R94-174RESOLUTION NO. R94-/2'~z A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND CHILDREN'S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FOR THE RECREATION, ATHLETICS AND: POLICE (R.A.P.) PROGRAM FOR THE 1994-95 FISCAL YEAR; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Recreation Athletics and Police (R.A.P.) Program has partially funded by Children's Services Council for the past five years; and WHEREAS, the Recreation Athletics and Police (R.A.P.) Program is needed well received by the community; and WHEREAS, the City relies on the grant from Children's Services Council continuation of this needed childrens' service; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, u recommendation of staff, deems it to be in the best interests of the residents and of the City of Boynton Beach to execute an Agreement between the City of Boynl Beach and Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County for the Recreati Athletics and Police (R.A.P.) Program for the 1994-95 fiscal year. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA THAT: Section 1. The City Commission hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor City Clerk to execute an Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Childre Services Council of Palm Beach County for the Recreation Athletics and Police (R.A. Program for the 1994-95 fiscal year. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ,-~ day of October, 1994. ATTEST: ' Cit~ Clerk MaYo~,-~ ~_~ Vice ~~_~ Auth,Sig R.A.P. Grant g4-o~x 1994-95 GOF~a~W~T~L UNIT AGRE~ Page 1 THIS AGREEMENT, entered into as of this 1st day of October, 1994, by and ~etw~en the Children,s Servioes Counail of P&~ Be&ah .aunty, a politiCal subdivision of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as "Council-) and City of Boyntan Beaah to as "ProVider.), for' the period fro~'hereinafter referred ("Effective Date") October 1, 1994 · to SePtember 30, 1995. The Council· at its option, may extend the term of this Agreement for One addi%ionaion~-year fundedPeriod without reviewing the program hereunder of a competitive RFP process. Therenewal however s paragraph, the Council and H : In cons WITN be Renewal will ; this of the the program. of the mutual intending to THIS contained applicat shall original :on., int~ to the Provider, s by the C and D proposal or eto and of the The Council agrees to rE up the "A" the made of the attached (consisting shall in part cond to the Provider sums of serVices, described in Evaluation Model and attached hereto and ibi~ "B" (consisting submitted by Provider) hereof; and Exhibit C hereto understood that the Provider all terms' and "B#, and "C" and and made a terms and 2. The agrees :o comply with all applicable and laws. The Provider agrees to comply with the following requirements: 081GOVAI.DOC ~ 8, 1994 12'.30pm ~o~a~ No. 1994-95 ~OVE~NN. ENTAL UNIT A~REEMENT Page 2 a. To maintain books, records and documents in accordance with and de ee is .iance each · end. as 4e The Provider~agrees: a. Persons full access:to said materials To permit access by the Council, 0~IGOVAI.DOC S~p 8, 1994 12:30 pm all a period of this and the end be findings. shall have to' examine any of :iod. authorized aotice, to con~ract No. 94-081 1994-95 GOV'flltN~N~:UNIT!~AGREEKENT Page 3 To ~ to the Program(s) funded by the Council hereunder for purposes of m6nitoring ~aid program(s). d. To report to the Council during the term of this Agreement any threatened or pending litigation brought a~ainst the ProVider, including a description of the nature of the claims i~volved, a~d, upon request, to furnish information regarding the status of Such litigation and copies of pleading filed therein. e. To accurately report to the Council, in a format deemed acceptable by the Council, all revenues received by or for the program funded pursuant to thi , of source: Revenues ~, Medicaid or the event the all program learns that disc losed, the rl amount to be the s to .ons, grants, and services. In toproperly report Council. subsequently 'ly to by (or, if said the w~ shal (iv) loss or the ~.ft. be ac~9. ired Councll, (i) that said or approval of or earlier s (a) returned the Council or [ to CSC there is is item(s) ?n; and in case of ,;actions, claims,....~ judgments and ' includJ and of as a result any negli or funding action arising the of this . 6. This contract may not be assigned or subcontracted to 0~OVALDOC Con~r&o~ No. 94-08L 1994-95 ~O~RNMENTAL UNIT AGREEMENT Page 4 proVider without the prior Council. The Children ' s P~ self s Council acknowledges that the Lccepts the levels of Provider. 