Mayor Carl Zimmerman
Vice Mayor Robert Ferrell
Councilman Nick Cassandra
Councilman James R. Warnke
Peter L. Cheney, City Manager
Betty S. Boroni, City Clerk
William P. Doney,
Assistant City Attorney
Mayor Zimmerman called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M.
On May 11, 1984, the Community Redevelopment Agency turned
over to the City Council a plan for the downtown redevelopment.
Since then, the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) has held
a Workshop and the Chamber of Commerce, in conjunction with
the CRA, held a seminar. Mayor Zimmerman further recalled
that the Planninq and Zoning Board also held a public hearing
on the plan.
Mayor Zimmerman said changes have been made on the plan as
recommendations were made by the Council and the CRA.
Tonight they were to have a public hearing on the pros and
cons of the plan. If and when they adopt the plan, Mayor
Zimmerman said a Central Business District Zoning Ordinance
will have to be drawn up by the CRA based on the plan, if any,
that will be adopted.
City Manager Cheney explained that the plan includes the
changes from the original proposal of Urban Design's
Consultants. Urban Design Studio prepared a bound book with
their suggestions on the Community Redevelopment Plan. Subse-
quent to that, the Planning and Zoning Board reviewed that
document. What was before the Council tonight was that docu-
ment amended by actions of the CRA.
J. Michael Haygood, Attorney for the Community Redevelopment
Aqency, recalled that most of the changes were made specifi-
cally to the development regulatiOn procedures. He referred
to page G-30 and said he thought there was some concern about
a review process. Attorney Haygood said the plan proposes
to use a review body much on the lines that the City presently
has in the Community Appearance Board for site plan approval.
There were some suggestions in the plan as to the establish-
ment of a Review Board to be composed of certain members from
JULY 5, 19~4
existing Boards, such as the Planning and Zoning Board, the
Community Appearance Board, a~d either representatives or
appointees from the actual CRA itself.
Attorney Haygood said the RevJew Board would sit to review
site plans and to make sure t~ey are consistent with what the
Agency is going to develop as
landscaping, etc. He thought
those that are currently exerc
Board and to a limited extent
Zoning Board. This Board's du
town area of the redevelopment
far as development guidelines,
most of the powers could be
ised by the Community Appearance
exercised by the Planning and
ties would only be in the down-
area itself.
If Attorney Haygood was not mi
to the language in the plan relating to the height limits in
excess of the City's current limitation of four stories. That
was amended by the CRA to be no more than four stories.
~taken, there was another change
Attorney Haygood believed thos9 were the major chanqes th
were made to the lan M ' . _ at
=~ ..... P .~. ~ayor $1mmerman explained that the
u%u not nee~ a lengthy ~scussiOn on this, but he thought i~
m~qht be good to bring it up-to-date for the public who have
not been following this. -
Attorney Haygood added that th
makeup of the Board.that would
not really been defined yet.
addressed in the Central Busine
Attorney Haygood thought the ge
have a cross section of individ
discussion concerning the
sit as an Advisory Board has
e thought that would be
ss District (CBD) Ordinance.
neral philosophy would be to
uals from different Boards that
currently sit in on a review prDcess and have them sit again
on a Special Review Board for the downtown area. He thought
they should also follow the CitF's current process of only
taking appeals to the City Council of projects that are over
$100,000. Attorney Haygood thought reviews by the Planning
and Zoning Board are limited to those projects over $100,000.
Attorney Haygood pointed out that rather than tying up a
small renovation in the downtown area of less than $100,000
by having it go through the process, the Review Board would
sit solely to review it, unless there is an appeal.
- 2 -
JULY 5, 1984
Mr. Stormet C. Norem, President, Greater Boynton Beach Chamber
of Commerce read the following statement:
"My name is Stormet C. Norem. I reside at 4562 Glen-
eagles Drive, Boynton Beach. I am here this evening
speaking as President of the Greater Boynton Beach
Chamber of Commerce with the approval and authority
of its Board of Directors.
