Office
Golf Course
Willis Representatives:
Renee Schindler, Willis
Ms. Goebelt opened the meeting at 2:07 p.m. At the last meeting, Willis was given
authorization to negotiate with Cigna. The purpose of this meeting was to disclose what
was accomplished. A handout reflecting the revised plan was distributed.
Renee Schindler, Willis representative, announced they negotiated removing the in
network deductible completely. The $15 co-pay for primary care visits would remain, as
would the $25 co-pay for the Cigna Condensed Network (CCN) in-network specialist
providers and the $30 co-pay for the out-of-network specialty providers.
Wellness and preventive care was covered 100% after the applicable physician co-
pays. Tests such as mammograms, colonoscopies, PSAs for men, and well-women
exams would be covered as long as they were taken for wellness and not diagnostic
Since Cigna eliminated the plan deductible for the hospital services, if a participant was
admitted they would not have to pay the deductible and they would eliminate the
separate co-pay. If admitted to an in-network hospital, the employee would only be
responsible to pay 20% of the contracted amount, capped by the $2,500 maximum.
The plan would run on a plan year commencing October 1, 2010, not a calendar year.
Meeting Minutes
Insurance Committee
Boynton Beach, FL
July 7, 2010
Although employees were encouraged to use an in-network hospital, if they were
admitted to a non-contracted hospital, there was still the $500 deducible, but employees
would not have the additional co-pay.
Outpatient hospital services were now a $100 co-pay plus the 20% co-insurance. There
were some outpatient facilities that would be less expensive. Ms. Schindler explained
to the committee that if employees had to go to a hospital outpatient facility for services,
it would be processed as a hospital visit, and not an outpatient visit. The employee
should ensure the facility was contracted for outpatient services. Ms. Goebelt agreed to
put the information on the shared drive.
Emergency Room visits had a $100 co-pay in or out-of-network and there was no
deductible that applied.
Urgent care facilities, in or out-of-network had a $50 co-pay, but if an out-of-network
center was used, the employee would be responsible for the deductible.
Diagnostic lab and x-ray tests done in the physician's office would be no charge and
was covered under the office visit co-pay. The diagnostic lab and x-rays done at a
participating free-standing facility (not a hospital) were no charge. If an employee went
to the hospital for the diagnostic tests, the employee would be responsible for 20% of
the contracted amount and it would be a great deal more money.
The major services, such as Pet Scans, CT scans, and MRls would have a $50 co-pay
regardless of whether it was at a hospital or freestanding facility, plus 20%. Ms.
Schindler strongly urged the employees to check the various facilities because the co-
insurance could vary significantly from facility to facility.
Ms. Goebelt explained the plan would be presented to the City Commission on July 20,
2010. She also explained there would be mandatory open enrollment and employees
would have to sign a form acknowledging the change to Cigna.
The following comments were received:
:;... Emergency Room visit co-pays covered all the services for both the in and out-
of-network visit. It was clarified Emergency Room visits were for a life threatening
emergency. If an employee used the Emergency Room for very minor non-
emergencies, when the claim comes through, the carrier has the right to not pay
that claim.
:;... The Gap plan was off the table.
:;... Co-insurance was the cost sharing with the insurance company and the
employee. In-network, Cigna would pay 80% and the employee would pay 20%
Meeting Minutes
Insurance Committee
Boynton Beach, FL
July 7, 2010
with no deductible. Out-of-network would have a deductible and could also allow
for balance billing.
:;... The plan was the Cigna Open Access plan. The key phrase to use when
determining where to go for service was to ask "Are you contracted with Cigna?"
not, "Do you accept Cigna?" It was noted the Employee Assistance Plan was a
contracted provider with Cigna.
:;... Participating physicians could be located online. Directories were available but
Ms. Schindler pointed out that by the time they go to print, they were outdated.
:;... If an employee uses a contracted doctor from a group practice and was seen by
another non-contracted doctor from the group because their doctor was
unavailable, the doctor's office should file the insurance paperwork from the
employee's contracted doctor.
:;... There were some specialists on the plan what were contracted by area based on
:;... The City had originally budgeted for a 30% increase and Cigna only required a
10% increase.
Ms. Schindler also announced in addition to the better plan benefits, Cigna set aside
$35,000 in a fund for the City of Boynton Beach to use towards wellness whether it was
towards incentives or education. There was discussion that perhaps the committee
could develop some type of a plan to motivate employees or reward them. One example
of an incentive could be for everyone to complete a health-risk assessment. Another
example was the City of West Palm Beach has a group of doctors that speak to the
employees. The Commit2BFit@Phase II series was beginning on July 13, 2010. All
were encouraged to attend; it is an hour long and was free. The speaker would be a
There was discussion there were employees or dependents having health issues that
were continuous such as a pregnancy, employees with a chronic long-term malady that
were in treatment and must continue treatment, or those undergoing treatment for
cancer that could be affected by the change in carriers. There was discussion that often,
the employee is required to redo the tests; however, Cigna offered "continuation of care"
if the requirements were the same as the other carrier. The employees would have to
file a form which would be available at open enrollment. The records would be provided
and the form would be assessed by the carrier to avoid duplication of services.
Similarly, for employees in the STEP Therapy program, if the requirements were the
same with Cigna, they would be grandfathered in. If there was a Cigna contracted
provider who could continue the care, Cigna, most likely, would require the employee
continue the care with their provider.
Meeting Minutes
Insurance Committee
Boynton Beach, FL
July 7, 2010
Ms. Goebelt explained staff was looking to the Committee for help with the changeover.
She acknowledged change was difficult and not all employees would be happy. She
requested the members discuss it with the employees and let the City know the best
way to roll out the plan. It was noted the plan was a one-year plan, not a multi-year plan.
The dental and vision plans would not change. The City received a 10% discount for
Life Insurance and Accidental Death and Disability and a 5% discount for long-term
Ms. Goebelt explained all of the bargaining agreements indicate the City would pay for
the insurance. The only issue was from the Firefighters' Union. Ms. Goebelt met with
them and they would provide their answer prior to July 20th.
The members were polled regarding their recommendation for health Insurance. There
was unanimous agreement to go with the Cigna revised Option 2 plan.
Ms. Schindler would contact Cigna regarding the exact percentage increase as there
appeared to be a miscalculation on the figure, which was thought to be a rounding
issue. Ms. Goebelt would meet with the Fire and Police Departments regarding the best
way to roll out the plan.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting ended at 2:54 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Recording Secretary