8. 'The information any state laws of the an when ae maintain the'Council or obtained by the loyees e The and as 10. The of and Provider to implement in order to iving the or client. management data reports include served the be made as Agreement 11. The not soc and~ O81C-OVAI.DOC Sep 8, 1994 12:30 pm and duties and oint L1 assume payment of by them with ~'for federal .e federal Co~tr&o~ No. 94-08L ~994-95 Page 5 1¸2 · 13. The services provided by the Provider hereunder are Provided on a non-exclusive basis, and the Council specifically reserves the right to contract with others for similar services. Payments for services rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be made to the Provider monthly on a r6imbursement basis. Provider shall submit an invoice to the Council by the 10th day. of each month f°ll¢ in which the services were invoice will include documentation Provider no later documentation). Th~ by the Provider form. reasonably to the aVailability of reimbursement to the ,t of the inVoice. invoice to the Council (with appropriate not 9eimburse Pre Provider under this 1995. 31, 14. The Provider agrees to return to the Council any overpayments, made through inadvertence or miscalculation or because payment is disallowed as not having been properly earned under this Agreement. Such funds shall be refunded in full by Provider to the Council as follows: a. Within twenty (20) days from'the date of written notification byi the .Council to the Provider of overpayment or disallowance; or be Within thirty (30) days following the end of this Agreement. The Council shall have the right to deduct from any subsequent payment request submitted by the Provider, the amount of any overpayments or disallowed funds. 15. The Council may, for reasonable cause, suspend the payment of funds pending corrective action by the Provider or ~ending a decision by the Council to terminate this Agreement. The Council may, for Feason.able cause, prohib%t the Provider from incurring additional obllgation o~ any funds received from the Council, pending corrective action by the ~r?yider or 9 decision to terminate this A~reement. ~a~a suspension or payment of funds or obligation thereof may apply to all or part of the Provider's operations. 081GOVAI.DOC S~p 8, 1994 12'.30 pm Con~ac~ No. 94-08~ 1994-95 GOV-~Q~ENT~ UNIT AGREENENT Page 6 16. 17 · ¸ In the event funds to finance this unavailable to the Council, the this Agreement upon no less than five written notice to the ProVider. The the final become terminate be to 124) :1on. ~r 18. days up to lon. be in For the Council: Gaetana D Ch West ~P 081GOVAI.DOC ~p 8, 1994 12::30 pm Contr&ot No. 94-081 1994-95 GOVERNMENTAL UNIT AGREEMENT Page 7 ~' 19. 20. For the Provider: Carrie Parker, City Manager City of Boynton Beach Recreation, Athletics & Police 100 E Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the parties agree Ghat the dollar amount set forth in paragraph 1 above may be reduced in the event that the Council determines that the Provider will-not spend the entire amount allocated by September 30th lis?al year end. The determination may be made (a) during the course of reviewing a budget revision submitted by the Provider pursuant to the Council,s procedures or {b) based upon the Council's monitoring of Provider,s program and its expenditure history. Before any such reduction becomes final, the Provider will be notified in writing of the proposed action and shall have the opportunity to address the Council,s Board regarding the proposed reduction. The decision of the Council,s Board on this issue shall be final. This Agreement, which includes the attached Exhibits A, B, C & D, contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other agreements, oral or otherwise, regarding the subSect matter of this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. With the possible exception of an adjustment pursuant t~'paragraph 19 ab?~, thi~ Agreement shall not be modified unless in wrl=ing ana signed by both parties hereto. 081C~OVAI.DOC SeP 8, 1994 12:30 pm Contract No. 94-08L ~994-95 GOVERNNENT~.