The Boyn~on Beach Chamber of Commerce is in full
support of the general concepts and ideas expressed
in the Boynton Beach Community Redevelopment Plan.
The Board of Directors know that the visual exhibits
are but one suggestion of how the ideas and concepts
could be carried out and, therefore, cannot be con-
sidered as fixed or frozen plans. What the redevelopment
area will finally look like will be determined by the
imagination of private sector architects, designers,
and developers operating within the general concepts
expressed in the plan and in the Central Business
District ordinance still to be drawn.
The building of the new Intracoastal bridge on
Boynton Beach Boulevard and the closing of the East
Ocean Avenue bridge coupled with the extensive City
Government Complex as a protruding western arm to the
Central Business District will create a new traffic
pattern that needs to be carefully planned. Ocean
Avenue should play an. important role in this pattern.
The BeaUtification Committee of the Chamber has great
interest in and supports the idea of the pedestrian
and streetscape program idea. However, experience
has shown that programs designed to eliminate visual
pollution and enhance the beauty of the area through
landscaping only work when a system of upkeep is
built into the plan. The system must provide not
only suggestions of types of plantings but designa-
tion of responsibility and method of funding. Unless
the funding and responsibility is set forth, the
success of the program will be lost.
Many years of thought, effort, studies, and~dls-
cussion have finally been brought together through
the Community Redevelopment Agency with the help of
the City Council, City Boards, Commissions, and
Departments, the Chamber of Commerce, and many indivi-
dual property owners and individuals. The process of
study, proposal, public hearing, review, and
recommendation by the CRA has been going on for over.
two and a half years. The Chamber of Commerce believes
this has provided more than adequate time for all who
wish to have input into the plan."
- 3 -
JULY 5, 1984
"Therefore, the Greater Boynton Beach Chamber of
Commerce respectfully requests this City-Council to
expedite the approval of the Community Redevelopment
Plan and to provide all effort necessary to the
completion of the necessary ordinances-to implement
the plan."
Mayor Zimmerman thanked the Chamber of Commerce for their
efforts and for the seminar they had. He asked if anyone else
wished to speak in favor of the plan.
Samuel F. Scheiner, Vice Chairman of the Community Redevelopment
Agency, 528 S. E. 27th Terrace, has been a resident of Boynton
Beach for about five years. When he first came into the downtown
area, Mr. Scheiner was disturbed that there was so much concrete
and nothing green around the downtown area. As he looked around,
he realized the downtown area has been deteriorating for a
number of years. Mr. Scheiner said anything they can do to
stimulate the rebuilding of the downtown area will be a positive
step to the whole community.
Mr. Scheiner said because of satellite shopping areas, people
are being driven out of the city. He thought the plan the CRA
presented was a step in the right direction. Mr. Scheiner
thought it would take a number of years to complete the plan.
If they do not act now, every year they delay will make the
problem that much more difficult. Mr. Scheiner said people
will actually develop certain areas for their own economic reasons
without the overall picture of improving the overall downtown
In order to make a viable downtown area, Mr. Scheiner reiterated
that they have to get people walking the streets. The streets
have to be alive. There are a number of fine areas in the down-
town a~rea that can be developed, and Mr. Scheiner said at least
they can bring the people that live in the downtown area to the
downtown area to do their shopping. One reason Mr. Scheiner
opposed a number of projects that were submitted to the Council
recently was because they stressed parking around their build-
ings and in front of their buildings without having any regard
for people who would like to walk.
Mr. Scheiner hoped the City Council would accept the plan so
that the Community Redevelopment Agency could get started as
it would be the best thing for the developers who come in and
for the City to help create a downtown area.
Hank Thompson, Chairman of the Community Redevelopment Agency,
lives in Ocean Ridge and was one of the people from Ocean Ridge
that signed the petition to get the bridge at the proper location.
