Minutes 09-14-10
Mark Bobich, Chair
Aleksey Sev
Maibet Rosado
Samantha Powers
Barbara Scott
Warren Bazemore
Jody Rivers
Chuck Magazine
Steve Evans
Safety Administrator
Human Resources
Police/Code Compliance
Public Works
Recreation & Parks
Risk Management
Ray Altman, Vice-Chair
Catherine Cherry-Guberman, Secretary
Pam Welsh/Carisse Lejeune
Michael Rumpf
Jeremy Davis/Eric Falstad
Michael Naughton/Karen Abramson
Fire Rescue
City Clerk
City Manager
Golf Course
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m.
II. Roll Call
Mr. Magazine called the roll. A quorum was present.
III. Acceptance of Minutes of 8/10/2010 regular meeting
Ms. Rivers moved to approve the minutes as presented. Ms. Scott seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
IV. Safety Committee Education & Training
A safety video was viewed detailing the hazards of working unprepared in heat and
humidity. The video detailed how working in these conditions can affect accuracy,
weaken comprehensive and retention. Hard work becomes more difficult, strength
declines and fatigue becomes a problem. It promotes accidents.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 14,2010
It is important to use good judgment and take the precautions associated with heat
stress. Be professional and have the information available. Heat stroke is a most
serious condition that can arise anywhere. In this state the victim's skin is red or
spotted, hot and dry. Sweating stops. Victims can become delirious, confused, in
convulsions or unconscious. Death can occur unless timely treatment is received.
Always call an ambulance. Remove the victim to a cooler location and soak their
clothing with cool water. Fan the victim.
Heat exhaustion is caused by the loss of fluid and sweating, sometimes by the loss of
salt, or both. The victim experiences fatigue, nausea or headache. If they faint, move
them to a cooler area and lay the person down. After gaining consciousness, move the
victim around to encourage circulation.
Awareness of what could happen and taking preventative measures could help. Try to
drink as much water as is lost and use common sense.
V. Old Business
A. Fire Drills
B. Proud to be a Safe Worker Awards
The Utilities Department had three awards:
On June 5, 2010, Gary Ezell was leaving work and he noticed a plume of water
shooting over the C-16 canal. He notified Water Distribution. A valve on the force main,
which carries sewage, had malfunctioned carrying raw sewage into the canal. The
valve was quickly closed avoiding an environmental event. Due to Mr. Ezell's action,
the spill was minimized and bacteria levels returned to normal after two days of testing.
The East Water Treatment Plan was undergoing an upgrade to its disinfection system,
involving installation of a chlorine on-site generator system. It requires the draining of
caustic soda. The contractor did not have anyone on-site certified to handle chemical
disposals. Devin Miller and Duron Millines assumed the responsibility of draining and
neutralizing the caustic soda. They completed the task efficiently, avoiding the need to
recruit a contractor to dispose of the chemical at a cost to the City.
C. Departmental Inspections & Safety Meetings
Chair Bobich appreciated receiving the information electronically and reminded the
members to check the share drive to ensure proper credit was given.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 14, 2010
D. Incident Review Board Referrals
E. Electrical Flame Resistant Uniforms & PPE Update - TABLED
One meeting was held and other suggestions were received from Mr. Bazemore about
vests and other equipment that should be included in the Personnel Protective
Equipment Policy. Chair Bobich anticipated one more meeting would take place and
then the revised policy would be reviewed by the Safety Committee for input.
F. Drug Free Policy Statement (HR - Maibet Rosado)
Ms. Rosado explained she was working on the item. Mr. Magazine explained the City
does not receive a premium discount; however, depending on the claims activity, they
utilize the Drug Free Policy program in the operation of their work program. There was
a Florida Statute that addressed the Drug Free Policy. While the statute changed, the
City's policy did not. Accordingly, the current language needs to be incorporated into
the City's Policy. Ms. Rosado explained she was working on it. Mr. Magazine
recommended referencing the Statute as an attachment as opposed to including it in
the policy. This way as the Statute changed, only the attachment had to be changed.
The policy would reviewed by the Legal Department.
VI. New Business
A. Departmental Safety Issues
Ms. Rivers had comments about crowd control, PAL Football, RIP currents and general
misbehavior at the beach. She was surprised no comments were made about physical
or personal safety issues. Ms. Rivers agreed to scan those comments to Chair Bobich.
Discussion followed about written rules at the beach and how effective the Recreation
and Parks Department was in enforcing them. Ms. Rivers responded issues did not
occur often but when they did, they call Ocean Ridge. Mr. Magazine was concerned
with the PAL program. Ms. Rivers noted the police were present at those functions.
B. Claims Cost Analysis
Mr. Magazine explained the Risk Management department has been directed by the
Budget Review Committee to initiate a cost allocation program next year. The self-
insurance fund has in the past taken a lump sum from the general fund into the self-
insurance fund. The cost will be allocated from each department's budget into the self-
insurance fund. The allocation will be based on claims activity for each department.
The departments will be charged for liability, auto, property and Worker's
Compensation. They will go back three or five years to determine what the allocation
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 14,2010
will be. He requested the members go back to the Department Heads and explain they
would need to budget for it.
Risk Management will work with each department individually to reduce claims. Risk
Management can provide support and training. He pointed out going to the hospital as
opposed to an urgent care facility is 3 to 4 times as costly. If someone was injured,
report it. If they are not injured immediately, report it anyway. A record only report could
be made. This year's budget for insurance was $2.3 million. Next year's budget would
be worse. Each department would receive information about its allocation in April. The
formula for the cost was based on the risk and the claims. Each department would have
a minimal charge for property. It was necessary to reduce the claims activity and build
up a reserve. Mr. Magazine explained currently there were no reserves in the insurance
Chair Bobich explained compared to the County and the State, the City does very well
with its claims.
C. Other
VII. Announcements
The Safety Shoe program starts October 1, 2010. Staff would set up times and dates.
The two locations would be the Warehouse and the East Water Treatment Plant.
VIII. Next Meeting Date: Tuesday, October 12, 2010, 9:00 a.m.
VIII. Adjournment
Mr. Magazine moved to adjourn. Ms. Rosado seconded the motion. The motion
passed. The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:30 a.m.
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Catherine Cherry r
Recording Secretary