~ UNiT ~GREEMENT Pa~e 8 IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by theirundersigned duly authorized officers. City of~Boynton Be~ch Recreation, &thletics& Police By: Date: Print Name Print Title Ch~l~ren*s Services Couacil of Palm Beach County By: Gaetana D. Ebbole Executive Director Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM & LEGAL SUFFICIENCY Thomas A. Sheehan, III Attorney for Children's SerVices Council of Palm Beach County 081C~OVA1.DOC S~p 8, 1994 12:30 pm 1. Program Evalua=ion Model 2. Program Organizational Char~ o~ 0 Boynton Beact3 Police Departmen! Recreation, Athletics, Police Chiefof Police Deputy Chief of' Bureau of Admin. Lt. Public/COmm. Relations Div. CPO Sgt ^ ~'~ Officer 51% CSC 1 FTE ~- CSC Bud~e~ FoL"~A 2. CSC Budge~ Fo~"~ B 0 ~M 0 Agency. Bo~nton Beach Police DepactmenC Program: ~acreation, Athletics and Police 04128194 Page I of 2 I. PemcnMi F~ng~ Benefits II. III. Buik~lg SpICl IV. Corrm-4unicatJons/ V. P~mng/$upl~Jes VI. Foocl VII. InOirect Costs VIII. Other Co$~ IX. Eq,_,~nt CSC BUDGET FORM B: TOTAL PROGRAM BUDGL~I' SUMMA.KY Funding Period 10/01/94 to 09/30/95 PART I. $ 17,161 [$ 20,71.5 37,876~ 6,Sll } 6,sll i TOTAL PROCg:tAM j _~'~_ ~N-_~'~__ S 17,161 J PERCENI" OF. PROC~tAM I 39 % X. REVENUES t$27,226 -S44,387 61%"!' 100 % A. CSC 17,161 B. Corgnlout~ons 2. In-KinG C. Program Fees O. Palm Beach County E.. Uruted Way (specify) I F. HRS ,,TOTAl. PRO(NJ. AM j REVENUES I 17 ~ 161 EXCESS (OEFICm 27,226 27,226 44,387 -0- Agency: Progrmn: Boynton Beach Police Department Recreation, Athletics & Police (R.A.P.) O&t~ 8ubmittecl: 04/28/91 Page 2 of 2 CSC BUDGET FORM B: TOTAL PROGRAM BUDGET SUMMARY Funding Period 10/01/94 to 09/30/95 PART II. A. COSTPER CLIENT 1. Total Numoe~ of Primary Clients 2. Total Program Expenses as s~own in Part 1. Column 3. Cost per Primary Client (line 2 cliviclec113y line 1] OR 1. Total NumDer of Outreact~ Clients 2. Total Program Ex Denses as sttown in Part 1, Column 6 3. Cost Der Outreach Client (line 2 divided by line 1) PART IH. -I MATCHING FUNDS - Inclicata Dalow the amount usecl from each local source as matcl~ing runes, me grant amount am3 grant title. 5O $ 44,387 S 888. Other (e.g.. ~ Faundmmn. Education Fou~lM~n. Arc~ctio~es. S S S S 1. EXHIBIT C Program Form C PROGRAm: 1994-95 BASE PROGRAM APPLICATION INFORMATION PRO~~ FORM C DEPAR~qT HOW MANY CHILDREN WlU. BE SERVED 10/1 I94 TO HOW MANY ADULTS WILL BE SERVED 10/1/g4 TO 9130/957 HOW MANY CEENTS WILL BE SERVED 10/1/84 TO 9/30/95? (ADD NUMBER OF ADULTS + NUMBER OF CHILDREN) Primary, 5O 0 50 WHAT ARE THE AGES OF THE CLIENTS YOU WILL SERVE? Birth -- 2 3-5 6-9 lo- 13 X 14- 18 X 18-1- All of the Above WHAT GEOGRAPHIC AREA(S) IN PAUd BEACH COUNTY WILL YOU SERVE? North Central South X Weet All of the Above HOW MANY EMPLOYEES WILL YOUR PROGRAM HAVE? Full time Part time HOW MANY EMPLOYEES WILL BE FUNDED BY CSC? Full time Part time F~ CSC U~ 300 0 300 PROGRAJ~ CSC FUNDS TOTAL PROGRAM BUDGET CSC ~6 OF PROGRAM. BUDGET TOTAL AGENCY BUDGET PROGRAM ~ OF AGENCY B. UDOET COST PER CLiKIqT PER YEAR (Based Ga fotsl primary or ro~l o~ o. lr. ) S 16t676 S 43,913 $8.7 913.00 million S 8.7 S --'" 1. Conditions of Award CONTRACT 94-081 PROGRAM= AGENCY= Recreation/Athletics/Police (RAP) Boynton Beach Police Department CONDITIONS OF AWARD I. PROGRAMMATIC A. Conditions to be observed throughout contract: Provider agrees to obtain CSC approval for any proposed changes in the program prior to implementation. Provider agrees to submit copies of all subcontracts, contracts and/or agreements related to the implementation of this program. Provider agrees to maintain a current copy of the following on file with CSC: Certificates of insurance (liability., theft and auto if purchased by CSC) · License(s) to operate agency/program . Sales Tax Exemption Certificate · Job descriptions of all CSC funded staff positions · Organization chart of CSC program II. FISCAL A. Conditions to be observed throughout contract: Provider agrees to obtain written approval from CSC for any proposed changes in the CSC program budget Drior to implementation. e In executing this Agreement, Provider represents and warrants that the Council funds to be expended hereunder to support the budgeted job positions do not replace or supplant funds previously supplied by Provider for such positions. The Fiscal administration of the agreement will be pursuant to the CSC Fiscal Guidelines. CSC funds should be drawn down monthly based on the approved budget percentage applied to actual expenses. 94-95COA.0gl Sep &, 1994 3:56 pm Page I CONTRACT 94-081 PROGRAM: AGENCY: Recreation/Athletics/Police-(RAp) Boynton Beach Police Department Provider will explore means of reducing its health insurance cost, including, but not limited to checking with the '~ance (CHPA), to , March 31, 1995. 94-95COA.081 Sep 8, 1994 3:56 pm Paff~ 2