- 4 -
JULY 5, 1984
Chairman Thompson expressed that he thought what was proposed was
something exciting and, if carried on, would do a tremendous
amount of good for the downtown area. He added that they have
investors and speculators ready and willing to do the six or seven
major projects that the CRA has in mind. They may not be
perfectly matched in plan, 'but Chairman Thompson thought if the
plan was left intact and they were allowed to progress, they
would be about 90% successful in what they aimed for.
Chairman Thompson 'referred to the Executive Director from
Bradenton that spoke here several months ago. Bradenton now has
15 projects going, and Chairman Thompson said the CRA hopes to
match that. The Agency's work will go on after the Council
approves the plan, and the Council may change the plan. Whatever
the Council does, the Agency will accept and carry on.
Chairman Thompson did not feel the downtown area had a "fair
shake'~ but now they are doing what they should be doing. He
reminded the Council that they appointed the Agency and decided
they wanted to take this action. Chairman Thompson stated he
was speaking in favor of the plan.
Mayor 'Zimmerman asked if anyone else wished to speak in favor of
the plan.
Mrs. Virginia W. Foot, 2400 S. W. lst-Street, has had a business
in downtown Boynton Beach for the past three years known as
"The Art of Framing". She stated she is proud to be in downtown
Boynton Beach and would not choose to move to land in the
shopping centers out west. Mrs. Foot was delighted with the
plan and delighted that downtown Boynton Beach is going to be
helped. She said she just signed a new lease because she sees
great things in store for downtown Boynton Beach. Mrs. Foot
was grateful as a retailer for what the Agency is doing.
Mayor Zimmerman asked Mrs. Foot if she thought the public had
heard enough about the plan and that it had been out before the
public long enough for everybody to know what is going on. Mrs.
Foot thought so. She attended meetings before and felt
comfortable with what she knew about it. Mrs. Foot is on East
Ocean but did not want the bridge to be redone there. She
was delighted with the location of the bridge.
Mayor Zimmerman asked if anyone had questions or objections to
the plan.
Simon Ryder, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Board, pointed
out that along the way, it was the duty of the Planning and
Zoning Board to hold a hearing with regard to the plan, not to
consider its adoption or make any indication of approval. Mr.
Ryder said the Planning and Zoning Board was to determine whether
- 5 -
JULY 5, 1984
the plan was consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan.
At that time, the Board found, with a few rare exceptions, that
it was and gave its approval with that regard.
When the Comprehensive Plan was adopted about six or seven years
ago, Chairman Ryder said at that time reference was made to the
fact that the downtown area was in need of rehabilitation.
Hopefully, at this time, Mr. Ryder said something will be done
to move in that direction.
As no one else wished to speak on any part of the plan, Mayor
Zimmerman announced that THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED at 7:55
P.M. He asked if the City Council had questions.
In the past, Councilman Warnke had several reservations and many
questions about the CRA. With the new financing plan and the
plan in front of the Council, Councilman Warnke thought it was
time to get this moving. If they do not do it now, Councilman
Warnke warned they would see downtown Boynton go "further down
the drain". He wished to go on record as being in full support
of what the CRA is doing at the present time.
Councilman Cassandra had questions which he thought Urban
Design Studio should consider and which should be addressed when
they prepare the CBD Ordinance.
Councilman Cassandra noted the map shows vacant land and duplex
as the same code and thought it would help to know which is
vacant land and which is duplex. He expressed that was minor.
Councilman Cassandra referred to the recommendation that all the
utility service for the downtown area be underground. He asked
if it will be paid by TIF funds or by the City.
When they do the CBD, Councilman Cassandra said they are
recommending in the re~oning that all areas in .the downtown
area be in a special CBD zone. He asked what happens to the
present zones the City has and wondered if they will be grand-
fathered in. Councilman Cassandra thought the CBD had to address
the people who are there who want to "pretty up" their places
and asked how that would fall under the new CBD zoning.
Attorney Haygood .answered that as far as grandfathering,
naturally, those businesses existing prior to the enactment of
the Ordinance will be grandfathered in. They would probably have
to tie in close with the grandfather clause now as far as the
specifics, but Attorney Haygood thought anyone owning property
at that point and time would still have valid zoning. Attorney
Haygood thought the zoning concept would be for mixed use of
both residential and commercial use.
