Agenda 12-13-10 FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2010 @ 6:00 P.M. LIBRARY CONFERENCE ROOM “A” BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 AGENDA 1.Approval of Minutes (whatever is available from prior meetings) 2.Review of Financial Advisory Board Checklist – Status of Member Research (See attached “FAC Work Area Matrix 2010”) 3.Discuss and finalize questions for Survey Monkey and their distribution and timing – copies of all draft questions included along with report on Survey Monkey included with agenda e-mail. 4.Review of Revenue Projections for all Funds (See attached Revenue Summary All Funds FY 2008- 09 to 2014-2015 ) 5.Discuss methods of increasing revenues 6. Discuss the “Review of the City’s Defined Benefit Retirement Plans” by The Segal Company (Distributed at November 29, 2010 Meeting) – Additional electronic copy included with agenda e- mail. 7. Other Business 12/8/2010 8:38 AM jmp S:\CC\WP\Board Agendas\Financial Advisory Committee\12-13-10.doc