10.05.02 Alternatives to Formal Sealed Bids
CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY MANUAL CHAPTER: 10 Purchasing Policy No: 10.05.02 SECTION: 05 Bids and Proposals Page: Page 1 of 4 SUBJECT: 02 Alternatives to Formal
Sealed Bids PURPOSE: Formal sealed bids are the most effective methods for soliciting competitive prices from vendors in the governmental purchasing sector although there are alternatives
to this process for purchases over $25,000. POLICY: The City permits alternatives to formal sealed bids under certain conditions. Procurement Services and departments may use the following
alternatives when the conditions described are present. 1. Multi-Step Competitive Sealed Bid 2. Request for Proposals 3. Request for Qualifications 4. Emergency Procurement 5. Sole Source
Procurement 6. State Contract 7. Piggy-backing 8. RESPECT of Florida 9. GSA Contracts 10. Prison Rehabilitation Industries and Diversified Enterprises (PRIDE) 11. State Negotiated Agreement
Price Schedule (SNAPS) The following paragraphs briefly describe each of these alternatives. 1. Multi-Step Competitive Sealed Bid: (generally a two step process) wanting to award on
basis of price, but available specifications are inadequate or too general to permit full and free competition without technical evaluation and discussion: Step 1: Issue request for
information or proposal to which interested, potential suppliers respond with either necessary information or un-priced technical offers. Step 2: Invite suppliers who submitted technically
acceptable offers to submit competitive sealed prices based on their technical offers. Step 3: Award contract to the lowest responsive/responsible bidder. Policy 10.05.02 -Alternatives
to Formal Sealed Bids Page 1 of 4
Policy 10.05.02 -Alternatives to Formal Sealed Bids Page 2 of 4 2. Request for Proposals (RFP): Compares the approach and scope of services proposed that are presented in a clear and
concise manner with the prices of responsive/responsible proposers. This allows the City to determine an award by evaluating the proposal on a cost, qualitative basis, and the ability
of the proposer to meet the specifications and complete the project as described in the scope of services. See Purchasing APM 10.07.01, Procedures for Request for Proposals (RFP) for
further guidelines. The RFP typically includes – A. Description of the item or service to be purchased (statement of work). B. Specific criteria that will be used to evaluate the proposal
along with the stated relative order of importance (generally): (1) Managerial capability. (2) Technical acceptability and approach in meeting performance requirements. (3) Reasonableness
of price. C. Experience in the line of work being considered including references. D. Staff capabilities along with resumes of key individuals who will work on the project. E. Cost breakdown
of the proposed price. The City can negotiate with the selected firm after opening their proposal. 3. Request for Qualifications: Contracts for Designated Professional Services are services
where the City is obtaining advice, instruction, or specialized work from an individual specifically qualified in a particular area. However, this excludes architectural, engineering,
and registered land surveying services described under the Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act (CCNA). The procurement of these professional services does not lend itself to normal
competitive bidding and price competition alone. Refer to Purchasing APM 10.08.01 for the full details of contracting for professional services under the CCNA process according to State
Statute 287.055. 4. Emergency Procurement allows the City Manager to make procurement of commodities or contractual services where the cost exceeds ($25,000) when there exists a clear
clear and present threat to public health, property, welfare, safety or other substantial loss to the City. However, such emergency procurement shall be made with such competition as
is practicable under the circumstances. Refer to Purchasing APM 10.10.01 for the full details on emergency procurement such as in case of a hurricane where the City Manager can authorize
procurement up to $200,000.
Policy 10.05.02 -Alternatives to Formal Sealed Bids Page 3 of 4 5. Sole Source Procurement allows an award for supplies, services or a construction item without competition when it is
determined that there is only one source available. This may include repairs or additions from the original equipment manufacturer; only supplier in the area; franchised or licensed
distributor or service, patented or propriety item. Any vendor identified as a sole source vendor must be supported in writing from the vendor. This selection process for use of a sole
source vendor rests with the Procurement Services. If the sole source purchase exceeds $25,000, the department should prepare an Agenda Item Request and the City Commission must approve
the purchase. 6. State Contract is the State of Florida, Department of Management Services Purchasing Division's formal bidding process and award of various equipment and services contracts
extended for use to all political subdivisions (entities). Departments must provide support documents submitted with the requisition. All applicable information is available on “My Florida.com”.
7. "Piggy-backing" onto contracts by other governmental agencies (i.e., state, county, school board, city, etc.) is encouraged when it is determined that this method of procurement will
provide the best product/service at the best price without compromising specifications or quality desired and the entity complied with requirements that are equal to or exceed Boynton
Beach’s requirements. It is necessary to provide documents supporting this determination when submitting the Requisition to include a copy of the bid or request for proposal and the
tab sheet and/or letter of award that clearly specifies the contract period, product or services, prices, entity, and bid or RFP number. If the sole source purchase exceeds $25,000,
the department should prepare an Agenda Item Request and the City Commission must approve the purchase. Staff should consider this method of Procurement prior to using any other methods
set set forth regardless of quantity or monetary value of the procurement. . 8. RESPECT of Florida is a registered service mark of Florida Association of Rehabilitation Facilities, Inc.
the central non-profit agency of the commission for purchasing from the blind or other severely handicapped. A catalog is available in Purchasing for the procurement listings, which
include computers, first aid and safety products, janitorial products, municipal products, office products, promotional products, and services. 9. GSA Contracts are those contracts entered
into by the General Services Administration of the Federal Government (also known as GSA Schedules) are multiple award contracts containing prices utilized by all Federal Government
Agencies. Provide support documents submitted with the requisition to Purchasing. Include the cover page of contract indicating GSA number, title, beginning and ending dates, and pricing.
10. Prison Rehabilitation Industries and Diversified Enterprises, (PRIDE) Inc. is a non-profit, self-funded corporation chartered by the State of Florida in 1981 to provide meaningful
training and work experience to inmates in Florida's correction institutions. A catalog is available in Purchasing of all products, prices, and inmate contact information.
Policy 10.05.02 -Alternatives to Formal Sealed Bids Page 4 of 4 11.SNAPS is the State Negotiated Agreement Price Schedule (SNAPS), which is a State program, created to eliminate keeping
comparative pricing for purchases as long as they meet the requirements of recycled content, conservation factors or environmentally desirable characteristics. The cumulative or single
purchase(s) for each governmental subdivision (entity) cannot exceed the State's Category V purchase level of $150,000. On “My Florida.com” you can access the SNAPS program and find
the procurement category and company, contract with contract period, the requirements met in the contract and information on how to obtain from the vendor a copy of the contract agreement
and price listing. Provide support documents submitted with the Requisition to include contract agreement, ordering instructions (where applicable) and the State negotiated price listing
must accompany a Requisition. PREPARED BY: Procurement Services EFFECTIVE DATE: February 1. 1998 REVISED: November 1, 2008 Kurt Bressner _________________________ Kurt Bressner City