Councilman Cassandra thought the downtown business people would
llke to know that they are not going to be affected by the
zoning. City Manager Cheney added that it is like any rezoning.
- 6 -
JULY 5, 1984
Any time the City does rezoning, there are non-conforming uses
that remain.
Councilman Cassandra referred to the water cove area with the
Department of Environmental Requlations' (DER's) approval and
asked if there will be a limit on monies spent in that effort.
He thought this should be considered because monies are tight.
Councilman Cassandra asked what the Agency's thinking will be
when they meet again as to the approach.
Councilman Cassandra noted that they also ask that the City
staff conduct periodic on-site inspections and said this will
come out of ad valorem taxes for City staff. He asked if this
would be the City staff's time or should they charge the CRA.
Councilman Cassandra clarified, ,Who pays for the City staff
helping the CRA?"
Councilman Cassandra called attention to the moratorium and
asked if the CRA wants an immediate release of the moratorium
when the Council approves the plan or if they want to wait
until the CBD is approved. He thought that should be addressed
so they will know if they have to extend the moratorium.
Chairman Thompson replied that this would have to wait until
passage of the CBD Ordinance. Otherwise, they will not have
any control.
Councilman Cassandra referred to page E-I, "Environment/Identity,"
paragraph "3)" and said that must have been an oversight and, in
his opinion, it must be taken out. The paragraph says .',to
allow a 7 to 10 story visual landmark". City Manager Cheney said
it was taken out by action of the Community Redevelopment Agency.
Councilman Cassandra said six women were soliciting in front of the
Pink Poodle on U. S. 1. That is in the downtown redevelopment
area. City Manager Cheney answered that this is a non-conforming
use and will be protected like all businesses in the downtown.
However, the outdoor soliciting is not protected.
Councilman Cassandra continued that he would like to get the
Chamber of Commerce further involved trying to get financing,
like they did for the turnpike entrance. He thought they could
help out in C.R.A. funding.
Councilman Cassandra had questions about having a DRB Board
which would have comparable powers to the Community Appearance
Board and other City Boards. It seemed to him that we have to
be consistent in all of Boynton Beach if we are to have any
Code. Councilman Cassandra did not know if he would be in favor
of a DRB Board. He said the City now has a Community Appearance
Board and a Landscape Code which says what the City's landscaping
should be. Councilman Cassandra thought Mr. Scheiner had strongly
spoke on landscaping for downtown, but he did not think we
could have two separate types of rules.
- 7 -
JULy 5, 1984
Attorney Hayqood ·
by the Cit .... e~Plalned t a ~ .
~-~uun ' h t
f~ ~rdlnance ~ ~hat would ~_~evzew Board
City,s ~n~nce that+J~pance will i~=Jave control
the~ ~,,~aL lan~-- ~'~ CBD Order__ .~uuress lan~-- ~ver the
i°nsein-gules "~ P"iLOSohh .... j"= ~Oard m .... -,, uther
~"~ behind the ~ ¥~ De one th
tions that may
Ofar as landsc=n~._ ~er from the City~e will be
Was COncerned ab . urdina--
~e suggeSte~ ~=_?ut the C/t,, ~_~'~,. etc Councilman CasseXisting
noard s~_ ~? =nat ma,,be ~- 3 having
~ . ~,uu~ b~ ~- = one Ch~_ ~us wi+~ andre
zevlew. . = une of the Mem~f~a~n~of, the cj~~ar~_~le powers.
~ nne dow~._ ~Y ApPeara c
--~uwn ~eVelopmen~ e
Councilman Cassandra Stressed t
between the Cit
~Ointed o~+ ~,- ? Boards ~ =,_ hat COmmu~;
~iffer~ chat the ~,,=i"~ the downt ..... "~nlon Was
~"~ rrom t~ 7¥~u~Lmnes for t~n ~oard. Chai~*=cessary
o ..... "= guidelines fo~ ~_ne downtown ~rman Thom s
of ~,- '"~ ~arnke ~-. _ ' ~oL ct the ~ ~ent is
~.ne Comm,,~ ~upe~ that ~^ ~uy.
