Minutes 12-06-10
Warren Adams, Chair
Barbara Ready, Vice Chair
Janet DeVries
Gaylord Allan Hendricks
Eric Jones
John McGovern
Linda Stabile
Mike Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director
Ed Breese, Principal Planner
James Brake
1. Call to Order
Chair Adams called the meeting to order at 5:13 p.m. A quorum was present.
2. Approval of Minutes
Chair Adams moved on to the next item on the agenda, as there were no minutes for
3. Preparation for Commission presentation
Staff noted the draft PowerPoint presentation, prepared by Warren Adams, was on the
overhead screen for discussion purposes. Chair Adams reviewed each slide, bullet point by
bullet point, giving a brief explanation associated with each point, beginning with slide
number one titled, "Historic Preservation Program Benefits". The bullet points displayed on
the screen included, Development, regeneration and growth; Grants and financial
assistance; Tax Credits; Increased desirability and improved property values; Supports the
Boynton Beach Green Initiative; Stimulates additional tax revenue; Job creation; Education;
Tourism; Recognition by County, State, Federal Government; Potential savings of re-use
vs. new build; Protection of investments of owners and residents; Historic districts
encourage better design; Enhancement of business recruitment potential; Improved
community spirit, pride, sense of place. Discussion ensued, on each of the points and it
was decided that an additional bullet point would be added to the list, noting another
Meeting Minutes
Historic Preservation Committee
Boynton Beach, FL
December 6, 2010
benefit of a Historic Preservation program is that it "Improves neighborhood stability and
reduces crime".
Chair Adams then moved on to the next series of slides titled, "Ad Hoc Committee
Recommendations". The first recommendation is for the "Creation of a Historic
Preservation Board". Group consensus was that the appointment of members to the Board
was an important component in the process, as it was a necessary step in attempting to
attain Certified Local Government (CLG) status. The committee members suggested that
they would be willing to help recruit applicants for the Board and offer its assistance of
recommendations to the City Commission on appointments, if desired. The committee also
added another bullet to the slide, recommending that the Ad Hoc Committee continue to
meet to further program implementation until the Historic Preservation Board is
The next recommendation of the committee is to apply for "Certified Local Government
status". It was pointed out that CLG designation made the City eligible for certain grants
that others would not qualify for and provided the City an advantage in grant application
rankings for other grants. It was noted that the certification process can be a complex and
time-consuming process, which can only begin after the ordinance is adopted and the
Board established.
Chair Adams then reviewed the next recommendation, "Creation of a Grant Fund". The
components of grant funding were discussed, including the need for dollars to be used as a
cash match for certain grants and the fact that certain grants allow matches that include
materials and in-kind services. It was also noted that the establishment of a grant fund
would allow for donations to support historic preservation and that some grants allow the
use of other grant dollars as a partial or full match.
The next recommendation of the committee is the "Creation of a Local Historic
Preservation Register". Discussion points under this heading include the creation of historic
districts, creation of a list of contributing structures, possibility of individually designating
structures, application for designation of structures and districts on the National Register
and Florida Master Site File.
The last recommendation of the committee is, "The Appointment of a Full-time Historic
Preservation Planner". Several bullet points were discussed under this heading, beginning
with the anticipated cost savings associated with having an in-house professional versus
the use of consultants. In that same vein, it was believed that there would be greater
consistency with an in-house professional as opposed utilizing a variety of consultants for
various aspects of the program. The committee also noted the importance of having the
expertise on staff to discuss with professional architects the cost of renovations, the
condition of a property/need for demolition, and the type of architectural/structural
improvements appropriate for the style of building. It was also noted that inner-agency
Meeting Minutes
Historic Preservation Committee
Boynton Beach, FL
December 6, 2010
cooperation could be enhanced and that expertise could be shared with the CRA on issues
with historic structures and possible project management cost savings to the CRA on
projects involving historic structures. There was discussion that the individual could help
with public education and primarily act as a liaison with property owners in the field, on the
phone and in office visits, to assist with property improvements, grant information and tax
incentives. The preservation planner would also be responsible for researching and
applying for historic preservation grants, act as the City's representative at County, State
and National levels and provide publicity for the program and the City.
