James R. Warnke, Mayor
Carl Zimmerman, Vice Mayor
Nick Cassandra, Councilman
Joe deLong, Councilman
Samuel L. Wright, Councilman
Peter L. Cheney, City Manager
Betty S. Boroni, City Clerk
James W. Vance, City Attorney
Mayor Warnke called the special meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
He announced the meeting was called in accordance with Section
56 of the City Charter to consider the following:
1. Receipt of Nominating Petitions
2. Proclamation of General Election
3. Utility Bond Refinancing
He requested the agenda be revised to take up the utility bond
refinancing first because material for the other two items is
being copied for the Councilmer~ers by the City Clerk. Mr.
deLong moved to re-adjust the agenda, seconded by Mr. Cassandra.
Motion carried 4-0.
Councilman wright arrived at this time.
Utility Bond Refinancing (See minutes of 2/7/84)
Mr. Cheney informed the Council there are two parts to this, one
is the agreement for the financial consultant and underwriting,
and the other is the agreement for Russell & Axon for professional
services in connection with this. The agreement submitted is
almost the same as previously with the change of Arch W. Roberts &
Company to underwriters, providing a signature page for the three
underwriters, and indicating that Arch W. Roberts & Company will
serve as the group manager for this group of underwriters. He
met with the representatives of these three firms and understands
they have come to an agreement for the three of them. They are
ready to execute the agreement if the Council authorizes it.
Mr. Cheney then advised if this agreement is executed and the
proposed professional contract from Russell & Axon is approved,
he has asked the two new underwriters to review the bond resolu-
tion adopted and requested any comments by Tuesday, so they can
be forwarded to the Council by Tuesday evening. Then, a compluaint
will be filed in court next Wednesday morning. Russell & Axon
can do their work and the underwriters will proceed with the bond
prospectus. We hope to have a hearing before the court in about
three weeks. Then there is a thirty day waiting period before
placing the issue and we hope to have the issue sold at the end
of the thirty day period. This means selling the issue somewhere
between fifty to sixty days.
FEBRUARY 16, 1984
Councilman Cassandra referred to Item 12 and requested clarifi-
cation on the extension period and Mr. Cheney replied if they
are not sold, there will be no ballgame and this contract is
only for refunding. Mr. Vance added that essentially two years
is included because normally, the signing of this contract would
be further down the road. He also clarified that it is for the
refunding issue only. Mr. Cheney added that basically about two
years of work has gone on with this.
Councilman deLong stated that he would like the different people
concerned to state for the public record their opinions. He
would like to hear if there are any objections and if they are
pleased with the agreement.
Mr. George Nickerson, Arch W. Roberts & Co., stated the three
firms have gotten together and are anxious to start. They have
resolved all issues between them and plan to move forward as
quickly as possible.
Mr. Tony Soviero, Hough & Co., agreed with Mr. Nickerson's
comments and added that they have an office in North Palm Beach
and any questions during the financing should be directed to the
project manager. They are looking forward to doing this as expedi-
tiously as possible.
Ms. Melissa McDonald, Prudential-Bache Securities, Inc., stated
she is in agreement with what has been said and looks forward to
working as a team.
Councilman deLong moved to execute the agreement, seconded by
Councilman Wright. Under discussion, Mayor Warnke referred to
entering the date and Mr. Vance advised it would be as of today.
Motion carried 5-0.
Councilman Cassandra moved to approve the Russell & Axon contract
for professional services for the bond issue. Vice Mayor Zimmerman
seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Warnke added
this has to be done in order to get the bond issue through legally
and properly.
Receipt of Nominating Petitions
Mayor Warnke read the memorandum from the City Clerk dated
February 15, 1984, listing the following who have filed nominating
petitions for election to the City Council:
District II
Robert P. Ferrell
District IV
Michael D. Cain
Gloria H. Skinner
James R. Warnke
FEBRUARY 16, 1984
Councilman Cassandra moved to accept the nominating petitions
for the City Council of Boynton Beach for the year 1984. Vice
Mayor Zimmerman seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Proclamation of General Election
Mayor Warnke read the Proclamation proclaiming that a General
Election will be held in the City of Boynton Beach on the 13th
day of March 1984.
Mr. Zimmerman asked if there were any changes in the polling
places and Mayor Warnke informed him that Precinct 158 is now
voting in Golfview Harbour.
Mr. deLong moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Cassandra. Motion
carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 6:45 P.M.
- ~ ...... Vi6~-Mayor
~ Councilman
City Clerk
Recording Secretary
(One Tape)