~uY aPPearance ~_~gU!delines n ·
~z-u Would be en~_!n_the Ordina~_
· ~nce~ by the
guidelines estab ..
f_~SSandra inf ~Shed for th~ ~ .
~pPearanc~ ~i°-T=u everv~ ~ uOWntown ~_
and ~= ~ noar~ h~ .... ~= unat ~ .... ?~a. Co,~,
u/es. no See ,~,A~ the La~_ Y
Like ~ .... ""~u research [h;~s~ape Code,
~- ~"~ zOning. ,. · ~ nave
~,~,nne landsca~;~rrerentlv t~J [ne ZOnin~ o~ ~
~P~ained ~ ? ~ may n~^=-_ *~n in oth~ ~ - uae dow~~
Mr. S~_.~ ~now You ~- _~e to see ~,- ~ ultferen~
~rOnts of =~ ~u aL1 of t~ ~ when You e~ ~°~Plng dev~ .
PropertY-- tees ma .... the do ..... P
z'~y°r Zimme~ .... = ,,~ve the Same ]~_~ame an~ th~
PLan is to ~'~ asked Mr. Sck-' ~UScaping. -
~ one Review., ~?ulner if the --
"hoard Consider ~ral ~de.a of the
~ architectural
an~ landscape id .
the Cit eas or to
do that% P~s~ntly has. ~av~ ~eparate Bo~, ~
If ' ' ' ~now how to act Noe is Clear,, t~eB~f~¢ ShOuld
VZce Ma~- ' ' ~ ting
be for theM~ Ferrell rea~ ~= . _ on
the rezo~ounpil to ad~~rmght, th~
._.. BP ore a ~=~ Separa~ ~ dopt tA~ ~ - ~
,~' ~ WOUld f~_ ~e CBD n~__ ' ~e asked · **~nce, and
-j,,~ng. .Th~ ~i.~°w the ~2_ ?~urney H~ ..... if they
,uoption ~C~uned. Vi .... ~=~on Would ~ -r-=~ as far =~
~[~a~tOrne H ~y:~ or ordzn ~ ~ ~rrell. cla .~y=u 9pd then
Sn=~--~ - Y aygood .... ance w~ . rifled ~
r~ue~y, zeP~led th=~ . ~ not rez~
JULY 5, 1984
Vice Mayor Ferrell understood that the D.R.B. would be one
board combining some of the functions of different boards. It
seemed to him it would require a different board because it would
be hard to have the other ones with two sets of rules. Vice
Mayor Ferrell asked if the D.R.B. would submit recommendations
to the City Council. Councilman Cassandra stated that if the
plan is approved, the D.R.B. has to be spelled out. Attorney
Haygood advised that they contemplate that it will be addressed
in the CBD Ordinance. Councilman Cassandra suggested that they
state in the book what the D.R.B. will consist of. Chairman
Thompson advised that the Council could make that change.
Attorney Haygood added that the Agendy did not discuss this to
the full extent.
Councilman Cassandra noted that the CRA's meeting would be
coming up July 12, and he wondered if they would be discussing
the questions raised tonight. He said the Council has a
Sewer Board Meeting at the same time that the CRA is holding
its meeting so he did not know if any of the Council Members
would be there. If there are any other questions, Councilman
Cassandra said he will address them to the City Manager so they
would get back to the Agency.
Councilman Cassandra referred to. the goals and objectives and
said he may ask which one is the first one. He was under the
impression that the cove was the first project. City Manager
Cheney said a lot of what happens will depend on the interests
in common. Cnuncilman Cassandra commented that to this date,
they have not really been offered the guidelines the CRA has in
Mayor Zimmerman summarized that the questions tonight were put
to the CRA so if they want to make a recommendation or have any,
the Council will be ready 'to hear it. It is up to the Council
to make the final decision as to what changes will be made from
here on until the plan is finally adopted. Mayor Zimmerman said
it would be good if the Council could attend the CRA meeting but,
as Councilman Cassandra said, they will not be able to attend
the next CRA meeting.