Further discussion ensued regarding an in-house historic preservation planner. Chair
Adams noted that the City of Delray Beach recently authorized the re-survey of four (4)
historic districts at a cost of approximately $34,000. He stated that these were re-surveys
which updated information and inventory within previously surveyed districts, and that the
cost would have been considerably more for the initial inventory of each of those districts.
He believed the cost was probably twice that of having an in-house preservation planner
prepare the surveys. The committee agreed and believed an in-house preservation planner
would be more intimately familiar with the districts and properties in particular, as opposed
to an outside consultant.
The Committee discussed the potential arguments of using existing staff or interns to
accomplish many of the tasks. Chair Adams believed the hiring of a preservation planner
ensured a quicker and more efficient start-up of the program, a greater focus on the
programs and associated tasks as opposed to existing staff splitting time between other
duties, and the potential of the work product suffering due to other duties. Questions were
posed to Mike Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director as to the expertise of staff and potential
advantages/disadvantages. Mr Rumpf indicated that existing staff was not formally
schooled/trained in historic preservation, but had been exposed to aspects of similar
programs and processes. He further noted that, at times of budget cutbacks, it's typical for
the administration to try to maximize the use of existing staff and resources.
The next slide in the PowerPoint presentation is the "Suggested Timeline" for the Historic
Preservation Program. Chair Adams presented the timeline and rationale behind the
suggested dates. After considerable discussion, the consensus of the committee was to
make slight adjustments to the timeline for the City Commission presentation. The revised
timeline reflects action items to occur between January and September of 2011, beginning
with the advertising for a Historic Preservation Planner in January or February. In
March/April, conduct interviews for the position. In Mayor June, select the candidate for
the position. The Historic Preservation Planner would start work in the beginning of July.
The following slide depicts the Historic Preservation Planner's tasks during the July through
September, 2011 timeframe. Chair Adams reviewed each bullet point, giving a brief
explanation associated with each point, beginning with the preservation planner's initial
research to identify potential historic districts; draft the necessary application forms and
Meeting Minutes
Historic Preservation Committee
Boynton Beach, FL
December 6, 2010
establish associated fees; inform and educate other departments on historic preservation;
establishing a point of contact for residents/business owners; draft application and
advertise for Historic Preservation Board members; contact the State and begin Certified
Local Government (CLG) application; draft design guidelines; conduct presentations to
educate residents/business owners. The final slide depicts the "2012 Fiscal Year -
Implementation of full Historic Preservation Program".
At the conclusion of the slide presentation, the committee discussed the method of
presentation before the City Commission. It was determined that Chair Adams would make
the presentation of the recommendations and would attempt to keep the presentation to
approximately seven (7) minutes. The decision was also made to run the Public Service
Announcement (PSA) immediately prior to the PowerPoint presentation. Chair Adams noted
he would have handouts for the Commissioners with a breakdown of the costs associated
with the program and the savings associated with having an in-house Preservation Planner.
4. Summarize tasks or accomplishments for next meeting
Mr. Breese indicated that the committee members should look at the publiC education
information previously given to them, consider alternative formats such as the tri-fold,
postcard and any other types, and be prepared to discuss their thoughts at the next
meeting. The committee requested that the previous flyer be e-mailed to them as a basis
for their thoughts and recommendations. Mr. Breese indicated he would provide it in an e-
mail to each member.
5. Staff comments
Staff had no additional comments at this time.
6. Public comments
7. Announce date of next meeting
The next meeting date of January 10th was selected.
8. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting properly adjourned at 7:14 p.m.
Ed Breese
Principal Planner