Mr. Scheiner wanted~ to see something done immediately. Once
the plan is adopted, there are possibilities in the downtown
area besides the cove Where the CRA can start showing people
what can happen in the downtown area. He was thinking~specifi-
cally of the short street from Ocean Avenue to Federal Highway
to the railroad, and said they could get started with that the
day after the plan is adopted.
Mayor Zimmerman felt that the Council realized the CRA was
working on a time schedule and is trying to promote the plan
quite rapidly. Until the Council passes a plan, the CRA cannot
finalize a downtown business district ordinance in its entirety
because the ordinance is based upon the plan.
- 9 -
JULY 5, 1984
Councilman Cassandra asked Assistant Citly Attorney Doney what the
next step would be after tonight to expedite this approval.
Attorney Doney replied he would get answers to his questions.
This is the only ~ublic hearing requiredi The Ordinance would
come next If an O ' · . i'
_ _ - ~ rdlnance l~ written f~r July 17, Councilman
~assanara said that would be. ~irst reading, and the first meet-
ing in August would be the sed°nd reading. City Manager Cheney
assumed they would have an Ordinance available ~°r fir'st reading.
Councilman Cassandra was wonde~in~ if they could ~et a Workshop
in before the Council meeting %o ~.ct on the Ordinance. Attorney
Haygood did not see anything t~ prevent the Council~ from
considering the changes in the plan. When they get the
recommendations from the CRA the night of the meeting that they
are iconsidering the Ordinance for first {eading,' if the Counci1
agrees with them, then Attorne~ Haygood ~aid they could ~o ahead
and have the first reading. If not., they can just pull ~he
Ordinance. ~
Mayor Zimmerman said the minutes would reflect what cha~es ~hey
make in the early part of the meeting. The Ordinance w~uld
incorporate that. Councilman Cassandra ~ecalled that on the 17th,
they have all of the City awards to give. City Manager Cheney
added that there are also about
There was more discussion about
City ~anager Cheney did not thi
he did not think the changes th
would be so serious that they w
Ordinance. He was not sure tha
City Manager Cheney explained t
would seriously affect Urban De
Ordinance. He suggested they f
a Workshop, they should try to
August 7. City Manager Cheney
the Ordinance the 7th of August
August 21st. That would give ti
ten development plans.
a Workshop or. Special ~eeting.
nk they would need one because
at would be made in the plan
ould delay the development of the
~ the Council could not OK this.
hat he did not think the changes
sign's process of completing the
Drget the 17th and if they want
~ave one b~tween July 17 and
2old the Council to plan to read
and the second reading would be
~e Council time to make the
Mayor Zimmerman determined they would not need an Ordihance for
the adoption of the plan until. August.
Councilman Warnke told of runnihg into a ~ormer M~ayor who came
up with an idea. They said if the city coluld get rid of Morgan
Trucking Company and restore the old rail!road building so it
would be a museum for the City, it would b!e fantastic. Council-
man Warnke thought it was a goo~ idea. Mayor Zimmerman thought
it had been looked into many times.
Chairman Thompson asked about the questions that were raj
Mayor Zimmerman said they will ~e in ~ ~ ..... ~ sed.
uneney said a letter would be sent to. Chairman Thomp. so~. Ch~ir-
man Thompson said he would like. to have itiprior to.the meetin~
of July 12. Mayor Zimmerman said Councilman Wright should be -
JULY 5, 1984
notified and all of the Councilmen should remember if they have
any questions, to get them in.
The meeting properly adjourned at 8:30 P. M.
Vice' Mayor
~~/~~P'~ic~' ty C1 erk
Transcribed by Patric~Ramseyer,
Recording Secretary ~/
Recorded by Sue Kruse~
Deputy City Clerk
(One Tape)
- 11 -